Legislative Snapshot

Legislative Snapshot - July 24, 2021
Legislative Snapshot
United We Stand                  July 24, 2021
Please plan on joining us again this Monday for our weekly CHPP National Conference Call. Speakers/topics will include:
- Pastor Jeff Daly: report on the global ZOOM call for South Africe last week
- (to be named) - Report on the meeting in Lebanon, KS on Friday
- Regina Minor, D.C. intercessor: report from D.C.

Date: Monday, July 26, 2021
Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT
Conference number: 712-770-4160
Access Code: 616137#


Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

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The Daily Brief:
Legislative Snapshot
Saturday, July 24, 2021

"For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

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"We the People"

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Former Obama Doc: 'Serious Stuff Going On' with Biden Will Soon Lead to Resignation or 25th Amendment 

Former White House physician Dr. Ronny Jackson sounded alarm bells Thursday night over the mental condition of President Joe Biden.

Jackson was a White House doctor during the presidencies of George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump before he entered the political sphere and was elected last year as a Republican congressman from Texas. Jackson was interviewed Thursday on the Fox News show “Hannity” concerning Biden’s appearance at a Wednesday night town hall event.

Jackson said Biden’s performance only buttressed the congressman’s concerns that the president’s mental acuity is fading fast.

“Something’s SERIOUSLY wrong with Biden – and it’s only going to get WORSE! It’s past the point of embarrassment. He’s lost. He’s confused. He can barely put a coherent sentence together. He MUST have a cognitive exam and release the results!” Jackson tweeted as he shared a video of his segment on “Hannity.”

“I’ve been saying this from the very beginning. I’ve been saying that something’s going on here. I was saying this when he was candidate Joe Biden, and I’ve been saying that it’s only going to get worse,” he said.

“And guess what? We’re watching that happen right before our eyes right now,” he said.

“And I’m at the point right now where, you know, I went from — you know, telling people we should be concerned about what might potentially be going on to now saying, hey, what — what is happening right now?” he said. (Western Journal) Read more.   

- Father God, we bring this report before Your Throne of Grace, for You are the Great Physician. Holy One, we pray that You would sustain Biden during the time that he is in office, with all of his wits about him so he can govern our nation with wisdom. Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayer, in Your name, amen and amen.

- "As the day is, so shall be thy strength." (Deuteronomy 33:25)

Mississippi Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Roe v. Wade in Abortion Case

Mississippi’s attorney general asked the U.S. Supreme Court on July 22 to overturn the landmark abortion decision Roe v. Wade and argued that the practice shouldn’t be considered a constitutional right. “The conclusion that abortion is a constitutional right has no basis in text, structure, history, or tradition,” Attorney General Lynn Fitch, a Republican, told the nine justices in a new court filing.

The high court in May agreed to hear Mississippi’s appeal of a 2019 court ruling striking down a state law that prohibited abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy. That case—Dobbs v. Jackson—is expected to be argued when the Supreme Court’s term starts in October.

In the brief, the Mississippi attorney general noted that the Constitution’s text doesn’t mention abortion and said adhering to the 1973 decision is “dangerously corrosive to our constitutional system.” The Supreme Court at the time ruled that abortion could be legalized prior to viability, which is generally the 24th week of pregnancy.

The initial brief filed by the state, filed in June 2020, argued that the state’s Gestational Age Act complied with existing legal precedent and suggested Roe v. Wade should be overturned if the Supreme Court could come up with no other way to uphold Mississippi’s law.

The July 22 court brief, however, appears to recast that argument and now targets Roe v. Wade itself and a 1992 follow-up Supreme Court decision—Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

“Abortion is fundamentally different from any right this Court has ever endorsed,” Fitch wrote. “No other right involves, as abortion does, ‘the purposeful termination of a potential life.' Roe broke from prior cases, Casey failed to rehabilitate it, and both recognize a right that has no basis in the Constitution. Heightened scrutiny of abortion laws can never serve those aims,” the attorney general said, “because the Constitution does not protect a right to abortion, it provides no guidance to courts on how to account for the interests in this context.” (Epoch Times) Read more.

- Father God, we praise You that this case has finally reached the Supreme Court. We ask that Your wisdom would guide those who are now preparing to argue this case for LIFE on behalf of the Attorney General of the State of Mississippi, with the skill that only You can bring to this hearing.Thank You, Lord, amen and amen and amen. Let victory be ours, in Your Holy Name. Amen.

- "For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding." (Proverbs 2:6)
Pro-Life Democrats praise Manchin’s support for Hyde

A group of pro-life Democrats has praised Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., for working to preserve a longstanding ban on the use of taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions and is calling on another pro-life Democrat to seek the White House in 2024.

Manchin co-wrote a letter calling on the influential Senate Appropriations Committee to include the Hyde Amendment in the Department of Health and Human Services’ funding bill for fiscal year 2022, slated to begin Oct. 1. The letter, dated Wednesday, was co-authored by Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., and addressed to Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., as well as the committee’s ranking member, Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala.

“We write to express our support for the Hyde Amendment, which has been included in annual appropriations bills on a bipartisan basis since 1976,” they began. The senators explained that “this amendment prohibits federal funding for elective abortion coverage, except in the case of rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is in danger, through any program funded through the Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act.”

The letter concluded with a warning that “repealing this provision would eliminate over 40 years of bipartisan precedent.”

In an interview with The Christian Post, Dan Green, the national communications director for the pro-life group Democrats for Life of America, praised Manchin’s letter as “awesome,” adding, “Joe Manchin has personally promised to us that he’ll do everything he can to save the Hyde Amendment.” According to Green, “We fully expect that he will maintain Hyde … in the Senate and that it ultimately will be in the final bill.”

. . . “I think that despite the challenges right now, I think the pro-life movement is growing, I think it’s becoming more diverse, I see that with our work at DFLA,” he maintained. “In this kind of post-Trump era, I’m seeing a lot of more liberal pro-lifers rise up, some more diverse pro-lifers who come from different backgrounds like atheists, nontraditional backgrounds, and I think we’re starting to build a more bipartisan movement that isn’t just conservatives who are pro-life but are just people from all different backgrounds.”

Since both the Senate and the House have to agree on the contents of the budget bill, Manchin’s opposition to a spending bill without the Hyde Amendment could pave the way for a stalemate between the two chambers. If the House and the Senate fail to reach an agreement by midnight on Oct. 1, the government will shut down unless lawmakers agree to support a continuing resolution that will fund most of the federal government at existing levels of spending for a limited period of time. (Christian Post) Read more.  

- Father God, we thank You, once again, for Senator Joe Manchin. We pray that this movement towards LIFE will continue to gain support and to grow in both the Senate and in the House. We pray for the preservation of the Hyde Amendment in the Senate, and we ask for Your hand of protection to rest upon all members, in both the Senate and in the House, who stand for life. In Your Name, dear Lord we pray, amen and amen.

- " . . . He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6)

Daily Digests: M 7/19 PDFT 7/20 PDFW 7/21 PDFTh 7/22 PDF
PrayersCommittee Reports

Cuba-related speeches and resolutions: Waltz, Diaz-Balart, Rubio, LaMalfa, S.Res.310, Grothman, Correa, and others

Related Headlines:

House of Representatives

The House declined to consider H.R. 18, to prevent taxpayer funding of abortion, 12 times.

House Democrats Block Bipartisan Bill Declassifying COVID-19 Origins

Considered Pursuant to a Rule

H.R. 2467: PFAS Action Act of 2021
House Bill Regulates Toxic Chemical; GOP Opponents Say It Goes Too Far

H.R. 3985: Allies Act of 2021
House Votes to Raise Cap for Afghans Who Helped U.S. Personnel


Leader Remarks: 7/19, 7/20, 7/21, 7/22

Senate Republicans Block Debate of $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Package • negotiators near deal • eye on Monday redo

Unanimous Consent

Senate unanimously passes bill to strengthen crime victims fund

National Security

Bipartisan Trio Joins Forces In An Attempt To Claw Back War Powers From President

House Republican Presses Biden on Removal of Military Equipment From Middle East

US Navy’s Shipbuilding Plan Doesn’t Meet Congress’ Needs, Lawmakers Say

Most Sailors Perceive ‘Crisis of Leadership and Culture’ in Navy, Congressional Report Says

Foreign Policy

McCaul: ‘US must stand strongly in favor of freedom of expression and association in Iran

Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member: Not a single member of Congress supports the completion of Nord Stream 2 Russian pipelineStatement

McCaul: “America Stands for Everything the Cubans are Fighting For: Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy.”, ‘Cubans deserve liberty and all that it entails’Joint Statement Condemning Cuban Regime’s Violent Repression of Peaceful Protests


Biden Calls Voting Rights Bills ‘Imperative’ to Fight GOP Curbs

Second Amendment

House Republicans Urge ATF to Abandon Restrictions on Stabilizing Braces


House Republicans Urge Biden to Reject Democratic Immigration Push

Cawthorn bill would ban using federal funds to compensate airlines for illegal immigrant flights

Tax Policy

McConnell raised concerns about Biden administration proposed changes to capital gains taxes that would affect 'asset rich but cash poor' farmers Senators from agricultural states raised concerns about the impact of tax increases proposed in the American Families Plan on rural farmers

Federal Spending

Taxpayer funding of abortion increases the pressure on women to abortJoe Manchin Will Oppose Democrats’ Attempt to Overturn Hyde, Make Americans Fund AbortionsCatholic Bishops Ask Pro-Life Americans to Flood Congress With Calls Against Tax-Funded Abortions

Watchdog: HHS Should Update Congress on COVID-19 Spending Time Frames

How Congress Keeps Putting Us Further Into Debt

White House: Biden’s $4.5 Trillion Infrastructure Bills Won’t Push Inflation Higher

Infrastructure in Senate: 'Civilian Climate Corps' to be part of Senate Democrats' billWeekend talks continueSenate Deal in Sight After Medicare AgreementCable Fears Ease as Senators Aim Broadband Subsidies to UnservedSenate Infrastructure Bill Drops IRS Funding Provision, Portman Says

Infrastructure in House: House Dems unload on bipartisan infrastructure negotiationsDeFazio Blasts Bipartisan Senate Infrastructure Plan Biden Backs, warns he's no rubber stamp for Senate infrastructure billDemocrats warn leadership against excluding House from infrastructure talks

Sen. Graham says he'll follow the lead of Texas House Dems who fled state and leave for vote on spending bill


Schumer Urges State Department to Shift Personnel to Clear Post Pandemic Visa/Passport Surge

House Republicans Propose Impeachment Resolution Against Biden’s ATF Nominee


Rep. Nancy Mace on the 'Free Britney Act' introduced in CongressH.R. 4545

Commerce Policy

EPA squeeze on aftermarket car part sellers hurts classic car industry, Lankford says

Democrats Eye Penalties for Utilities That Miss Climate Targets

House panel may take up bills on meme stocks, family offices

Industry, Unions Urge Congress to Speed Semiconductor Bills

Health Care Policy

Public Health Experts: CCP Virus ‘Likely Originated’ in Wuhan Lab Leak

Technology Policy

As the Use of AI Spreads, Congress Looks to Rein It In

Education Policy

Colleges that provide abortion pills would lose federal funding under Republican billS. 2408, H.R. 4607


Biden Opposes Abolishing Filibuster, Warns It Would Throw Congress ‘Into Chaos’

New chief picked for Capitol Police

Covid cases spook Capitol community

January 6 Committee: Top Republican names five lawmakers to serve on House riot committeeJim Jordan among McCarthy picksPanel chair says Trump will be part of Jan. 6 inquiryHouse GOP hopes committee probes Pelosi knowledge and other 'political violence'Pelosi rejects Jordan, BanksRejected Republicans rip Pelosi after their rejectionMcCarthy yanks all GOP picksRepublicans Threaten BoycottMcCarthy: 'We will run our own investigation'Cheney sides with Pelosi, After Denouncing Move Months AgoPelosi says GOP antics won't stop panel's work, considers adding GOP voices, considering Kinzinger, Riggleman As AdviserPelosi, McCarthy dig in

House contract with tech vendor terminated due to cybersecurity incidents

Black House staffer files lawsuit claiming hostile work environment and discrimination

House Panel Upholds $500 Mask Fines for 3 GOP Lawmakers

Vaccinated Pelosi aide tests positive for COVID after contact with Texas DemsPelosi’s Office Blames Texas Dems for COVID Outbreak

Pending Activity
Committee Activity

House Panel Advances Bill Providing Feds Paid Family Leave

Senate panel adopts Gillibrand’s military justice proposalCongress, Biden Appear Determined to Undermine US Military Justice System

Sen. Risch tears into Stone-Manning amid tied committee vote

Fauci v. Paul and 3 Other Takeaways From Senate COVID-19 Hearing

Commerce Department’s Security Unit Went ‘Rogue’ With Probes, Committed ‘Gross Abuses of Power’: Senate Report

Democrats launch Jan. 6 committee hearing with testimony from police

Warren, Brown Criticize Powell’s Approach on Bank Regulation

Senate committee proposes big Pentagon funding boost

Floor Outlook

Debt-Limit Steps May Run Out in OctoberTreasury to Hit Debt Ceiling by November

House of Representatives

Pelosi Under Pressure to Decide Next Move on Biden’s Agenda


GOP Negotiator Says Infrastructure Deal Will Be Ready Next Week

Schumer: ‘I have every intention of passing both major infrastructure packages’
3 p.m., Monday, July 26, 2021

Program for Monday: Senate will, Lord willing, resume consideration of the nomination of Todd Sunhwae Kim, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Attorney General, and vote on the motion to invoke cloture thereon at 5:30 p.m.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Business meeting to consider the nomination of Jennifer Lester Moffitt, of California, to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Hearings to examine implementation and enforcement of the United StatesMexicoCanada Agreement, focusing on one year after entry into force.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearings to examine cryptocurrencies.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Hearings to examine pipeline cybersecurity, focusing on protecting critical infrastructure.

Energy and Natural Resources
Hearings to examine the President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2022 for the Department of the Interior.

Foreign Relations
Hearings to examine the nominations of
Rufus Gifford, of Massachusetts, to be Chief of Protocol, and to have the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service, and Lee Satterfield, of South Carolina, to be an Assistant Secretary (Educational and Cultural Affairs), both of the Department of State,
Isobel Coleman, of New York, to be a Deputy Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, and other pending nominations.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Hearings to examine resources and authorities needed to protect and secure the homeland.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine building on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the path forward.

Hearings to examine America under cyber siege, focusing on preventing and responding to ransomware attacks.

To receive a closed briefing on certain intelligence matters.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Subcommittee on Economic Policy
Hearings to examine protecting student loan borrowers and the economy in the upcoming transitions.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Foreign Relations
Business meeting to consider
S. 2297, to improve global health,
S. 812, to direct the Secretary of State to develop a strategy to regain observer status for Taiwan in the World Health Organization, an original resolution expressing solidarity with Cuban citizens demonstrating peacefully for fundamental freedoms, condemning the Cuban regimes acts of repression, and calling for the immediate release of arbitrarily detained Cuban citizens, the nominations of
Gentry O. Smith, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary (Diplomatic Security),
Monica P. Medina, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs,
Rena Bitter, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary (Consular Affairs),
Marc Evans Knapper, of California, to be Ambassador to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and
Brian A. Nichols, of Rhode Island, to be an Assistant Secretary of State (Western Hemisphere Affairs), all of the Department of State, routine lists in the Foreign Service, and other pending calendar busines;
to be immediately followed by a hearingto examine the nominations of
Kenneth Lee Salazar, of Colorado, to be Ambassador to the United Mexican States, Jessica Lewis, of Ohio, to be an Assistant Secretary (Political-Military Affairs), and Donald Lu, of California, to be Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs, all of the Department of State, and
Marcela Escobari, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Business meeting to consider the nominations of
Robert Luis Santos, of Texas, to be Director of the Census, Department of Commerce, and
Ed Gonzalez, of Texas, to be an Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Hearings to examine the nominations of Alexander Hoehn-Saric, of Maryland,
Mary T. Boyle, of Maryland, and Richard Trumka, Jr., of Maryland, each to be a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and
Grant T. Harris, of California, to be an Assistant Secretary of Commerce.

Energy and Natural Resources
Subcommittee on National Parks
Hearings to examine the impacts of overcrowding in our national parks on park resources and visitor experiences, focusing on strategic approaches to visitor use management.

Environment and Public Works
Hearings to examine the benefits of investing in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water infrastructure projects.

Hearings to examine building on bipartisan retirement legislation, focusing on how Congress can help.

Foreign Relations
Hearings to examine the nominations of
Kenneth Lee Salazar, of Colorado, to be Ambassador to the United Mexican States, Jessica Lewis, of Ohio, to be an Assistant Secretary (Political-Military Affairs), and Donald Lu, of California, to be Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs, all of the Department of State, and
Marcela Escobari, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development.

Hearings to examine pending nominations.

Closed business meeting to consider pending intelligence matters.

Foreign Relations
Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health Policy
Hearings to examine U.S. trade and investment in Africa.

Hearings to examine America's food supply chain.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Business meeting to consider
S. 1425, to enable the Federal Trade Commission to deter filing of sham citizen petitions to cover an attempt to interfere with approval of a competing generic drug or biosimilar, to foster competition, and facilitate the efficient review of petitions filed in good faith to raise legitimate public health concerns,
S. 1428, to prohibit brand name drug companies from compensating generic drug companies to delay the entry of a generic drug into the market, and to prohibit biological product manufacturers from compensating biosimilar and interchangeable companies to delay the entry of biosimilar biological products and interchangeable biological products,
S. 1388, to require the Federal Trade Commission to study the role of intermediaries in the pharmaceutical supply chain and provide Congress with appropriate policy recommendations, and
S. 1435, to amend the Federal Trade Commission Act to prohibit product hopping.

Armed Services
To receive a closed briefing on the security situation on the Korean Peninsula.

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Hearings to examine the nominations of
Xochitl Torres Small, of New Mexico, to be Under Secretary for Rural Development, and Robert Farrell Bonnie, of Virginia, to be Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation, both of the Department of Agriculture.

Environment and Public Works
Subcommittee on Chemical Safety, Waste Management, Environmental Justice, and Regulatory Oversight
Hearings to examine the nominations of
Stephen A. Owens, of Arizona,
Jennifer Beth Sass, of Maryland, and
Sylvia E. Johnson, of North Carolina, each to be a Member of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board.

From the floor colloquy on next week's schedule:

The House will consider at least 7 of the 12 appropriations bills for fiscal year 2022. Recognizing the importance of completing our work well in advance of the deadline at the end of September, I would let the Members know that, unfortunately--well, first of all, let me say, we have marked up all 12 bills, and they have been reported out of committee. The Senate has not reported out, nor considered a single appropriation bill. And we have 60 days before the end of the fiscal year, approximately, give or take.

The House will consider a seven-bill minibus, H.R. 4502. That bill will include seven appropriations bills: the
• Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies bill; and
• Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies;
• Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies;
• Financial Services and General Government;
• Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies;
• Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies;
• Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.

There will be additional bills on the appropriations. There are, obviously, after the seven, five additional appropriation bills that will be available for consideration. Three of those bills, as I understand it, have been noticed by the Committee on Rules for amendments to be filed. So they will be ready to go next week, and I am hopeful that we will be able to move some of those bills next week. They will be the
Legislative Branch appropriation bill; the
Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriation bill; and the
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs appropriation bill.

That will leave the
• Department of Defense bill and the
• Department of Homeland Security bill.

Lastly, additional legislative items are possible. And that will be our schedule for the week to come. I expect it to be long days, which is why we are going in at 11 a.m. on one day and at 10 a.m. on two of the days, which we usually go in at 12. I would hope that that would preclude us from going very late at night, but I think everybody ought to expect that we will be here into the evening.
Specifically on the removal of the Hyde Amendment to prevent federal funding of abortion, Majority Leader Hoyer said:
I realize that this has made it controversial, having been left out of the bill. I don't know what the Committee on Rules is going to do; we will have to see what they do.
Please pray for the Rules Committee which meets at 2 p.m. on Monday, 7/26, and Tuesday, 7/27, next week. Pray that they would allow a floor vote on including 40-year Hyde Amendment-type protections in all appropriations bills.

House Rules Committee Members:
  • Majority
    • Jim McGovern, Massachusetts, Chair
    • Mark DeSaulnier, California, Vice-Chair
    • Joseph Morelle, New York
    • Joe Neguse, Colorado
    • Ed Perlmutter, Colorado
    • Jamie Raskin, Maryland
    • Deborah K. Ross, North Carolina
    • Mary Gay Scanlon, Pennsylvania
    • Norma Torres, California
  • Minority
    • Tom Cole, Oklahoma, Ranking Member
    • Michael C. Burgess, Texas
    • Michelle Fischbach, Minnesota
    • Guy Reschenthaler, Pennsylvania

On Monday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.

Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:

1) S. 848 - Consider Teachers Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Sen. Mike Braun / Education and Labor Committee)

2) S. 1828 - HAVANA Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Sen. Susan Collins / Foreign Affairs Committee)

3) H.R. 2278 - To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to designate the September 11th National Memorial Trail, and for other purposes, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Gerry Connolly / Natural Resources Committee)

4) H.R. 1029 - Free Veterans from Fees Act (Sponsored by Rep. Greg Steube / Natural Resources Committee)

5) H.R. 1154 - Great Dismal Swamp National Heritage Area Act (Sponsored by Rep. Donald McEachin / Natural Resources Committee)

6) H.R. 1664 - To authorize the National Medal of Honor Museum Foundation to establish a commemorative work in the District of Columbia and its environs, and for other purposes, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Marc Veasey / Natural Resources Committee)

7) H.R. 2365 - Gold Star Mothers Family Monument Extension Act, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Andy Kim / Natural Resources Committee)

8) H.R. 2497 - Amache National Historical Site Act, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Joe Neguse / Natural Resources Committee)

9) H.R. 4300 - Alexander Lofgren VIP Act, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks / Natural Resources Committee)

10) H.R. 2485 - Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Mike Quigley / Oversight and Reform Committee)

11) S. 272 - Congressional Budget Justification Transparency Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Sen. Gary Peters / Oversight and Reform Committee)

12) H.R. 3533 - To establish occupational series for Federal positions in software development, software engineering, data science, and data management, and for other purposes, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Jay Obernolte / Oversight and Reform Committee)

13) H.R. 3599 - Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program Act of 2021, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Ro Khanna / Oversight and Reform Committee)

14) H.R. 1204 - District of Columbia Chief Financial Officer Home Rule Act, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton / Oversight and Reform Committee)

15) H.R. 978 - Chai Suthammanont Remembrance Act of 2021, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Gerry Connolly / Oversight and Reform Committee)

16) H.R. 2617 - Performance Enhancement Reform Act, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Gerry Connolly / Oversight and Reform Committee)

17) S. 2382 - To authorize the National Cyber Director to accept details from other elements of the Federal Government on nonreimbursable basis, and for other purposes (Sponsored by Sen. Rob Portman / Oversight and Reform Committee)

18) S. 957 - To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure that certain medical facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs have physical locations for the disposal of controlled substances medications (Sponsored by Sen. John Kennedy / Veterans' Affairs Committee)

19) S. 1910 - Major Medical Facility Authorization Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Sen. Jon Tester / Veterans' Affairs Committee)

On Tuesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business.

On Wednesday, the House will meet at 11:00 a.m. for legislative business.

On Thursday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for legislative business.

On Friday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business.

H.R. 4502 - Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Agriculture, Rural Development, Energy and Water Development, Financial Services and General Government, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2022 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Rosa DeLauro / Appropriations Committee)

Possible Consideration of H.R. 4346 - Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2022 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Tim Ryan / Appropriations Committee)

Possible Consideration of H.R. 4373 - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2022 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Barbara Lee / Appropriations Committee)

Possible Consideration of H.R. 4505 - Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Matt Cartwright / Appropriations Committee)

Additional Legislative Items Are Possible

Text of Bills for the Week of July 26, 202
Monday — July 26, 2021

• H.R. 4502 — Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022 [Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Agriculture, Rural Development, Energy and Water Development, Financial Services and General Government, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2022]
Committee on Rules

Source: House.gov

Tuesday — July 27, 2021

The Law Enforcement Experience on January 6 th.
Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol

The Promises and Perils of Central Bank Digital Currencies
Subcommittee on National Security, International Development, and Monetary Policy (Committee on Financial Services)

A Fine Scheme: How Court-Imposed Fees and Fines Unjustly Burden Vulnerable Communities
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (Committee on the Judiciary)

• H.R. 267, 2020 — WHIP+ Reauthorization Act
Committee on Agriculture

Markup of H.R. ____, the NIST Reauthorization Act of 2021;
• H.R. 3858, the National Security and Technology Strategy Act of 2021;
• H.R. 4588, the Regional Innovation Act of 2021;
• H.R. ____, the Energizing Technology Transfer Act;
• H.R. ____, the Steel Upgrading Partnerships and Emissions Reduction Act or SUPER Act of 2021

Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

Aging in Place: Examining Veterans Access to Home and Community Based Services
Subcommittee on Health (Committee on Veterans' Affairs)

Wealth for the Working Class: The Clean Energy Economy
Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development (Committee on Small Business)

"The Toxic Legacy of the Mining Law of 1872"
Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources (Committee on Natural Resources)

A Fine Scheme: How Court-Imposed Fees and Fines Unjustly Burden Vulnerable Communities
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (Committee on the Judiciary)

Hybrid Hearing on Oversight of Pandemic Evictions: Assessing Abuses by Corporate Landlords and Federal Efforts to Keep Americans in Their Homes
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis

"The Changing Energy Landscape: Oversight of FERC"
Subcommittee on Energy (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

• H.R. 4346 — Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 2022;
• H.R. 4373 — Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2022;
• H.R. 4505 — Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022

Committee on Rules

NAHASDA Reauthorization: Addressing Historic Disinvestment and the Ongoing Plight of the Freedmen in Native American Communities
Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development, and Insurance (Committee on Financial Services)

Defending the U.S. Electric Grid Against Cyber Threats
Subcommittee on National Security (Committee on Oversight and Reform)

Implementation of the Global Child Thrive Act and Investing in Early Childhood Development
Subcommittee on International Development, International Organizations and Global Corporate Social I (Committee on Foreign Affairs)

The Need to Enhance the Voting Rights Act: Practice-Based Coverage
Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties (Committee on the Judiciary)

Source: House.gov

Wednesday — July 28, 2021

DHS I&A Budget Hearing (Closed)
Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation (Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence)

Markup of Various Measures
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Oversight of the Bankruptcy Code, Part 1: Confronting Abuses of the Chapter 11 System
Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law (Committee on the Judiciary)

"State of the Beef Supply Chain: Shocks, Recovery, and Rebuilding"
Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture (Committee on Agriculture)

Markup of Various Measures
Committee on Financial Services

• H.R. 4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
Subcommittee on Cyber, Innovative Technologies, and Information Systems (Committee on Armed Services)

Food for Thought: Examining Federal Nutrition Programs for Young Children and Infants
Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services (Committee on Education and Labor)

Transforming the FTC: Legislation to Modernize Consumer Protection
Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

• H.R. 4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces (Committee on Armed Services)

Election Subversion: A Growing Threat to Electoral Integrity
Committee on House Administration

FC/OIA Oversight Hearing on The President's FY22 — Budget Priority for the Territories: Medicaid, SSI, and SNAP Parity.
Committee on Natural Resources

• H.R. 4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces (Committee on Armed Services)

Subcommittee on Government Operations (Committee on Oversight and Reform)

DHS's Efforts to Disrupt Transnational Criminal Organizations in Central America
Subcommittee on Oversight, Management, and Accountability (Committee on Homeland Security)

• H.R. 4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
Subcommittee on Military Personnel (Committee on Armed Services)

Source: House.gov

Thursday — July 29, 2021

Financing Climate Solutions and Job Creation
Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

Various Measures
Committee on Homeland Security

• H.R. 4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces (Committee on Armed Services)

Enabling Mission Success from the Ground Up: Addressing NASAs Urgent Infrastructure Needs
Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics (Committee on Science, Space, and Technology)

Hybrid Legislative Hearing on H.R. 273, H.R. 274, H.R. 1569, H.R. 1983, H.R. 2026, H.R. 2325, H.R. 2773, H.R. 2793, H.R. 2848, H.R. 2872, H.R. 3075, H.R. 3128, H.R. 3135, H.R. 3396, and H.R. 4458
Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife (Committee on Natural Resources)

The Cyber Talent Pipeline: Educating a Workforce to Match Todays Threats.
Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation (Committee on Homeland Security)

Democracy in Danger: The Assault on Voting Rights in Texas
Committee on Oversight and Reform

21st Century Food Systems: Controlled Environment Agricultures Role in Protecting Domestic Food Supply Chains and Infrastructure
Committee on Agriculture

Keeping the Pell Grant Promise: Increasing Enrollment, Supporting Success
Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment (Committee on Education and Labor)

Assessing the Federal Governments COVID-19 — Relief and Response Efforts and its Impact.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

The Path Forward: Advancing Treatments and Cures for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Subcommittee on Health (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

• H.R. 4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
Subcommittee on Readiness (Committee on Armed Services)

**POSTPONED** Domestic Violent Extremist Groups and the Recruitment of Veterans
Committee on Veterans' Affairs

Renewable Energy Transition: A Case Study of How International Collaboration on Offshore Wind Technology Benefits American Workers
Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, the Environment and Cyber (Committee on Foreign Affairs)

• H.R. 4350 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations (Committee on Armed Services)

Assessing the State of Americas Seaports: Equipping for a Reopened Economy.
Subcommittee on Border Security, Facilitation, and Operations (Committee on Homeland Security)

Source: House.gov
Our Weekly Call to Repentance

CHPP Welcomes You to Join Us Every Week in One Hour of Repentance

Sunday evening at 10:00 p.m. EDT
Dial 712-770-5350
Access Code: 150411#

Dear Saints,

A lifestyle of REPENTANCE is so close to the heart of God.

Indeed, He commands us to  "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Matthew 3:2

How, then, can we approach His Throne of GRACE, in repentance?

We invite you to join us every week on Sunday evening, as we explore this vital topic together. We present a different prayer focus each week, leading us into repentance, so that we might approach His Throne of Grace in repentance, presenting ourselves to Him as a pure and a spotless Bride, without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27)

Praying together, we desire to fulfill the mandate of Psalm 139:

" Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:24

You can join us, any Sunday evening, at 10:00 p.m. EST by calling:

Access Code: 150411#



". . . and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place."
(2 Chronicles 7:14,15)

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