The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Apr 8, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, April 8, 2022
Make plans now to join us this Monday at 8:00 p.m. for our weekly CHPP Conference
Call. Our guest speaker will be Rabbi Eric Teitelman and his topic will be the prophetic meaning of the Passover. God bless you all!

Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT
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Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! (Isaiah 55:11)
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Hold On to Me" by Lauren Daigle. Go here! 

“Judgment is turned away backward, and justice stands afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." (Isaiah 59:14)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Senate confirms Biden nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court

The Senate Thursday confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court and fulfilled President Biden's campaign promise to appoint the first Black woman to the high court.

The vote was bipartisan, 53-47, with Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Mitt Romney of Utah voting for Jackson. The Republican senators previously announced their support for the history-making confirmation saying she is well-qualified. Vice President Kamala Harris presided over the confirmation vote Thursday afternoon. (Read more)

- Our great and mighty Father in Heaven, we, Your people,  stand shocked and aghast at this appointment.  We stand shocked and aghast at the course of events in our nation since the Presidential elections of 2020!  Father, we know that many of those seated in Congress who voted in favor of this Justice are there only because of fraudulent voting activity.  Yet, You have allowed this, so show us how to respond - repentance, prayer, writing letters, speaking the truth bodlly - and we will be obedient to Your bidding..  We thank You that this appointment will not take effect until October and we ask that You make it clear to us what You would have us do in the interim. We trust You and we look to You, Father.  Amen. 

- Deut. 16:18 -20  You shall appoint for yourself judges and officers in all your gates which the LORD your God is giving you according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment.  You shall not distort justice, you shall not be partial, and you shall not take a bribe . . . Justice and only justice you shall pursue that you may live and possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you.

Isa. 33:22 - For the LORD s our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us.  
Border Crisis! Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Says He Will Bus Illegal Immigrants Dumped in Florida to Biden's Home State of Delaware 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Wednesday that he would send the illegal immigrants dumped by Biden’s administration in Florida to Biden’s home state of Delaware.

Governor DeSantis vowed to transfer the illegal immigrants to sanctuary states like Delaware, saying they now have the funding for rerouting.

It can be recalled that DeSantis introduced a proposal last December to add $8 million to the state’s budget in order to send those illegals out of the Sunshine State and into Democrat areas such as Marthas Vineyard and Biden’s home state of Delaware.

“If businesses or contractors are dumping people who are illegal into Florida from Southern Texas, you know, we’re going to go after their ability to do business in Florida,” Gov. DeSantis said Wednesday after he signed the No Patient Left Alone Act into law in Naples, Florida.

“If Biden is dumping people, which he has dumped people, they fly them in at 2 in the morning. They haven’t done it lately, but they did it many months ago. We now have money where we can reroute them to sanctuary states like Delaware. And we’re going to do that, to make sure we’re keeping people safe here.” DeSantis asserted. (Gateway Pundit)
Read more here.  

- Hallelujah, Lord Jesus! We praise God that another governor is showing the courage to stand up to the illegal overreach of the Biden Administration regarding the shipping of illegal immigrants to these states. Thank You, Lord, for the courage of Gov. DeSantis in Florida and Gov. Abbott in Texas. Keep each one safe, we pray, and may their strategies to protect their citizens be amazingly successful. In Your Name, amen and amen.

- "When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Proverbs 16:7) 

1. RED ALERT!! 2 dead, 8 wounded in Tel Aviv terrorist attack - Israel National News

Terrorist shooting attacks have been reported at several sites in central Tel Aviv Thursday night. 

According to preliminary reports, two people people have been killed and eight wounded, up from earlier estimates of six wounded.

"At 9:00 p.m., MDA's 101 call center in the Dan Region received reports of multiple victims wounded in shootings at multiple locations, including on Dizengoff Street, Gordon Street, and nearby, in Tel Aviv," an MDA spokesperson said Thursday night.

"MDA paramedics are providing treatment to a number of wounded victims with varying degrees of injuries at the scene." (Read more)  

2. ‘Mentally ill’ Arab attacks Jew in Samaria, subdued by bystander - World Israel News

A Palestinian man broke into the Ramat Migron outpost, some 14 kilometers (8.6 miles) north of Jerusalem in the Binyamin region of Samaria, and violently attacked a Jewish resident of the community until a bystander managed to subdue him.

The violence began on Thursday afternoon when a Jewish member of the community noticed the unfamiliar Arab man lingering near a residence where a woman and child were home alone.

According to reports in Hebrew-language media, the Migron resident asked the stranger to identify himself. Rather than doing so, he jumped on the Jew, punching him in the head and body repeatedly. (Read more)  

3. At rally of supporters, Netanyahu calls on right to unite and ‘return home’ to Likud - Times of Israel

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu attended a right-wing rally held in Jerusalem on Wednesday evening, calling on right-wing lawmakers in the coalition “to return home,” amid a coalition crisis that has revived his hopes of toppling the government and returning to power.

The rally, attended by thousands of right-wing activists, was originally meant to protest the rampant violence that has recently swept the country, with a wave of deadly terror attacks not seen in years.

But dramatic events unfolding since Wednesday morning shifted the focus of the event toward internal politics, with Netanyahu calling on Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to resign and urging unity among right-wing lawmakers.

Earlier Wednesday, MK Idit Silman, a member of Bennett’s Yamina party and the coalition whip, announced she was quitting the coalition, citing the continued “harming” of Jewish identity in Israel as the main reason for her defection. Her departure left the coalition without a parliamentary majority, and put it in immediate danger of collapse. (Read more)  

4. Israeli Immigration Minister Visits Ukraine to Boost Aliyah Efforts - Algemeiner – Israeli Aliyah and Integration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata visited the Israeli field hospital in Mostyska on Thursday, together with a delegation of Jewish Agency and Karen Hayesod leaders.

Tamano-Shata and the delegation landed in Poland on Wednesday, where it met with Jewish refugees from Ukraine who are immigrating to Israel, according to the Jewish Agency.

The purpose of the trip is to formulate new ways to rescue Jews from the war-torn region, and also to “strengthen the cooperation and coordination between the various bodies operating abroad and in Israel in order to promote efficient absorption of olim (immigrants) in Israel upon their arrival,” according to the Agency. (Read more) 

5.  BREAKING! UN votes to suspend Russia from Human Rights Council, with Israel’s backing - Times of Israel

UNITED NATIONS — The UN General Assembly voted Thursday to suspend Russia from the global organization’s leading human rights body over allegations of horrific rights violations by Russian soldiers in Ukraine, which the United States and Ukraine have characterized as war crimes.

The vote was 93-24 with 58 abstentions, significantly lower than the vote on two resolutions the assembly adopted last month demanding an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, withdrawal of all Russian troops, and protection for civilians. Both of those resolutions were approved by at least 140 nations. Still, the measure received the two-thirds support needed to pass.

Russia is the second country to have its membership rights stripped at the Human Rights Council, which was established in 2006. In 2011, the assembly suspended Libya when upheaval in the North African country brought down longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Gen. Milley Says Risk Of 'Significant Conflict' Between Great Powers Is Increasing – ZeroHedge

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley warned Congress on Tuesday that the chances of a “significant international conflict between great powers” are increasing. Milley warned that both China and Russia are threats to the so-called “rules-based” global order.

“We are now facing two global powers: China and Russia, each with significant military capabilities both who intend to fundamentally change the rules-based current global order,” Milley told the House Armed Services Committee. “We are entering a world that is becoming more unstable. The potential for significant international conflict between great powers is increasing, not decreasing.”

Gen. Milley further called Russia's action the "greatest threat to peace and security of Europe, perhaps the world in my 40 years of service and in uniform."

"The Russian invasion of Ukraine is threatening to undermine not only European peace and stability but global peace and stability that my parents and a generation of Americans fought so hard to defend," he described. (Read more) 

 - Two things we know for certain, Father God, is that the government is upon Your shoulder and that You are shaking everything that can be shaken. We ask for mercy in the days ahead and pray that the “potential for war between great powers” begins to decrease. May we hear and heed Your voice calling for repentance from what appears to be a stampede into unrighteousness both here and on global levels. Holy Spirit, impart Your power and wisdom to Your church worldwide; teach and enable us to pray skillfully for all in authority and to walk in Your assignments requiring bold speech and action. May our “National Defense Strategy” be:
- If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.  (II Chronicles 7:14)   

2. IMF official warns Western sanctions on Russia are threatening the dollar as world’s reserve currency – NewsTarget

Recently imposed economic and financial sanctions on Russia by the U.S.-led West after Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion of Ukraine are weakening the dominance of the U.S. petrodollar as the world’s reserve currency, according to a ranking International Monetary Fund official.

IMF First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath told The Financial Times last week that the sanctions are going to result in a global financial system that is far more fragmented and multipolar than it was prior to the invasion and resulting sanctions.

Previously, Gopinath had opined that sanctioning Russia would not have much impact on the dollar’s demise as the global reserve currency, only that the war would slow world economic growth without actually leading to a recession, The Epoch Times added. (Read more)

Lord God, we ask that You impart wisdom to nations regarding sanctions and pray that You would cause the global financial system to stabilize. May it follow Your plans and Kairos timetable for the world’s economy. Again, we plead with You, Abba, to cause the Russian invasions to cease by strategies  that You know are best. May Your people--worldwide-- join You in comforting those who mourn, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and providing for the material needs of the Ukrainians. Above all, we ask for a multitude of salvations and for Your name to be glorified in the midst of these horrific circumstances.

- "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven.  (Ecclesiastes 3:1)  

3. Russian Stocks Gain, Ruble Steadies Despite Further Sanctions Planned From West – The Epoch Times

Russian stocks largely shrugged off threats of further sanctions from the West on March 6, making gains after previously sliding earlier in the day amid threats of further sanctions from the West, while the Ruble stabilized.
The dollar-denominated RTS index fell to 979.34 points before reducing losses and adding 0.4 percent on the day to 1,008.9 points by 07.49 am (GMT).
Its ruble-denominated MOEX Russian index also gained 0.4 percent to 2,674.1, although that figure is still significantly far off from an all-time high of 4,292.68 it reached in October.
Shares in Russia’s second-largest oil company, Lukoil, also jumped 3.5 percent higher, outperforming the broader market. The oil giant is the first major Russian firm to speak out against Putin’s decision to invade its neighbor.
Its peer Gazprom Neft, the third-largest oil producer in Russia, added 2.5 percent. (Read more)
- Lord God Almighty, we confess that the world has allowed the Russian genocide and war-crimes in the Ukraine to continue. We ask that You impress Your wisdom and ways upon Joe Biden, European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen and leaders of other nations with the means to help “turn the tide”. Visit them in the night in dreams and visions; may they see the Russian invasion through Your eyes and receive Your strategies to deal with it. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.
- For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it.  In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride, (Job 33:14-17) 

4. House Republicans seek to force a vote on 'dangerous' new Iran nuclear deal – Fox News

House Republicans are pressing to ensure Congress gets to vote on a new Iran nuclear deal — and expect to get help from Democrats who have also raised serious concerns about rejoining the 2015 agreement. 

The top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul, said Wednesday he's launching a discharge petition in the House to ensure the Biden administration complies with the 2015 Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act that requires congressional review and a vote. 

"We're drafting a discharge petition to mandate that the administration comply with the law," McCaul, R-Texas, said Wednesday at a press conference with many other Republicans opposed to rejoining the Iran nuclear agreement. 

Noting Democratic opposition to the proposed deal, McCaul suspects that the Biden administration will avoid bringing anything before Congress and suggested the White House has some "some pretty darn good lawyers" that will "try to get around the law." (Read more)

- Hallelujah Lord, for unity in Congress coming against a new, more lenient deal with Iran on nuclear activities.  We pray that this unity will result in the current restrictions staying in place and the world being a safer place.  Lord, we pray that the administration will be unable to find a way around the restriction of putting it before Congress and all other attempts to shortcut to a new deal will fail.  Thank You, Lord for Your protection.

- "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."  (Ephesians 4:3)  

5. High Gas Prices Caused by Biden Policies, Say Republican Lawmakers – The Epoch Times

As House interrogates energy execs over high prices, lawmaker points out previous hearing when production was discouraged
Historically high gas prices are largely a result of Biden administration policies, not simply Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and other GOP senators argued at a press conference April 6.
“The problem is that the oil is in Louisiana and Texas and Oklahoma and Kansas and North Dakota and Alaska and in many other states, but the dipsticks are in Washington, D.C.,” said Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.).
The lawmakers held their press conference at the same time as a House hearing, “Gouged at the Gas Pump: Big Oil and America’s Pain at the Pump,” in which executives at ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell, and other energy companies underwent a grilling as they tried to defend their industry—an event Sen. Daniel Sullivan (R-Alaska) likened to a show trial.
He said that a House hearing six months earlier had seen representatives go so far as to suggest that oil and gas companies produce less—a stark contrast to today’s event, during which House Energy & Commerce Chair Frank Pallone claimed that those firms’ profits “are coming at the expense of the American people, who need you to dramatically increase production, not shareholder wealth.” (Read more)   
- Dear Lord, how we see the oil industry is pulled this way and that according to the whim of the political elites!  Lord, we pray that the public will not be deceived into thinking that the price of oil is solely due to the invasion of Ukraine by Putin; but that they will remember that one of the first things the current administration  did was to shut down so many  important aspects to the production and processing of oil in our own country.  In the name of Jesus, we strongly come against the policies that have caused these high prices and declare that our God-given resources will once again flow freely.  

- "When the wicked arise, men hide themselves; but when they perish, the righteous increase."  (Proverbs 28:28)
6. ‘Woke’ Transgender and LGBTQ+ Policies Under Fire in Oregon School District – The Epoch Times
 Republican gubernatorial candidate and mayor of Sandy, Oregon, Stan Pulliam has called out what he describes as a “radical agenda” in the second-largest school district in the state.Salem-Keizer’s Public School’s new LGBTQ+ policies “encourage teachers to embrace the brilliance of the LGBTQ+ community.” Its K-12 curriculum will “work to include gender and sexuality diversity in ways relevant to the subjects taught.”
“While Salem-Keizer students are struggling to catch up from two years of their schools failing to get them an adequate education, administrators are now implementing a new agenda on our kids that has nothing to do with learning and everything to do with woke personal agendas,” Pulliam wrote on his campaign website on April 5.
The district’s new policies include allowing students in K-12 to use the gendered bathrooms and locker rooms of their choosing and letting students pick the gendered sports team of their choice with no conditions.
“Athletes will also be given access to the same facilities as their teammates.” “This kind of woke agenda has no place in our schools,” continued Pulliam. “My daughters—just like everyone else’s—deserve fairness by playing on sports teams with other girls. They deserve the privacy of changing rooms and bathrooms with girls only.
“Schools have no business telling kindergarteners they can pick the gender and the bathroom of their choosing. It’s absurd and it’s not their job. Parents know best, not school district administrators. Period.” (Read more) 

- We praise You, Father, for this gubernatorial candidate who is voicing the desires of parents all over the country for sanity in schools regarding the teaching of sexual matters to the youngest of children and then favoring those who are confused about sexuality.  Oh, Lord, please remove this perversion from our land and from being presented to our young people.  May Your beautiful view of sexuality present in Your Word prevail in our nation. Amen!

- "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."  (Genesis1:27)   

7. Latest Pfizer document dump shows the company had to hire 2,400 new employees to handle wave of COVID “vaccine” adverse events – Pandemic News

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has produced  another 11,043 pages of Pfizer documents, one of them showing that the company had to hire an additional 2,400 employees to handle the onslaught of adverse reactions caused by its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine.”
Page 6 of FDA-CBER-2021-5683-0000059 clearly states: “Due to the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event reports received for the product, the MAH [marketing authorization holder] has prioritized the processing of serious cases, in order to meet expedited regulatory reporting timelines and ensure these reports are available for signal detection and evaluation activity.”

The document goes on to reveal that Pfizer did “multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports.”
“This includes significant technology enhancements and process and workflow solutions, as well as increasing the number of data entry and case processing colleagues. To date, Pfizer has onboarded approximately 600 additional full-time employees (FTEs). More are joining each month with an expected total of more than 1,800 additional resources by the end of June 2021.” (Read more)   
- Father, we praise You that truth is no longer hidden! Thank you for answered prayer in exposing that which was concealed in the dark. Bring accountability and put an end to the deceptive plans of our enemy. Hide Your people under the shadow of Your wings, protecting us from tyranny, for You alone bring life- In Jesus name, Amen.

- "The words of the wicked are like a murderous ambush, but the words of the godly save lives."  (Proverbs 12:6) 

8. Arizona Attorney General Releases Maricopa County 2020 Election Interim Report – Individuals To Be Prosecuted For Election Fraud – Gateway Pundit

The entire investigation has been delayed by Maricopa County’s ‘document preservation & production issues.’ The Attorney General reported to Arizona Senate President Karen Fann that his office is still receiving new information and that Maricopa County has still not fully complied with document requests.
This is similar to noncompliance issues faced by the Arizona Senate and Cyber Ninjas while conducting the full forensic audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election.
What have they been hiding? 
The letter to Karen Fann said, “The EIU’s review has uncovered instances of election fraud by individuals who have been or will be prosecuted for various elections crimes.”
Mark Brnovich tweeted, “We can report that there are problematic system-wide issues that relate to early ballot handling and verification.”
The report reveals that “between 100,000 and 200,000 ballots were transported without a proper chain of custody,” and signature verification standards were greatly decreased in the 2020 election. The Attorney General concluded that “Maricopa County failed to follow the EPM procedures when transporting 20% of the early ballots from drop box locations to MCTEC.”
The Attorney General alleges that 381 out of 1,895 Early Voting Ballot Transport Statements were missing required information such as ballot counts, audit signatures, courrier signatures, election department receiver signals, and documentation of security seals. (Read more)   

- Hallelujah-Lord we PRAISE You for the undeniable exposure of Election Fraud! Bring Your justice quickly that even the media will reveal truths that were once considered conspiracy. May this be the beginning of wide-spread exposure and prosecution throughout our nation. Father, set Your plumb-line over America they we may live to honor You and have peaceful elections-In Jesus name, Amen.
- "Deceit fills hearts that are plotting evil; Joy fills hearts that are planning peace." (Proverbs 12:20) 

The Daily Jot

The Tragic Comedy

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, April 7, 2022

Barack Obama returned to the White House Tuesday for the first time since leaving office to join forces with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and yuck it up with each other in some sort of presentation over extension of socialist healthcare. You remember the Affordable Care Act—of “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” fame. The act was passed in midnight darkness without one Republican vote, promising to lower health insurance. Well, it was all a lie. Doctors were not really retainable and healthcare insurance soared as the government took its chunk of change over and above. And with COVID many perished because of government mandated treatments that didn’t work. That’s Obamacare folks.

Nevertheless, these intrepid defenders of physical and mental health met at the White House for a jolly good reunion to pay homage to the 2010 passage of socialist healthcare. Harris introduced Obama, who took the podium and opened with, “Vice President Biden, Vice President (laughter)–that was a joke. (Applause.)  (President Obama hugs President Biden.)  That was all set up. (Laughter.) My President, Joe Biden; Vice President Harris…I confess I heard some changes have been made (laughter) by the current President, since I was last here.  Apparently, Secret Service agents have to wear aviator glasses now. (Laughter.)  The Navy Mess has been replaced by a Baskin Robbins. (Laughter.)  And there’s, there’s a cat running around (laughter)–which I guarantee you Bo and Sunny would have been very unhappy about. (Laughter.)” Read More

20 Alarming Facts About The Emerging Global Food Shortage

By Michael Snyder/Economic Collapse Blog 
April 05, 2022

A very alarming global food shortage has already begun, and it is only going to get worse in the months ahead.  I realize that this is not good news, but I would encourage you to share the information in this article with everyone that you can.  People deserve to understand what is happening, and they deserve an opportunity to get prepared.  
The pace at which things are changing around the globe right now is absolutely breathtaking, but most people assume that life will just continue to carry on as it normally does.  Unfortunately, the truth is that a very real planetary emergency is developing right in front of our eyes.  The following are 20 facts about the emerging global food shortage that should chill you to the core...(Read more)

- Father, as we read these alarming and accurate headlines, let us turn to You, the Author and the Finisher of our faith, and the One who fed 5,000 with only 5 loaves and 2 fish. Grant us Your wisdom, O Lord, so that when this time comes, we will be able to care not only for ourselves, but also for those in need. In Your Name, amen and amen.

- "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)  
450GB of Hunter Biden Laptop Material to be Released Within Weeks 
A whistleblower who's fled the United States for Switzerland has vowed to drop '450 gigabytes of deleted materialfrom Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, which he says he also gave the the Washington Post, New York Times, and Sen. Chuck Grassley - all of whom he says sat on it for months. 

For the past two weeks, former Steve Bannon War Room co-host Jack Maxey has been hiding in Zurich, where he told the Daily Mail he's been working with IT experts to dig more data from Hunter's 'laptop from hell,' and that he'll post it all online in a searchable database in the coming weeks.

Maxey says the data includes 80,000 images and videos, and more than 120,000 archived emails.

"I came here so that we could do a forensic examination of Hunter's laptop safely in a country that still respects human liberty and the ideals of liberal democratic principles," he told the Mail. "I do not believe this would have been possible inside the United States. We had numerous attempts on us from trying to do things like this there." (Zerohedge) Read more here. 

- Father God, we thank You for the courage of Jack Maxey, and his dedication to finding the truth regarding Hunter Biden's laptop. We ask that You keep him, and all the data he is accumulating safe, under the shelter of Your wings. We repent that our nation no longer "respects human liberty and the ideals of liberal democratic principles," as Maxey has stated. Lord God, help us to return to the core principles of our democratic republic, so that we may all walk in truth and be governed accordingly. Amen.

- "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32) 
See the full list of 51 deep state “intelligence” officials who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop to try to defeat Trump in 2020

If any reasonable, thinking American doubted the existence of a “deep state” before Donald Trump became president, they were treated to a four-year object lesson in just how real it is.

Trump, the ultimate outsider candidate who had no political skeletons, was too popular to be canceled, and could not be bought off because he was already a billionaire, rankled and frightened the powerbroker elite in Washington because he really did believe in his “America First” agenda that they will never accept because they profit off of selling America out.

As such, the deep state went after Trump with a vengeance that was unprecedented against a president, even prior Republicans like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, the latter of whom is fully ensconced in the elitist D.C. power structure. The intelligence community came together like never before to spread lies about Trump, drop false narratives and plant fake stories that were eagerly parroted by the legacy left-wing media that serves as little more than the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party.

The final act of the politically weaponized deep state, however, came just a few weeks prior to the 2020 election in November.

In mid-October, the New York Post, citing emails, photos and other materials found on a laptop Hunter Biden had abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware in 2019, published a series of bombshell reports detailing what a (creep) he is and how he used his father’s connections to land lucrative business deals and positions with foreign governments and companies, with a kickback percentage going to Daddy Joe.

It was only after the election and Joe Biden had been safely installed in the White House that some media outlets began to confirm The Post’s original reporting. Politico did last year; The New York Times did so just last week in a report noting that Hunter Biden remains under investigation by the Justice Department for potential violations of the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) and tax fraud.

By the way, The Post followed up with those 51 now-former intelligence community officials, and in an editorial published earlier this week, the paper noted that it had tried to contact all of them to see if they had any remorse for claiming — falsely — that Biden’s laptop may have been Russian disinfo. None did. Here is the list, per The Post:(Go here)

Signs & Wonders
UFOs left 'radiation burns' and 'unaccounted for pregnancies,' new Pentagon report claims
1,500 pages of UFO related research were just declassified as part of a FOIA request.

Encounters with UFOs have reportedly left Americans suffering from radiation burns, brain and nervous system damage, and even "unaccounted for pregnancy," according to a massive database of U.S. government reports recently made public through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The database of documents includes more than 1,500 pages of UFO-related material from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) — a secretive U.S Department of Defense program that ran from 2007 to 2012. Despite never being classified as secret or top secret, the AATIP only became known to the public in 2017, when former program director Luis Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon and released several now-infamous videos of an unidentified aircraft moving in seemingly impossible ways to the media.

Shortly after the AATIP's existence was revealed, the U.S. outpost of the British Tabloid The Sun filed a FOIA request for any and all documents related to the program. Four years later — on April 5, 2022 — the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) honored the request by releasing more 1,574 pages of material to The Sun.

According to The Sun, the cache of documents includes reports on the biological effects of UFO sightings on humans, studies on advanced technologies such as invisibility cloaks, and plans for deep space exploration and colonization. Some portions of the documents were "withheld in part" for privacy and confidentiality concerns, the AATIP told The Sun. Read More

The Good News Corner
Judge Acquits Jan 6 Defendant on All Charges 

A federal contractor was acquitted by a judge on April 6 of four charges in relation to entering the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Prosecutors failed to prove that Matthew Martin, who worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, committed crimes when entering the Capitol for about 10 minutes, U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden ruled.

McFadden, a Trump nominee, said it was reasonable for Martin to believe that outnumbered police officers allowed him and others to enter the Capitol through the Rotunda doors on Jan. 6. The judge also said Martin’s actions were “about as minimal and non-serious” as anyone who was at the Capitol that day.

“I think the definitive factor was that Matt Martin did not break the law,” lawyer Dan Cron, representing Martin, told reporters after the verdict. “We had the benefit of a lot of video evidence, and the judge had a chance to see it.”

“I am very thankful for the judge’s verdict, and I’m hoping to get my life back together and my job back,” Martin said. (The Epoch Times) Read more.

- Holy One, we rejoice together with this patriot over his acquittal and thank You for giving him the wisdom and courage to stand strong in the face of intimidation and imprisonment.  We pray, Abba, for more acquittals to be extended to the many others who have been denied their due process rights up to this very day.  We bless this judge for rightly dividing the truth and pray that wickedness taking place behind the scenes would be exposed and recompensed, in Jesus name.

- "The Lord also will roar from Zion, And utter His voice from Jerusalem, The heavens and earth will shake; But the Lord will be a shelter for His people, And the strength of the children of Israel."  (Joel 3:16)   

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Teach me Thy Way, Lord

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Benjamin Ramsey

Scripture: Teach me Thy way, O Lord. Psalm 86:11

Teach me Thy way, O Lord,
Teach me Thy way!
Thy guiding grace afford,
Teach me Thy way!
Help me to walk aright,
More by faith, less by sight;
Lead me with heav’nly light,
Teach me Thy way!

When I am sad at heart,
Teach me Thy way!
When earthly joys depart,
Teach me Thy way!
In hours of loneliness,
In times of dire distress,
In failure or success,
Teach me Thy way!

When doubts and fears arise,
Teach me Thy way!
When storms o’erspread the skies,
Teach me Thy way!
Shine through the cloud and rain,
Through sorrow, toil and pain;
Make Thou my pathway plain,
Teach me Thy way!

Long as my life shall last,
Teach me Thy way!
Where’er my lot be cast,
Teach me Thy way!
Until the race is run,
Until the journey’s done,
Until the crown is won,
Teach me Thy way!

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