THE ONE WORD ORDER - August 22, 2021



August 22, 2021

NOTE: Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values. There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard. Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!





Beloved, we are in the midst of a huge battle between Kingdoms … between YHVH’s Kingdom and Satan’s. We know who wins! We’ve been told that there will be these kinds of moments in our history. We just didn’t think it would be US, nor would it be NOW that many prophesies would be fulfilled. One exciting thing that I have been clearly hearing from the Lord is that He has been keeping some significant, exciting, pieces of the end time puzzle a secret. As a result of having an incomplete view, there are doctrines and theologies that have the end time scenario script wrongly interpreted from Scripture. Remember that some of Daniel’s revelations were ordered to be sealed until the end? The out-workings of the shaking/sorting, and the timing of events is not quite correct in much of our thinking. Even satan will be surprised by what the Lord is about to do to upend him. The victory of the Lord will be experienced at every juncture of every crisis. We are not to assume that we know what He will do through our own understanding. We must not form solid conclusions about events through appearances, nor should we pick up any fear. We must definitively not latch on, with a death grip, to any expected order of events, or onto any predicted outcomes in the specific. What we hold to is that YHVH IS ABSOLUTE, SOVEREIGN, LORD and He is PURE TRUTH. His ways and plans are so beyond what we can understand or even imagine! He’s got this world well in hand, as well as the powers and operatives of darkness! This planet is HIS POSSESSION! He will not let go of it. He will use all things to bring Him glory and to bring the ultimate good for His children, whom He loves. That is where we need to start and finish our discussions about these difficult and distressing events of our time. Let’s stop and take stock of how we have been processing the troubling events in our lives and in our world.

STOP SUGGESTING THAT YOUR/OUR PRESENT STATE OF BEING IS ICHABOD (1 SAMUEL 4:21) … Eli’s daughter-in-law named her newborn son, Ichabod, saying, “The glory has departed from Israel,” This woman named her child in this way, because the ark of YHVH had been captured and her father-in-law and her husband had been killed. In our present day, THE GLORY OF YHVH HAS NOT DEPARTED FROM US. YHVH HAS NOT LEFT US … WE ARE NOT LEFT HERE TO DIE … IT’S NOT ALL OVER. We must not listen to anyone, who declares such things. Our nations are very sinful and rebellious, that’s true. We have all fallen short in the eyes of the Lord. However, we, who are awake and sounding the alarm, are part of a righteous remnant that is holding the ground, as the Lord is shaking everything that can be shaken. Surely, that same hopelessness, expressed by Eli’s daughter-in-law, and which is being expressed by many believers right now, is what the Israelites were thinking/saying while they were standing at the Red Sea while Pharaoh’s troops were bearing down hard against them. Clearly, they were trapped against the sea with nowhere to go for escape or cover. The Hebrews were consumed with fear, despair, and hopelessness. Isn’t that is where we, and our nations, are standing right now? Isn’t that is where humankind is standing right now, when it comes to the Luciferian elite’s global RESET that is trying to take over every nation through the Covid crisis that they set up? Without the Lord, we are all lost. However, YHVH has not surrendered us, so we must not surrender to the enemy’s narratives, plans, or agendas. That Lord is not done with us, nor with our nations.

Nothing is what it appears to be. The Lord doesn’t operate on our timing. He doesn’t use human strategies. He is not overly concerned about our comfort, understanding, or conveniences, when He is in the process of setting up a surprising coup against satan’s regime. He doesn’t have to tell us what He has planned, or when His plans will be fully carried out, or when His offensive will be completed. YHVH allows things to unfold that may be painful for a while, in order to set the stage for His hand to move; revealing His glory on the grandest and most meaningful scale. Every maneuver that the Enemy is making, and planning, has been well known by the Lord from the very beginning. Nothing surprises Him. His plans always counterpunch Satan’s activities. He always overthrows EVERYTHING that they Enemy has set into motion against the Kingdom of YHVH. EVERYTHING! NO EXCEPTIONS! It will be YHVH’s way and in His timing.

For many years, I have had dreams of severe tornados sucking up structures and destroying the landscapes, while I only watched. The storms never came to harm me, even though they were close enough to shake my surroundings severely, and to change the landscape all around. The message within those dreams was that disruptive changes would happen suddenly and impact our lives very quickly. I also have had dreams about being in a boat with a remnant of people of faith. Together, we endured a very rough ride in some very high and frightening waves. In each dream, the storm carried us somewhere new and blessed. There, also have been very clear dreams of tsunamis, in which I rode on top of the waves. Again, things were being exposed (when the sea receded), and then overrun and washed away by the huge incoming wave. Meanwhile, before the crest of the tsunami formed, I was told to swim out into the swell and be carried by the wave, so that I would ride the top of the tsunami wave to fresh, high, ground where a new start was beginning for humankind. There have been visions of floods upon which I floated on top of the water; being taken to safety rather than to destruction. In each dream and in each case, I decreed the authority of the Lord, and submitted to His hand and plan. After the floods, storms, tsunamis, etc. many things were changed and cleaned. Everything that is happening to us right now, is a cleaning process … a process of exposing wickedness, and a refining activity that the Lord is using to bring us to a new place, where the glory and the power of the YHVH’s absolute Authority and Kingdom modalities would be established upon the earth.

The Great Harvest of souls is about to come in. He’s going to clean house first. YHVH is checking to see who is on His side in the face of great impossibilities, threats, lies, and persecutions. Who will hear correctly? Who will obey radically against great threats? Who will hold against the storm? A remnant of believers is hearing from the Lord, responding in faith, and moving ahead against the destructive currents.

The false gospels of prosperity and of humanist social order and justice are being washed away. Social Christians are being shown as shallow, and are being exposed as standing in a very unsafe and dangerously compromised place. We have let our culture, our faith, and our standards of morality and justice be silenced and perverted. We have surrendered much ground to the enemy, and are now experiencing the consequences of that error and apathy. We must repent for that. We now have a role to play in undoing the wickedness that has been empowered by our inactivity, inattention, compromise, unholy accommodations, and apathy. The Bible believers within the walls of church and synagogue structures have failed to impact the lost and ignorant as they should have. We are now being able to see that the people … including many, who claim to be believers in YHVH … are more obedient to the word of the government than to the word of the One True God. Too often, Christians are submissive and willing to compromise truth in order to feel safe, included, or accepted. The global reset, that the World Economic Forum is currently conducting, is doing its best efforts to take over the world and to silence the people of the Bible … both Jews and Christians. Godless, deceitful, controlling doctrines of Marxism and atheistic Socialism … and even Satanism … are on the move. These wicked ideologies have invaded human culture; impacting every nation that has been free and independent. Mind control is at an all-time global high.

Those of us in the remnant have needed to shut off, and to tune out, the mind control programing that has kept us distracted, un-informed, and basically inert against these narratives and advances being made by the Godless. All of this turmoil had to happen … it is necessary for the Lord’s reset to come forth to set up the coming harvest. Remember, the only way that we have a testimony is to go through a TEST. TRUST HIM IN THE TEST. Indeed, this is the most severe testing that most of us have ever experienced. The challenges of the Covid conspiracy blindsided us. Things and people that we trusted have proved to be wickedly deceitful. The deep reach of evil into our institutions and operations of government, justice, education, healthcare, religion, etc. has now been realized. We thought things were OK, and “normal” before Covid, when they weren’t. We were being lulled into complacency by illusions, while evil powers were spinning webs around everything that we felt was secure and predictably blessed. We really needed a hard wake up call. Even now, many believers have been propagandized by fear and delusions to the point that they have joined in to embrace the narrative of the global puppet masters. They often fail to see, who the enemy really is, as they are encouraged/brainwashed by media and by social pressure to turn against their friends and family. Value judgments have been placed upon those, who support the global crisis narrative in compliance … as well as upon those who refuse to buy into the scenario, and refuse to comply. The spin is that LOVING, SELFLESS, GOOD people comply, while SELFISH, IGNORANT, EVIL people resist the rules and demands put forth by global luciferians.

We must be courageous and steadfast. We are still standing at the shores of the Red Sea awaiting the salvation of YHVH for our nations. Will we be slaves to the Luciferians agenda, or servant warriors for the Kingdom of YHVH? We are to partner with YVHV to bring forth the Kingdom. Too long, we have stood back and hoped that the Lord would do everything on our behalf while we lived in a rather passive, inactive faith. As Pharaoh said of the children of Israel (Exodus 14:3): “They are entangled in the Land; the wilderness has closed in on them.” But the Lord is again saying, “And I shall strengthen the hand of Pharaoh and he shall pursue them. But I am to be esteemed through Pharaoh, and over all his army, and all the Egyptians will know that I AM YHVH”. YHVH alone is God and He is about to PROVE THAT FACT.

What did the Lord say to the Israelites? “GO FORWARD! Why are you crying out to ME?” Moses, lift your staff. This is again such a moment, when a “SUDDENLY” will change everything. YHVH will again be honored through the destruction of those, whose hearts He will harden … those, who prefer the darkness. We must do our part … both in prayer and action. Reject FEAR! We must employ our faith to see what is currently invisible to our natural eyes. We must OBEY what the Lord tells us to do moment by moment. We do our part, and He does His. That’s the way it works. Listen and obey! As we persevere, the Lord will do things that will blow our minds. He will do things that have never been done before. His hand will move in such unexpected ways that people will be dumbfounded. ALL will know that HE is Lord. As the world falls apart, and when all will be able witness the hand of YHVH moving definitively against the evil players … as He exposes the things that we have been blind to … then the painful of many realities will finally be seen. This will cause people to turn to Him in massive numbers … in numbers never before seen upon the earth.

This is WAR! We must stop acting and speaking as if we are not at war. This IS WW3! We must learn how to direct the course of the war according to the word of the Lord given to us each day. It’s time for us to stop fearing the storm and rather become the storm. We must stop being on the defensive, and shift into the offense in our strategies, both for, and of, the Kingdom. Be bold. Be strong. Be courageous, for the Lord IS WITH US! A unified, peaceful, refusal to comply by the masses of the “awake”, will be able to frustrate and thwart the evil plots of the small number of those seeking to take over our world. It will remove the power of those seeking to enslave us with their lies and control.

When the only thing that the Hebrews saw was an impassible sea of immense depth in front of them, YHVH saw a path to their freedom, safety and redemption. The Lord opened the sea, but the people had to move forward in obedience into the unknown and into the terrifying impossible. It’s the same for us now. Because of their consuming, high level of fear, the Israelites were prompted to accept the only path of escape disaster that the Lord provided and opened up before them. Once their hearts were totally overwhelmed with hopelessness and fear, they became willing to embrace the impossible and to obey their righteous leader by doing something that their flesh was terrified to do. No one had ever before seen a sea part and dry land appear, while walls of water formed the safe channel of a pathway to the other side. What we are about to see in our time, may be just as outrageous to our human minds and emotions.

The Lord is interrupting the plans, the operations, and the idolatries of human beings to bring forth His Kingdom. It will be His way in a manner that that gives the glory to HIM and not to human beings. All human strategies and solutions must fail. The idolatry of human health care institutions and vaccines must fail. They cannot save us, and yet people cling to them and serve them as if they were gods. All that must fail, so that we recognize that we NEED the Lord desperately! We, as believers, must go through this process of refinement. We must choose the Lord over everything else. We must worship Him in spite of losses, lack and terror. We must stand for truth and be willing to speak it forth in a world that both hates and punishes truth and truth tellers.

What can we expect to see? My comments are in red type.

Daniel 11:14

14 In those times many will rise up against the king of the South. Violent ones among your own people will exalt themselves in fulfillment of the vision, but they will fail.

Daniel 11:33-35 (NASB)

32 With flattery he will corrupt those who violate the covenant (humanistic church leaders/ shepherds and parishioners), but the people who know their God will firmly resist him (i.e. take valiant action). 33 Those with insight (Godly truth-tellers) will instruct many, though for a time they will fall by sword or flame, or be captured or plundered. 34 Now when they fall, they will be granted a little help, but many will join them insincerely (fair weather or false friends/allies) 35 Some of the wise will fall (Buy into the deception), so that they may be refined, purified, and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time (Note this activity happens BEFORE the appointed end of time). (New King James Version .. verse 32 …

Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.)

2 Peter 2:2-

2 Many will follow in their depravity (the global luciferians), and because of them the way of truth will be defamed.

3 In their greed, these false teachers will exploit you with deceptive words. The longstanding verdict against them remains in force, and their destruction does not sleep (the Lord knows their hearts and what they will do. He has judgement ready for them). 4 For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them deep into hell, placing them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment;… 5 if He did not spare the ancient world when He brought the flood on its ungodly people, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, among the eight; 6 if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction, reducing them to ashes as an example of what is coming on the ungodly;… 7 and if He rescued Lot, a righteous man distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless…8 (for that righteous man, living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous soul by the lawless deeds he saw and heard)—… 9 if all this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.… 10 Such punishment is specially reserved for those who indulge the corrupt desires of the flesh and despise authority (YHVH’s authority). Bold and self-willed, they are unafraid to slander glorious beings. 11 Yet not even angels, though greater in strength and power, dare to bring such slanderous charges against them before the Lord. 12These men are like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be captured and destroyed. They blaspheme in matters they do not understand, and like such creatures, they too will be destroyed. 13 The harm they will suffer is the wages of their wickedness. They consider it a pleasure to carouse in broad daylight. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deception as they feast with you.… 14 Their eyes are full of adultery; their desire for sin is never satisfied; they seduce the unstable. They are accursed children with hearts trained in greed.… 15 They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness.

17 These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them.

**The Luciferians are playing chess, while Christians have been playing a friendly game of checkers. It’s time to get into the strategies of the Kingdom.

**The Luciferians have been playing offense, while the Body has been largely been playing defense. We need to stop reacting and begin acting in obedience to the leading of the Lord.

**This is WW3! IT’S TIME TO FIGHT! We need to gather and to study the intel; observing or learning about what the Enemy is doing and saying. At times, the Lord will bring us divine revelation of things that we couldn’t discover on our own. Battles must be fought based upon wisdom and reality … not upon fantasy and supposition. Do the work of preparation. However, we must not let our emotions become embroiled in what we have learned from our intelligence gathering. Keep our eyes upon Him and stay focused there as we wait in prayer for the attack plans to appear. We must always seek the Lord regarding how to respond. At times, YHVH will provide us with intel that we could not know/find by ourselves. At other times, He will want us to be wise and have eyes wide open to see and to hear for ourselves, so that we will have the passion of the conquering Kingdom in our heart and mind, to fight and to take back ground. CRITICAL POINT: We must not fight motivated by, or driven by, rage or offense, but rather from love, arising out of His righteous passion for truth, righteousness, and justice, so that His Kingdom will arise through us to crush the dark powers.

** We have power and as well as a role to play. Let’s apply it! Joshua prayed, declared, and stopped the sun. Moses lifted up his staff of authority and ordered the people to move into the Sea. Moses also called for the earth to open and it did; gulping down Korah and his troops. Elijah struck the river with his mantle and the water parted; opening up before him (2 Kings 2:8). Esther stepped into the King’s court, uninvited … into a deadly situation … and advocated for her people; saving her whole nation. We need to DO something as the Lord directs. How do we know what to do? Step 1 … know that HE TALKS … STEP 2 listen to what HE SAYS …STEP 3: OBEY what HE DIRECTS. STEP 4: MOVE TO COMPLETE THE TASK!

**WORSHIP NOW NEEDS TO BECOME WARSHIP …i.e. a vehicle that transports us against the Enemy to defeat him! The armies of Israel always had the worshippers go before them into the battle. It clears the way, and scatters the enemies.

**It’s time to speak to the Luciferian technologies. We can shut them down and put wrenches in their works. At this moment, the 2nd heaven technologies of the Hadron Collider in Switzerland continue to expand, and take giant steps into opening up portals to other worlds (particularly into the 2nd heaven to make an entryway for extraterrestrial beings and fallen angels.) The Lord warned me about the evil plans and the dangers of 5G years ago. We are now seeing the interface of 5G and artificial intelligence with the nanos and ingredients in the Covid vax injections (graphene oxide); for creating physically manipulated, and mentally/emotionally controlled, trans humans. We cannot sit by and let this happen. It’s time to fight with heavenly weapons and strategies. The Lord owns this planet. It is for His glory and for His harvest that we fight.

**We must engage in this battle with a whole heart. The miraculous exploits will be given only to those, who have an undivided heart for the Kingdom and a deep relationship of commitment with the Lord.

**It’s time for us to flatten the SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL CURVE through spiritual warfare, intercession and decree. It’s time to flatten the curve of the propaganda, the disinformation, and the mind control. Speak truth far and wide to counteract the massive influx of lies, which are taking control of human souls.


**Much of human society, and far too many of Biblical faith, are falling into what is known as the Stockholm Syndrome. That is the psychological tendency of a hostages to bond with, identify with, or sympathize with their captors/oppressors … willingly cooperating with/accommodating the demands of the oppressor, to help him succeed. STOP ACCOMMODATING, COOPERATING, and AGREEING WITH THOSE SEEKING TO KILL YOU, AND TO DESTROY YOUR LIFE AND SOCIAL ORDER.

**DO YOU FEEL DEFEATED? Does it seem that we are losing the battle?

The Lord often exposes corruption through setting up intentional defeat … not through victory. (consider Joshua and the battle of Ai … YHVH exposed corruption in the camp through defeat of Israel’s armies. When the corruption was removed, the Israelites rallied to a tremendous victory. The corruption is being purged now. Join in with the Kingdom of Heaven to prosper it. Don’t try to block the course correction or the house cleaning. Call for the exposures to be uncovered, rather than praying for them to stop. We don’t need to be comfortable. We need to be delivered.

**For too long the Body of Messiah has been so earthly minded that it has been producing very little heavenly “good”. That must change now. It’s time to become what the Lord called us to be from the beginning.

**Finally, … HOLD YOUR POSITION and do not blink or backup!! The Kingdom of YHVH is victorious … and it is coming to the earth. Rejoice! Praise Him! Declare His glory in unity and strength. IT WILL BE GOOD IN THE END! IF IT’S NOT GOOD RIGHT NOW … IT’S NOT THE END! Stand up! Move ahead! Advance! Keep standing! Keep fighting! The Lord is with us!