The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Aug 27, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, Aug 27, 2021
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The Daily Brief
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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Rep. Cawthorn calls on Harris to invoke 25th Amendment and remove Biden as president over Afghanistan crisis

North Carolina Rep. Madison Cawthorn, a freshman Republican congressman, is calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Biden from office following the deadly, botched withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

"Our nation is at a crisis point," he wrote in a letter to Harris and the rest of the cabinet Thursday.

He warned of China’s ambitions on the world stage, the resurgent Russia, rising inflation, chaos at the southern border and other global predicaments threatening the U.S. – and argued that confronting them will take strong, decisive leadership.

"Joe Biden’s physical inability to lead is not a political talking point – it’s a demonstrable fact," Cawthorn told Fox News Thursday evening. "He is not mentally fit to serve as president of the United States."

The congressman said he does not believe Biden is capable of serving as commander-in-chief following the disastrous U.S. pullout of Afghanistan, which has left thousands of Afghan allies stranded, the country in Taliban hands and the most Americans killed in a single attack in Afghanistan in over a decade.

"I cannot sit idly by and watch the nation that I love spiral into death and devastation because our leader cannot discharge his duties," he said. "There is no time to wait, the time for action is now."

. . .  "The Constitution provides us a remedy," Cawthorn wrote. "Section 4 of the 25th Amendment lays out the process by which the sitting president may be removed from office for inability to ‘discharge the powers and duties of his office.’"

Then he urged her to start the process.

"I recognize the enormity of this request, yet that enormity is dwarfed by the scale of the consequences that face our country," he wrote.
(Fox News) Read more here.

- Abba, thank You for the Constitution. Way back, when our forefathers were writing this amazing document, You gave them the vision to look far into the future, realizing that a time like this may come to pass. We thank You for Section 4 of the 25th Amendment and we ask that it be implemented NOW, in Your name, amen and amen!

- "I will thrust you from your office, and you will be pulled down from your station." (Isaiah 22:19) 

1. As many as 1,000 Palestinians riot near Gaza-Israel border - JNS

(August 25, 2021 / JNS) As many as 1,000 Gazans took part in protests near the Israeli border on Wednesday, four days after an Israeli Border Policeman was critically injured by a Hamas gunman over the weekend. As a result, on Monday, the Israel Defense Forces built new mounds as reinforcements to give security forces better control of the area.

In Wednesday’s incident, rioters gathered in southern Gaza and mostly stayed between 100 to 200 meters (325 to 650 feet) from the border fence, while the IDF positioned a significant number of soldiers, backed up by tanks, on the other side, according to multiple Israeli media reports.

A number of Palestinians ran towards the fence sporadically, triggering tear gas and limited Ruger bullet fire by Israeli forces, according to a report by Ynet.

An explosive device was hurled at Israeli soldiers as well. (Read more) 

2. IDF preparing to strike Iranian nuclear sites as Gantz warns of nuclear capability within months - World Israel News

Israel’s military is working hard to develop plans to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities, the IDF Chief of Staff revealed on Wednesday, as Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made his way to Washington to discuss the Islamic Republic’s nuclear capabilities with U.S. President Joe Biden.

His comments came as Defense Minister Benny Gantz warned that Iran was just two months away from developing the materials required for nuclear capability, with military experts warning that it would take just a few more months to assemble them into a nuclear threat.

Since taking the reins in January, the Biden administration has been seeking a joint return by the U.S. and Iran to the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, with indirect negotiations taking place via Vienna. Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, pulled out of the deal in 2018, claiming that it had done nothing to prevent Iran from developing nuclear capabilities. Iran also exited shortly thereafter. (Read more)

3. US official: Iran a threat to Israel, US is committed to Israel security - Jerusalem Post

WASHINGTON - The meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Bennett and US President Biden is a “chance for the Prime Minister to hear directly from the President his ironclad commitment to Israel's security and self-defense, and supporting Israel's defense needs,” a senior administration official told reporters ahead of the meeting.
The meeting between the two will take place on Thursday morning (local time) just five days before the US self-imposed deadline to withdraw from Afghanistan. “It's important in the context of those events because (…) the end of America's military involvement in Afghanistan frees up resources and attention and ultimately allows us to better support our partners like Israel,” the official said.  

“I’m often asked, “Are we de-prioritizing the Middle East and our friends in the Middle East?” And nothing could be further from the truth. If anything, in the Biden administration, we are not pursuing, unachievable goals,” the official continued.

“We're not trying to transform the Middle East,” the official argued. “We're not trying to overthrow regimes. We are pursuing a very steady course, centered on achievable aims; alignment of ends and means; and, first and foremost, support to our partners, and, of course, Israel being second to none.” (Read more) 

4. Biden to Tell Israel PM He Shares Alarm Over Iran but Sticking to Nuclear Diplomacy - Algemeiner

President Joe Biden will tell Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the White House on Thursday that Washington shares Israel‘s concern that Iran has accelerated its nuclear program but remains committed for now to diplomacy with Tehran.

Briefing reporters on their first face-to-face talks, a senior US official said Wednesday: “Since the last administration left the Iran nuclear deal, Iran’s nuclear program has just dramatically broken out of the box, and it’s accelerating from week to week.”

Iran has more advanced centrifuges and uranium stockpiles as well as technology so that nuclear “breakout” — the capability to produce a bomb — “is now down to just a few months,” the official said and added the two leaders would discuss “what to do about it.”

The administration was increasingly alarmed by Iran’s nuclear activities, the official said, but signaled that Biden was sure to reject any entreaties from Bennett to halt efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear accord. (Read more) 

5. Israeli leaders condemn ‘horrific’ Kabul airport bombings - TImes of Israel

Israeli leaders on Thursday night expressed their condolences over the deadly attacks at Kabul airport earlier in the day, which killed at least 72 people and wounded dozens more.

“On behalf of the people of Israel, I share our deep sadness over the loss of American lives in Kabul,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett tweeted.

“Israel stands with the United States in these difficult times, just as America has always stood with us. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of the United States,” he added.

Bennett is currently in Washington and was scheduled to meet Thursday with US President Joe Biden, but the meeting was delayed to Friday because of the attacks.

“I am shocked and saddened by the horrific terror attack in Kabul,” Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said. (Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. Biden Postpones Meeting With Israel’s Prime Minister After Explosions in Kabul - The Epoch Times
President Joe Biden’s bilateral meeting with Israel’s prime minister has been postponed after U.S. forces in Afghanistan were among the casualties of at least two bombings.
Biden was scheduled to convene with Naftali Bennett, Israel’s prime minister, and other Israeli officials at the White House in Washington at 11:30 a.m.
The White House sent word shortly after the scheduled start time that the meeting was delayed.It has not said yet when the meeting will happen. Photographs showed Israeli media departing the White House. (Read more)  

2.  Biden Vows to Hunt Down Those Responsible for Kabul Attacks - Newsmax

President Joe Biden vowed to continue evacuations from Afghanistan after explosions in Kabul killed 12 U.S. service members, and said the U.S. will retaliate against those responsible for the bombings.

“To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm, know this -- we will not forgive, we will not forget, we will hunt you down and make you pay,” Biden said Thursday in an address from the White House.

The two explosions outside Kabul’s airport killed 12 U.S. service members, and The Associated Press said at least 60 Afghans died. Biden said U.S. intelligence had determined that militants from ISIS-K, an affiliate of Islamic State in Afghanistan, were likely behind the blasts.

General Kenneth McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, said he expects more attacks as the U.S. moves to continue evacuations and pull American forces out of Afghanistan by Aug. 31. The U.S. State Department said it’s in contact with about 1,000 Americans it believes remain in Afghanistan and over two-thirds of them indicated they’re taking steps to exit the country.

“We will rescue the Americans who are there,” Biden said. “We will get our Afghan allies out.” (Read more)

- Let it be so, Lord . . . let it be so . . . even as we pray for our enemies to
come to know You as Savior and Lord.

- "I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." (Mt. 5:44) 

3. Biden admits he bears responsibility for Kabul attack, defends withdrawal when pressed by Doocy - Fox News

President Biden told reporters Thursday that he bears responsibility for the "messy" evacuation and consequential suicide bombings in Kabul

"I bear responsibility for fundamentally all that’s happened," Biden told Fox News reporter Peter Doocy following a press briefing. "You know as well as I do that the former president made a deal with the Taliban that he would get all American forces out of Afghanistan by May 1. 

"In return, he was given the commitment that the Taliban would continue to attack others, but would not attack any American forces. Remember that?" Biden asked.

The Fox News reporter did not answer the president’s question but instead asked whether he thinks Americans have a problem with how the withdrawal process has gone.  

The president proceeded to bow his head and rested his face on his hands before saying, "I think they have an issue that people are likely to get hurt, some as we’ve seen have gotten killed, and that it is messy." (Read more)

- Father God, You are the potter and we are the clay. We ask that You would use these horrific attacks to mold Joe Biden into a man of Your image . . . one who demonstrates a spirit of true humility before others as well as courage in the face  of our enemies. Come, Lord Jesus we pray, come . . .
- "Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8) 

4. China Launches Massive War Exercises Near Taiwan – The Washington Free Beacon

Former Chinese military officer: China ready to fight at 'any moment'

The Chinese military is ramping up massive military exercises in the South China Sea intended to brush back the United States as the Biden administration pleads with the Taliban to bring Americans back home from Afghanistan.

People's Liberation Army Navy forces are conducting drills in the South China Sea, Yellow Sea, and Bohai Strait near Korea until Thursday. The intense war drills come shortly after another set of military exercises off the coast of Taiwan intended to help China achieve "supremacy" in a potential showdown with the United States and Taiwan, and in response to recent activity in the South China Sea, according to one former Chinese colonel. (Read more)  

Father God, we pray that China will be limited in their abilities to brush back the United States.  Lord, we ask that China will not achieve supremacy with the U.S and Taiwan.  We pray for America to receive an edict of grace from almighty God who will send heavenly angels to war against our enemies, with overall defeat.  In the Name of Jesus.

- "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil.  Wilt thou then to be afraid of the power?  Do that which is good and you shall have praise of the same."  (Romans 13:3)

5. Study: People vaccinated for covid carry 251 times the normal viral load, threatening the unvaccinated -

The University of Oxford‘s Clinical Research Group conducted a study recently which found that people who get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) carry in their nostrils 251 times the viral load of the Chinese Virus compared to “unvaccinated” people. The preprint paper, which is set to be published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, is groundbreaking in that it confirms the threat of vaccinated people who are “shedding” the virus and who even knows what else on others when they venture out in public.

Even if the jabbed are not showing symptoms, researchers found that they carry with them extremely high viral loads that transform them into what Dr. Peter A. McCullough, M.D., Ph.D., calls “presymptomatic superspreaders.”
“This phenomenon may be the source of the shocking post-vaccination surges in heavily vaccinated populations globally,” McCullough wrote in a piece for The Defender, a newsletter of Children’s Health Defense (CHD). (Read more)  
Father God, we ask that this information be published far and wide all over America and the world so that people will cease being under the incessant fears regarding the coronavirus.  We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "O Lord, You have pleaded the causes of my soul; You have redeemed my life."  (Lamentations 3:58)
6. Important! Download COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption Forms here (for Students, Military, Employees) – The War Room Report
Many people are being forced to choose between feeding their families and getting injected with a potentially deadly experimental substance. This is a fundamental violation of not only human rights, but the religious rights that we are guaranteed in the United States of America. 
At the bottom of this post are Word docs and PDF files constructing what the creator of the documents calls an “air tight religious exemption request” for the COVID vaccine if it is mandatory for you at work, school, or in the military. You can download these and customize them to your individual scenario. (Read more)   

Precious Father, we pray for mercy that we will be endowed with power from on high to be released from this mandate.  Give all of us the fortitude to stand under God's protection, and refuse this vaccine.  In Jesus' Name.  

- "Fear and a snare is come upon us, desolation and destruction." 
(Lam. 3:47)  

7. FDA “approval” of Pfizer covid vaccine doesn’t erase all injuries and deaths… the jab is still experimental and hasn’t been proven safe -

No matter what the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says about Pfizer’s “fully approved” Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine,” the experimental drug is still injuring and killing people all around the world.

A detailed report from Liberty Counsel, a legal team that specializes in human rights and religious cases, explains that just because the FDA has given a rubber stamp to the Pfizer jab does not mean that it is in any way “safe.”

The group cited national data collected in the government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which shows that nearly 600,000 people have incurred adverse events after getting injected with the Pfizer needle. Another 13,608 people and counting have died from the jab. (Read more)   

Almighty God, this is worldwide legalized murder.  Lord, what is to be written on their tombstone?  Steer the world away from the dictates of admitted vaccines that will kill us. God, stretch out Your hands and deliver us.  In the Name of Jesus.

- "But though God cause grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies."   (Lamentations 3:32)  

 8. Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Could Be Disbarred After Federal Judge Grants Sanctions Against Them – The War Room Report

On Wednesday, Judge Linda Parker of the Federal District Court in Detroit granted Detroit and Michigan’s motion for sanctions against lawyers involved in challenging Michigan’s 2020 election results, including Lin Wood and Sidney Powell.
As a result, Wood, Powell, and seven other lawyers have been ordered to pay attorneys fees for city and state election officials and could ultimately be suspended or even disbarred. (Read more)  

- Almighty God, cleanse the corruption in the American court system.  Wood and Powell have opened a sea of corruption that includes the Judge of the Federal District Court in Detroit.  To challenge Michigan's 2020 election results verifies guilt, dishonesty, deceit, falsification, doctoring and manipulation of which we pray judgment be transmitted to all those guilty in the State of Michigan.  We pray God will requite, make retaliation for, and demand a suitable return for these diabolical election results.  In the powerful Name of Jesus we pray.

- "It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord."  (Lamentations 3:26)  

9. The Shortages Are Global, And We Are Being Warned That They Will Intensify – The Economic Collapse Blog
The global economy was supposed to be getting back to “normal” by now, but instead more problems are erupting with each passing day.  As I write this article, supply chains all over the planet are in a state of chaos.  The worldwide computer chip shortage is making things very difficult for thousands upon thousands of manufacturers, the process of moving products across our oceans has become insanely expensive and is often plagued by horrendous delays, and a lack of truck drivers is causing enormous headaches when it comes to transporting goods to retailers and consumers in a timely manner.  We have never seen anything like this before, and at this point even CNN is admitting that “the disruption to global supply chains is getting worse”
The vast network of ports, container vessels and trucking companies that moves goods around the world is badly tangled, and the cost of shipping is skyrocketing. That’s troubling news for retailers and holiday shoppers. (Read more)  

Great God of the Universe, we pray for everyone who is holding onto their sinful practices to repent and turn from a life of darkness.  We ask that this state of chaos be turned around as we ask God to forgive us, for we are now facing the vengeance of the Lord. We pray for a turnaround back to the Lord.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Your faithfulness."  (Lamentations 3:22-23)  

10. Capitol Police Officers Sue Trump For Allegedly 'Masterminding' Jan. 6 "Attack" – Zerohedge

 A group of seven Capitol Police officers filed a lawsuit Thursday accusing President Trump and nearly 20 members of various (allegedly) "far-right" groups (including the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, of course) of being part of a plot to disrupt the peaceful transition of power on Jan 6, when the officers were injured during the unrest on Capitol Hill. 

According to the NYT, this latest lawsuit is the "most expansive civil effort to date seeking to hold Mr. Trump and his allies legally accountable for the storming of the Capitol."

Three other similar lawsuits have been filed in recent months, including one filed by two Capitol Police officers back in March which accused President Trump of being directly responsible for unleashing his followers on the officers for a violent confrontation. But Thursday's lawsuit is the first to allege that Trump worked in concert with the "far-right extremists", something the FBI has already shot down, as we noted last week.
(Read more)   

- Father God, we pray that the Blood of Jesus cover this lawsuit that is completely filled with false accusations against Donald Trump.  God, wage war against this enemy and dispatch warrior angels to fight and war against all the shadow government and its league of those in darkness.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "The Lord is good unto them the wait for Him, to the soul that seeks Him." (Lamentations 3:25)

11. Pentagon orders all active-duty troops to submit to COVID-19 shot immediately: Here is what you can do – War Room Report
Marines who decline the vaccine risk losing their pensions and other benefits, as well as forced separation or court martial, although court proceedings for thousands or tens of thousands of individual service members would likely overload the military’s disciplinary system.
The Pentagon ordered all U.S. service members to submit to the COVID-19 vaccination as quickly as possible. 
In a memorandum released today, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin directed the secretaries of all military departments to “immediately begin full vaccination of all members of the Armed Forces,” and “impose ambitious timelines for implementation.” 
“With the support of the President, I have determined that mandatory vaccination against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is necessary to protect the Force and defend the American people,” he asserted. 
Notice of the order came just two days after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fully approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. The mandate failed to mention the unknown effects of the shots on recipients and thousands of adverse reactions to a vaccine that continues to be experimental until clinical trials end in 2023.    
There are Vaccine Exemption forms customized for Military service members.   CLICK HERE to access those forms.
Learn more about the Class Action Lawsuit filed on behalf of active-duty service members.  CLICK HERE to learn more about this Class action suit. (Read more)  
Merciful Father God, show all of us how to avoid this vaccination of death.  We claim life.  We claim freedom from that which knowingly will kill us.  Help us to escape their demands upon our lives.  Show us the repercussion and consequence occurring some time after the people receive the shot.  We pray You deliver us from evil.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "For God does not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men."  (Lam. 3:33)  
The Daily Jot

Prophecy Clock Ticks Forward With
Afghanistan Abandonment

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, August 26, 2021

The Obama-Biden Administration empowered Islam through destabilizing the Middle East through Arab Spring, the Benghazi debacle, providing Iran with billions in American cash, support of the Muslim Brotherhood and the list goes on and on. Enter the Trump administration and real attempts were made to defeat the Taliban and Islamic State, put radical Islam back in its place, eliminate taxpayer dollars support of Palestinian terrorists, elevate Israel, and broker peace among traditional enemies in the Middle East. All this has been undone by Joe Biden’s reckless abandonment of Afghanistan, and the end time prophecy clock moves forward, as Turkey, Iran, Russia, and China waste no time filling the vacuum.

A high-ranking Turkish official told the Middle East Eye that the Turkish military presence in Kabul would be important for Turkish interests in the years ahead, particularly as Turkey is interested in the trade opportunities that would be associated with the reconstruction of the country. Meanwhile, Newsweek reports that Iran, Russia, and China say that “seek to ensure stability in Afghanistan and its periphery while securing their own interests. as friendly ties with Kabul are tested by a desire to engage with the powerful Taliban movement that has retaken much of the country.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Hua Chunying told reporters on August 16, “The Taliban have repeatedly expressed their hope to develop good relations with China, and that they look forward to China’s participation in the reconstruction and development of Afghanistan.” Read More

Signs & Wonders
Major hurricane threat developing for the US Gulf Coast

AccuWeather forecasters on Thursday said it was becoming much more likely that parts of the central Gulf Coast would need to prepare for a strike from a major hurricane later Sunday or Monday.

The tropical feature meteorologists have been monitoring was designated Tropical Depression Nine by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) on Thursday, and forecasters said it is becoming increasingly likely that it will eventually strengthen into Tropical Storm Ida, the ninth-named storm of the 2021 Atlantic season.

Tropical Depression Nine gathering strength over the Caribbean Sea south of Jamaica early Thursday and hurricane hunters from the U.S. Air Force were scheduled to investigate the system. Tropical storm warnings were issued for the Cayman Islands and well as parts of Cuba.

As Thursday morning, the depression was moving to the northwest at a speed of 13 mph and had maximum sustained winds of 35 mph. It was 115 miles south-southwest of Negril, Jamaica and 210 miles southeast of Grand Cayman Island. Read More

> > > UPDATE: A Hurricane Watch has now been issued from Cameron, LA eastward to the MS/AL border, including Lake Pontchartrain, Lake Maurepas, and metropolitan New Orleans.

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
40 Days of Prayer
This is day fifteen in our journey. Join us even if you are beginning today. Each day starting Saturday August 7 we have posted a sin which the Lord would have us confess and remove through personal repentance. God willing, these 40 days will lead us to the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur September 15.

Today the sin is an abomination to the Lord found in Revelation 21:8- liars.

There's a SPIRITUAL DROUGHT in every nation on the planet. We are not yet honoring the Authority of the Risen Christ that He revealed in Matthew 28:18: " ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."
Read More
Classic Hymns

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Charles Wesley
Music: Carl Glaser

Scripture: I…heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands. Revelation 5:11

O for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and king,
The triumphs of His grace!

My gracious master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad
The honors of Thy name.

Jesus! the name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
’Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
’Tis life, and health, and peace.

He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.

He speaks, and, listening to His voice,
New life the dead receive,
The mournful, broken hearts rejoice,
The humble poor believe.

Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb,
Your loosened tongues employ;
Ye blind, behold your Savior come,
And leap, ye lame, for joy.

In Christ your head, you then shall know,
Shall feel your sins forgiven;
Anticipate your heaven below,
And own that love is heaven.

Glory to God, and praise and love
Be ever, ever given,
By saints below and saints above,
The church in earth and Heaven.

On this glad day the glorious sun
Of righteousness arose;
On my benighted soul He shone
And filled it with repose.

Sudden expired the legal strife,
’Twas then I ceased to grieve;
My second, real, living life
I then began to live.

Then with my heart I first believed,
Believed with faith divine,
Power with the Holy Ghost received
To call the Savior mine.

I felt my Lord’s atoning blood
Close to my soul applied;
Me, me He loved, the Son of God,
For me, for me He died!

I found and owned His promise true,
Ascertained of my part,
My pardon passed in heaven I knew
When written on my heart.

Look unto Him, ye nations, own
Your God, ye fallen race;
Look, and be saved through faith alone,
Be justified by grace.

See all your sins on Jesus laid:
The Lamb of God was slain,
His soul was once an offering made
For every soul of man.

Awake from guilty nature’s sleep,
And Christ shall give you light,
Cast all your sins into the deep,
And wash the Æthiop white.

Harlots and publicans and thieves
In holy triumph join!
Saved is the sinner that believes
From crimes as great as mine.

Murderers and all ye hellish crew,
Ye sons of lust and pride,
Believe the Savior died for you;
For me the Savior died.

With me, your chief, ye then shall know,
Shall feel your sins forgiven;
Anticipate your heaven below,
And own that love is heaven.

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