The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"Now in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.. . " (Romans 8:26)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Ukraine says defense ministry, banks hit with cyberattack; Russia suspected
Ukrainian authorities say Kremlin may be behind hack that hits army and country’s two largest banks

Ukraine said on Tuesday that the websites of the country’s defense ministry and armed forces as well as two state banks were hit by a cyberattack that could have Russian origins.

The announcement from Ukraine’s communications watchdog comes with the former Soviet republic fearing a possible attack from Russian forces conducting massive military drills at its frontiers.

The affected sites include the Oschadbank state savings bank and Privat — two of the country’s largest financial institutions.

The defense ministry site showed an error message saying the site was “undergoing technical maintenance.” The armed forces website said it was inaccessible.

The watchdog said Privat and its app Privat24 were hit by “a massive denial of service (DDOS) attack”. Both banks said their online services were down.

“It cannot be excluded that the aggressor is resorting to dirty tricks,” the watchdog said in reference to Russia. (Times of Israel) Read more here. 

- Father, we come before You and we thank You that the economy of Ukraine is stable at this hour. We ask that You would loose your ministering angels to stand guard over all their financial and military institutions, in Your name.

- “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 18:19)
Russia says some troops leaving Ukraine border,
Pentagon skeptical 
Editor's comment: We are most grateful and relieved to see this news, but we are posting this map, asking prayer that these plans do not, indeed, unfold. Thank you.

Russia's Defense Ministry said Tuesday it was withdrawing some troops along the Ukrainian border, though skepticism remains, and many fear a looming invasion.
While some troops are being moved back to their permanent bases, according to Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj.
Gen. Igor Konashenkov, additional military training operations will move forward.

The Pentagon has said Russia's military presence along the border is larger than 100,000 troops, and it was unclear how many are returning to their permanent bases.

Konashenkov's announcement came a day after Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters that Russian President Vladimir Putin added to the military's capabilities at the border over the weekend. (Washington Examiner) Read more here.
- Oh mighty King of kings, You see behind the scenes and know the name of the game being played here and for what purposes. We ask for Your SHALOM to permeate this area, driving out the chaos and bringing Truth and Order to the forefront. Please turn the hearts of the kings involved to do only Your will in this situation; we plead that there be no bloodbaths. May Ukrainian Jews hear Your voice and return to Your Land while there is yet time. Thank You for Your help and mercy, making a way where there seems to be none—we pray also that the Ukrainian Christians would stand and help as You lead.
- "First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity."   (1 Timothy 2:1-2)  

1. Israel confirms Herzog to visit Turkey as relations thaw - Times of Israel

Israel confirmed on Tuesday morning that President Isaac Herzog will travel to Turkey and said it will host senior Turkish officials later this week to plan the visit.

Turkish media reported earlier in the day that the visit was set to take place on March 9-10.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had previously told Turkish media that he would host Herzog amid efforts to revitalize once-strong relations between the two countries, but at the time this was not confirmed by Israel, with a spokesperson for Herzog declining to comment on Erdogan’s announcement.

Ties between the two countries have appeared to thaw in recent months, as Erdogan made a number of statements about possible cooperation with Israel. (Read more)  

2. In Bahrain, PM warns any compromise on nuclear deal with Iran will be 'strategic mistake' - Israel Hayom

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett landed in the Gulf state of Bahrain on Monday, cementing ties between the new allies in a clear message of cooperation aimed at regional archrival Iran.

Bennett's trip to the Gulf is the first public visit by an Israeli prime minister to Bahrain and comes less than two weeks after the countries signed a defense agreement with an eye on rising tensions in the Gulf. The visit also comes as nuclear talks between world powers and Iran are dragging on in Vienna.

Israel has stepped up cooperation with the Gulf states. Manama hosted Israel's defense minister on Feb. 2 and has said an Israeli military officer will be posted in Bahrain as part of an international coalition. (Read more)  

3. Israeli delegation in Vienna makes last ditch effort to air concerns - World Israel News

With Iranian nuclear talks in Vienna appearing to be in the final stages, Israel dispatched a diplomatic delegation to air Jerusalem’s concerns about the emerging agreement.

The delegation is headed by Yosh Zarka, the head of Israel’s Foreign Ministry’s strategic division. Also in Vienna is David Nussbaum, who is Israel’s Ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency and Gil Reich, Deputy Director-General for Israel’s Atomic Energy Commission.

According to Hebrew media reports, members of the delegation have already met with IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi and Russia’s envoy to the Iran nuclear talks, Ambassador Mikhail Ulyanov.

They plan to meet with all the other delegations represented in Vienna: the European Union, U.S., Britain, France, Germany and China, though not Iran. (Read more)  

4. Israeli settlement Evyatar passes first hurdles, raising tensions in coalition - JNS

(February 14, 2022 / JNS) Evyatar, the unauthorized settlement outpost that was voluntarily evacuated in July as part of a deal with Israel’s fledgling government, is back in the news. It returned to the headlines on Feb. 1 when Israel’s Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, on his last day in office, gave the legal stamp of approval to the deal, touching an ideological nerve within the coalition and raising the question whether Evyatar will become a wedge splitting its left and right blocs.

As to be expected, the Meretz Party, on the far-left of the government, issued the harshest condemnation, likening the settlement to a criminal project. “If I can overthrow Evyatar—I will, even if it means overthrowing the government,” said Meretz Knesset member Moshe Raz on Feb 2. Two days later, his party lodged a formal complaint with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid.

Lapid sided with Meretz, sending his own letter to Bennett. In a meeting of his Yesh Atid Party on Feb. 7, he told the press, “This agreement was not made with me. I represent half of the government and therefore it is not valid in my eyes, and I oppose it.”

As Evyatar advances, some question if it will cause the government to weaken.

“Evyatar has become a symbolic hot potato,” said Yechiel Leiter, a senior fellow at the Kohelet Policy Forum, a Jerusalem-based think tank. He told JNS that Lapid, by raising its importance, forces the right-wing of the coalition to do likewise. (Read more)  

5. Israel prepares to move Kyiv embassy, Russia claims troop withdrawal - Jerusalem Post

Israel began preparations to move its embassy from Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, to Lviv on Tuesday, even as Moscow said it would pull back some troops from the border.

Kyiv is in Ukraine’s East, close to the borders with Belarus and Russia, where Russia has amassed troops, while Lviv is in the West, near Poland.

A team from the Foreign Ministry visited Lviv on Tuesday to prepare for the possibility that it will need to move the embassy there.

The US, Canada and other countries have already moved their embassy operations to Lviv. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Zelensky reveals date Ukraine is expecting Russia to attack - DML News
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday said that he has been informed that Russia will attack on Wednesday. The comments from the Ukrainian leader, made in an address to his nation posted on Facebook, come amid heightened tensions between Kyiv and Moscow.
“We are told that February 16 will be the day of attack. We will make it a union day. The decree has already been signed. This afternoon we will hang national flags, put on blue-yellow ribbons and show the world our unity,” a translation of his Zelensky’s remarks read. (Read more) 

- Holy One, we lift up Ukraine before You and ask for mercy to be washing over that land.  What must the people be thinking, being surrounded by a powerful enemy that wants to destroy them.  So many times You Lord have intervened in such situations.  We ask for Your intervention even now, particularly that it would result in multitudes of citizens turning toward You and crying upon Your name.  Stop the wicked plan from Russia to attack and destroy…Please turn them back from their cruel intention, in Jesus name.

- "Seek good and not evil, That you may live; So the Lord God of hosts will be with you, As you have spoken."  (Amos 5:14)  

2. Trudeau’s expanded emergency order going after crowdfunding for Freedom Convoy truckers - DML News
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau cracked down on the Freedom Convoy truckers and protesters on Monday, who are standing up against his government’s vaccine mandates and other Covid restrictions.
Trudeau declared that he has invoked the Emergency Act for the first time
EVER, giving himself even greater “emergency powers” in order to put an end to the protests.
Additionally, Trudeau announced he is going after the money being raise to support the truckers. The GiveSendGo account supporting the Freedom Convoy had reached nearly $10 million in donations. The GiveSendGo website is currently off-line. (Read more) 

- Father, this behavior is reprehensible.  The prime minister has refused to even speak with the peaceful freedom protesters.  Jesus, would You cause him to be a righteous leader or allow another to serve the citizens of Canada honorably.  Break the ties of corruption and tyranny off the prime minister and Canada, in Jesus name.  

- "In that day they shall come to You From Assyria and the fortified cities, From the fortress to the River, From sea to sea, And mountain to mountain."  (Micah 7:12)  

3. Ottawa Police Chief Resigns Raising Questions About Trudeau's Leadership - American Liberty News

Late last night, Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly resigned. The move came amid criticism that Sloly’s so-called hands-off approach to the demonstrations had emboldened those protesting Canada’s COVID restrictions. Interestingly, it came one day after Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act and during his increasing calls for a police crackdown without giving the authorities the necessary resources to take action.

Whether Sloly resigned because of the Emergencies Act or because Trudeau never gave him the 2,000 additional officers he said he needed to peacefully end the protest, it’s clear the relationship between the men has soured. Responding to Sloly’s request for reinforcements, Trudeau reportedly said that he didn’t “accept the contention that the city of Ottawa has exhausted its tools and resources.”

According to those with firsthand knowledge, Sloly wanted to do everything possible to avoid the loss of life witnessed at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. For Sloly, no violence was a victory in it of itself. He was acutely aware that if the situation escalated, both police and protesters could lose their lives. (Read more) 

- Father God, now that Chief Sloly has chosen to resign, we ask that Your hand of protection would rest upon him and his family. We thank You that Chief Sloly had the courage to refuse carrying out Trudeau's Emergency Act, and we ask that the next one appointed to this position would do the same. Amen.

- " . . . Thy will be done . . ." (Matthew 6:10) 

4. Washington DC To Drop COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates For Businesses - The Daily Caller
Washington, D.C., will remove the vaccine mandate requiring people show proof of COVID-19 vaccination before entering businesses Tuesday. Democratic Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that restrictions that were put in place in December will expire on Feb. 15, according to the Washington Post. Additionally, she stated that effective March 1, the city’s mask requirement in indoor public venues will be eliminated, the outlet reported.
Businesses such as restaurants, bars, gyms and entertainment venues will no longer be forced to check the vaccine status of their patrons. The city will also scale back the number of testing sites it has, NBC News reported.
This move comes as local leaders in the area faced growing economic and political pressure to ease restrictions, the Washington Post reported. (Read more)  

- Oh wonderful Father, we praise You and dance before You as Miriam and as David did in worship and thanksgiving! You have heard the cries of Your people and brought Victory. As the city is cleared of the mandates, may Your people come into D.C. for “clean-up” by Your Spirit. Direct Your appointed to return to their assignments. We give You all of the glory!!!
- "You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever."  (Psalm 30:11-12)

5. Ex-DNI Ratcliffe expects ‘more indictments’ in Durham’s Russiagate probe - New York Post
Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said Monday that he expects to see “quite a few more indictments” come out of special counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the FBI probe of claims that former President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia.
Ratcliffe also revealed that he’d seen intelligence that Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign “was creating a plan to vilify Donald Trump [and] to falsely accuse him of ties to Russia,” and further alleged that the intelligence community, the FBI — as well as then-President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden — were all briefed on the matter.
“So, those are the issues that John Durham is looking at, and I think there’ll be many more — I would expect there to be quite a few more indictments because of that. There was not a proper predicate to begin that investigation. John Durham has said that publicly already.” (Read more) 

- Thank You Jesus for this release of justice.  May it result in people being held responsible for criminal deeds.  We ask You to put wings on this information, so that it is released across the nation, for truth will set the captives free.  Father, we ask You to protect the lives of John Durham, his team and all truth-tellers because we know there is an enemy out there.  We praise You for Your righteousness being seen in this matter, in Jesus name.  

- "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice.  And those who walk in pride He is able to put down."  (Daniel 4:37) 

6. The List Gets Longer: All The Ways Hillary & The Government Spied On Trump - The Daily Caller
It took years for former President Donald Trump to shake off now-discredited claims of collusion with Russia, but that difficulty comes as no surprise given the continuing revelations of just how sophisticated the attempt to connect him to the Kremlin was.
A Friday filing from Durham alleges that the Clinton campaign hired a tech firm run by one Rodney Joffe to “infiltrate” private servers that were kept at Trump Tower and later at the White House. The goal of the infiltration was to dig up any information that might assist in linking the Trump campaign to the Kremlin, a task a two-year investigation from Special Counsel Robert Mueller would ultimately fail to do.
Durham’s report states that information from the server would be used “to establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying then-candidate Trump to Russia.”
The report adds that Clinton operatives then used the information they garnered and went to the CIA and FBI in an attempt to get the organizations to legitimize phony allegations by opening formal investigations. All told, not only was the Trump campaign facing baseless surveillance from the FBI throughout 2016, but they were also facing hacking efforts directly from his opponent’s campaign, according to Durham. (Read more)  

- Righteous Lord, we ask that You give Your list to the Department of Justice. May the Clinton “house of cards” come tumbling down, and true justice be served. By the wind of the Holy Spirit, blow all of the fog away, leaving all the crimes committed by this unholy dynasty and their minions, exposed in the daylight. May the evidence be incontrovertible. By Your word and authority, we shut any doors of escape for the evil doers, as well as pray for their salvation and deliverance. Restore what the locusts have eaten in the lives of their victims. 

- "With his mouth the godless man would destroy his neighbor, but by knowledge the righteous are delivered. …. Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished, but those who are righteous will go free. " (Proverbs 11:9; 21)  

7. GOP lawmakers to block Biden's Federal Reserve nominees, say nominee Raskin won't give information - Just The News
GOP senators who sit on the chamber's Banking Committee are planning to block votes on President Biden's five nominees to the Federal Reserve, says Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey, the top-ranking Republican on the panel.
They will reportedly no-show for the scheduled vote. Senate rules require at least two members of the minority party to be there for the panel to pass the nominees out of committee.
Toomey says the chamber's Republican minority decided to block the nominees after Democrats refused to slow down the nomination of Sarah Bloom Raskin, about whom, Toomey says, the committee needs more information. He also argued her  policy views alone are "disqualifying." (Read more) 

- We lift up praise to You, Dear Lord, for these senators who are holding the line against candidates who are likely to use their positions to better their own selves and hold far left views that are harmful to our country.  Lord, strengthen those in Congress who discern who is worthy to be appointed to important positions and help them stand in spite of opposition.  May only those who are worthy in Your eyes win approval to something as important as the Federal Reserve.

- "The wicked are overthrown, and are not:  but the house of the righteous shall stand." (Proverbs 12:7)  

 8. Mitch McConnell has told Republican colleagues he will battle to stop 'goofballs' being elected for the GOP in midterms - The Daily Mail
Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell has shrugged off concerns over former President Donald Trump's potentially outsized influence on the upcoming midterm elections. The longtime Kentucky lawmaker vowed to keep 'goofballs' out of Republican Party politics as the face-off between establishment Republicans and the pro-Trump GOP prepares to come to a head in less than nine months.
He's also proactively been working to recruit and bolster popular middle-of-the-road Republicans to beef up his caucus -- though to mixed results. Trump on the other hand, has busied himself with dozens of endorsements from local to federal level races. And though he has not tapped as many polarizing MAGA candidates as insiders reportedly feared, the road to the midterms is sure to be a contest over whose influence controls the Republican Party.
While he regularly abstains from calling Trump out by name, McConnell has not shied away from taking him on in rare public instances that leave little doubt who he's swiping at. (Read more)  

- Father, we ask You to intervene in the affairs of our government for righteousness' sake.  Would You please remove every single corrupt and compromised elected representative in our government.  Restore the ability to steward our nation to the people, please.   We call on You to increase Your fire to purify our nation that we might be holy before You, O King.

- "Seek the Lord and live, Lest He break out like fire in the house of Joseph, And devour it, With no one to quench it in Bethel – "  (Amos 5:6)  

9. Record 30 House Democrats won't seek re-election in 2022, with New York Rep. Rice latest to announce - Just The News
A record 30 House Democrats are not running for re-election in 2022. New York Democratic Rep. Kathleen Rice on Tuesday became the latest Democrat to announce that she is not seeking reelection.
“I have always believed that holding political office is neither destiny nor a right,” she said. “As elected officials, we must give all we have and then know when it is time to allow others to serve.”
Rice did not provide a specific reason for her decision not to run for another term in the House. She was a member of the Republican Party prior to 2005. (Read more)  

 - Father God, we rejoice that this presents an opportunity to elect people who more perfectly represent their constituents and serve as our founding fathers intended.  Lord, please ensure that only God-fearing men and women make it through the election process to these important positions.  May each have the mind of Christ and conduct themselves with the knowledge that they must give account to You for how they handled the people's trust.  

- "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God."  (Romans 14:12)   

10.  Sex abuse lawsuit against Prince Andrew settled - AP News
tentative settlement has been reached in a l awsuit accusing Prince Andrew of sexually abusing Virginia Giuffre when she was 17 years old in which the prince will make a substantial donation to the charity of his accuser and says he never intended to malign her character, according to a court filing Tuesday.
Attorney David Boies, who represents Giuffre, said in a filing in Manhattan federal court that lawyers on both sides were informing the judge that a settlement in principle has been reached and they’ll request a dismissal of the lawsuit within a month.
Meanwhile, the letter said, the judge should suspend all deadlines and hold the action in abeyance. Giuffre sued Andrew in August. The American accused the British royal of sexually abusing her when she was 17 while she traveled with financier Jeffrey Epstein. (Read more) 

- Precious Lord, we praise You that this very high-profile individual has been held to account for this violation of a young teenager, but we pray that there would be a movement of repentance among all others who have sinned in this way.   Now that Epstein's assistant has been imprisoned, may Your standards of righteousness begin to prevail in our society so that young people can live free of this threat.  

- "Now the Lord is that Spirit:  and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."    (2 Corinthians 3:17)  
The Daily Jot

The Great North American Crackdown

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, February 15, 2022

North Americans are witnessing a “true color” historical event. For all the pandering to the media about exercising the right to dissent and to peaceably protest; for all the encouragement from politicians to protest for social justice; for all the looking the other way and saying that protests are peaceful amid the obvious evidence of burning buildings and looting of businesses; for all the winking at herds of nefarious characters making off with other people’s property; for all the alligator tears over police brutality resulting in the defunding of police, and the subsequent 30% increase in violent crime; Liberals are not true to their word. They champion dissent only when they support the issue that causes dissent.

Across Canada and the United States, draconian COVID mandates have shredded freedom, civil liberty and personal choice. The governments have rejected the medical science of quarantining the sick and have opted for the political science of locking down the healthy. They have forced the wearing of masks when the science says that masks are not effective against the spread of COVID. They have tried to force the masses to take a genetic-altering serum that neither prevents infection nor transmission of the disease. When reputable scientists and medical doctors publish studies challenging the effectiveness, safety and treatment of government-mandated protocols, they censor and dismiss them as misinformation, even to the point of inferring those who believe these studies could be domestic terrorists. Read More

‘We Will Hold the Line’: Freedom Convoy Organizers Say They’re Not Deterred by Emergencies Act

Freedom Convoy organizers say they will continue to protest on Parliament Hill despite the federal government’s declaration of a state of emergency.

“We are not afraid. In fact, every time the government decides to further suspend our civil liberties, our resolve strengthens and the importance of our mission becomes clearer,” organizer Tamara Lich said on Feb. 14 in anticipation of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoking the Emergencies Act over the protests demanding an end to COVID-19 mandates.

“We will remain peaceful, but planted on Parliament Hill until the mandates are decisively ended. We recognize that there is a democratic process within which change occurs. We have never stepped outside of that process, nor do we intend to.”

Trudeau is the first prime minister to use the Emergencies Act. The act replaces the War Measures Act, which was last used by Trudeau’s father, then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau, in 1970 during the October Crisis when Quebec separatists kidnapped and killed Quebec cabinet minister Pierre Laporte.

The act gives the state additional powers to deal with the protests and blockades, such as providing legal tools to cut funding to protesters, as well as freezing the corporate accounts of companies whose trucks are used in any blockades and removing their insurance.

The province of Ontario and the city of Ottawa have also declared states of emergency over the protests. (The Epoch Times) Read more here.  

- Father God, we thank You for the courage being demonstrated by the members of the Freedom Convoy, many of whom are also brothers and sisters in Christ. We ask that, as in the days of Queen Esther, the gallows meant for these brave soldiers for freedom would instead prophetically fall on the shoulders of the one who has made this decree . . . causing him to come to his senses and be born again. Lord God, what Satan has meant for evil, we trust that You will turn to good. In Your name, amen and amen!

-  "Summon your power oh God, show us your strength as you have done before."     (Psalm 68:28)  
Signs & Wonders
The Most Extreme 'Rogue Wave' on Record Was
Just Confirmed in The North Pacific

In November of 2020, a freak wave came out of the blue, lifting a lonesome buoy off the coast of British Columbia 17.6 meters high (58 feet).

The four-story wall of water has now been confirmed as the most extreme rogue wave ever recorded.

Such an exceptional event is thought to occur only once every 1,300 years. And unless the buoy had been taken for a ride, we might never have known it even happened.

For centuries, rogue waves were considered nothing but nautical folklore. It wasn't until 1995 that myth became fact. On the first day of the new year, a nearly 26-meter-high wave (85 feet) suddenly struck an oil-drilling platform roughly 160 kilometers (100 miles) off the coast of Norway.

At the time, the so-called Draupner wave defied all previous models scientists had put together.

Since then, dozens more rogue waves have been recorded (some even in lakes), and while the one that surfaced near Ucluelet, Vancouver Island was not the tallest, its relative size compared to the waves around it was unprecedented.

Scientists define a rogue wave as any wave more than twice the height of the waves surrounding it. The Draupner wave, for instance, was 25.6 meters tall, while its neighbors were only 12 meters tall.

In comparison, the Ucluelet wave was nearly three times the size of its peers. Read More

The Good News Corner
LVIV, Ukraine – In 2014 when Russian-backed separatists invaded eastern Ukraine, thousands of folks fled west to cities like Lviv. Today, with the threat of another Russian invasion, authorities in Lviv and across western Ukraine are bracing for 5 million refugees. Russia is adding forces and military hardware to the Ukrainian border, inching ever so close to surrounding their neighbor. Washington says more than 130,0000 Russian troops are now standing on Ukraine’s borders as fears of a coming invasion continue to grow.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians are holding almost daily drills, ready to defend their country. “People are worried but we encourage them to look to Jesus with all of our might because it's only through prayer that we can keep peace in our country,” Kyzmenko Dmytro, pastor of New Generation Church in Lviv tells CBN News. Seventy percent of Pastor Dmytro's congregation is from eastern Ukraine, many of them escaping ongoing violence there.

"We're in the window when a Russian invasion could start at any time if President Putin so decides. That includes in the coming days,” says US Secretary of State Atony Blinken. Foreign embassies, including the United States, are moving staff to Lviv, near the Polish border.  And just as that's happening, in a small upper room near Lviv's city center, Christians from across Africa are praying for their host country, ready to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who may have to flee. "As Christians and as people of God, it's our job and our duty to pray for the whole world because the Lord wants peace,” says Timothy Adegbile, a Nigerian pastor from Christ Embassy Church. (Breaking Christian News)
Read more here.

- Father God, we lift up Your church in Ukraine, no matter what may befall them this week. Thank You, Lord, for Your Word in Psalm 91, that promises Your safekeeping for Your people . . .  always. Amen.

- PSALM 91 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

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Classic Hymns

At Calvary 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: William Newell
Music: Daniel Towner

Scripture: When they came to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him. Luke 23:33

Years I spent in vanity and pride,
Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me He died on Calvary.

Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary

By God’s Word at last my sin I learned;
Then I trembled at the law I’d spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned to Calvary.


Now I’ve given to Jesus everything,
Now I gladly own Him as my king,
Now my raptured soul can only sing of Calvary!


Oh, the love that drew salvation’s plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary!


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