The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, Dec 21, 2021
Merry Christmas 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021
To listen to the teaching given last night by Terry Barnes on the meaning of the Migdol Edar, please go here. 
The call to prayer in the night will continue through Christmas night, December 25th. Join Dutch Sheets, Matt Lockett and thousands of others across our land in praying for our nation in a private time of prayer every night this month. Our main focus is the protection of the nine Supreme Court justices from occult "attacks" in the night. To sign up and join this "tsunami" of intercession in the night, please go here. Thank you. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "The First Noel" by Chris Tomlin. Go here!


"For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
 Of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end,
Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom,
To order it and establish it with judgment and justice
From that time forward, even forever.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."

(Isaiah 9:6,7)


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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers. 

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Biden FDA Legalizes 'Abortion by Mail': 
'More Mothers Will Die, More Children Will Die' 
On Thursday, the Biden administration said it is reversing two decades of bipartisan precedent and will allow pregnant women to receive the abortion pill by mail, clearing the way for a landmark policy change that pro-lifers warn will have a devastating impact on women’s health and safety.

At issue is a policy backed by the administrations of Presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump that requires the abortion pill to be dispensed in-person, such as in clinics or doctor’s offices.

Pro-choice groups had urged the Food and Drug Administration to loosen the restrictions and allow women to receive the pill by mail.

On Thursday, the FDA released a new policy stating that the abortion pill “must be prescribed by or under the supervision of a certified healthcare provider.” Gone is the previous requirement that it “only be dispensed in clinics, medical offices, and hospitals.”
The Biden FDA previously had jettisoned the in-person requirement for the pandemic. Under the new policy, those looser restrictions are permanent. (Christian Headlines)
Read more here.
- Lord, we pray this rule down in the mighty Name of Jesus. We ask that you find a way to remove it regardless of it being “permanent.”

- “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27) 

1. Gantz: ‘Iran doesn’t have bargaining chips – End its time-dragging strategy’ - World Israel News

Defense Minister Benny Gantz addressed the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday and called “to put an end to Iran’s ‘time-dragging’ strategy.”

Gantz discussed recent developments vis-à-vis Iran and spoke about his recent visit to the US.

He explained that “Iran’s domestic situation presents an opportunity for the international community. Iran is not a leading power – its citizens are suffering as a result of the poor economic situation, investments and development have been slashed by 50 percent in the last decade, and the country faces a variety of internal and external challenges. The Iranian regime is well aware of this situation and as such, Iran is coming into negotiations without real bargaining chips. It is possible and necessary to put an end to Iran’s ‘time-dragging’ strategy.”

The Defense Minister cryptically added, “We are deepening international cooperation, and I am certain that soon – both overt and covert actions will be expanded, by a variety of means.” (Read More)  

2. First female Military Secretary to the President appointed - Israel National News

In a historic decision, President Isaac Herzog decided today to appoint Colonel "N." as the next Military Secretary to the President of the State of Israel and to promote her to the rank of brigadier general. The decision was made through an organized recruitment process and in coordination with Defense Minister Benny Gantz and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi.

Maj. Gen. "N." will succeed Brig. Gen. Alaa Abu Rukun, who has served in the role for the past three years. Maj. Gen. "N" has served in the IDF for twenty-two years, serving as IDF Central Command's chief intelligence officer for the past year and a half. During her military career, she has held a series of commands in the field and in staff roles. "N." is forty years old, lives in central Israel, is married with two children, and holds degrees in the history of the Middle East.

President Isaac Herzog: "I congratulate Maj. Gen. 'N.' on her appointment and I trust and am confident that she will be a welcome addition to my team of advisors, and that her professional and personal talents will bring tremendous value to the institution of the Presidency, the IDF, and the whole State of Israel. The glass ceiling is being smashed every day in Israel and I am proud that during my Presidency, another glass ceiling is being smashed, by a worthy and promising officer. I want to thank Brig. Gen. Alaa Abu Rukun for his devoted service at the President's Residence and for his significant contribution to the IDF and the State of Israel." (Read More) 

3. Chile's president-elect backs BDS, accuses Israel of 'genocide' - Israel Hayom

Chilean President-elect Gabriel Boric, who won his country's election on Sunday with close to 56% of the vote, on Monday called for the people to join him in "building bridges."

However, the progressive Boric's anti-Israel positions are causing worry in the Chilean Jewish community.

Like many politicians on the Latin American Left, Boric, 36 – who on March 22 will be sworn in as Chile's youngest-ever president – holds clear positions about the foreign policy he intends to lead. (Read More) 

4. Palestinians shoot at IDF as it maps out demolition of terrorist homes - Jerusalem Post

They are believed to be involved in Thursday’s shooting terror attack near the site of the former Homesh settlement that claimed the life of 25-year-old Yehuda Dimentman.

Serious clashes broke out between Palestinians and the IDF in the pre-dawn hours of Monday as soldiers mapped out the homes of four terror suspects so it can weigh the demolition of the structures as a punitive measure.
Palestinians shot at the soldiers as they operated in the village of Silat al-Harithiya, where the four were arrested the day before. (Read More)  

5. Amnesty International Campaign to Support Palestinian Activist Fuels Youth Hatred of Israel, German Group Warns - Algemeiner

A German group warned schools last week to be cautious about Amnesty International’s “Write for Rights” campaign, accusing it of engaging in “blatant incitement against Israel.”

The German-Israel society (DIG) condemned the education campaign by Amnesty International, which encourages schools and youth groups to take action in support of Janna Jihad. According to Amnesty, the 15-year-old Palestinian activist is being “harassed for exposing Israeli violence,” and faces “death threats and intimidation” for speaking out against “Israel’s oppressive system.”

Uwe Becker, president of the DIG, said that “Instead of being the impartial guardian of universal human rights, [Amnesty International] takes the side of Hamas and company and uncritically adopts the arguments of terrorists.”

“I condemn this form of institutional hatred of Israel I can only advise every school to be careful in dealing with this action and at least not to simply use the case study of the young Palestinian Janna in class,” he added. (Read More)  

The Daily Brief
1. . China creating 'brain-control weapons' and weaponizing biotech, US says | American Military News
The U.S. Department of Commerce suspects a Chinese military academy and eleven of its associated research institutes are developing technology to support the Chinese military, including brain-control weaponry.
On Friday, the Commerce Department added 37 Chinese, Georgian, Malaysian, and Turkish entities to the restricted Entity List. The Commerce Department took particular note of China’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences (AMMS) and its 11 affiliated research institutes “based on the body of information that AMMS and its eleven research institutes use biotechnology processes to support Chinese military end uses and end users, to include purported brain-control weaponry.”
The Commerce Department did not elaborate further on what evidence it has seen of the Chinese entities developing “brain-control weaponry,” but Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo indicated China could use those weapons both offensively against external adversaries, as well as crack down on its ethnic minority Uyghur population.
“The scientific pursuit of biotechnology and medical innovation can save lives. Unfortunately, the [People’s Republic of China] is choosing to use these technologies to pursue control over its people and its repression of members of ethnic and religious minority groups,” Raimondo said. “We cannot allow U.S. commodities, technologies, and software that support medical science and biotechnical innovation to be diverted toward uses contrary to U.S. national security.”
Lord, we plead the Blood of Jesus over our Nation. We tear down the plans of China in the Name of Jesus and pray that nothing they do will prosper.

- “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against you in judgment you will condemn.” (Isaiah 54:17)    

2. Senate confirms Rahm Emanuel as ambassador to Japan, plus dozens more Biden nominees - The Washington Post

In its final business of the year, the Senate confirmed Rahm Emanuel, the controversial former Chicago mayor and White House chief of staff, as ambassador to Japan early Saturday morning on a bipartisan vote.
Emanuel’s confirmation came as Senate Democrats struck a deal with Republicans to advance dozens of other Biden administration nominees, including ambassadors to major U.S. allies that had been sitting in limbo because of opposition from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who sought to force a vote that could block the Russian-owned Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
After days of fits and starts, an agreement finally came together early Saturday morning as senators of both parties itched to begin their holiday recess. Democrats agreed to a pipeline vote next month in return for the confirmation of nearly 50 ambassadors — including envoys to Ireland, Switzerland, Sweden and the European Union — plus several other Biden administration nominees.

- Lord, we pray that nothing these nominees do will be able to undermine America. We pray that You will hover over them and bind their minds and lips to Your heart. We rebuke the plans of the Biden administration to use them as tools to advance their agenda.

- “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.” (Proverbs 1:5) 

3. U.S. sees Iran nuclear breakout time as really short-senior official | Reuters
The United States believes Iran’s breakout time to producing enough highly enriched uranium for one nuclear weapon is now “really short” and alarming, a senior Biden administration official told reporters on Friday.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, did not have a precise time for the breakout, which has been estimated to be a matter of months.
“But it’s really short. It is unacceptably short,” the official said, calling it “alarming”.
The official said Andrea Gacki, the Treasury Department’s director of foreign asset control, was in the United Arab Emirates earlier this week urging private companies not to evade sanctions against Iran.

- Lord, we pray against the plans of Iran and ask that You stop the Islamic  regime from their plans. We erect a hedge of protection of the power of God around both Israel and the United States. We ask for a mighty move of Your Holy Spirit over Iran, to change hearts and minds.
- “And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel  11:19) 

4. Federal Judge Dismisses Preliminary Injunction Aimed at Protecting Religious Freedom of Artists - Milton Quintanilla (

On Monday, a federal judge dismissed a preliminary injunction aimed at protecting religious freedom, essentially ruling that a New York photographer cannot decline to photograph same-sex weddings because of her religious convictions.
According to The Christian Post, Judge Frank Geraci, Jr. of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York, dismissed a preliminary injunction by Emilee Carpenter of Emilee Carpenter Photography against the state’s anti-discrimination law.
“New York has a compelling interest in ensuring that individuals, without regard to sexual orientation, have equal access to publicly available goods and services, and that the Accommodation clause is narrowly tailored, as applied to Plaintiff, to serve that interest,” Geraci wrote in the ruling.
“As a result, even if the Accommodation clause compels speech or expressive association in a manner that implicates Plaintiff’s free-speech and free-association interests, the provision survives strict scrutiny,” added Geraci.
In April, Carpenter filed a lawsuit against the state of New York over an anti-discrimination law that would require her to photograph and blog about same-sex weddings. As a Christian, Carpenter felt her religious freedom was being violated because she would have to “promote messages that violate her religious beliefs or require her to participate in religious ceremonies that violate her religious beliefs, something she cannot do.”

- Lord, we continue to see attacks against Christians over their religious beliefs in every area from cake decorators, florists, and now photographers. We ask that You grant peace to those who have been persecuted for their faith and provide a way for them to navigate the now difficult paths of business.

- “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” (1 Peter 4: 12-14)

5. White House ripped for doomsday winter message of 'severe illness and death' for unvaccinated people | Fox News
The White House was viciously mocked over the weekend after pushing the message that unvaccinated Americans would experience a winter of "severe illness and death" due to the omicron variant of the coronavirus
President Biden, as well as White House COVID response coordinator Jeff Zients, each pushed the messaging last week, with the former issuing the stark and gloomy warning to Americans following a Thursday White House briefing on the pandemic.
"I want to send a direct message to the American people: Due to the steps we've taken, omicron has not yet spread as fast as it would have otherwise done," Biden said.
"But it's here now, and it's spreading, and it's going to increase ... We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated – for themselves, their families and the hospitals they'll soon overwhelm," he added. "But there's good news: If you're vaccinated, and you have your booster shot, you're protected from severe illness and death."
Zients repeated the warning the following day while giving an update from the COVID response team.
"We are intent on not letting omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You’ve done the right thing, and we will get through this," he said. "For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm."

- Lord, we immediately reverse this curse and declare it null and void. In Jesus’ Name and by His authority we say No to the doom and gloom.

- “So a curse without cause shall not alight.” (Proverbs 26:2b) 
“Return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double.” (Zechariah 9:12)

The Daily Jot

The Tyrannical Psychology Of The Flu Wars

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, December 20, 2021

“For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death–if you’re unvaccinated–for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. But there’s good news: If you’re vaccinated and you had your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death–period.” With these words Joe Biden codified the political narrative that the unvaccinated are the villains in this apocalyptic theatre of COVID 19. If you are unvaccinated, you are going to die from a disease that has a 99.3% survival rate. You are an enemy of the vaccinated, even though the COVID variants are rapidly  spread by the vaccinated. Experts say Biden may be employing a type of psychological warfare that leads to tyranny.

It’s a condition called Mass Formation Psychosis. Professor of Clinical Psychology at Belgium’s Ghent University Mattias Desmet says there are four conditions that set up a society for Mass Formation Psychosis: the lack of social bonds, lack of sense-making, free-floating anxiety, and free-floating psychological discontent—then society is highly at risk for the emergence of mass phenomenon. He says all four were present when the COVID pandemic occurred. This psychosis causes people to be so entirely focused on an issue, like they are hypnotized, that they are insensitive to all the personal losses they experience as a consequence (i.e., loss of freedom) and are radically intolerant of dissonant voices. Read More

by Gary Bauer
Yesterday, Sen. Joe Manchin seemed to drive the final nail into the coffin of the Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Schumer "Build Back Better" bill.  It was actually a "build back bad" bill that would have taken us down the road toward socialism, fundamentally transforming America for generations.
Here's my quip for the day: Biden was finally right about something.  He said the bill wouldn't cost anything.  Well, if they don't pass it, he's right! 
If you could see me right now, I'm doing a little dance in my office.  But it's only a little dance. 
The full weight and fury of the left has come down on Manchin's head in the last 24 hours.  He's being threatened.   The White House press secretary essentially called him a liar.  Every socialist in Congress (here and here) is calling for his scalp.  The worst people in America are furious, and, sadly, they have a lot of money and power. 
Some Democrat insiders are claiming that Manchin's statement is just another negotiating tactic.  Don't forget that he is on the record saying he could support a $1.5 trillion bill, but not this $5 trillion monstrosity. 
Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer announced this morning that he will bring the Build Back Better bill to the Senate floor for a vote "very early in the New Year."  And he vowed that the Senate will "keep voting on it until we get something done."
But the Biden White House is clearly on the defensive.  This Politico headline says it all: "Biden Promised Competence And Order. Chaos And Uncertainty Are Winning."

The deep split in the Democrat Party is impossible even for the leftist media to ignore. 
Emergency Prayer Request for the Philippines

375 dead, 56 missing after typhoon slams Philippines 

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The death toll from the strongest typhoon to batter the Philippines this year climbed to 375, with more than 50 others still missing and several central provinces struggling with downed communications and power outages and pleading for food and water, officials said Monday.

At its strongest, Typhoon Rai packed sustained winds of 195 kilometers (121 miles) per hour with gusts of up to 270 kph (168 mph) before blowing out into the South China Sea on Friday.

At least 375 people were killed, 56 were missing and 500 were injured, according to the national police. The toll may still increase because several towns and villages remained out of reach due to downed communications and power outages, although massive cleanup and repair efforts were underway.

Many were killed by falling trees and collapsing walls, flash floods and landslides. A 57-year-old man was found dead hanging from a tree branch and a woman was blown away and died in Negros Occidental province, police said.

Governor Arlene Bag-ao of Dinagat Islands, among the southeastern provinces first hit by the typhoon, said Rai’s ferocity on her island province of more than 130,000 people was worse than that of Typhoon Haiyan, one of the most powerful and deadliest typhoons on record which devastated the central Philippines in November 2013 but did not inflict any casualties in Dinagat.

“If it was like being in a washing machine before, this time there was like a huge monster that smashed itself everywhere, grabbed anything like trees and tin roofs and then hurled them everywhere,” Bag-ao said by telephone. “The wind was swirling north to south to east and west repeatedly for six hours. Some tin roof sheets were blown away and then were tossed back.” (AP) Read more. 

- Father God, in these end times, the forces of nature are moving more and more out of control. Whether we are seeing tornadoes in Kentucky or this typhoon in the Philippines, we continue to entrust all to you who are in the paths of these storms. Please bring comfort to those who have lost loved ones; and hope, strength and encouragement for those who have survived. We call forth resources from many organizations who can now step in and help the survivors as they recover what they have lost and begin to rebuild their lives. Come, Lord Jesus we pray, come. In Your name we offer this prayer, amen and amen.

- " . . .Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:19)
Magnitude 6.2 earthquake strikes offshore Northern California

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Dec 20 (Reuters) - A 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck offshore in the Cape Mendocino area of Northern California, followed by aftershocks that rattled nerves and caused items to fall from shelves, authorities said Monday.

No major damage or injures were reported

The quake struck at a depth of 9 km (5.6 miles) in the Pacific Ocean about 24 miles (39 km) west of the tiny community of Petrolia along the rocky wilderness of California's Lost Coast region in Humboldt County, the United States Geological Survey and the Humboldt County Sheriff's Department said.

The quake did not trigger a tsunami warning because of the nature of the fault system from which it came, seismologist Lucy Jones posted on Twitter.

No injuries were immediately reported after the quake struck at 12:10 p.m. local time, Humboldt County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Samantha Karges said in an email. No evacuations have been ordered in the sparsely populated region.

Workers and crews were deployed to check for damage to roadways, and two roads were closed due to rock slides caused by the shaking, Karges said. In the southern part of the county, numerous aftershocks were recorded along the coast, her department said on Twitter. Read More

- Father God, we thank You that, in spite of the severity of this quake, there were no injuries or deaths reported in this part of northern California. Thank You, Lord, amen! 

Supreme Court Asks Biden Administration
to Respond to Flurry of Challenges to
OSHA Mandate

President Joe Biden’s administration was directed on Monday to reply to a flurry of fresh challenges to its private employer COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a Trump nominee, told administration officials to file responses to applications from faith groupscompanies, and attorneys general from over half the states in the country by 4 p.m. on Dec. 30.

That’s just days before the mandate’s deadline.

“This case is finally where it belongs: the Supreme Court. OSHA has threatened to start punishing employers like our clients starting on January 10, and we’re grateful the court has ordered a briefing schedule that will allow for resolution of our petition before that deadline,” Daniel Suhr, managing attorney at the Liberty Justice Center, told The Epoch Times in an email.

“We’re very pleased with Justice Kavanaugh’s quick response and are confident that the court will act quickly to ensure legal predictability before the deadline,” John Bursch, a lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom, added.

Kavanaugh is dealing with the matter because the appeals court that issued the ruling that prompted the challenges is under his jurisdiction.

The mandate in question was promulgated by the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). If allowed to take effect next month, it will force every business with 100 or more employees to get proof of a negative COVID-19 test on at least a weekly basis or proof of vaccination from each worker. Companies that don’t comply would face escalating fines.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in November entered a preliminary injunction against the mandate, questioning its constitutionality. But the case was redirected by lottery to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, which on Friday dissolved the stay.

OSHA said it was “gratified” by the ruling and would begin imposing the mandate on Jan. 10, 2022. The official deadline, though, is Jan. 4.

The rule could be paused anew by the Supreme Court, which quickly received appeals from the Word of God Fellowship, The Heritage Foundation, Ohio’s attorney general, BST Holdings, and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Absent a new stay, parties would be irreparably harmed, they argued in the filings.

Institutions fear losing workers who don’t want to get a vaccine and also don’t want to get tested regularly, possibly at their own cost. (Epoch Times) Read more.  

- Father, this breaking news brings joy and hope to our hearts. Thank You, dear Lord, that Justice Kavanaugh has taken such quick action to begin to address this case. We know that literally millions of America's workers are waiting to see this mandate overruled, so they can continue in their employment, unhindered by unnecssary vaccine mandates.
Thank You, Lord, amen and amen.

- (For the justices) "Then he set judges in the land throughout all the fortified cities of Judah, city by city, and said to the judges, “Take heed to what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the Lord, who is with you (Jehoshaphat) in the judgment. Now therefore, let the fear of the Lord be upon you; take care and do it, for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, no partiality, nor taking of bribes.” (2 Chronicles 19: 5-7) 
Signs & Wonders
Last meteor shower of 2021 to peak on night
of December solstice

The longest night of the year will have an extra sparkle in the sky as the Ursid meteor shower peaks just hours after the December solstice.

The December solstice marks the official start of astronomical winter in the Northern Hemisphere and comes three weeks after the official start to meteorological winter, which is Dec. 1. This year, the solstice occurs on Dec. 21 at 10:59 a.m. EST.

The December solstice marks the time when the sun's most direct rays are focused on the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere, resulting in the longest day and shortest night of the entire year for countries south of the equator.

Meanwhile, the Northern Hemisphere experiences the shortest day followed by the longest night of the entire year. The long nights provide ample time for stargazing, and with the elongated nights comes the final meteor shower of 2021.

The Ursid meteor shower is a minor meteor shower that peaks on the night of Tuesday, Dec. 21, into the early hours of Wednesday, Dec. 22. Read More

The Good News Corner
'Serve Christ by Making Him Known': Missionary Explains What Makes Serving Others Exciting and Adventurous
One man is sharing his story about the miracles he's encountered while serving in the mission field with the hope of inspiring others to get involved with missionary work.

During an episode of the podcast, Soul of the Wild with Josh Doyle, Danny MacKay talked about a mission trip he took during September in Botswana, Africa.

"We got to go into an area in western Botswana, right on the border Namibia to work amongst the Basarwa people who are kind of like indigenous people. They've been marginalized. They've had a lot of their land taken from them. Very remote, very difficult to get to and a crazy amount of them have never heard the Gospel before. There's not a lot of ministries that don't go to them."

He continued, "We were just going to show up in these communities and just go love them, share with them, sit down with them, and let them know that we care about them."

He talked about a number of unexpected things that happened at the beginning of the trip but God remained in control of the situation.

"Right out of the gate, our translator's car broke down so they didn't show up for the first day we were supposed to go out and make contact with the Basarwa. So we're driving two hours down these crazy roads," MacKay said. "We finally got to the first community called Kabul. We went to the chief of the whole village, not speaking his language at all." (To read
the rest of this testimony, please go here.)
Source: CBN News 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
    JOY to the world and its garbage dumps
I love how the LORD uses little people, like you and me. On a zoom call to Malawi yesterday our dear brother Joseph Kazembe was led to speak and pray during the call while he traveled by car through the poorest section of Lilongwe, Malawi's capitol. There, children were eating from a garbage dump.

As he described the scene, the Lord gave me these two words: worship center.

Here is Joseph's account:
Subject: Joy to the world

What a great inspiration came to me for first time passing by damping site while praying seeing these precious souls who are human beings like us. The voice of angel was like singing to me saying joy to the world the king is born, the same time the word of a brother who said about the love that touched my innermost part of my being and tears coming out while praying  
I felt the action of holly spirit saying, come and show them that someone in heaven loves them ,
Can we carry the burden of them during this Christmas season and not only that buy making this place  a worship center. I want to be their uncle and lead them to the father of fatherless 
Yes , yes yes  I went to the following, to buy groceries, 10 bags of maize , one used bale of clothes ,
And celebrate with them the love of God ,
10 bags           = 80,000
3 Bales sugar      = 60,000
1bale used clothes. =250,000
Total.              390,000MK
Read More
Classic Hymns

Hark the Herald Angels Sing 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Charles Wesley
Music: Felix Mendelssohn

Scripture: A great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests. Luke 2:13–14

Glory to the newborn King;
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph of the skies;
With th’angelic host proclaim,
Christ is born in Bethlehem!


Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the newborn King!

Christ, by highest Heav’n adored;
Christ the everlasting Lord;
Late in time, behold Him come,
Offspring of a virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
Hail th’incarnate Deity,
Pleased with us in flesh to dwell,
Jesus our Emmanuel.


Hail the heav’nly Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Ris’n with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die.
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.


Come, Desire of nations, come,
Fix in us Thy humble home;
Rise, the woman’s conqu’ring Seed,
Bruise in us the serpent’s head.
Now display Thy saving power,
Ruined nature now restore;
Now in mystic union join
Thine to ours, and ours to Thine.


Adam’s likeness, Lord, efface,
Stamp Thine image in its place:
Second Adam from above,
Reinstate us in Thy love.
Let us Thee, though lost, regain,
Thee, the Life, the inner man:
O, to all Thyself impart,
Formed in each believing heart.

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