The Daily Brief

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Be sure to join us tonight for our weekly CHPP National Conference Call.

Our guest speaker this week is Dr. Charlotte Phillips, President of Glory Center Ministries, International.

We will also welcome her friend, Dr. Jose Pascua from Houston Texas. Dr. Pascua is the President of the Joshua Generation, a former global director of Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship, and a statesman of 85 nations!

Our conference Number: 712-770-4160
Access Code: 616137#
Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"
Monday, March 15, 2021


"The eyes of the Lord are in every place,
Keeping watch on the evil and the good."

(Proverbs 15:3)

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.


“We the People”
“Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ”

Today’s Top Story

Senators Schumer and Gillibrand call on Cuomo to resign over sex harass scandal

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls For Cuomo To Face Impeachment

New York’s two Democratic congressional leaders, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, on Friday finally called on embattled Gov. Andrew Cuomo to resign over mounting sexual harassment accusations.

The two put out a damning joint statement saying Cuomo has “lost the confidence” to govern.

“Confronting and overcoming the Covid crisis requires sure and steady leadership. We commend the brave actions of the individuals who have come forward with serious allegations of abuse and misconduct,” Schumer and Gilibrand said.

“Due to the multiple, credible sexual harassment and misconduct allegations, it is clear that Governor Cuomo has lost the confidence of his governing partners and the people of New York. Governor Cuomo should resign,” they said.

The surprise joint statement came after both Schumer and Gillibrand, a noted women’s rights activist who has been quick to call for the ouster of other prominent men accused of sexual abuse or harassment, had resisted calls for the scandal-scarred Cuomo to step down. (NY Post) Read more here.

. . . SEE ALSO:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls For Cuomo To Face Impeachment

Monday morning, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) — arguably the Democrat with the most significant national presence — told MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan that she believes the governor should face impeachment.

Ocasio-Cortez told Hasan that she believes  “the full facts of the situation” need to come out. (Daily Wire) Read more here.  

- Father God in heaven, we praise You that, tonight, even the far left wing of the Democratic Party can see the evil in front of them, and are calling for justice. Lord God, along with them, we draw a LINE IN THE SAND against this behavior by the Governor of the State of New York, as we decree the decree below. Father, forgive him, for he knows not what he does.

We thank You, too, that even most wicked among us are beginning to see evil for what it is, and are turning away from it. We ask that this move towards righteousness would continue now until the day of Your coming; and that many will find and know You as their Savior.

In Your Mighty name we offer this prayer, amen and amen.

- (For Andrew Cuomo) "This far and no further, and here shall your proud waves stop." (Job 38:11)

(For God's hand in all of this matter) " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him," who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

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Focus on Israel


1. Israel in talks with China to allow quarantine-free travel for vaccinated - Jerusalem Post

Israel is working to reach understandings with China on recognition of vaccination that would allow cross-border travel between the two countries, Israel’s newly-installed ambassador to China said over the weekend.

Speaking to Chinese press, Ambassador Irit Ben-Abba said that Israel would like to be the first country to reach “vaccination understandings” with China. The coronavirus is believed to have originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan. A recent World Health Organization delegation to China claimed upon returning home that Chinese authorities had refused to share all raw data from the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak.

"This is one of the main things that I would like to push through with the Chinese government: to see if we can get a bilateral agreement on mutual understanding of vaccines," Ben-Abba was widely quoted in Chinese media as saying. (Read more) 

2. Israel, UAE on verge of 'open corridor' tourism deal for vaccinated passengers - Israel Hayom

In the coming days, Israel and the United Arab Emirates are expected to discuss the creation of an "open corridor" for people who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported on Friday.

According to the report, the agreement will allow vaccinated individuals to travel freely between the two countries without the need for a coronavirus test, isolation, or any other restrictions.

The sides agreed that a shared open corridor for tourists will bolster the mutual progress already enabled by Abraham Accords and help both countries' economies.

If the agreement is authorized, the UAE will be the second country after Georgia to allow vaccinated Israelis to enter.  (Read more)    

3. PM Netanyahu: 'Bennett and I won't take turns as prime minister' - Israel National News

Ten days before the elections, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke to News 13 about politics, his wife, and the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccines.

In the Saturday night interview, Netanyahu rejected the claims that he had agreed to allow Sara, his wife, to make decisions about the appointment of senior officials.

"That's a complete lie, and I'm glad that we're going to sue [David] Artzi. My connection with Sara is a connection of love. This is baseless slander. And to Sara I say - don't pay attention to the lies," Netanyahu said.

He also said that he plans to appoint Mossad chief Yossi Cohen to the new government: "Yossi Cohen was an excellent Mossad chief. He is supposed to leave [his office] in another two months, and I am thinking about how to integrate him in the future. He has a lot to contribute to the government I will form, and I will know how to maximize his talents." (Read more)  

4. UAE and Israel to Build Advanced Anti-Drone Defense System - Jewish Press

Israel Aerospace Industries announced on Thursday that it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the United Arab Emirates’s weapons-maker EDGE to develop an advanced anti-drone defense system.

The anti-drone system would be “tailored to the UAE market,” with wide-ranging benefits to the Middle East and North Africa region and beyond, the state-owned IAI said in a statement.

Israel and the UAE officially normalized relations on Sept. 15 as part of the Abraham Accords.

The system would include technology such as jamming and cyber-takeover capabilities, in addition to guns, missiles, and electromagnetic and laser devices able to destroy a drone.
(Read more)   

5. Largest Pro-Israel Group in US Launches Ads Against Biden Pentagon Pick - Washington Free Beacon

A prominent pro-Israel group is launching a targeted ad campaign calling on Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W. Va.) to oppose Pentagon nominee Colin Kahl, citing Kahl’s "antagonism" toward Israel and "disturbing" positions on Iran.

The series of ads will run in six West Virginia newspapers early next week, ahead of the Senate Armed Services Committee’s vote on Kahl’s nomination for undersecretary of defense for policy, which is expected to take place on Tuesday. Manchin has said he is still undecided and is likely to hold the swing vote on the committee.

The ads feature a statement by Pastor Doug Joseph, Christians United for Israel’s state director for West Virginia, describing Kahl as an "antagonistic anti-Israel voice" and asking constituents to call Manchin’s office and voice their opposition.
(Read more) 

6.  Israeli Elections: The Countdown Begins—Again - Bridges for Peace

Some 4,000 Israeli diplomats and their families serving in Jerusalem’s 100 embassies and consulates around the world will cast their votes as the first to the polls in the Jewish state’s fourth consecutive national election in less than two years. The remainder of Israel’s 6.3 million eligible voters will wait until March 23 to cast their votes for the composition of the next Knesset (government)—and ultimately the prime minister to stand at its head.

The polling kicks off tonight at 10 p.m. at Israel’s New Zealand mission, with the embassies on the US west coast in San Francisco and Los Angeles being the last to set up their ballot boxes. Voting stations will be open for the next two days.

In a historic first, the Jewish state’s diplomats will also cast their votes in Israel’s newly established missions in the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco after establishing diplomatic relations with these countries since the previous elections in March 2020, the Times of Israel reports. (Read more) 

- Beseech the Lord for His voice to be heard—even for those who may not realize it—so that the outcome of this incredibly crucial election will be in line with His perfect will for Israel at this time in her history.

- Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”    (Isaiah 30:21a)

(Prayer offered by Bridges for Peace) 

7. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace 

Go here

8. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel

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The Daily Brief

1. Judge Rules Texas Can Defund Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood - Christian Headlines

A judge on Wednesday sided with pro-lifers and Texas officials when she ruled the state followed the law in withdrawing Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood. The ruling by State District Judge Lora Livingston – the second such ruling by a court in the last five months – gave the green light for Texas to defund Planned Parenthood, although the abortion giant could appeal.

Planned Parenthood had argued that Texas did not give it the necessary notice as required by law. Livingston, though, disagreed.

“This decision is not made lightly,” Livingston wrote, according to The Hill. “In the light of the ongoing public health crisis, the risks of the individual losing health care and medical attention requires increased attention and scrutiny. The facts underlying the termination in this case give me great pause. Relators selected the federal courts as the forum to contest the merits of their claims, and they are now not able to revive their administrative remedies as the deadline to seek that relief has long since passed,” Livingston added. “The merits of their claims must be determined by the federal courts.”

Last November, Planned Parenthood lost in federal court when the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Texas and Louisiana could pull Medicaid funding from the organization. (Read more) 

- Oh, Father God! We shout HALLELUJAH at hearing this news, and we pray that the Attorney Generals in all other of our 50 states would do the same. HALLELUJAH!

- "Let the saints exult in glory; let them shout for joy upon their beds" (Psalm 149:5)

2. FL Rep. Greg Steube Warns That the Equality Act Is Leading America 'In the Direction of the Evil One' - Christian Headlines

Rep. Greg Steube, a congressman from Florida, has issued a public response after his Democratic colleague Rep. Jerry Nadler of NY said “God’s will is no concern of this Congress” during an intense debate over the Equality Act on the House floor last week. As Christian Headlines previously reported, Nadler made the comment after Steube argued that the Equality Act contradicts the Bible as the existing “gender confusion in our culture today is a clear rejection of God’s good design.”

Now Stuebe is warning that the pushing of the Equality Act is leading America away from God. “If we're not on the shoulders of God as it talks about in scripture, then we're on the shoulders of somebody else that I don't care to be on the shoulders of," he told CBN News Chief Political Analyst in a recent interview. “We're going in a direction in this country that is very clearly not the direction of God. If we're not going in the direction of God, then we are going in the direction of the evil one," Steube said. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we pray for a remnant of God-honoring people to rise up and be counted as the strong backbone of American culture.  God, bind, crush and break the Equality Act to ashes. Defeat this evil we pray in Jesus' Name.

- "Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,
And a two-edged sword in their hand,
7 To execute vengeance on the nations,
And punishments on the peoples;
8 To bind their kings with chains,
And their nobles with fetters of iron;
9 To execute on them the written judgment—
This honor have all His saints.

Praise the Lord!"
(Psalm 149:6-9)

3.  It starts! Democrats begin campaign against 2nd Amendment - WND

This week, the House approved a demand for universal background checks on every weapons purchase, including those from private sellers. HR 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, is sponsored by Democratic Reps. Mike Thompson and Rep. Lucy McBath. The vote was 227-203, mostly along party lines. If passed by the Senate, it will require federal background checks on any purchase. McBath called it "an historic step."

Republicans opposed it as a violation of the Second Amendment, which the Supreme Court has affirmed allows individuals to keep and carry weapons. "Democrats in Washington, D.C. are trying to infringe upon your Second Amendment as we speak," warned Florida Republican Rep. Byron Donalds. “I will always stand up for law-abiding citizens’ right to keep and bear arms because I know gun laws only impact law-abiding citizens, not criminals."

The bill's future, however, is in doubt in the 50-50 Senate, where Democrats would need 60 votes unless they deploy the "nuclear option," eliminating the filibuster. (Read more)  

- Father God, the Second Amendment of the Constitution states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Lord God, deliver America from lawlessness we plead! In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "Deliver us from evil." (Matthew 6:13)

4. 11 States File Motion to Revive Fight for Trump’s ‘Public Charge’ Immigration Rule -The Epoch Times

Eleven states filed a motion in court challenging the White House’s move to rescind a Trump-era policy that ensures immigrants can financially support themselves in order to become American citizens or obtain permanent residency. The motion, led by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, is part of a lawsuit that his office filed on Feb. 3 against a recent immigration policy issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that halts most deportations for 100 days.

But the new motion—filed in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals—pertains to the “Public Charge Rule” after the Biden administration abandoned the defense of the law in the Supreme Court.

“It is unconscionable to overwhelm our infrastructure and immigration personnel when we are dealing with the health and economic devastation of the pandemic,” said Brnovich, a Republican, in a news release on Thursday. “While regardless of one’s position on immigration reform, this reckless violation of federal law is only creating another national crisis and putting additional strains on our state and hardworking Arizona taxpayers.”

Brnovich’s lawsuit  said that “invalidation of the Public Charge Rule will impose injury on the states” to the tune of about “$1.01 billion in foregone savings in transfer payments for all states annually.” (Read more) 

- Father God, we pray that this appeal by these 11 states finds favor in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals so these deportations will continue and the states' treasuries not be drained of needed funds!  In Jesus' Name we pray.

"Be merciful unto us, O God, be merciful unto us: for we trust in You: yes, in the shadow of Your wings will we make our  refuge, until these calamities be overpast."    (Psalm 57:1)

5. Texas sheriff drops Biden bomb: Feds are inviting rejected immigrants to come back - WND

The Trump administration made the enforcement of U.S. immigration laws a priority. In addition to putting an end to the "catch and release" policy under which illegal immigrants were released into U.S. cities, former President Donald Trump forced concessions from the Mexican president and ordered that asylum-seekers remain in Mexico while awaiting their hearings. His administration also built or replaced 450 miles of the border wall.

Trump had to fight every step of the way for each gain, sometimes against members of his own party. However, by the time he left office, the border "crisis" that had peaked in January 2019 was largely under control. Sadly, once President Joe Biden took office, the Trump policies that were responsible for alleviating the crisis were immediately reversed.

Now, nearly seven weeks into the new administration, the crisis at our southern border is worse than ever. Thousands of illegal immigrants, many wearing shirts emblazoned with the words "Biden, please let us in," arrive at the border weekly. A.J. Louderback, the five-term sheriff of Jackson County, Texas, told The Epoch Times that the Biden administration has “dismantled every piece of the Immigration Naturalization Act." "This is the first time in U.S. history where the federal government has gone back on rejected asylee applicants, in the last year or so, and they’re reaching out to them to bring them back into the United States,” he said.

Let that sink in. There must have been valid reasons these applicants were rejected, but as far as Democrats are concerned, the more potential voters they can bring into the country, the better. (Read more) 

- Father God, we ask You to dispatch from heaven myriads of angels who will war against the evil reversals of Trump's successes in immigration
policy by Biden's administration. We pray God's grace be extended and the hostile threatening agenda be defeated by the Word of God. In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)

6. Over 90 Montana Lawmakers Sign Letter Calling for Revival of Keystone Pipeline – The Epoch Times

A coalition of over 90 Montana lawmakers signed a letter to President Joe Biden seeking to bring attention to the merits of the Keystone XL pipeline—a project cancelled by Biden on his first day in office.

The letter signed by lawmakers across the state’s legislature argues the pipeline is not the same project reviewed by President Barack Obama in 2008, noting that TC Energy, the company behind the pipeline, had since pledged major changes such as making it a zero-emissions project.

Lawmakers say energy production is the “lifeblood of Montana’s economy” and that the pipeline would have brought in “hundreds of good-paying jobs to rural Montana and help workers put food on their table for their young families.”

They say the project would bring in a large amount of revenue, including around 80 million a year in tax revenue. (Read more)  

- Father God, we pray You open up the flow of massive provision through the revival of the Keystone XL Pipeline in Montana.  Move, Lord, all blockages whether mental or actual, that stands in the way of the resurgence of the Keystone pipeline. We pray in the Name of Jesus.

" . . .  the hand of the diligent makes rich." (Proverbs 10:4) 

7. Government data shows masks had no impact on COVID spread - WND

A graph that overlays data from surveys on mask usage with the number of coronavirus cases confirms studies that indicate the face coverings have no significant impact on the spread of the coronavirus. Using data culled from and the Covid Tracking Project from March 20, 2020, to March 3, 2021, economist Brian Westbury created the chart and posted it on Twitter.

Surveys showed mask usage reached about 80% by midsummer last year and has remained consistent since then. During that period, however, the number of daily positive cases rose and fell precipitously. Many epidemiologists have noted the coronavirus, in a second major wave, is following the bell-shaped pattern of epidemics predicted by Farr's Law in 1840, regardless of mitigation efforts.

Another chart, from a Financial Times analysis of the Covid Tracking Project, shows very little difference in the number cases between North Dakota and South Dakota. That's despite the fact that North Dakota has had a mask mandate, while South Dakota has not. (Read more)  

- Father God, we pray for a massive deliverance across the world to cease wearing masks, which are proven to be worthless with no significant impact on the spread of the coronavirus. We pray fear be wiped out by the healing blood of Jesus. In His Name we pray.

- "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

8. U.S. grants Myanmar nationals relief from deportation after military coup - Reuters

The Biden administration is granting temporary deportation relief and work permits to Myanmar citizens living in the United States because of the military's crackdown here following the Feb. 1 coup, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said on Friday. The decision means about 1,600 Burmese already in the United States, including diplomats who have broken with Myanmar’s junta, will be eligible for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months, two administration officials told Reuters. The program grants immigrants who cannot return to their countries safely, for reasons such as natural disasters or armed conflict, the ability to stay and work in the United States legally for a defined period that can be renewed.

“Due to the military coup and security forces’ brutal violence against civilians, the people of Burma are suffering a complex and deteriorating humanitarian crisis in many parts of the country,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. Only people who are already residing in the United States and can demonstrate continuous residence as of March 11, 2021 are eligible for the Myanmar program.

The administration officials said the situation in Myanmar after the military seized power prevents Burmese from returning, citing the violent crackdown by security forces, arbitrary detentions and worsening humanitarian conditions. (Read more)  

- Father, we pray for all the Burmese here in America to be drawn toward Christianity and their souls be saved.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

"That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved."          (Romans 10:9) 

9. California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice - Fox News

> > > Editor's warning: Before reading this prayer request, should you choose to do so, ask our Lord to cover you in His precious Shed Blood; and refrain from pronouncing any of the words below. Thank you.

The California Department of Education has proposed an ethnic studies "model curriculum" that includes, among other things, chanting the names of Aztec gods in an attempt to build unity among schoolchildren. Included in the draft curriculum is a list of "lesson resources" with a chant based on "In Lak Ech," which it describes as "love, unity, mutual respect," and "Panche Be," which it describes as "seeking the roots of truth." 

The chant starts with a declaration that "you are my other me" and "if I do harm to you, I do harm to myself." Before chanting the name of the Aztec god Tezkatlipoka, the text reads: "Seeking the roots of the truth, seeking the truth of the roots, elders and us youth, (youth), critical thinking through." It adds: "Tezkatlipoka, Tezkatlipoka, x2 smoking mirror, self-reflection Tezkatlipoka."

Tezkatlipoka is the name of an Aztec god that was honored with human sacrifice. According to the World History Encyclopedia, an impersonator of Tezkatlipoka would be sacrificed with his heart removed to honor the deity.

In Aztec mythology, Tezkatlipoka is the brother of Quetzalcoatl, Huizilopochtli and Xipe Totec -- all of whom appear to be invoked in the proposed chant. A portion read, "pulsating creation huitzilopochtli cause like sunlight, the light inside of us, in will to action’s what brings... Xipe Totek, Xipe Totek, x2 transformation, liberation, education, emancipation. imagination revitalization, liberation, transformation, decolonization, liberation, education, emancipation, changin’ our situation in this human transformation." (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we proclaim this as empty hyperbole which the Lord God declared dead as thin air at the Cross of Jesus Christ.  The Blood is forever victorious over all the works of satan. The Word of God is TRUTH and these words and deeds are insane satanic lies. Jesus, save millions of souls from this path to an eternity without God. In  Jesus Name we pray.

"That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved."               (Romans 10:9)   

10. Israel, US Team Up to Send Warning Message to Iran - Bridges for Peace

In a clear message to Iran, the US dispatched two B-52Hs on a patrol mission over the Middle East yesterday—and had Israeli Air Force F-15s escort the pair of heavy bombers as they passed through Israeli airspace.

The United States Central Command announced the mission in a statement, but did not mention Iran explicitly, saying the flight was meant to “deter aggression and reassure partners and allies of the US military’s commitment to security in the region.”

Despite the ambiguity, the US’s intentions were clear.

The show of force comes as simmering tensions between Washington, Jerusalem and Tehran threaten to reach boiling point and thrust the already fraught region into all-out war. In recent weeks, Iran has been stirring up friction with a number of strikes on US military bases in Iraq by Tehran-backed militias, with the last attack killing a US contractor. The US answered the attacks last week with a strike on Iranian-linked militias in Syria, the first military operation under the Biden administration.

The mullahs are also reportedly behind an attempted bombing near the Israeli embassy in India last month. Israel also holds Iran responsible for an attack on an Israeli-owned cargo ship, the MV Helios Ray, that was rocked by a mysterious explosion as the vessel made its way out of Middle East waters in the Gulf of Oman en route to Singapore. Sources hold that Israel retaliated days later with air strikes on the Syrian capital and its southern suburbs, an area where Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah reportedly have a strong presence. (Read more)  

- Pray for the effectiveness of this combined show of force as a deterrent to Iran and her proxies, including Hezbollah. Also pray that the Lord will guide upcoming discussions between the US and Iran, alerting American negotiators to the dangers of reentering the nuclear deal that PM Netanyahu has insisted is a very bad deal for everyone…except Iran.

- I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.     (Psalm 32:8)   

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Tucker Carlson TARGETED by Pentagon — Are we losing our military to woke politics?

Senior military officials and The Pentagon have called out Fox News host Tucker Carlson for a statement he made about women in the military. When the military condemns a private citizen for free speech, how much longer will free speech exist?

On the "Glenn Beck Radio Program" Friday, Glenn and Bill O'Reilly discuss their views on what the future holds, the National Guard's extended stay in Washington, D.C., and the growing crisis at the border.

> > > To learn more about this story, go to this article to find the video referenced.

(Source: The Blaze) 

- Father, we pray for Tucker Carlson and this nation.  Our First Amendment and God-given freedom of speech rights are being threatened because of the communist agenda at work in this nation, which has very evidently infiltrated our military.  Holy One, please show us how to stand united against this race-agitating, venom-releasing, cancel-culture rage that is flowing freely in this country.  We ask You, O King, to bring it under Your authority and truth and set the captives free.  In Jesus name.

"O Timothy!  Guard what was committed to your trust, avoiding the profane and idle babblings and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge--"                     (1 Timothy 6:20) 

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Signs & Wonders

Winter storm cancels thousands of flights, closes major interstates

The biggest storm of the winter season for the western United States took shape over the weekend which sparked winter storm warnings, blizzard warnings and even activated the Colorado National Guard.

Winter storm warnings were plastered across southeastern parts of Wyoming and northern Colorado, and winter storm watches extended farther east across southwestern South Dakota and western Nebraska on Friday. An avalanche watch was also posted for the Front Range mountains in Colorado.

All airlines at the Denver International Airport had to cease operations on Sunday evening due to blizzard conditions in the area. According to the airport, operations will remain ceased for the remainder of the day. According to FlightAware, 721 flights departing from Denver International Airport were canceled on Sunday and 715 scheduled to arrive at the airport were canceled.

The National Weather Service office in Cheyenne, Wyoming, warned in a tweet that the snowstorm would be "VERY impactful” and "possibly historic” and later tweeted "be sure to protect your newborn livestock!”

At 9 a.m. MDT on Sunday, 21.5 inches of snow was reported just north of Cheyenne, Wyoming. ( Read more here. 

- Father God, we lift up a prayer for all who are now in the path of this very dangerous storm. Provide shelter we pray, O Lord, amen.

- "For You have been a refuge for the poor, a stronghold for the needy in distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat." (Isaiah 25:4)

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The Good News Corner

Pro-life activist who survived abortion that killed her twin shares her God redeemed story

A pro-life activist who survived an abortion that killed her twin sister shared how God has redeemed the broken parts of her story — and used for good what Satan intended for evil.

On a recent episode of the “Politely Rude With Abby Johnson” podcast, Claire Culwell shared her story with her friend, Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director-turned-pro-life-activist. 

Just 13 years old and in eighth grade when she got pregnant, Culwell’s mother had a D&C surgical late-term abortion during her fifth month of pregnancy. Culwell’s mother was told her abortion was successful, but one of the twins had survived. She then sought out a second late-term abortion in Kansas, but she was unable to have the procedure because of the risk of infection. 

Culwell, who was adopted into a Christian family, shared that she didn't know she had survived an abortion until she met her biological mother and heard the entire story — a day she described as eye-opening. 

“That day, as I looked into my birth mother's eyes as I saw her tears as I saw what abortion had done to her, I chose to forgive my first mother," she said. "And I asked her if I could share this story with people because I knew that God's fingerprints were all over it. I knew that there was something powerful about an abortion survivor.”

. . . We have victory because of what Christ offers and because of His forgiveness for us and because we know that one day, He'll come back and He'll make all things right, and so we have that hope,” she continued. “God has really turned something that was made for evil — for my evil, to take my life, to dismember my twin, to hurt my birth mother — He's taken that evil and He's turned it into something good.”

“I choose to forgive, and I choose to focus on the good and the hope in the story because I think that our journey of healing, even though it's been difficult, has paved the way for people to recognize the humanity of the unborn child and recognize the need for people, and especially Christians pastors, to stand up and say, ‘We've had enough. We have got to do better than what we're doing.’” (Christian Post)
Read more here.

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Today’s Prophetic Word


To view this video, please go here.

(Note: the prophetic word begins at the 7:55 minute mark.)

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Prayers for the Persecuted Church

"Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." (Hebrews 13:3)

Please visit the website for International Christian Concern to lift up prayers for the persecuted around the world, every day. Their link is: -- or go here to connect. Thank you for interceding for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Asia, the Islamic World, and the Far East.

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Classic Hymns

After the Midnight 

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: James Rowe
Music:  Samuel Beazley

After the midnight, morning will greet us;
After the sadness, joy will appear;
After the tempest, sunlight will meet us;
After the jeering, praise we shall hear.

After the shadows, there will be sunshine;
After the frown, the soul-cheering smile;
Cling to the Savior, love Him forever;
All will be well in a little while.

After the battle, peace will be given;
After the weeping, song there will be;
After the journey there will be Heaven,
Burdens will fall and we shall be free.


Shadows and sunshine all thro’ the story,
Teardrops and pleasure, day after day;
But when we reach the kingdom of glory,
Trials of earth will vanish away.


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Nightly Prayer Call to HOLD THE LINE

We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.
For more info, visit their website at:

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About CHPP


About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Our Mission Statement

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood for all, we, too, pray for ALL, in a nonpartisan manner. Also, because the scriptures indicate that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"  (James 4:17), we are confident that fervent prayer, offered in the halls of the highest chambers of government in our land, can avail much for America. Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes those who feel called to join us, engaging in this strategic work of intercession for our nation: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God."  [Romans 13:1]

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.

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We Welcome Your Gifts

We Welcome Your Gifts

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a 501(c)(3), tax- exempt, faith-based, ministry, dedicated to praying for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4). CHPP relies solely on the gifts of our readers to continue this work; thus we greatly appreciate your help in supporting this publication. Offerings may be sent to: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, P.O. Box 5152, Herndon, VA 20172-1970. Please make checks payable to: CHPP. THANK YOU!

Now you can also donate online by going here. Or . . . if you prefer, simply paste this link into your browser to access our secure online donor system:

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philippians 4:23)

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Welcome to Our Bible Readathon

Welcome to our Bible Readathon!

Nonstop reading of the Word of God, every night (except on Sunday mornings) from midnight to 6:00 a.m. EDT.

To learn more about the Bible Readathon, please go here.


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