The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, May 18, 2021
The Daily Brief

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United We Stand                      ^insert date
Last night's weekly prayer call was filled with the dynamic power of our Lord! Please go here to listen in. The topic was "Equipping the Saints to Stand (Endure) through the End Times." Our speaker was Pastor Vontayne Smith. Blessings to all! 
Our Rhema Verse for 2021 (in agreement with many other prayer ministries
who are now standing on the promise of this Word for us)

JOHN 20:21


 So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”


Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"
Tuesday, May 17, 2021

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"The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil." (I John 3:8)

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Supreme Court agrees to hear major Mississippi abortion case
The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge to a Mississippi law that bans nearly all abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy.
Why it matters: It will be the first abortion case to be argued before the Supreme Court since Justice Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed, handing conservatives a 6-3 majority. The case could potentially provide a pathway to challenging Roe v. Wade and allowing outright bans on abortion.
Details: The Mississippi law, which was struck down by lower courts after being enacted in 2018, would only grant exceptions to its 15-week ban in cases of severe fetal abnormality or medical emergency, per AP.
    Mississippi has only one abortion clinic, which remains open and performs abortions up to 16 weeks, AP reports.
    The case will likely be heard in the fall, setting up a major showdown over abortion rights ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
What they're saying: "This will be, by far, the most important abortion case the Court will have heard since the Casey decision in 1992," University of Texas School of Law professor Steve Vladeck told CNN.
    "If states are allowed to effectively ban abortions after the 15th week of pregnancy, as the Mississippi law in this case does, then pregnant women would have a far shorter window in which they could lawfully obtain an abortion than what Roe and Casey currently require."
Flashback: Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, former President Trump's two other Supreme Court nominees, dissented last year in a ruling that struck down abortion restrictions in Louisiana.
    Chief Justice John Roberts joined the Court's more liberal justices in the decision, though his concurrence was based on a precedent established by a previous Texas case. (YahooNews) Read original article here.

> > > Commentary offered by: 

Phillip L. Jauregui
Judicial Action Group
(202) 216-9309  
- Lord, we pray that Your heart will come through to the Supreme Court Justices so that they do not just blindly follow what has gone before. We pray for the Conservative majority once and for all to stand together to pull down the abortion industry in the US.  Let no more innocent blood be shed in our nation.

- "Their feet run to evil, and they are swift to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; desolation and destruction are in their highways."  (Isaiah 59:7) 
1. Hamas threatens to strike Tel Aviv after top Islamic Jihad commander killed - Jerusalem Post

The IDF and Hamas continued to trade blows with each other over the Shavuot holiday, with large areas of Israel’s South under rocket attack and the Israel Air Force bombing numerous Islamist targets in the Gaza Strip.
Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commander Hasam Abu Harbid was killed in an Israeli airstrike in the northern Gaza Strip on Monday afternoon.

The IDF said that Abu-Harbid, who was killed in a joint operation with the Shin Bet intelligence agency, had commanded the northern Gaza Strip division of PIJ since 2019 when his predecessor Baha abu el-Atta was killed in a targeted assassination by the IDF. (Read more) 

2. Rockets barrage from Gaza continues, hitting Ashdod and Beersheba - Jerusalem Post

Barrages of rockets continued to pound Israel on Monday, striking across southern Israel and scoring a direct hit on a home in Ashdod, injuring several people. Since the beginning of operation "Guardian of the Walls," approximately 3,150 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli territory, of which almost a seventh – about 460 – failed launches fell in the Gaza Strip.

In a barrage of at least seven rockets directed towards the city of Sderot on Monday, four made direct hits while at least one fell inside the Strip.

More than 250 rockets were fired towards Israel between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Monday, with 25 landing short in the Gaza Strip. Over 130 rockets were fired toward Israel from the enclave from Saturday night to Sunday morning, with roughly half (55 rockets) launched towards central Israel overnight, sending thousands into shelters in Tel Aviv and several other cities in the Gush Dan region. Sirens were also activated in Beersheba, the West Bank and parts of the Negev. (Read more) 

3. Netanyahu: ‘We Will Do Whatever It Takes to Degrade Hamas’ Terrorist Capabilities'’ - Algemeiner

Israel’s security cabinet has decided to continue its military operation in Gaza with full force as heavy rocket barrage is being fired at southern Israel and international pressure mounts to end the fighting.

“We will do whatever it takes to degrade Hamas’ terrorist capabilities which will take time. I will do what I have to do to protect the lives of Israelis and to restore peace,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told CBS’ “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “Hamas is taking huge sums to build terror tunnels, rockets, they’re not building Gaza. They’re not interested in any kind of coexistence. Any objective observer can see that Hamas are out to destroy Israel, and not a partner.”

Israel has come under increasing scrutiny after striking a multi-story building in Gaza that housed civilian media offices, including the Associated Press. The Israeli army has argued that the building contained military assets belonging to the intelligence offices of Hamas, noting that it provided advance warning to civilians in the building and allowed sufficient time for them to evacuate the site, resulting in no reported casualties.

Asked about the incident, Netanyahu said Israelis possessed intelligence that the Gaza City building that housed the international press also housed Hamas offices, without offering specific proof, adding, “It is a perfectly legitimate target.” (Read more) 

4. Hamas again threatens Tel Aviv as IDF targets terrorist homes - World Israel News

Hamas again threated to fire rockets into Israel’s central region on Monday after the IDF attacked the homes of five senior members of the terrorist organization.

Hamas referred to these as “civilian homes.” However, Israel has been careful to avoid civilian casualties.

On Monday, the IDF continued to target the terror group’s multistory structures and its underground tunnel system, dubbed the “metro” by Israel. On Sunday, the IDF targeted the home of Gaza’s top Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar, in the city of Khan Younis.

Hamas continued to fire on Israel’s southern region throughout Monday, the Shavuot holiday. The IDF counted 250 rocket and mortar launches. Israel’s Iron Dome system intercepted 90% of the rockets it targeted. Twenty-five of the rockets fell into the Gaza Strip. (Read more) 

5. WATCH: Rockets Fired at Israel from Lebanon, IDF Returns Fire - Jewish Press

The rocket alert went off in northern Israel on Monday night, in the upper Galil, near Kiryat Shmoneh, near the border with Lebanon. The rocket alert went off at the same exact time as a rocket alert down south from an attack from Gaza.

The IDF has confirmed that 6 rockets were launched at Israel from Lebanon, but they fell short and hit an open area on the Lebanese side of the border. The IDF has returned fire at the source of the launch.

The IDF spokesperson released the following statement, “Following the activation of a warning in the Misgav Am area, six launches from Lebanese territory were identified, which apparently fell in Lebanese territory. In response, IDF artillery forces returned fire at the sources of the shooting.” (Read more)  

6. President Biden Has Phone Calls With Abbas, Netanyahu Amid Gaza Fighting – Daily Caller
 President Joe Biden had phone calls with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House said Saturday.
The calls come amidst escalated tensions and rocket attacks in the region.
“The President reaffirmed his strong support for Israel’s right to defend itself against rocket attacks from Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza,” the White House said of Biden’s call with Netanyahu. “He condemned these indiscriminate attacks against towns and cities across Israel.”
“The President updated the Prime Minister on high-level U.S. engagement with regional partners on this issue and discussed ongoing diplomatic efforts,” the press released added. Read more.
- Father, we ask that Biden stand firmly as a supporter of Israel even though at this point we are uncertain of his true stance. If there be any subterfuge in him, let it be revealed to all. 
- “God shall arise, His enemies shall be scattered; and those who hate Him shall flee before Him!” (Psalm 68:1)

The Daily Brief
1. EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Burgess Owens To Introduce Legislation Combating Biden’s Rollback Of Trump-Era Critical Race Theory Ban - Daily Caller
Utah Republican Rep. Burgess Owens is set to introduce two pieces of legislation intended to combat President Joe Biden’s executive order rolling back a Trump-era ban on critical race theory, according to documents obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller.
One bill would restrict teaching critical race theory at federal institutions while a resolution would highlight the dangers of critical race theory and underline “the systemic racism and damaging philosophy within this prejudicial ideological tool.” Critical race theory holds that America is fundamentally racist, yet it teaches people to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. Its adherents pursue “antiracism” through the end of merit, objective truth and the adoption of race-based policies.
“I grew up attending segregated schools in the Jim Crow South during a time when people were treated differently based on the color of their skin,” Owens said in a statement obtained by the Daily Caller. “Critical Race Theory preserves this way of thinking and undermines civil rights, constitutionally guaranteed equal protection before the law, and U.S. institutions at large.”
“This is the United States of America, and no one should ever be subjected to the discrimination that our laws so clearly prohibit.” Read more
Father, from our natural perspective, we are well aware that this legislation may not pass. But nothing is impossible for You, so we ask that You put down “Critical Race Theory” and put it down hard.
- “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’” *(Matthew 19:26)

2. Now the U.S. Army? Force puts out call for soldiers in a woke recruitment ad featuring lesbians at a gay wedding and an LGBTQ pride march after CIA's 'cisgender millennial with anxiety disorder' campaign was panned -- Daily Mail
The U.S. Army has joined the woke parade in its latest recruitment ad that features an animated lesbian wedding and an LGBTQ pride parade. The new ad is part of the Army's 'The Calling' recruitment campaign that tells the stories of five diverse service members.  
The ad comes just weeks after a CIA recruitment video featuring a recruit described who herself as an 'intersectional cisgender millennial' was widely ridiculed online.   
Released on May 4, the two-minute recruitment video, centers on Corporal Emma Malonelord and her upbringing as she is raised by two moms. Malonelord is an actual Army corporal; her story is illustrated in the cartoon. Read more.
-  Lord, let our military not be distracted by agendas that have no logical purpose for warfighters.
- “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.” (Proverbs 4: 25-27 )

3. Space Force Officer Relieved After Denouncing Marxism, Critical Race Theory in Military- The Epoch Times
A U.S. Space Force commanding officer was removed from his post after publishing a book that warned of the spread of Marxism and critical race theory in the military. The Space Force confirmed that it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron.
“Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Space Operations Command commander, relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier of command of the 11th Space Warning Squadron, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, May 14, due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead,” the Space Force said in a statement to various news outlets over the weekend.
“This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast. Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation (CDI) on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity,” according to the statement.
The “public comments” that he made in a podcast were likely in reference to the spread of Marxist ideology within the military, which was detailed in Lohmeier’s recently self-published book, “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.” Read more.  
- Father, we ask that the cancelling of opposing voices against the Marxist and CRT agenda be stopped. We ask You to be with LtCol Lohmeier as he attempts to reveal the hidden problems within the US military.
- “Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” (Luke 12:2)  

4. Bernie Sanders says US should revisit foreign aid to Israel, part of which funds Iron Dome defense system – Fox
As fighting between Israel and Hamas militants entered its seventh day on Sunday, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., called for a "hard look" at the billions in military aid the U.S. gives to Israel each year. 
"The devastation in Gaza is unconscionable. We must urge an immediate ceasefire. The killing of Palestinians and Israelis must end," the self-proclaimed democratic socialist tweeted Sunday. "We must also take a hard look at nearly $4 billion a year in military aid to Israel. It is illegal to support human rights violations." 
The U.S. military aid to Israel includes funding for its Iron Dome defense system, which intercepts short-range rockets and artillery shells. Sanders, who twice ran for president as the Democratic candidate, has long been a critic of Israel. On the 2020 campaign trail, Sanders proposed leveraging military aid to Israel to push for a change in its policies toward Gaza. Read more.
Lord, let nothing Mr Sanders desires come to pass. May Your Word protect them, and may all Your enemies be scattered.
- “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” (Isaiah 54:17a)  

5. Biden rolls back Trump order barring immigrants who can't afford health care – Fox
President Biden has revoked a Trump-era order that banned immigrants from obtaining visas if they couldn’t prove they could obtain health insurance or pay for health care.
The 2019 order denied visas to those seeking entry into the U.S. who were deemed a “financial burden” on the health care system. Biden, in a proclamation announcing the rollback, said the policy did not “advance the interests” of the nation.
The Trump order did not apply to immigrants who already live in the U.S. or to lawful permanent residents, refugees, asylum-seekers or children.
Biden has rolled back a number of Trump-era immigration policies in his first few months in office, moves that some say have contributed to a surge in migrants at the southern border, including border wall construction, increased interior enforcement and the Migrant Protection Protocols, which kept migrants in Mexico while they awaited their hearings. Read more.
Lord, we have watched Biden tear apart everything President Trump accomplished and it grieves us. We ask that You bring repentance to America, cleansing us from the sins that have brought on this leftist onslaught.
- “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.” (Eccl 3: 1-22) 

6. Joe Biden’s Secret Venmo Account Easily Found, Raising Security Concerns - Breitbart
President Joe Biden has a secret account — which was easily found — on the peer-to-peer payments app Venmo, raising concerns about privacy and security. Biden’s Venmo account was found on Friday, “after less than 10 minutes of looking for it,” according to a report by BuzzFeed News.
In the process of finding the president’s Venmo account, BuzzFeed also found the accounts for nearly a dozen Biden family members, including the president’s children, and grandchildren, as well as senior White House officials, and all of their contacts on Venmo.
The report added that while Biden’s transactions were set to private, his friend list remained exposed — which is the case for every Venmo account, as there is no option to make a friends list private.
“If somebody wanted to map out the activities of the first family, they could just look at their activities on the social network and figure out what the family is up to by looking at what their associates are doing,” said Vahid Behzadan, the director of the Secure and Assured Intellect Learning Lab at the University of New Haven. Read more.
- Father, this is a serious security breach that should not be ignored by authorities. That it “disappeared” after a media reached out it highly suspicious. We pray that any impropriety being done by Biden or his family be revealed and accountability be brought to all.
“When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.”       (Proverbs 21:15)  

7. Former OMB pick Neera Tanden to serve as senior adviser to Biden – The Hill
Neera Tanden, who withdrew from consideration to lead the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) amid bipartisan criticism, is joining the White House as a senior adviser to President Biden.
Biden had said upon Tanden's OMB withdrawal in March that he would find a job for her in the White House that did not require Senate confirmation. CNN first reported Friday that she would be focused on potential ramifications should the Supreme Court strike down the Affordable Care Act, as well as a review of the U.S. Digital Service.
Tanden, who would have been the first woman of color to lead OMB, faced scrutiny over mean tweets she had written about Republicans and progressive Democrats alike in her previous role heading the think tank. 
In her controversial tweets, many of which were deleted in recent months, Tanden compared Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to "Harry Potter" villain Voldemort and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to a vampire and insinuated that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) benefited from Russian hacking in the 2016 election. Read more.
- Lord, this woman withdrew from one position only to be elevated into another. We ask that her “advice” be ignored and fall to the ground unheeded until she is able to come to You in truth.
 - “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”     (John 4:24)  

8. Biden revokes Trump order for 'Garden of heroes' – The Hill
 President Biden on Friday signed an executive order revoking two measures issued by former President Trump over the summer in response to protests against racial injustice that targeted monuments of controversial Americans.
Biden's order revokes multiple Trump actions, including one that prioritized punishment for those caught vandalizing statues or monuments, as well as an order that established a "National Garden of American Heroes" that called for erecting statues of hundreds of prominent Americans.
The order signed Friday also revokes a May 2020 order signed by Trump that directed federal agencies to review Section 230, a law that provides protections to social media companies.  (Read more.)
- Lord, we ask that You stop the destruction of everything President Trump started, even when it was something as simple as a garden with statues honoring people of accomplishment. We pray for restoration of all that has been stolen.
- “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10)   

9. Delta Air Lines to Force New Employees to Get COVID-19 Vaccines – The Epoch Times
Delta Air Lines is requiring all new employees to get vaccinated against the virus that causes COVID-19, becoming one of the first U.S. companies to mandate the shots.
“Delta will require all new hires in the U.S. to be vaccinated against COVID-19, unless they qualify for an accommodation,” the company said in a statement. The requirement will protect Delta’s employees and customers, ensuring the airline can safely operate as the number of fliers increases, the company said.
“I’m not going to mandate and force people if they have some specific reason why they don’t want to get vaccinated, but I’m going to strongly encourage them and make sure they understand the risks to not getting vaccinated,” CEO Ed Bastian told CNN in a recent interview at the Delta Flight Museum in Atlanta, which is being used as a vaccination center. “One caveat to that, though. Any person joining Delta in the future—future employees—we’re going to mandate they be vaccinated before they can sign up with the company,” he added.
Over 60 percent of Delta workers have received at least one vaccine dose and Bastian believes the final number will approach 80 percent.
Read more.
- Father, we ask that You guard those who fall victim to this agenda and keep them safe. We pray that this plan will fail and that the leadership of the company will see the truth.
- “But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3) 

10. Outrage after social media users discover series of Hitler-praising tweets from CNN freelancer - Fox
Social media users are demanding CNN respond after discovering that one of their freelance contributors, Adeel Raja, who has written dozens of pieces for the outlet, wrote in a now-deleted tweet that "the world today needs a Hitler." After some digging, it turned out to be one of several messages Raja has posted praising the Nazi leader.
"The only reason I am supporting Germany in the finals - Hitler was a German and he did good with those Jews!" Raja wrote during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Raja last had a CNN byline on Sept. 16, 2020. He still lists his affiliation with the network on LinkedIn.
"Hail Hitler!" he wrote the following day. Twitter users shared screenshots of the messages.
CNN spokesman Matt Dornic told the Washington Examiner that he "never heard" of Raja and that he's "looking into it."
Read more
- Lord, this man has 54 articles under his byline at CNN, so it’s unlikely to be someone they “have never heard of.” We ask that he be fired, and if you can reach his heart, we pray that you would do so.
- “The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.”  (Proverbs 10:18)  
11. Just 16 Percent of Millennials Classify as Born-Again Christians, Study Shows- Christian Headlines
The latest study from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University revealed a “seismic generational shift” between the worldviews of older Americans and younger Americans— also known as Millennials.
The research, which is the third release in CRC’s American Worldview Inventory 2021, found that millennials (ages 18 to 36), when compared with the older generation (55 and over), are significantly less likely to hold to traditional biblically-based teachings, including the nature of God, “original sin”, salvation, creation, life after death, human purpose and biblical morality.
On the other hand, millennials were significantly more likely than older Americans to believe in horoscopes, Karma, evolution, and reincarnation. They also hold to the beliefs that success is defined by personal happiness, owning property fosters economic inequality, abortions and pre-marital sex are okay, and getting even with others is defensible.
Gen X and the Millennials have solidified dramatic changes in the nation’s central beliefs and lifestyles,” George Barna, CRC Director of Research, explained in a statement. “The result is a culture in which core institutions, including churches, and basic ways of life are continually being radically redefined.”
When it comes to beliefs in personal salvation, 40 percent of people 55 and over identify as born-again Christians, whereas a mere 16 percent of Millennials meet the criterion. Alternatively, younger Americans were more likely to hold to Moral Therapeutic Deism, which has been deemed a counterfeit version of Christianity because it is more centered on self than God. Read more.
- Lord, this study brings sorrow to our hearts. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will move throughout all generations and especially the Millennials who are like sheep without a shepherd. Teach them by the power of Your Spirit what is true and right.
 - “When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things.” (Mark 6:34)
The Daily Jot

Gateway To The Prophetic End Times

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, May 17, 2021

Gaza Is The Greatest Evidence That Palestinians Have No Intention Of Ever Living Side By Side In Peace With Israel. Since Leaving Gaza Behind In 2005, Israel Has Watched Gaza Become A Hotbed For Terrorists. With Jerusalem As Their Prize, They Are Prying Open The Prophetic Gateway To The End Times Through Which The World Will Rush To Fulfill The Zechariah 12:3 Prophecy.

In August, 2005, The Daily Jot reported: “It is the biggest and most successful propaganda and public relations campaign of the century. The world has come to believe that if only Israel will give up the land that it obtained in 1967 and 1973 when a vicious and unprovoked attack from Arab states was miraculously repelled by the small, outnumbered state of Israel, then there would be peace in the region. Instead, the Israeli evacuation from Gaza will usher in a new prophetic era where violence and worldwide natural and political disruption will accelerate at an unprecedented pace.”
Read More Here

The True Spirit of Reconciliation 

There is a wonderful movement of local Spirit filled Israeli leaders, both Arab and Jew called WTKOG - Welcome the King of Glory.  It’s a joy to part of this group! This brilliant article is from Pastor Andrew Abu Ghazaleh:

Kingdom Mindset in a Emotional/Political Situation

1. *Our Identity*: 

We seem to forget who we are when emotions/politics arise. We become zealous for our people and the entire conversation becomes completely about who We are (ethnically/racially) and we forget who we are in the court room of heaven (Sonship & Priesthood). To be able to step into the courtrooms of heaven to plead for the injustice/healing of the Land, we must step into our spiritual identity first and foremost before anything else. From a place of trusting God with our case, a place of surrendering our pain, bitterness, anger, etc.... only from this heart posture can we step into the court room.  

2. *The Church*

In this situation, there is a spirit that has been unleashed on the land that is pressuring the body of Christ to choose sides. We urge us all to consider that choosing sides will only emphasize division in the land. We must continually submit our emotions at the feet of Jesus, at the cross. 

3. "The Land*: 

As we consider this situation, the Lord has been pulling us into always reflecting upon eternity. Eternity will always ground us, because everything in this life will burn away. The Lord will judge us upon our hearts, upon our words, how we have responded in this situation, etc... 

We must remember that God has been and always will be about unifying his family (Jew & Arab) and ultimately seating us at Abraham's table together in oneness with Jesus. It is critical to not take a step back from our Jewish/ Arab  family, because we assume they are taking a different stand than we are. From relationships we have, the Jewish family in Jesus are grieving over the condition of the land, the deaths, and the political situation for both Jewish and Arab alike. 

We’re Praying for Healing of the Land : 2 Chron. 7:14 

and for Oneness of the Body : John 17:21 

and Praying for the peace of Jerusalem: Psalm 122:6

Blessings in abundance,

Carolyn  Hyde

The L-rd bless you from Zion! 

Understanding Israel's War:

Helpful Resources for you!
1. "Fignting for Outsiders Everywhere" - A 14-minute video produced by SkyNews Austraila. To view this Youtube, go here.

2. Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -- by Kurt Mahlburg

"And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it." (Zechariah 12:3)

After a time of relative peace, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has escalated again this month, with Hamas firing thousands of rockets at Israeli cities in an attempt to overwhelm Israel’s missile defence system, the Iron Dome. Israel has responded by striking Hamas terror targets in the Gaza Strip. Understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be very difficult for outside observers, not least because the corporate media is often slanted in its reporting. There are also many myths circulating today about the origins of the conflict and the identity of the Palestinian people.

An excellent book that examines these myths and traces the history of the conflict in the Holy Land is From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish conflict over Palestine (2002) by Joan Peters. Joan Peters is a secular journalist who was a product of the popular mythology surrounding the Arab-Jewish conflict. From Time Immemorial, she explains, “was originally meant to be solely an investigation of the current plight of the ‘Arab refugees’.” (p. 3)

The data she uncovered in her research not only changed her perspective on the situation in the Middle East, but the focus of her book entirely. The result is a book that documents just how far the popular understanding of the origins of the Arab-Jewish conflict is from historical reality. (Read the full article here.)

> > > Very long; very well-documented; very good!  
Signs & Wonders
Mysterious swirling cloud phenomenon captured via satellite

Satellites captured a beautiful phenomenon called Von Karman clouds off the coast of Mexico on May 8, and this occurrence has many wondering why and how these swirls are appearing over the Pacific Ocean.

"Von Karman Vortices form where fluid flow, in this case air, is disturbed by an object, usually a mountain or island," said AccuWeather Lead International Forecaster Jason Nicholls.

These mysterious vortices were named after Theodore von Kármán, a Hungarian-American physicist and one of the first scientists to describe this phenomenon, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

They form when prevailing winds are disrupted by topographical features like mountains or islands, and this causes this wave shape to occur.

"When wind-driven clouds meet an island or elevated land area they flow around it clockwise and anti-clockwise to form the beautiful spinning eddies," Nicholls explained. ( Read more and view satellite photos by going here. 

The Good News Corner
Georgia Pastor Leads Cuban Men to Christ Using Google Translate App
A pastor in Georgia was able to lead two Cuban men to faith in Jesus thanks to an assist from Google’s language translation app.

James Merritt, pastor of Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, told Baptist Press neither of the two men — Bartolo or Osmani — spoke English. And he
didn’t speak Spanish. But, thanks to the Google Translate app, what was supposed to be nothing more than a furniture purchase ended up as “one of the greatest witnessing experiences I’ve ever had in my life,” the pastor said.

Merritt said he and his wife “always keep tracts in our home in both English and Spanish,” but he really wanted to engage with the two guys in a
more meaningful way. That’s when he decided to try the Translate app. As they spoke, Osmani learned Merritt was a pastor and decided to call his wife, who is already a Christian, to tell her. His wife then — using the app — asked Merritt to share the Gospel with her husband and Bartolo.

That’s exactly what Merritt did, and the two men became Christians.

The Georgia preacher said it was clear the Holy Spirit was involved in the encounter. “The involvement of the Holy Spirit had to be over the entire situation,” he told the outlet. “They were ready to leave and walk out of the door. I was just going to hand them a tract on their way out when I randomly thought of using Google Translate. I ended up using the audio function where you can just speak into the app and it will translate for you. I did not even know that function existed before.”

Merritt emphasized the value of using technology to share the Gospel. “I started wondering how many apps I have that I can use to share the Gospel,” he said. “You don’t need to carry around a big black Bible everywhere you go anymore. You have things like the Bible app and so many other resources on your phone you can use to share the Gospel. God honored my intention of sharing the Gospel and reminded me that I had a tool for it right there in my hand.” (CBN) Read more.  
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Blessed Assurance

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Phoebe Knapp

Scripture: Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith. Hebrews 10:21–22

Blessèd assurance, Jesus is mine!
O what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long;
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Perfect submission, perfect delight,
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight;
Angels descending bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love.


Perfect submission, all is at rest
I in my Savior am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.


About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Our Mission Statement

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood for all, we, too, pray for ALL, in a nonpartisan manner. Also, because the scriptures indicate that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 4:17), we are confident that fervent prayer, offered in the halls of the highest chambers of government in our land, can avail much for America. Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes those who feel called to join us, engaging in this strategic work of intercession for our nation: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God." [Romans 13:1]


Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.


We Welcome Your Gifts

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a 501(c)(3), tax- exempt, faith-based, ministry, dedicated to praying for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4). CHPP relies solely on the gifts of our readers to continue this work; thus we greatly appreciate your help in supporting this publication. Offerings may be sent to: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, P.O. Box 5152, Herndon, VA 20172-1970. Please make checks payable to: CHPP. THANK YOU!


Simply click the link below to access our secure online donor system:

CHPP Online Donor System

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philippians 4:23)

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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

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