CHPP National Conference Call
Monday, September 7, 2020
Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT Conference number: 712-775-7465
Access Code: 410584#
Guest speaker: Barry Battlestein
Topic: Insights re: the pending Israel - UAE treaty
To listen to the recording of last week's national call, led by Laura Densmore, go here.
The topic was praying through THE SIEGE!
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
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Special Edition:
Legislative Snapshot/Daily Brief
Saturday, September 5, 2020
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." (Psalm 23:1)
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return on Tuesday, September 8. Thank you.
Supreme Evaluation
Good News from the Trump Campaign!
63 Communists, Socialists in Congress
The Daily Jot
Congress Last Week
Pending Activity
Senate Floor
Senate Committees
House Committees
The Daily Brief
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A Word from Johnny Enlow
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“Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ!”
Supreme Evaluation
Supreme Evaluation
Dear Friends,
In June, President Trump announced that he would release a new list of Supreme Court prospects on or before September 1.
Today is September 1, so I want to review some recommendations as to how we can evaluate the upcoming list of prospects. I also want to encourage you to earnestly pray for the President and his team. They have an immense number of urgent matters demanding their attention. The stakes have never been higher for the future of the Supreme Court, and for the very survival of America. We need the President and his team to succeed and, therefore, they need our prayers!
Why is the Supreme Court Important? The Supreme Court is important because it makes the most important rules in our Nation. Although contrary to the clear text of the Constitution, we function under an illegitimate system whereby judges legislate from the bench like an unaccountable judicial oligarchy. Judicial nominations are an essential tool to correct this abuse and to restore power to the People.
Why is a Standard for Supreme Court Justices Important? Without a standard, everyone is acceptable. The Bible reveals that "where there is no vision, the people perish." Over the last fifty years, conservatives have failed over half the time to nominate conservative constitutionalist Justices. To reverse course and achieve judicial renewal we must adopt a new vision and a workable standard.
The Justice Standard. The standard for Constitutionally Conservative Justices identifies prospects with a (1) long-term, (2) record, (3) of courage, (4) conservativism, and (5) a constitutional judicial philosophy. These elements are explained in reverse order below.
(To read the full article, please go here.)
So, upon the release on a new list of Supreme Court prospects, I recommend that we evaluate whether each and every prospect has a long-term record of courage, conservativism, and a constitutional judicial philosophy.
Finally, please keep the President and his advisors in your prayers. Pray that God will bless them with supernatural wisdom and reveal Heaven's choice for our next Supreme Court Justice.
Phillip L. Jauregui
Judicial Action Group
Good News from the Trump Campaign!
Good News from the Trump Campaign!
Trump Campaign Adds Religious Freedom, Protection of Unborn Lives to Second Term Agenda
As President Trump seeks to run for a possible second term, his campaign recently added the protection of unborn lives and the defense of religious freedom to its agenda entitled "Fighting For You."
In late August, the campaign put out a press release that highlighted Trump's priorities if he is awarded a second presidential term, Breitbart reports.
According to Catholic News Agency, the issues of protecting unborn lives and religious freedom were absent in the initial release, which raised concerns from some Catholics.
"Out of @TeamTrump's 50 "core priorities and goals" why isn't a single one the protection of preborn children or stopping the abortion industry from killing 2300 innocent children every day?" Lila Rose wrote on Twitter.
Rose, who founded the pro-life organization, Live Action, added in a later tweet that President Trump "can defund Planned Parenthood by executive order."
The campaign appears to have updated its 50-point list last weekend, adding under the heading "Defend American Values":
- Continue nominating constitutionalist Supreme Court and lower court judges
- Protect unborn life through every means available
- Defend the freedoms of religious believers and organizations - Support the exercise of Second Amendment rights
. . . As Christian Headlines previously reported, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to push for taxpayer-funded abortions in 2021, which would repeal the Hyde Amendment. (Christian Headlines) Read more.
- Father God, we thank You for this great news! We thank Lila Rose and many others who called this matter to the President's attention. Yes. Lord! We do need to have the freedom to support LIFE in this election.
Thank you for the humility demonstrated by the Trump campaign in adding these planks to their platform, including the urgent need to "Continue nominating constitutionalist Supreme Court and lower court judges." We offer You praise our Lord, amen.
- "Therefore, choose life . . ." ( Deuteronomy 30:19)
63 Communists, Socialists in Congress
63 Communists, Socialists and Security Risks in the US House of Representatives
Please go here to find information about the activities of the 63 members of Congress who are either avowed Communists or Socialists.
It's time to pray them out and to vote them out, too!
(Source: Trevor Loudoun)
The Daily Jot
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Justifying violence
This is probably one of those Daily Jots that you are not going to like. Please just stick with me before hitting the unsubscribe button. I want to talk to you about justifying violence. Conservatives, rightly so, strongly object to Democratic leaders encouraging protests knowing full well they will turn violent, then insincerely condemning the violence or actually justifying it by saying that this is what you get when people's voices are not being heard. I repeatedly have heard this: "Looting, burning, destroying and even killing is justified because America, and especially President Trump, has done nothing about police brutality and racism; they haven't listened so now they must listen because it has turned violent."
At the same time, these same people object to conservatives justifying police brutality against black people. They say every time there is a killing or serious wounding of a black by police (such as with Jacob Blake), conservatives attempt to justify the police action by saying that the victim resisted arrest, had a weapon or was going for a weapon, or had a previous record, was a bad person or some other fact that led to the violence. In these cases, which are statistically few, there is not a law on the books justifying the death sentence for resisting arrest, or for having a prior record, or for the "thought" that the individual may have had a weapon that threatened a life.
On March 4, 1873, Ulysses Grant, faced with similar challenges as today's America, said in his inauguration speech: "The effects of the late civil strife have been to free the slave and make him a citizen. Yet he is not possessed of the civil rights which citizenship should carry with it. This is wrong, and should be corrected. To this correction I stand committed, so far as Executive influence can avail. Social equality is not a subject to be legislated upon, nor shall I ask that anything be done to advance the social status of the colored man, except to give him a fair chance to develop what there is good in him, give him access to the schools, and when he travels let him feel assured that his conduct will regulate the treatment and fare he will receive."
During the 100-plus years after Grant's first term in 1869, it was the Democratic Party both locally and nationally, that systematically passed Jim Crow laws that sought to replicate slavery and punish black citizens for voting and wanting a better life. Local sheriffs and police enforced these unjust laws. The vestiges of these acts inform today's crisis. We, as Americans, cannot go on justifying this needless cycle of violence against one another. As Christ said in Mark 3:25, "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." Democratic leadership has corrected their historically deplorable behavior IN WORD ONLY. For they continue their charade against the black person. Conservatives must stand in the breech with empathy, accountability on what is right and just, and by not entering the same blame game as the Marxists.
Pending Activity
Committee Activity
House Oversight Committee to subpoena Postmaster General Louis DeJoy
Clyburn to Mnuchin: This is a 'call to action'
Pompeo, Engel poised for battle in contempt proceedings
Democrats divided over 1998 embassy bombing settlement
Floor Outlook
Deadlines loom for highways, airlines and transit
Congress faces tough call on stopgap funding length
Congress Will Likely Have to Pass a Stopgap Funding Measure to Avoid Shutdown: Hoyer - Letter
Congress Last Week
Weekly Digest of the Congressional Record
Dems Decry Pelosi's Pledge to Repeal Hyde Amendment in 2021
This would allow taxpayer funding of abortion.
National Security
Ratcliffe: Democrats Addendum on Election Security, Draws 'Selectively' From Intel Reports
Tax Policy
House Democrat offers measures to block payroll tax deferral
Federal Spending
Schumer describes Senate Republicans' coronavirus relief plan as "emaciated" - plan "would include some expanded unemployment benefits, a PPP extension and funding for the U.S. Postal Service."
Ending lockdowns could weaken argument for new federal bailouts for states
Outcry as Pentagon orders shutdown of the century-old Stars and Stripes newspaper
Trump says Pentagon won't cut funding to 159-year-old newspaper, Stars and Stripes
Appeals court tosses suit to compel Don McGahn to answer House questions on Mueller probe
Top Senate Democrat requests German ambassador nomination pulled over past comments about Islam in Europe
Commerce Policy
Chamber of Commerce Backs Democrats Pushing $15 Minimum Wage
Three candidates shape vigorous contest for House Foreign Affairs gavel
Scalise hit with ethics complaint over doctored Barkan video
David Cicilline launches bid for assistant Speaker
Senate Floor Schedule
Program for Monday: Senate resumes consideration of the nomination of Brett H. Ludwig, of Wisconsin, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, with a vote on the motion to invoke cloture at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, 8/13, Senate began consideration of the following:
Senate began consideration of the nomination of Brett H. Ludwig, of Wisconsin, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
Senate began consideration of the nomination of Christy Criswell Wiegand, of Pennsylvania, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
Senate began consideration of the nomination of Hala Y. Jarbou, of Michigan, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Michigan.
Senate began consideration of the nomination of Thomas T. Cullen, of Virginia, to be United States District Judge for the Western District of Virginia.
Senate began consideration of the nomination of Diane Gujarati, of New York, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York.
Senate Committees
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Hearings to examine vaccines, focusing on saving lives, ensuring confidence, and protecting public health.
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearings to examine the status of the Federal Reserve emergency lending facilities.
Environment and Public Works
Hearings to examine S. 614, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to reissue a final rule relating to removing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population of grizzly bears from the Federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife.
Foreign Relations
To receive a closed briefing on Eastern Europe.
Hearings to examine certain nominations.
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Hearings to examine certain nominations.
Veterans' Affairs
Hearings to examine S. 785, to improve mental health care provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Armed Services
Hearings to examine matters relating to the budget of the National Nuclear Security Administration.
House Committees
Tuesday - September 8, 2020
Holding Financial Regulators Accountable for Diversity and Inclusion: Perspectives from the Offices of Minority and Women Inclusion
Subcommittee on Diversity and Inclusion (Committee on Financial Services)
Source: House.gov
Wednesday - September 9, 2020
The Impact of the COVID-19 - Crisis on University Research
Subcommittee on Research and Technology (Committee on Science, Space, and Technology)
38 bills pending before the Committee
Committee on Energy and Commerce
Amtraks Response to COVID-19
Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)
H.R. 683, the Puerto Rico Recovery Accuracy in Disclosures Act of 2019 or PRRADA;
H.R. 6196, the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 or the TM Act of 2020;
H.R. 631, For the relief of Arpita Kurdekar, Girish Kurdekar, and Vandana Kurdekar.;
H.R. 4225, For the relief of Maria Isabel Bueso Barrera, Alberto Bueso Mendoza, Karla Maria Barrera De Bueso, and Ana Lucia Bueso Barrera.;
H.R. 7146, For the relief of Victoria Galindo Lopez.;
H.R. 7572, For the relief of Median El-Moustrah;
H.R. ___, the One-Stop Community Reentry Center Grant Program Act of 2020;
H.R. 5053, the Justice for Juveniles Act; and H.R. 8124, To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for transportation and subsistence for criminal justice defendants, and for other purposes.
Committee on the Judiciary
Remote Hearing on Ensuring a Free, Fair, and Safe Election During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis
Transparency in Small Business Lending
Committee on Small Business
Egypt: Trends in Politics, Economics, and Human Rights
Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa and International Terrorism (Committee on Foreign Affairs)
Source: House.gov
Thursday - September 10, 2020
Business Meeting: To Reauthorize the Women Veterans Task Force
Committee on Veterans' Affairs
H.R. 7541;
H.R. 7504;
H.R. 7784;
H.R. 7879;
H.R. 7747;
H.R. 7888;
H.R. 7964;
H.R. 3450;
H.R. 3788;
H.R. 3826;
H.R. 6092;
H.R. 7469;
H.R. 8005;
H.R. 8033;
H.R. 8084;
H.R. 8068;
H.R. 8149;
H.R. 8148;
H.R. 8108;
H.R. 8144;
H.R. 8145;
H.R. 8130;
H.R. 8107;
H.R. 8147;
Discussion Draft - ANS for Veterans ACCESS Act;
Discussion Draft - Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment Act of 2020;
Discussion Draft - Ensuring Veterans Smooth Transition Act;
Discussion Draft - VA Research Technology Act;
Discussion Draft - VA High Altitude and Suicide Research Act;
Discussion Draft - VA Expanded Care Hours Act, and
Discussion Draft - Veterans Burn Pits Exposure Recognition Act of 2020.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs
Protecting Democracy During COVID-19 in Europe and Eurasia and the Democratic Awakening in Belarus
Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy and the Environment (Committee on Foreign Affairs)
Providing the Census Bureau with the Time to Produce a Complete and Accurate Census
Committee on Oversight and Reform
The Importance of Transatlantic Cooperation During the COVID-19 - Pandemic
Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, Energy and the Environment (Committee on Foreign Affairs)
The Need for Financial Aid to Americas States and Territories During the Pandemic: Supporting First Responders, Assisting Schools in Their Efforts to Safely Educate, and Preventing Mass Layoffs
Committee on Financial Services
On the Basis of Sex: Examining the Administration's Attacks on Gender-Based Protections
Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services (Committee on Education and Labor)
Kick Starting Entrepreneurship and Main Street Economic Recovery
Subcommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, Trade, and Entrepreneurship (Committee on Small Business)
"Examining the Bureau of Indian Education's School Reopening Guidance During the COVID-19 - Pandemic"
Subcommittee on Indigenous Peoples of the United States (Committee on Natural Resources)
Source: House.gov
Friday - September 11, 2020
Assessing the U.S.-Saudi Security and Intelligence Relationship
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
Biological research at the Department of Energy: Leveraging DOEs unique capabilities to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic
Subcommittee on Energy (Committee on Science, Space, and Technology)
Source: House.gov
The Daily Brief
1. Trump campaign bracing for legal battle over election, forming 'coalition' of lawyers - Fox News
The Trump campaign is bracing for the possibility of a protracted legal battle in the event of a contested election, even forming what it's calling a "Lawyers for Trump" coalition to "protect the integrity" of November's vote.
Campaign General Counsel Matthew Morgan told Fox News this week that the campaign is urging active and retired attorneys and even law students to volunteer in their nationwide efforts. "Democrats are working to shred election integrity measures one state at a time, and there's no question they'll continue their shenanigans from now to November and beyond," Morgan told Fox News. "The Trump campaign is fighting to ensure every valid ballot across America counts-once." He added that the Lawyers for Trump coalition is growing "daily" and "will rally support for President Trump as they lend their time and legal expertise to protect the integrity of November's election."
The coalition is being led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge, as well as California Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon and former Deputy White House Counsel Stefan Passantino. The group includes prominent Trump-allied attorneys like former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, former Attorney General Ed Meese and the president's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani. (Read more)
- Almighty God, we pray You dispatch myriads of angels to surround President Trump and all that pertains to his election on November 3rd. Disband every coven of darkness by the Blood of Jesus. Stand over all the lawyers so that unity, cooperation and soundness of judgment be exhibited, as a mighty army would fight and win the battle. We pray in the Name of Jesus.
- "God shall reward evil unto our enemies. For He has delivered me out of all trouble: and my eyes have seen His desire upon my enemies." (Psalm 54:5,7)
2. Trump admin. grants $1M to Kenosha Police, $4M to businesses damaged from rioters - Christian Post
The Trump administration will be granting $1 million to the Kenosha Police Department in support of their efforts to defuse the current unrest in the city, according to remarks made by President Donald Trump while visiting Kenosha on Tuesday.
Trump told reporters that he will also be granting $4 million to small business recovery for those businesses that have suffered damages from the riots, and $42 million statewide to advance law enforcement efforts.
"We must give far greater support to our law enforcement. It's all about giving them additional support. These are great people. ... These are brave people. They're fighting to save people that they never met before, in many cases. And they're incredible. We must really be thankful that we have them, and we have to help them do their jobs," Trump said.
During the conference, Trump asked a pastor to pray for the current situation in Kenosha.
"Father, we ask you to forgive us all when we've strayed from your ways and where we've not acknowledged your word. We ask that you would continue to cause this nation to be one nation, under God," Pastor James Ward of Insight Church prayed. (Read more)
- Everlasting Father, bless President Trump in his many contributions to the base needs of the American people. Empower the police departments nationwide to stand behind President Trumps' notable efforts to strengthen law enforcement to protect our citizens. We pray in the Name of Jesus.
- "Fear not; for I AM with you: be not dismayed; for I AM your God: I WILL strengthen you; yea, I WILL help you; yea, I WILL uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10)
3. President Trump To Release New List Of Potential Supreme Court Justice Nominees - The Daily Caller
President Donald Trump announced Thursday on Twitter that he will release a new list of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. "I will be releasing a new list of Conservative Supreme Court Justice nominees, which may include some, or many of those already on the list, by September 1, 2020. If given the opportunity, I will only choose from this list, as in the past, a Conservative Supreme Court Justice, Trump tweeted.
Trump's announcement comes after a pair of SCOTUS decisions that were seen as blows to conservative social and fiscal policies. The court found that LGBT Americans enjoy workplace protections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and that Trump had overstepped his authority in attempting to end the DACA immigration program by executive order.
The White House has not announced any names for the list, but it will likely be similar to the one Trump released and updated throughout his campaign and into his early presidency. (Read more)
- Mighty God, Protect President Trump's new list of potential nominees to the Supreme Court. Close the doors of leniency toward the LGBT workplace protection and DACA immigration programs. We pray in the Name of Jesus.
- "Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein." (Hosea 14:9)
4. Trump campaign rips 'Silicon Valley Mafia' after Facebook bans new campaign ads week before election - Washington Examiner
The Trump campaign fired back at Facebook after the social media giant's CEO told employees the company will implement new strategies close to the election.
Samantha Zager, deputy national press secretary of the Trump campaign, said Facebook's latest policies, which include preventing new political ads one week before the election and posts from campaigns it deems prematurely declare victory, are an attempt by the "Silicon Valley Mafia" to prevent President Trump from defending himself from political attacks during the final stretch of the contest.
"In the last seven days of the most important election in our history, President Trump will be banned from defending himself on the largest platform in America. When millions of voters will be making their decisions, the President will be silenced by the Silicon Valley Mafia, who will at the same time allow corporate media to run their biased ads to swing voters in key states," Zager said in a statement given to the Washington Examiner.
"If Democrats drop another fake Russian disinformation dossier on the President, the media will run wild with it, launching targeted ads at swing voters, and the President will be unable to respond. We know Big Tech hates Donald Trump, we know some of their employees have engaged in the leftist riots staged by Joe Biden's supporters, and now we know they are silencing the President at the most important time of all," Zager added. (Read more)
- Almighty God, shut down any new strategies that Facebook plans to implement against President Trump. Disable and block Big Tech's new political ads one week before the election. Disrupt their technical abilities to interrupt posts of President Trump's victories or defending himself from political attacks. God, scramble the hardware of Facebook so they cannot move against President Trump. Reverse the curse, Lord. In the Name of Jesus we pray.
- "A fire was kindled in their company: the flame burned up the wicked."
(Psalm 106:18)
5. Schools Allowing Boys in Girls' Sports Are Violating the Law, Even after Court Ruling, Trump Admin. Says - Christian Headlines
Connecticut schools that allow biological boys who identify as girls to compete in girls' sports are violating federal law even in light of a recent Supreme Court decision expanding LGBT rights, the Trump Department of Education has ruled.
The department's Office for Civil Rights issued a revised letter of enforcement Monday to the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) asserting that a landmark LGBT rights case from June does not change the department's position that schools are violating Title IX by allowing transgender girls to compete on girls' teams. The CIAC is the state's governing body for interscholastic sports.
"The Court expressly declined to decide questions about how its interpretation . . . would affect other statutes," the Office for Civil Rights letter said. The Office for Civil Rights issued its initial letter to CIAC in May, prior to the high court's decision.
Two biological boys who identify as girls won 15 Connecticut girls' state track titles. Connecticut does not require transgender girls to take testosterone-suppressing hormones, as is required on the NCAA and international levels. (Read more)
- Father God, there is a godly justice toward all people who are oppressed. Your judgment is just. Your judgment is according to truth. So we stand on the Word of God and claim Your divine and fair judgment to the rule in this situation. In the Name of Jesus we pray.
- "The just Lord is in the midst thereof; He will not do iniquity: every morning does He bring His judgment to light, He fails not: but the unjust knows no shame."
(Zephaniah 3:5)
6. Six Minnesota Democratic mayors endorse Trump, slam Biden as 'out of touch' - Washington Times
Six Democratic mayors from Minnesota's Iron Range endorsed President Trump's reelection Friday, signing an open letter that praised the president as a champion for working-class people and slammed Democratic nominee Joseph R. Biden as "out of touch."
"Today, we don't recognize the Democratic Party," the mayors wrote. "It has been moved so far to the left it can no longer claim to be advocates of the working class. The hard-working Minnesotans that built their lives and supported their families here on the Range have been abandoned by radical Democrats. We didn't choose to leave the Democratic Party, the party left us."
"Lifelong politicians like Joe Biden are out of touch with the working class, out of touch with what the country needs, and out of touch with those of us here on the Iron Range and in small towns like ours across our nation," the mayors wrote.
The mayors included Chris Swanson of Two Harbors, John Champa of Chisholm, Larry Cuffe of Virginia, Chuck Novak of Ely, Robert Vlaisavljevich of Eveleth, and Andrea Zupancich of Babbitt.
The letter coincided with a visit Friday by Vice President Mike Pence to the Clure Public Marine Terminal in Duluth, where Mr. Swanson and Mr. Cuffe joined Mr. Pence onstage outside a U.S. Customs and Border Protection warehouse. (Read more)
- Father God, we thank You for directing these former Democratic mayors to join President Trump in supporting him in the November 3rd election. Strengthen these mayors in their belief and trust in the President. We pray Minnesota will become strong in their newfound stability. We pray in the Name of Jesus.
- "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1)
7. Trump to Defund Cities that Defund Police, Cuomo Warns Trump Will Need to Bring an Army to NY - CBN
President Trump is directing the Office of Management and Budget to provide guidance on cutting federal dollars to cities that defund police. He's highlighting far-left cities like Portland, Oregon; New York City; Seattle, Washington; and Washington, DC, for review.
The administration's five-page memo also orders the Justice Department to identify and publicly list localities it defines as 'anarchist jurisdictions.'
The president tweeted Wednesday: "My administration will do everything in its power to prevent weak mayors and lawless cities from taking federal dollars while they let anarchists harm people, burn buildings, and ruin lives and businesses. We're putting them on notice today."
New York's Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo responded to the news with what some have called a threat. "He can't have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City," Cuomo warned. "He better have an army if he thinks he's gonna walk down the street in New York." (Read more)
- Heavenly Father, we pray You strengthen President Trump with tenacity to stand strong in the face of the enemy. As he cleans the swamp, expose the far-left cities where there are anarchist jurisdictions. Empower him to prevent weak mayors and lawless cities from taking federal dollars to commit their wicked deeds. Father God, we ask You to stand between President Trump and the evil threats made by Governor Cuomo. In the Name of Jesus we pray.
- "Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein." (Hosea 14:9)
8. Dept. of Justice wants answers from Cuomo, other Dem governors over COVID-19 nursing home deaths - LifeSite News
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has requested data from the Democrat governors of states that issued orders which may have resulted in avoidable COVID-19-related deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents. The data, which must be provided to the DOJ no later than September 9, will be used to determine whether the DOJ will open investigations under the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA), which protects the civil rights of persons in state-run nursing homes.
Four states - New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Michigan - "required nursing homes to admit COVID-19 patients to their vulnerable populations, often without adequate testing," according to a statement from the DOJ.
"Protecting the rights of some of society's most vulnerable members, including elderly nursing home residents, is one of our country's most important obligations," said Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Division Eric Dreiband. "We must ensure they are adequately cared for with dignity and respect and not unnecessarily put at risk." (Read more)
- Father God, we pray that Governor Andrew Cuomo and the other Democratic governors named above will be charged with the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home COVID-19 residents, often without adequate testing. We pray in Jesus' Name.
- "For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out." (Proverbs 24:20)
9. 2 million back petition to shut down Pornhub over sex trafficking, child abuse videos - Christian Post
A petition calling for the dismantling of PornHub, the largest pornography hosting website in the world that critics say profits off of and enables sex trafficking as well as child abuse, has surpassed 2 million signatures. The petition launched in February by Laila Mickelwait, director of abolition for the Sacramento-based nonprofit ExodusCry, has received signatures from 192 countries, according to a statement sent to The Christian Post Tuesday. The petition and corresponding website allege, with notable evidence, that the site has been enabling and profiting off of crimes like rape, abduction, sexual assault and sex trafficking.
The petition even yielded a letter from U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., in March asking Attorney General Bill Barr to conduct a federal investigation into the porn website and its parent company, MindGeek. A group of lawmakers in Canada did likewise, asking the same of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Recently, Mickelwait met with lawmakers in Washington D.C. and presented an evidence-based case against the website, which she says draws about 42 billion views per year. "All it takes to upload content to PornHub is an email address - no government-issued ID is required. Pornhub doesn't bother to reliably verify the age or the consent of the millions featured in the videos it hosts and profits from," Mickelwait said in a statement this week. "The site is set up for exploitation and is infested with videos of the real rape, trafficking, abuse, and exploitation of women and children. We have significant evidence and it is just the tip of the iceberg. Pornhub is arguably the largest public collection of sexual exploitation evidence in existence." (Read more)
To add your own name to this petition, go here.
- Almighty God, we come before Your throne room pleading for the countless souls that are caught in the devil's net of pornography. You view all this from heaven and it hurts the hearts of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Forgive them of this destructive sin that pulls souls into Satan's eternal destiny. We cry out for souls to be saved. In the Name of Jesus.
- "Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God: but he that does evil has not seen God." (3 John 11)
10. US Imposes Sanctions on Companies, Individuals Trading Oil With Iranian Regime - The Algemeiner
The Trump administration announced new sanctions on Thursday against five companies and three individuals for breaking an embargo on the oil trade with Iran. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the companies were being sanctioned for "knowingly engaging in a significant transaction for the purchase, acquisition, sale, transport, or marketing of petroleum or petroleum products from Iran."
Pompeo named the five companies as "Iran-based Abadan Refining Company; China based Zhihang Ship Management CO Ltd., New Far International Logistics LLC and Sino Energy Shipping Ltd.; and United Arab Emirates (UAE) based Chemtrans Petrochemicals Trading LLC." The three individuals sanctioned were named by Pompeo as "Min Shi, employee of New Far; Zuoyou Lin, employee of Sino Energy; and Alireza Amin, employee of Abadan."
"Iran's petroleum industry is a major source of revenue for the Iranian regime and funds its malign activities throughout the Middle East," Pompeo stated. "Our actions today reaffirm the United States' commitment to denying the Iranian regime the financial resources it needs to fuel terrorism and other destabilizing activities. We call on the regime yet again to stop undermining the Iranian people's prosperity by exploiting Iran's natural resources to sow chaos and destruction." The new measures were "another reminder that the United States will not waver in its commitment to sanctions enforcement," Pompeo remarked. "Our sanctions will remain in place until Iran changes its behavior," the Secretary of State confirmed. (Read more)
- Father God, we ask that the hearts of these deceivers be cleansed from their wickedness and unlawful theft of oil. Lord, close the door for the oil supply to be within their reach. We pray You dispatch holy angels who will stand over these sources of oil and prevent this lawlessness. In the Name of Jesus we pray.
- "And God looked upon the earth, and, behold it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth." (Genesis 6:12)
Focus on Israel
1. Gov't okays lockdown in 30 high-infection cities; virus czar: 'A pivotal moment' - Times of Israel
Cabinet ministers voted Thursday to impose lockdowns over 30 "red" cities that have high coronavirus infection rates, a day after Israel's infection numbers reached a new record of over 3,000 daily cases.
Members of the so-called coronavirus cabinet, a limited forum of ministers, decided that lockdowns would take effect on Monday, according to widespread Hebrew media reports.
The restrictions under discussion for the 30 municipalities included banning entry and exit, keeping residents within 500 meters of their homes, stopping public transportation, and closing non-essential businesses and all schools save for daycare facilities and special education programs.
Addressing the country's spiraling situation in a press conference shortly after the cabinet meting, the government's coronavirus czar Prof. Ronni Gamzu, visibly distraught, implored the public to start treating the situation seriously.
2. Bahrain opens airspace to Israeli planes, following Saudi lead - Times of Israel
The tiny Gulf kingdom of Bahrain indicated Thursday it would open its air space to Israeli planes flying to the UAE, potentially shortening flights to Dubai by several minutes.
In an announcement carried by its state news agency, Bahrain's Transportation Ministry said it would allow all flights to the UAE to cross its airspace.
The statement did not mention Israel, but came only a day after Saudi Arabia announced that it would allow Israeli overflights to the UAE, making direct flights between Tel Aviv and the Emirates viable by cutting flying time from some seven hours to only three and a half hours.
Bahrain, like Saudi Arabia, has no official diplomatic relations with Israel, but their decision to allow overflights marks a sign of cooperation with the Jewish state.
3. US Officials: Netanyahu Agreed to UAE Arms Deal; PM Calls Report a 'False Allegation' - Jewish Press
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed with the Trump administration's plans to sell advanced weapons to the United Arab Emirates, and later lied when he said he opposed the deal, the NY Times reported late Thursday, citing US officials familiar with the negotiations (Netanyahu Privately Condoned U.S. Plan to Sell Arms to U.A.E., Officials Say).
The story has already grabbed the top headlines in Israel Friday morning, with Ynet reporting: "Sale of F-35 to the Emirates: 'Netanyahu lied and denied, Pompeo returned him to the 'American line,'" and Ma'ariv declaring just as mercilessly: "US officials: 'Netanyahu lied when he denied the advanced arms deal with the Emirates.'" Only Bibi's home paper, Israel Hayom, toned down the condemnations, restricting its headline to: "Report: 'Netanyahu knew about an arms deal with the Emirates.'"
According to the NY Times, "Netanyahu chose not to try to block the deal as he took part in a broader effort in recent months to secure a diplomatic breakthrough normalizing relations between Israel and the Emirates, the officials said."
4. Netanyahu decries 'false allegation' he secretly okayed F-35 jet sales to UAE - Times of Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied on Friday that he had privately removed any opposition to the sale of American F-35 fighter jets and radar-blocking planes to the United Arab Emirates as part of the normalization deal, saying it was a "false allegation."
"Repeating a false allegation against Prime Minister Netanyahu does not make it true," the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement. "At no point in the talks with the United States leading to the historic breakthrough with the United Arab Emirates on August 13 did the prime minister give Israel's consent to the sale of advanced weapons to the Emirates."
The response came after a New York Times report on Thursday said the premier privately stopped opposing the sale of the planes to Abu Dhabi, despite repeated public assurances that he is against the deal.
5. Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leaders meet in Beirut to coordinate activity - JNS
(September 3, 2020 / JNS) Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh met with Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Secretary-General Ziad al-Nahala in Beirut on Wednesday to discuss cooperation between the two terrorist groups.
The two organizations held talks about how they can coordinate their actions in light of the restrictions on movement into and out of Gaza and the normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, and the Trump peace plan, Ynet reported on Thursday.
The Hamas leader is in Beirut for a week-long visit to meet with other Palestinian factions over the warming relations between Israel and some Arab states, AlJazeera recorded.
6. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace
To read this alert, go here.
7. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel
To read this alert, go here.
Thought for the Day
A Word from Johnny Enlow
Johnny Enlow: "September 2020: Be the Storm or Face the Storm"
As we enter into the key month of September we have a choice before us. Here is what I heard the Spirit of Lord say today:
"Be the storm or face the storm." You choose. For surely the enemy has many plans and supposed surprises for September. However, My children, I am inviting you to be the big surprise and the big storm of September. I am saying, mobilize, move, march, meet, mix, meld and maximize. Maximize who I am in you. Weaponize who I am in you. Maximize by coming together in every way possible. Weaponize who I am by allowing Me to stir up radical love in you.
"I Will Go Where You Go"
"I will be looking at you and following your lead. I will go where you go. I will move where you move. I will target what you target. I will expose what you expose. We are doing this together. We are taking back your cities, your states and your nations. We are saying ENOUGH to death, destruction, deception and darkness! We are not passively waiting to see what awful and cowardly thing the enemy will next do. ENOUGH!
"You will do your part and I will do My part. I am teaching you how to be deliverers. I am training you how to become reformers. I am lifting you up to higher places and you must learn to remain and operate at that level.
"No more hunkering down. No more fear. No more dread. No more waiting for the other shoe to hit. No more passivity. No more pretend meekness. No more patronizing darkness. No more tap dancing with evil in government and calling it honor. No more. No more. ENOUGH!
Beheading the Enemy
"You will now rise. You will now be the storm of all storms against the enemy. You will be active with your prayer life. You will be active with your praise life. You will be active with your engagement of society. You will not be quiet. You will not be silent. You will not remain muted. You will not be meek in this battle but you will be mighty.
> > > This is an excerpt of Johnny's word. To read all of this prophecy, please go here.
God’s Priority in this Hour
"God's Priority in this Hour"
A Teaching Submitted by Kolyah
The following is a short excerpt of an excellent teaching by our dear friend, Kolyah. We recommend this teaching to you, in its entirety, by going here.
This article is also posted on our website, under "Articles of Interest" under the name: THE ONE WORD ORDER.
Right now, your world is in the spin of chaos that has been created by the Enemy. However, these things did not happen in a vacuum. Even as hidden mines are floated underneath the waters of the sea to blow up the ships and subs of an opponent in war, the Enemy of Your Soul has planted a great minefield across the world to sink the advancements of My Kingdom through the destruction of souls in My human creation. Over many years, he has injected his lies, his agendas, his inventions, and his operatives into the lives, social structures, institutions, and cultures of My children. He has done this with the intention of destabilizing, and then destroying, that which is righteous; replacing good with evil.
The highways of access to the human soul have always been through the eyes, ears, hearts, minds, and emotions of My little ones. He takes advantage of the dependency upon Me that was instilled within each human soul. Through his injection of lies, accusations, assumptions, and delusions he introduces the poisons through which he intends to redirect the dependency of needy human to be upon him; turning My human creation to align with his kingdom . . . making them his servile pawns, so that that they would see him as their source of truth and life. He creates a crisis and then stirs it up to become a widespread event through the use of his wicked operatives . . . operatives, which he has implanted throughout the earth in positions of power and influence.
Once he creates a firestorm of confusion, anarchy, offense, entitlement, dread, loss and threat, he presents his solutions, so that My children will look to him, and to his own allies, rather than to Me for their relief, remedy, and salvation. He has done this since the beginning of human life. In keeping with his nature of being a viperous serpent, truly he is the great injector of deadly poisons. If you do not understand this as the reality, and if you do not operate from the truth of it, you will be vulnerable to his injections.
Our Weekly Call to Repentance
Operation Restoration
Once each week, on Sunday mornings and for 24 hours, join with others in OPERATION RESTORATION . . .
"Operation Restoration"
This initiative is based upon the Move of the Spirit that was launched last month during Operation Refiner's Fire. The LORD has shown us that He has used those fires to ignite the FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT to visit our people, which He now yearns to keep burning among our people until the day of His return!
"Operation Restoration" is based on the promise of Scripture, recorded in
2 Chronicles 7:14,15.
It is written:
. . . "and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place."
This is a weekly Solemn Assembly, where saints can feel free to gather each Sunday, to offer prayers of repentance before our Lord, for the many sins our nation has committed before Him.
Abba so desires to hear our prayers . . . He is just waiting to heal us!
You can join us, any Sunday, beginning at 9:00 a.m. EST by calling:
Access Code: 150411#
Each week, our conference line for Operation Restoration will remain open until Monday morning at 9:00 a.m.EST -- allowing for 24 hours of nonstop prayer before our King of Kings, that He might, indeed, "heal our land." Amen.
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