The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022

Due to the major events that occurred today (Monday), we feel to send this bulletin out to all of you NOW for immediate intercession. And to those of you who will be praying through the night: THANK YOU!
To hear the recording of last night's call, "Love One Another," with Sarah Lowe, Member, National Day of Prayer Task Force, please go here. (We are going to include a very holy moment, when a Canadian prophet, Gordon Grieves, cried out in the agony of his soul at the news of the passage of the Emergency Measures Act in Ottawa.) 

> > > You will also hear Apostolos Tsimanis reading a prophecy just released by Barry Wunsch, "BREAKER! BREAKER! Do you copy?" Once again, go here.
> > > A special blessing!
To view the WPN video from Sunday night, with a focus on the Freedom Convoy in
Canada, please go here.

BREAKING! D.C. drops its vaccine passport requirements! SEE BELOW!

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "THE END OF THE AGE" by Carolyn Hyde. Go here! 

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Matthew 24:6)

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers. 

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Ukraine's leader asks for evidence on new invasion warnings 
 Ukraine’s president played down intensified warnings of a possible Russian invasion within days, saying he had yet to see convincing evidence, even as the U.S. warned Sunday of more Russian troops pressing closer to Ukraine’s borders and some airlines canceled or diverted flights there.

The White House said President Joe Biden would talk later in the day with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The Ukrainian leader’s repeated statements urging calm among his people — while Russian forces surround Ukraine on three sides in what Russia insists are military exercises -- grew this weekend to Zelenskyy questioning strident warnings from U.S. officials in recent days that Russia could be planning to invade as soon as midweek.

The U.S. picked up intelligence that Russia is looking at Wednesday as a target date, according to a U.S. official familiar with the findings. The official, who was not authorized to speak publicly and did so only on condition of anonymity, would not say how definitive the intelligence was. (AP News) Read more here. 
- Lord, we don't know what the truth is in this constant war rhetoric from the White House, and if Ukraine leadership isn’t worried, what is going on? We declare peace over this situation. Let nothing occur out of time with Your perfect will.

- “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)  
The disease is already widespread in Europe and affecting Canada, Africa and Asia, like here in Israel where chicken eggs were being thrown away at a quarantined farm,
Chicken producers warn about fast-spreading bird flu spreading across US
US poultry producers are tightening safety measures for their flocks as disease experts warn that wild birds are likely spreading a highly lethal form of avian flu across the country.
Indiana on Wednesday reported highly pathogenic bird flu on a commercial turkey farm, leading China, South Korea and Mexico to ban poultry imports from the state. The outbreak put the US industry on edge at a time that labor shortages are fueling food inflation.

The disease is already widespread in Europe and affecting Africa, Asia and Canada, but the outbreak in Indiana, which is on a migratory bird pathway, particularly rattled U.S. producers. A devastating US bird-flu outbreak in 2015 killed nearly 50 million birds, mostly turkeys and egg-laying chickens in the Midwest. (Read more)

Source: New York Post 
- Lord, we rebuke this disease and plead Your Blood against it. We ask that You stop it now in its tracks and allow no further problems from it.
- "Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed.”  (Job 38:11)  

1. Watch: PM Bennett arrives in Bahrain for historic visit - Israel National News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has just landed in Manama, the capital of Bahrain, on his first official visit to the country.

The Prime Minister was received with an honor guard by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Industry, the Head of Protocol, the Israeli Ambassador to Bahrain and other senior officials.

Tomorrow, the Prime Minister will meet with the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, as well as with the King of Bahrain. (Read more)   

2. Israeli COVID ‘Freedom Convoy’ takes to the streets - World Israel News

Vehicles set off on Monday morning from cities across Israel to participate in a “Freedom Convoy,” calling on the government to lift the state of emergency declared due to the pandemic, according to the event’s organizers.

The convoy, which includes trucks, tractors, cars and motorcycles, plans to travel to the Knesset in Jerusalem and dozens of bridges throughout the day.

It is organized around a central message: “Take back the wheel”—meaning undoing the state of emergency and repealing the so-called “major corona law” granting the government special powers to deal with the spread of the virus, organizers said in a statement.

The project, inspired by the Canadian Freedom Convoy, was organized by laypeople and funded via a crowdfunding campaign. (Read more)   

3. 2 arrested in firebombing of Jewish home that set off Sheikh Jarrah clashes - Times of Israel

Israeli security forces have arrested two suspects in the firebombing of a Jewish home in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, police announced Monday.

No one was home during the incident over the weekend, which has helped escalate tensions in the flashpoint neighborhood and sparked new clashes on Saturday and Sunday. A police officer who entered the burning house was lightly hurt from smoke inhalation.

Officers found eight Molotov cocktails, gloves and a knit cap while searching the home of one of the suspects, according to a police statement, which said the Shin Bet security service took part in the arrests. (Read more)  

4. Bennett calls for calm in Sheikh Jarrah as terrorists warn of renewed hostilities - Israel Hayom

In the wake of the clashes in Jerusalem over contested homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem, a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad warned on Monday that the terrorist organization was ready to fight another round of hostilities as it did in the spring of 2021.

Khaled al-Batsh, who sits on the organization's politburo in the Gaza Strip, told Palestinian radio, "What happened in the past was the starting point for 'The Sword of Jerusalem' and we are ready to fight round two," he said, referring to the organization's name for the flare-up in May over the same issue (unlike Israel which called it Guardian of the Walls).

"We call on everyone to act in order to stop what the enemy is doing in Sheikh Jarrah," he said. He then added, "We will never stay silent over the enemy's attempts to make the neighborhood Jewish and evict people in the dead of the night; it is unacceptable." (Read more) 

5. Israeli communities near Jerusalem security barrier to receive ‘high-risk’ status - JNS

(February 13, 2022 / Israel Hayom)The National Security Council, which oversees the regulation and security of Israeli communities in the Jerusalem Seam Zone that borders the security barrier between the capital and the Green Line, has decided to classify all 14 settlements, as well as the Mishor Adumim industrial zone, as frontier communities.

The decision will grant the communities “high-risk” status” and give the Border Police full authority over their security. The decision is also likely to facilitate a favorable government vote on the issue of security jurisdiction, 20 years after the matter was first debated by the Cabinet.

In 2001, the government decided to implement the Jerusalem Seam Zone Plan. In 2006, the government divided the operational responsibilities in the area between the military and the Border Police, placing the latter in charge of security for Seam Zone communities. A plan drafted in 2007 between the Israel Defense Forces and Border Police detailed the necessary measures to complete the move, but the plan was never implemented, and the IDF retained the funds, while the Border Police shouldered the burden on the ground. (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. .GiveSendGo Defies Fascist Canadian Govt. Order to Freeze Freedom Convoy Trucker Funds (
Christian-owned funding platform GiveSendGo said it would not comply with an order by a Canadian court to freeze over $8.6 million in donated funds destined for the Canadian truckers’ Freedom Convoy 2022, saying the court has no jurisdiction over the U.S-based company.
The government of the province of Ontario, Canada, led by the ostensibly “conservative” Premier Doug Ford, put in a request with the provincial court to legally freeze the funds — a request that was granted. The Freedom Convoy 2022 campaign has reached $8.6 million with a goal of $16 million to support Canadian truckers as of this writing.
A statement from Doug Ford’s office announced the decision:
“Today, the Attorney General brought an application in the Superior Court of Justice for an order pursuant to section 490.8 of the Criminal Code prohibiting any person from disposing of, or otherwise dealing with, in any manner whatsoever, any and all monetary donations made through the Freedom Convoy 2022 and Adopt-a-Trucker campaign pages on the GiveSendGo online fundraising platform. This afternoon, the order was issued. It binds any and all parties with possession or control over these donations.”
Posting from its official Gab account and also on Twitter, GiveSendGo stated that the courts of Canada have no jurisdiction over the company and that the Freedom Convoy will receive its funds as normal. The company’s statement reads: “Know this! Canada has absolutely ZERO jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here at GiveSendGo. All funds for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo flow directly to the recipients of those campaigns, not least of which is The Freedom Convoy campaign.”

- Lord, thank You for Christians with a strong backbone.

- “But Peter and the apostles answered,’We must obey God rather than men.’ "     (Acts 5:29)  

2.Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia: Durham | Fox News

Lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to "infiltrate" servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an "inference" and "narrative" to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia, a filing from Special Counsel John Durham says.
Durham filed a motion on Feb. 11 focused on potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. Sussman has pleaded not guilty.
The indictment against Sussman says he told then-FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016, less than two months before the 2016 presidential election, that he was not doing work "for any client" when he requested and held a meeting in which he presented "purported data and 'white papers' that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel" between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.
But Durham's filing on Feb. 11, in a section titled "Factual Background," reveals that Sussman "had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign." 
Durham’s filing said Sussman’s "billing records reflect" that he "repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations."

- Lord, as the truth of the conspiracy against President Trump is being revealed, we pray for justice.

- “For I the Lord love justice; I hate robbery and wrong; I will faithfully give them their recompense, and I will make an everlasting covenant with them.” (Isaiah 61:8)   

3.Parallels Emerge Between 'Deep State' Spying on Trump and Netanyahu (

Striking parallels emerged Friday between the cases of former U.S. President Donald Trump and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who appear to have been the victims of electronic eavesdropping by political opponents.
In the Netanyahu case, Israelis have learned over the past few days that law enforcement authorities used spyware to hack his cell phone and those of his associates, doing so without apparent legal authority to find evidence to use against him — or to turn potential witnesses against him. In addition to devoting massive police resources to searching for dirt on Netanyahu, Israeli authorities also leaked stories — many later discredited — to the press as Netanyahu faced a series of tough elections.
- Lord,  these spying scandals against political opponents must be stopped for good. We ask for righteousness in all parts of government from Israel to the United States. Let Your Spirit move in a mighty wave across these nations, bringing repentance and life.

- “Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!”    (Psalm 106:3)  

 4. White House records obtained so far by January 6 committee show no record of calls to and from Trump during riot - CNNPolitics
White House call records now in the possession of congressional investigators do not reflect calls made to or from then-President Donald Trump as the violence unfolded on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, leaving them with gaps so far in their understanding of what transpired that day, three sources familiar with the House investigation into the insurrection tell CNN.
The records the House select committee has obtained do not contain entries of phone calls between the President and lawmakers that have been widely reported in the press. Trump was known to make calls using personal cell phones, which could account for those.
Two of the sources, who have also reviewed the presidential diary from that day, say it contains scant information and no record of phone calls for several hours after Trump returned to the Oval Office after giving a speech to his supporters at the Ellipse until he emerged to address the nation in a video from the Rose Garden.
The House select committee has received hundreds of White House records since Trump lost a legal fight at the Supreme Court to keep them secret. The committee had asked the National Archives for all call logs and telephone records for Trump and top aides as well as daily presidential diaries.

- Lord, we rejoice that there was nothing they could use in the tranche of documents. Let those who have pushed the insurrection narrative about Jan 6 see the truth, and let them be ashamed as the Spirit of the Lord brings conviction of sin to their hearts.

- “And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment.” (John 6:8)  

5. Rubio, Manchin Introduce Bill To Block Feds From Supplying Crack Pipes | The Daily Caller
Republican Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin introduced bipartisan legislation Friday called the Preventing Illicit Paraphernalia for Exchange Systems (PIPES) Act, which would prohibit federal tax dollars from going toward “crack pipes” and other drug related paraphernalia, according to The Hill.
“Every American and West Virginian has been impacted by the drug epidemic that has killed over 101,000 Americans from April 2020 to April 2021,” Sen. Manchin said in a statement, according to The Hill. “While this is a heartbreaking issue that must be fully addressed by the federal government, using taxpayer funds to buy paraphernalia for those struggling with substance use disorder is not the solution.”
Sen. Rubio also voiced his concern. “Everyone knows someone who has struggled with addiction, and unfortunately, many have lost a loved one from the disease. Addiction is crippling, not only for the individual, but also for the family and communities throughout our country. We need to do more, but sending drug paraphernalia to addicts is not the answer.”

Lord, we thank You for these two Senators who are moving to stop the plan to give drug paraphernalia to minorities and the poor. We ask for addicts' deliverance from the bondage of addiction, and conviction of sin to those who think enabling them is the answer.

- “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)  

6.  Louisiana federal judge blocks key Biden climate change initiative | Fox Business
Louisiana federal district court has halted a key climate initiative from Joe Biden that he implemented shortly after becoming president last year.
In a Friday ruling, U.S. District Judge James Cain blocked Biden’s January 2021 executive order that factored in the "social cost" of carbon emissions when creating rules regulating pollution.
Cain sided with Republican attorneys general from energy-producing states who said the administration’s action to raise the cost estimate of carbon emissions threatened to drive up energy costs while decreasing state revenues from energy production.
The judge issued an injunction that bars the Biden administration from using the higher cost estimate, which puts a dollar value on damages caused by every additional ton of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.
President Joe Biden on his first day in office restored the climate cost estimate to about $51 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions after the Trump administration had reduced the figure to about $7 or less per ton. Former President Donald Trump’s estimate included only damages felt in the U.S. versus the global damages captured in higher estimates that were previously used under the Obama administration. 

- Lord, we thank You that this judge ruled against the Biden administration. Let no climate cost listings become so high that people suffer from the burdens of them.We pray for Your Spirit to keep us, and protect the nation and planet.

- “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22)

7.  AOC says Texas turning blue is inevitable during campaign stop | Fox News

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., told a Texas crowd Saturday that it is inevitable that Texas will turn blue as she endorsed two candidates for Congress prior to the primary next month. 
Ocasio-Cortez, who has had mixed results when endorsing candidates, was in San Antonio to support the campaigns of Jessica Cisneros and Greg Casar. reported that Ocasio-Cortez told the crowd that the two have her backing because they back Medicare for all, unions and reproductive freedom
"Here’s what’s exciting about Jessica’s race and Greg’s race … is that if we flip Texas, we flip the country." She continued, "Texas turning blue is inevitable. The only question is when. We are going to fight for a living wage, we are going to make sure we unionize the hell out of this state … and we’re going to make sure that not one dime is made exploitatively across any worker, especially the undocumented."

- Lord, let nothing this woman or her cohorts plan come to fruition. Let her expensive agenda fall to the ground with no action, and let these radical candidates not win any election. Let Your Holy Spirit move across all of them, bringing truth and repentance.

- “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” (John 3:17) 

8. US denies submarine was in Russian waters as Moscow claims | Fox News

The United States denied Moscow’s claim Saturday that an American submarine was conducting operations in Russian territorial waters, breaking international law as tensions are high amid a possible invasion of Ukraine
"There is no truth to the Russian claims of our operations in their territorial waters," U.S. Navy Capt. Kyle Raines, a spokesperson for the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, said, according to Reuters. "I will not comment on the precise location of our submarines but we do fly, sail, and operate safely in international waters." 
Vladimir Putin’s government claimed the submarine ignored commands from the Russian navy via sonar to surface near the Kuril Islands in the Pacific Ocean early Saturday, forcing it to chase the U.S. vessel away using unnamed "appropriate means," the Navy Times reported. 

Lord, we bind any fallout from this situation and ask that You bring Shalom peace over the two nations, their militaries, and their actions.

- “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.”  (1 Timothy 2:1)  

9.  US, Japan, South Korea meet in Hawaii to discuss North Korea | Stars and Stripes
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met his Japanese and South Korean counterparts Saturday in Hawaii to discuss the threat posed by nuclear-armed North Korea after Pyongyang began the year with a series of missile tests.
Blinken said at a news conference after the meeting that North Korea was "in a phase of provocation" and the three countries condemned the recent missile launches.
"We are absolutely united in our approach, in our determination," Blinken said after his talks with Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi and South Korean Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong.
He said the countries were "very closely consulting" on further steps they may take in response to North Korea, but didn't offer specifics.
The three released a joint statement calling on North Korea to engage in dialogue and cease its "unlawful activities." They said they had no hostile intent toward North Korea and were open to meeting Pyongyang without preconditions.
- Lord, as diplomacy attempts to rein in North Korea’s dictator, we pray that a move of Your Holy Spirit would go before them to prepare the way. We ask that Your will prevail over any talks, and peace would be prevalent over  all parties, including Kim Jong-Un.

- “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.”  (Psalm 2:8) 

10. Boris Johnson plans whistle-stop tour of Europe to hold more talks with world leaders in attempt to avert crisis in Ukraine - Daily Mail UK  

Boris Johnson will lead a last-ditch diplomatic blitz this week to avert war in Ukraine. With the next 48 hours said to be crucial, the Prime Minister will make a whistle-stop tour of Europe as the world braces for an imminent Russian invasion.

Intelligence suggests Vladimir Putin's troops are planning to cross the border 'at any moment', possibly as soon as Wednesday.

Mr. Johnson warned last night that the crisis in Eastern Europe was at 'a critical juncture' and he and other allies will spend the coming hours and days attempting to pull Russia 'back from the brink'. (Read more)


- Father God, map or no map, only You hold this region in Your hands, and only You turn the hearts of kings wherever they should go. We plead Your precious shed Blood over this entire region, and we ask for Your favor to rest upon Boris Johnson as he goes forth to serve as a peacemaker for all. In Jesus' name, amen.

- "The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He pleases." (Proverbs 21:1) 
The Daily Jot

Sowing The Seeds Of Freedom

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, February 14, 2022

World governments are using COVID 19 policies to control populations. Draconian measures of quarantining healthy people, locking down entire societies, has given birth to a new form of tyranny based on health and fear. Even now, when many countries and various state and local governments in the US are slithering silently into the night on their failed mask and vaccine mandates, the stench of freedom’s death lingers. Truckers around the world are trying to deliver a cargo of common sense to politicians and bureaucrats about following political science at the expense of real science, but those efforts are being met with government resistance through the already established COVID control system.

It seems that any form of dissent that doesn’t support the agenda of the tyrants is labeled as terrorism, anti-science, and misinformation. The misinformation, however, is on the part of the tyrants. The politicians and news media say that the truckers’ protests against COVID mandates is violent. This is false. The politicians that praised Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests, trying to paint them as peaceful when violence followed in their wake, are the same ones saying that police and the government should crack down on protests against COVID mandates. In Canada, politicians are demanding an end to the protests, which they say are unlawful occupation. Read More

Trudeau invokes emergency powers to crack down on Freedom Convoy

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the federal government of his country is activating the never-before-used Emergencies Act "to supplement provincial and territorial capacity to address the blockages and occupations" related to the ongoing Freedom Convoy, which continues to demonstrate in Ottawa and block major arteries along the U.S.-Canada border.

"This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting peoples' jobs and restoring faith in our institutions," Trudeau said during a press conference.

Trudeau and Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada David Lametti said the powers are temporary and will be limited geographically and in scope, and that the Canadian military is not getting involved.

"For the purposes of this Act, a national emergency is an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature" that cannot be handled under any other Canadian law, the law says. (Fox News)  

- Lord God, we cry out with our brothers and sisters in Canada in AGONY over this move by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Show us Your mercy, O Lord we pray, amen!

- "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about 
[a]this present result, to keep many people alive." (Genesis 50:20) 
Premiers push back against Trudeau invoking Emergencies Act

Several Canadian premiers came out against Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau potentially invoking the never-before-used Emergencies Act to give the federal government special powers to crack down on COVID-19 restriction protests happening within his country.

"The illegal blockades must end, but police already have sufficient tools to enforce the law and clear the blockades, as they did over the weekend in Windsor," tweeted Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe. "Therefore, Saskatchewan does not support the Trudeau government invoking the Emergencies Act. If the federal government does proceed with this measure, I would hope it would only be invoked in provinces that request it, as the legislation allows," he added.

Moe's sentiment was echoed by Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson, who wrote , "I am proud of Manitoba’s law enforcement officials & have full confidence in them to protect our communities. The proposal from the federal government to use the Emergencies Act is not helpful to the situation at the Emerson Border."

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney told reporters that he told Trudeau earlier on Monday that he would prefer if the Emergencies Act did not apply to Alberta, and that such a move was unnecessary in the province.

Quebec Premier Francois Legault also warned that he did not want the Emergencies Act to be applied to his province, warning that he thought such a measure would be divisive. "It's not time to throw fuel on the fire," he said. (Fox News)  

- Lord God, we thank You for these brave leaders who will shield their citizens, each in their own provinces, from the implementation of Trudeau's martial law. We ask that their courageous move would be followed over time by ALL the premiers of all the provinces of the great nation of Canada. Amen!

- "You need not fight in this battle; take your position, stand and watch the salvation of the Lord in your behalf, Judah and Jerusalem.’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow, go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.” (2 Chronicles 20:17)  
DC businesses won’t need to check for proof of vaccine; mask requirements getting dialed back 

D.C. is lifting its requirement that city businesses check patrons for proof of vaccination against COVID-19 starting Tuesday, Mayor Muriel Bowser said. Businesses can choose to keep vaccination requirements in place. “We are in a much better place now,” Bowser said during a Monday briefing.

In addition, with the indoor mask mandate expiring Feb. 28, the District is relaxing indoor mask requirements starting March 1.

Citing dramatic drops in COVID cases — Bowser said cases have dropped more than 90% and there has been a 95% reduction in hospitalizations since the omicron wave — masks won’t be required in restaurants and bars, sports and entertainment venues, gyms or businesses, the mayor said. Masks will still be needed in buildings like schools, child care facilities and libraries, however.

In a statement, Kathy Hollinger, president of the Restaurant Association of Metropolitan Washington, praised the move. “We are pleased with the Mayor’s decision to lift the mandate recognizing that in doing so it will allow more flexibility for local businesses to determine what makes the most sense for the health and safety of employees, guests and operations, which they have always been dedicated to, and especially over the past two years,” Hollinger said.

Angela Franco, president of DC Chamber of Commerce, welcomed the ease in restrictions. “We have seen that having the vaccine requirement really affected some of our businesses, so I think this is going to help them increase sales and really get people out,” said Franco.

(WTOP News) Read more. 
- Father God, we raise a huge shout of HALLELUJAH at this news! Thank You, O Lord, for delivering us from evil. Now we can walk freely about our city, not needing to show proof of being "vaxxed." Thank You, Jesus, amen!

- "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!" (John 8:36) 
Super Bowl MVP Cooper Kupp:

'I Don't Feel Deserving. God Is So Good'

Few people believed Cooper Kupp would one day be an NFL player – much less a standout – when he was a starter for Davis High School in Yakima, Wash. n fact, few believed he even could play in college.

After receiving no scholarship offers from major college programs, Kupp signed with Eastern Washington University, where he became a record-setting All-American at wide receiver and a surprising NFL prospect.

Now he's a Super Bowl MVP.

"I don't have any regrets or feel any grudge towards anyone," Kupp, who is 28 and just completed his fifth NFL season, told reporters after the game. "I'm just thankful for the path that I've been on. I don't feel deserving of this. God is just so good," Kupp said, wiping away tears. "I'm so thankful for the guys I get to be around, for the coaches, from my family." (Christian Headlines) Read more.

To read this entire article, including Kupp's vision from God of how he was destined to become an MVP, go here. 
Signs & Wonders
Miner struck a 57,000-year-old treasure more precious than gold
As warming temperatures and a miner chipped away at permafrost in Yukon, Canada, the earth yielded a discovery that is “incredibly rare from North America" -- a historical jackpot.

Some 56,000 to 57,000 years ago, "shortly" before early homo sapiens developed a capacity for language and began migrating out of Africa, a sandy den in pre-historic Canada most likely collapsed onto a wolf pup that was about six or seven weeks old, preserving her in time as permafrost formed and the rest of the world evolved around her.

The nearby Yukon and Klondike rivers nurtured not just the changing wildlife, but settlements and nations, including the Hän-speaking people of the Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in First Nation. The Klondike River also fed the Klondike Gold Rush in 1896 into 1899, an area in the Yukon Territory of Canada that would become Dawson City at the center.

Fast-forward to the summer of July 2016. Gold miner Neil Loveless was water blasting a wall of frozen mud outside of Dawson City when he hit a layer of thawing permafrost -- and something else.

Loveless told CBC North that he originally thought perhaps his discovery was a puppy that had fallen down the mine shaft. Still, he picked up the specimen, set her in a gold pan and later a freezer until a paleontologist arrived. Read More

The Good News Corner
‘My Life Belongs to Jesus’
Story Behind Bold Harvard Law Student Who Published Powerful Testimony on School’s Site
Marianna Marques, a student at Harvard Law School, recently published a stunning blog post on the university’s website about her incredible journey with God. And because of Marques’ candidness and bravery, prospective students at Harvard were treated to something one doesn’t often encounter on an ivy league website: a compelling testimony filled with faith, hope, and the redeeming power of Jesus. “At a young age, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. At age 13, while I was reflecting on my life plans, I heard God’s voice (in my spirit) for the first time: ‘Those are your plans for yourself, not Mine,'” she wrote. “Although God says in Scripture that He has a plan for each of us, I hadn’t consulted Him as I had developed my own. I hadn’t trusted that His plans would bring me satisfaction — I lacked faith and wanted control.”

She proceeded to share her faith and education journeys. And during an interview with the “Edifi With Billy Hallowell” podcast, Marques revealed why she so openly decided to write about her faith. “Admissions runs a blog called ‘Student Voices,'” Marques said, noting the site helps prospective students learn more about the Harvard Law experience. When she heard the university was looking for more students to share perspectives, she decided to dive right in. “I thought, ‘Well, I haven’t seen people really share the spiritual side to what led them to law school,'” she said. “So, I thought it would be a unique perspective that would be worth sharing.” Marques used the post to share her pathway to law school and reveal central facets of the Gospel. Here is the portion of the piece that delves into Jesus and his importance in Marques’ life:

“Finding our voice is powerful. My voice in particular does not come from me, from the news I watch, from the people I follow, or even from my friends or family. My life belongs to Jesus Christ, so I choose to allow Him to speak through me. When Jesus walked the Earth, many tried to silence Him and to stop Him from denouncing the corrupt religious leaders. They even killed Him, thinking that death would quench His voice. But when He resurrected three days later, He proved that His voice would never die. Instead, His innocent blood was spilled in the place of our guilty blood. He paid the price for our sins so that we could be free. Free from anxiety, depression, vices, anger, pain, trauma, pride, greed, and on and on. By asking Jesus to forgive us for all we’ve done wrong and by continually seeking Him, we are saved. We are set free from the pain of our past and worries of our present and future. We live forever (John 3). This good news is what my voice now proclaims.”

These truths are remarkable to read on the Harvard Law School website, and they are present simply because Marques stepped out in faith to share the truth boldly. (CBN) Read more. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

All the Way My Savior Leads me 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Robert Lowry

Scripture: The Lamb…will lead them to springs of living water. Revelation 7:17

All the way my Savior leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my guide?
Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well;
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well.

All the way my Savior leads me,
Cheers each winding path I tread;
Gives me grace for every trial,
Feeds me with the living bread.
Though my weary steps may falter,
And my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see;
Gushing from the rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see.

All the way my Savior leads me
O the fullness of His love!
Perfect rest to me is promised
In my Father’s house above.
When my spirit, clothed immortal,
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way;
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way.

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