The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Sept 15, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Sept 15, 2021
Gavin Newsome beats recall election; will remain as Governor of the State of California.

(Please join us in wearing sackcloth and ashes over this report.) We pray for the saints in the State of California -- that they not be discouraged or lose hope. Our trust is in the LORD. Amen.

For details, go here. (Fox News)

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The Daily Brief
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"Because the wicked are unfair, their violence boomerangs and destroys them."        (Proverbs 21:7)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Calls for chairman of Joint Chiefs to step down intensify over report he sought to undermine Trump


Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the star witness in the first impeachment of President Trump, is calling for the resignation of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley if the reporting of his secret phone calls with China under the previous administration occurred. 
New reporting from the upcoming book "Peril" alleges that Milley reached out to his Chinese counterpart in the final months of the Trump presidency, vowing that he would warn the CCP if the commander in chief launched an attack. 
Vindman, an outspoken Trump critic himself, insisted that "if" the reporting is accurate, Milley's actions went too far. 
"If this is true GEN Milley must resign," Vindman tweeted. "He usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military. It’s an extremely dangerous precedent. You can’t simply walk away from that."
He added, "#dotherightthingintherightway."
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Floriday Tuesday called on Biden to fire Milley. (Fox News) Read more. 
- Father, this is an outrageous overstep of authority against our duly elected President, if true.  We ask that General Milley and all other members of government who have aided and abetted the enemy be brought under charges fitting their crimes.  May grand juries be quickly seated to investigate.  We pray that the journalists and their families are kept safe under the shadow of Your wings and that all the evidence is abundant, overwhelming and already prepared for trial.  In Jesus name!

- "'But who can endure the day of His coming?  And who can stand when He appears?  For He is like a refiner's fire And like launderers' soap.'"  (Malachi 3:2)

Tonight at sundown, Jews around the world will observe Yom Kippur - the holiest day of the year on the Hebrew Calendar. This year they will usher in the year 5782,
with services all around the world as they enter into a day of prayer, fasting and deep repentance.

We honor our Jewish friends now, and wish you all a blessed Yom Kippur:


g’mar chatima tovah!

1. Gantz: Israeli Security Forces Deployed and ‘Prepared to Defend Citizens Against Any Threat’ - Jewish Press

At least 2,000 Jerusalem, Israel and Border Guard Police officers are to be deployed in Jerusalem, protecting the capitol and its inhabitants on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement.

Israeli security forces have seen an uptick in violence and terrorist activity this month, particularly after the escape from Gilboa Prison nearly two weeks ago by six high-security terrorist prisoners. Four have since been recaptured, including former terrorist commander Zakaria Zubeidi. All but one are serving life sentences. Two of the escapees are still at large.

Ahead of the holiday, Defense Minister Benny Gantz toured the IDF’s Central Command and conducted a situation assessment together with the IDF’s Chief of the General Staff, Head of the Central Command, Head of Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), Head of the Judea and Samaria Brigade, Head of the Civil Administration and representatives of the Israel Security Agency (General Security Services / Shin Bet) and Border Guard Police. (Read more)  

2. ‘A great honor’: Bahrain’s first-ever envoy to Israel presents credentials - Times of Israel

Bahrain’s first-ever ambassador to Israel Khaled Yousif Al-Jalahma presented his credentials to President Isaac Herzog on Tuesday at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem.

Jalahma gave his letter of credence to Herzog in a formal ceremony, a day before the one-year anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords at the White House, which normalized ties between Jerusalem and Manama.

Jalahma held a diplomatic meeting with Herzog after the presentation ceremony, which was followed by joint statements to the press in Hebrew and Arabic. (Read more) 

3. Caught on Hot Mic, Israeli Health Minister Says ‘Green Pass’ Not Based on Epidemiology - Jewish Press

Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the public to get vaccinated, and not for medical reasons, Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said on Sunday, ahead of the weekly Cabinet meeting.

Horowitz was caught on a hot mic telling this to Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked, who was also unaware that the conversation was being taped and would be broadcast on Channel 12 News.

In response to Shaked’s suggestion that the “green pass” could be removed as a requirement for outdoor seating at restaurants, Horowitz said: “For swimming pools, too, not just in restaurants.”

“Epidemiologically, it’s true,” said Horowitz, adding, “The thing is, I’m telling you, our problem is people who don’t get vaccinated. We need [to influence] them a bit; otherwise, we won’t get out of this [pandemic situation].” (Red more) 

4. Health Ministry chief says coronavirus spread reaching record heights - Times of Israel

Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash said Tuesday that the current wave of coronavirus infections is surpassing anything seen in previous outbreaks and that he is disappointed that a recent downward trend appeared to be reversing.

Ash’s remarks via video call to the Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee came as Health Ministry figures showed that over 10,000 new COVID-19 cases were diagnosed the day before and that the positive test rate was climbing.

Pointing out that there is an average of 8,000 new infections each day, with occasional peaks over 10,000, he said, “That is a record that did not exist in the previous waves,” including the massive third wave at the end of last year. (Read more)  

5. Two Israelis, including Netanyahu trial witness, killed in plane crash in Greece - World Israel News

A prosecution witness in one of former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trials was one of the two Israelis killed in a light plane crash in Greece Monday night.

Haim Garon, a former Communications Ministry deputy director, was piloting his Cessna with his wife Esti when it went down off the coast of the island of Samos, where they were scheduled to land from Israel. They were the only ones in the four-seater aircraft. While technical problems are suspected, the cause of the crash is as yet unknown.

“We spotted debris of the aircraft in the sea about a mile south of the airport” on the island, a Greek coast guard official told Reuters. The Greek air force also dispatched a helicopter to the scene, but there was nothing to do but recover the bodies.

“He was so happy to fly,” said a relative, according to Ynet. “He bought that plane together with a partner and would fly abroad frequently. He was a responsible pilot, we cannot comprehend what happened there.” (Read more)   

- Israel 365 News

To learn more about the meaning and the traditions of Yom Kippur, go here.

> > > "Mark, the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement." (Lev. 23:27)

The Daily Brief
1. Homeland Security chief of staff abruptly resigns - Politico

Karen Olick, chief of staff to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, announced Monday that she will be leaving for an undisclosed opportunity.
Jennifer Higgins, the current associate director of Refugee, Asylum and International Operations at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, will step in as a temporary chief of staff until a new appointment is made, according to officials in the department. Olick plans to leave DHS at the end of the month.

In an email, Mayorkas told DHS officials that Olick “has decided to resign her position and pursue new opportunities. We are grateful to Karen for her service during the critical first nine months of the new Administration.”

In a separate farewell note, Olick also said: “Though too often underappreciated by our fellow citizens, I am continually struck by how many millions of Americans sleep in safety every night because so many at DHS do not sleep.” Olick didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. (Read more)
- Father God, it appears the Dept. of Homeland Security is currently on shaky ground, as Karen Olick, is leaving suddenly. Also, morale within the department is low and tensions are high, as not all are required to follow the same rules. Lord we ask for You to rearrange the agency at this critical time to reflect what and who are needed to make decisions that will bring the best outcomes for the U.S. We humbly pray for Your swift solutions. Sweep out those who are part of the problem, and may the political spirit be gone. Remind us to pray for ALL in authority and to bless those who do their jobs honorably.
- "He will not allow your foot to slip; He who watches over you will not slumber. Behold, He who watches over [America] will neither slumber nor sleep."            (Psalm 121:3-4)  

2. RNC mulls appeal of FEC ruling for Twitter in Hunter Biden laptop censorship - New York Post

The Republican National Committee was “weighing its options” Monday after a report said the Federal Election Commission has tossed its complaint that Twitter illegally suppressed The Post’s expose about Hunter Biden’s emails. “As Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said recently, it was a ‘total mistake’ for Twitter to suppress this important story,” RNC spokeswoman Emma Vaughn said.

“Worse, it was also illegal and our complaint persuasively explains why.”
Vaughn added: “The RNC is weighing its options for appealing this disappointing decision from the FEC.” US Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.) tweeted, “Big Tech and the Mainstream Media blocked the Hunter Biden story to affect the outcome of the election in violation of election law. They are now lying about it and facing zero consequences!”

The FEC’s ruling hasn’t yet been made public but a document outlining it says that Twitter’s move was made for business, not political purposes, according to the New York Times, which said it obtained a copy. (Read more) 

- Lord of all, we ask You to move upon the RNC to do what is right. May they appeal the FEC decision in favor of Twitter blocking the Post’s story regarding Hunter Biden’s emails. Lord, uncover what is needed for the WHOLE TRUTH to be made known. May our right to speak freely remain foundational to our nation; and may the Main Stream Media and “Big Tech” be held accountable for censorship. In Jesus name!  Amen

- "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"      (Isaiah 5:20)  

3. School vaccine campaigns targeting students face blowback - ABC News

In most states, minors need the consent of their parents in order to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Navigating family politics in cases of differing views has been a challenge for students and organizers of outreach campaigns, who have faced blowback for directly targeting young people.

President Joe Biden has encouraged every school district to promote vaccines, including with on-site clinics, to protect students as they return to school amid a resurgence of the coronavirus. But several governments and school districts have taken more neutral stances in areas where skepticism of the vaccine remains prevalent.

In Tennessee, the health department ended vaccination events and outreach aimed at minors following criticism of advertisements that featured children and included slogans like “Give COVID-19 vaccines a shot.” Republican lawmakers accused the health department of “ peer pressuring ” children to get the vaccine and criticized a top official who sent a memo to vaccine providers explaining that they could legally waive parental consent under Tennessee law. (Read more) 

- Father God, help us, please help us! You love the children even more than we do as parents, and we all want what is best for each child. The maelstrom of lies, misinformation, truth, partial truths, flip flop opinions, bribery, mandates, rewards, are driving families, friends, neighbors and schools apart and are driving us crazy, putting even more stress on our children. BUT, You have not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind! 

Have mercy and help us hear only Your voice on this matter. Help us to fight like Mama Bears to protect our children, and may our voices be heard. In Jesus name, we bind the spirits of control and confusion and loose the spirits of wisdom, truth, and freedom! Dear Father, may the Truth Be Told and Be Heard—may it be shouted from the rooftops!

- “Because of the devastation of the poor, because of the groaning of the needy, Now I will arise,” says the LORD; “I will put him in the safety for which he longs.”  (Psalm 12:5) 

4. Essential workers among 8 million who could get amnesty in reconciliation bill - Washington Examiner

The House Judiciary Committee on Monday began considering a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants who were essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic, as well as Temporary Protected Status holders and illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, as part of their $3.5 trillion go-it-alone “Build Back Better” social programs spending bill.

Democrats estimate that all the immigration provisions together could provide a pathway to citizenship for some 8 million people.

But it is not clear if the provisions will stay in the bill, which Democrats are advancing through a budget reconciliation process that bypasses the need for support from at least 10 Senate Republicans due to filibuster rules. Bills in that process are not allowed to concern measures “extraneous” to the budget. (Read more) 

Father God, we come before You with this plan which obviously favors those that the majority party think will vote for them if they become citizens.  We call for a defeat of the plans of the enemy to dilute the American culture and values by adding voters who will only vote for those who will "give" them things.  Lord, we ask that You would move on the Parliamentarian to rule against this provision being put in this bill and that her ruling would not be overturned.  We pray that this obvious tactic will be exposed and widely condemned.  

- "The hope of the righteous shall be gladness:  but the expectation of the wicked shall perish."  (Proverbs 10:28)   

5. Anti-abortion group blocked from suing Planned Parenthood under Texas law - The Hill

A Texas judge on Monday temporarily blocked an anti-abortion group from suing Planned Parenthood under Texas's new six-week abortion ban, handing a narrow win to abortion rights advocates. The temporary order does not definitively rule on the lawfulness of Texas's controversial new measure, which prohibits abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, nor does it permit Planned Parenthood to defy the law. Rather, the order prevents Texas Right to Life from attempting to enforce the abortion ban against Planned Parenthood while a legal dispute between the parties plays out. 

In a three-page order, Crump said abortion providers at Planned Parenthood clinics had reason to fear being sued by Texas Right to Life under the new Texas law if the anti-abortion group was not restrained from doing so.  “The Court finds that Plaintiffs will be imminently and irreparably harmed in the interim absent a temporary injunction,” Crump wrote.

The Texas law at issue was signed in May by Gov. Greg Abbott (R) and took effect earlier this month. It gives enforcement authority to private citizens, allowing them to sue those who perform an abortion or aid a woman receiving one in violation of the measure, and provides for $10,000 for a successful lawsuit. (Read more)  

- Precious Lord, we firmly stand against any threats to overturn this law or weaken it so that life can be taken from the most vulnerable among us. We decree and declare that the laws of every state, and indeed our nation, will support life from the very beginning and give credit to our Creator God who sustains life. Lord, sweep over our country with a change in favor of life in the hearts of those who must rule in this vital matter. 

- "Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." (Proverbs 31:9)  
6. House Democrats release bill raising corporate tax to 26.5 percent - The Hill

The House Ways and Means Committee on Monday released legislation aimed at paying for Democrats' $3.5 trillion in social spending priorities, including by raising the corporate tax rate to 26.5 percent.

The legislation includes a host of tax increases focused on high-income individuals and corporations. It would increase the top capital gains rate from 20 percent to 25 percent, raise the top individual tax rate from 37 percent to 39.6 percent and impose a 3 percent surtax on individuals' income above $5 million.

The legislative text is part of a wide-ranging bill that includes spending and tax cuts in areas such as child care, health care and renewable energy. The Ways and Means Committee started considering its portion of the bill last week and is scheduled to continue its markup on Tuesday and Wednesday. (Read more)  

Dear Lord, we see how punitive are the plans of foolish and controlling men who are wise in their own eyes.  We ask that You would intervene in their plans to take income away from those who earn it to promote their utopian ideas of what a socialist country should be like.  Oh Lord, use Your power to alter the final bills to favor those who need relief from high taxes for liberals' causes.  

- "The  Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous."  (Proverbs 15:29) 


7. Elder alleges 'fraud in California' ahead of recall election - Washington Examiner

Conservative radio host Larry Elder didn't wait for the polls to close to claim the fix is in. Elder, the leading Republican candidate for Tuesday's California gubernatorial recall election, alleged that a "statistical analysis" to pinpoint fraud in elections "detected fraud in California resulting in Governor Gavin Newsom being reinstated as governor."

Despite his unverified claims, coupled with the recall election against Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, which won't render the winning results until Wednesday morning, Elder is asking his supporters to fill an online form to report alleged fraud in the Golden State race.

The petition on the Stop CA Fraud website, which is "Paid For By Larry Elder Ballot Measure Committee Recall Newsom," reads: "As is the case, we implore you … our fellow citizens ... to join us in this fight as you are able, primarily by signing our petition demanding a special session of the California legislature to investigate and ameliorate the twisted results of this 2021 Recall Election of Governor Gavin Newsom." (Read more)  

- Father, we cry out for justice!  We have known that the deep wells of corruption would be working overtime to steal yet another election.  May the thieves, cheats and liars be caught in their own traps and would You cleanse the state of California from north to south and release Your light upon this state and let Your goodness turn the sin to light and righteousness, in Jesus name.

- "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it."  (Colossians 2:15)

 8. Vaccine Mandate Protests Explode Across New York City - The Daily Caller

Hundreds of New Yorkers took to the city streets Monday to protest vaccine mandates. A massive crowd gathered Monday at Foley Square in Lower Manhattan to protest the shot as the city’s new rule, requiring vaccines to enter most places of business, took effect. The group, made up of both masked and unmasked protesters, waved signs and American flags, and chanted “save New York.”

The rally was organized by Teachers for Choice, which is protesting the fact that teachers and staffers are being forced to get the vaccine in order to keep their jobs, according to  Pix 11.

Retired teacher Bill Carroll told the outlet that the government was overstepping its authority with vaccine mandates. “I think what they’re doing in America, they’re taking away our rights about all decisions, medical decisions, we’re standing here we’re letting the government take over everything,” he said. (Read more)  

- Yes. Thank You Father for putting courage into the people who will not accept tyranny and government control over our lives.  We are free people with God-given rights.  Please continue to stir up those who can make a difference and those who would support them.  May justice overwhelm the government mandates and may those who are trying to take control be removed from power, in Jesus name.

- "Then Jesus said to them, "A little while longer the light is with you.  Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going."  (John 12:35)   

9.  Afghan population in US surging 50%, most on welfare: Report - Washington Examiner

The expected welcoming of 65,000 Afghan refugees by the Biden administration is likely to hit local welfare agencies hard if the current use of Medicaid and food stamps by those already here is any indication.

In a thorough review of the 133,000 Afghan migrants already in the United States, the Center for Immigration Studies found that they are nearly three times more likely to tap into welfare than native-born Americans.

What’s more, the share of those in poverty is about twice as high as native-born Americans, according to census data used in the new report.
But unlike some other immigrant groups, notably those from Central and South America, more have arrived in the U.S. at an older age, most have jobs, and 1 out of 9 earned at least $100,000 a year in 2019, higher than native-born Americans.

“The Census Bureau data analyzed in this report indicates that a large share of Afghans in this country have modest levels of education, with many living in or near poverty and dependent on the welfare system. It seems likely that a large share of Afghans allowed into the United States in the future will also struggle in a similar manner,” said the report’s authors Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler. (Read more) 

- Abba, we pray for these people of Afghanistan.  Would you please expose and remove the terrorists among them and be close at hand with those who know You or who don't yet know You.  These people have come from a brutalized nation with virtually no infrastructure until our troops came in to defeat the destroyers and build schools, hospitals, and governments to give them a chance to live.  Tragically, this administration destroyed it all in one fell swoop and we are left to try and sort out the wheat from the chaff while grieving the loss of 13 of our wonderful young soldiers.  Our hearts break over this nightmare that should never have happened and we pray that the long-term repercussions are under Your authority Holy King.  Lead us in Your wisdom to deal with this situation Father and put this government under Your feet, in Jesus name.

- ". . . 'to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.'"  (Acts 26:17c-18) 

10.  DOJ limits chokeholds, 'no knock' warrants by federal officers - Fox News

Federal law enforcement officers are prohibited from the use of "chokeholds" and "carotid restraints" in most instances, and instances in which agents can perform "no-knock" or unannounced entries have been limited, the U.S. Justice Department announced Tuesday.

Newly established department-wide policies "explicitly" ban officers from using such restraints, unless deadly force has been authorized – "when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person," the department said in a Tuesday press release. 

The changes apply to federal agents who work under the Department of Justice, or, in some cases, to local police departments who work with the DOJ through a joint task force. 
(Read more) 

- Thank you Father for this limitation on DOJ law enforcers.  It seems this would protect both the officers from false accusations and citizens from dangerous holds to control them.  May this not be yet another action designed to weaken the authority of law enforcement.  We pray for effective training in alternative strategies and ask You to bring peace and righteousness to our streets. 

- "For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life."  (Galatians 6:8)

11. Milley secretly called Chinese officials out of fear Trump would 'attack' in final days, book claims - Fox News

During the final months of former President Donald Trump's term, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley made two phone calls to Chinese officials in fear that Trump would create conflict with the communist nation, a new book has claimed.

In the book, authored by Washington Post associate editor Bob Woodward and national political reporter Robert Costa, it is alleged that Milley made two secret phone calls, both to his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army. The book alleges that the phone calls took place prior to the 2020 presidential election on Oct. 30, 2020, and two days after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, on Jan. 8, 2021.

According to the book, Milley contacted Zuocheng after he had reviewed intelligence that suggested Chinese officials believed the United States was planning an attack on China amid military exercises in the South China Sea.

General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be OK," Milley told him during the first call, the book said. "We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you."

The book, excerpted in the Washington Post, also stated that Milley told Zuocheng that he would warn him in advance should America decide to "attack." "Gen. Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we're going to attack, I'm going to call you ahead of time," Milley added, as reported by the book, "Peril," which is set to be released next week. "It's not going to be a surprise." (Fox News) Read more.

- Lord God we ask that You continue to purge from our United States government traitors that do not serve the American people but instead serve other countries that do not have our best interest at heart. Please help our leaders understand by Your spirit that they are in an American leadership position to serve the United States citizens not that of China or other countries. We just pray, Lord, that You would install future presidents and future leaders that truly put America first in Jesus name amen. 

- "My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth . . . "
(Psalm 121:2)   
The Daily Jot

Dire Prophetic Consequences Of Biden's Afghanistan Debacle

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, September 14, 2021

Joe Biden’s Afghanistan debacle will have lasting consequences as ISIS-K, al Qaeda and the Taliban are armed with American military equipment, weapons and airplanes compliments of a US President’s incompetence. In addition, Turkey and Iran along with China and Russia are moving in to fill the American void. The aftermath of this botched withdrawal no doubt accelerates the timeline of Biblical end time prophecies. These events are a quickened continuation of the policies of President’s Carter, Clinton, and Obama supporting terrorist sponsors such as Yassir Arafat, the Ayatollahs of Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood and Arab Spring. Not only does this impact Judeo Christian prophecy, but also that of radical Islam.

In Ezekiel 38:3-8, the Lord says, “Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: and I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army…Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them…against the mountains of Israel…” These areas mentioned in Ezekiel 38 coincide with modern Turkey, Iran, Sudan, Libya. The Middle East Eye reports Turkey is on the verge of recognizing the Taliban government. Iran has been an ally of the Taliban for years, supplying weapons and training. China is reportedly preparing to recognize the Taliban government. Russia has announced Afghanistan is an enemy no more. While China and Russia are not mentioned in the Bible, they are currently supporters of end time players. All are making a move. ISIS-K’s move is under the Islamic Black Flag. Read More

Topical Storm Nicholas Update
LIVE: Nicholas leaves Texas town underwater as storm trudges inland

Nicholas now slower, larger

AccuWeather meteorologists said that due to the amount of wind shear in the atmosphere, the center of Nicholas remained near Houston as of midday Tuesday, even as the storm's rain was spreading hundreds of miles to the east. The storm appeared rather large on satellite with tropical-storm-force winds extending outward about 140 miles from its center, and mainly over water to the southeast of the center, the National Hurricane Center said. The latest eye path forecast from AccuWeather shows Nicholas, which was barely a tropical storm as of 1:45 p.m. CDT Tuesday, weakening to a tropical depression by Wednesday. There is a chance Nicholas then maintains tropical depression status if the storm is able to track close to the southern Louisiana coast through the next several days. Nicholas was only moving at a speed of 7 mph as of midday Tuesday.

One city near landfall is completely without power, and could be for a while

Bay City, Texas, is completely powerless on Tuesday following the impacts of Hurricane Nicholas, which made landfall in nearby Matagorda. According to Matagorda County spokesperson Mitch Thames, three major transmission lines near the city went down during the storm, knocking out power to all of Bay City and 90% of neighboring Palacios, the Victoria Advocate reported.

Thames also said that multiples houses in the area lost roofs during the hurricane and that hospitals in Bay City and Palacios have been forced to operate on backup generators. Regarding the timeline of power restoration, he said it could take a while, as utility companies will have extensive work to do on the damaged power lines.

"What we’re being told is they are going to have to be restrung — not so much repaired but actually restrung," he said. "That means a little bit longer time frame."                            (Source: Go here to learn more.

- Father God, we thank You that this storm seems to be weakening so quickly, and we believe that this fact is a direct answer to prayer. We praise You that Nichlolas
caused no loss of life or significant injuries; and we pray now for all the efforts being made to clean up after this storm. We pray, too, for citizens of Bay City, Texas, as they wait for their power to be restored. Thank You, Lord, amen and amen.

- "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16) 
In Case You Missed it . . .

"And with great [dunamis] power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.  And great grace was upon them all."  (Acts 4:33)  
This week, CHPP joined forces with the 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Network, headed by Maureen Bravo and Pastor Ioan Peia. As we continued to flow together, an amazing mantle was released over all of us, as we watched our Lord birth a "new thing" over our land. 

By the hand of God, on Saturday afternoon, as Pastor Ioan was moved to offer prayer for our nation on Azusa Street in Los Angeles, Sean Feucht was also leading a "Prayer for America" worship event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. This alignment of hearts, from Coast to Coast, knit together by the hand of our very God Himself, released an anointing of BREAKTHROUGH across America! This repentance is leading to REVIVAL!

We all witnessed the release of this blessing on Monday night.

In addition, and at the same time on the mall during a video presentation, President Trump called the nation to 21 days of prayer! So, there was also a governmental imprint that rested upon this move of the Spirit, as well.

Please find below the comments of two of our listeners, who have captured "what it was like" to participate in this amazing call. And, in case you missed it, you can still retrieve this recording and listen for yourselves by going here.

Here, then, are the comments of two of our listeners:

Dear Sara, and Maureen & Pastor Ioan,

Really loved the 'joint session' last night!!
These two ministries are so unique & powerful in their own right.. & the interweaving was just beautiful!!
It was a blessing :)
Thank you all, 
Looking forward to what the Lord will do next!!

Shalom & more,
Marilyn in Kentucky


"Seems He is writing with His rhythm and countenance - the steadfastness (power thrusting forward) and the poetry (the dance, the color, the highlights) of the Word, highlighting or emphasizing while rearranging and even quickening to the hearers of His Word. Scriptural reference He gave - Making the tongues as the pen of a ready writer.  He beautifully recalled to my mind the majestic sound of the wings of monarch butterflies in mass in the remote area they congregate to from their summer homes all across North America and Canada. It is said to be one of the rarest sounds on earth.  Certainly one of the loveliest. One butterfly alone doesn't produce such splendor but together - in that case millions and millions - well to me it sounds like the Sound of Rushing Waters. Only a Holy God, Creator of all things good and wonderful could orchestrate such Splendor."  (Jana in Virginia)

If you had to miss that call, please go here to find the link and experience His Glory for yourselves!

[CHPP hosts a National Prayer Call every Monday at 8:00 p.m. EDT. Dial 712-770-4160; Access Code: 616137#] 
‘Let Us Worship’ draws thousands to National Mall to pray for ongoing divides: 'Total God setup'

Drawing thousands to the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Sunday, Christian artist Sean Feucht led worship as part of his ongoing tour of American cities in a larger weekend event he called a “divine setup.”

Coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks, the 38-year-old worship leader told the Christian Broadcasting Network that he hoped for a date in October. However, the National Park Service could only offer him this last weekend. "They came back to me and said, 'Actually we can't give you a date in October. The only dates we have available are September 11 and 12.' And I knew in that moment this was a total God setup," Feucht said. 

On Sunday, before the Let Us Worship event began at 5 p.m., Feucht and his team led prayer at the U.S. Supreme Court, the Lincoln Memorial and White House with the goal of filling the nation's capital with worship and prayer. The D.C. event kicked off 21 days of prayer for the nation.

The previous night, Sept. 11, President Donald Trump addressed the crowd in an 8-minute recorded message in which he urged Americans to pray. He spoke of the 13 fallen soldiers recently killed in Afghanistan.

"I just feel like we're in the middle of a leadership crisis in America. ... I think everyone would understand that. I think having the former president give an address where he calls America to pray, honor the fallen, honor the military, which I don't feel like has been done in a great way from this current administration," Feucht told CBN News. "We need somebody of that caliber, of that level to call America to pray, but also to give us some reassurance that we're not in this thing alone."

In remarks to the crowd gathered on the National Mall Sunday, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, R-Mo., described what was happening in the nation’s capital as the “sounds of revival.” Gesturing to the U.S. Capitol behind him, the senator said that though bad news sometimes comes from that place, “we have the best news of all.”

“God has dreams for America that aren’t fulfilled yet,” he declared, adding “there’s more to come. The best is yet to come because we serve a King who is on the throne and His Kingdom is ever-advancing. When it comes to our country, He is just getting started,” Hawley contended. (Christian Post) Read more. 

- Oh glory to You Most High King.  We praise Your Holy Name for raising up these ones who are taking a stand of leadership in this nation to bring healing, prayer, righteous government, hope into our land.  Truly, may the winds of heaven blow and may the Spirit of the Living God sweep the feet of evil until the only thing left is repentance, life and redemption.  Come Lord Jesus.

- "And with great [dunamis] power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.  And great grace was upon them all."  (Acts 4:33)  

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

If the story of “Dumbass” General Mark Milley, the same failed leader who engineered the worst withdrawal from a country, Afghanistan, in U.S. history, leaving behind many dead and wounded soldiers, many American citizens, and $85 Billion worth of the newest and most sophisticated Military equipment in the world, and our Country’s reputation, is true, then I assume he would be tried for TREASON in that he would have been dealing with his Chinese counterpart behind the President’s back and telling China that he would be giving them notification “of an attack.” Can’t do that!

The good news is that the story is Fake News concocted by a weak and ineffective General together with two authors who I refused to give an interview to because they write fiction, not fact. Actions should be taken immediately against Milley, and better generals in our Military, of which we have many, should get involved so that another Afghanistan disaster never happens again. Remember, I was the one who took out 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. Milley said it couldn’t be done! 

For the record, I never even thought of attacking China—and China knows that. The people that fabricated the story are sick and demented, and the people who print it are just as bad. In fact, I’m the only President in decades who didn’t get the U.S. into a war—a well known fact that is seldom reported.  

Signs & Wonders
Buried machinery in a barn lot in Dallas, South Dakota, May 1936.
Summer 2021 edges out 'Dust Bowl' summer
as hottest ever for contiguous US

As the sweltering summer of 2021 draws to a close, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) confirmed what you might have been thinking: This summer was an unusually hot one.

During meteorological summer, which occurs from June 1 to Sept. 1, the average temperature across the contiguous United States was 74.0 degrees Fahrenheit -- 2.6 degrees above average. By an extremely narrow margin, (less than 0.01 of a degree F), the heat this summer exceeded the record heat that occurred during the "Dust Bowl" summer of 1936, when hot and dry conditions baked parts of the Midwest and Canadian Prairies and caused devastating impacts.

Summer 2021 broke records across the country, with 18.4% of the contiguous U.S. experiencing the warmest summer in recorded history. Five states -- California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and Utah -- all experienced their warmest meteorological summers of all time, with 16 other states experiencing one of their top-five hottest summers. Read More

The Good News Corner
100-Year-Old Tennessee Nonprofit Gives Local Schools $1.8M to Teach 'the Gift of Bible History'

A Tennessee-based nonprofit called Bible in the Schools (BITS) recently presented Hamilton County Public Schools in Chattanooga with a $1.8 million gift as reimbursement for its 2020-2021 countywide Bible History elective program. 

For nearly 100 years, BITS has provided Bible History elective courses for public school students in Hamilton County. The organization now reaches 29 public schools and thousands of students in grades 6-12.

"As we approach our 100th school year, it is an honor to present this gift to our public schools, as it represents the heart behind so many donors in this community," said BITS Chairman Tom Glenn. "Such generosity makes the gift of Bible History available to so many young lives." 

The school district recorded the highest enrollment numbers for 2021 with 19,006 students in the county electing to take Bible History courses with one in four students completing a Bible course for graduation credit. 

Dr. Bryan Johnson, superintendent of Hamilton County Schools said the generous gift will challenge students to learn the history and organization of the Bible.

"Hamilton County seeks to graduate students who are future-ready and prepared for success in college and career," Dr. Johnson noted. "By thinking critically and engaging in historically rich conversations, HCS is preparing students to become global thinkers and responsible citizens." (CBN) Read more.

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
40 Days of Prayer
This is day twenty seven in our journey. Join us even if you are beginning today. Each day starting Saturday August 7 we have posted a sin which the Lord would have us confess and remove through personal repentance. God willing, these 40 days will lead us to the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur September 15.

This process is taking place during the month of Elul, a period of reflection, introspection, and repentance before the Days of Awe. The shofar is sounded in each morning’s prayer service during Elul as a call to repentance. It’s believed that in Elul, Adonai forgave our people and relented from destroying us. Elul is also a time to contemplate G-d’s lovingkindness and forgiveness. The hebrew letters that spell the month Elul - אלול - stand for “I am my Beloved's, and my Beloved is mine.” According to Jewish tradition the King is in the field during Elul and this is the season to meet Him there.

Today the sin is sloth.

There's a SPIRITUAL DROUGHT in every nation on the planet. We are not yet honoring the Authority of the Risen Christ that He revealed in Matthew 28:18: " ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."

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Classic Hymns

Blessed Assurance

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Phoebe Knapp

Scripture: Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. Hebrews 10:21–22

Blessèd assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.


Perfect submission, all is at rest
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.


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