The Daily Brief

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Our guest speaker this week is Pastor Gloria Goode Hilliard, New Samaritan Baptist Church and a longtime and very good friend of our ministry. We know that Gloria will have a good word for all of us tonight!

Come join us!

Our conference Number: 712-770-4160
Access Code: 616137#
Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT

Meanwhile, last night the Lord brought 271 callers on our "other" line for our first-ever conference call, decreeing "IT IS WRITTEN" against the threat of more global pandemics. This call was supposed to last for 45 minutes, but our Lord would not release us for two hours!

In the end, we also received prayer points from Rick Ridings in Jerusalem to focus intercession over the upcoming elections there on March 23rd. (These are repeated in the Israel section on today's Brief.)

You can hear the entire two hours of this call by going here. BLESS YOU ALL!

> > > Please note: there was interference on the line for the first two minutes; then it cleared up after that.

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"
Monday, March 22, 2021

"And whatever you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive it all.” (Matthew 21:22)

> > > To help sustain our work, please go here. Thank you!

> > > How To Subscribe

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.


“We the People”
“Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ”

Today’s Top Story

Letlow Wins Louisiana Special House Election to Replace Late Husband

Republican Julia Letlow, the widow of a Louisiana congressman-elect who died last year from complications related to the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, won a special election on March 20 to replace him in the U.S. Congress.

Letlow topped 11 other contenders to receive 65 percent of the vote in the 5th Congressional District race, according to the Louisiana Department of State.

“This is an incredible moment and it is truly hard to put into words,” Letlow said in a statement. “What was born out of the terrible tragedy of losing my husband, Luke, has become my mission in his honor to carry the torch and serve the good people of Louisiana’s 5th District.

“I am humbled that you would entrust me with the honor of your vote and the privilege to serve you in Congress. A simple thank you doesn’t fully encapsulate the depth of my gratitude.”

Luke Letlow died in December 2020—just days before he was to be sworn into office—from a heart attack that was “likely related to thromboembolic phenomena caused by COVID-19,” the doctor in charge of the hospital where he was being treated confirmed in an email. He was 41.
Julia Letlow announced in January that she would run for the seat vacated by her husband.

“I am running to continue the mission Luke started—to stand up for our Christian values, to fight for our rural agricultural communities, and to deliver real results to move our state forward,” she said in a statement at the time. (Read more)

- Lord God, this is a tremendous victory . . . in so many ways! Clearly, in the death of incumbent Congressman Luke Letlow, what Satan meant for evil . . . you have turned to good! We thank You, O Lord, that another conservative member will be seated in
the House of Representatives, and we pray for wisdom, strength and protection to rest upon Julia Ledlow now and in the days ahead. Amen.

- Please decree all of PSALM 91 over this newest member of Congress. Praise the Lord!

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Focus on Israel

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1. Tens of thousands anti-Netanyahu activists gather for pre-election protest - Jerusalem Post

Tens of thousands of protesters participated in a demonstration against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday night, just two days before the elections.
Demonstrations made their way from the Knesset’s front steps to Balfour Street – adjacent to the Prime Minister’s Residence – to call out Netanyahu for “taking the Knesset hostage” and urged him to step down due to his indictment for bribery, fraud and breach of trust. (Read more)

2. Israel Revokes Palestinian Foreign Minister’s VIP Status Due to Support for ICC War Crimes Investigation - Algemeiner

Israel revoked the VIP status of Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki on Sunday, reportedly due to his support for the International Criminal Court’s investigation of alleged Israeli war crimes.

According to an Axios report, al-Maliki was stopped at the crossing between Jordan and the West Bank because his VIP card had been revoked by the Shin Bet, Israel’s domestic security service.

Unnamed officials told Axios that the move was prompted by al-Maliki’s advocacy of an ICC investigation of Israel. Al-Maliki was returning from a meeting in the Hague with the ICC’s chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, when he was stopped. He reportedly told Bensouda that the ICC will have full Palestinian cooperation. (Read more) 

3. Report: ICC gives Israel, Palestinians 1 month to apply for probe deferral - Israel Hayom

The International Criminal Court (ICC) announced on Thursday that it has formally notified Israel and the Palestinian Authority of its upcoming probe into alleged war crimes on the Palestinian territories.

The act gives both parties a one-month period to apply for deferring the case, the ICC said; to do so, a party must prove that it is capable of investigating the matter on their own.

According to the Associated Press, the notifications were sent to all signatories of the Rome Statute, the court's founding charter, as well as Israel and Palestinians, on March 9, with Channel 13 News confirming that Jerusalem received it and had yet to respond. (Read more) 

4. Gantz: Netanyahu will replace the A-G to halt his trial; I can stop him - Jerusalem Post

With just two days before the elections, the Blue and White leader tweets that his party can thwart the PM’s design only if it passes the electoral threshold.

Blue and White leader Benny Gantzwarned on Saturday night that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has plans to cancel his trial for alleged corruption and bribery by replacing the attorney-general. 

“How easy it is to dismiss the attorney-general and cancel the trial,” Gantz tweeted Saturday night. “This is Netanyahu’s scheme – and only I and Blue and White in the Knesset will prevent him from doing it.”  (Read more) 

5. Israeli Court Okays Ban on Unvaccinated Teaching Assistant Who Refused COVID Test - Jewish Press

An assistant teacher at a school for children with special needs in the Kochav Yair – Tzur Yigal Local Authority area has lost a case against the authority for its decision to require either COVID-19 vaccination or a coronavirus test as a condition for entering the school to work.

The Tel Aviv District Labor Court ruled against the assistant teacher, Sigal Avishai, deciding that an employer is entitled to prevent an unvaccinated, employed teacher who refuses to undergo a test for the virus, from entering the school building to go to work.

“Although we have no explicit regulation in legislation or a collective agreement concerning the barring of a worker from their place of work without a negative COVID-19 test, in the absence of vaccination, there is no room to determine at this stage of the proceeding that the chances of the petitioner’s claim are high, when we look at the cause of action held by the petitioner,” the court ruled, according to a report by Globes.  

6. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace 

Go here

7. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel
Go here

8. Shalom from Jerusalem! - Succat Hallel

Succat Hallel founders Rick and Patrica Ridings are calling you to pray now for Israel's elections this Tuesday. They have prepared a list of prayer points and proclamations you can make from your own nation over Israel.

Join us in prayer for a righteous government that will pave the way for a great wave of Aliyah (Jewish immigration) from the West.

Read this prayer alert here.

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The Daily Brief

1. First U.S.-China meeting under Biden gets off to a rocky start - CNBC

BEIJING — The first high-level gathering of U.S. and Chinese officials under President Joe Biden kicked off with an exchange of insults at a pre-meeting press event in Alaska on Thursday. A planned four-minute photo session for the officials to address reporters ended up lasting one hour and 15 minutes due to a frothy exchange, according to NBC News. Both the Chinese and U.S. side kept calling the reporters back into the room so they could add remarks.

Expectations were already low for the meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi, director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chinese Communist Party.

In his opening remarks, Blinken said the U.S. would discuss its “deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion toward our allies. Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability. That’s why they’re not merely internal matters, and why we feel an obligation to raise these issues here today,” Blinken said. “I said that the United States relationship with China will be competitive where it should be, collaborative where it can be, adversarial where it must be.”

Beijing considers issues in Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Taiwan as part of its domestic affairs, and the officials reiterated at the meeting that China is firmly opposed to foreign interference. Yang said the U.S. side “carefully orchestrated” the dialogue, according to an official translation reported by NBC.  “I think we thought too well of the United States, we thought that the U.S. side will follow the necessary diplomatic protocols,” Yang said, adding that “the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.”

Yang said the U.S. must deal with the Chinese side in “the right way” and reiterated Beijing’s call for cooperation. (Read more) 

- Father, we put these government leaders of China and the USA under Your Holy and Righteous authority. We pray for these people and their top leaders to know that the Kingdom of God is at hand and the King of Kings is ruling in righteousness, reminding them that their plans for world domination will come to nothing.

"And Jesus answered and said to him, 'Get behind Me, satan!  For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.'"  (Luke 4:8)  

2.  Texas Mayor Sounds Alarm on Border Crisis: Illegals Are Robbing Houses, Getting Into Car Chases Every Day - Western Journal

A Texas mayor said the Biden administration’s border crisis has metastasized to such an alarming level that it’s unleashing a tsunami of criminal activity, including home robberies and car thefts. Don McLaughlin Jr. is the mayor of Uvalde (population: 16,277), which sits about halfway between San Antonio and Ciudad Acuña, Mexico. The state is represented by Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, the son of a legal Cuban immigrant who has decried the harrowing immigration crisis inflamed by President Joe Biden.

McLaughlin told Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom” on Wednesday that illegal aliens from 49 different countries have barraged his region, causing the local migrant holding center to burst at the seams. “It’s gotten just totally ridiculous,” he lamented. McLaughlin said home invasions have surged in Uvalde, which is also now averaging 10 to 12 car chases a week due to the influx of illegal aliens. “I went to a wreck Friday night where they were pursuing a car. It rolled over. There were five immigrants in it,” he recounted. “And they were more mad that they got caught and were frustrated with the officers. And this is something we’re seeing every day.”

Unfortunately, the crisis is expected to get much worse. McLaughlin projects that southern Texas will be bombarded by 20,000 to 30,000 migrants by this summer. A Customs and Border Protection official said the border is being barraged with more unaccompanied migrant children than the agency is able to handle. “We are taking in more UACs [unaccompanied alien children] than we can process,” the CBP official told Fox News. “I don’t see how we keep this many kids when we can’t find sponsors.”

McLaughlin said the siege has forced CBP officials to become babysitters. That is not their job, and that is not the role of the agency. “It’s so full, they’re having to pull agents off the street and they’re ending up babysitting,” he said. (Read more)

- Father God, send droves of reinforcements to those who live along the Texas border.  Give Mayor McLaughlin wisdom from Jesus. Set up mission stations along the border.  God, expel the evil spirits and send missionaries to preach salvation to the criminals coming across the border.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

"And Jesus said, The things which are impossible with men, are possible with God."  (Luke 18:27) 

3. ‘Show us the evidence’: Rand Paul rips Fauci over post-vaccine mask mandates - Fox News

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., ripped Dr. Anthony Fauci on Friday for engaging in political "theater," by asking Americans to continue wearing masks after receiving the coronavirus vaccine. Paul appeared on "Fox & Friends" Friday, a day after another heated exchange with Fauci at a COVID hearing in the Senate

RAND PAUL: "We’ve had 90 million vaccines in our country, about 40 to 50 million people have been vaccinated and the question is, do they have immunity? Well, we’ve always believed that- that’s the science of vaccines is that when you get an infection or you get the vaccination you develop immunity and yet [Dr. Fauci] keep moving the goalposts and saying well you might get this variant from South Africa...

And my point to him is, show us the evidence. Show us the scientific evidence that people who have already had COVID or people that have already gotten the vaccine are getting it again...

But it’s not true, it’s all conjecture. He says we might get it, therefore we need to wear the mask for another year... 

It’s a ridiculous notion not based on science, and what he is doing is theater and it goes against the science of vaccines. Dr. Fauci has immunity, he can’t get it again but he’s wearing a mask because it’s one of his noble lies to convince everybody to wear masks, but it’s not true." (Read more) 

- Father God, we pray You strengthen Sen. Rand Paul for his honest conviction regarding the COVID scenario. We pray You will bring an end to wearing masks, living in fear of community and normality. In Jesus' Name we pray.

"Forsake the foolish, and LIVE; and go in the way of understanding." (Proverbs 9:6)

4. Pelosi Rejects Resolution by Democrats to Expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene - The Epoch Times

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Friday said she rejected a move by some Democrats led by Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-Calif.) to expel Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) from Congress. About 70 House Democrats joined Gomez in signing the resolution. However, to expel a member of Congress, the bid requires a two-thirds supermajority, meaning that a significant number of Republicans would need to join.

“I’m not going to get into that,” Pelosi told reporters Friday about the bid to expel Greene, suggesting that she did not support his resolution. “Members are very unhappy about what’s happened here. And they can express themselves the way they do. What Mr. Gomez did is his own view. And that is not a leadership position.”

Expulsion is a rare scenario in Congress. The last time a member was expelled was in 2002 when the House voted to force out then-Ohio Democratic Rep. James Traficant after he was convicted of several corruption charges and faced sentencing in prison.

In February, House Democrats and 11 Republicans voted to remove Greene from the House Budget Committee and Education and Labor Committee due to social media posts she made when she was a private citizen. “These were words of the past, and these things do not represent me,” Greene said at the time about the social media posts. “They do not represent my district, and they do not represent my values.” (Read more) 

- Lord God, we thank You for this decision now made by Nancy Pelosi. Lord God, this action is a turnaround from her position last month, when she also was threatening to evict Rep. Greene from her office. We ask that this turnaround towards wisdom be the first of many other like-minded decisions to follow.

- Father God, we pray You use Rep. Greene to stand strong in support of the furtherance of mental soundness within the Republican Party. Guide her in Your perfect will.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

"He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is fixed trusting in the Lord."     (Psalm 112:7)  

5. Twitter Says It Locked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Account Due to an ‘Error’ - The Epoch Times

Twitter on Friday said it locked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) personal account due to an error and reinstated access.

“We use a combination of technology and human review to enforce the Twitter Rules across the service,” a spokesperson for the San Francisco-based firm told news outlets on Friday afternoon. “In this case, our automated systems took enforcement action on the account referenced in error. This action has been reversed, and access to the account has been reinstated.”

Greene was writing on Twitter Friday afternoon, confirming that her account was reinstated.

“I was just told @Twitter suspended me for 12 hrs in ‘error,’ on the same day Dems introduced a resolution to expel me from Congress. What a coincidence?” she wrote. “Twitter’s little error wasn’t resolved until after 12 hrs.” (Read more) 

- Father God, we pray for daily protection from outside forces invading Rep. Greene's accounts. Give her wisdom to perceive the truth. In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "Hold up my goings in Your paths, that my footsteps slip not." (Psalm 17:5)

6. Hart Failure Doesn't Stop Dems from House Dispute - Family Research Council

[ Miler-Meeks Challenge]

So it's a "tragedy," "mockery," or "coup" if Republicans challenge an election result, but completely acceptable -- four months later -- if you're a Democrat? That's the incredible double standard on display this week in the U.S. House, where Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is throwing optics to the wind to pad her Democratic totals. In one of the grandest displays of hypocrisy this country has ever seen, the Left is actually trying to boot a sitting member of Congress, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) after her election was certified -- without any evidence of fraud. And the GOP is the party of subversion?

It was the closest House election of the 2020 cycle, but Rep. Miller-Meeks not only won once -- she won four times. After the general election and three recounts, her margin of victory had dwindled from 282 votes to just six, but it was still enough, Iowa's election officials decided, to declare her the winner. Now, months later, her opponent, Rita Hart, is refusing to go through the normal legal channels to challenge the result and is instead asking House Democrats to reverse the results. And House Democrats, to everyone's surprise, is considering it.

Literally weeks after accusing Republicans of trampling democracy and flouting the Constitution, Democrats on the House Administration Committee have launched an official inquiry -- brushing off comparisons to their conservative counterparts in the process. "We can't be concerned about [appearances]," North Carolina Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D) said, who sits on the House panel considering the challenge. "We've got to review the evidence and see where it leads us." But the evidence, as even the Des Moines Register points out, should have been considered in court -- not a partisan body where Democrats have an interest in adding to their majority. (Read more) 

- Father, we pray that Your hand will reach out and stop this insanity of reversing the results of an honest election of Rep. Miller-Meeks.  Send warring angels to fight this battle and defeat the House Democrats' lies.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "O you simple, understand wisdom: and, you fools, be of an understanding heart."  (Proverbs 8:5) 

7. Arizona State Senate Orders Hand Recount of 2.1 Million Ballots from 2020 Presidential Election - The Epoch Times

Arizona legislators have ordered a recount of 2.1 million ballots for the 2020 presidential election, this time to be done by hand. The Arizona Senate, which is controlled by Republicans, released a statement confirming their intent to do another audit of the ballots from Maricopa County, the state’s most populous county.

The Arizona State Senate statement released on Thursday says that they will conduct a “broad and detailed” audit, adding that they will test voting machines, scan ballots, look for IT breaches, and perform a hand count.

“As thousands of our voters continue to call for a thorough audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County, I am pleased to report we have narrowed it down to a preferred forensic audit team,” reads a March 18 statement from state Sen. Karen Fann (R-Ariz.). “We are negotiating final details on the execution of the audit and hope to have an announcement soon. Our goal is to make this a bipartisan effort with full transparency and in joint cooperation with Maricopa County officials. We’ve been reaching out to experts on election processes in Arizona and around the nation and hope to have the best and brightest involved in the audit,” Fann wrote. “When all the work is done, there will be a full report for the Senate and County to review. Our voters expect this audit, and it can be a big step in returning trust and confidence in our election process,” it concludes. (Read more) 

- Father God, we ask Your blessings upon all those involved in recounting the ballots in Arizona from the 2020 Presidential election. Guide those who participate in this hand recount of 2.1 million ballots. In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "The righteous also shall hold on his way; and he that has clean hands shall be stronger and stronger." (Job 17:9)

 8. 24 More Charged in Voter-Fraud Probe, Prosecutors Say - The Epoch Times

Federal prosecutors in North Carolina said Friday that 24 additional people have been charged in an ongoing probe into voter fraud, including two who are accused of illegally voting in the 2016 presidential election. Gabriela Guzman-Miguel, 26, and Jose Abraham Navarro, 42, both of Mexico, are accused to have voted despite lacking the legal status to do so, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina said in a list of defendants obtained by The Epoch Times. The list described both as aliens or immigrants.

A slew of other defendants were charged with falsely claiming U.S. citizenship in order to register to vote. Some also engaged in naturalization fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents relating to voter registration, officials said.

Defendants hailed from 15 countries, including Honduras, Iraq, and Canada. The charges date back to the fall of 2019, though the cases were just unsealed. Those charged face jail time and fines of up to $350,000 if convicted. Each defendant was charged separately and there are no charges of conspiracy, the prosecutor’s office said. (Read more) 

- Father God, we pray You will uncover all the criminal activities that have occurred in thIS voter fraud probe.  Cleanse the system by intense investigation in every state, Lord.  We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "The wicked in his pride does persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined."  (Psalm 10:2) 

9. Iowa House Passes Bill to Let Residents Buy, Carry Guns Without Permits - The Epoch Times

Iowa’s House of Representatives approved a measure on March 17 that would allow Iowans to purchase and carry firearms without a permit, sending the measure to the Senate for consideration. House File 756 passed 60–37, with all Republicans voting for it, along with Democratic state Rep. Wes Breckenridge. Republicans have a majority in the Senate and previously passed a similar piece of legislation through a committee.

Iowans currently must get a permit to buy a handgun, even if the sale is private. Under the proposal, that requirement would be annulled. Individuals would still have to follow federal law and go through an instant background check to buy from licensed sellers each time they purchase a gun. They could choose to get a permit instead, which is issued by sheriff departments and is good for five years.

Sales between individuals wouldn’t require a background check. Additionally, to carry a weapon, people wouldn’t need to have a permit.

“These proposals recognize that the right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right, not a privilege, and that Iowans should not be required to get a permission slip and pay a fee in order to purchase a firearm and practice their fundamental Second Amendment rights,” state Rep. Steven Holt, a Republican who sponsored the bill, said on the House floor before the vote.

Iowa is one of 22 states, along with the District of Columbia, that requires residents to pass a background check before buying a gun, according to state Rep. Beth Wessel-Kroeschell, a Democrat.  “Background checks are the foundation of any effective effort to reduce gun violence and keep guns out of the wrong hands,” she added. (Read more)  

- Father God, we thank You for allowing the House to pass this bill.  Now Iowans will have protection against the lawless.  We pray this repeats itself all over America.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "God will show me the path of life: in Your presence is fulness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore."  (Psalm 15:11) 

10. Teachers plot to discredit parents who oppose critical race theory - WND

A coalition of teachers and officials in Loudoun County, Virginia, are conspiring to expose parents in the school district who object to the teaching of critical race theory, according to an investigation by the Daily Wire. The 624-member group, called Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County, uses Facebook to organize and plot its actions against opponents of the controversial teaching.

Critical race theory, according to one definition, proposes that white people create differences between races to "maintain elite white interests."

The coalition, the Daily Wire said, "compiled a lengthy list of parents suspected of disagreeing with school system actions, including its teaching of controversial racial concepts – with a stated purpose in part to 'infiltrate,' use 'hackers' to silence parents' communications, and 'expose these people publicly.'" The Daily Wire reported the sheriff’s criminal investigations division is reviewing the matter. The news outlet noted the county’s prosecutor, who was narrowly elected with the help of $845,000 from George Soros, appears to be a member of the Facebook group.

The Daily Wire reviewed "secret communications" by the parents being targeted and found no evidence of racism. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we pray You dispatch myriads of angels from heaven on assignment to kill the root of this new breed of evil. Shut this group down, Lord, and cut off the pipeline that feeds this mentality. We thank You that these parents are serving as watchmen on the wall on behalf of their children, so that no communist indoctrination will be allowed to enter into their young minds. In Jesus' Name we pray,amen.

- "For God's mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination in My lips." (Proverbs 8:7)

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Prayers for the Persecuted Church

"Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." (Hebrews 13:3)

Please visit the website for International Christian Concern to lift up prayers for the persecuted around the world, every day. Their link is: -- or go here to connect. Thank you for interceding for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Asia, the Islamic World, and the Far East.

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Classic Hymns


You have received the Spirit of adoption. (Romans 8:15)

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: John Sweney

O what a blessing, how can I express it? 
Out of the fullness of rapture I sing,
Now by the Father received and adopted,
I am a child and an heir of a king.


I am adopted, O wonderful love,
Heir to a heritage purchased above;
Tell it, my soul, and joyfully sing,
I am a child and an heir of a king.

O what a Father, how tenderly gracious,
O what a Savior to make me His care;
Tho’ I have slighted, rejected, and grieved Him,
Still He permits me His kingdom to share.


O the unsearchable riches He giveth,
Riches increasing from day unto day;
Treasures in value all others excelling,
Treasures that never will rust nor decay.


When I have finished the work He appoints me,
When I have ended my journey below,
Then to my Father and Jesus my Savior,
Home to a beautiful palace I go.

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Nightly Prayer Call to HOLD THE LINE

We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.
For more info, visit their website at:

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About CHPP


About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Our Mission Statement

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood for all, we, too, pray for ALL, in a nonpartisan manner. Also, because the scriptures indicate that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"  (James 4:17), we are confident that fervent prayer, offered in the halls of the highest chambers of government in our land, can avail much for America. Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes those who feel called to join us, engaging in this strategic work of intercession for our nation: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God."  [Romans 13:1]

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.

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We Welcome Your Gifts

We Welcome Your Gifts

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a 501(c)(3), tax- exempt, faith-based, ministry, dedicated to praying for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4). CHPP relies solely on the gifts of our readers to continue this work; thus we greatly appreciate your help in supporting this publication. Offerings may be sent to: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, P.O. Box 5152, Herndon, VA 20172-1970. Please make checks payable to: CHPP. THANK YOU!

Now you can also donate online by going here. Or . . . if you prefer, simply paste this link into your browser to access our secure online donor system:

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philippians 4:23)

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Welcome to Our Bible Readathon

Welcome to our Bible Readathon!

Nonstop reading of the Word of God, every night (except on Sunday mornings) from midnight to 6:00 a.m. EDT.

To learn more about the Bible Readathon, please go here.


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