
I only have a few minutes to send this out to you. My ministry trip to Washington State is about to end, and my return home is about to begin. While I was in time of prayer in the Methow Valley, the Lord gave me a very strong word. I am about to share that with you. I also have been given a prophetic word from Wanda Alger that seems to fit well with the rhema that I received. There is so much intensity, contention, and confusion throughout the world, that if we are to arise in the victory of the Lord, we need to lock down and to lean-in very tightly to the Lord.

On another note: During this trip, the Lord asked my husband and I to go first to Mt Rainier to pray for His mercy, and for His will alone to manifest; regarding a threatened, catastrophic volcanic eruption and earthquake, that the Enemy would like to bring very soon. We had a blessed time at that beautiful mountain, and felt a deep peace that the Lord held the proposed threat in His hands. As we were concluding our time at the ranch that has hosted us, the Lord told us to direct our travel northward, and go to Mt Baker, to again pray for His hand to contain the intended fire that the Enemy wanted to bring for his own evil purposes. The fire of the mountains is to serve the Lord, not the Evil One. Yesterday we went to that second gorgeous mountain, and stood before the Lord in that place; asking for His mercy and acknowledging His sole authority over the affairs of humans and of all Creation. It was a precious time. Now we trust and prepare to hold on to Him as our world continues to shake (even more violently) until all that can be shaken IS shaken … so that what remains will bring forth the Lord’s Kingdom on the earth.

So, without delay, I will now copy the rhema I received, as well as the word from Wanda Alger. I will also copy a site address that I just received from someone this morning (a prophetic word from Kim Clement from 3 years ago). The first part of that word seems to confirm what the Lord has been telling me about the need to intercept volcanic and earthquake activity this summer, so that only the Lord’s purposes are accomplished. Until this morning, I was unaware that Kim has given that word. As always, check these things out in the Holy Spirit and in the Scriptures for authenticity in YHVH’s truth.

Press in and prepare to stand in some difficult days ahead, until the victory is complete.



RHEMA … August 25, 2021 … Kolyah … Methow Valley, Washington

“This is not the time for laughter, but rather time for the holy roar to be directed at the Enemy. The overwhelming scourge is advancing rapidly as My people sit back on their heels. This is a time of spiritual war as you have never seen upon the earth to this time. Have I not told you that this time would come? Do you smell the scent of sulphur? Do you hear the mountains begin to rumble and feel the earth begin to shake? The great groaning has begun. How will you respond?

Oh, that My holy fire would consume the earth in the manner of a complete transformative refinement! Much must be burned up, for much wickedness needs to be destroyed. Your world has become horrifically corrupted and vile in My eyes. The abuse of My little ones … the sale of human flesh … and mingling of strange flesh with human … the death of truth and the delight in outright rebellion against Me are no longer done in secret. These things are blatant and available for all to see. Why then, do so few, who identify themselves with My name, remain inert and undisturbed by these horrors? Why do so many accommodate them, and even facilitate them, by siding in silent acceptance of these sins and perversions? My time of tolerance … My time of waiting in long suffering and grace is coming to an end. The shepherds and the leaders are about to be called into My court for accounting. What they labor to hide, I will expose. What they attempt to rationalize, and to explain as acceptable, I will destroy with fire from My mouth.

The question really is this: DO I EXIST? Then follows the question: DO I DETERMINE THE RULES OF ORDER FOR HUMAN LIFE? ALL will be forced to examine those questions and to reply to them, very soon. I will demand it of all. The wrong answers, will be met with correction, and some with swift losses. I have not hidden Myself. I have made My word readily available. Why have you not shared this revelation with all My created children? Why have so many of you judged My word as outdated, limited, irrelevant, and without assured applications? Why have you modified My word to meet the comfort level of the rebellious? Why have you honored and esteem ignorance of My way, will and word, and empowered those, who do not know Me, to come into positions of leadership over you? Now you want them removed? Are they now too burdensome for you to bear? They have not changed in their agenda nor in their resolve. That was set in them many years ago. Yes, they have been deceitful, but the evidence of the direction of their hearts and intentions have always been there to be seen, if you chose a small bit of examination as My word directs you to do. Were you too busy? Were you too convinced by the voices of influence, so that you felt relieved of the responsibility to research truth and righteousness in those, who you would empower to rule over you? You have been foolish, even as you have been compromised and deceived.

The betrayal has been great, but it’s not the betrayal of YOU that is the greatest sin, but rather the betrayal of Me by you, who say that you know and follow Me. Why have you been so inert and so quiet until now? The alarm clock has been sounding the wake-up call for many years. You ignored it. Now you see the price of your delay. Were the few extra years of comfortable slumberous living worth it? I think not. You are now on your back foot and trying to push forward against the great oppression that is pushing you backwards. Where is the honor due Me through the use of power, which I made available, to overcome the Evil One. Where is the glory and the testimony of the operatives of evil being exposed and stripped of their authority and wealth? I hear their voices continually making unholy directives. Why are you accommodating, rather than make counter decrees? Where is YOUR FIRE? Where is YOUR AUTHORITY FROM ME BEING APPLIED? WHERE ARE YOUR VOICEs being raised outside of your like-minded groups? Are you afraid of exposure and the losses from it? Are you still waiting to hear from Me? I have been speaking continuously. I have been sending word to all, who would listen and obey.

Listen to Me, My remnant of standing warriors! You may be few, but I will entrust the power of thousands to you as you stand for righteousness and truth in the midst of this storm. Do you trust Me to stand with you and to grant you miraculous victories even as a tiny band of warriors? There is a greater glory to be harvested for Me whenever I crush the Enemy through a handful of My faithful. The Philistines were utterly humiliated and gutted of all pride and confidence when their indestructible champion, Goliath, was taken down and beheaded by a young shepherd boy with a single stone and sling. That methodology is still My favorite strategy for victory. Are you willing to dare? Are you willing to be on the center stage, where the lives of many will be held in the power of My decree through you? Are you ready to sacrifice all and to risk everything, including your life and reputation? Will you trust Me to care for the threats against your loved ones? Are you willing to step into major material losses in order to be given unprecedented spiritual gains? Are you willing to step into the arena where the Enemy can see you; making you a clear target? David was. Esther was. Daniel was. Where are you?

Come on little ones! This is to be your finest hour! It’s time to step into your destiny by stepping out of your limited understanding into My Kingdom obedience. Park your soul-made conclusions and responses at the door, and step into My training center every day. Learn to take instruction and then follow it. Focus upon the infilling of the Holy Spirit as the source of your guidance and understanding. Pray in the Spirit continually and speak out of the wisdom of the Spirit. Are the kingdoms of this world My possession, or that of the Evil One? They are Mine, and they are the inheritance of MY OWN KINGDOM CHILDREN. Don’t just sit and pray what is on your heart. Inhale My Spirit, and pray what is formed beyond your mind and emotions … upon that which is birthed in your spirit. The war has increased along with the level of evil. Therefore, the response of the Holy Ones, must increase in accordance to My input. Enough of the world’s input. Come out of the expected and come into the emerging mysteries.

The lights will soon go out for a time. The fire in the spirits of My chosen warriors will be as beacons in the night. What they manifest in the darkness will devour that darkness and bring forth a new light that will arise from Holy Fire to go forth across the world. Get into position throughout your whole being. Be ordered according to My command and plan. Separate yourselves from the ways of the world, but do not pick up arrogance in your status, or in your authority. It is I in you, who is the power and authority. Do not touch My glory, nor take My credit. Simple live faithfully and obediently in radical joy and love. I will flow like a river through you … a river of fire that will change the landscape as well as many lives. There is no more time for delay. Step up and step into the training and then into battle. There is no more time for delay.”


by Wanda Alger

#1 My conversation with the Lord today:

Me: “What are you thinking, God? Why is this process of deliverance dragging out so long?”

God: “I need you to be strong.”

Me: “For what?”

God: “When I put Trump back in office, the demons are going to have a fit. You’ve got to be prepared for the backlash.”

Me: “Prepare? How? Isn’t our strength in the Lord enough?”

God: “This is endurance strengthening. You’ve been strong in my Word, but you’ve lacked endurance. You haven’t learned to hold fast in the midst of intense pressure. You have to stand - and keep standing - even when everything is coming against you. You can’t cave at the first sign of persecution or back down at the first setback. You must be resolved to stay in this battle for as long as it takes. The enemy isn’t going without a fight. It will be a test of the wills. Your will to live must be stronger than their will to kill you.”

Me: “So, how do we become stronger?”

God: “Lock arms and form a line of offense. The Body must be joined together to hold the ground. Expect the opposition. Anticipate the blows. But strengthen yourself by encouraging one another to HOLD THE LINE and not let go! Regardless of what comes, know that ALL OF HEAVEN IS BACKING YOU UP and as long as you hold your ground, the enemy CANNOT and WILL NOT penetrate My line of truth and justice.”

Me: “How long is this going to take!?”

God: “Focus on strengthening your resolve to do what you know is true and right. Your victory is ALREADY ASSURED. The time of deliverance will not be measured by a calendar, but by your determination to persevere to the finish. It won’t be long...” (2 Chronicles 32:7-8, Revelation 2:26)


Kim Clement prophesy on eruption and earthquake:
