Legislative Snapshot


“Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ!”

Our latest news is that this bill will now be reviewed by the full
Senate in a hearing next week. So the battle to see this bill defeated continues.

If you have not already done so, please
go to the website for Liberty Counsel and send a fax (free of charge) to both of your senators, voicing your own opposition to the passage of this wicked bill. Details about the
language of this bill are also posted on that site.

Please note, too, that in the Senate, H.R. 5 is named S. 393.

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Update: The Capitol Fencing

Another Road Reopens Near the US Capitol; Local Leaders Say It Isn't Enough

More fencing has come down around the U.S. Capitol and another major road reopened, but local leaders say it isn’t enough.

After the deadly riot at the Capitol Jan. 6, fencing and razor wire went up, cutting off public access to the campus and surrounding roads for blocks in every direction.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, D.C. Council members and residents have been asking U.S. Capitol Police to take down the fence and reopen as many roads as safely possible.

On Monday, Third Street in front of the Capitol reopened. Thursday night, a short stretch of Constitution and Louisiana avenues also reopened.

Bowser said moving the razor wire back and opening the streets is a step in the right direction.

While cars, cyclists and pedestrians can now travel Third Street past the Capitol and then Constitution and Louisiana avenues all the way to Union Station, Council members who represent the neighborhoods most impacted say it's not enough.

At least one more road is set to reopen this week. In a statement, U.S. Capitol Police said, "As part of continuing efforts to help improve traffic and pedestrian flow, crews are modifying parts of the outer fencing in order to open portions of Louisiana Avenue NW and Washington Avenue SW by the end of the weekend.”

According to Capitol Police, a section of Independence Avenue leading to Washington Avenue will reopen by Sunday.

Even third graders at Brent Elementary School a few blocks from the Capitol are letting Congress know how they feel about the fencing. One girl wrote she misses riding her bike to the duck pond. Another wrote, “It feels like we are trapped.” (NBC News4) Read more here.

- Father, tonight we rejoice at this news, slim as it is. We agree with the student who said, "we feel like we are trapped!." We ask that this move to reopen the streets around the Capitol Complex would continue until all these roads are opened again. Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayer. Amen and amen!

- "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." (John 16:24)

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March 15 and 16

We were just made aware of this tremendous opportunity to join with believers across our land and to pray for our nation to seek REVIVAL in these perilous times. The sponsor of this online prayer meeting is: "AMERICA PRAY!"

The INTENTION of America Pray is to call the spiritual leaders of the nation, pastors of churches, and believers to prayer. To assert, with unwavering sincerity, that our only hope is a spiritual awakening. To do this via regular live-streamed updates, interviews, news reports, and prayer, featuring the voices of passionate leaders aiming to awaken the nation’s Christians and intercessors. These periodic events will be anchored by corporate prayer meetings partnered with live- streamed historical and Biblical perspectives and contemporary updates laced with prayer.

Their first virtual prayer meeting will be held, nonstop via a virtual live-streaming event, beginning on this Monday, March 15th from 6:00p.m. to midnight, EST

This meeting will continue the next day, Tuesday, March 16th, from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST.

To learn more about this amazing time of national prayer, led by famous guest speakers from many different ministries,
please go here.


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Recent Floor Activity

Daily Digests: M 3/8T 3/9W 3/10Th 3/11F 3/12Prayers

Related Headlines:

Senate Confirms Merrick Garland As Biden’s Attorney General20 Senate Republicans Join Democrats

Senate Confirms Marcia Fudge As Housing and Urban Development Secretary

Senate Confirms Michael Regan To Lead EPA

Senate Republicans Put Hold On Haaland’s Nomination For Interior SecretarySchumer moves to break GOP holds on Haaland

Schumer moves to bring up Becerra's nomination after committee tie

57 Republicans take to House floor in push to reopen schools

House Passes Partisan Pro-Union Bill Decried By Business Groups. Here’s What’s In It (H.R. 842) • Imposes a version of California’s job-killing law Assembly Bill 5 (AB5) on the entire nationPuts 57 Million Jobs in Jeopardy

House chaplain criticizes lawmakers during prayer over failure to unite against pandemic (Prayer) • Sounded more contrite later in the week, citing Psalm 19 (Prayer)

House Passes $1.9 Trillion COVD-19 Relief Bill (H.R. 1319) • No Republicans support

Pro-Life implications of Senate changes to the American Rescue Plan (H.R. 1319)Bill Makes Americans Fund AbortionsFunding ‘Unprecedented’abortion industry ‘slush fund’undermines retirement plansHow Much of Biden’s $1.9T ‘Rescue Plan’ Actually Combats the VirusJoe Biden Signs COVID Bill With the Greatest Expansion of Abortion Funding in a Decade

House Passes Two Gun Control Bills To Delay Gun Sales, Create National Gun RegistryH.R. 8, H.R. 1446

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Congress Last Week

National Security

Top House Armed Services Democrat warns of 'stumbling into a cold war with China

GOP leader to try to force Swalwell off panel

Foreign Policy

Congressional GOP United in Effort to Block Biden from Lifting Iran Sanctions


HR 1 is not pro-democracy, it's pro-coercion

'Land mines' in Democrats' HR 1 could stymie its progress in the Senate

Judge Rules Pro-Abortion Equal Rights Amendment Deadlines are Past; Congress may Seek to Extend — next week — H.R. 1620

Second Amendment

Biden Administration Supports House Bills to Tighten Gun Background Checks

Schumer Targets 2nd Amendment, Promises Vote on Anti-Gun Bill

Gun Background Checks Bill May Test Manchin on Filibuster Rule

Congress tries to expand gun control for the first time in decades

Homeland Security

Congress moves to ban military gear for police


Erasing the Line: House Dems Pump Breaks on Biden Plan to ‘Re-Engineer’ Immigration System

White House Doubles Down On Refusal To Call Border Influx A Crisis: ‘It’s A Vital Human Challenge’Schumer Says Biden Administration Must ‘Do Better’ on Immigration

Federal Spending

How the American Rescue Plan is different from the CARES Act

McConnell characterizes COVID relief package as 'multitrillion-dollar Trojan horse'

Senate Republicans Hammer ‘Blue State Bailouts’ Lurking in COVID Aid Bill

‘This Is Nuts’: Shark Tank’s ‘Mr.Wonderful’ Blasts Democratic Congressman In Heated Debate Over Biden Stimulus Bill

America Has Now Spent More on COVID ‘Relief’ Than We Did to Defeat the Nazis

The “build back better” program could dwarf the $1.9 trillion Covid-relief plan in size, complexity and political difficulty

Senate Preparing Large Infrastructure Bill, With Eye Toward Getting It Signed by October

Bipartisan House members reach deal to extend loan program for small businesses


Cruz puts hold on Biden's CIA nominee

Biden Pick for DOJ Attacked by Republicans as ‘Extreme Partisan’

White House chief of staff: Young a 'very serious candidate' for OMB director

Xavier Becerra’s Nomination Continues, Despite Tie Vote in Senate Finance CommitteeXavier Becerra Would be the Most Pro-Abortion HHS Secretary Ever, And He’s Not Even QualifiedJoe Manchin announces intent to confirm Xavier Becerra

GOP House Members Introduce Bill to Rein in Biden’s Regulatory Plans


Catholic Bishop Opposes Equality Act: “It’s a Trojan Horse to Promote the Abortion Agenda”

Critics Say House-Passed George Floyd Act Hobbles Police, Exposes Them to New Dangers

Gaetz, Jordan ask House Judiciary to probe conservatorships, citing 'Free Britney'

Commerce Policy

Pelosi: Democrats ‘Will Persist’ With Increasing Federal Minimum Wageno timetable

House Judiciary GOP Leaders Demand Amazon Answers to Allegations of Censorship Against Conservative Viewpoints

Education Policy

House GOP Leaders Push for Investigation Into School-Closing Impact on Children With Disabilities

Senate Dems Drop For-Profit College Criticism to Appease Biden Nominee


White House says Biden would prefer to not end filibuster

Manchin cements key-vote status in 50-50 Senate

Manchin last week on changing the filbuster: ‘Never’

Manchin this week on changing the filibuster: He’s Open to Some Reform

Why the Filibuster Is Target for Impatient Democrats

Schumer, Collins spar over 2009 stimulus voteCollins Says Schumer Had ‘Absolutely No Interest’ In Bipartisanship In Relief Bill Negotiations

Fudge resigns to go to HUD after voting for COVID-19 reliefDems' House majority narrowing

Kevin McCarthy stands by Marjorie Taylor Greene's House floor stall tactics

Pelosi says Capitol riot was one of the most difficult moments of her career, says she never accused lawmakers of being a threat to colleagues

Fred Weinberg: The OKC Bombing Was Domestic Terrorism, a Bunch of Clowns Rampaging at the Capitol Isn’t

House may continue remote voting after pandemic ends

McConnell says increased Capitol security is 'overdone,' reminds him of Kabul

Bipartisan House Leaders Say National Guard Presence At Capitol Is Unwarranted

McCarthy Asks Pelosi to Explain When Capitol Will Return to Pre-Pandemic Operations, calls on Pelosi to return Capitol to pre-pandemic operations

Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit for Records of Pelosi Call With Pentagon’s Milley

Pelosi: House could unseat Iowa Republican who narrowly won race

Letter: House Administration Chair used official funds for unofficial purposes

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Pending Activity

Senate Floor Schedule

3 p.m., Monday, March 15

Program for Monday: Senate will resume consideration of the nomination of Debra Anne Haaland, of New Mexico, to be Secretary of the Interior, post-cloture, and vote on confirmation thereon on at 5:30 p.m.

Senate began consideration of the nomination of Isabella Casillas Guzman, of California, to be Administrator of the Small Business Administration. 

Senate began consideration of the nomination of Katherine C. Tai, of the District of Columbia, to be United States Trade Representative, with the rank of Ambassador.

The Senate Committee on Finance was discharged from further consideration of the nomination of Xavier Becerra, of California, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the nomination was placed on the Executive Calendar. 

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Senate Committees

Monday, March 15, 2021

Foreign Relations
To receive a closed briefing on the policy and legal rationale of U.S. airstrikes in Syria.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Armed Services
Hearings to examine United States Southern Command and United States Northern Command in review of the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2022 and Future Years Defense program.

Energy and Natural Resources
Hearings to examine ways to strengthen research and development in innovative transportation technologies with a focus on solutions that decrease emissions, reduce our reliance on foreign supply chains, and increase manufacturing in the United States.

Hearings to examine the effect of the U.S. tax code on domestic manufacturing.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine the nomination of Julie A. Su, of California, to be Deputy Secretary of Labor.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearings to examine the state of housing in America.

Closed business meeting to consider pending intelligence matters; to be immediately followed by a closed briefing on certain intelligence matters.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Business meeting to consider
S. 231, to direct the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to develop guidance for firefighters and other emergency response personnel on best practices to protect them from exposure to PFAS and to limit and prevent the release of PFAS into the environment,
S. 272, to amend the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006, to require the budget justifications and appropriation requests of agencies be made publicly available,
S. 583, to promote innovative acquisition techniques and procurement strategies,
S. 517, to provide for joint reports by relevant Federal agencies to Congress regarding incidents of terrorism,
S. 636, to require the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to submit to Congress an annual report on projects that are over budget and behind schedule,
S. 522, to require each agency, in providing notice of a rule making, to include a link to a 100 word plain language summary of the proposed rule,
S. 111, to establish the Federal Clearinghouse on
School Safety Best Practices,
S. 566, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 42 Main Street in Slatersville, Rhode Island, as the "Specialist Matthew R. Turcotte Post Office",
H.R. 208, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 500 West Main Street, Suite 102 in Tupelo, Mississippi, as the "Colonel Carlyle 'Smitty' Harris Post Office",
H.R. 264, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1101 Charlotte Street in Georgetown, South Carolina, as the "Joseph Hayne Rainey Memorial Post Office Building",
• an original bill entitled "Federal Agency Customer Experience Act",
• an original bill entitled, "No Congressionally-Obligated Recurring Revenue Used as Pensions to Incarcerated Officials Now Act",
• an original bill entitled, "National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium Act",
• an original bill entitled, "Venezuelan Contracting Restriction Act", and an original bill entitled, "Duplication Scoring Act".

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Business meeting to consider the nominations of
Vivek Hallegere Murthy, of Florida, to be Medical Director in the Regular Corps of the Public Health Service, and to be Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, and
Rachel Leland Levine, of Pennsylvania, to be an Assistant Secretary, both of the Department of Health and Human Services, and other pending calendar business.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Hearings to examine recent Federal actions to expand broadband.

Environment and Public Works
Subcommittee on Fisheries, Water, and Wildlife
Joint hearings to examine the challenges facing drinking water and waste water infrastructure projects.

Hearings to examine COVID-19 in the Nation's nursing homes.

Foreign Relations
Hearings to examine advancing effective U.S. policy for strategic competition with China in the twenty-first century.

Hearings to examine the Equality Act, focusing on LGBTQ rights.

Hearings to examine the income and wealth inequality crisis in America.

Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Hearings to examine the Paycheck Protection Program, focusing on performance, impact, and next steps.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Armed Services
To receive a closed briefing on the planning, programming, budget, and execution process of the Department of Defense.

Hearings to examine COVID-19 one year later, focusing on addressing health care needs for at-risk Americans.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearings to examine the 21st century economy, focusing on protecting the financial system from risks associated with climate change.

Hearings to examine fighting forced labor, focusing on closing loopholes and improving customs enforcement to mandate clean supply chains and protect workers.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine the COVID-19 response, focusing on an update from Federal officials.

Veterans' Affairs
To resume joint hearings with the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs to examine the legislative presentation of veterans services organizations.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Hearings to examine the SolarWinds supply chain attack, focusing on the Federal perspective.

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House Floor

Floor colloquy on Legislative Program for next week

Text of Bills for the Week of March 15, 2021

On Monday, no votes are expected in the House.

On Tuesday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.

Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:

1) H.R. 1799 – PPP Extension Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Bourdeaux / Small Business Committee)

2) H.R. 1502 – Microloan Improvement Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Andy Kim / Small Business Committee)

3) H.R. 1487 – Microloan Transparency and Accountability Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Tim Burchett / Small Business Committee)

4) H.R. 1490 – 504 Modernization and Small Manufacturer Enhancement Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Angie Craig / Small Business Committee)

5) H.R. 1482 – 504 Credit Risk Management Improvement Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Dan Bishop / Small Business Committee)

6) H.R. 1528 – Promoting Transparent Standards for Corporate Insiders Act (Sponsored by Rep. Maxine Waters / Financial Services Committee)

7) H.R. 1602 – Eliminate Barriers to Innovation Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Patrick McHenry / Financial Services Committee)

8) H.R. 1395 – Housing Financial Literacy Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Joyce Beatty / Financial Services Committee)

9) H.R. 1532 – Improving FHA Support for Small Dollar Mortgages Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Rashida Tlaib / Financial Services Committee)

10) H.R. 1491 – Fair Debt Collection for Servicemembers Act (Sponsored by Rep. Madeleine Dean / Financial Services Committee)

11) H.R. 1565 – Senior Security Act (Sponsored by Rep. Josh Gottheimer / Financial Services Committee)

12) H.R. 1085 – To award three congressional gold medals to the United States Capitol Police and those who protected the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Nancy Pelosi / Financial Services Committee)

13) H.R. 485 – CAPTA (Sponsored by Rep. Bobby Scott / Education and Labor Committee)

14) H.R. 172 – United States Anti-Doping Agency Reauthorization Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson / Energy and Commerce Committee)

15) S. 578 – FASTER Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Sen. Tim Scott / Energy and Commerce Committee)

16) H.R. 189 – John Lewis NIMHD Research Endowment Revitalization Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Nanette Barragn / Energy and Commerce Committee)

17) H.R. 941 – TRANSPLANT Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Doris Matsui / Energy and Commerce Committee)

18) S. 164 – Advancing Education on Biosimilars Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Sen. Maggie Hassan / Energy and Commerce Committee)

19) S. 415 – To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to the scope of new chemical exclusivity (Sponsored by Sen. Bill Cassidy / Energy and Commerce Committee)

20) H.R. 1215 – Fraud and Scam Reduction Act (Sponsored by Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester / Energy and Commerce Committee)

21) H.R. 1460 – Nicholas and Zachary Burt Memorial Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Ann Kuster / Energy and Commerce Committee)

22) H.R. 446 – Protecting Seniors from Emergency Scams (Sponsored by Rep. Robin Kelly / Energy and Commerce Committee)

23) H.R. 1762 – Protecting Indian Tribes from Scams (Sponsored by Rep. Markwayne Mullin / Energy and Commerce Committee)

24) H.R. 1766 – FTC Collaboration Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Tom O’Halleran / Energy and Commerce Committee)

25) H.R. 1002 – DEBAR Act of 2021, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Bob Latta / Energy and Commerce Committee)

26) H.R.             – Ensuring Compliance Against Drug Diversion Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Morgan Griffith / Energy and Commerce Committee)

27) H.R. 1651 COVID19 Bankruptcy Relief Extension Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Jerry Nadler / Judiciary Committee)
28) H.R. 1652 VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act of 2021 (Sponsored by Rep. Jerry Nadler / Judiciary Committee) 

On Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business.

On Thursday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for legislative business.

On Friday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business. Last votes expected no later than 3:00 p.m.

H.J.Res. 17 – Removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment. (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Jackie Speier / Judiciary Committee)

H.R. 1620 – Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2021 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee / Judiciary Committee)

H.R. 6 – American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard / Judiciary Committee)

H.R. 1603 – Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Zoe Lofgren / Judiciary Committee)

H.R. 1868 – To prevent across-the-board direct spending cuts, and for other purposes (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. John Yarmuth / Budget Committee)

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House Committees

TuesdayMarch 16, 2021

The Role of FEMA and Emergency Management in COVID-19 — Response
Subcommittee on the Department of Homeland Security (Committee on Appropriations)

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstructions 2021 — High-Risk List
Subcommittee on National Security (Committee on Oversight and Reform)

• H.R. 1868 — To prevent across-the-board direct spending cuts, and for other purposes.;
• H.R. 1620 — Violence Against Women; Reauthorization Act of 2021;
• H.J. Res. 17 — Removing the deadline for the ratification of the equal rights amendment.;
• H.R. 6 — American Dream and Promise Act of 2021;
• H.R. 1603 — Farm Workforce Modernization Act of 2021

Committee on Rules

Military Criminal Investigative Organization Reform Recommendations from the Fort Hood Independent Review Committee
Subcommittee on Military Personnel (Committee on Armed Services)

Source: House.gov

WednesdayMarch 17, 2021

Climate Change, National Security, and the Arctic
Subcommittee on Defense (Committee on Appropriations)

Women Leading the Way: The Democratic Movement in Belarus
Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, the Environment and Cyber (Committee on Foreign Affairs)

The Way Forward on Homeland Security
Committee on Homeland Security

Brain Drain: Rebuilding the Federal Scientific Workforce
Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight (Committee on Science, Space, and Technology)

DHS Management Challenges
Subcommittee on the Department of Homeland Security (Committee on Appropriations)

Leading the Way Forward: Biden Administration Actions to Increase COVID-19 — Vaccinations
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

The SHOP SAFE Act: Stemming the Rising Tide of Unsafe Counterfeit Products Online
Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet (Committee on the Judiciary)

Game Stopped? Who Wins and Loses When Short Sellers, Social Media, and Retail Investors Collide, Part II
Committee on Financial Services

The Business Case for Climate Solutions.
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

Remote Hearing on "From Rescue to Recovery: Building a Thriving and Inclusive Post-Pandemic Economy"
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis

Organizational Business Meeting
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Domestic Manufacturing for a Clean Energy Future
Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations)

Rising to the Challenge: The Future of Higher Education Post COVID-19
Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment (Committee on Education and Labor)

Averting a Crisis: Protecting Access to Health Care in the U.S. Territories
Subcommittee on Health (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Source: House.gov

ThursdayMarch 18, 2021

The Role of Community Navigators in Reaching Underserved Businesses
Subcommittee on Underserved, Agricultural, and Rural Business Development (Committee on Small Business)

FY 2022 — Budget Hearing: Office of Congressional Workplace Rights (OCWR)
Subcommittee on Legislative Branch (Committee on Appropriations)

By the Numbers: How Diversity Data Can Measure Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion (Committee on Financial Services)

Discrimination and Violence Against Asian Americans
Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties (Committee on the Judiciary)

Lessons Learned from the Texas Blackouts: Research Needs for a Secure and Resilient Grid
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

Legislative Presentation of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and Multi VSOs: AMVETS, FRA, GSW, NCAI, and NABVETS
Committee on Veterans' Affairs

"Fighting for Fairness: Examining Legislation to Confront Workplace Discrimination."
Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services (Committee on Education and Labor)

"The CLEAN Future Act: Industrial Climate Policies to Create Jobs and Support Working Communities."
Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Efforts to Address Marine Plastic Pollution Through Recycling
Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations)

"Restoring Abandoned Mine Lands, Local Economies, and the Environment"
Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources (Committee on Natural Resources)

A Year Out: Addressing the International Impacts of the COVID-19 — Pandemic
Committee on Foreign Affairs

Reviving Competition, Part 3: Strengthening the Laws to Address Monopoly Power
Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law (Committee on the Judiciary)

COVID Outbreaks and Management Challenges: Evaluating the Federal Bureau of Prisons' Pandemic Response and the Way Forward
Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (Committee on Appropriations)

Building Smarter: The Benefits of Investing in Resilience and Mitigation.
Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)

Beyond Deborah Sampson: Improving Healthcare for Americas Women Veterans in the 117th Congress
Subcommittee on Health (Committee on Veterans' Affairs)

Source: House.gov

FridayMarch 19, 2021

Department of Defense Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations: Challenges and Opportunitiesin the Invisible Battlespace
Subcommittee on Cyber, Innovative Technologies, and Information Systems (Committee on Armed Services)

Source: House.gov

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Our Weekly Call to Repentance


Dear Saints,

A lifestyle of REPENTANCE is so close to the heart of God.

Indeed, He commands us to " "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" (Matthew 3:2) 

How, then, can we approach His Throne of GRACE, in repentance?

We invite you to join us every week on Sunday evening, as we explore this vital topic together. We present a different prayer focus each week, leading us into repentance, so that we might approach His Throne of Grace in repentance, presenting ourselves to Him as a pure and a spotless Bride, without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27)

Praying together, we desire to fulfill the mandate of Psalm 139:

" Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalm 139:24)

You can join us, any Sunday evening, at 10:00 p.m. EST by calling: 

Access Code: 150411# 


". . . and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place."
 (2 Chronicles 7:14,15)

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About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

To learn more about our ministry, and to sign up to begin receiving our daily alerts, please go here.

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at: info@capitolhillprayer.org requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.


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