The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021
CORRECTED link to Lars Enarson teaching: Israel, COVID 19, and End of Days Deception, CLICK HERE
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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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    your praises all day long."
(Psalm 35:28)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
AG Merrick Garland Instructs FBI to Mobilize Against Parents Who Oppose Critical Race Theory, Covid Mandates in Public Schools
Protestors Called "Domestic Terrorists"

The Biden Regime is targeting political opponents and using the might of the federal government to abolish the First Amendment by classifying dissent as “domestic terrorism.”

US Attorney General Merrick Garland has instructed the FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Covid mandates, citing ‘threats.’

Merrick Garland’s letter to the FBI follows the National School Board Association’s request to classify protests as “domestic terrorism.”

“Threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run counter to our nation’s core values,” wrote Attorney General Garland. “Those who dedicate their time and energy to ensuring that our children receive a proper education in a safe environment deserve to be able to do their work without fear for their safety.”

Curiously, Garland’s letter didn’t actually specify any credible threats.

“Citing an increase in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence against school board members, teachers and workers in our nation’s public schools, today Attorney General Merrick B. Garland directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to meet in the next 30 days with federal, state, Tribal, territorial and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend. These sessions will open dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting, assessment and response by law enforcement.” the DOJ’s press release read.

The DOJ will be creating a task force “consisting of representatives from the department’s Criminal Division, National Security Division, Civil Rights Division, the Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys, the FBI, the Community Relations Service and the Office of Justice Programs, to determine how federal enforcement tools can be used to prosecute these crimes…” (The Gateway Pundit) Read more here.

Father, this is outrageous and we ask You to strengthen and empower people to stand up on behalf of their children and face this tyranny to demand the justice granted by the 1st Amendment.  We ask You Father to demolish the accusations of "threats of violence" and "domestic terrorism".  These parents will not hand their children over to elected individuals who do not honor the God-given rights and responsibilities of parents.  We pray for strength for those who, at their own expense, will peaceably assemble, speak freely, and petition for redress of grievances.  Grant them favor and Holy Spirit wisdom to be victorious in this battlefield for the lives and hearts of our precious children.  

- "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."   (Matthew 18:6) 

1. Hamas says de-escalation agreement was reached in Gaza - report - Jerusalem Post

A Hamas official told the Turkish Anadolu news site that a "de-escalation agreement" was reached in the Gaza Strip, N12 reported Tuesday evening.

A Hamas delegation headed by the movement’s leader, Ismail Haniyeh, visited Egypt on Sunday to discuss a number of issues, with the movement announcing the visit the night before. (Read more)  

2.  Lapid pleads for coalition to stay united, as Netanyahu vows to topple it - Times of Israel

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid told a meeting of his Yesh Atid faction on Monday that the members of the government coalition must stay unified ahead of the deadline to pass the state budget.

Speaking on the first day of the Knesset’s winter session, Lapid said that coalition lawmakers must focus on the bigger picture.

“We have five weeks, during which we all have one goal and one goal only: to pass a budget,” said Lapid. “Without that, there will be no government. Without that, nobody will accomplish their dreams. Instead we’ll go back to the chaos and the poison that was here just a few months ago.”  (Read more)  

3. Netanyahu to Bennett: You attack doctors instead of Iran - Israel National News

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud) spoke this afternoon (Monday) at the opening session of the Knesset's winter session, and attacked the Bennett-Lapid government mainly over its conducting of the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

"The first 100 days of this government can be summed up in one sentence: the government 'contains', the media feeds us [that line], and the citizens of Israel have to swallow it," Netanyahu said at the beginning of his remarks.

"The statistics don't lie. Four months ago, under our leadership, the Bloomberg Index ranked Israel fifth in the world in the success ranking of the fight against the coronavirus. Today, under your leadership, it ranks us 41st out of 53 countries. We are almost at the bottom of the table of countries examined."  (Read more)  

4.  ‘Political use of a sensitive operation’ – Bennett slammed for Mossad mission reveal - World Israel News

After Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s dramatic announcement that the Mossad had embarked on a mission to determine the whereabouts of long-missing Israeli soldier Ron Arad, critics questioned whether or not the operation was anything to brag about.

“Last month, Mossad agents, men and women, embarked on a complex, wide-ranging and daring operation to find the remains and whereabouts of Ron Arad,” said the premier.

Arad, an Israeli Air Force navigator who was taken captive in Lebanon by Shi’a forces in 1986, has not been heard from since 1988.

report from the Mossad and the IDF, which was released in 2016, indicated that Arad had likely perished then.  (Read more)  

5. German Chancellor Angela Merkel to visit Israel next week - Israel Hayom

Outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel will travel to Israel on Oct. 10 for a farewell visit, the office of Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's confirmed on Sunday.

Merkel will meet Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and is expected to attend a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

The chancellor is then scheduled to visit the Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center, accompanied by Bennett.  (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Francis Collins to step down as NIH director by year's end - Politico

National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins plans to step down by the end of the year after nearly three decades at the agency, including 12 years at the helm, the agency announced Tuesday.

The 71-year-old physician-geneticist led the agency under three consecutive presidents — making him the first presidentially appointed NIH director to serve in more than one administration and the longest-serving NIH director.

His departure, first reported by POLITICO on Monday night, had been in the works for some time, one person familiar said. “I fundamentally believe ... that no single person should serve in the position too long, and that it’s time to bring in a new scientist to lead the NIH into the future," Collins said in a statement. (Read more)
- Oh, Lord, we thank You that this professing Christian has contributed to medical science during his career, but  we pray that he will be replaced by a strong and patriotic Christian who will lead this organization in the direction that You have for it rather than what is politically correct.  We pray for someone who will not approve of using fetal tissue for research or promoting masks and vaccines.  We know that true wisdom comes from above and we bless You, Lord, for a new NIH director who will be fruitful in saving lives and improving  the health of Americans.
- "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy."  (James 3:17)  

2. Attacks on Sinema turn increasingly personal - The Hill

Attacks on Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) are becoming increasingly personal as she faces blowback for refusing to support the massive $3.5 trillion budget that progressives are demanding pass alongside the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal. On Sunday, video surfaced of protesters following Sinema into a bathroom at Arizona State University, where one activist stood outside of the stall the senator was in.

The incident prompted Sinema to issue a statement saying the “behavior was not legitimate protest.”

"It is unacceptable for activist organizations to instruct their members to jeopardize themselves by engaging in unlawful activities such as gaining entry to closed university buildings, disrupting learning environments, and filming students in a restroom,” she said.
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters on Monday that while he supports the right to a peaceful protest, it was “over the line” for the protesters to follow Sinema into the bathroom and record her.  (Read more)  

- Father God, it is outrageous that this Senator was followed into the restroom by protestors who crossed the line of decency!  We ask that You would expose those behind this, both the funding of the group and the participants, and hold them responsible.  We bind up any further harassment of this Senator or others who are leaning in a conservative direction.  Protect those who are not following tyrannical orders that are harmful to the US and may they look to You for protection.  
- "In you, Lord, I have taken refuge;  let me never be put to shame."  (Psalms 71:1) 

3. FDA authorizes new rapid COVID-19 test, says capacity will double - The Hill

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday authorized a new rapid, at-home COVID-19 test, in a move it said is expected to double the availability of such tests in the coming weeks.

The FDA said it has authorized a coronavirus test from the company ACON Laboratories. It is not the first authorization of such a test, which can deliver results in as little as 15 minutes, but, amid supply shortages, the move could be key in boosting their availability. Jeff Shuren, a top FDA official, said the move "is expected to double rapid at-home testing capacity in the U.S. over the next several weeks."

He said the company plans to produce more than 100 million tests per month by the end of the year and 200 million per month by February. The Biden administration has come under pressure to do more to boost rapid, at-home testing capacity, an area where experts have been pushing for more action for months.
Rapid tests can, for example, help keep schools open safely.  (Read more) 

- Dear Lord, we thank You that it looks like more home tests will be available to the general public so that people's lives will not be held up wondering if they have have COVID or not.  We pray these new tests will be truly accurate and dispel the fear that is so strong a factor with this virus.  
- "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it."  (Proverbs 10:22)  

4. Psaki dodges specifics on Hunter Biden investment in Chinese firm - Washington Examiner

White House press secretary Jen Psaki dodged specifics on Hunter Biden’s ownership stake in a Chinese government-linked investment firm, saying only that “he has been working to wind that down” and directing reporters to speak with the president’s son for further details.

The lack of transparency comes despite promises from President Joe Biden that his family would not have any foreign business ties. The Washington Examiner reported last week that Chinese business records indicate that Hunter Biden still appears to hold a 10% equity stake in Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity Investment Fund Management.

The president said his family would not be involved in "any business, any enterprise that is in conflict with or appears to be in conflict with an appropriate distance from the presidency and government” during the presidential transition period in December, and a reporter pressed Psaki about his pledge on Monday. (Read more)  

- Father, the amount of deception and intentionally devious behavior coming from this administration is sin and we ask You Father to bring them to repentance.  It is intolerable for any nation to be governed by dishonor and disrespect.  We forgive them and release them into Your hands Father, that they would turn from their wicked ways.  May they get new hearts to do the right thing for justice and Godliness.

- "An unjust man is an abomination to the righteous, And he who is upright in the way is an abomination to the wicked."  (Proverbs 29:27)

5. Supreme Court Sends Legal Challenge to Border Wall Back to Lower Courts - DML News

The Supreme Court has vacated a lower court ruling prohibiting the federal government from diverting funds from the military to construct the U.S.–Mexico border wall, sending the case back to the lower court for review.

During his administration, then-President Donald Trump had sought to transfer money from the Department of Defense toward the construction of a U.S.–Mexico border wall after Congress rejected his request for more funding. But President Joe Biden canceled the Trump-era emergency declaration when he took office and returned the unspent funds to the Pentagon.

The Supreme Court’s Oct. 4 decision means that the justices agreed to take the appeal and vacated a previous federal district judge’s ruling. (Read more)  

- Thank you Lord.  It appears that the Supreme Court actually wants this issue with the border wall to be re-evaluated because they did not accept the previous prohibition.  May there be justice in the courtrooms of the 9th Circuit Court and the District Court.  We pray for Your will to prevail Holy One.  Amen.

- "The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness."  (Isaiah 33:5)  

6. Biden administration reverses Trump rule on abortion - DML News

The Biden administration on Monday revoked a Trump-era rule that became a flash point in the abortion wars by forbidding clinics that receive federal family planning aid from advising people about ending their pregnancies.

The new rule for the half-century-old family planning program known as Title X will allow health centers to receive the federal funds even if they refer patients for abortions. It takes effect Nov. 8.

The rule reverses a move initiated in 2018 by former president Donald Trump to appeal to the social conservatives crucial to his political base, siding with them in a long-running battle with the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and other family planning groups. (Read more)   

- Oh Holy One, we ask You to defeat this abortion bloodshed nightmare in our country.  This horrific evil practice must be stopped at every turn.  We ask You to pass judgment on this wicked practice of killing our most innocent and allow hearts to turn towards life and love, in Jesus name.

- "The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.  He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies."  (Isaiah 42:13)  

7. CDC releases guidelines for preventing COVID-19 spread during holidays - New York Post

Regardless of vaccination status, the CDC advises holding virtual holiday soirees in which revelers celebrate with family and friends via video chat. Holidaymakers are encouraged to throw a “virtual dance party and collaborate with friends and family on a playlist,” per the guidelines.

With regards to presents, the CDC suggests that people take gifts and food to “family, friends and neighbors in a way that does not involve contact with others, such as leaving them at the door.”

Of course, sometimes brick-and-mortar shindigs are inevitable. In this event, hosts should hold the festivities outdoors and make sure that guests stand 6 feet apart. If gathering indoors, revelers should ensure there is plenty of fresh air by opening windows and doors and even positioning a fan in one of the open windows to blow the air out. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace … we entrust ourselves and the people of this earth into Your powerful care.  Would you neutralize and destroy this Covid virus and the fear and trauma that have attended it.  We stand in authority in the the position of prayer against this poison and bind and rebuke it and command it to cease and desist in Jesus name!  We also ask You Holy One to obstruct, muzzle and stop every man-made plan and agenda; we bind and defeat them, in Jesus name.

- " 'And these signs will follow those who believe:  In My name they will cast out demons; . . . and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.'"  (Mark 16:17a, 18) 

8. Joe Biden Appoints Sanctuary City Supporter to Prosecute Illegal Aliens - Brietbart

Last week, Biden appointed Kerry E. Doyle to lead the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency’s Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) that is responsible for prosecuting illegal aliens facing deportation from the United States.

Doyle, as local media reported, is an immigration attorney out of Boston, Massachusetts, who famously co-filed the lawsuit against the Trump administration’s travel ban in 2017 that barred immigration to the U.S. from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, and Venezuela.

Doyle’s record extends also to initiating sanctuary legislation in local communities and a critic of ICE as an enforcer of federal immigration law. Jon Feere with the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) writes that Doyle “is a strong advocate of sanctuary policies” and has advocated for legislation that would prohibit local law enforcement from even inquiring about a suspect’s immigration status. (Read more) 

- Father God, please cause Mr. Biden to step down and replace him with one who governs with WISDOM, TRUTH, and RIGHTEOUSNESS, according to Your word and will.  Ms. K.E. Doyle should not have been appointed as the OPLA; as stated by the author of the article—her appointment is akin to “putting an arsonist in charge of the fire department.” This is far beyond foolishness, Father; and we ask for Your help for families of those murdered and persons maimed already in this nation by the illegal aliens released into our communities. May we come to our senses and stop this insanity.
- "You who boast in the law [Ms. Doyle], do you dishonor God by breaking the law? 24 As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” (Romans 2:23-24) 

9. Marine who spoke out against Afghanistan withdrawal no longer in the brig - Washington Examiner

The military officer facing legal consequences for speaking out against Department of Defense leaders is no longer in the brig.

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr., whose criticism of the Afghanistan withdrawal received attention nationwide, had been in pretrial confinement in the Regional Brig for Marine Corps Installations East at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, but both sides agreed to a release, according to Capt. Sam Stephenson, a Training and Education Command spokesman.

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller Jr. is being released from confinement today, Oct. 5, 2021, as a result of a mutual agreement between Lt. Col. Scheller, his Defense counsel, and the Commanding General, Training Command," said Stephenson in a statement to the Washington Examiner.
"No additional details regarding the agreement may be released at this time," he added. (Read more) 

- Thank you, Lord, that Lt. Col. Scheller is a free man today; and we earnestly pray that he remain so. May none of the four specific charges be brought against him at his hearing. Thank you that $2.5 million has been raised on the Lt. Col.’s behalf. May those responsible for the terrible decisions regarding the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan be held responsible for the horrendous consequences of their orders. And, may the remaining “hostages” left behind find Your way of escape, In Jesus Name!

- "The exile will soon be set free, and will not die in the dungeon, nor will his bread be lacking."  (Isaiah 51:14) 

10. Photos show the Canary Island volcano in the Atlantic, which is becoming 'much more aggressive,' say scientists - Business Insider
The Cumbre Vieja volcano, located in La Palma in Spain's Canary Islands, exploded on September 19 and is becoming "much more aggressive," scientists warn.

Authorities have recorded multiple earthquakes, and a new flow of fiery magma as the volcano continues to erupt, blowing more fissures and spewing more lava into the sea, according to AP.

More than 6000 people have had to be evacuated - including 400 tourists. The Spanish government has declared La Palma a disaster zone and has vowed to provide financial support to those affected.

The smoke plumes are concentrated along the Atlantic Ocean and the African continent, according to the EU Earth Observation Programme. (Read more and see these stunning photos by going here.) 

- Abba Father, in Jesus name we speak peace—SHALOM—to the Cumbre Vieja volcano. We thank You that no one has died nor has anyone been injured. Please, Father, use this volcano for Your glory and Your good purposes; may it cause people to be in awe of You and know You as the Creator. Comfort those who have lost their homes, belongings, and livelihood; reveal Your good plans to them as they start over in a new location. Use Your church to bless and help the homeless and spread Your Good News. We say “NO!” to any plans of the enemy to use this volcano for his evil purposes, in Jesus name, Amen.
- "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now."  (Romans 8:18-22)

The Daily Jot

New Government Data Exposes Alarming Deficiencies In Fight Against COVID

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, October 5, 2021

A Daily Jot investigation of the federal government’s official COVID 19 data clearly demonstrates that COVID 19 vaccine efficacy rapidly declines, vaccination breakthroughs are causing a majority of COVID 19 cases and hospitalizations, and there are significant numbers of deaths among the vaccinated aged 65+. Data from three government agencies clearly contradicts claims that the pandemic continues solely because of the unvaccinated. These alarming findings should signal to the government, politicians and the medical community that a new approach must be taken to fight this disease as the current paradigm has diminishing results. The media’s failure to report the reality of these official statistics is irresponsible.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) reports that 84.5% of all Medicare/Medicaid Certified Long Term Care Facilities residents are vaccinated. The week ending September 19, CMS details 136,513 COVID 19 resident deaths out of 697,020 cases. Doing the math: 84.5% vaccinated residents of 136,513 resident deaths equates to 115,353 COVID 19 deaths of vaccinated residents, and 21,160 unvaccinated resident deaths. CMS notes there are some data reporting and data entry errors, but states that these “are nominal and do not significantly impact the overall observed trend of COVID 19 cases and deaths.” While it is possible that all the deaths are of the unvaccinated, CMS neither implies nor states this. Given the percentages posed in this data set, the vaccinated in nursing homes could be dying from COVID 19 at more than FIVE times the rate of the unvaccinated. This is not far-fetched when Project Salus data is considered. Read More

Turning Parents Into Terrorists
The left's attack on American freedom just got a whole lot worse.  The Biden Administration is ordering the FBI to investigate parents who allegedly threaten school board members. 
So, let's get this straight:  The radical forces indoctrinating your children are trying to shut you up by utilizing the same agency, the FBI, that the left used to smear Donald Trump with the fake Russia collusion hoax. 
Of course, no one should be physically threatened.  In the rare cases where that actually happens, local law enforcement is more than able to handle it.  So why is the FBI getting involved? 
The American people are absolutely disgusted with the indoctrination that's going on in our public schools.  They're sick and tired of the "hate America history" our kids are being taught.  They're outraged by Marxist critical race theory and so-called "equity" instruction that sees racism under every bed and around every corner.
Nearly every family in America has experienced the heartbreak of having a child or grandchild radicalized by leftists in our public schools against family, faith and freedom.  Thankfully, parents have woken up to the anti-American indoctrination, and they're fighting back.  Recall efforts against left-wing school board members are surging across the country.
. . . 
On Fox News this morning, former Education Secretary Bill Bennett, my old colleague in the Reagan Administration, said this is simply an effort to intimidate parents into silence. 
He's right.  That's what the left always does – it tries to silence opponents and shut down debate. 
But you must not be silent! 
Bill Bennett and I have warned about the left's grip on public education for years.  We fought the left-wing educational establishment when we served in the Reagan Administration.  The book Dr. James Dobson and I wrote together, Children At Risk, was all about the left's desire to seize the hearts and minds of our children. 
Fortunately, Dr. Bennett is working on an accurate, pro-America history curriculum that will be suitable for all schools, public and religious.  It can't come soon enough!
My friends, this is our country.  You pay the salaries of public school teachers and school board members.  They don't get to dictate to us!  They're public servants who work for us!  

(Source: Gary Bauer; End-of-Day. To read all of Gary's commentaries for today,
please go here.)
There are multiple impactful decisions that are before Congress this week. Each of these huge bills will bring fundamental and consequential change to our nation. Be in prayer about each one of these bills and decisions. We encourage you to take action in addition to your prayer–you will see the action opportunities below. Pray for your individual representative, as well as the swing voters who are potential decisionmakers.

These three pieces of legislation are:

1. The $3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

2. The Debt Ceiling

3. The Abortion Overrule otherwise known as the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021

> > > To read the details about all three battlefronts, please go here.

(Source: Intercessors for America)  
Father God, we see our nation in a such a pivotal place. We are seeing legislation, decisions and mandates that are sending our nation careening away from Your principles. None of this takes you by surprise. We need you God! May You find us faithful to pray and act to realign our nation under Your values and protection.

(Prayer offered by IFA) 
Signs & Wonders
“Air temperatures rapidly rose above 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit,” writes study co-author Christopher Moore. “Clothing and wood immediately burst into flames. Swords, spears, mudbricks and pottery began to melt. Almost immediately, the entire city was on fire.”.
Ancient City’s Destruction by Exploding Space Rock
May Have Inspired Biblical Story of Sodom
Around 1650 B.C.E., the Bronze Age city of Tall el-Hammam was wiped out by a blast 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb used at Hiroshima

The destruction of Tall el-Hammam, a Bronze Age city in the Jordan Valley, by an exploding comet or meteor may have inspired the biblical story of Sodom and Gomorrah, a new study suggests. (“[N]otoriously sinful cities,” Sodom and Gomorrah’s devastation by sulfur and fire is recorded in the Book of Genesis, according to Encyclopedia Britannica.)

At the time of the disaster, around 1650 B.C.E., Tall el-Hammam was the largest of three major cities in the valley. It likely acted as the region’s political center, reports Ariella Marsden for the Jerusalem Post. Combined, the three metropolises boasted a population of around 50,000.

Tall el-Hammam’s mudbrick buildings stood up to five stories tall. Over the years, archaeologists examining the structures’ ruins have found evidence of a sudden high-temperature, destructive event—for instance, pottery pieces that were melted on the outside but untouched inside. Read More

The Good News Corner
Evangelist Alveda King to Share Pro-Life Curriculum with Churches, Schools under New Organization

The niece of Martin Luther King Jr. has launched a new pro-life organization that will provide pro-life curriculums to after-school clubs and Sunday schools in an effort to stress the importance of human life to the next generation.

Earlier this month, Evangelist and activist Alveda King launched the group Speak For Life. Through the organization, King will travel to and speak at different colleges, schools and venues across the nation.

"Speak For Life — the organization is new, but my ministry and mission has been ongoing for all of my life," King told The Christian Post in a recent interview.

"I was rescued from abortion myself in 1950 when my mom was pregnant with me, and my grandfather convinced her to have me," she noted.

In the interview, King also offered some insight into the Speak For Life curriculum. According to King, through the curriculum, students will be shown 3D and 4D ultrasounds and asked to answer the question, "When does life begin"?

"As [the ultrasound] unfolds, you might see that conception, which is spectacular. It's just beautiful," she explained. "You see the baby unfolding. And then [we] say, 'When is the baby, a baby?' You let the students begin to answer, but you have the science there." (Christian Headlines) Read more. 

- Father we thank you for the opportunity to speak life-giving words into the lives of the next generation. Bless Alveda King’s ministry as she travels the nation. May Your Holy name be glorified with multiplied fruit through this pro-life curriculum.-In Jesus name, Amen. 

- “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the earth.” (
Psalm 108:5)    
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Prayer
A Lying Spirit | Day Two
Repentance builds us up in Christ, removing old sin strongholds, so that we fear God, not man, in these end times. Proverbs 6:16-19 sets forth the 7 abominations God hates (that's His Word).
Each one of the seven has been loosed on the planet in every nation, and you and I, already called by Him His Bride, (Ephesians 5: 25-27) are now urged by Him today (Revelation 3: 19-21) to extricate ourselves from these abominations, these demonic traps. We are to come up higher to His Word as our Rock, extricating ourselves from this wicked culture all around us. Today is the day to get ready; He is the soon-coming Bridegroom.

Today on Day Two of the 21 Day Repentance journey the focus is on the next abomination God hates: A LYING SPIRIT. We all have some measure of it; whenever I exaggerate I'm lying.
Read More  Website
Classic Hymns

Count Your Blessings 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Johnson Oatman
Music: Edwin Excell

Scripture: Blessings crown the head of the righteous. Proverbs 10:6

When upon life’s billows
You are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged,
Thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings,
Name them one by one,
And it will surprise you
What the Lord hath done.

Count your blessings,
Name them one by one,
Count your blessings,
See what God hath done!
Count your blessings,
Name them one by one,
And it will surprise you
What the Lord hath done.

Are you ever burdened
With a load of care?
Does the cross seem heavy
You are called to bear?
Count your many blessings,
Every doubt will fly,
And you will keep singing
As the days go by.


When you look at others
With their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised
You His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings.
Wealth can never buy
Your reward in Heaven,
Nor your home on high.


So, amid the conflict
Whether great or small,
Do not be disheartened,
God is over all;
Count your many blessings,
Angels will attend,
Help and comfort give you
To your journey’s end.

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