The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Aug. 20, 2021
The Daily Brief:

A Newspaper for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"

* Place your cursor on any section above to go directly to that section for prayer.
United We Stand                      Friday, Aug 20, 2021
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The Daily Brief
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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"

Pastors across Afghanistan are asking for urgent prayers after they spent two weeks watching the country fall into the hands of Islamist terrorists.

Josh Manley, a pastor of RAK Evangelical Church in the United Arab Emirates, said numerous church leaders across the country have reached out to him in recent days. He released an urgent call for prayer Monday in a blog post for the Christian ministry group 9Marks.

“As Taliban forces have swallowed up Afghanistan and even now the capital city of Kabul, pastors in the country have been emailing and messaging me over the last few days, even hours, anxious for prayer,” Manley wrote.

“Pastoring just a short flight away in the United Arab Emirates, I’ve had the opportunity to build partnerships with these men over the last decade. One house church leader sent me a picture of the small room he was hiding in with his family.”

Manley said the Afghan pastor he was in contact with wrote to him, “This is where I am living. We are hidden right now in different areas.”

The situation is dire for Christians across the country after several officials and veterans have asserted the Biden administration botched the exit from Afghanistan this month after 20 years of U.S. combat operations and occupation.

“We can’t go out like normal. It’s dangerous. We moved to one of my friend’s houses, but it’s not safe at all,” one pastor wrote. Manley noted that several pastors have said the Taliban has already contacted them and warned it will come for them.

Christians preaching God’s word across the country also shared their circumstances with Manley, who asked for prayers for them.

“We need to pray that our sovereign God would physically protect our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan. Boldly go to the throne of the universe and plead with our God to restrain evil and confuse the plans of evildoers,” Manley wrote. “Pray also for physical provision.” (Intercessors for America) Read more here.

- Lord God, we boldly come before Your throne and we ask You to confuse and restrain the plans of evil doers. Destroy their plans, we pray. We ask You to supernaturally protect our brothers and sisters who remain in the country, as well as those who have become refugees.

- "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." (John 14:13) 

1.  Jewish Groups Sound Alarm on Afghanistan, Warn of Taliban’s Misogyny, Disregard for Human Rights - Algemeiner

Major Jewish organizations expressed “horror” at the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in recent days, pointing to the Islamist group’s long record of misogyny and human rights violations.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews’ President Marie van der Zyl said in a statement Tuesday, “UK Jews will share the world’s horror at the scenes unfolding in Afghanistan.”

“The Taliban’s sickening record of the repression of women and girls, and complete disregard for human rights, fill us all with great anxiety for the Afghan people,” she said.

Van der Zyl added, “We call on the UK government to expand on its plans for the resettlement of Afghan refugees, to whom the world now owes a duty of care and moral responsibility.”  (Read more)

2. Israeli counter-terrorism expert: ‘Taliban has alliances with Al-Qaeda in Syria’ - World Israel News

Propaganda messaging by Al-Qaeda has risen dramatically in recent weeks, in line with the takeover of Afghanistan by Taliban fundamentalist forces, an Israeli counter-terrorist expert has warned.

Michael Barak, a senior researcher at the Institute for Counter-Terrorism in Herzliya, who teaches courses on terrorism and Islamic radical movements, told JNS that the Taliban has alliances “with several Islamist forces in the Middle East, including Al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria.”

He described a “serious boost in the level of activity in Al-Qaeda’s publications” in recent weeks, adding that 12 informal institutions have begun promoting propaganda by the terror organization that was responsible for the United States getting involved in Afghanistan in the first place back in 2001, following the Sept. 11 attacks.

Much of that propaganda is focused on encouraging attacks against the United States and France, though also against Israel.  (Read more)  

3. Israel renews import of construction materials, goods into Gaza Strip - YNET News 

Israel on Wednesday approved the import of construction materials and other goods into the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom border crossing.
The decision to ease commercial activity came just two days after rockets were fired into Israel from the seaside territory in a first since an 11-day conflict between the sides wrapped up in late May. The IDF has uncharacteristically yet to respond.

In addition, around 1,800 Gazan laborers and traders entered Israel for the first time since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

The softening of restrictions comes as tensions soared due to Israel withholding Qatari aid money to the Hamas-controlled enclave. (Read more)  

4. Hezbollah Warns Israel, US Not to Interfere with Shipment of Iranian Oil to Lebanon - Jewish Press

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has warned Israel and the United States against interfering with an oil tanker that was set to leave Iran for Lebanon on Thursday.

In a televised address commemorating the Shi’ite Ashura holiday, Nasrallah said that the ship would be considered Lebanese territory from the moment it set sail, according to Reuters.

“God willing, this ship and others will arrive safely,” he added.

Lebanon is in the midst of a severe economic crisis and experiencing widespread shortages, not only of fuel but also of food, electricity and essential medicines. The oil tanker is ostensibly on its way to alleviate the crisis. (Read more)   

5. Syrian media reports Israeli air strike near Damascus - Israel National News

The Syrian state-owned Ekhbariya TV and state news agency SANA reported that Syrian air defenses confronted an "Israeli aggression" in the Damascus countryside.

The Lebanese news site Elnashra reported that the source of the explosions in Damascus was an attack by the Israel Air Force.

The Syrian army said that "at 11:03 p.m., the Israeli Air Force attacked several positions in the Damascus and Homs areas. The air defense systems were activated and most of the missiles were intercepted."

The statement further said that the results of the attack are being investigated.

On Tuesday night, Syrian news agencies reported that the IDF had launched attacks at northern Quneitra region, on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

Two missiles were reportedly fired at a post near the village of Khachar, and explosions were reportedly heard in the area. (Read more)   

The Daily Brief
1. Biden Speaks on Afghans Falling From US Planes: That Was Four Days Ago – Resist the Mainstream
President Joe Biden bristled when confronted on Afghans falling from U.S. Air Force jets after grabbing on to them amid the Taliban takeover of Kabul, Afghanistan.
In an interview with ABC News‘ George Stephanopoulos, Biden was asked about the pictures of “hundreds of people packed in a C-17” and the images of “Afghans falling.”
“That was four days ago, five days ago,” the president said. (Read more) 

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- Almighty God,  we ask that the man in office be  sympathetic and show concern and pity for the sufferings of the Afghans and all who are living under this tyranny from their governments.  We ask for godly mercy to be extended toward Christians living under this kind of cruelty.  God, we pray for all Americans to be saved from this leadership. In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting, get understanding."  (Proverb 4:7)
2. Biden Administration Sends Note to Thousands of Americans Stuck in Afghanistan: We Cannot Guarantee Your Safety – Resist the Mainstream
The Biden administration has informed Americans stuck in Afghanistan amid President Joe Biden’s botched exit from the country that the U.S. government cannot ensure they will get out of the country safely.
As if seeing Afghans fall from airplanes, people hanged in Kabul and the city’s airport turned into a stampede hasn’t been distressing enough, the federal government on Tuesday told U.S. citizens in that country that they’re essentially on their own when facing Taliban terrorists. CBS News producer Sara Cook posted a note on Twitter that she said was sent to as many as 15,000 Americans stuck in Afghanistan telling them that they need to head to the airport in Kabul for a flight out.
The memo said the U.S. military cannot guarantee they will make it there. (Read more)

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- Almighty God, we cry out for mercy to be shown to the 15,000 Americans who are on foreign soil in Afghanistan.  Father, we pray You dispatch myriads of angels to go into Afghanistan and sweep out the Americans.  Father, turn the hearts of the Afghans and the Taliban terrorists away from the Americans and shut them down by the mighty hand of God.  We command the evil spirits in the minds of the terrorists to be paralyzed and deactivated.  In the powerful Name of Jesus we pray.

- "For the Lord shall be your confidence, and shall keep your foot from being taken."  (Proverbs 3:26)

3. Joe Biden’s State Dept. Halted a Trump Era “Crisis Response Plan” Aimed at Avoiding Benghazi-Style Evacuations Just MONTHS Before Taliban Takeover – National Pulse

Joe Biden’s State Department moved to cancel a critical State Department program aimed at providing swift and safe evacuations of Americans out of crisis zones just months prior to the fall of Kabul, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.

The “Contingency and Crisis Response Bureau” – which was designed to handle medical, diplomatic, and logistical support concerning Americans overseas was paused by Antony Blinken’s State Department earlier this year. Notification was officially signed just months before the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan.

“SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED,” an official State Department document from the Biden State Department begins, before outlining the following move to quash the Trump-era funding for the new bureau. (Read more) 

"Father God, for this prayer, I quote (in part) that of Anne Graham Lotz - addressing those policy makers who allowed these to be left behind:

"And then I pray…yes I do… for the fullness of Your wrath to fall on the evil perpetrators, whether they are in Kabul or Tehran or Washington, DC. Holy God. Avenge Your people."

-  "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)


4. The Collapse of Afghanistan Has Brought Us Much Closer to a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan – The Economic Collapse Blog

The way that the Biden administration has handled the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan is not going to bring peace.  Instead, I believe that it is going to result in more war.  For decades, the overwhelming strength of the United States restrained other major powers from becoming too adventurous.  But now the stunning defeat in Afghanistan has exposed how weak we have become.  At this point, the U.S. is like a rapidly aging boxer that is becoming even more feeble with each passing day.  At one time we may have been able to take on anyone, but now we are in an advanced state of decline and we have utterly incompetent leadership in the White House, in Congress and in the Pentagon.
As I discussed yesterday, the debacle that is currently playing out in Kabul is going to greatly embolden the enemies of the United States. (Read more) 
- Almighty God, we command all leadership in America who have joined with the ranks of satan to take down America, to be cast out by the intervening action of our God.  We rebuke and command the evil forces to be destroyed by our God.  Close the doors on the enemy.  Remove them from office who allow hatred to reign, and lawlessness and rebellion to abound.  As Americans, we cry out to God to save Taiwan from coming under Chinese control. Strengthen them, Lord, and pull down the dominance of China.  We command and pray in the mighty Name of Jesus.

- "The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed.  God who sits in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision."  (Psalms 2:3-5) 
5. DeSantis Slams Biden For Focusing on Kindergarteners Wearing Masks While Afghanistan, Southern Border Burn – Resist the Mainstream
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ripped President Biden on Wednesday night for his haphazard Afghanistan withdrawal and misplaced priorities amid the chaotic situations in Afghanistan and at the U.S. southern border.
The governor criticized the commander in chief for “leaving thousands of Americans to fend for themselves behind enemy lines.” In addition to that, the Florida Republican told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that Biden also left billions worth of military equipment for the Taliban to use. “It’s going to make that area a disaster,” he said, and put Americans “at risk.”
DeSantis pointed out that America’s adversaries—Russia, North Korea, and China—are watching the Afghanistan situation closely and how President Biden has handled it. “And they see that this is not somebody who’s capable of leading with conviction and leading on the world stage,” he continued. “So they are going to do everything they can, as long as he’s president to take advantage of that. And I think we’re in for a rocky three and a half years, as long as he’s president.” (Read more)

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- Lord God, we thank You for Governor DeSantis, who always gets it right. We ask that You protect this man from harm and allow his voice to serve as a trumpet of truth across our land. We ask this in Your name, amen and amen.

- "But the path of the just is as a shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day.  The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble."   (Proverbs 4:18-19)

6. The Taliban are sitting on $1 trillion worth of minerals the world desperately needs - All Sides

The swift fall of Afghanistan to Taliban fighters two decades after the United States invaded the country has triggered a political and humanitarian crisis. It’s also causing security experts to wonder: What’s going to happen to the country’s vast untapped mineral wealth?

Afghanistan is one of the poorest nations in the world. But in 2010, US military officials and geologists revealed that the country, which lies at the crossroads of Central and South Asia, was sitting on mineral deposits worth nearly $1 trillion that could dramatically transform its economic prospects.

Supplies of minerals such as iron, copper and gold are scattered across provinces. There are also rare earth minerals and, perhaps most importantly, what could be one of the world's biggest deposits of lithium — an essential but scarce component in rechargeable batteries and other technologies vital to tackling the climate crisis. (Read more)

- Almighty God, by the authority given us by the Holy Spirit, we command that Afghanistan's mineral wealth not fall into the hands of the wicked nations of the world.  We pray a God-sent wall of protection be around Afghanistan and protect the untapped wealth of that country.  Block the wicked from prospering like voracious wolves.  Send a deluge of the presence of Jesus over that nation and liberate the souls of the Taliban through the power of the Blood of Jesus.  In Your great Name we pray.

- "Behold I sit before you this day a blessing and a curse.  A blessing if you obey the Lord your God: and a curse if you will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God." (Deuteronomy 11:26-27)

7.  Iran Goes on the Offensive as the US Retreats from Afghanistan and Elsewhere – Wall Street Journal

Tehran’s proxies unleash violence on several fronts in the Mideast as it senses weakness in adversaries.
The Taliban’s seizure of power in Afghanistan, while swift and dramatic, is neither the first nor the sole challenge to the U.S. and its allies taking place in and around the region. Iran is mounting another, no less significant push. Behind both offensives is the perception that the regional order is failing and the U.S. is retreating.
The factor underlying the Mideast violence earlier this summer seems clear: Iran is trying to assert power across several fronts. It is wielding a variety of assets, proxies and franchises against the full range of enemies it perceives in the region. (Read more)  

- Lord God, we ask for unusual wisdom for those in authority - especially in the intellgence and the military branches of our government. We thank You that, even though our enemies may now perceive us as being a weak nation, the opposite is true.   

We ask You to place a wall of fire abound the nation of Iran, hemming her in from doing any harm to her neighboring nations, including Israel. 
 May we utilize all of our resources now to secure our freedom here and abroad, in Your name, amen and amen.

- "Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." (I John 4:4)
8. ‘First-Come, First-Serve’: US Embassy Says Military Can’t Ensure ‘Safe Passage’ to Kabul Airport - The Epoch Times

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said Wednesday the federal government and military cannot ensure the safe passage to the Kabul airport after Taliban extremists took over the capital as video footage shows throngs of people trying to enter the facility.

“The United States government cannot ensure safe passage to the Hamid Karzai International Airport,” the U.S. Embassy wrote in a security alert issued on Wednesday, adding that “the security situation in Kabul continues to change quickly, including at the airport.”

Some White House officials have estimated that as many as 10,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan. More than 80,000 Afghans, including those who worked with the U.S. government and could face Taliban reprisals, are awaiting approval to escape.

At the same time, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told reporters that the U.S. military does not “have the capability to go out and extend operations in Kabul” to find trapped Americans.

“We’re going to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we’re going to get everyone that we can possibly evacuate evacuated. And I’ll do that as long as we possibly can until the clock runs out or we run out of capability,” he added, which drew condemnation from GOP lawmakers who said the U.S. military does indeed have the ability to continue the evacuation. (Read more)

- Almighty God, we have an enormously evil, destructive and anti-American action here by the ones calling the shots.  The blood of thousands will be upon their hands.  We ask for Your divine intervention so that these plans will go forward speediiy and many WILL be rescued.  We pray in the authority of the Name of Jesus. 

- "So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just." (Matthew 13:49)  

9. Biden says 'no one's being killed' in Afghanistan, can't 'recall' advisers telling him to delay withdrawal - Fox News

President Biden in an interview with ABC that aired Thursday said "no one's being killed" in Afghanistan despite reports of at least seven deaths amid the chaos at Kabul's airport and of Taliban beating people on their way to the airport, as he defended his handling of the American withdrawal from the country. 

Biden further told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that intelligence did not indicate the Afghan government would quickly collapse – despite reports that's exactly what the intelligence said. 

And the president said his advisers did not tell him to delay the troop withdrawal, despite reports that's exactly what his advisers did. 

"Oh, there is," Biden said when asked about "pandemonium" near the airport by Stephanopoulos. "But, look – but no one's being killed right now, God forgive me if I'm wrong about that, but no one's being killed right now." (Read more)

- Dear Lord, by now, Biden's mental condition should be of great concern to all of us. As Your intercessors and watchmen, we stand in the gap for this man, asking that You protect our nation until he can be removed. We ask in Your name, amen.

-  "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)

10. 'Abject failure,' 'shameful afront': Christian leaders react to Taliban takeover in Afghanistan - Christian Post

Faith leaders and Christian organizations are among the many reacting as turmoil continues to engulf Afghanistan due to the Taliban’s takeover of large portions of the country. 

The world was horrified to see the videos of desperate Afghans trying to cling to a departing plane at Kabul's airport, some falling to their death. The Taliban takeover has caused concern for the fate of women and minorities who fear enslavement, rape or execution.  

Over the weekend, as the terrorist group began to take control of the capital city of Kabul, the president of Afghanistan fled the country. Following the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul, the U.S. deployed an additional 1,000 American troops to help evacuate Americans in addition to the 5,000 deployed last week. 

The following pages include reactions from evangelical pastors, grassroots leaders and faith-based refugee resettlement organizations to the dire situation in Afghanistan. (Read more)

- Lord God, as American citizens, we hang our heads in shame over this unfolding crisis. But as children in Your kingdom, we know that when we pray to You, You do answer us. Hear our prayer today O Lord, we pray, amen.

- "I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain." (Psalm 3:4)

The Daily Jot

COVID Vaccines, Science And Common Sense

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, August 19, 2021

There are three types of science being applied to the COVID-19 vaccine situation—no science, some science and political science. The “no science” is about those who blindly advocate for or against the vaccine without accurate information. The science is the interpretation of the vaccines’ effectiveness against the risks. The political science is the unyielding pressure to get vaccinated, which can include misinterpretation of the science, misleading people, even marginalizing those who are unvaccinated. The trends of what is happening with these emergency experimental vaccines are also part of the science and we are beginning to see their effectiveness rates over a longer term and the trend is alarming.

Given an overriding science of mathematics, statistically there has been less than a 10% chance of contracting COVID 19 and its variants, and less than a 2% chance of dying from this flu. That should tell you something. While the variants are very contagious, they appear to be less lethal. This is NOT TO SAY that COVID 19 and its variants are unreal, not lethal or not dangerous to one’s health. It is to put things in perspective mathematically. We most likely know someone who has had COVID 19. It is real and nothing with which to be trifled. This is the type of flu with which we are dealing. Highly contagious, sometimes deadly, unknown long-term effects. Do all you can to prevent getting this virus. Be diligent about it. Read More

DoD Cannot Force Active Duty to Take Covid-19 Vaccine:  Class Action Lawsuit Filed in US District Court – The War Room Report
Pictured above: Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, Xavier Becerra, Secretary of US Dept of Health & Human Services, and Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner of US Food and Drug Administration
A bombshell Class-action Lawsuit was filed yesterday  by VaxxChoice Attorneys in the US District Court in Colorado on behalf of several US Army Plaintiffs and on behalf of other active-duty service members.
The defendants in this civil action include:
*Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense,
*Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services, and
*Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
The plaintiffs are seeking a declaratory judgment that the DoD cannot force them to take a COVID-19 vaccination under existing military regulations, federal regulations, federal law, and the U.S. Constitution.

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin has notified the Plaintiffs that he will seek authorization from the President of the United States of America, to mandate the COVID-19 vaccine on or about September 15, 2021.

The suit states that: “the DoD is already vaccinating military members in flagrant violation of its legal obligations and the rights of servicemembers under federal law and the Constitution.”
In Exhibit 1 in support of this lawsuit, Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH makes some bombshell statements and cites medical references to back him up:  

Finish the Article
- Abba, we pray that this Class Action Lawsuit will be effective in quashing this illegal and unconstitutional order from the DoD. Please guard and protect our brave men and women who are serving in the armed forces. May they be brave and courageous and refuse to take this experimental, deadly, dangerous jab!

- "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." (Mark 16:17-18)
Something's Wrong

By Gary Bauer
I woke up this morning with a thought many Americans likely share:  Something is deeply wrong at the White House.  Something seems to be wrong with the president.  And you're right to be worried.
The Afghan pullout continues to be a disaster.  As many as 15,000 Americans are scattered all over that country, and the Biden Administration just said they can't guarantee the safety of our citizens who have to get to the airport on their own.  Short of a miracle, we could end up with the biggest hostage crisis in the history of our country.
Meanwhile, as many as 80,000 Afghans who worked with us are also trying to get out.  Biden is bringing them straight to the United States.  Instead, they should be vetted in a third country, before they come here. It is foolish to assume that jihadists aren't using the chaos to get into our country.
Biden addressed the American people from the White House yesterday, but he refused to talk about Afghanistan. 
Instead, he desperately tried to change the subject and went back to spreading fear about COVID.  He attacked unvaccinated Americans and Republican governors.   He also demanded that your five year-old wear a mask.  Not one harsh word though for the Taliban.

> > > Source: Gary Bauer; End of Day; Thursday, August 19, 2021

Read more here.  
Anne Graham Lotz: Pray for Afghanistan

August 17, 2021

While I am intensely preparing for my Cove seminar this weekend, I cannot shake the very heavy burden I feel to pray for Afghanistan. The following is a summary of how I am praying as I pour out my heart before God.

Please join me if you feel led:

Creator of the Universe. Ruler of All. Lord of the Nations.

Are You not the Judge of all the earth? If my heart is broken…shattered…over what’s taking place in Afghanistan, what must Your great heart feel? So I come to You and plead Your mercy for Your people who are now hiding in basements, caves, any hole they can find, knowing that demonic forces will not stop until Your people are found and slaughtered. So I pray for Your people…followers of Jesus…to be supernaturally protected and delivered. Send Your angel armies to surround Your people, as You did for Elisha (2 Kings 6). Blind the enemy so they cannot locate Your people in hiding. Didn’t You teach us Yourself that when we pray, we are to pray that we would be delivered from evil? (Matthew 6) So. Deliver Your people. By any means. Please.

But if You do not, and if You allow Your people to be slaughtered, then I pray that You would give dying grace to each and every one of them. Men. Women. Children. Fill them with Your supernatural peace. Give them a vision of Heaven opened for them, as You did for Stephen in Acts 7. Open their eyes to see You, Lord Jesus, standing at the right hand of the Father, waiting to welcome them Home and give them a martyr’s crown.

And then I pray…yes I do… for the fullness of Your wrath to fall on the evil perpetrators, whether they are in Kabul or Tehran or Washington, DC. Holy God. Avenge Your people.

I know You hear this prayer. Now I wait to see how You will answer.

Even so, come Lord Jesus. Surely it’s time for You to be glorified in all the earth.

For the sake of Your great name,


Signs & Wonders
Fred slams North Carolina, leaves more than 30 people
missing after widespread flooding

Nearly three dozen North Carolina residents remain missing on Thursday morning after remnants of Tropical Depression Fred brought severe weather to the mid-Atlantic. 

Posts on social media showed images of the extensive flooding in Haywood County near Asheville and emergency response teams were seen rescuing dozens of people. 

"Ongoing search and rescue efforts are happening in Lake Logan and the Cruso areas," Haywood County Emergency Services Director Travis Donaldson said during a news conference.

Photos from the North Carolina Department of Transportation showed crumbling roadways and bridges washed out by the storm and Transylvania County Schools said the district would be on a two-hour delay as floodwaters are still high and locals continue to clean up the area. 

Mudslides, landslides and several apparent tornadoes also threatened residents as the storm moved into the Northeast. Read More

The Good News Corner
Kendrick brothers expect newest movie, 'Show Me the Father,' to have powerful impact when it hits theaters Sept. 10

The Georgia brothers who carved out a filmmaking niche for themselves with family-friendly, faith-based movies are hopeful their next project, Show Me the Father, will have a major gospel impact across the country.

“We’re praying that people have an encounter with the Holy Spirit when they see this film,” said Stephen Kendrick, one of three Georgia brothers who have produced a long line of box office hits, including their last one, Overcomer, which grossed $34.6 million when it opened in 2019 and earned an A+ CinemaScore rating from moviegoers.  Stephen and Alex Kendrick, members of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Ga., shared insights about Show Me the Father in a discussion that was part of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board’s SPARK discipleship conference on Thursday.

Stephen Kendrick said the central message of the movie to those who watch it is that they are loved by God.

The emotion-filled documentary, which tells the stories of five fathers and the impacts they had on their sons, will be in theaters on Sept. 10.

“The gospel Is interwoven in the movie,” said Alex Kendrick who appeared virtually with his brother for an interview with SPARK organizers. “There have been people who, as soon as the movie is over, said I want to give my life to Christ.”

At one of the early showings of the film, he said, a woman who was working as a security guard in the theater prayed to become a Christian.

The overarching call of the movie is for father’s to step up and be Godly influences in their families. (Christian Index) Read more.

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
40 Days of Prayer
This is day ten in our journey. Join us even if you are beginning today. Each day starting Saturday August 7 we have posted a sin which the Lord would have us confess and remove through personal repentance. God willing, these 40 days will lead us to the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur September 15.

Today the sin is an abomination to the Lord found in Revelation 21:8abominable

There's a SPIRITUAL DROUGHT in every nation on the planet. We are not yet honoring the Authority of the Risen Christ that He revealed in Matthew 28:18" ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."
Read More
Classic Hymns

Sunlight, Sunlight 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Judson Van DeVenter
Music: Winfield Weeden

Scripture: They need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light. Revelation 22:5

I wandered in the shades of night,
Till Jesus came to me,
And with the sunlight of His love
Bid all my darkness flee.

Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today,
Sunlight, sunlight all along the way;
Since the Savior found me, took away my sin,
I have had the sunlight of His love within.

Tho’ clouds may gather in the sky,
And billows round me roll,
However dark the world may be
I’ve sunlight in my soul.


While walking in the light of God,
I sweet communion find;
However dark the world may be,
I’ve sunlight in my soul.


I cross the wide extended fields,
I journey o’er the plain,
And in the sunlight of His love
I reap the golden grain.


Soon I shall see Him as He is,
The Light that came to me;
Behold the brightness of His face,
Throughout eternity.


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