The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Dec 29, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Dec 29, 2021
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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“Judgment is turned away backward, and justice stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." (Isaiah 59:14)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Biden reverses course, declares COVID must be solved by states and not feds

President Joe Biden campaigned for months that a robust federal response could vanquish the COVID-19 pandemic but then Delta and omicron variants proved him wrong.

President Joe Biden campaigned for months that a robust federal response could vanquish the COVID-19 pandemic, but he reversed course Monday by telling the nation's governors that states are likely to be more successfully tailoring solutions for their citizens.

"There is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level," Biden declared during a call with the National Governors Association.

The president's response was a marked shift for America's 46th president, who campaigned last year that federal government under his direction could conquer the virus and who boasted just days ago that "federal emergency medical teams are ready to respond to surges nationwide."

Biden's declaration in July that the pandemic had been defeated was premature, as the Delta and omicron variants felled the nation in two successive waves. (JusttheNews) Read more.

- Father God, thank You for this step in the right direction, removing covid control from the federal level to the states who are more responsive to their citizens.  May there be a robust acceptance of responsibility by governors and state leaders.  It is high time this virus is down-graded to become one of the plethora of infectious organisms on this earth.  May this be a prophetic indicator of the winds of change blowing.  In Jesus Name.

- "God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn."  (Psalm 46:5)  


1. Israel approves 1 billion shekel Golan Heights development plan - JNS

(December 26, 2021 / JNS) Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced on Sunday the approval of a 1 billion shekel ($317.3 million) program to develop and settle the Golan Heights.

Addressing the weekly Cabinet session, held in Kibbutz Mevo Hama in the southern Golan, Bennett said that the government’s goal was to double the Golan’s population, according to an official statement. The current population is approximately 50,000.

To achieve this goal, the government plans to build two new neighborhoods in Katzrin, the unofficial capital of the Golan, and also to establish two new communities, Asif and Matar. (Read more)  

2. Gantz holds second Abbas meeting to talk security and economics - Jerusalem Post

Defense Minister Benny Gantz met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at his home in Rosh Ha-Ayin on Tuesday night to discuss security and economic issues. 
It was the second meeting between the two men. When the first meeting took place in August in Ramallah, it was the first such high level conversation in close to a decade.

Gantz informed …Abbas of his intention to continue advancing confidence-building measures in economic and civilian areas, as was determined in their previous meeting," the Defense Ministry said. (Read more)   

3. Syria says it will ‘use all legally available means to retake’ Golan - World Israel News

Syria said Monday that Israel’s plans to double the number of Israeli citizens living in Israeli-annexed Golan Heights mark a “dangerous and unprecedented” escalation between the countries.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced on Sunday a multimillion-dollar plan meant to double the number of Israelis living in the region that Israel captured from Syria more than five decades ago, as well as develop some 7,300 additional housing units in the area.

The U.S. recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan in 2019.

“Syria strongly condemns the dangerous and unprecedented escalation from the Israeli occupation forces in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and its persistence in settlement policies and grave and methodological violations that rise to the level of war crimes,” a Syrian Foreign Ministry statement said. (Read more) 

4. 'Israel is on the verge of an unprecedented infection storm' - Israel National News

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warned Tuesday that Israel is on the verge of a massive and ‘unprecedented’ wave of new coronavirus outbreaks, due to the spread of the new Omicron variant.

Speaking with Kan Bet Tuesday morning, the Israeli premier urged against complacency, saying a fifth wave of the coronavirus, fueled by the Omicron variant, could be dangerous.

“We are just a moment before a storm of infections on an unprecedented scale in Israel. There is an inclination right now to feel like we’re at the end – but that’s not the situation. It is still dangerous.” (Read more)  

5. Israel eases quarantine rules for vaccinated as daily cases hit 3-month high - Times of Israel

New COVID cases in Israel hit a three-month high on Tuesday, while serious cases appeared to remain steady as the Omicron variant continued to gain footing.

The Health Ministry reported 2,952 new cases of COVID a day earlier, a one-day figure higher than any seen since late September, at the tail end of the Delta wave. The positivity rate among those tested on Monday hit 2.35 percent, the highest seen since early October. The R reproduction rate reached 1.47, a number last reached at the start of the Delta wave in June.

But serious cases and hospitalizations remained steady, with 85 serious cases reported, compared to 80 a week ago and 96 on Sunday. As of Tuesday morning, the Health Ministry reported 15,487 total active COVID cases, with just 137 of them hospitalized, 85 of them in serious condition and 38 on ventilators.  

The Daily Brief
1. CDC cuts the recommended isolation and quarantine periods for coronavirus infections - NPR

People who test positive for the coronavirus need to isolate themselves for only five days if they don't show symptoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday. This cuts in half the earlier recommendation of 10 days of isolation.

Data shows that the majority of coronavirus transmission "occurs early in the course of illness," the CDC explained — generally in the one or two days before symptoms begin and two or three days after.

"Therefore, people who test positive should isolate for 5 days and, if asymptomatic at that time, they may leave isolation if they can continue to mask for 5 days to minimize the risk of infecting others," the CDC said in a statement. (Read More)  

- Dear Lord, we rejoice that better sense has gripped the CDC, but ask that You would exert even more pressure on them so that all the unreasonable quarantines, masking rules, distancing, and vaccine mandates would be discredited and done away with.  We pray for this shameful time in America of handling an unseen virus with man's tactics of tyrannical lockdowns will come to a full halt quickly.

- "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father."  (Romans 8:15)  

2. Trump Adviser Peter Navarro Lays Out How He and Bannon Planned to Overturn Biden’s Electoral Win - The Daily Beast

A former Trump White House official says he and right-wing provocateur Steve Bannon were actually behind the last-ditch coordinated effort by rogue Republicans in Congress to halt certification of the 2020 election results and keep President Donald Trump in power earlier this year, in a plan dubbed the “Green Bay Sweep.”

In his recently published memoir, Peter Navarro, then-President Donald Trump’s trade adviser, details how he stayed in close contact with Bannon as they put the Green Bay Sweep in motion with help from members of Congress loyal to the cause. But in an interview last week with The Daily Beast, Navarro shed additional light on his role in the operation and their coordination with politicians like Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

“We spent a lot of time lining up over 100 congressmen, including some senators. It started out perfectly. At 1 p.m., Gosar and Cruz did exactly what was expected of them,” Navarro told The Daily Beast. “It was a perfect plan. And it all predicated on peace and calm on Capitol Hill. We didn’t even need any protestors, because we had over 100 congressmen committed to it.” (Read More) 

- Father God, we are looking to You, rather than politically involved men, to set right all wrongs that were done in the past presidential election.  We declare that the enemy cannot and will not be able to override Your plans for America and that so much exposure has happened over the last year that the American public and their officials will be alert to all fraud planned in the future.  Cleanse us, Oh Lord, of wicked rulers as You have done in the past.  We praise You for seeing to it that our republic remains a bastion of Judeo-Christian liberty.  

- "Iniquities prevail against me:  as for our transgressions, thou shalt purge them away."  (Psalms 65:3) 

3. Termination of unvaccinated health care workers backfires as Biden pledges help amid COVID surge - Fox News

President Biden is deploying military doctors and health care workers to bolster hospitals amid the spike in omicron variant cases. But in the last few months, thousands of health care workers across the nation have been terminated over refusing to comply with vaccine mandates, leaving health care providers in the lurch with staffing shortages while bracing for more patients. 

"We’re mobilizing an additional 1,000 military doctors and nurses and medics to help staff hospitals," Biden said Monday during the COVID-⁠19 Response Team’s regular call with the National Governors Association.

In New York state, Gov. Kathy Hochul declared a state of emergency over the omicron variant and called in the National Guard to assist with nursing homes. She added that hospitals in the state at over 90% capacity could be ordered to stop elective procedures to focus on the surge. Biden said testing facilities will also be opened in the state. (Read More) 

- Oh Lord, how distressing to hear of how many healthcare workers have been terminated all because of power grabbing men's desire to handle this plague in a way that enhances their control of our lives.  We pray that these demands would be done away with so that our once excellent healthcare system would be able to do its job again.  

- "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight:  thou hatest all workers of iniquity."  (Psalms 5:5) 

4. Jim Jordan: Republican Majority House Will Investigate Fauci, Gain of Function, and Lab Leak - Brietbart

Jim Jordan (R-OH) on Monday told Alex Marlow, host of the Breitbart Daily News podcast, that Republicans, if elected to a majority in the House of Representatives in November, should investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci — the president’s chief medical adviser and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — and gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Marlow highlighted the Democrats’ ostensible “investigation” of the events of January 6 as a congressional focus at the expense of substantive inquiries into matters of public importance.

Jordan remarked, “The top investigation — which I think will primarily be done on the Oversight Committee — is on Fauci and the gain of function and the lab leak, which is the most likely scenario how we got this virus.” (Read More) 

- We do, indeed, ask that You would facilitate these plans voiced by Representative Jim Jordan to hold Dr. Fauci accountable for how he has allocated US funds and possibly had a part in creating this deadly and disruptive virus.  Oh Lord, have mercy on our country as men of good character look to counter the evil that has come upon us.  

- "for God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."  (Ecclesiastes 12:14) 

5. Biden signs major defense spending bill into law - Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden signed the $740 billion National Defense Authorization Act into law, funding the Department of Defense for 2022. The White House announced on Monday that the president had signed S. 1605, funding “Department of Defense programs and military construction, Department of Energy national security programs, and intelligence programs,” among other things.

Biden acknowledged the positives of the bill in a statement, though he also shared some discontent with certain provisions.

While the legislation “provides vital benefits and enhances access to justice for military personnel and their families,” according to the president, it also “unfortunately” continues “to bar the use of funds to transfer Guantanamo Bay detainees to the custody or effective control of certain foreign countries.” (Read more) 

 - Father, we ask that this extensive funding would be used honorably to provide iron-strength and much needed provisions for our military and nation. Bring gifted people of authority to discern how to wisely protect and bring national security to the U.S. We ask Lord that You would give clarity and discernment so that all funds will be used according to Your will. In Jesus name, Amen

- "Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house."     (Proverbs 24:27)   

6. Jury in Ghislaine Maxwell trial resumes deliberations, asks for office supplies and transcripts - Just The News

The jury in the sex trafficking trial of Ghislaine Maxwell returned to deliberate, and requested office supplies and transcripts Monday after a four-day Christmas break. The 12-person panel in the Manhattan federal court requested around 10:30 a.m. for Judge Alison Nathan to send multi-colored sticky notes, whiteboard paper and highlighters, The New York Post reported.

The group also asked for the definition of the word "enticement" and a transcript of testimony from a prosecution witness who testified under the pseudonym "Matt" and from former Palm Beach police officer Gregory Parkinson who spoke about a search of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's Florida Mansion in 2005.

The 60-year-old British socialite faces six charges relating to grooming women as young as 14 to be used sexually by her boyfriend, Jeffrey Epstein. (Read more)  

- Lord we thank you for the truth that all things done in secret will be brought to the light. We pray that justice would come for all the victims who have suffered. May there be no deception and everything exposed as the jury deliberates, so that truth and right judgement will prevail. In Your mighty name we pray-Amen

- "For nothing is concealed that won't be revealed, and nothing hidden that won't be made known and come to light." (Luke 8:17)  

7. Sebastian Gorka says Jan. 6 committee subpoenaed his phone records: 'They chose the wrong enemy' - Just The News

Sebastian Gorka, former assistant to President Donald Trump, on Monday said his phone records had been subpoenaed by the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.

“This committee is illegal," Gorka said at Turning Point USA's winter conference, according to The Daily Beast. "No crime is mentioned. What am I accused of doing? Because I was meant to be speaking on the same day at the Supreme Court but didn't because the president's speech went too long. That's my crime in America? Speaking?"

Gorka posted a photo of himself with the subpoena on Twitter.
"I'm not even accused of any crime," he wrote. "The Gorka family survived Nazi and Communist dictatorships." (Read more) 

- Holy One, we pray for Your spirit to strengthen and anoint not only Sebastian Gorka but all others falsely accused.  May we see how dictatorships gain power and control over civilized people and be wise in resisting the tyranny.  We ask that every just person caught up in this web of politicized intrigue over January 6th be filled with an authority that overthrows the accuser so that truth and light shine and justice prevails.  In Jesus name.

- "There are those who rebel against the light; They do not know its ways Nor abide in its paths."  (Job 24:13) 

8. Amid U.S. nuclear talks, Iran provokes by firing missiles, inviting Venezuelan leader for visit - Just The News

Iran fired missiles in a provocation toward Israel and invited Venezuela's socialist leader for a visit as it continued to antagonize the West in the midst of slow-moving negotiations to stop Tehran's nuclear program.

The official IRNA news agency reported the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps fired 16 surface-to-surface missiles Friday at the end of five days of military drills in the desert, airing footage of the missile launches and suggesting it was a warning to Israel.

These exercises were designed to respond to threats made in recent days by the Zionist regime,” Major General Mohammad Bagheri told the state television network.

Meanwhile, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, a socialist, revealed Sunday he was invited by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to visit Tehran soon to finalize new cooperation agreements with Iran. (Read more)

- Holy One, we ask You to intervene on Persia/Iran and be the One to knock down every missile that is shot towards Israel.  Cause this rogue regime to stop harassing and threatening Israel and the U.S.  We also ask that the alliance between Iran and Venezuela would be disrupted and undermined in Jesus name and that Venezuela would be delivered from its dictatorship.

- "Also I will make justice the measuring line, And righteousness the plummet; The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, And the waters will overflow the hiding place."  (Isaiah 28:17)

9. Troops encouraged but not required to get COVID-19 booster shot - Fox News

U.S. service members will be highly encouraged to get a COVID-19 booster shot, but it will not be mandatory.

"All DoD personnel are strongly encouraged to receive the booster dose to protect themselves against COVID-19," reads guidance released by the Department of Defense Tuesday. "Individuals 18 years of age or older, who completed a primary vaccination series with an mRNA vaccine (i.e., Pfizer-BioNTech/Comirnaty or
Moderna) at least six months ago, and those who received a Johnson & Johnson shot at least two months ago, are eligible for a booster dose."

While booster shots are only being encouraged, initial vaccinations will still be a requirement for service members, Fox News has confirmed.

The news comes after the Pentagon said earlier this month that there were "active discussions" within the DoD about requiring vaccine booster shots for troops, with Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby saying that Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin "absolutely encourages people, if they can and if they qualify, to get the booster. But right now there is no requirement for it." (Read more) 

- Father God, we are grieved that our men and women in uniform are still being required to take these vaccines, with no religious exemption in place. Although the booster may remain an option, nevertheless, we find the tyranny of mandating the vaccines to be intolerable. We ask for a miracle of grace and divine intervention that all mandates be lifted from our military. In Your name, amen.

- "“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted."          (Job 42:2)  

10. Donald Trump, Melania send Christmas gifts to girl injured in Missouri tornado that killed sister - Just The News

Former President Donald Trump and his wife Melania sent boxes of Christmas presents to Avalinn Rackley, a 7-year-old girl who was severely injured by a Missouri tornado earlier this month that also killed her sister Annistyn.

Avalinn's grandmother, Pam Moore, filmed the 7-year-old's reaction to the news that the former president sent her gifts, The Daily Mail reported. In the video posted on Christmas, Avalinn sat next to her father, Trey, wearing matching Christmas onesies, in front of two large boxes. Her grandmother said, "These boxes came in the mail, and they are from...President Trump! Both of these boxes. Can you believe it?"

Avalinn grinned with excitement. She then squealed, "Oh my God!" and leaned back into the couch while wearing a back and neck brace for her injuries.  (Read more)  

- Father, this is a heart-warming story in the midst of a tragic nightmare.  We pray for every single family that has suffered loss and injury, and ask that Your lovingkindness would extend through many people to them.  Bless President and Melania Trump for showing the way of compassion.

- "The humble also shall increase their joy in the Lord, And the poor among men shall rejoice In the Holy One of Israel."  (Isaiah 29:19) 

11. CDC severely cuts back estimate of prevalence of Omicron variant in the US - The Blaze

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention severely revised its estimate of the prevalence of the Omicron variant on Tuesday.  Previously the CDC had estimated that as many as 73.2% of coronavirus cases nationwide were due to the Omicron variant on Dec. 18. The new estimate dials it down to 22.5% for the same date.

As of Dec. 25, the CDC estimates that Omicron accounts for 58.6% of coronavirus cases.

“There was a wide predictive interval posted in last week’s chart, in part because of the speed at which Omicron was increasing,” explained CDC spokesperson Jasmine Reed to Politico. “We had more data come in from that timeframe and there was a reduced proportion of Omicron," she added.

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb tweeted a response to the new finding. "Setting aside the question of how the initial estimate was so inaccurate, if CDC’s new estimate of #Omicron prevalence is precise then it suggests that a good portion of the current hospitalizations we’re seeing from Covid may still be driven by Delta infections," wrote Gottlieb. (Read more)

- Lord God, we are constantly being told to "follow the science," but these figures prove that "science" is not a reliable source of truth. We thank You for Your Word, which is ALWAYS true and does not lie. Thank You, Holy One, for the comfort we find in You, for You are the stability of our times. In Your name, amen and amen.

- "Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105) 
The Daily Jot

As The COVID Science Turns

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, December 28, 2021

The soap opera “As the COVID Science Turns” is once again raising many questions about the contagion. The Supreme Court will decide if the government can force you to put an experimental serum into your body by threatening your livelihood, the ability to sustain yourself, or even travel outside your home. These are very weighty decisions that likely will impact your freedom and your health in the years and decades to come. This is the result of allowing the government to intrude into an individual’s healthcare. The focus of news in 2021 has been about convincing people they will die from a contagion with a 99% survival rate. Anything else, they say, is misinformation. But wait, there’s more.

The Centers for Disease Control is now saying that the “science” it is using has changed, announcing a policy change on quarantining from 10 days to five days after testing positive for COVID. CDC justified the decision saying, “the change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, generally in the 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms and the 2-3 days after.” The “science” demonstrated the very same transmission a year ago. This is really nothing new, except a justification of a policy change. This must be similar “science” on whether to wear a mask or not—it changes with the political science. Read More 

Russia 'not bluffing' on NATO rollback:
warns of ‘large-scale conflict in Europe’

Russia will not drop a demand that NATO “be rolled back” to its 1997 boundaries, according to a senior Russian envoy, a requirement backed by the threat of “a large-scale conflict in Europe” arising out of Ukraine.

“We are not bluffing,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Monday, per state-run TASS. “These are our real proposals. The West’s awareness of this needs to be facilitated, and we are going to make every effort to achieve it.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has amassed military forces around Ukrainian borders, ostensibly due to the dangers presented by Ukraine joining NATO at some future date. Putin’s team, which oversaw the annexation of Crimea and the invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014, portrays the latest round of tensions a consequence of NATO expansion over the last 25 years, raising the prospect of a major war in Europe.

“It is important to lower the degree of confrontation caused by the way our U.S. colleagues are looking after their Ukrainian proteges,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview published Sunday. "The course on dragging Kyiv into NATO with the prospect of deploying attack missile systems near our borders creates unacceptable threats to Russia’s security, thus provoking serious military risks for all parties involved, up to a large-scale conflict in Europe.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wants to join NATO, but that process has been stalled for nearly two decades. President Joe Biden said in July that "it remains to be seen” whether Ukraine ever will “meet [the] criteria” for membership in the trans-Atlantic alliance, but Russian officials want NATO to close the door on the idea. (Washington Examiner) Read more. 

Signs & Wonders
Seattle sees coldest day since 2010 as record
snow smothers West

Residents across the Pacific Northwest who were dreaming of a white Christmas had their dreams answered a day late as the latest in a line of storms spread accumulating snow across the region.

Snow fell all along the Interstate 5 corridor, including in Portland and Medford, Oregon, along with Seattle. However, few, if any, flakes fell near the Pacific coast.

"Snow totals for the Seattle area ended up being generally on the order of 2-4 inches on Sunday, with northern areas experiencing locally higher accumulations," AccuWeather Meteorologist Mary Gilbert explained.

Fans that are used to enduring wet weather to cheer on the Seattle Seahawks found themselves in a snowstorm on Sunday afternoon as the Seahawks hosted the Chicago Bears. Officials frequently had to tend to the field due to the snow.

This is right around the date that Seattle typically experiences its first measurable snow of the season and well before other cities across the country. Chicago, which typically gets snow by mid-November, has yet to measure any snow this season. Read More

The Good News Corner
'We ALWAYS Go to the Lord': NC Sheriff Refuses to Remove Bible Verse From Wall After Atheist Group Complains
One North Carolina sheriff is standing his ground against a group of atheists who are demanding that a Bible verse be taken down from a wall inside the sheriff's department.

Columbus County Sheriff's Office proudly displays Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me," which motivates and inspires Sheriff Jody Greene and his staff as they strive to protect their community.

Yet, members of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) say the sheriff's office should "recognize its obligation to provide all citizens with an environment free from religious endorsement."

FFRF argued, "Over one-third Americans are non-Christians, and this includes the more than one in four Americans who now identify as religiously unaffiliated. The message that is up in the sheriff's building alienates this huge portion of the American population."

Sheriff Greene acknowledged the pushback from the atheist group in a Facebook post last week.

"Here at the Sheriff's Office, we work hard in everything that we do. Before we execute a search warrant or any service that puts our people in immediate harms way, we ALWAYS go to the Lord with a group prayer. ALWAYS!"  

"I was raised in church. I have been in law enforcement for over thirty years. My training taught me to value God, family, and my country," Greene wrote. "Companies spend thousands of dollars on motivational classes, to come up with motivational slogans. My motivation comes from the greatest motivational speaker of all times, Jesus Christ."  (CBN) Read more. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
Love Wins! YHVH is Sovereign!
Today, on this Shabbat morning, I was awakening and preparing to get out of bed, when I sudden dropped into a deep open vision. It was like a dream, except that I was actually there in the scene … feeling, touching, hearing and being fully part of the experience, as if it was happening in real time.  Here is what I experienced:

My husband and I were walking through the darkness of night along a city street, lit by street lamps. We were heading toward a dark forest, located just across the road from where we were walking. As we stepped off the curb to cross the street, I became aware that that I was carrying a number of objects in my arms. Those objects appeared to be fabric, bean-filled, bags, approximately 12 inches by 4 inches in size. There were a few smaller bean bags being gripped in my hands as well. I don’t know the number of bean bags that I was carrying, but the fabric used to create them was like satin.  It became obvious very quickly that these objects were difficult to hold, as they proved to be very slippery. As I reached the middle of the street, a few of the bags fell on the road, as they slipped out of my arms. I had to stop briefly to gather them up again.  
Read More
Classic Hymns

Trust and Obey 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: John Sammis
Music: Daniel Towner

Scripture: O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in You. Psalm 84:11–12

When we walk with the Lord
In the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will,
He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey,
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus,
But to trust and obey.

Not a shadow can rise,
Not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear,
Not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.


Not a burden we bear,
Not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss,
Not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.


But we never can prove
The delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows,
For the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.


Then in fellowship sweet
We will sit at His feet.
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do,
Where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.


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