The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, Sept 16, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, Sept 16, 2021
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"He will cause the evil deeds of my enemies to boomerang upon them. Do as you promised and put an end to these wicked men, O God." (Psalm 54:5)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
North Korea launches two ballistic missiles as fears grow over nuclear capability

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga called the ballistic missile launch "outrageous", and strongly condemned the action as a threat to peace and security of the region.

Japan's coast guard said the projectile appeared to have landed outside the country's 'exclusive economic zone.'

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that they and US intelligence authorities were analysing more details about the launches.

The statement read: "North Korea fired two unidentified ballistic missiles from its central inland region toward the east coast, and intelligence authorities of South Korea and the United States are conducting detailed analysis for further information." 

(The Mirror UK) Read more here.

- Father God, we bind the actions of this leader and his henchmen and rebuke every destructive plan from this oppressive nation and its Chinese handlers.  Father, please loose the glory of God upon this land in response to the prayers of all Koreans and the rest of the world and cause this tyranny to be swept out to sea.  

Let this volatile and untrustworthy government absolutely lose its strangle-hold on the people of this nation and expose their weapons program to be undermined, disrupted and destroyed, in Jesus name.  Bring this man and his weapons under Your control and may all threats be neutralized, in Jesus name.

- "Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; But he who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him."  (Psalm 32:10) 

1. Envoy: UNHRC must atone for sin of anti-Israel bias prior to Yom Kippur - Jerusalem Post
The United Nations Human Rights Council should atone for its anti-Israel bias prior to Yom Kippur by abolishing its annual practice of condemning the Jewish state under Agenda Item 7, according to Israel’s Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Meirav Eilon Shahar.

“On Wednesday, the Jewish people will observe Yom Kippur. During this period, we take the opportunity to self-reflect on the previous year and I believe it is vital for the Human Rights Council to do the same,” Eilon Shahar told the UNHRC on Tuesday, one day after it opened its 46th session in Geneva.

She listed the UNHRC’s actions against Israel in 2021. This included the passage of four resolutions condemning the Jewish state, more than were passed against any other country. The council also held a special session on Israel in May and voted for a fifth resolution, which established a permanent, first of its kind probe against the Jewish state. No other country is subject to such an open-ended investigation.

“Let us remember: This special session was called as Israel was under attack by Hamas, a terrorist organization,” Eilon Shahar said as she referenced the 11-day IDF-Hamas war in May. The special session “resulted in a one-sided, biased resolution with a never-ending commission of inquiry, further deepening the double standards against my country,” Eilon Shahar said. (Read More)

2. Israel, EU agree to recognize each other’s COVID-19 vaccine certificates - Jerusalem Post

Travelers will have an easier time entering and leaving the country now that Israel has joined the European Union’s digital COVID certificate program, the Health and Foreign ministries said Wednesday.
The program is supposed to take effect in early October, according to a joint statement.
This coronavirus travel program will enable vaccinated and recovered Israelis to travel to EU member states and other countries that are members of the program and have their certificate recognized by their country of destination. At the same time, travelers from member countries will also have their vaccination and recovery certificates recognized in Israel. (Read more)

3. Bennett pledges to step down when Lapid's time as PM comes - Israel National News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett again pledged to fulfill the rotation agreement and transfer the premiership to Yair Lapid.

"I do not have too much time to think about how I feel, because what is needed is to deal with burning issues. I feel a great privilege, especially when my parents immigrated to Israel out of Zionism. Zionism and love of country are burning in me and together with my partners we feel a great privilege," Bennett said.

"We are building a new, more open, participatory and strong leadership. On the day of the rotation, I will transfer the responsibility for the State of Israel to Yair Lapid," he pledged. (Read more) 

4. Gantz: If terror orgs rear their heads we'll take them down - Israel National News

Defense Minister Benny Gantz toured the IDF’s Central Command and conducted a situational assessment together with the IDF’s Chief of the General Staff, Head of the Central Command, Head of COGAT, Head of the Judea and Samaria Brigade, Head of the Civil Administration and representatives of the ISA and Border Police.

Gantz stated during the situational assessment: “Security forces are deployed and prepared to defend Israel’s citizens against any threat. I commend the soldiers, police officers and border police officers for their rapid and resilient response to recent events, and I wish a rapid recovery to those who were injured.

"Israel has no desire to harm the routine lives of Palestinians and we are seeking economic and other civilian measures in order to continue strengthening our coordination with the Palestinian Authority," he added.

"If any terror organizations rear their heads - we will make sure to take them down. This is true both in Judea and Samaria as well as in Gaza. We will continue to enable millions of lives to continue in their routine while acting with all the means at our disposal,” the defense minister concluded. (Read more)  

5. Insight for Intercessors - Weekly Report - September 15, 2021
Read more 

The Daily Brief
1. The No's have it - Gov. Gavin Newsom survives in California recall election - Fox News

A majority of Californians have voted no - meaning against removing Newsom from office - in Tuesday's recall election of the embattled first-term Democratic governor.
Newsom, who was overwhelmingly elected governor in 2018 in the heavily blue state, was facing a recall drive sparked last year mainly over accusations that he mishandled his state’s response to the coronavirus, the worst pandemic to strike the globe in a century.

The governor, who cruised to major victory, said soon after the Associated Press projected his win that "no was not the only thing that was expressed tonight."

“We said yes to science, yes to vaccines, yes to ending this pandemic," he emphasized.
Conservative talk radio host Larry Elder, who was the clear front runner among the 46 gubernatorial replacement candidates, told supporters "let's be gracious in defeat," after they booed when he mentioned Newsom's name.  Read more.

- Lord God, we do not know why we are going to continue to have elections in this country and expect them to be legitimate when the 2020 election fraud claims haven’t been dealt with in the proper manner. We just ask for a supernatural intervention in our elections and election laws so that we can truly trust the voice of the people and that their votes are being heard in Jesus name.

- "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body."  (Ephesians 4:25)


2. Blinken grilled by top Senate Republicans on Afghanistan chaos - DML News

Secretary of State Antony Blinken again appeared before Congress Tuesday to face grilling over the White House’s handling of American military withdrawal and evacuation.
Blinken faced tough questions from top Republican senators over the botched exit from the region and leaving Americans stranded under control of the Taliban.

The administration has referred to the effort to evacuate Americans and allies as an “extraordinary success,” and Sen. Ron Johnson was not pleased the the secretary of state’s testimony.

“Mr. Secretary, if I were just to read your testimony, not having watched any news, I would literally think this was a smashing success,” Johnson told Blinken Tuesday. “What concerns me the most, among many things, is that detachment from reality.” In attempt to defend the administration, Blinken said the actions that were taken were based off information from NATO allies. (Read more)

- Lord God we pray that this current administration is surrounding themselves with good godly influencers that are going to lead them to make the best decisions for the country and for our relations with the Middle East. And we pray that you would encourage this current administration to be forward, upfront and honest with the American public in Jesus name amen.

- "For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man." (2 Corinthians 8:21)

3. Judge blocks NY state vaccine mandate for medical workers - The Hill

A New York federal judge on Tuesday temporarily blocked the state’s vaccine mandate for medical workers. U.S. District Judge David Hurd issued an order temporarily barring the New York State Department of Health from enforcing or otherwise requiring compliance with the vaccine mandate since it does not grant religious exemptions.

Hazel Crampton-Hays, press secretary to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D), told The Hill that the governor's office is "considering all legal options. Requiring vaccination of healthcare workers is critical to this battle. This order does not suspend the vaccine mandate, but it temporarily bars the Department of Health from enforcing the mandate where individuals have claims for religious exemption. We are considering all of our legal options to keep our communities safe," she continued. 

The ruling comes after a group of 17 medical workers sued the state on Monday asking to enjoin the order. (Read more)

- Thank you Lord God for righteous judges. We pray that this particular ruling would stick. We recognize that this mandate is a threat to the efficiency of our hospitals and medical workers and we pray for intervention in this matter in Jesus name amen.

- "But I am afflicted and needy;
Hasten to me, O God!
You are my help and my deliverer;
O Lord, do not delay."  
(Psalm 70:5)

4. North and South Korea test missiles hours apart, in a dueling display of military prowess - Just The News

North and South Korea conducted ballistic missile tests just hours apart Wednesday in a display that will likely exacerbate tensions between the military rivals.

The presidential office of South Korea said that the country conducted its first submarine-launched ballistic missile test, in which a domestically manufactured missile launched from a submarine and struck its intended target as the country's leaders observed.
President Moon Jae-in says he is certain that the country's increased missile capabilities will serve as a "deterrence against North Korean provocation."

Prior to the South's weapons test, North Korea launched two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea. That firing occurred just days after the North said it fired a newly developed cruise missile. (Read more)

- Lord we are so thankful for our president Donald Trump that he was able to get this matter under control. We pray Lord that you would bring to remembrance the commitments and promises made between North and South Korea that they would continue to honor those commitments in Jesus name amen.

- "Commit your works to the Lord
And your plans will be established."
  (Proverbs 16:3)

5. DHS not testing migrants for COVID-19, must strengthen preventative measures: OIG report - Just The News

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) “does not conduct COVID-19 testing for migrants who enter CBP custody and is not required to do so,” a new report published by the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security found. "Instead, CBP relies on local public health systems to test symptomatic individuals.

"DHS' multi-layered COVID-19 testing framework does not require CBP to conduct COVID-19 testing at CBP facilities," according to the IG report. "Further, DHS' Chief Medical Officer does not have the authority to direct or enforce COVID-19 testing procedures.

Currently, only the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and CBP leadership can direct CBP to implement COVID-19 measures." Released Sept. 14, the report arrives just days after President Joe Biden announced the federal government would require COVID-19 vaccinations for over 80 million private employees as a condition of their employment. (Read more)

- Lord God this hypocrisy and double standard is unbelievable. We pray that you would open the eyes of the hearts of the American people to see that if our government is requiring United States citizens to give up their rights for this virus while giving leniency to others, we must not tolerate it. We ask for your guidance and what we should do in this situation in Jesus name.

- "O give us help against the adversary,
For deliverance by man is in vain." 
(Psalm 60:11)

6. If we desire a more perfect union, then we need to read the Constitution - My Faith Votes

There are what I call “three C’s” that have made America great: Christianity, capitalism, and the Constitution. These are the three pillars upon which our nation was founded and on which it stands today. Remove any one of these three and America will likely collapse.
A critical part of what sets America apart from its contemporaries is the incredibly unique document that broadly defines our laws and our rights: the Constitution. As we observe Constitution Day on Friday, Sept. 17, now is a timely opportunity to reflect on the document that has governed our nation since its inception.

What has made America great is this document that restricts the government and empowers the citizens. The Constitution does not give you a set of “do's and don'ts.” Instead, it acts as a boundary for the government.

And the federal government must leave decisions to the state government unless otherwise expressly written in the Constitution. That fact should end a lot of what Washington does because the Constitution simply does not give Congress that much power: the Constitution grants that power to us, the citizens. (Read more)

- Lord God we thank you so much for the men and women who made a covenant between You and this great nation. We call upon the covenant now and pray you would bring that covenant to remembrance to all Americans. Lord God, inspire us to preserve the many freedoms and the privileges we have because we have been born into this great nation. In Jesus name amen.

- “Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it.” (Psalm 127:1)

7. LA County to require proof of vaccination for indoor bars, nightclubs, breweries - Fox 11 Los Angeles

Los Angeles County is planning on issuing a new health officer order later this week that will require proof of vaccination for indoor bars, wineries, breweries, nightclubs and lounges. The order will also require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test for outdoor mega-events, including Dodgers, Rams and Chargers games, County Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer told the Board of Supervisors Wednesday. 

The order will require customers and employees at the indoor nightlife establishments to have at least one dose of vaccine by Oct. 7 and receive their second by Nov. 4.

According to Ferrer, the order will strongly recommend, but not require, vaccine verification for indoor portions of restaurants. The new order will reportedly require all attendees, employees and participants at outdoor mega-events to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the event. (Read more)

- Lord we ask for your wisdom and guidance in this time that we are going through in this country. We know that the government is overreaching and is slowly taking away our freedoms. We need you now more than ever. We need you every moment, every minute, every hour, and every day. We surrender and rely totally on your instruction in Jesus name amen.

- "Let Your hand be ready to help me,
For I have chosen Your precepts."
(Psalm 119:173)

 8. Texas hospital faces potential closure due to COVID-19 vaccine mandate, CEO says - Just The News

The CEO of a hospital in Texas is cautioning that his facility is facing possible closure following President Biden’s announcement last week that healthcare workers will be required to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.

If the mandate takes effect, the Brownfield Regional Medical Center will likely lose 20-25% of its staff, CEO Jerry Jasper says. Without those employees, the hospital will likely shut down. The Biden administration has ordered that healthcare workers who staff hospitals and facilities that receive either Medicaid or Medicare funds must receive the vaccine or lose federal funding. 

"It's huge in our rural community as all the other rural communities," Jasper said during a recent KCBD interview. "We all have high poverty levels and stuff like that, so a lot of Medicaid usage in our communities and stuff like that." (Read more)

- Lord this is so dangerous. If this vaccine is really for our health, then why are they willing to put hospitals at risk of closure. We pray Lord for supernatural intervention in this area in Jesus name amen.

- "Help me, O Lord my God;
Save me according to Your lovingkindness."
(Psalm 109:26)

9. Pelosi Criticized for Calling Heartbeat Abortion Ban 'Immoral' – 'This Is Backwards,' Group Says - Christian Headlines

A major pro-life group is pushing back against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after she labeled the Texas heartbeat abortion ban an "immoral" law and pledged to fight it with legislation.

Pelosi made the remarks after the law went into effect and after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block it. The law requires doctors and clinics to check for a fetal heartbeat and – if one is found – prohibits an abortion from taking place. Typically, that is around six weeks of pregnancy. "This radical law is an all out effort to erase the rights and protections of Roe v Wade," Pelosi said in a series of tweets. "Every woman, everywhere has the constitutional and moral right to basic reproductive health care. We will fight SB8 and all immoral and dangerous attacks on women's health and freedoms with all our strength."

The pro-life group Live Action rejected Pelosi's argument and said, "there is nothing morally sound about killing a woman's preborn child and calling it a right or a freedom."

"The very act of abortion is immoral, dangerous, and unethical," Live Action said. "... Abortion is a horrific and immoral act that harms vulnerable women and allows abusive men to further hurt and control their victims. Abortion makes women look at their own children as oppressors who hold them back. Abortion says that the ability to carry a child and give birth makes women less than men. Abortion is the catastrophe." (Read more)

- Lord God, once again, we repent that the Speaker of the House is calling good evil and evil, good. This must stop, in Your name, amen and amen.

- "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20)

10. UK, US and Australia Announce New Defence Pact Amid Growing China Concerns - Politics Home

Boris Johnson, US President Joe Biden and Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison have revealed a new security pact, which will allow the countries to share nuclear submarine secrets at a time of growing concern over China.

In unprecedented on-camera address from the three world leaders at 10pm today, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said "We're opening a new chapter in our friendship."

The tri-lateral pact, to be known as AUKUS, will involve the US and UK helping Australia develop and maintain a nuclear submarine capability and is being seen as an attempt to counter potential regional influence by China.

Biden told the press conference that the Australian submarines were not armed with nuclear weapons – but were nuclear powered, meaning they would be quieter, and more effective. (Read more)

- Lord God we have no way of knowing what is going on behind the scenes whether or not this is a good decision or bad one. We just contour to pray Lord for the Biden Administration that they would yield to you. We pray they would act in the best interest of the United States. Amen.

- "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."   (James 3:17)

The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Institutionalized Child Abuse

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, September 15, 2021

As California voters rejected the recall of a governor that closed prisons, suspended the death penalty, enforced vaccine mandates, and enforced COVID-19 statewide restrictions, another crazy, hard to believe event occurred in the state. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Saturday installed a transgender Bishop. The Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer (they/their/them) will serve a six-year term and preside over the Sierra Pacific Synod, which consists of roughly 200 Lutheran congregations. Rohrer’s bio says “Pastor Megan lives near Golden Gate Park with their wife Laurel, two children and three cats.” THEY is pictured mask-less in THEIR bishop vestment with two small children, wearing masks.

This is just one example of how far the church has fallen, yet many will celebrate Rohrer’s installment as a victory for equality, LGBTQ rights, transgender rights, diversity and inclusion. Never mind that this is a mainline denomination posing as a “church” that calls itself “Christ’s Church.” The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s website describes its faith as: “When Lutherans talk about faith, we are talking about the relationship God’s Holy Spirit creates with us. It’s a relationship where God’s promise of steadfast love and mercy in Jesus opens us to a life of bold trust in God and joyful, generous service to everyone we know and meet in daily life.” Therein, it should also adhere to the principles of the Bible. Read More

Gary Bauer: Milley's Treason
Milley's Treason
According to veteran Washington Post journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, General Mark "Thoroughly Modern" Milley staged an insurrection of his own at the Pentagon in the final weeks of the Trump presidency. 
In a new book set to be released next week, Woodward and Costa claim that Milley engaged in a series of actions deliberately designed to undermine and circumvent President Trump's authority as commander-in-chief. 
They allege that Milley called his communist Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng, in late October to assure him that the United States wasn't planning an attack.  Milley's call was supposedly based on intelligence that Beijing interpreted a scheduled naval exercise as a preemptive strike.  So, Milley called Li and told him:
"We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.  General Li, you and I have known each other now for five years. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time. It's not going to be a surprise."
Really?  Warning our enemies in advance is now U.S. policy?
Woodward and Costa also report that Milley agreed with Speaker Nancy Pelosi's demand to prevent President Trump from exercising full control of America's nuclear arsenal.  Milley reportedly made senior Pentagon officers swear an "oath" to him.
Responding to these allegations, Sen. Marco Rubio, the ranking Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to President Biden demanding Milley be fired immediately.  Sen. Rand Paul called for Milley to be court-martialed for treason.  
Christopher Miller, Trump's last secretary of defense, said he did not authorize such calls by Milley, and described them as a "disgraceful and unprecedented act of insubordination." 
Regardless of what one thinks of Donald Trump, Milley's actions severely undermined the Constitution and the civilian chain of command. But it seems that Milley's position is safe.  The Pentagon is defending him, and, not surprisingly, so is President Biden
The Final World War is Raging

A prophetic word from Holland
This prophetic word was released on 9/11: September 11 2021 by Bert P. Dorenbos, Choose Life, Hilversum, Holland.

To read this word, please go here

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Update: September 15, 2021

1. “Senator demands to know ‘who is in charge’ at White House after Biden cut off mid-sentence”

Read the full article by Jessica Chasmar with Fox News here

2. “Biden Has Never Been Honest About the ‘Trump Vaccines’”

Read the full article by Andy Puzder for Real Clear Politics here

3. “Psaki stands by having employer vaccine mandate while illegal immigrants get a pass”

Read the full article by Andrew Miller with Fox News here

4. “Biden’s Presidency Is Already A Total Disaster, And It’s All His Own Fault”

Read the full article by John Daniel Davidson with the Federalist here

5. “David Bossie: Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal can’t ever be forgotten. Congress, here are your options”

Read the full article by David Bossie for Fox News here

Signs & Wonders
Hurricane Nicholas hammers Gulf Coast communities
After strengthening into a hurricane mere hours before landfall, Nicholas dealt a scathing blow to Texan cities prone to flooding and could further complicate recovery in areas ravaged by Ida.

Nicholas came blasting ashore just after midnight on Tuesday as a Category 1 hurricane, the second hurricane to make landfall in the United States this season and the 19th named storm to hit the U.S. in the last 17 months. Under the dark of night, Nicholas unleashed wind gusts as high as 95 mph near where it made landfall, causing all manners of damage, and drenching rains that, combined with storm surge, resulted in widespread flooding.

And Nicholas reached hurricane force just prior to landfall, overcoming multiple atmospheric conditions to do so.

"Things are -- starting to get a little gusty."

Extreme Meteorologist Reed Timmer stood on the beach of Matagorda Peninsula, Texas, on Monday, Sept. 13. The landfall of then-Tropical Storm Nicholas wouldn't happen until after midnight, but already he was experiencing sustained winds of tropical-storm-force "that'll almost take your breath away," as Timmer described between the gusts.
Read More

The Good News Corner
Seeds of Revival in Afghanistan: Taliban's Oppressive Islamic Governance Creating 'Ripe Soil for Church to Grow'

As the new Taliban government tightens its grip on Afghanistan, people there plainly see the darkness of Islam and they're running toward the light of the gospel.

"As Job says, in the book of Job he says, 'When a man is in a heap on the ground, he stretches out his hand to God,' so it's in the midst of the desperation that souls are hungry, and so it's a moment of opportunity," Joel Richardson, with Global Catalytic Ministries (GCM), tells CBN News.

Richardson says history proves that oppressive Islamic governance leads to revival in the Church.

"Iran has the fastest growing Church in the world. Seven years after the ISIS blitzkrieg, there's a revival in northern Syria...the establishment of Islamic government provides ripe soil for the Church to grow," Richardson explained.

The Church in Afghanistan is determined to do the same.

"They're still actively meeting, studying the scriptures together and sharing the gospel. We actually have a report from one of our leaders who has been sharing the gospel with Taliban members that came into their village and they've actually been engaging in Bible studies and prayer," said Richardson. (CBN) Read more.

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
40 Days of Prayer
This is day twenty eight in our journey. Join us even if you are beginning today. Each day starting Saturday August 7 we have posted a sin which the Lord would have us confess and remove through personal repentance. God willing, these 40 days will lead us to the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur September 15.

This process is taking place during the month of Elul, a period of reflection, introspection, and repentance before the Days of Awe. The shofar is sounded in each morning’s prayer service during Elul as a call to repentance. It’s believed that in Elul, Adonai forgave our people and relented from destroying us. Elul is also a time to contemplate G-d’s lovingkindness and forgiveness. The hebrew letters that spell the month Elul - אלול - stand for “I am my Beloved's, and my Beloved is mine.” According to Jewish tradition the King is in the field during Elul and this is the season to meet Him there.

Today the sin is envy.

There's a SPIRITUAL DROUGHT in every nation on the planet. We are not yet honoring the Authority of the Risen Christ that He revealed in Matthew 28:18: " ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."
Read More
Classic Hymns

It is Well With My Soul 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Horatio Spafford
Music: Phillip Bliss

Scripture: Praise the Lord, O my soul. Psalm 146:1

When peace, like a river,
Attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot,
Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet,
Though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded
My helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.


My sin—oh, the bliss of
This glorious thought—
My sin—not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross,
And I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!


For me, be it Christ,
Be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine,
For in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.


But, Lord, ‘tis for Thee,
Tor Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh trump of the angel!
Oh voice of the Lord!
Blessèd hope, blessèd rest of my soul!


And Lord, haste the day
When my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound,
And the Lord shall descend,
Even so—it is well with my soul.

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