The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, Aug 19, 2021
The Daily Brief:

A Newspaper for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"

* Place your cursor on any section above to go directly to that section for prayer.
United We Stand                      Thursday, Aug 19, 2021
We have found one way we provide tangible assistance to the men and
women on the ground in Afghanistan who are suffering. Go to and do as our Lord would lead. God bless you all.

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
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"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."      (Romans 10:19)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Gen. Petraeus calls out Biden's 'disastrous' Afghanistan withdrawal: This is a 'Dunkirk moment'

Former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus said on Tuesday that the Biden administration could have changed course from former President Trump's "disastrous" February 2020 agreement with the Taliban.

Petraeus told "America’s Newsroom" on Tuesday the Trump administration’s February 2020 agreement with the Taliban was "disastrous and flawed," but the Biden administration had a chance to fix it before proceeding with a withdrawal of American forces.

The former commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan pointed out the Biden administration quickly overturned "innumerable" policy decisions by the Trump administration, including leaving the Iran nuclear deal and Trump's withdrawal from the W.H.O. 

Petraeus said Biden should not have felt he was in a "straightjacket" because of the agreement made by Trump. "The fact is that I think there were alternatives as we look at what is clearly a heartbreaking, tragic, I don't know how you can describe it as anything other than a disastrous outcome in this case," Petraeus told hosts Dana Perino and Bill Hemmer.

"Certainly, there is a lot of blame to go around," he added, later calling it a "Dunkirk moment" in reference to the retreat by British and French forces during World War II. "We are responsible for a good bit of this, if not all of it, frankly. And we need to do everything humanly possible to get all of our American citizens out of Afghanistan," said Petraeus, stressing the need to also evacuate Afghans who served as interpreters alongside American troops through the years. (Read more)

Source: FOX NEWS

- Prayer:  Abba, we pray that as General Petraus and others weigh in on what is unfolding in Afghanistan, we ask that you would pierce through all the opinions and the counsel and that you would make the way straight for Biden in going forward.  Rather than analyze what went wrong or what should have been done, we ask that you would guide Biden and our military leaders with a clear and effective plan in Afghanistan to correct mistakes made to the saving of lives. Please give Biden a fear of the Lord, and may He seek you in this situation!

Scripture: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10) 

1. Update on Afghanistan - From John Robb
To read this update, please go here. (Includes specific prayer points.)

2. ‘Some People Won’t Get Back’: British Defense Minister Chokes Up Over Taliban Takeover | The Daily Wire

3. Seizing On U.S. Weakness, China Warns Taiwan U.S. Will Not Defend Them | The Daily Wire

4. US botched Afghanistan reconstruction with 'staggering' mistakes, scathing inspector general report finds | Fox News

5. Civil war ahead? Afghanistan ex-VP declares himself in charge, forms anti-Taliban resistance | Just The News

6. US, UK, other countries ask 'those in positions of power' in Afghanistan to guarantee safety for women, girls | Fox News

7. Taliban violently break up protest in eastern Afghanistan, video shows | Fox News

8. Gen. Milley denies intel warned of rapid collapse, says nobody predicted Afghan security would 'evaporate' | Fox News

9. Pentagon Claims Kabul Airport Clear amid Reports of Taliban Beating Women and Children (

10. Colorado family trapped in Afghanistan safely escapes country | Fox News

11. Top Biden official admits fall of Afghanistan 'unfolded at unexpected speed' - Fox News  Go here.

1.  Iranian Official Claims in Bad Hebrew That Israel Will Suffer Same ‘Fate’ as US in Afghanistan - Algemeiner

A top Iranian official was mocked on Twitter by an Israeli official on Wednesday after the Iranian posted a tweet in inept Hebrew that claimed Israel will suffer the same fate as the US in Afghanistan.

Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, posted in Hebrew, “The end of every occupation is humiliating dismissals. The fate that befell the US in Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq is also the inevitable fate of Israel.”

The use of the term “humiliating dismissals” is bizarre, as the word piturimor “dismissals” usually refers to layoffs or being fired from a job. (Read more)  

2. Bennett meets Egyptian intel chief in Jerusalem for discussions - Jerusalem Post

Humanitarian aid to Gaza is likely high on Egyptian Intelligence head Abbas Kamel's agenda. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with Egyptian Intelligence head Abbas Kamel in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Kamel is the first senior Egyptian official to meet with Bennett since he entered office, and is expected to meet with Defense Minister Benny Gantz, as well. A statement from the Prime Minister's Office said they "discussed diplomatic, security and economic aspects of Israel-Egypt relations. (Read more)  

3. Report: IDF attacks secret Hezbollah outpost - Israel National News

Syrian news agencies reported Tuesday night that the IDF had launched attacks at northern Quneitra region on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

Two missiles were reportedly fired at a post near the village of Khachar, and explosions were reportedly heard in the area. A Syrian military source told Russian media: "Israel has attacked a military facility and there are no soldiers killed."

Media outlets affiliated with the Syrian opposition reported that the attacked post belonged to the Hezbollah terrorist organization and that Hezbollah was attempting to keep its members' activities there hidden.(Read more)  

4. Israeli coronavirus czar: We are at war, next two weeks will be critical -Jerusalem Post

Israel is at war with the pandemic and the next two weeks will be critical, coronavirus commissioner Prof. Salman Zarka said Wednesday as the number of patients in serious conditions reached 578, over 100 of whom are on ventilators.

“I believe we are at war, our morbidity is rising day by day,” Zarka said, speaking before the Knesset Law and Constitution Committee, which convened to discuss the new regulation that came into effect today.

“Looking at the data from this morning we cannot just say ‘maybe,’” he said. “This ‘maybe’ is worth the lives of the citizens of Israel.” (Read more) 

5. Bennett: Another lockdown will ruin country's future - YNET News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Wednesday said another lockdown will "ruin" the future of the country as Israel battles the new surge of coronavirus cases.

Israel on Tuesday recorded over 8,000 single-day COVID cases for the first time since February 1, while the tally of severe cases passed the threshold of 600 for the first time since March.

Bennett during a special press conference said despite the spread of the delta variant, he is not in favor of implementing another lockdown, which he said would be economically devastating. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief

1. US Military Veterans Speak Out as Afghanistan Descends Into Chaos: 'It Makes Us Angry' - Western Journal

Sarah Verardo, chief executive officer of the Independence Fund, a national nonprofit for veterans, said the fall of Afghanistan has been a significant stress for those who served there.

“I got so many texts and phone calls, a veteran saying, ‘Well, I know what the Vietnam veterans feel like,’ or ‘I guess this is our Vietnam’ and [there’s] just a very defeated sense of what they’ve spent — many of them more than a decade of back-to-back tours — defending,” Verardo told Fox News.

“Our Gold Star families, they’re carrying a heavy burden and a really hard one to swallow as people casually say, ‘Was it worth it?’ and they have to know that their spouse or son or daughter made that ultimate sacrifice. So, whether we now as a nation can debate if it’s worth it or not, that person died believing it was,” she said.

“So now to have this war talked about in such a callous, insensitive way is bringing up a lot of feelings around what they have sacrificed, what they have lived through: divorces, legal issues, financial problems, and the mental health help that hasn’t been readily available.” (Read more) 

- Abba, our heart goes out to our US Military veterans. Abba, we ask that they would take a break from the news, that they would soak and immerse in your Word, in Worship and just spend time with you Yeshua. May you comfort them, heal them and encourage them, in Yeshua's name, amen

- To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified.  (Isaiah 61:3)  

2. Kabul flights resume as Pentagon warns of swift response to any attack - Fox News

The Pentagon warned Tuesday of a swift response to any attack carried out by the Taliban against the mission to evacuate U.S. personnel and Afghan allies from Afghanistan as flights out of Kabul's airport resumed Tuesday. 

The current U.S. mission in Afghanistan was announced by President Biden on Monday, who said it would be "short in time, limited in scope and focused on our objectives: get our people and our allies as quickly and as safely as possible." 

A White House official told Fox News Tuesday that military and civilian flights from Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul are resuming. The official said that over the last 24 hours, the U.S. has been able to move more than 700 people out of Afghanistan, including 150 American citizens. 

The official said the State Department has sent messages to some American citizens in Afghanistan sharing information with them on how to safely assemble at the airport for flights out. 

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby on Tuesday during an interview with CNN said the U.S. has been able to bring in about 1,000 more U.S. troops, bringing the total footprint to roughly 3,500. (Read more)

- Abba, we ask that you would protect US citizens and Afghan friends of the US who are still in Afghanistan. Please keep them hidden under the shadow of your wings and protected from any violence from the Taliban. Please be with our US military as they organize flights to get our people out safely. Please let this process go smoothly and quickly.  

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. (Psalm 91:1-2)  

3. Biden finds few Capitol Hill allies amid Afghanistan backlash - The Hill

President Biden is getting little cover from Congress as he faces broad backlash over his handling of the U.S. withdrawal in Afghanistan. 

Some Democrats, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), have rallied to Biden’s side and circulated White House talking points to their members. Pelosi also urged Democrats during a conference call to stand behind Biden, according to a source familiar with the conversation.

But the quick fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, images of chaos coming out of Kabul and questions about how, and how quickly, Americans and tens of thousands of Afghan allies and their families will get evacuated have merged into broad, bipartisan frustration between the two sides of Pennsylvania Avenue. 

Though Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, criticized the Trump administration’s agreement with the Taliban as “wholly inadequate,” he also didn’t spare Biden. “I am disappointed that the Biden administration clearly did not accurately assess the implications of a rapid U.S. withdrawal,” Menendez said. 

Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.), a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, issued a blistering rebuke of the U.S. withdrawal under Biden, calling it a “catastrophe. At minimum, the Biden administration owed our Afghan allies of 20 years a real plan,” Langevin wrote.. (Read more)

 - Abba, this whole situation has been handled with gross incompetence and many are suffering or have died because of it. There is so much chaos and confusion. We ask that you would turn this situation around quickly, that you would orchestrate circumstances so that  Biden would step aside and resign and that you would raise up new leadership to clean up this mess!    

- “Praise the name of God forever and ever, for he has all wisdom and power. He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings."  (Daniel 2:20-21) 

4. China says ready for 'friendly relations' with Taliban after rout - AFP

China is ready to deepen "friendly and cooperative" relations with Afghanistan, a government spokeswoman said Monday, after the Taliban seized control of the country. Beijing has sought to maintain unofficial ties with the Taliban throughout the US' withdrawal from Afghanistan, which spurred an advance by the Islamist hardliners across the country that saw them capture the capital Kabul on Sunday. China shares a rugged 76-kilometre (47-mile) border with Afghanistan.

Beijing has long feared Afghanistan could become a staging point for minority Uyghur separatists in the sensitive border region of Xinjiang. But a top-level Taliban delegation met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Tianjin last month, promising that Afghanistan would not be used as a base for militants. In exchange, China offered economic support and investment for Afghanistan's reconstruction.

China's embassy in Kabul remains operational, Hua said, although Beijing began evacuating Chinese citizens from the country months ago amid the deteriorating security situation. In a statement Monday, the embassy told Chinese citizens remaining in Afghanistan to "pay close attention to the security situation" and stay indoors. (Read more)

> > > NOTE: We encourage all of our readers to please read ALL of this article, for key information coming out of China now.

- Abba, we understand that Taliban leaders met with the Foreign Minister in China on July 28, 2021, just weeks before the Taliban uprising in Afghanistan. We see now that China has warm relations with the Taliban. Was this uprising pre-planned and pre-meditated with collusion from China? It looks that way! So, Abba, in the name of Yeshua, we cut off the CCP tentacle that has now encroached into Afghanistan! We ask that the influence and presence of the CCP in the Taliban and in Afghanistan be cut off and removed in Yeshua's name!

- "O God, do not be silent! Do not be deaf. Do not be quiet, O God. Don’t you hear the uproar of your enemies? Don’t you see that your arrogant enemies are rising up?They devise crafty schemes against your people; they conspire against your precious ones." (Psalm 83:1-3)  

5. Sen. Ron Johnson: It's Democrats Who Politicized COVID - Washington Free Beacon

Sen. Ron Johnson (R., Wis.) on Wednesday blasted Democrats' attempts to blame Republicans for politicizing the COVID-19 pandemic, saying Democrats first used the coronavirus to score political points.

"When we hear accusations from the other side that Republicans have politicized COVID, I mean, go back to March, April, May, June 2020," Johnson said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing. "Who was politicizing COVID? It was the current president and vice president in their campaign, who expressed skepticism over a ‘Trump vaccine.'"  

Johnson called out Senate Democrats for not pushing agencies harder to release information, which he said contributes to unvaccinated Americans' unwillingness to get the shots.

"We have five members of the Homeland Security Committee asking the Health and Human Services Department to turn over the emails from Anthony Fauci, unredacted," Johnson said. "What we got yesterday was the 4,000 pages of redacted emails. The agencies are not being transparent, and I would argue that that is the reason you're seeing people hesitant." (Read more)

 - Almighty God, You deal in ultimate truth in heaven toward man.  Now man is to follow suit and deal in truthful dealings, man with man.  Father, we ask You to call to bear the responsibility of the Democrats to admit their politicizing of the COVID-19 pandemic.  God, we pray by Your authority from heaven that the HHS be held responsible for submitting 4,000 pages of redacted emails from Anthony Fauci.  Father, this is admission of guilt at a high level and we pray for punishment for unlawful practices.  Close down all facilities that do not conduct lawful and truth-finding data.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has spoken perverseness." (Isaiah 59:3)  
6. U.S. health officials announce plan for COVID booster shots for all Americans starting Sept. 20 - Just the News

Top U.S. health officials said Wednesday they have developed a plan to start offering  COVID-19 booster shots to American startin the third week in September. In their expected announcement, the officials cited evidence that protection is waning against hospitalization, death, mild and moderate infections, as the highly contagious delta variant continues to spread, according to NBC News. (Read more)  

> > > See also: CDC Director: ‘Concerning Evidence’ Shows COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Is ‘Waning’ Against Delta Variant - The Epoch Times   Go here.

- Almighty God, we pray that You reveal the underbelly of this monstrosity.  God in heaven, by Your power, we pray You bind and break up this octopus that wants to steal, kill and destroy lives worldwide.  Dispatch myriads of angels to converge upon these smothering evil entities of destruction.  Lift a spirit of fear off the world regarding this curse from China that is manmade in the Wuhan lab.  Lord, deliver the precious souls from this monster so they not believe the lies of another vaccine.  In the mighty Name of Jesus we pray.

- "The fool has said in his heart, There is no God.  Corrupt are they and have done abdominal iniquity: there is none that does good." (Psalm 53:1) 

7. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tests positive for COVID-19 - USA Today

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday, according to his office.

The Republican leader is fully vaccinated and was asymptomatic after testing positive, according to Abbott spokesman Mark Miner. Miner said Abbott is receiving Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment while isolating at the Governor's Mansion.

"Governor Abbott is in constant communication with his staff, agency heads, and government officials to ensure that state government continues to operate smoothly and efficiently," Miner said in a statement. "Everyone that the Governor has been in close contact with today has been notified."

Abbott's diagnosis comes as coronavirus infections and hospitalizations continue to rise across the state. Abbott has come under fire for his response to the latest pandemic surge and his refusal to allow local governments and school districts to impose mask or vaccination mandates.

Despite his unwavering opposition to vaccine mandates, Abbott has encouraged Texans to get inoculated. Earlier this month, Abbott directed state health agencies to expand vaccination availability across the state. "Texans can help bolster our efforts by getting vaccinated against COVID-19," Abbott said in an Aug. 9 statement. "The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, and it is our best defense against this virus." (Read more)

-  Almighty God, we pray that Gov. Abbott's infection will continue to be asymptomatic.  Block, by the Blood of Jesus, any spread of this virus in his body.  We speak healing over his body.  The world is going to face a power it cannot deal with: the power of Almighty God.  Raise him up quickly and completely free of that virus.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive."  (Matthew 21:22) 

8. Georgia elections board takes first step toward taking over Fulton County - Just the News

Georgia’s Election Board moved Wednesday toward an eventual takeover of elections in the state’s most populous county, reacting to mounting evidence of incompetence and irregularities in the Atlanta area last November.

The board's unanimous vote was made possible by provisions in the state’s sweeping new voting law passed earlier this year. The vote authorizes a bipartisan, three-person panel to investigate Fulton County, home to Atlanta and a deeply blue base of voters.

Republicans, including Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, had urged the board to take the action. If the investigative panels confirms irregularities, the elections board could replace the county’s board of registration and elections with it own administrator.

The action came after Just the News used open records requests to document widespread irregulariities in Fulton County, including a 29-page memo documenting double scanning of ballots, insecure transportation of ballots and possible violations of voter privacy.

Raffensperger hailed Wednesday’s decision. 

“I have been saying for a long time that the state needs the authority to step in when counties have consistently failed their voters. I’m pleased that the state finally has that authority and that the State Election Board has taken the first step today. I’m confident that the performance review team will do a good job, and I hope Fulton will cooperate with this process,” he told Just the News. (Read more)

- Almighty God, we pray over Fulton County, Georgia"s Election Board as they confirm voting irregularities.   Reveal the truth and nothing but the truth, that the outcome will be solid and sound.  Lord, send angels around Fulton County election board who will protect and concede the actual votes.  We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened, that It cannot save; nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear. "  (Isaiah 59:1)  

9. U.S. Officials in Germany Hit by Havana Syndrome - Wall Street Journal

BERLIN—At least two U.S. officials stationed in Germany sought medical treatment after developing symptoms of the mysterious health complaint known as Havana Syndrome, according to U.S. diplomats. The symptoms, which included nausea, severe headaches, ear pain, fatigue, insomnia and sluggishness, began to emerge in recent months and some victims were left unable to work, according to the diplomats. They are the first cases to be reported in a NATO country that hosts U.S. troops and nuclear weapons.

U.S. diplomats said that similar incidents had been registered among American officials stationed in other European nations but declined to provide any detail.

Some victims were intelligence officers or diplomats working on Russia-related issues such as gas exports, cybersecurity and political interference, according to U.S. diplomats and people familiar with an investigation into the illness.

NBC News reported in July about at least one Havana Syndrome case among Berlin-based U.S. diplomats. The set of symptoms first surfaced in 2016 among U.S. diplomats in Cuba and have since been observed in China, Russia and, more recently, in Austria, a neutral nation. There have been unconfirmed cases in Poland, Taiwan, Georgia and even in Washington, D.C. Some U.S. officials have said the complaints could be caused by attacks using radio-frequency energy such as microwave radiation. (Read more)  

- Gracious Father, we pray that these two U.S. officials in Germany be healed from the Havana Syndrome, where the production of white blood cells is damaged, and they suffer from nausea, severe headaches, ear pain, fatigue, insomnia and sluggishness.  Clear Germany of this illness, and God receive the glory of healing their nation.  We ask in Jesus' Name.

- "Jesus was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed."  (Isaiah 53:5)  

10. Americans' allegiance to National Anthem remains strong despite protests, poll shows - Just the News

Polling ahead of the 2021 NFL season indicates that, despite an increasingly political landscape for the sport and its fans, Americans overwhelmingly would prefer that the National Anthem continue to be the sole anthem played prior to games.

According to a recent poll conducted by Newt Gingrich's American Majority Project in conjunction with McLaughlin & Associates, a total of 61% of Americans believe that “only” the American National Anthem should be played at NFL Games. That figure ticks up slightly to 64% among Republicans, and falls to 58% among Independents, while 11%  of those polled said they don’t know.

The poll was conducted in the wake of the NFL’s recent decision to play “Lift Every Voice and Sing" – often referred to as the black national anthem – before all games during the upcoming season, ahead of the playing of the American National Anthem. The song was initially introduced by the NFL when it was sung by Alicia Keys at the Super Bowl for the 2020-2021 season. The decision to play the song before each game is reportedly part of the league’s quarter-billion dollar investment in social justice messaging and initiatives.

Some have criticized the NFL’s decision to play both songs. Political commentator and TV host Armstrong Williams said the change is being driven by “woke progressive culture."

"This is all about symbolism for them. It will not change the life of one American Black in this country,” he said during an appearance on The National Desk. "If they really wanted to help black people, you can't do it with symbolism," he continued. (Read more)  

Righteous Father, we pray that the American National Anthem continues to be the introductory song which represents America as a strong, unmovable support for the NFL teams.  As it is played, we pray God will disband all racist attitudes and have a game that is played with enthusiasm for the freedom we enjoy.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "With a great sum obtained I this freedom."  (Acts 22:28) 
The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Biden is the poster child

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, August 18, 2021

It’s like a steady stream of stupidity and hypocrisy. Joe Biden and his merry band of anti-American misfits are making a mess of things. Seriously. There isn’t a day go by without a serious breech of common sense. Oh, yes, everyone should be vaccinated against COVID 19. Everyone, that is, except the illegal aliens that Biden is allowing to cross the border at record rates without any COVID vaccine. He is also shipping them across America to a town near you or your hometown, and paying for their hotel rooms so they can infect the rest of us. Yet those who do not want to be forced to get vaccinated (my body, my choice for killing babies, but not getting vaccinated), are considered anti-American murderers. WOW.

Biden also pulled off the most stupid foreign policy move since the sentiments of Neville Chamberlain, who wanted to appease Adolf Hitler of all people. Biden says the buck stops with him, yet he blames everyone else for his stupid decision to let the terrorist Taliban walk all over him. He can couch the whole idea that he refused to be that “president” to pass along the Afghanistan civil war to another president, but the fact is he folded like a lawn chair when it came to protecting American interests in Afghanistan. “Oh, the Afghani government wouldn’t let us evacuate early.” C’mon man, grow some courage. You let them have American equipment and weapons without putting up so much as a paper clip as resistance. Read More

CDC Director: ‘Concerning Evidence’ Shows COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness ‘Waning’ Against Delta Variant

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that data sourced from Israel on COVID-19 vaccines show that the efficacy of the shots has dropped among individuals who received their vaccines early on.

Citing three studies that were released by the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Walensky said on Aug. 18 that the vaccines’ efficacy decreases over time in preventing infection. Although protection against death and hospitalization is “holding up well,” the COVID-19 vaccines’ effectiveness is “waning” in even preventing severe illness or death, she said.

“Even though our vaccines are currently working well to prevent hospitalizations, we are seeing concerning evidence of waning vaccine effectiveness over time and against the Delta variant,” Walensky said during a news conference in explaining why federal officials are now recommending that booster shots be given to Americans eight months after they’ve been vaccinated with the Pfizer or Moderna shots.

The two vaccines, the most widely used in the United States, were pegged at 95 percent and 94.1 percent effective, respectively, when granted emergency use authorization in December 2020. But the efficacy against infection has plummeted to 53.1 percent for both vaccines, one of the new studies found.

Researchers with the CDC’s COVID-19 Response Team and the Vermont-based Lantana Consulting Group discovered that the two doses of mRNA-based vaccines were about 75 percent effective in preventing infection in nursing home residents from March through May. During June and July, though, the number dropped by 22 percent.

“Because nursing home residents might remain at some risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection despite vaccination, multiple COVID-19 prevention strategies, including infection control, testing, and vaccination of nursing home staff members, residents, and visitors, are critical. An additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine might be considered for nursing home and long-term care facility residents to optimize a protective immune response,” the researchers, who analyzed weekly data from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, wrote.  (The Epoch Times)  Read more here.


- Father God, it is time for this entire virus and injection drama to come under the authority of Jesus Christ.  We command all plans for every future variant to cease and desist in the name of Jesus.  We call on the power of the Blood of Jesus that was shed at the crucifixion for our healing.  May we stop following every "new" report about the virus and its virility and follow the word of the Lord instead in wisdom and courage.  We have been given ample strategies for health and healing, let the Word of God arise and the deceivers be scattered.  

- "For your Maker is your husband, The Lord of hosts is His name; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth."      (Isaiah 54:5) 

Prayer Requests for Afghanistan
To read these moving prayer requests for our Christian brothers and sisters who have been left behind in Afghanistan, as well as the allies left there, too, please go here
A Word from Fullness in Christ Ministries

Kevin Robinson

August 18, 2021. Topsy-turvy times are happening. All over the place upheaval is groaning like instantaneous panic, confusing fear, multiplied divisions and elevated tensions. Some are experiencing amplified hardships difficult to comprehend. Be spiritually sensitive to those around you. Recognizing where people are in life is a key element in sharing My Gospel. Desperation can guide people’s desire for Me. Pray for perfect timing for lost souls to be awakened, thus leading to lifelong repentance and celebrated salvations. My redemption is now. 

Romans 5:3-6 (NLT) “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.”
Signs & Wonders
Washington Monument closes for repairs
after dramatic lightning strike

The Washington Monument closed Monday because of a lightning strike that hit it during Sunday morning’s thunderstorms.

The dramatic moment was captured on a video by Travis Nix, a Georgetown law student. His social media post shows a bolt of lightning hitting the top of the monument on the National Mall.

The National Park Service (NPS) tweeted that the monument will be closed to repair damage to the electronic access system caused by the strike.

“We’ve been open since the middle part of May, so we were on a pretty good run up until this point, but some time early Sunday morning, between 12:30 and 1 a.m., [the monument] got struck by a fairly sizable bolt of lightning,” NPS spokesman Mike Litterst told WTOP. Read More

The Good News Corner
Dodge County Baptists deliver food, friendship to homebound residents

EASTMAN, Ga. – It sounded like a family reunion on the porch of 80-year-old Robert Smith’s home last week when a pair of Southern Baptist volunteers showed up with a grilled chicken lunch, complete with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli.

“The meal is good, but the company is even better,” said Smith who lives alone in an aging ranch-style home in Eastman, a southeast Georgia town of 5,000 people.

Terry Niblett and Neil Spradley, members of First Baptist Church in Eastman, know that they’re delivering more than nutritious food to elderly residents on their Meals on Wheels route. They’re also delivering what many of these homebound senior citizens are especially hungry for: conversation and companionship.

So, they spend some time chatting and laughing with Smith before they continue their delivery route along the shaded streets of Eastman.

A forgotten concept in many places, door-to-door visitation is an everyday occurrence for volunteers with the Dodge County Baptist Association’s Meals on Wheels ministry. It’s what they do, five days a week, 52 weeks per year. It allows them to drop off food, share the gospel, and minister to other needs. (Christian Index) Read more and view photos by going here. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

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Thoughts for Repentance
40 Days of Prayer
This is day nine in our journey. Join us even if you are beginning today. Each day starting Saturday August 7 we have posted a sin which the Lord would have us confess and remove through personal repentance. God willing, these 40 days will lead us to the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur September 15.

Today the sin is an abomination to the Lord found in Revelation 21:8unbelieving.

There's a SPIRITUAL DROUGHT in every nation on the planet. We are not yet honoring the Authority of the Risen Christ that He revealed in Matthew 28:18" ALL authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth."
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Classic Hymns

Shall We Gather at the River 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Robert Lowry

Scripture: A pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1–2

Shall we gather at the river,
Where bright angel feet have trod,
With its crystal tide forever
Flowing by the throne of God?

Yes, we’ll gather at the river,
The beautiful, the beautiful river;
Gather with the saints at the river
That flows by the throne of God.

On the margin of the river,
Washing up its silver spray,
We will talk and worship ever,
All the happy golden day.


Ere we reach the shining river,
Lay we every burden down;
Grace our spirits will deliver,
And provide a robe and crown.


At the smiling of the river,
Mirror of the Savior’s face,
Saints, whom death will never sever,
Lift their songs of saving grace.


Soon we’ll reach the silver river,
Soon our pilgrimage will cease;
Soon our happy hearts will quiver
With the melody of peace.


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