The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Nov 5, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand               Friday, Nov. 5, 2021
Be sure to catch the story of the amazing win in New Jersey: a humble truck driver just knocked out the long-time Democrat who led the State Senate for many, many years! And the truck driver began his campaign with only $137.00!

Read his story today, under the Daily Jot, and join us in praying God's blessing upon this true patriot in New Jersey! 

This section is titled: It Wasn't Just Virginia!
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

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The Daily Brief
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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "JIREH" by Elevation Worship. Go here!

"Plan and plot all you want—nothing will come of it.
    All your talk is mere talk, empty words,
Because when all is said and done,
    the last word is Immanuel—God-With-Us."

(Isaiah 8:10 The Message)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
OSHA Vaccine Mandate Released, 84 Million Workers Face Jan. 4 Deadline
The Biden administration has released the new rule from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requiring 84 million private sector workers to get vaccinated for COVID-19.The administration has also announced its rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Assistance (CMS) requiring 17 million healthcare workers participating in federal health programs to be vaccinated.

The White House is also pushing back the deadline for workers in those sectors, as well as federal contractors, to get fully vaccinated to Jan. 4, 2022, according to a senior administration official.

“We wanted to do this because we’re really aligning it to make it easier—to make it as easy as possible for businesses to implement these requirements and for workers to comply,” said the official, when asked about pushing back the deadline.

The Biden administration had received multiple letters from industries requesting the deadline for vaccination be moved back until after the holiday season.

The OSHA rule requires employers with 100 or more employees to put vaccine requirements in place for all staff, or face fines of up to $14,000 per violation. The agency is allowed to put into place an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) when it determines workers are at “grave risk.”

Under the rule, workers who are not vaccinated are required to submit a weekly negative COVID test at no expense to their employer. Unvaccinated workers are also required to wear masks when on the job. Health care workers do not have the testing option. (Read more)

Note from CHPP: You can download, complete and turn in religious exemption forms with your employer. CLICK HERE for exemption forms for employees, students, and military.

- Almighty God, we are trusting You to deliver us from this control that China has seeped into our world through the Wuhan lab and its virus.  We pray You bring mass deliverance from this COVID-19 curse.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Hear me, O Lord, for Your lovingkindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of Your tender mercies."  (Psalm 69:16)  

1. PM Bennett Asks MK Kariv to Cancel Kotel Visit Friday for Fear of Violence - Jewish Press

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has personally asked Labor MK Gilad Kariv not to attend the egalitarian services being held Friday at the Kotel, Western Wall Plaza in Jerusalem organized by the Women of the Wall for fear that there could be a violent confrontation.

The Israel police have already announced plans to bring in additional officers to maintain the peace at the Plaza.

Director General of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation Mordechai Eliav, sent a letter to the Jerusalem district police chief saying, “The foundation does not take responsibility for maintaining public order in the plaza tomorrow.” Then group, he said, is simply not capable of mediating between the sides.  (Read more)  

2. Senior Intelligence source: Israeli Arab rioters coordinated with terror groups - Israel National News

Lt. Col. B, a veteran intelligence officer who recently retired from a long career in a variety of IDF intelligence bodies that monitored the activities of enemy states and terrorist elements, refers to the new front to which the public in Israel was exposed during the the riots which accompanied Operation Guardian of the Walls in May.

"For us in the IDF, this is a clear point of departure. There is close coordination between the terrorist armies and the cells and mechanisms within Israel, with Israeli Arabs with the means and intent to produce large-scale terrorism that will disrupt the routine of life within the country, both of the civilians and of the security forces," he says.

He adds: "There is a gap that everyone is talking about. The responsibility for internal security lies with the Israel Police. The IDF's activity and authority within the country is mainly in the work of the Home Front Command. Senior police officers work with the framework of industrial quiet and maintaining order as much as possible. I hope it changes, but the active activity to seize weapons, for example, is a drop in the ocean."  (Read more) 

3. 'Israel cannot allow terrorism financing under guise of humanitarian aid' - Israel Hayom

Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan responded on Monday to two letters sent by the Palestinian Authority to the UN protesting Defense Minister Benny Gantz's recent designation of six Palestinian organizations as terrorist entities.

Erdan pointed to the hypocrisy of UN members for not enforcing their own Security Council Resolution 2129 of 2013, which affirms the rights of member states to prosecute and penalize the financing, direct or indirect, of terror groups and their activities.

In a detailed letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Erdan outlined the reasons why those organizations were outlawed by Israel as, through money laundering and other tactics, they provided a lifeline for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which is designated a terrorist organization by the United States, European Union, Australia, Canada, Japan, and Israel.

The PFLP, wrote Erdan, pioneered terrorist attacks in the 1960s and 1970s through armed airplane hijackings, and through the half-century continued to murder civilians, children, and students in bloody terrorist attacks and bombings.  (Read more)  

4. Israel’s Parliament Passes 2021 State Budget in 61-59 Vote - Algemeiner

i24 News – Israeli lawmakers early Thursday morning passed the first state budget in more than three-and-a-half years by a vote of 61 to 59 in a key test for the coalition government led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

The last state budget was signed into law on March 15, 2018.

Bennett took to Twitter to praise the Knesset vote, calling passage of the 2021 state budget a “holiday for the State of Israel.”

“After years of chaos — we have formed a government. We overcame the delta. And now, God willing, we have transferred a budget to Israel! Continue forward with all your might,” he wrote.  (Read more)  

5. Islamic Movement-affiliated fund encourages illegal building in Jerusalem - World Israel News

Public Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev ordered an investigation into the Islamic Movement-affiliated Al-Aqsa Fund, Kol Yehudi reported earlier this week.

A police complaint made against the Al-Aqsa Fund by the Im Tirtzu and Lach Yerushalayim NGOs found that the Al-Aqsa Fund was encouraging illegal building in Jerusalem by raising money to pay the fines of Arabs who erected illegal buildings, an Im Tirtzu press release read.

Bar-Lev acknowledged that an investigation was opened in response to an official inquiry submitted by MK Orit Strook (Religious Zionist Party).  (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. 17 Million Health Care Workers Must Be Vaccinated by Jan. 4 Under Biden’s COVID-19 Mandate: CMS - The Epoch Times
The Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS) on Thursday issued a rule saying that most health care workers in the United States will have to be considered “fully vaccinated” with a COVID-19 vaccine by Jan. 4.
The rule was handed down for all staff who are employed at Medicaid- or Medicare-funded hospitals or facilities. Unlike the Biden administration’s rule that mandates vaccinations or testing for employers with 100 or more workers, the CMS rule does not allow health care staff to opt-out of the rule by submitting to weekly testing—although religious and medical exemptions can be accommodated. (Read more)  
- Lord God, we thank You that the Liberty Counsel has fought in court on behalf of the health care workers in the State of Illinois, and they won! We ask that a wave of
release from this tyranny would be unleashed across our land, having begun now in Illinois. In Your Name, amen.

[For more on this story, please go here.]

- [For the Liberty Counsel:] "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil. 1:6) 

2. INSIGHT-From Boeing to Mercedes, a U.S. worker rebellion swells over vaccine mandates – Reuters

In Wichita, Kansas, nearly half of the roughly 10,000 employees at aircraft companies Textron Inc and Spirit AeroSystems remain unvaccinated against COVID-19, risking their jobs in defiance of a federal mandate, according to a union official.
"We're going to lose a lot of employees over this," said Cornell Adams, head of the local Machinists union district. Many workers did not object to the vaccines as such, he said, but were staunchly opposed to what they see as government meddling in personal health decisions.The union district has hired a Texas-based lawyer to assist employees and prepare potential lawsuits against the companies should requests for medical or religious exemptions to vaccination be denied.

A life-long Democrat, Adams said he would no longer vote for the party. "They'll never get another vote from me and I'm telling the workers here the same thing."The clock is ticking for companies that want to continue gaining federal contracts under an executive order by Democratic President Joe Biden, which requires all contractor employees be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by Dec. 8.

- Father God, we praise the Lord that these companies are standing firm against subjecting themselves to this government's Communist-like control over personal preference.  Deliver us from the curses during World War II of Germany's control.  We claim our freedom here in the United States under God's gracious hand of deliverance.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

"He that spared not His own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"  (Romans 8:32) 

3. The “Edward Snowden” of the Pandemic blows the WHISTLE on bioweapons war with inside information on ADE, mutations and variants – Pandemic.News

At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, most Americans (as usual) believed the narrative on mass media that the virus broke out in humans because people in China were eating infected bats at some wet market. Only truth news (alternative news) suspected that the CCP and the CDC worked in tandem to create the mysterious SARS-CoV-2 “gain of function” virus and released it from a lab (most likely on purpose).
Sure enough, we find out the virus’ genetic signature came from the Wuhan lab, and Fauci helped fund the research for it. Turns out it’s no conspiracy theory at all, and now a Snowden-like whistleblower, with inside information about exactly how mRNA vaccines function, is telling the world exactly how the Covid vaccines are creating a pandemic of their own. Anyone living in denial of this needs to watch the embedded video below of Dr. Paul Cottrell. (Read more)  
- Father God, we thank You for bringing this whistle blower to come forth with the truth that all this Pandemic is a lie straight out of China whose aim is for world control.  We pray You will stretch forth Your hand and say STOP NOW.  NO FURTHER LIES.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God: for it is written, He takes the wise in their own craftiness." (I Corinthians 3:19) 

4. CDC Changed Definition of ‘Vaccine’ Because of COVID-19 Vaccines: Emails - The Epoch Times

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) altered the definition of “vaccine” because of concern that the definition didn’t apply to COVID-19 vaccines, according to newly released internal emails.
The agency updated its definition on Sept. 1. The definition was formerly, “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.” That definition now reads, “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”
One CDC employee in August, shortly before the definition was changed, said the definition was being used by “right-wing COVID-19 pandemic deniers … to argue that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines,” according to the newly published emails.
The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines utilize messenger RNA technology. All three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the United States plummet in effectiveness against infection several months after receiving them, after initially being promoted as protecting against infection and severe disease. (Read more) 

Father in heaven, we pray You will expose all the lies and fake publicity regarding everything that has come out of China regarding this Pandemic.  Close it out, Lord.   All of it is exposed as lies.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding."  (Proverbs 3:13) 

5. Citizen Journalism Rises Among Parents Who Question Health Policies - The Epoch Times

As more people question whether their local health policies are engaging in government overreach, parents are becoming citizen investigative journalists who form constitutional rights groups to hold policymakers accountable.

For Kelly Wiggen in Rutherford County, North Carolina, it began when she said the mask mandates in her child’s school weren’t adding up.From there, the business owner turned researcher started digging, requesting documents, and connecting dots.

Like other constitutional rights groups such as the WNCFreedom2020 group and the North Carolina Citizens for Constitutional Rights, the Rutherford County Board of Accountability (RCBA) is a citizen-run group organized similarly to how established local government boards are structured according to the parliamentary procedure. (Read more) 
- Father God, we thank You for those who have now been awakened to see and to discern the lies we have been told by our federal government, that have abrogated our constitutional rights. May their ranks grow; and may their voices now be heard across our land. Amen.

- "Happy is the man that finds wisdom, and the man that gets understanding."        (Proverbs 3:13)  
6. Rand Paul accuses Fauci of changing 'gain-of-function' definition to 'cover your a--' in fiery clash - Fox News

Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci had the latest in their series of tense exchanges Thursday, when the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases appeared before the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee.

Paul has been a fierce critic of Fauci, accusing him of falsely denying that the government has funded "gain-of-function" research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where Paul believes COVID-19 likely originated. Fauci has denied this and continued to do so in no uncertain terms.

"Dr. Fauci, I don't expect you today to admit that you approved of NIH funding for a gain of function research in Wuhan, but your repeated denials have worn thin," Paul told Fauci as a precursor to his questioning, stating that the National Institutes of Health admitted that it funded a grant to EcoHealth Alliance with a sub-award to the Wuhan lab. Paul said that as part of this work, it engaged in experiments in Wuhan that led to the creation of viruses that do not occur in nature and increased in deadliness.

"The facts are clear. The NIH did fund gain of function research in Wuhan despite your protestations," continued Paul, a Republican from Kentucky, claiming that Fauci’s "persistent denials … are not simply a stain on your reputation but are clear and present danger to the country and to the world." (Read more)

- Lord God, this is a fiery battle between truth and deception.  We know You are all about truth and justice and we desire for Your character to be released in the earth.  We ask for profound and powerful ways to stop the lies and corruption.  We bind the evil experiments that are even still taking place and we call a complete halt to all funding for all of this type of research.  In Jesus name!  We pray Father, for victory in the camp of the righteous.

- "' . . . I am the Lord, who makes all things, Who stretches out the heavens all alone, Who spreads abroad the earth by Myself; Who frustrates the signs of the babblers, And drives diviners mad; . . . '"  (Isaiah 44:24b-25a)  

7. Ernst's 'FAUCI Act' bans US funding for 'gain-of-function' research in China - Fox News

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, is introducing legislation aimed at banning funding "gain-of-function" research in China while calling for a "full accounting" of how U.S. tax dollars were spent on the research.

"For years, American tax dollars were funneled into Communist China, funding dangerous experiments on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Lab, while the head of the division funding those activities, Dr. Fauci, failed to tell the truth to Congress," Ernst said in a press release Monday. 

"We need a full accounting of how and where our tax dollars are being spent—enough is enough. The FAUCI Act will put an end to U.S. funding of gain-of-function research in Communist China, go after government officials who intentionally mislead Congress, and bring about badly needed transparency and accountability." (Read more)

- Oh, Glory to God!  Thank You Father, for this senator who is standing up for integrity and bringing to light the hidden deeds of darkness that have led us to this point.  We thank You that this bill will stop the money flow and demand accountability.  May it pass swiftly, and without obstruction anywhere along the way.  Would You please cause the victory to be released through this bill and that it would be signed on the President's desk without hindrance or interference.  In Jesus name.

- "Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, For it is time to seek the Lord, Till He comes and rains righteousness on you."  (Hosea 10:12)  

 8. In Illinois: Emergency Victory with Much More Work Ahead - Liberty Counsel

Last Friday afternoon, an Illinois federal court issued an emergency restraining order protecting health care workers on a case in which Liberty Counsel Action has been providing critical research!

The federal court restraining order blocked the NorthShore University HealthSystem from terminating the 14 health care workers who are the lead plaintiffs in the case. The case returns to court November 16 to extend the restraining order and to include the entire class of health care workers.

We are fighting for every health care worker like the one who wrote to request, “Allow me to join” this lawsuit.

We are fighting for nurses, doctors and others who were unlawfully discriminated against and denied religious exemptions from the COVID shot. The court said the plaintiffs are likely to prevail based on both the federal employment law, Title VII and the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act! (Read more)

- Father God, we thank You for this great victory on behalf of the health care workers in the State of Illinois, and we ask that You provide the funds so that the Liberty Counsel can continue to fight this fight to the finish line. In Your name, Abba, amen.

- "Nor is He served by human hands, as if He needed anything, because He Himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else." (Acts 17:25) 

9. Dems' Build Back Better plan blocks religious schools from using infrastructure money to improve facilities - Fox News

President Biden's and the Democrats’ Build Back Better Act includes a provision that specifically prohibits religious schools from using infrastructure grants to improve their facilities.

The bill, which House Democrats hope to vote on this week, includes a provision that provides infrastructure grants to improve child care safety, specifically to help child care providers "acquire, construct, renovate or improve" their facilities.

However, further down in the bill’s text, it includes a prohibition against religious organizations like churches and synagogues that also have schools or child care services from using funds to improve their facilities.

Recipients "may not use the funds for modernization, renovation or repair of facilities that are primarily used for sectarian instruction or religious worship," the bill states.

Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., offered an amendment to strike the provision called the Religious Freedom Amendment, but it failed during the Ways and Means Committee’s markup in September. (Read more)

- Lord, we pray for those who have fallen astray to the deceptive lies of the enemy. The persecution of the church continues to manifest among our leaders who falsely proclaim equality and social justice. Father we seek your almighty hand to move among the people. Let their minds be renewed and their hearts open to seek Your will first, so that liberty, justice and truth prevails. Amen!

10. Pentagon warns China is expanding its nuclear arsenal faster than expected – Times of Israel

US Defense Department assessment says Beijing could have over 1,000 nukes by 2030, 2.5 times more than estimated a year ago

China is expanding its nuclear arsenal much more quickly than anticipated, narrowing the gap with the United States, the Pentagon said in a report published Wednesday.

China could have 700 deliverable nuclear warheads by 2027, and could top 1,000 by 2030 — an arsenal two-and-a-half times the size of what the Pentagon predicted only a year ago, according to the report.

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) “is investing in, and expanding, the number of its land-, sea-, and air-based nuclear delivery platforms and constructing the infrastructure necessary to support this major expansion of its nuclear forces.The assessment came in the US Department of Defense’s annual report to Congress on Chinese military developments. (Read more)

- Almighty God, we vehemently pray "Awake America.  Awake."  We pray for Your mercy, regarding Biden's Chinese controllers, that You will overrule their plans of subversion.  Lord, we pray You dispatch angels to come and thoroughly fight this agenda, until it is completely destroyed. In the Name of Jesus we pray, amen.

- "Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid."  (Isaiah 29:14) 

11. 'That's Communist China': Nikki Haley Warns We're on a Frightening March Toward Radical Socialism – CBN News

To millions of Americans, the United States is becoming unrecognizable, from what's being taught in the classroom to transgender bathroom policies to vaccine mandates, there's a noticeable ideological shift.  Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley tells CBN News it's all a threat to our freedom. "I think they're trying to change the foundation of our government," Haley says. "I think this is creating socialist rule and government overreach. That's what they're trying to do. They want government to tell your kids what they're going to learn. They want government to tell you whether you work or whether you don't...and that's not what we want. That's communist China." 

That philosophy bit Democrats in the form of Tuesday's election results in places like Virginia and New Jersey where voters, especially parents, sent a strong message. "This is not so much what Glenn Youngkin did, it's what the parents of Virginia did," Haley says. "They said enough is enough and Glenn tapped into that because they are absolutely tired of the racist politics. They're tired of the woke conversations that are taking place." 

- Almighty God, we pray the Holy Spirit will go across all of America calling all people to repent of their sins and unbelief in God.  Repentance is the cry of our hearts so that America can be saved and delivered from the hands of Communism and Socialism.  AWAKE AMERICA.  In the Name of Jesus we pray, amen!

- "Who is wise and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein."  (Hosea 14:9)
The Daily Jot

Of Pride And Hubris

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, November 4, 2021

Proverbs 16:18 says, “Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.” This is what we saw in Virginia on Tuesday. But the question remains, “did any one learn anything from how the people voted?” Democrat and media commentators focused on how loser Terry McAuliffe was unable to establish his narrative. One member of the media suggested that the media didn’t do a good job amplifying McAuliffe’s campaign themes. This, an indication that even the media believes its duty is to help elect Democratic Party candidates. The post-election analysts argued many factors, none of them included, however, constitutional rights, border security, child protection, etc. It’s all about the narrative.

Democrats should learn that at least half of America, whether they have a college education or not, strongly disagrees with the party agenda. Probably another 35% are just ignorant and will pull the lever for a Democrat no matter what. And the remaining 15% are somewhere in between. Unconstitutional mandates, villainization of groups of people, teaching children that all white people are racist, exposing children to confusing sexual deviancy and pornography in public schools, border security, defunding police forces, inflation, gasoline prices, government-sponsored corporate censorship—all these are things people who vote care about. Democrats—it’s not about the narrative, it’s about your destructive, godless, Marxist agenda. Read More

It Wasn't Just Virginia!
Republicans Topple Countless Democratic Strongholds All Across the Nation!
While most eyes were focused on the vote in the State of Vriginia during Tuesday's election, countless other, "smaller" victories were won by Republicans in jurisdictions across the country. Below please find  a few examples (but there are many more!),  followed by a prayer of THANKSGIVING for "what God hath wrought!" 
View His Campaign Message - GO HERE
New Jersey truck driver Edward Durr defeats state Senate president, longtime Dem - Fox News

The Associated Press has officially called a state Senate race in southern New Jersey in favor of Republican candidate and commercial truck driver Edward Durr, who spent only $153 on his primary campaign.

Durr took the election over the longest-serving legislative leader in state history and current New Jersey Senate President Steve Sweeney, a Democrat. (Read more)

2. In San Antonio:
Republicans flip Texas seat where Beto won by 20 points… (Citizen Free Press)
Republican John Lujan wins special election to flip Texas House seat in San Antonio (Read more here.)

3. In New Hampshire:
Republicans Flip Mayoral Seat in Rochester, New Hampshire – A City That Voted Dem Since 2005

Republicans flipped a mayoral seat in Rochester, New Hampshire Tuesday evening. Paul Callaghan won Rochester’s mayoral race with a whopping 66% of the vote – a city that has voted Democrat since 2005. (Read more)

4. In New York State:
Buffalo Mayor Declares Victory in Write-in Campaign Against AOC-Backed Democratic Socialist - Breitbart

Four-term Buffalo, New York, Mayor Byron Brown declared victory Tuesday evening in a stunning write-in campaign over a socialist, India Walton, who defeated him in the Democratic Party primary in June. 

Brown called his apparent victory, which would see him govern for a fifth term, “one of the greatest comeback stories in our history.”

In June, the Associated Press reported that Walton was “on track” to become the city’s next mayor — as well as the first socialist mayor and the first female mayor.

That did not sit well with traditional Democrats, some of whom were stunned into action by the primary. (Read more)

5. On Long Island, New York:
Republicans Sweep County Elections in New York’s Long Island in Political Shocker - BigLeaguePolitics

Republicans raked in sweeping elections wins in Long Island on Tuesday, making gains that New York’s political establishment didn’t expect.

Republicans won county executive and comptroller races in Nassau County, a blue-leaning bellwether that President Joe Biden won by 10 points in the 2020 presidential election.

According to New York Young Republicans Club President Gavin Wax, the GOP flipped every District Attorney seat in Long Island. Nassau County is the most populous county on Long Island, which has a population of more than eight million people.

The wins amount to historic Republican gains in a traditionally liberal-leaning area of a blue state. Long Island isn’t anywhere as progressive as New York City, but the area voted for Biden in the 2020 presidential election. (Read more)

6. In Massachusetts:
MA Teacher Forced to Resign After Attending Jan. 6 Protest Wins School Board Seat - The Gateway Pundit

A Massachusetts teacher who was forced to resign after photos of him at the Capitol on January 6 were shared online has won a seat on the district’s school board. The former Braintree High School teacher Matthew Lynch, 35, was visited by the FBI during his campaign. Lynch resigned in February after working at the school for approximately ten years. (Read more) 
- Lord God, we thank You for the United States of America - the home of the free and the land of the brave. We thank You for each one (named and unnamed) who ran against establishment candidates who have been forcing this socialist agenda down our throats, and who instead have stood tall for truth. We thank You for each one's courage; and for the voters who have voted them into office.

Lord God, today we decree Psalm 91 over each one and over their families, and we ask that they seek You now in all they say and do  when they are in office. Thank You, Lord, amen and amen.

- Psalm 91
'If she's woman enough':

Virginia Lt. Gov.-elect Winsome Sears lays down challenge to Joy Reid over 'white nationalism' claims

Virginia's lieutenant governor-elect, Republican Winsome Sears, laid down a challenge to MSNBC's Joy Reid Wednesday night, daring the progressive news anchor to invite her on her show to have a "real discussion" about race and politics in America.

Reid had claimed during MSNBC's election night coverage that "white nationalism" played a major part in Republicans' sweep of three statewide offices. But those comments didn't sit well with Sears, who on Tuesday became the first black female lieutenant governor in Virginia's history.

"You have to be willing to vocalize that these Republicans are dangerous. This is not a party that is just another political party that disagrees with us on tax policy. At this point, they are dangerous to our national security," Reid said Tuesday night, arguing that Republicans were "stoking" white nationalism.

Speaking with Fox News's Martha MacCallum on Wednesday, Sears responded by daring Reid to raise that argument with her face-to-face.

"I wish Joy Reid would invite me on her show. Let's see if she is woman enough to do that. I would go in a heartbeat, and we will have a real discussion without Joy speaking about me behind my back," Sears blasted. "She talks about white supremacy. Does she know that I ran against a white supremacist? Joy, come on. Get your facts straight and then come talk to me." (The Blaze) Read more. 

56 Voting Machines Were Shut Down, Shipped To Warehouse On Election Night In Dem Stronghold County Where Gov Murphy Got Over 113K Votes 
After the polls closed in New Jersey on Tuesday evening, stunned political pundits watched GOP candidate Jack Ciattarelli take the lead in the governor’s race against the incumbent Democrat Governor Phil Murphy.

Then, on Wednesday morning, after Americans watched coverage of the election showing Ciattarelli flipping traditionally blue counties to red and picking up significantly more votes in red counties than in previous elections, something curious happened—with almost 100% of red counties reporting their votes, election results from Democrat stronghold counties began to trickle in, and Murphy began to take a negligible lead. Then, as the day wore on, more blue counties reported their results, and like magic, Murphy got just enough votes to be declared the winner.

But there’s more…

In Essex County, a Democrat stronghold,  56 voting machines were shut down on election night and were NOT counted.

On Wednesday, County Clerk Christopher Durkin said voting machines in 56 districts were shut down without being counted first.

Durkin blamed the shutdown of 56 voting machines on a “poll worker error.” The News 12 reporter Tony Caputo asked Durkin about the location of the voting machines and when they would be counted? Durkin answered, “It’s a mix; they are mostly in Newark, East Orange, Irvington, Maplewood, and Montclair, which are the majority of those 56 districts.” He asked New Jersey residents not to jump to conclusions as to why the voting machines were shut down without being counted first. He explained, “Those machines are at the polling place right now. Those machines have to be brought back to the warehouse. A judge will issue an order for us to open those machines, retrieve the results and post those results.” (The Gateway Pundit)  Read more here.

- Father God, Holy One, we REPENT that we have allowed our election process to become such a disaster. We ask for mercy for the people of the State of New Jersey,
and for a clean, final vote in the end. Help us, O Lord we pray, amen.

- "Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins." (Psalm 7:9) 
Signs & Wonders
Great Lakes 'have a fever' as first lake-effect snow sets a record

The first significant lake-effect snow of the season dropped nearly a foot of snow near the shores of the Great Lakes Tuesday into Wednesday. The snowfall was enough to transform parts of Michigan's Lower Peninsula into a winter wonderland and break into the record books at one weather station in Michigan.

Snow totals topped 11 inches in northern parts of northern Michigan. Gaylord, Michigan, picked up 11.7 inches of snow on Tuesday, which set a record for the heaviest snowfall in a calendar day in November. That amount also ranked as the sixth highest single-day snowfall in any month. Records have been kept at the National Weather Service (NWS) office there since 1998.

In Gaylord, which is about 225 miles north of Detroit and just to the east of the upper reaches of Lake Michigan, NWS meteorologists posted a slow-motion video on Twitter showing large snowflakes coming down outside of the office there on Tuesday. Read More

The Good News Corner
‘Thank You, Jesus’: Winsome Sears Focuses on Faith After Making History as Virginia’s First Black, Female Lieutenant Governor

While all eyes were on the two men at the top of the ticket in Virginia — Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe — one woman was making history.

Winsome Sears, the lieutenant governor-elect of Virginia, burst onto the stage in the wee hours of the morning Wednesday to celebrate her victory alongside Governor-elect Youngkin, telling those at the election night watch party in Chantilly, Virginia, that she is living “the American dream.”

The U.S. Marine Corps veteran said she was “at a loss for words for the first time in my life,” but nevertheless gave credit to God for her historic win as the commonwealth’s first female and first black American to win the lieutenant governorship.

“God bless you,” she told the rowdy crowd at the end of her speech, thanking her “ragtag” staff for their tireless efforts. “We ran an impossible, improbable campaign. … God was exactly with us, otherwise we would never have made it. And so I want to finish up by thanking you, Jesus. How sweet it is!”

( Read more here. 

- Lord, we PRAISE you as our faithful God, who always shows up on time! Bless Winsome Sears and her family and guide her as she seeks You in leadership. Pour Your favor over the state of Virginia which we declare will be the catalyst for powerful change throughout our entire nation. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

- “Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33) 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
Endeavor to Keep the Unity of the Holy Spirit
Proverbs 6:19 lists one of the Lord's abominations: sowing discord among brethren. Having been a pastor for two decades I think this is a huge pattern in the body of Christ, including with us pastors and priests and worship leaders.

The answer is in Ephesians 4:3. You and I are to: "Endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. " And if you look up the word "endeavor, " as the Lord asked me to do, it means "go the extra mile" " really work at" ----keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Join me in taking a few minutes now with the Risen Christ, Who knocks on the door of our hearts and minds, wanting us to let Him in, so that He can "dine" with us. He wishes us to be overcomers of all sin strongholds so that we can sit with Him on His throne, as He overcame and sat on His Abba Father's throne. (Revelation 3:20-21).
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Classic Hymns

Revive us Again 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: William Mackay
Music: John Husband

Scripture: Wilt Thou not revive us again, that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Psalm 85:6

We praise Thee, O God!
For the Son of Thy love,
For Jesus who died,
And is now gone above.

Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.

We praise Thee, O God!
For Thy Spirit of light,
Who hath shown us our Savior,
And scattered our night.


All glory and praise
To the Lamb that was slain,
Who hath borne all our sins,
And hath cleansed every stain.


All glory and praise
To the God of all grace,
Who hast bought us, and sought us,
And guided our ways.


Revive us again;
Fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above.

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