The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Feb 23, 2022
To read the summary of Kolyah's presentation on our Monday call, focusing on the 2-22-02 event, go here. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Heart of Praise" by Katie Nichole. Go here!  

"But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you." (Luke 1:20)

[Referring to His authority over the demonic realm. The study of Scripture also indicates that the "finger" referenced in this verse is the "pinky finger." YES, LORD!]

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
DC trucker convoy plans on shutting down Capital Beltway, organizer says: 'Giant boa constrictor'
Organizer says convoy is protesting wide-ranging issues including fuel prices, vaccine mandates

A trucker convoy heading to Washington, D.C., plans to shut down the Capital Beltway  later this week in protest of wide-ranging issues such as fuel prices, vaccine requirements and immigration, the organizer said. Bob Bolus, who owns a truck parts and towing business in Scranton, Pennsylvania, told FOX5 DC that he heard hundreds of people were interested in taking part in shutting down the roadway in protest. 

"I'll give you an analogy of that of a giant boa constrictor," Bolus said. "That basically squeezes you, chokes you and it swallows you, and that's what we're going to do to D.C."

Bolus, who the station reported is a longtime supporter of former President Trump, said that the protest will leave a lane open for emergency vehicles for safety, but he couldn’t promise that commuters would make it to work on time. "We will not compromise anybody's safety or health, one way or the other," Bolus said. "As far as if they can't get to work, geez that's too bad."

In response to the impending protests in the capital, D.C. police have already limited time off for officers and put nearly 500 officers on civil disturbance units daily beginning Wednesday, the station reported. Law enforcement in the D.C. area told the station that police are aware of the situation and are communicating with local, state, and federal partners. (Fox News) Read more here. 

> > > See also: DC prepares for possible US 'Freedom Convoy,' officials request National Guard troops - Fox News Go here.

> > > And, to see how this effort will be joined with the national one, see below. This article says that the huge national group will arrive here in time for the State of the Union address:

38,000 Strong Trucker Convoy Heading Friday to D.C. from L.A. for State of the Union - Breitbart. 
Go here. 

- Father God, we ask for Your wisdom to guide this movement on the Beltway in Washington , as well as over any other area of this city that the truckers will convene to demonstrate their anger over Biden's policies, on behalf of all of us. We ask for Your grace and Your mercy to rest upon them, as we bind all backlash from the police and other governing authorities who are now awaiting their arrival. We come against any efforts to shut down bank accounts or other funding sources that would provide resources for these demonstrators, and we ask that any infiltrators who "look like us" but who are indeed operatives from Antifa or Black Lives Matter, would be exposed and brought to justice. in Your Name, amen.
- "These are the things you shall do:
Speak each man the truth to his neighbor;
Give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace…"  (
Zechariah 8:16) 


1. Israel weighing condemnation as Russia escalates against Ukraine - Jerusalem Post

Israel considered condemning Russia’s moves toward invading Ukraine on Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Foreign Ministry Director-General Alon Ushpiz weighed what kind of statement to release that would not undermine military coordination with Russia in Syria.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett would ultimately have to approve any statement before it is released.

Earlier this week, Lapid shed light on Israel’s considerations when it comes to speaking out against or joining Western sanctions on Moscow. (Read more)  

2. Gantz: Nuclear deal with Iran opens door to ‘important actions that must be taken’ - JNS

(February 22, 2022 / JNS) Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned on Tuesday that the international community “must be ready to take defensive and offensive actions … at any time,” as world powers negotiate a new nuclear deal in Vienna with Iran.

Gantz said the international community has the means to apply severe pressure on Iran, “regardless of whether a nuclear agreement is reached.”

He made his remarks to a delegation of American leaders in Israel with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. They come just days after Gantz met with world leaders, including U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, at the recent Munich Conference in Germany. (Read more)  

3. Blue and White official threatens to dismantle coalition after Gantz boycott - Israel National News

A senior official in Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party on Monday night warned that the coalition could be dismantled.

The threat came hours after Gantz and the Blue and White party announced they would boycott votes on bills in the Knesset plenum, in protest of the failure to promote their law on the expansion of military pensions.

The senior official told Kan 11 News, "Bennett and Lapid must handle this, otherwise the government will disintegrate. It is impossible for those who are on the margins to lead and run the government, it will not last." (Read more)  

4. A first: Muslim judge gets permanent seat on Israel’s Supreme Court - World Israel News

One of the four new judges appointed Monday to Israel’s Supreme Court is Khaled Kabub, the first Muslim Arab to fill a permanent seat in the country’s highest legal chamber.

The 64-year-old jurist is replacing Judge George Karra, a Christian Arab who has filled the traditional Arab Israeli seat on the court for the last five years and is stepping down due to having reached the mandatory retirement age of 70. Karra’s predecessor, Salim Joubran, who served for well over a decade, was also Christian.

The only other Muslim Supreme Court justice was Abdel Rahman Zoabi, who was appointed for a temporary one-year term in 1999.

Kabub’s selection also calls out the lie propagated by Israel’s enemies that it’s an apartheid state, as claimed in the recent Amnesty International report(Read more)  

5.  Hidden Spring Discovered Under Building in Central Jerusalem - Jewish Press

A long-hidden spring has been discovered under a building in central Jerusalem.

The spring appeared during excavations on the basement floor of the building, which was undergoing renovations for a new Knesset Museum – a project enshrined in special legislation by Israeli lawmakers.

The Frumin building on King George Street in the center of the capital, was once the structure that housed Israel’s Knesset.

According to a Hebrew-language report by MyNet Jerusalem, it was first assumed that the water was coming from a leak in the municipal water system, or that a pipe had burst. But no pipe was found nearby, and it turned out that the water was emerging from beneath the skeleton of the building, so likely was coming from the bedrock itself. (Read more)   

6. Insight for Intercessors: Special Edition
Go here.

The Daily Brief
1. Supreme Court turns away Trump's appeal in dispute with House Jan. 6 panel - The Hill
The Supreme Court on Tuesday turned away an appeal by former President Trump in his dispute with congressional investigators who have sought access to Trump-era records as part of a House panel’s investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.
The court’s move, which came in a brief unsigned order issued without comment, comes after the justices denied Trump's emergency request to block the transfer of his White House records from the National Archives to the House select committee, a process that began last month.
Tuesday's development formally ends Trump’s legal effort to stymie lawmakers’ efforts to obtain a batch of schedules, call logs, emails and other requested documents that the committee says could illuminate key circumstances surrounding the deadly Capitol riot. (Read more) 
- Oh Father God, how it breaks our hearts to see President Trump’s appeal denied, and that in an unsigned order from SCOTUS without comment and Mr. Biden’s refusal to invoke privilege. How disrespectful and disappointing; it seems as if President Trump is again dealing with not just a double standard [Hillary’s emails; Hunter’s laptop, etc.] but more of the same demonization and persecution from the left-wing-Trump-haters, deflecting attention from their own evil deeds and trying to remove President Trump from the political scene. 

Father, You have spoken in Your word and by Your prophets that the wicked and their evil works will be brought to Light. Abba, please use this ruling against Trump to work for good, and may the TRUTH of January 6 be broadcast far and wide. In Jesus name, AMEN!

- "For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed."  (John 3:20)  

2. Rand Paul denounces Trudeau's 'dangerous' Emergencies Act, warns of similar US laws - Fox News
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said the Emergencies Act that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently invoked to quell the trucker convoy protests is "very, very dangerous" and warned against similar legislation that exists in the United States.
“I think statutes that allow presidents or heads of state to invoke emergencies are very, very dangerous," said Paul during an episode of the BASED Politics podcast that aired Sunday. "We have the same sort of statutes here, and I have long-time been an opponent of these. We actually have in the United States an Emergency Act that allows the president to shut down the internet."
Several Canadian civil liberties groups have also spoken out against Trudeau after he invoked the Emergencies Act to cut off funding for "Freedom Convoy" truckers, freeze their bank accounts and crack down on the lingering demonstrations in Ottawa. The trucker protest has been largely cleared from the Canadian capital, but Trudeau has not yet relaxed the state of emergency. (Read more)  

- Father God, we are so grieved about the treatment of the Canadian truckers by PM Trudeau. May they be quickly released from jail and have their seized property restored. We stand with Canadians for Freedom and pray that our own version of the Emergency Act be revoked before our own freedoms are curtailed even more by an ungodly government. 
Bless and use Senator Rand Paul and his cohorts to wake up the Senate and the citizens to the clear and present dangers inherent in the Emergency Act, especially in the hands corrupt leadership. King of Kings, please do what You need to do, in both Canada and the U.S.A., to restore the freedoms that have been eroded. May Your people stand for righteousness, truth, and liberty.
- "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." (I Peter 4:12-13) 

3. WaPo editorial board supports federal no-fly list for passengers who don't obey mask mandates on flight - Fox News
The Washington Post editorial board expressed support on Monday for a federal no-fly-list that would include passengers who flout mask mandates during their flight.
The editorial board published an op-ed titled "Grandstanding Republican senators try to protect unruly passengers," which focussed on the Republican opposition to a national no-fly-list that seeks to bar disruptive passengers from future flights. The registry, which has long been reserved for perceived terrorists, would expand to include unruly passengers, including those who prove themselves unwilling to abide by the federal mask mandate for air travel.
While GOP senators vehemently oppose the idea of a national registry that equates mask flouters to terrorists, the editorial board thinks it's a "no-brainer" to address the mounting confrontations triggered by the pandemic. (Read more)  

- Father God, we pray that all mask mandates in the U.S.A. soon be rescinded. We ask that healthy passengers who prefer no masks not be deplaned nor placed on a no-fly-list; and we are especially concerned for families with young children or special needs children who cannot tolerate a mask as well as others with ailments such as asthma or COPD. However, we do pray that there be no physical assaults nor major disturbances created on the planes, no matter what the issue; may these situations be met with appropriate and reasonable consequences. We pray that both the truth regarding masks and common sense would prevail; and may tyrannical, controlling spirits be taken down.
"The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners."   (Isaiah 61:1) 

4. Trump's social media app up and running in Apple App Store - Washington Examiner
Former President Donald Trump's social network app was made available on Monday for the public to download from the Apple Store, with many people placed on a waitlist. The app, TRUTH Social, which is owned by Trump Media and Technology, went live in the app store, CNN reported. Upon launch, people were faced with a lengthy wait for the Twitter-styled social media app, with over 150,000 people placed on a waitlist.
“Time for some Truth!!!!" Donald Trump Jr. tweeted on Feb. 15, with a post that appeared to be promoting his father's first post on the social media app.
Trump released a statement on Feb. 4 promoting TRUTH Social and welcoming truckers who refer to themselves as the "Freedom Convoy" to join his social media platform. This came after Facebook shut down a group of truckers who were planning to hold a protest in Washington, D.C., over vaccine mandates. (Read more)  

- Heavenly Father, we praise You for this news of a social media platform that will be fair to all, especially those coming from a conservative viewpoint!  We speak blessings to them as they navigate the dangerous waters of getting started among so many obstacles that hostile organizations will want to throw their way.  Father, we pray that this will function to build up America in that solid foundation of free speech which You provided for us in the beginnings of our country.   Thank You again and send Your angels to watch over them as they proceed.  

- "They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock.  When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built."  (Luke 6:48)

5.  Germany won't approve Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia after Putin's move in Ukraine - Just The News
Germany on Tuesday halted the certification of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that was built to double the amount of gas flowing from Russia, following Russian leader Vladimir Putin saying he plans to send troops into eastern Ukraine.
The $11 billion pipeline was completed late last year, but the certification was needed for it to become operational, according to CNBC.
"In light of the most recent developments we must reassess the situation in particular regarding Nord Stream 2," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said. 
Scholz made the decision the day after Putin said Russia would recognize the independence of two self-proclaimed and pro-Russian republics in eastern Ukraine, then said he would send Russian troops into the region on a "peacekeeping" mission.

- Father God, You know the intents and purposes of the heart and You know the outcome from the beginning.  We ask You to seize upon the heart of the Russian leader to change course so that Ukraine and its people may live in peace and the Gospel will have a better chance to prosper there.  Expose the false premise for this incursion and destroy this evil ambition.  Thank You, Father, for Your solution to tyranny. 

- "When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back:  this I know; for God is for me."  (Psalms 56:9)  
6. D.C. City Council bill would allow voters to cast ballots from their phones - Just The News
A recently introduced bill in the D.C. Council would allow residents of the nation's capitol to vote from their phones, tablets, and computer. Council member Brooke Pinto, a Democrat, introduced the bill Friday with seven colleagues.
She says the bill, if passed, will simplify the voting process and enable individuals who would likely otherwise sit out the election to participate. 
"We know that when voter accessibility is improved, voter turnout rates increase, which is why in 2020 we saw the highest voter participation in our history because we mailed every D.C. voter a ballot," Pinto said. (Read more)  

- Dear Lord, we strongly come against this proposed bill because it only intensifies the troubles found in the voting machines.  We pray that You would see to it that this bill is defeated, and that REAL and secure voting is provided for.   Since we do not trust officials who were in charge of the last presidential election, we pray that You would put in place men and women who are honest in Your eyes to be in charge of this job which is so vital to our republic.  

- "Providing for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men."  (2 Corinthians 8:21)  

7. Rittenhouse announces Media Accountability Project to sue media outlets he says defamed him, others - Just The News
Kyle Rittenhouse, the teen found not guilty last year in the 2020 Kenosha shootings, has announced an initiative to back legal suits against media outlets that he says have defamed him and others. 
He announced the initiative, the Media Accountability Project, on Monday and indicated at least some of the money will go toward lawsuits against outlets that he thinks defamed him and his legal team during and after his 2021 trial.
Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all charges in the fatal shooting of two men and the wounding of another in a riot the night of Aug. 25, 2020, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The riot spun out of demonstrations over the police shooting two days earlier of Jacob Blake, a black male. (Read more) 

- Lord, we thank You for the boldness of younger generations in their desire for righteousness over our land. We pray Your will be done in the initiative to bring accountability for the falsehoods spread by our media. May there be an outpouring of funds that will be used honorably to bring truth, freedom and Your holy alignment throughout this nation! - In Jesus name, Amen. 

- “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay. In due time, their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.” (Deuteronomy 32:35)  

 8. Trump speaks out on Putin, Ukraine in new statement - DML News
Former President Donald Trump released a statement Tuesday morning to comment on the escalating situation with Russia and Ukraine. Trump’s statement comes as Russian troops have now rolled into Ukraine, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on Ukraine to “demilitarize.”
Trump’s statement reads:
If properly handled, there was absolutely no reason that the situation currently happening in Ukraine should have happened at all. I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would have never done during the Trump Administration what he is doing now, no way! Russia has become very very rich during the Biden Administration, with oil prices doubling and soon to be tripling and quadrupling.
The weak sanctions are insignificant relative to taking over a country and a massive piece of strategically located land. Now it has begun, oil prices are going higher and higher, and Putin is not only getting what he always wanted, but getting, because of the oil and gas surge, richer and richer.
Read more of trumps statement: 
(Go here) 

- Lord, thank You for giving us President Trump for 4 years.

Help him to have discernment in what he declares at this time. Protect him from harm. Have Your way with him and Mr. Putin, in Jesus' Name. 

- ". . . pray for kings, and all in authority . . ." (I Timothy 2:1,2)

9. 38,000 Strong Trucker Convoy Heading Friday to D.C. from L.A. for State of the Union - Brietbart
Kyle Sefcik, organizer and leader of the Freedom Convoy USA 2022, told WUSA CBS 9 that he is scheduled to leave Los Angeles on Friday and drive to D.C. The peaceful convoy will be composed of trucks and motorcycles and does not intend to gather at the Capitol. Instead, the convoy will protest near the White House and the National Mall with Christian bands and preachers.
“We have to get the attention in the most peaceful way and this is our way of doing it,” Sefcik continued. “Do we want to stop businesses from being able to be open and people being able to get to work and school? No. We don’t want to cause this at all which is why we’re telling the president ahead of time to end this now. We don’t even have to come.”
Sefcik told the outlet that convoy could disrupt major corridors of the greater Maryland and northern Virginia area and roads that serve as a major commuting passageway and route for commercial deliveries into the district. (Read more) 

- Lord, thank You for the motivated truckers who are standing for freedom as they plan this peaceful protest against mandates. Please protect them all in the Name of Jesus.

Lord, we pray that President Biden will cancel the mandates and the convoy will not even have to start. Guide the convoy leaders in their decision making. May they be aligned with You and Your Will.

- PSALM 91

10. CDC recommends as many as four COVID-19 shots within six months for some immunocompromised patients - Just The News
The federal government is now recommending people with weakened immune systems get four COVID-19 vaccinations shots, in a period perhaps as short as 140 days. The recommendation was made in recent, updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and suggests those who are moderately or severely immunocompromised get a primary series of Moderna or Pfizer shots, followed by an additional one as early as 28 days later. Those patients would  then get a second booster as soon as three months after the third dose, according to the Epoch Times.
Following the Feb. 11 guidance would result in a person getting as many as four shots in less than six months. CDC officials recently told the agency’s vaccine advisory committee that shortening the time between doses can bolster their protections. (Read more)  

- Father we cry out to You and ask that You would come to rescue our nation! By the authority of Jesus, we say NO MORE to perpetual vaccinations!! We ask You Abba, to bind the spirit of tyranny, fear and deception. Come quickly Lord to expose all truth and through the blood of Jesus protect us; Bring clarity, wisdom and discernment to Your people!

- “The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.”  (Proverbs 15:3) 
11. Ukraine crisis: Russia orders troops into rebel-held regions - BBC

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered troops into two rebel-held regions in eastern Ukraine, after recognising them as independent states.

Russia said the troops have not yet been deployed but will be "peacekeeping" in the regions, which it has backed since 2014.

The US said calling them peacekeepers was "nonsense", and accused Russia of creating a pretext for war.

Several countries have announced sanctions in response.

Ukraine's president said his country was "not afraid of anything or anyone".

In a late-night televised address to the nation, President Volodymyr Zelensky called for "clear and effective actions of support" from Ukraine's international allies. (Read more)

- Father God, tonight we need a miracle. Lord God, prove Yourself mighty in this hour of crisis. Bring us Your peace, O God, we pray, amen and amen.

- "Call upon Me and I will answer you . . ." (Jer. 33:3a) 
12. Joe Biden Announced New Sanctions Against Russia After Putin's Moves In Eastern Ukraine - Yahoo News

The Biden administration will impose economic and trade sanctions against Russia, President Joe Biden said on Tuesday, in response to Russia’s escalating moves to invade Ukrainian territory.

“This is the beginning of a Russian invasion of Ukraine,” Biden said.

“I’m going to begin to impose sanctions in response far beyond the steps that we and our allies and partners implemented in 2014, and if Russia goes further with this invasion, we’re prepared to go further as with sanctions.”

This first round of sanctions, which Biden said were coordinated with NATO allies, includes fully blocking two Russian financial institutions and enforcing sanctions on Russian foreign debt — meaning the government cannot access Western financing — and on the country's political elites and their families.

"They share in the corrupt gains of the Kremlin policies and should share in the pain as well," Biden said. (Read more) 

- Lord God, even at this late hour, we ask for peace in this region. Amen.

- "“Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing,
Now it will spring forth;
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even put a road in the wilderness,
Rivers in the desert."
(Isaiah 43:19) 

13. Russia-Ukraine: Biden announces sanctions, troop movements in response to invasion - Fox News 
  • Germany on Tuesday is taking steps to halt the process of certifying the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia because of Moscow's actions in Ukraine, Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced.

  • U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, during a speech to the United Nations Security Council Monday, said Russian President Vladimir Putin describing his troops as "peacekeepers" is "nonsense".

  • A witness sent Reuters footage of columns of military vehicles, including tanks and APCs, moving on the outskirts of Donetsk early on Tuesday. (Read more)

- Lord God in heaven, we cry out that Your heavenly host would now intervene to quell this violence and this tension, and to begin to bring peace back into this region. Amen.

- "Ask, and ye shall receive . . ." (Mark 11:24)

The Daily Jot

Early Warning Of The Coming Tyranny

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, February 22, 2022

Joe Biden advised Canada’s socialist leader Justin Trudeau on how to handle the truckers protesting Trudeau’s COVID mandates—use federal powers to crush them. Reuters cited an unnamed White House official that said US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg also recommended these harsh actions to their Canadian counterparts on February 10. Four days later, Trudeau invoked Canada’s Emergency Powers, that froze bank accounts, noted license plates for future arrests, sent police against the truckers, and arrested anyone protesting. Biden may be signaling his plans if Americans behave like their Canadian cousins. The coming tyranny.

American truckers have started to organize a convoy on the West coast. Their goal is to arrive in Washington, DC and remain there until the Biden Administration’s draconian COVID mandates are removed. Already, the government tools like Facebook are banning the truckers because they “violate” the Facebook standards of nonviolence. It is worth a mention that Trudeau, in invoking his Emergency Powers, said the freedom convoy in Canada was a violent movement. This, despite strong evidence that the truckers were helping the homeless, removing snow from senior citizens’ sidewalks and driveways, and a host of other volunteer community services. Violence is in the eyes of the beholder of the agenda. For example, BLM and Antifa protests were considered nonviolent as if those buildings were looting and burning themselves. Read More

The ”not-so-great reset”

By Frank Gaffney
This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

So it begins. As predicted in this space, now that China’s Genocide Games are complete, Vladimir Putin has launched his long-planned invasion of Ukraine. It turns out not to be a “minor incursion.” Rather, the Russian dictator has – clearly by pre-arrangement – recognized the independence of two Ukrainian provinces in the Donbass region and moved so-called peacekeeping forces in to begin the process of annexing them to Russia.

This is unlikely to be the extent of what might be called the “Not-So-Great Reset.” In a speech yesterday forcefully denouncing the legitimacy of Ukraine’s sovereignty, Putin made plain that his ambitions extend to the whole of that country.

In the absence of the needed, credible deterrence by the United States, we must expect moreover that Putin’s Communist Chinese allies – and perhaps others – will seize the opportunity for aggression, as well. That will end badly.

This is Frank Gaffney. 

Secure Freedom Minute
Center for Security Policy

Sign up HERE to receive the Secure Freedom Minute every day in your inbox. 


Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is taking his cues in leading the Senate right from abortion activists. He has set up a vote next week on the Abortion on Demand Act, which is deceptively titled the “Women’s Health Protection Act.” While framed as a simple codification of the abortion precedent set up in Roe v. Wade this bill goes much further by enshrining late-term abortion into federal  law and repealing nearly every pro-life law passed by the states.


Please speak up now and tell Senator Kaine and Senator Warner to strongly oppose the Democrats' attempt to enshrine late-term abortion into federal law!


In September 2021, the U.S. House passed the Abortion on Demand Act by a vote of 218-211, with only one Democrat, Rep. Henry Cuellar, brave enough to vote no. Let your Senators know that they cannot make the same mistake and pass the most radical abortion bill to ever come through Congress.




Your friends at FRC Action


Gary Bauer:

CDC Update

February 22, 2022
There have been many sources of frustration throughout the coronavirus pandemic. A big one has been the Centers for Disease Control itself. The CDC is considered the "gold standard" of medical research in this country. But throughout much of the pandemic, the CDC failed to produce even the most basic information.

Countries all over the world, especially Israel, were releasing important studies that gave us more information about the virus. But the Centers for Disease Control, that has received tens of billions of dollars, has been sitting on mountains of data.

This isn't necessarily new news. Respected doctors and researchers like Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University have been complaining about the CDC's lack of transparency for many months. But few would listen to them.

Now the New York Times is reporting that the CDC "has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected." The excuse, according to a CDC spokeswoman, is the bureaucracy's "fear that the information might be misinterpreted." But as some experts correctly noted, there is a greater danger of misinterpretation when there are "data vacuums." 
More importantly, we're not peasants and we're not children. We're taxpayers and citizens. Our hard-earned tax dollars pay for every study conducted by the CDC and its army of public health bureaucrats!

In recent decades, the CDC's budget has expanded exponentially. But it's abundantly clear that the taxpayer's return on investment has not expanded nearly as much as the agency's bloated bureaucracy. 

Source: Gary Bauer, End-of-Day, 2/22/22

Sign up for Gary Bauer's End of Day Report  
God’s Battle Plan for Praying about Russia and Ukraine

Submitted by: Intercessors for America

Map Provided by the Daily Mail UK

Yesterday (Monday) Vladimir Putin addressed the Russian Federation for an hour, and at the end he said he was sending “peacekeeping” military forces into two “republics” that he claims are independent countries–Donetsk and Lugansk. Intercessors in Ukraine reached out to IFA during the broadcast:

“It was a surreal twisted set of lies . . . Basically this was a public declaration justifying the plans they made, blaming Ukraine and the west as a threat to Russia. . . . It is a very critical moment. I ask IFA to pray intensely for these unfolding events.

“We still stand firm that war is not God’s will and is not inevitable.”

We also want to share this from a Ukrainian Army chaplain named Laura. These were Facebook posts from yesterday.:

“Friends, military is asking for strong prayers, in the battle zone, VERY SPECIAL right now!!!!. Connect, dear believers friends of different religions and churches of God, colleagues – chaplains, need powerful prayer support !!!!” Thank you, with respect Laura, military chaplain “Sunshine”.

“Thank you so much for your prayers, dear friends, for your continuous support. Today, according to the data of the OOS, 54 shelling took place on the front, including heavy, forbidden by the Minsk agreements, weapons!!! Private houses, administrative buildings, infrastructure and utilities were affected (((((  There are reports of two heroes killed and 4 wounded fighters. Thanks to our defenders for the peaceful sky over our cities and villages.

May the Lord protect you in all ways.”

> > >  God’s Battle Plan for Ukraine/Russia Prayer:

What is happening right now is nothing new. Since biblical times we read of principalities assigned to nations. (See Dan. 10) Vicki reminds us that it’s important to remember that we do not bind principalities; it’s the Lord who does it.

1) Pray that God would bind any and all principalities influencing Putin and affecting Russia. (Jude 1:9)

2) Pray for Vladimir Putin to hear the gospel message somehow, whether through the radio or media, or from some courageous person. There is power in the word of God. (Ps 119:130)


3) Ask the Lord to remove any bitter roots the Ukrainians have towards Russia and that Russians may have toward other nations and peoples. Pray they would experience freedom from  bitterness. Pray for open eyes to see where they harbor unforgiveness and for a deeper love of God. (Hebrews 12:15)

4) Pray for peace between Ukraine and Russia.

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry. (Ps. 34:14,15)

> > > Be sure to read more by going here.


Signs & Wonders
Race against time as historic Harriet Tubman sites
are threatened by rising sea levels

A recent study identified numerous areas crucial to understanding Harriet Tubman and The Underground Railroad are under imminent threat of flooding -- and the risk of losing history forever.

Harriet Tubman is one of the most iconic women in American history. She navigated dangerous landscapes from Maryland to Pennsylvania, often at night, to guide dozens of enslaved people to freedom.

Tubman was born into slavery in 1822 in Dorchester County, Maryland. In 1849, amid rumors she was about to be sold, she escaped to Philadelphia. But she never forgot the land she came from and went on to become the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, helping more than 70 people follow the same path along Maryland's Eastern Shore she took to freedom.

But that land, along with other historical sites in the region, could be lost forever.

A recent study by Climate Central, a nonprofit news organization based in Princeton, New Jersey, that reports on the impact of climate change, identified imminent flood risk to areas crucial to understanding Tubman and The Underground Railroad. Kelly Van Baalen worked on the study and co-authored the report.

"The headline is that a good proportion of these historic sites related to Harriet Tubman -- which have been very well-curated along the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Byway -- are at significant flood risk." Read More

The Good News Corner
Israel to Open Doors to Unvaccinated Visitors March 1
JERUSALEM, Israel – Israel is opening its doors to all foreigners, including unvaccinated visitors, next month. Beginning on March 1, tourists of all ages will be allowed to visit Israel, so long as they submit to a COVID test before they board their plane to Israel, and another as soon as they arrive at Ben Gurion airport. Israeli citizens who return from travel abroad only have to take a PCR test upon arriving.  Unvaccinated Israelis no longer have to undergo mandatory quarantine so long as they present a negative test upon landing in Israel. 

“At the moment, the situation in Israel is good. This is the result of correct and dynamic management; therefore, we are now opening up,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a statement on Sunday. “At the same time, we will continue to closely monitor the situation and in the event of a new variant, we will again act quickly." The government also announced it is canceling mandatory weekly COVID tests at elementary and middle schools.

The new guidelines came after Israel’s Health Ministry recommended lifting more virus restrictions last week, citing the steep decline in Omicron cases. Initially, the ministry suggested requiring all tourists over 12-years-old to be vaccinated. However, Tourism Minister Yoel Razvozov strongly opposed the idea. Israel has also lifted its Green Pass restrictions, which required Israelis to present proof of vaccination, recovery, or a negative COVID test before entering indoor venues like restaurants, gyms, and movie theatres. (CBN) Read more. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

This is My Father's World

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Maltbie Babcock
Music: Franklin Sheppard

Scripture: The world is Mine, and all that is in it. Psalm 50:12

This is my Father’s world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father’s world,
The birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white,
Declare their maker’s praise.
This is my Father’s world:
He shines in all that’s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass;
He speaks to me everywhere.

This is my Father’s world.
O let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong
Seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father’s world:
The battle is not done:
Jesus who died shall be satisfied,
And earth and Heav’n be one.

This is my Father’s world,
Dreaming, I see His face.
I open my eyes, and in glad surprise
Cry, The Lord is in this place.
This is my Father’s world,
From the shining courts above,
The Beloved One, His Only Son,
Came—a pledge of deathless love.

This is my Father’s world,
Should my heart be ever sad?
The lord is King—let the heavens ring.
God reigns—let the earth be glad.
This is my Father’s world.
Now closer to Heaven bound,
For dear to God is the earth Christ trod.
No place but is holy ground.

This is my Father’s world.
I walk a desert lone.
In a bush ablaze to my wondering gaze
God makes His glory known.
This is my Father’s world,
A wanderer I may roam;
Whate’er my lot, it matters not,
My heart is still at home.

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