The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Sept 1, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Sept 1, 2021
A special note to our readers from Pastor Jeff Daly:

THANK YOU for joining the Global Day of Repentance for Afghanistan on this past Sunday, August 29th. We experienced a tremendous level of support that day, as you joined with saints in 45 other nations, offering prayers of repentance on behalf of the nation of Afghanistan.

The prayer guide and  other information for that day can still be viewed at Please join us now in continued prayer for the people of
Afghanistan, now that it is under the control of the Taliban. Thank you. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

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P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"For on the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle;
He will hide me in the secret place of His tent;
He will lift me up on a rock."
(Psalm 27:5)

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.  

"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Caldor Fire enters Tahoe Basin, burning down toward South Lake Tahoe, as high winds carry flames

"There is fire activity happening in California that we have never seen before. The critical thing for the public to know is evacuate early,” said Chief Thom Porter, director of Cal Fire. "For the rest of you in California: Every acre can and will burn someday in this state."

Firefighters are in a battle to save homes and businesses as high winds push the Caldor Fire into the Tahoe Basin, creating a worst-case scenario for one of California’s most beloved natural treasures.

On Monday afternoon, spot fires began leaping into the basin, bringing flames within a stone’s throw of heavily populated areas like Meyers. All of South Lake Tahoe fell under a mandatory evacuation order, causing a crush of people to flee the region. Over 20,000 structures are currently threatened.

Fire officials were beginning to feel optimistic Friday that they might be able to button up large portions of the blaze. But that all changed over the weekend.

On Sunday night and into Monday, the fire raged through Twin Bridges and Echo Summit. Reporters on the ground are seeing major structure damage in the communities, although official assessments by Cal Fire are still pending. So far the fire has destroyed 653 structures and damaged an additional 39. A map of damaged structures can be found here.

The Caldor Fire first ignited on August 14 in heavy timber in the El Dorado National Forest near the small town of Grizzly Flats south of Pollock Pines. The fire has been burning along Highway 50, a main artery between Lake Tahoe and Sacramento. The road has been closed since August 20. (San Francisco Chronicle) Read more here.
- Father God, we come before You on  behalf of all who have been forced to evacuate
from this dangerous firestorm. Sources tell us that 50,000 residents of the South Lake Tahoe region were under a mandatory evacuation notice last night. We ask for their continued protection from this conflagration

We pray, too, for the firefighters and all who are working with them to bring this mega-fire under control. May Your grace to rest upon each one, bringing them unusual strength, endurance and skill in battling this storm. We ask all this in Jesus' name, amen.

- "Ask, and ye shall receive . . ." (Matthew 7:7)  

1. Ministers OK barring unvaccinated and untested teachers, doctors from workplaces - Times of Israel

Ministers of the high-level coronavirus cabinet voted Monday to expand the so-called Green Pass entry limitations to education, health, and social welfare institutions, a government statement said.

Applying the system to schools, hospitals and welfare facilities means employees — including teachers, doctors, nurses and caregivers —  will only be granted entry to their workplaces if they have documentation showing they are vaccinated against COVID-19, have recovered from the virus, or have tested negative for the virus within the past 72 hours.

The expanded rules, approved by a select panel of ministers tasked with forming virus policy, will also apply to workers in all places where customers are required to abide by the Green Pass system and expands on existing restrictions.

Ahead of the school year that starts Wednesday, the cabinet also voted to accept a recommendation to ease restrictions in the so-called “Red Cities,” where infection rates are high. (Read more) 

2. Israel registers almost 11,000 COVID cases, marking new record - Jerusalem Post 

Serious coronavirus cases remain stable at 719, but authorities fear that school openings could further spread COVID-19.

Israel registered close to 11,000 COVID-19 cases on Monday, the Health Ministry reported Tuesday, marking a new record since the start of the pandemic.
The number of patients in serious condition has remained stable, but with the new school year set to begin on Wednesday, officials fear there will be a further increase in infections.

“I expect that morbidity will rise further, but I hope it will not be a new outbreak,” Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash told Channel 12. (Read more) 

3. Israel and US working on ‘Plan B’ if Iran nuke talks fail, Gantz says - Times of Israel

Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Monday said Israel and the United States had restored intelligence ties and were working to develop a “Plan B” if the stalled talks between Washington and Tehran regarding a fresh Iran nuclear deal sputter out, following a meeting between Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and US President Joe Biden last week.

Gantz warned that if Iran becomes a nuclear state, it will trigger an international arms race in which many other nations, in the Middle East and beyond, will attempt to acquire an atomic bomb.

“The United States and Israel share intelligence information, and the cooperation with the United States in this field is only getting stronger. We are working with them in order to establish a Plan B and to demonstrate that if there is no deal, other activities will begin, as President Biden said,” the defense minister said, speaking to military correspondents ahead of the Jewish New Year next week.   

4. Gantz offers Abbas series of goodwill gestures in rare Ramallah meeting - Jerusalem Post

Gantz met with Palestinian leader just hours after Prime Minister Naftali Bennett returned from Washington DC.

Israel will make a series of goodwill gestures to the Palestinian Authority, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Monday after a rare meeting with PA President Mahmoud Abbas the night before in Ramallah. Among the economic gestures offered to Abbas was a NIS 500 million loan, he said.
The loan will be taken from tax funds Israel has withheld from the PA to protest what Jerusalem calls its pay-for-slay policy, by which Palestinian terrorists and their family members receive monetary stipends.

The two men also spoke about ways to regulate the status of thousands of West Bank Palestinians who lack documentation, as well as ways to streamline digital VAT accounting for all Palestinian businesses that make purchases from Israel. Many of the permit applications for Palestinians will be digitized to streamline the process and make it easier and cheaper. (Read more)  

5. Official Palestinian Authority Television Broadcasts False Claim That Israel Intentionally Tried to Destroy Gaza Agriculture - Algemeiner

Official Palestinian Authority television has falsely claimed that Israel deliberately intended to destroy the agricultural capacity of the Gaza Strip during the 11-day conflict in May between Israel and the terror group Hamas.

According to a translation by the watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch, the program Anew broadcast an interview with a nursery owner and a farmer in Gaza, who agreed with the program’s host that Israel intentionally attacked the Strip’s agricultural sites.

“Do you think that the occupation wanted to bomb the agricultural nurseries in order to stop the agricultural process and cycle?” the host asked.

The nursery owner simply said, “Yes.”

The farmer, identified as Ahmed Al-Louh, also said, “Yes.”

“In the last war in the Gaza Strip the occupation wanted to destroy the agricultural cycle completely,” Al-Louh said. (Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. American University of Afghanistan students 'terrified' after being told they can't evacuate and their names have been given to the Taliban - The Blaze

Hundreds of students at the American University of Afghanistan have been left "terrified" for their lives after being denied evacuation from Kabul and told that the U.S. government gave their names to the Taliban.

In a stunning report published Sunday, the New York Times relayed that roughly 600 students, staff, and their relatives had been left stranded in a safe house in Kabul amid the Taliban's violent takeover of the country — their hopes of evacuation dashed.

The group reportedly boarded buses set for Hamid Karzai International Airport on Sunday in a final attempt to flee the country. But after seven hours of waiting for clearance, the group was told to turn around. The airport remained a security threat and civilian evacuations were to be halted permanently on Monday.
"I regret to inform you that the high command at HKIA in the airport has announced there will be no more rescue flights," read an email sent to students from American University president Ian Bickford Sunday afternoon, obtained by the New York Times.
(Read more) 
- Thank you, Father God, that what the enemy meant for evil, You will turn to good. We see many references to Your deliverance in Your word to give us hope and prayers:  You make a way of escape where there seems to be none. Hear our cries for help and mercy; especially, Lord, glorify Your name in this situation, bringing the innocent to safety and turning many to salvation. Bless and protect the hidden rescuers in place now, and may Your people continue in intercession and repentance.  In Yeshua’s mighty name!  Amen
- When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.                           (2 Kings 6:15-18)  

2. Trump on Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal: America has been 'humiliated' - Fox Business

Former President Trump slammed President Biden’s botched U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, telling "Varney & Co." during an exclusive interview on Tuesday that America has been "humiliated."

He argued that "the single worst decision ever made in our country’s history" is for the U.S. "to go to the Middle East." Trump said that the Biden administration cannot do "a simple withdrawal from a country that we should have never gotten into in the first place." 

"The level of incompetence on this withdrawal is even far greater than the level incompetence at the southern border," Trump said, adding that "what’s happened to our country in the last eight months is a disgrace." He also argued that Biden "owes an apology" to the American people and the world. (Read more) 

- Father, we agree with President Trump that the decisions made by Mr. Biden affecting Afghanistan and the U.S. are far beyond disgraceful and inhumane, and that we have now become the laughingstock of the world. May Your Church quickly call for repentance throughout our nation; may evil laws be repealed and corrupt officials held accountable. By the power of Your Holy Spirit and the Blood of the Lamb, Amen.
- "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen for His own inheritance." (Psalm 33:12)  

3.  Senators urge Yellen to keep $9 billion in assets from Taliban - Fox Business
Senators urge Yellen to keep $9 billion in assets from Taliban - Fox Business

Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Rob Portman, R-Ohio, are calling on Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to "use all means necessary" to keep billions in internationally-held funds intended for the government of Afghanistan from being placed in the hands of the Taliban after the terrorist group took control of the country.

"We write to urge you to use all means necessary to keep all internationally-held reserve assets of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan out of the hands of the Taliban’s illegitimate Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and to firmly resist any efforts to release these funds," the senators wrote in a joint letter, saying, "releasing any reserve assets to a Taliban-controlled Afghan government would be tantamount to providing a resource windfall to malign actors in direct conflict with the interests of the United States. We must not allow this to happen."

The senators pointed out that the Biden administration blocked the Afghan government's access to U.S.-based reserve funds after it became apparent that the country would fall to the Taliban, and noted that Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) reported nearly $10 billion held in reserves in June. DAB's former acting governor, Ajmal Ahmady, reportedly said those funds – mostly held internationally – remained in the $9 billion range as of this month, and included U.S. currency and bonds along with World Bank Reserve Advisory and Management Partnership (RAMP) funding. (Read more) 

- Precious Lord, we whole heartedly agree with Senators Rubio and Portman in this move to keep money away from the Taliban.  Lord, we decree and declare that these funds will never reach these violent men and that they will only see the loss of financing in their efforts to put a whole country in bondage.   We pray for the world to come into agreement that this organization will be starved for funds and their evil work ended.  Lord, we pray for Afghanistan to come into the destiny YOU have planned for them.
- "Violence has arisen, a rod to punish the wicked.  None of the people will be left, none of that crowd--none of their wealth, nothing of value."  (Ezekiel 7:11)  

4. 'War has been forced on us': In Panjshir mountains, resistance fighters dig in against Taliban - Just The News

As the United States makes its final official exit from Afghanistan, a lone anti-Taliban province stands firm in the mountainous Panjshir region, rallying around the son of a legendary resistance leader who stood up to Soviet and Taliban forces.

Located northeast of Kabul, the province of Panjshir is home to fiercely independent people whose leader, Ahmad Massoud, has said he wants peace but will not surrender to the Taliban.

Afghanistan swiftly fell under Taliban control over the summer as the U.S. ended 20 years at war inside the country. The capital city of Kabul fell to the Taliban on Aug. 15, prompting a chaotic and deadly exit, as Afghans tried desperately to escape the new regime. The capitulation was completed Monday when the U.S. military completely exited the city. (Read more)  

- Father, we bless these resistance warriors who seek to have a secure society in their mountain region.  We pray for all people who come there to find sanctuary, whether they are Christians, women, Westerners or those who assisted them in fighting for Afghanistan's freedom.  We bless the leader and all who rally for justice, and ask that You would draw them to You and secure their region against the destroyers. In Jesus name.

- "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love,"  (Colossians 1:13)  

5. Watchdog sees signs North Korea has restarted nuclear reactor - The Hill

An international watchdog says there are signs indicating North Korea has restarted a nuclear reactor that is used to produce fuel for weapons. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) wrote in its annual report, dated Friday, that there have been “indications” at the Yongbyon Experimental Nuclear Power Plant in North Korea that are “consistent with the operation of the reactor,” including the discharge of cooling water.

Those indications have been seen since early July, according to the report. The agency said it did not observe any indications that the reactor was operating from early December 2018 to the beginning of last month.

The reactor, according to The Associated Press, produces plutonium, which is one of the two ingredients needed to make nuclear weapons; the other is highly enriched uranium.
(Read more) 

Dear Lord, we ask that You would strip North Korea of this desire to create nuclear weapons that they cannot be trusted with.  We speak failure and confusion to their efforts and that this planned action of theirs will never come to fruition.  Father, we pray that their suffering citizens will be taken care of instead of this demonic desire to hold the threat of nuclear war over the countries of the  world.  Please raise up more worthy leaders for this country.  
- "Woe to the wicked!  It shall be ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him."  (Isaiah 3:11) 

6. Florida withholding funds from school districts that enforce mask mandates - Just The News

The Florida Department of Education is withholding funds from two school districts require student to wear COVID-19 masks in classrooms this fall, following through on a DeSantis administration threat to financially punish school boards that impose a mask mandate.

The withholding of the funds is the most recent move in an ongoing battle between GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis and local school boards. The fight has been framed in recent days as the governor acting to protect the right of parents to make health care decisions for their children. “They know is best for their children," Florida education Commissioner Richard Corcoran recently said about parents. 

The financial penalty currently applies to the districts of Alachua and Broward counties, though it is not presently clear precisely how much money is being withheld, or which programs it will impact. The state education department had indicated it would withhold a monthly amount totaling the school board members' salaries, which in the two counties range from about $40,000 to $46,000 a year per member. (Read more)  

- How appropriate that Governor DeSantis is meting out a punishment appropriate to the crime by withholding monies equaling the salaries of the school boards.  It is an encouraging thing to see justice in action.  May the governor be strengthened in his resolve and protected in his actions, Father and would You be high and lifted up all over Florida.

- "The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the Lord."  (Proverbs 16:1)  

7. Michigan State accepts foreign COVID vaccines but rejects natural immunity, lawsuit alleges - Just the News

Michigan State University recognizes COVID-19 vaccines not approved for use in the United States with lower documented efficacy than natural immunity, according to a federal lawsuit.

It's the second filed by the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) against a public institution of higher education for refusing to exempt recovered individuals from a vaccine mandate.

Unlike its lawsuit against Virginia's George Mason University, which NCLA withdrew Aug. 20 after GMU granted its client a medical exemption, the civil liberties group is seeking class-action status for the MSU suit. The Food and Drug Administration has also since approved a COVID-19 vaccine on a non-emergency basis.

Pfizer's Comirnaty vaccine is "legally distinguishable" from the drugmaker's BioNTech vaccine, which remains under emergency use authorization (EUA), NCLA told the court. 

- Father, we pray for justice in this lawsuit.  We ask You to sustain and strengthen the person filing the lawsuit as well as the organization representing her.  We also ask for justice for any person who should lose their job due to their desire for personal safety from an unproven injection.  We ask for these types of lawsuits to be successful in every case in order that our Constitutional Amendments are upheld and our freedoms of choice are retained.  

- "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad."  (2 Corinthians 5:10)   

8. Ohio judge orders hospital to treat COVID-19 patient with Ivermectin at wife's request - Just The News 

An Ohio judge ordered a Cincinnati hospital to administer Ivermectin to a COVID-19 patient at his wife's request, as he has been in an intensive care unit (ICU) for over a month.

Last week, Butler County Common Pleas Judge Gregory Howard ordered West Chester Hospital to treat 51-year-old COVID-19 patient Jeffrey Smith with Ivermectin, Ohio Capital Journal reported. Smith's wife of 24 years, Julie, filed a lawsuit on behalf of her husband, requesting that he be given 30mg of Ivermectin every day for three weeks as prescribed by Ohio physician Dr. Fred Wagshul.

Smith tested positive on July 9 for COVID-19, was hospitalized and admitted to the ICU on July 15, and on Aug. 1 was sedated, intubated, and and placed on a ventilator. He has since developed another infection. Julie found out about Ivermectin and contacted Wagshul, who is a founder of the nonprofit Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, according to the Journal. He prescribed Ivermectin for Smith but the hospital would not administer it. (Read more)  

- Thank You Father for a judge willing to execute justice!  We pray for this man to respond overnight to the treatment and arise healed and whole to be restored to his family, in Jesus name.  May there be a ground-swell of judges releasing true God-given justice in this nation so that the evil-doers are brought under Your Holy authority.  In Jesus name.

- "The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him."  (Nahum 1:7) 

9. Trump says he'll hold a rally in Iowa, adding to speculation about 2024 run - Just The News

Former President Trump says he's returning to Iowa for a rally, adding to speculation about a 2024 presidential run. Trump announced his plans Monday on the multi-platform Todd Starnes show to return to the first-in-the-nation presidential balloting state.

"We're doing some more," said Trump, who was elected to the White House in 2015 but lost his 2020 reelection bid. "We’re going to Iowa. We’re going to Georgia. We’re going to some others." A source familiar with Trump's plans told the Des Moines Register initial conversations had begun about holding an Iowa rally.

Earlier this month, Trump's leadership PAC hired two Iowa political consultants – Eric Branstad and Alex Latcham – as senior advisers, another possible indication of his interest in Iowa, according to the Des Moines Register. Trump has said election laws prevent him from saying whether he'll seek reelection. (Read more)  
- We praise You, Lord, for this report and speak out that his campaigning will result in a God-qualified man in the White House.  We bring down the diabolical plans of the enemy of the US and of Your people to manipulate the voting system to place the choice of those who hate America in office.  Hear our cry for Godly and  wise leadership for our country so that we may dwell in peace and do the work of the Kingdom. 
- "For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield."  (Psalms 5:12)   

10. Defiant Biden takes 'responsibility' for decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, touts mission success - Fox News

Biden, in a defiant address to the nation Tuesday, defended his decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and shouldered full "responsibility" for the move -- while also blaming former President Trump and the Afghan security forces for the crisis leading to the Taliban takeover of the country. (Read more)

- Lord, we ask that You would spare us any more time, living under this man's leadership, and his lies.

- "You must not lie or deceive one another." (Leviticus 19:11)

'Meta-Ignorance' with 'Profound Consequences'
U.S. Government's Crisis Response Director Resigned After Biden's State Department Canceled 'Lifeline' Group Over Trump Links
On August 18th 2021, The National Pulse exclusively reported that President Biden’s State Department had killed off plans for a “Crisis and Contingency Response” bureau which may have had “profound consequences,” according to a stunning new report by Vanity Fair published Monday.

“In July, at Antony Blinken’s State Department, bureaucratic decisions affecting the Afghan withdrawal, one insider said, were ‘slightly more organized than a Choose Your Own Adventure novel’,” the article begins, before detailing how newly minted Crisis and Contingency Response (CCR) bureau director Dr. William Walters had resigned on July 9th of this year.

Crisis and Contingency Response.

As the Taliban took Kabul, The National Pulse reported that a bureau green-lit by former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the Trump administration had been canceled by Biden’s pick for the role, Anthony Blinken.

Following our reporting, a number of left-wing outfits such as Politifact and Media Matters sought to discredit our reporting.

Now, a new report from Vanity Fair sheds more light on the “turf wars” inside the State Department that led to the rushed and botched evacuation from Afghanistan at departmental and political levels.

The Vanity Fair report also notes that while Biden’s State Department is claiming the CCR never existed, it is also making moves to inform Congress of the bureau’s abolition, as required by U.S. law.  (Source: National Pulse) Read the entire article here. 

- Father God, once again, we hang our harps upon the trees, weeping and knowing that so many lives have been sacrificed upon the altar of political lies. Help us, O  Lord, we pray, amen.

- "The joy of tambourines ceases, The noise of revelers stops, The joy of the harp ceases." (Isaiah 24:8) 
The Daily Jot

Foolish Or Intentional, The Destruction Is The Same

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, August 31, 2021

Many of us tend to look at events, policies, politicians as foolish, stupid, mistaken, lacking common sense, etc. But maybe we Americans need to view them as willfully and intentionally destroying the country so that it can be remade into a Marxist utopia. Whether they are bumbling idiots or steely-eyed practitioners of destruction, the results are the same. It is time to treat them not as fools, but as people with both lack of common sense AND intentionally ruining our country and our lives. Let’s call it what it really is and start demanding of our family, friends, neighbors, elected officials to stand against the dung drama that has become a daily menu of destroying the freedoms that we hold so dear.

Think about it: Democratic presidents and representatives since Jimmy Carter have supported terrorists. It’s a long list—Arafat, the Ayatollahs, Muslim Brotherhood, Taliban and so on. They have paid them with taxpayer dollars (your money and mine) and they armed them and they stand in the way of anyone who would stop them from these policies. Afghanistan is just the latest example. Democratic politicians and presidents have opened our border to criminals, drug lords, human trafficking. Obama’s Fast and Furious gave guns and money to the Mexican drug cartels. Biden is inviting “immigrants” to cross the border without any effort whatsoever to prevent COVID, while he is demanding American businesses mandate a COVID vaccine. And what about that? Read More

Biden Snaps at Gold Star Dad Who Forced Him to Look at Photo of His KIA Son

In the aftermath of America’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, President Joe Biden has been forced to face the consequences of his incompetence.

This has included confronting the families of the service members slain on Thursday following suicide bombings outside the airport in Kabul.

On Sunday, Mark Schmitz — the father of 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, who died in last week’s explosions — challenged Biden to take responsibility for his mismanaged exit strategy (or lack thereof).

During a meeting with Biden, Schmitz and his ex-wife pulled out a photo of Jared, demanding Biden look at it, The Washington Post reported.

“Don’t you ever forget that name. Don’t you ever forget that face. Don’t you ever forget the names of the other 12,” Schmitz told the president.

According to the Post, Biden “did not seem to like that.” In response, Biden went on the defensive, saying, “I do know their stories.”

. . . The men and women who returned home from Afghanistan in flag-draped coffins didn’t die from some unavoidable accident — they died because of Joe Biden’s incompetence (Western Journal) Read more here.  

Father of Marine Killed in Kabul Calls Biden's Behavior at Ceremony 'The Most Disrespectful Thing I'd Ever Seen'

Family members of some of the 13 U.S. servicemen and women killed in Kabul last week denounced President Joe Biden’s behavior Sunday during a dignified transfer ceremony that brought the remains of the Americans home.

While the president and first lady Jill Biden were participating in the solemn ceremony at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, he appeared to look down to check his watch.

Darin Hoover, the father of Marine Darin Taylor Hoover Jr., said Biden’s obsession with time was atrocious behavior.

Has Joe Biden hit a new low with his conduct?

“That didn’t happen just once. It happened on every single one that came out of that airplane. It happened on every single one of them. They would release the salute, and he would look down at his watch on every last one, all 13, he looked down at his watch,” he said.

Hoover said he could not meet with Biden.

“As a father, you know, seeing that and the disrespect, and hearing from [his son’s] former leaders, one of his master sergeants said … that this was avoidable, that they left them over there: They had them over there and let them down, and that — we can’t have that. It can’t happen ever again,” he said.

“We said absolutely not. We didn’t want to deal with him, we didn’t want — we didn’t want him anywhere near us. We as a family decided that that was the way it was going to be,” Hoover said. (Western Journal) Read more here. 

Mother of Marine Killed in Kabul Vows to Travel to WH, Demand Biden Resign Day After Son's Funeral

The mother of one of the 13 brave American heroes who died last week in Afghanistan due to President Joe Biden’s incompetent exit from the country blistered him in a Facebook post on Monday and vowed to travel to the White House to demand his resignation.

It’s difficult to imagine what Shana Chappell is going through right now after her son, Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Mae’Lee Grant Nikoui, was killed Thursday at the airport in Kabul by a suicide bomber.

Chappell then described meeting Biden during the dignified transfer of her son’s remains at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on Sunday.

“I got to have words face to face with that POS Biden! He’s a coward! My son Kareems body will be returned to [Norco] in 7-10 days so i can lay him to rest! The day after i lay him to rest i will be leaving from Norco in my Blue Toyota Tundra to head to the White House,” she wrote. “I will be going to the White House to demand that the traitor POS Biden resign and take his whole corrupt admin with him!

“If [former President Donald] Trump wouldn’t [have] had the election stolen from him then my son would still be alive! The blood of my son and our other fallen [Heroes] is on Biden’s hands! Anyone who wants to follow along is more than welcome. It’s a long drive but worth it!”

“It’s time the Lions awaken and show their numbers, it’s time we take back our country! If we don’t fight to save our country then nobody will and she will fall! I am not going to the White House to protests, riot, loot, or cause trouble!” Chappell concluded. “I am going to make a statement and a demand!!!!  (Western Journal) Read more here.  

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America
Former President Donald Trump says he will return to Iowa, adding grist to 2024 speculation

Former President Donald Trump said he will return to Iowa for a rally, stoking speculation about a 2024 run for the White House.

Trump announced his intentions to return to the first-in-the-nation caucus state on the Todd Starnes show while discussing crowd sizes at recent rallies in Alabama and Ohio. 

"We're doing some more," he said. "We’re going to Iowa. We’re going to Georgia. We’re going to some others."

A source familiar with Trump's plans told the Des Moines Register initial conversations had begun about holding an Iowa rally.

Trump's announcement on the show comes as other potential Republican presidential contenders are already making trips to Iowa. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas held fundraisers for U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson and congressional candidate Nicole Hasso over the weekend and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is holding events in Iowa Monday and Tuesday. Read More
Signs & Wonders
Ida to unleash widespread flooding, winds
and tornadoes across South
Ida tore a path of destruction across Louisiana as it moved over land as a hurricane for nearly 16 hours, killing at least two and leaving the entire city of New Orleans in the dark. But, AccuWeather forecasters warned that despite the fact that the National Hurricane Center (NHC) downgraded Ida to a tropical depression on Monday evening while it trashed parts of Mississippi, the storm’s rampage is far from over.

The tropical depression had maximum sustained winds of 30 mph and was located 145 miles north-northeast of Jackson, Mississippi, early Tuesday morning. Ida was moving northeast at 12 mph. A cornucopia of watches and warnings, including, flash flood watches and warnings and flood warnings, were plastered across much of the South as the storm continued its trek inland. Read More
The Good News Corner
Afghan All-Girls School Founder Reports Students, Staff, and Family Escaped, Relocated to Rwanda

The co-founder and president of Afghanistan's only girls' boarding school said Tuesday that dozens of students and staff have relocated to Rwanda.

Shabana Basij-Rasikh with the School of Leadership, Afghanistan (SOLA), said in a social media post, "Last week, we completed the departure from Kabul of nearly 250 students, faculty, staff, and family members.

"Everyone is en route, by way of Qatar, to the nation of Rwanda where we intend to begin a semester abroad for our entire student body," Basij-Rasikh stated in a series of tweets. 

Basij-Rasikh also thanked the governments of Qatar, Rwanda, and the U.S. for assisting the girls escape.

"My heart breaks for my country," she added. "I've stood in Kabul, and I've seen the fear, and the anger, and the ferocious bravery of the Afghan people. I look at my students, and I see the faces of the millions of Afghan girls, just like them, who remain behind."

Her posts were shared just days after she reported burning students' records "not to erase them, but to protect them and their families." (CBN) Read more..


Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
40 Days of Prayer
This is day eighteen in our journey. Join us even if you are beginning today. Each day starting Saturday August 7 we have posted a sin which the Lord would have us confess and remove through personal repentance. God willing, these 40 days will lead us to the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur September 15.

Today the sin is adultery.

There's a SPIRITUAL DROUGHT in every nation on the planet. We are not yet honoring the Authority of the Risen Christ that He revealed in Matthew 28:18: " ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."
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Classic Hymns

Blessed Cross of Jesus 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Hubert Main

Scripture: Peace through the blood of His cross. Colossians 1:20

Wand’rer, come, there’s room for thee,
At the cross of Jesus;
Come and taste salvation free
At the cross of Jesus.

Blessèd cross! precious cross!
There my hopes are twining;
There I see a Father’s love
Through a Savior shining.

Come and bring thy burden now
To the cross of Jesus;
Lay thy burning, throbbing brow
At the cross of Jesus.


O what comfort thou wilt find
At the cross of Jesus;
Love thy broken heart will bind
At the cross of Jesus.


See the crimson waters flow
At the cross of Jesus;
Come and tell thy every woe
At the cross of Jesus.


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