The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Sept 22, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Sept 22, 2021
BULLETIN! La Palma volcano
 Lava flows into swimming pool, vaporising it instantly

Drone footage shows the moment 1,000°C lava pours into a swimming pool on La Palma, one of Spain’s Canary Islands, where volcanic eruptions have forced thousands of residents to evacuate.

The pool’s water boils as the black molten lava seeps in, sending a huge plume of steam billowing into the air.

The eruption began on Sunday on the Cumbre Vieja ridge, sending a 20-foot high wall of magma flowing down hillsides toward nearby villages and crushing everything in its path. Thousands of tremors have shaken the island over the past few weeks, heralding the eruption. (The Independent UK) View much more by going here,

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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me, and know my anxieties;
 And see if there is any wicked way in me,
And lead me in the way everlasting."
(Psalm 139:23.24)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"

Supreme Court to hear Mississippi abortion case in early December

The Supreme Court has scheduled arguments for the highly anticipated Mississippi abortion case. The case, which will consider the legality of Mississippi's ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, will be heard Dec. 1, according to the court.

Mississippi's abortion restriction was the first to reach the court from a wave of state laws intended to challenge the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which declared that access to abortion was a constitutional right.

The case also comes after the high court declined to block Texas' restrictive abortion law, which bans abortions at around six weeks of pregnancy — before most women know they are pregnant — without any exceptions for rape and incest. (NBC News) Read more here. 
- Father God, the very destiny of our nation rests upon the outcome of this case. We thank You that, even as we are praying over this hearing today, the pro-life attorneys are busily preparing the briefs that will be presented to the Court in December. We ask that You grant each one unusual wisdom as they do so, and that, in the end, the one who argues this case before the Court will receive unusual favor from the Justices. We ask this prayer in Your Mighty Name, amen and amen.

We thank You too Abba, that the Supreme Court will actually hear this case.  We pray that it will result in victory against abortions.  Father, the fight will be brutal, we pray for safety for every member of the Supreme Court and their families.  Would you hedge them in with love, truth and Your presence speaking to each one of them, that they would know You are ever-present.

- "Let them be ashamed and brought to mutual confusion Who seek to destroy my life; Let them be driven backward and brought to dishonor Who wish me evil."  (Psalm 40:14) 


1. Prime Minister Bennett’s COVID policy: ‘I want parents to fight with each other’ - World Israel News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said he “want[s] parents to fight with each other,” when deciding to reopen Israel’s education system earlier this month, according to a report on Channel 13 on Sunday evening.

The controversial comment was made during a coronavirus cabinet meeting that was held just before the reopening of Israel’s education system on September 1.

The meeting dealt with a proposed policy for only allowing classes with low rates of unvaccinated students to reopen, while forcing classes with high rates to remain closed.

Israel’s Teachers’ Union secretary-general Yaffa Ben-David proposed to impose the policy on whole grades and not just specific classes, to which the Israeli premier replied: “It wouldn’t be right to impose this on entire grades. I want parents to fight with each other.” (Read more)

- Abba, we pray for peace and unity in Israel. We ask that You stop any further division of people regarding getting the vaccination or not. We pray the freedom for people to choose and not have repercussions. We pray in the name of Yeshua, amen. 

2. Lebanon’s new PM vows to take back land it sees as occupied by Israel - Times of Israel

Lebanon’s new Prime Minister Najib Mikati vowed on Monday to reclaim territories it sees as occupied by Israel, while warning that the country has the right to respond to any aggression.

Lebanese lawmakers convened on Monday to confirm the country’s new government, following a power outage and a broken generator that briefly delayed the start of the parliament session.

During the session, Mikati said that “Lebanese citizens have the right to oppose Israel’s occupation, and to respond to its attacks,” according to Israel’s Kan public broadcaster.

Mikati pledged that his government would continue to work to liberate territories it sees as occupied by Israel, according to the report. (Read more) 

3. US Broken Promise: Congress Shoots Down $1B Emergency Aid to Replenish Israel’s Iron Dome ​- Jewish Press

Just a few hours before a scheduled vote on the American Budget Law, a group of progressive Democratic Congress members forced the House of Representatives to remove a clause that would have funded replenishment of Israel’s Iron Dome aerial defense system.

The withdrawal of the emergency aid clause – which would have paid for the replenishment of Israel’s Iron Dome aerial defense batteries and interceptor missiles — came after a group of Congress members announced they would not support the budget if the Iron Dome funding was included.

President Joe Biden had promised both former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and current Prime Minister Naftali Bennett that he would ensure the Iron Dome system was replenished with the Tamir interceptor missiles it needs to protect the country. (Read more)  

- Lord God, we repent for this action taken by our Congress in not upholding this agreement that Biden made to both P.M. Netanyahu and to P.M. Bennett to fund and to safeguard these critical weapons. Forgive us, O Lord we pray. Amen and amen.

4. Hackers breach servers of Israeli company, offer to sell info - Israel National News

Hackers on Monday broke into the servers of the Israeli company Voicenter, which provides telephony services to companies such as Partner and GetTaxi, Channel 12 News reported.

According to the report, the hackers have offered to sell information on some 8,000 customers. Due to the hack, the media company has taken down its website.

The hackers also reportedly had voice calls with current customers and noted that they had hacked into Voicenter's servers. (Read more) 

5. Israeli police arrest head of ‘Russian mafia’ - World Israel News

Israeli police arrested a high level figure in the “Russian mafia” on Monday after a confidant of the boss turned informant. Michael Tansky’s crime organization was described by police as one of the most influential in Israel.

A police statement said the operation against Tansky took three months and was made possible when someone in his inner circle turned informant. This informant incriminated the 38-year-old Tansky and his associates on the crime organization’s activities in Ashdod, Ramle and a number of Bedouin villages in southern Israel.

“Michael Tansky is one of the most dangerous and violent criminals in Israel, who founded a Russian mafia … and was involved in serious extortion and drug trafficking crimes worth millions of shekels,” a senior police officer told Channel 12.

“Tansky did not know that the man closest to him was our undercover agent who worked with us and passed along information 24 hours a day about what was going on in his organization… He was complacent and arrogant and did not understand we knew everything,” the officer added.   

The Daily Brief
1.Eight Months After January 6, Prosecutors Make Aggressive Maneuvers As Defendant Attempts Suicide, Another Beaten In Jail | The Daily Wire 
Some sixty people are still behind bars eight months after the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol. A Daily Wire review of court records shows unusually aggressive prosecutorial maneuvers, which sometimes brought rebukes by judges. 
For example, Jose Padilla has been detained since February. “Padilla is 40 years old and has lived in Tennessee for most of his life. He previously served in the U.S. Army during the Iraq War. After he returned home, he was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (‘PTSD’) and began receiving disability benefits. Prior to his arrest, he was a stay-at-home dad who managed his family’s household affairs and cared for his three sons during the day while his wife worked as a librarian. He has no criminal history or history of substance abuse. He also has no known ties to extremist groups,” Judge John D. Bates summarized
Prosecutors argued that his being a stay-at-home dad and veteran were reasons to hold him in jail. 
The judge wrote that “the government contended that two features of Padilla’s background favor pretrial detention: (1) his role as a stay-at-home dad, which, according to the government, gives him ‘idle time to . . . engage in conspiracy theories’ and ‘[run] down rabbit holes through social media.’ The Court cannot accept the proposition that stay-at-home parents pose a greater threat to public safety. And although the Court agrees with Judge Faruqui’s statement that, as a former service member, Padilla had every reason to know that ‘what occurred on January 6th was totally unacceptable,’ the fact of military service is complicated and can cut both ways.” 
The government also argued that his military service-induced PTSD was a reason to hold him, an assertion that the judge sharply rebutted — pointing out that if the government believed he was a suicide risk, it had done little to ensure he got help in jail.
- Lord, we rebuke the narratives of the prosecutorial team in these cases. We bind them tightly to Your thoughts and pray for Your truth to take over from deception and lies.  

- ''Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.'' (Proverbs 12:22) 

2.Michael Sussmann indicted, pleads not guilty in alleged FBI lie ( 

A former rep for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign who is accused of duping the FBI by hiding the reason he was sharing a tip about Donald Trump’s links to Russia pleaded not guilty on Friday to a false-statement charge. 
Attorney Michael Sussmann was indicted Thursday by special counsel John Durham for presenting himself as a “good citizen” when he offered the tip to undermine Clinton’s political rival, according to court records. However, he was secretly working for Clinton, Durham alleges. 
Sussmann did not answer reporter questions as he left a federal courthouse in Washington, DC. 

- Lord, we pray that this will not be the only indictment from the Durham investigation. Let the real truth come to light in every area of the issues surrounding the Russian hoax and bring justice to all who participated in it.  

- ''The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.''         (John 1:5) 

3. North Carolina Judges Strike Down Voter ID Law, Claiming It’s Racist ( 
Two North Carolina judges on Sept. 17 struck down a law that required photo identification to vote, saying the measure “was enacted with the unconstitutional intent to discriminate against African American voters.” 
The law was enacted in violation of the equal protection clause in North Carolina’s Constitution, the majority of the panel said. The clause says that “no person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws; nor shall any person be subjected to discrimination by the State because of race, color, religion, or national origin.” 
Defendants in a lawsuit, including North Carolina House Speaker Timothy Moore, failed to show that racial discrimination wasn’t a substantial or motivating factor behind the enactment of the law, Superior Court Judges Michael O’Foghludha and Vince Rozier Jr., both Democrats, wrote in a 102-page ruling permanently blocking the measure. 
“Other, less restrictive voter ID laws would have sufficed to achieve the legitimate nonracial purposes of implementing the constitutional amendment requiring voter ID, deterring fraud, or enhancing voter confidence,” they said. 
The law in question, Senate Bill 824, was enacted after a majority of voters in North Carolina approved it as a constitutional amendment in 2018. Before that, the Republican-controlled state legislature passed the bill and overrode a veto from North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat.

- Lord, we believe You have a plan to stop the incessant cries of 'racist' where there may be none of that at all, whether from judges or groups that have an agenda. We ask for wisdom for our judges of all types from county courts, state courts, federal courts and on to the Supreme Court. 

- ''But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.'' (James 3:17) 

4. Texas sues Biden administration over guidance on transgender worker rights - The Hill

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R) on Monday sued the Biden administration over guidance it released in June requiring employers to offer certain protections to transgender workers.

Paxton’s lawsuit — which names Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Chairwoman Charlotte Burrows and Attorney General Merrick Garland as defendants — asks for declaratory and injunctive relief against the enforcement of the June guidance, which it says is “unlawful.”

The EEOC released guidance in June that said employers are not allowed to stop transgender employees from dressing in a way that is consistent with their gender identity and said employers cannot deny transgender individuals from accessing bathrooms, locker rooms or showers that correspond with their gender identity. (Read more) 

- Dear Lord, we strongly come against this guidance released in an attempt to impose liberal and ungodly policies on the states.  We  also call this an  unconstitutional attempt to take down Godly morality and bring confusion into the marketplace where there are wiser people in charge.  We speak success to all the lawsuits going forth to take this down in a peaceful manner and decree and declare that the confusion of perversion will never be standard in the American workplace.  

- "Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul:  let them be turned backward, and  put to confusion, that desire my hurt."  (Psalms 70:2)

5. Dakota Access pipeline asks U.S. Supreme Court to scrap environmental study order - Reuters

Dakota Access on Monday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to revisit whether the largest pipeline out of the North Dakota oil basin requires additional environmental review.
The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia revoked a key environmental permit for the pipeline last year and ordered an additional environmental study. read more

The pipeline entered service in 2017 following months of protests by environmentalists, Native American tribes and their supporters. Opponents said its construction destroyed sacred artifacts and posed a threat to Lake Oahe, a critical drinking supply, and the greater Missouri River.

Energy Transfer (ET.N), which operates the 570,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) pipeline out of the Bakken shale basin, has said its pipeline is safe.
(Read more) 

 - Oh, Lord, we must strongly come against this ruling by a district court that stops this pipeline from going forward and making America more energy independent once again.  We shatter all false claims to environmental situations that have already been extensively studied and say that they are are only useful for hurting American energy production.  Dear Lord, please enter in and make a way where there are so many roadblocks to progress.  

- "Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me; fight against those who fight against me."  (Psalms 35:1) 
6. Trump, with spate of 2022 endorsements, goes where no former president’s gone before - Fox News

Former President Trump’s endorsement is hands-down the most sought after in the Republican Party, and Trump isn’t disappointing. The former president – eight months removed from the White House – remains extremely popular and influential with Republican voters and politicians as he aims to continue playing a kingmaker’s role in the GOP. 

And as Trump repeatedly flirts with another White House run in 2024, thanks to a spate of recent endorsements, he’s now backed nearly 40 Republicans running in elections this year and next year, from statewide races such as senator and governor to down-ballot contests.

The former president’s political endorsements come as the GOP aims to win back majorities in the House of Representatives and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections. Sometimes Trump’s endorsements are in sync with Republican leaders in Congress, and sometimes they’re divergent. And often they’re bestowed on those Republicans who support his repeated unfounded claims that the 2020 presidential election was "rigged" and "stolen" from him. Among them are secretary of state candidates in Arizona, Georgia and Michigan, three states Trump narrowly lost last year to now-President Biden. (Read more) 

- Thank You, Lord, that during these unusual times, we have a recent President that is speaking up where necessary to ensure good candidates are nominated and elected to office.  Praise You, that You are doing a work in the country in the area of those holding office and culling out those who do not need to be in office.  Thank You that attention is still being called to the fraudulent election of last year and that this will cause prayer to go up concerning it as well as watchfulness during elections to come.  

- "A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!"  (Proverbs 15:23)  

7. Biden to raise refugee cap to 125,000 in October - The Hill

The Biden administration on Monday said it would raise the refugee admissions cap to 125,000 in fiscal 2022, meeting a target that President Biden set during his presidential campaign.

The State Department said it transmitted a report to relevant congressional committees recommending “an increase in the refugee admissions target from 62,500 in Fiscal Year 2021 to 125,000 in Fiscal Year 2022 to address needs generated by humanitarian crises around the globe.” The next fiscal year begins in October.

The Biden administration will need additional slots in part to accommodate Afghans who are being brought to the United States after the fall of the Afghan government to the Taliban during the U.S. military withdrawal from the country. Some 53,000 Afghans have been brought to the U.S., though a portion of them are applicants for special immigrant visas. Earlier this month, the White House asked Congress for $6.4 billion in additional funding to help resettle Afghan refugees. (Read more)  

- Father God, this administration continually says one thing and does precisely something else.  125,000 refugees out of the tens or even hundreds of thousands, some say millions, that have come across our border since January?  Father -- how do we pray for anything more than truth and justice to surround and fall upon this nation and the government sitting over it now.  We pray for all of the people that are flooding our nation -- may they meet Jesus and take Him back to their home countries.  

- "' . . . because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained.  He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.'"  (Acts 17:31)  

 8. Former FDA Commissioner: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary … Nobody Knows Where It Came From’ - Brietbart

Speaking with Face the Nation’s Margaret Brennan, Gottlieb discussed the rules and risks early in the pandemic, explaining that the Trump administration shifted its focus to the impact lockdowns and rules would have on the economy and children.

“My view is that they were sold on the idea that you weren’t going to be able to really affect the spread and that anything you did was just going to have so many repercussions in terms of impact on children who might not be in school. Impact on the economy, that the costs were worse than the disease,” he said, explaining that schools were a “perfect example of the lack of effective policymaking.”

“And in fact, when the Biden administration wanted to open schools in the spring, this past spring, they got the CDC to change that guidance from six feet to three feet,” Gottlieb continued, admitting the original guidance was “arbitrary” and had unknown origins. (Read more)

- Father, this entire drama has been so arbitrary, with heart-breaking consequences.  We pray for families impacted by this nightmare and we bind the spirit of fear in Jesus name.  May all needless overreach be brought under righteous authority and we rebuke all deception, in Jesus name.  

- "Show Your marvelous lovingkindness by Your right hand, O You who save those who trust in You From those who rise up against them."  (Psalm 17:7)  

9. Retired justice alleges 'some evidence' election officials did not follow state law - Washington Examiner

Retired conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, who is part of the special counsel leading a GOP-backed investigation into the state's 2020 general election, is threatening to subpoena election officials who don't comply, alleging there is "some evidence" local officials did not follow established state law last November.

In late July, a special counsel was appointed the power to expand a Republican-backed investigation into the 2020 election in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos gave Gableman the task, granting him the authority to hire full-time investigators for an in-depth investigation into the presidential election, which served as a consequential battleground loss in former President Donald Trump's bid for a second term.

“Some evidence has been produced previously that shows some election officials acted unilaterally in deciding not to follow established state law," Gableman said in a six-minute video released Monday. "We will request from those officials and others with potential knowledge of unlawful actions and will compel them if necessary to produce documents and testimony that will allow the public to gain a comprehensive understanding of how their elections were managed."
(Read more)   

- God bless Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman!!! May this be only the beginning of uncovering election fraud both in Wisconsin and across our nation. We pray for Your wisdom and empowerment for the Truth-Seekers and Truth-Tellers, in Jesus name!!!

- "The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are toward their cry for help."  (Psalm 34:15)  
The Daily Jot

Biden's Death Spiral

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, September 21, 2020

It’s almost as if there are a clandestine group of schemers rubbing their hands together and ghoulishly grinning at each other in a candlelit Washington, DC catacomb as they plot the end of the United States. But we all know that these usurpers are doing it shamelessly and openly in Congress and at the White House. Americans are witnessing the tearing apart and destruction of their country with the perfect storm of illogical Leftist policies and actions that defy any common sense. Do not be deceived, these evildoers know exactly what they are doing. Suspend your disbelief. What many are quick to chalk up to incompetence and stupidity is, in reality, systematically planned and executed.

Joe Biden’s economic policies in only nine months have caused tremendous financial disruption. Pricing indexes for gasoline, household furnishings and operations, food, and shelter continued their rise in August. Food prices were up 3.7 percent compared with a year ago. Gasoline prices are up 42.7 percent from a year ago. The US Inflation rate is 5.3% as of September 15, more than double the entire averages of the past decade. So what’s Biden do? He issues a warning to states that the rising national debt could trigger a recession, costing millions of jobs. At the same time, he is asking Congress, not to cut spending, but to raise or suspend altogether the debt ceiling—so he can pass his $3.5 TRILLION spending bill. Read More

Haitian migrants revolt in custody and seize control of privately contracted bus
Haitian migrants who were being transported on a federally contracted private bus away from the border revolted during the ride and overtook control of the commercial vehicle before escaping, according to two law enforcement officials.

A large white bus bound for San Antonio, Texas, was overtaken Monday afternoon during the two-and-a-half-hour trip from the international bridge in Del Rio. The migrants on board had been picked up from the makeshift migrant camp, where thousands are waiting to be taken into custody, two federal law enforcement agents told the Washington Examiner.

"They did break out of the bus, and they did escape," a senior federal law enforcement official confirmed to the Washington Examiner on Tuesday. It is not clear which federal agency, Customs and Border Protection or Immigration and Customs Enforcement, was overseeing the transport. (Washington Examiner) Read more.

Lord God, we pray that You soon restore order to our southern border where mayhem is flourishing. May the current administration be quickly unseated and replaced with those who will righteously serve the people; may the resulting policy changes stop the free-for-all. Also, Lord, please uncover how and why 18,000 poor Haitians arrived at our southern border; reveal who organized and paid for their travel. Open our eyes, Father, and show us how to defend our Constitutional Republic at this time.
- "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."  (Psalm 33:12) 
In tight Virginia race, Youngkin backs right-to-work as McAuliffe opposes it
Right-to-work laws have been on the books in Virginia for nearly three-quarters of a century, but the two main candidates running to be the next governor hold opposing views on whether it should stay that way.

The current law has support from Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin, but is opposed by Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe.

Virginia lawmakers passed the commonwealth’s right-to-work law in 1947, which has protected workers from being forced to join a union or pay union dues as a condition of employment. The law effectively prohibits unions and employers from negotiating a contract that would require each worker to be a part of the union and prevents a person from losing his job if he decides not to join it.

Early voting for the governor’s race began Friday and election day is Nov. 2. Polls are currently showing McAuliffe with a very narrow lead on Youngkin. (Read more)

- Lord of all, since it was You who established the concept of work, it seems as if “the right-to-work” should be a given; but the unions tend to think otherwise. In Your name we oppose this spirit of control and manipulation, and pray for personal freedom to reign. Open voters’ eyes to any communist agenda behind Nominee Mcauliffe’s opposition to right-to-work laws and any other policy positions he has taken. We ask Your favor to rest upon Nominee Youngkin; guide his campaign and use him, as Governor, to benefit the state of VA and to bring You glory!
"Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. And by the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on that day He rested from all His work." (Genesis 2:1)    
Important Update!

La Palma eruption
La Palma eruption: How bad is the damage - and why is lava meeting the ocean so dangerous?

Authorities have warned people on the island of La Palma of fresh dangers after a new volcanic vent blew open and rivers of unstoppable lava flowed towards more densely populated areas and the sea.

Residents were cautioned on Tuesday about earthquakes, toxic gases, volcanic ash and acid rain after several small earthquakes shook the Spanish island, which sits in the Canary Islands archipelago off northwest Africa.

The volcanic eruption on Sunday afternoon forced the evacuation of 6,000 people and unstoppable rivers of molten lava have destroyed around 190 houses and caused significant damage to farmland and infrastructure. Thousands of small earthquakes have happened in the days following the eruption.

The flow of lava has slowed to around 120m (400ft) an hour and was not expected to reach the Atlantic Ocean until Wednesday, according to the head of the Canary Island Volcanic Emergency Plan, Miguel Angel Morcuende. Angel Voctor Torres, the head of the Canary Islands government, said there would be a "critical moment" when the lava reaches the sea.

The rivers of molten rock, which are up to six metres (nearly 20ft) high, have a temperature exceeding 1,000C and could cause explosions and produce clouds of gas when they meet the sea. Mr Torres reminded locals of the island's last eruption in 1971, when one person died after inhaling the gas emitted as lava met the water.

Mr Torres described the region as a "catastrophe zone" and said he would request funding to rebuild roads, water pipes and create temporary accommodation for families who have lost homes and their farmland.

Spain's King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia will visit the island on Thursday. (Sky News)

 > > > To read more and to view the dramatic photos and footage of this
lava flow overwhelming parts of La Palma, go here.

- Father God, one week ago, You asked us to ask You to "lessen the impact" of this pending event, and today we have seen that, so far, You have done exactly that. We thank You that no lives have been lost to date on the island, and that the flow of lava, disastrous as it is, has been slow and steady. We especially ask You to block any landslides on the southern part of this island, thereby preventing the predicted tsunami that would follow. Thank You, dear Lord, for sparing life and limb, and for (so far) preventing a much greater disaster from occurring on La Palma Island. In Your Name, amen.

- "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." (John 14:13) 
Signs & Wonders
Atlantic hurricane season maintaining prolific pace
The active Atlantic produced two more named systems over the weekend, and meteorologists say more storms could develop this week, including one storm that may come back from the dead.

The 2021 Atlantic hurricane season is maintaining a prolific pace, and AccuWeather forecasters say it could be the second straight year that a supplemental list of storm names is utilized. With 17 named storms in the books already, only four storm names remain on the designated list for the season, which still has more than two months to go.

As two tropical storms were keeping the basin busy Monday, AccuWeather forecasters were keeping a close watch on two additional areas that could spawn tropical systems this week. One of them could be given the next name from the list, Sam, and another could regenerate from a former tropical storm.

Given the frenzy of activity, the National Hurricane Center (NHC) is not far off from tapping into a new supplemental list of names predetermined by the World Meteorological Organization this past spring. These names will be given to named storms rather than using Greek letters beyond the original list of names as was the case in the hyperactive years of 2020 and 2005. Read More

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
National Day of Repentance
September 21, 2021
The Living God is so perfect: after repentance comes JOY. After the Day of Atonement God commanded the joyful Feast of Tabernacles.

This week begins the feast days of Sukkot, the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles. God said to Moses concerning this holy time: ..."and you shall rejoice before the LORD your God for seven days." (Leviticus 23:40).

It is the time when the Jews reflect on God's provision during their time that they roamed in the desert for 40 years. It is a time when the Jews dwell in Booths or Tents called Sukkah and celebrate with food and fellowship.
Read More
Classic Hymns

Here is Love

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: William Rees
Music:  Robert Lowry

Scripture: God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

Here is love, vast as the ocean,
Lovingkindness as the flood,
When the Prince of Life, our ransom,
Shed for us His precious blood.
Who His love will not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise?
He can never be forgotten,
Throughout Heav’n’s eternal days.

On the mount of crucifixion,
Fountains opened deep and wide;
Through the floodgates of God’s mercy
Flowed a vast and gracious tide.
Grace and love, like mighty rivers,
Poured incessant from above,
And Heav’n’s peace and perfect justice
Kissed a guilty world in love.

Let me all Thy love accepting,
Love Thee, ever all my days;
Let me seek Thy kingdom only
And my life be to Thy praise;
Thou alone shalt be my glory,
Nothing in the world I see.
Thou hast cleansed and sanctified me,
Thou Thyself hast set me free.

In Thy truth Thou dost direct me
By Thy Spirit through Thy Word;
And Thy grace my need is meeting,
As I trust in Thee, my Lord.
Of Thy fullness Thou art pouring
Thy great love and power on me,
Without measure, full and boundless,
Drawing out my heart to Thee.

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