
September 11, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!

Shalom to all of you!

Here we are, in the midst of the 10 Days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that took the lives of thousands. Even without this remembrance of 9/11, these 10 days are a very sober time each year. This is to be a time of reflection, introspection and personal inventory before the Lord. Within these days, and traditions, we can find the treasure of hope and peace. The call, of making preparation for Yom Kippur, is to become aware of our sin and rebellion, but also to be repentant, and desirous of turning back to the ways, and to the person, of YHVH. It is taking these steps that we draw close to the Lord, and find wholeness and renewal.

In a stressful world, such as we have right now, it would be very easy to sidestep the necessary interior work, because the exterior world, which in such a broad state of crisis, would seek to draw our attention to those loud outside forces pulling at us; prompting us to seek justice and survival. Evil seems to be expressing its ascendency over the righteous, with no end of this unfolding evil anywhere in sight. It’s quite amazing to see the blatancy and the arrogant confidence of the Luciferian elite and their operatives … their bold confidence in their power, and in their right, to reset the world into Satan’s kingdom modalities and rules. In Australia, a mainstream media broadcaster openly spoke on air of these steps taken (in regard to the Covid virus and vax) being the New World Order. Various politicians, celebrities, and power brokers are often seen making the secret finger sign of the Luciferian elite as they speak to the press. They assume that we don’t notice, and don’t understand what their symbolic 666 means for our world. Ahhh, but they surely know exactly what they are intentionally building upon their lies, and through their sleight of hand traps; establishing absolute control. Illegal mandates are being handed down, along with threats/punishments against the noncompliant. Truth is being censored, while propaganda is being lauded as the pure truth. Those, who reject it are vilified, even to being called “enemies of the common good” (which is a term right out of classic Marxism)

As a result of more than a year and a half of this constant, oppressive agenda, a great weariness has settled across the globe. The righteous, as well as the spiritually ignorant of the earth, are feeling great mental/emotional fatigue … along with varying degrees of hopelessness and helplessness to know what is going on, and how to change the course. At any thought that it might NOT be possible to reverse the flow of this evil takeover, people start agonizing over finding a way to reconcile the horrors into a sane reality for a life of any sort.

King David, through his writings in the Psalms, often revealed his state of a weariness, and having a discouraged heart. He cried out to the Lord for defense, respite, and justice as we do now.

His writing gives us comfort, and shows us the way through the trial to strength and peace. Here is one of my favorite texts for times when trouble is flowing beyond our control. I have added underlining to accent certain words.

Psalm 17:6-14a

6 I have called upon You, for You will answer me, God;

incline Your ear to me, hear my speech.

7 Show Your wonderful faithfulness,

Savior of those who take refuge at Your right hand,

from those who rise up against them.

8 Keep me as the apple of the eye;

Hide me in the shadow of Your wings

9 from the wicked, who deal violently with me;

my deadly enemies who surround me.

10 They have closed their unfeeling hearts;

with their mouths they speak proudly.

11 They have now surrounded us in our steps;

They set their eyes to cast us down to the ground.

12 He is like a lion that is eager to tear,

and as a young lion lurking in secret places.

13 Arise, LORD, confront him. Make him bow down.

Save my soul from the wicked with Your sword …

14 from people, by Your hand, LORD;

From people of the world, whose portion is in this life.

So much of that passage could describe our world. A man-made bioweapon was released across the earth. Then the sole acceptable “solution” to their “plandemic” was presented/demanded with the goal of subjugating all human beings under evil lies and rules that would contain us, control us, strip us, and kill us. If we are not part of their team, we are low-class fodder for their distain. Either we accept their demand to become transhumans, by receiving into our bodies, a DNA re-programming synthetic mRNA, and their nanobot carriers, that can be empowered by 5G frequencies to control us, or we will be gathered up and crushed for refusing. But, we, who know the Lord, find our refuge in Him. He is the One to whom we appeal for help and deliverance. He always sees us in our troubles, and He hears us when we cry out to Him. Indeed, in this hour, the wicked are dealing violently with us (violently attacking our health and physical bodies, as well as our freedom, our foundations, our economies, our moral values, our way/order of life, etc.). They seem to have thought of every possible escape route, and closed them off. We are surrounded and entrapped. Their hearts are closed and cold toward human suffering and injustice. Their minds are psychopathic. Their mouths speak arrogant lies, and project arrogant plans of absolute power. Wherever we go, in an effort to escape their ploys, they seem to cut us off, by their unrighteous and illegal rulings/decrees. In their great arrogance, they look down upon us and deems us to be unworthy. They even call us parasites which deny them the fullness of earth’s bounty … which by entitlement, they claim as theirs alone. They seem to be delighted to see us suffer in the distress that they have created by their theft, lies, delusions, mandates, and wicked applications of unholy, counterfeit, power. They love to deceive the masses, to crush the truth, and to rip apart friends, families, communities and nations apart as a result of the power within their propaganda and manipulations. Like lions they love the kill, even more than the hunt and the hidden entrapment.


It is very comforting and very freeing to send up our heart cries to the Father; knowing that He hears us, loves us, and comes to our aid. It is also very empowering, healing, and freeing for us to sit before Him in a posture of repentance; confessing our sins. As we confess with a genuine heart, He is eager to forgive and to course-correct us; helping us to see a better way to conduct our lives. I believe, as we walk through these Days of Awe, and as we consider how the 9/11 disaster came upon us, it would be wise, healing, and empowering for us to confess the sins that have enabled this Covid trap, and its creators, to seize so much of our lives … and which threaten to control and to rob us of life, of health, and of a future living in freedom. I am not only speaking only about the USA, but about Israel, and of all the other nations of the world, which have eaten this deadly global Luciferian apple.

FIRST: Israel … the nation that is to be a light in the world, to show others the way to life, truth, and wholeness in YHVH

I agonize when I see how horrifically far off course, and off-Torah, the state of Israel has become. It is a disgrace that the chosen people of YHVH are the world’s leaders in promoting/demanding its citizens to take the experimental jab, with no regard to its contents (which have largely been kept a secret, but with recent discovery, are many dangerous/unholy elements, which would be totally forbidden by the Lord in scripture). The very people, who are to fear the Lord and to have great wisdom, have jumped eagerly into this agenda without considering the lack of safety studies, or the unfolding vax injuries that increase daily. The people of Israel love LIFE. Why are they throwing it away to satisfy the demands of an evil delusion, even as they see its promises failing to be true? Why are they vaxing kids, who are not at all in danger of the virus, and who cannot transmit it to others? The blatant dishonesty surrounding this vax is a huge red flag; announcing whose kingdom concocted this scheme (hint: satan’s kingdom). The people of TRUTH have fallen deeply into the chasm of profound lies. Israel, a nation of people, who were victims of a massive genocide, can’t recognize their own genocide, in which they are active perpetrators/willing participants. The world’s nations have been following Israel’s lead in requiring the illegal, freedom-stripping, and totally insane, vaccine passports, in order for their citizens to be granted a modicum of temporary freedom. There are no words to express that horror of it all! YHVH help us! HE ALONE HAS THE POWER TO BREAK THROUGH ISRAEL’S BLINDNESS AND BONDAGE. HE WILL DO IT!

SECONDLY: the USA and the rest of our nations … all are guilty of what Israel has been guilty of above

Together … for ourselves (for ALL of us individually), and for each of our nations … we must confess and repent for these grave sins, which will have such horrific consequences, if these sins continue to give satan free access to us, and to our nations. As we genuinely confess our sins, we become free and whole again. From that renewed state of being in shalom with YHVH, we can arise and fight very effectively; bringing forth a great victory. So please join me in this confession and repentance. Invite others to participate as well.

Father, we confess

**we confess the sin of listening to Fear (giving it a louder voice of authority than truth or of YHVH) and thus running to human solutions without regard to truth or consequences

**we confess making excuses (rationalizing in self-defense) for our unwise choices, and for being furious against truth-tellers, when our error was challenged or uncovered … rejecting accountability, and those, who were trying to help us find truth and be safe/prospered.

**we confess the sin of worshipping health professionals and allowing health agencies the privilege/power to tell us what is truth and what we need to do … looking to doctors for health solutions before seeking YHVH … jumping at any recommendation offered to us by physicians, even to neglecting a consult with the Great Physician, or not getting prayer from fellow believers.

**we confess the sin of seeking to please the people around us more than YHVH … for taking the easy/popular road, rather than enduring in the difficult position of standing with YHVH in the truth; facing popular disapproval, rejection, and disdain.

**we confess participating in witchcraft (pharmakia in Greek), depending upon commercially made chemical medicines for our health and wholeness … believing that pharmaceutical companies had the goal of making us healthy, when too often the goal was to keep us unhealthy, so that we would buy more meds. We neglected seeking out the God-given medicines provided in natural plants and elements, and allowed ourselves to be denied access to them (and to the knowledge about them).

**we confess the sin of having unholy dependencies upon human beings, and upon human solutions, to the neglect of a holy dependency upon YHVH.

**we confess pride in our refusal to listen to warnings from wise, well-informed, righteous people, and instead believed in the course given to us by the corrupt and godless media, pharm mouthpieces, politicians and the internet social media.

**we confess that we have resisted being informed about the reality of dark forces that operated continually to manipulate our world for the purposes of satan … we have been fearful and religiously prideful in regard to the reality of spiritual warfare, and the necessity/calling of the Lord for it to be part of our spiritual journey. We have avoided being educated to avoid engagement against those dark forces to keep ourselves comfortable and safe … to avoid being considered nut cases.

**we confess the sin of having pride in our own intellect … often idolizing our intellect as being sufficient for giving us the truth. The truth that comes by way of the Holy Spirit has been given a back seat at times.

**we confess trusting the untrustworthy, and not taking the time to discern, who was approved by YHVH. We assumed rather than seeking revelation, and in doing so sinned and fell into danger.

**we confess laziness in not doing due diligence in seeking present research, and in the study of history , in order to find out what was behind this pandemic, this technology, this control … we didn’t investigate the possibility of deception, or corruption, by researching those individuals who are complicit in the money trail/connections … we failed to look into corruption contained in legislation and mandates.

**we confess arrogance in believing that we knew all that we needed to know without further input

**we confess that we didn’t truly seek Your face, and Your truth, Father, regarding the depths of what was involved in this vax agenda, but often offered a drive-by prayer, and then came away saying that everything was OK … that You approved of the shots for all.

**we confess the sin of self-justification to hide our shame; staying in the wrong course, when our error was revealed to us.

**we confess the sin of thinking, speaking, an acting out of a Religious spirit … sometimes suggesting that YOU caused this pandemic because some “other “people were sinful … sometimes declaring that You gave us this vax as a gift, and, because of love, You wanted everyone to receive it … even sometimes declaring that You were washing Your hands of Israel, and believing that she was deservedly being punished for various sins.

**we confess that we allowed corrupt and wicked people to be put into power over us, because we didn’t care about character, as much as about charisma, promised benefits, appearances, popularity, and political party … sometime allowing OFFENSE to determine our vote.

**we confess that we did not take to the streets in protest, when abortion was first legalized, and when abortion became funded by tax-payer money and paid for by insurance. We allowed candidates to be elected by us; knowing that they were pro-abortion, but thinking that they were OK in other areas.

**we confess that we allowed perverted sexual behaviors, practices, and standards, that are in rebellion against the laws of YHVH, to become accepted facets of our society, so that we would not offend others, or risk becoming unpopular. We allowed them to come into our homes and into our children, through television, movies and videos.

**we confess ignoring what our children were being taught … leaving their education to the teachers.

**we confess cowardice in knowing what You hated, but we refused to stand up to declare Your righteousness and truth … not wanting to take the flak from making a challenge against wickedness

**we confess that we allowed our judicial systems to make immoral and sinful rulings without challenging them … believing that we were powerless to challenge them.

**we confess that we denied our nations the truth of the Lord, when we allowed our voices to be silenced through non-profit church requirements … giving us a tax benefit in exchange for never addressing issues of political error, social sin, or policy dictating ungodly morality (or identifying ungodly character in political candidates) from the pulpit.

**we confess the sin of allowing prayer to be kept out of our schools, and to be restricted from certain public gatherings

**we confess that we allowed the lie of “separation of church and state” to have the power to eliminate Godly truth and influence from having a voice of power in our national policies and in society. We denied, or set aside, the foundations of faith upon which our nation was born/built; allowing godlessness and falsehoods to have power

**we confess that we never even asked You, or considered running for elected positions of influence; leaving those positions to those, who had the money and the support, regardless of their character or stance on faith and moral issues. We allowed the ungodly to hold those seats of power, because we weren’t interested in seeking that responsibility or Kingdom service.

**we confess bowing to the restrictions against respectful evangelizing of certain populations, or in certain events.

**we confess being blind to the pedophilia that was taking place in church parishes, in religious schools, in kids camps, in youth organizations, and in general educational programs

**we confess to the sin of materialism, which prompted us to make many unholy compromises in order to buy, sell, travel, to get what we wanted, or felt we needed, etc.

** we confess that too often we served Expediency, and neglected Wisdom

**we confess the sins of gluttony and discontentment, where we felt that we never had enough and had to obtain more/better … whether in comforts, vehicles, clothing, food, entertainment, income, etc.

**we confess neglecting to use our God-given influence and authority for Kingdom purposes … but instead often used it to better our own course and situations.

**we confess being divisive and not being those, who pursue unity as a witness to the world … being suspicious of those different from us … being unwilling to consider other viewpoints, so cut people off … majoring in the minors (being petty and nit-picking) … breaking down people, rather than building them up … etc.

**we confess refusing to love, intentionally withholding love, or being stingy with love toward others, while we claimed the love of YHVH for us with open arms

**we confess being too busy, or too self-concerned to care for those around us

**we confess having ulterior motives for caring and for giving … hoping/planning to get something in return

**we confess being slow to forgive others, who have sinned against us, whether in word or deed.

**we confess looking for approval from humans before seeking the approval of YHVH

**we confess treating our gift of salvation lightly … taking it for granted as if we deserved it

**we confess lacking compassion for those, who are less fortunate than us … whether they lack information, opportunity, understanding, faith, material wealth, intellectual prowess, health, etc.

**we confess acting as if YHVH was our servant in the way we have often prayed, worshipped, and used our time and money

**we confess that we wasted much time and many opportunities; believing that we were entitled to have, or to do, what we enjoyed, or whatever made us comfortable

**we confess that too often we buried our talents and didn’t use our God-given gifts and opportunities to advance the Kingdom. We could have changed the world, but didn’t.

**we confess that sometimes we complied with the demands of political correctness, and did not act or speak in ways that would distinguish us from the world.

**we confess that sometimes we have kept our light under a bushel in order to stay out of the line of fire, from the disapproval world

**we confess that we have blamed others for failures and misfortunes in our world, rather than considering where we might have contributed to the problems and losses

**we confess that if a difficulty, or a crisis, didn’t impact our own personal lives, we often gave the pain/needs/struggle of others very little consideration or prayer … especially if the situation is on the other side of the world

**we confess that occasionally we have been jealous and undermined other people, in order to stay ahead of them in acquiring esteem, opportunity, or power

**we confess not honoring our bodies as the Temple of the Holy Spirit … neglecting them, often filling them with delicious rubbish more than healthy nutrition … idolizing our bodies by eating only certain trendy foods and spending lots of money on fancy exercise stuff, so that our bodies and fitness would be admired by others.

**we confess lacking self-discipline … refusing to fast or to study scripture … or meet with others for prayer when it was inconvenient for our schedule.

**we confess that we believed that we DESERVE to have a blessed life without pain or crisis

There is so much more that could be presented before the Lord, but I sense that this is what He wants to hear from us right now. Keep in mind that if the confession is heart-felt, the forgiveness is complete from the Lord. There is no condemnation for those, who have fallen short, so there is no need to walk away from this confession with any sense of shame. We all begin anew, and by His grace walk in that newness of life. At this time, I will close and get this sent to your inbox. Later, in a couple of days, I will send you some prayer points for Israel, some websites for you to view as your chose, and a copy of the key prayer of confession for Yom Kippur. Until then, please forgive and correct any typos that I may have missed. Know that I love and bless you as we stand together in this journey of faith, and as we fight in this battle on behalf of the Kingdom of YHVH.

In Him,
