The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Nov 19, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand               Friday, Nov. 19, 2021
(On the East Coast) Did you catch this, early today???

DC Lunar Eclipse — Longest In 500 Years

A lunar eclipse during the full moon Friday will be the longest-running lunar eclipse of this century, and next happens in 500 years. For details, go here! 

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The Daily Brief
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"The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge."
(Psalm 46:11)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Biden Admin. Suspends Vaccine Mandate after Court Ruling – but Legal Battle 'Is Not Over'

The Biden Department of Labor said on Wednesday that it won't enforce the administration's vaccine/testing mandate while an appeals court decision against the rule is in effect.

The announcement by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a major victory for opponents of the mandate, including for a group of faith-based organizations who are challenging the rule in federal court.

On Wednesday, seminary president Albert Mohler, a supporter of the vaccine but an opponent of the mandate, called the decision "good news" but noted that the legal case "is not over." Mohler's institution, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, joined with Asbury Theological Seminary in early November in challenging the mandate in federal court.

The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals last week placed a stay on the mandate, calling it a "staggeringly overbroad" policy that likely violates both the U.S. Constitution and federal law. Under the rule, employers with 100 or more workers must require their employees either to get vaccinated or to undergo regular masking and weekly testing.

"While OSHA remains confident in its authority to protect workers in emergencies, OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the [Emergency Temporary Standard] pending future developments in the litigation," OSHA said.

The OSHA announcement was celebrated by First Liberty Institute, which is representing three faith-based organizations in challenging the suit. Those three organizations are Daystar Television Network, the American Family Association and Answers in Genesis.

"The OSHA rule is blatant government overreach, massively unconstitutional, and threatens the freedom of working Americans," said Lea Patterson, counsel for First Liberty Institute. "As religious organizations, our clients cannot in good conscience force their own employees to violate their deeply held beliefs regarding vaccines. We will fight to make sure this mandate is struck down permanently."

The legal battle now moves to the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, which was chosen by a lottery this week to consider the cases at the appellate level. The issue may eventually end up before the U.S. Supreme Court. (Christian Headlnes) Read more. 

- Father God, we praise You for this wonderful news this morning! We see that the Biden administration is now "losing steam" in its tyrannical position to impose its wicked agenda upon our own personal lives. Thank You, Lord, for this strong indicator that the prayers of the righteous do, indeed, avail MUCH for You, for Your Kingdom, and for our personal rights under the Constitution of the United States of America, amen!

"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16)  

1. Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of Hanukkah Story in Ancient Fortified Building – CBN News

Israeli archaeologists have uncovered evidence they contend backs up the stories of a Jewish victory over Greek rulers – events that are connected to the celebration of Hanukkah. More than two thousand years ago, a hilltop fortress with a commanding view was supposed to protect the Greek-ruled city of Maresha from a legendary Jewish revolt.  But Israel Antiquities Authority archaeologists digging in the Lachish Forest, say it didn’t work. 

They say they have evidence of the Hasmonean Jewish victory – better known as the Maccabees – over the Seleucid Greek rulers – despite Seleucid attempts to fortify and protect the encampment. “What we discovered here actually connects with the story of Hanukkah and the Hasmonean revolts against the Greeks,” said Excavation Director, Achinoam Montagu. (Read more)

Father God, we are standing in heartfelt appreciation for the work of the archaeologists who uncovered the truth of the Hanukkah Story.  Thank You for leading them to the truth which substantiates the Word of God.  Bless the Jewish Nation of Israel.  In Yeshuah's Name we pray.

- "But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and we all are the work of Your hand." (Isaiah 64:8)  

2. Israeli conviction of Spanish citizen in terror-funding case could be ‘game-changer,’ say observers - JNS

(November 17, 2021 / JNS) A Spanish citizen who admitted to raising funds for a Palestinian NGO that were diverted to a terrorist organization agreed to a plea bargain on Nov. 10 in an Israeli military court. Observers say it could mark a watershed in Israel’s fight against a network of Palestinian “humanitarian” organizations that fundraise under false pretenses, which are then used to finance terror activities.

The defendant, Juana Ruiz Rishwami, imprisoned since April, admitted as part of the Nov. 10 plea bargain, which calls for a 13-month prison sentence (minus time served) and a NIS 50,000 ($16,250) fine, that she worked as a fundraiser for the Health Work Committees (HWC), an NGO which Israel’s Ministry of Defense designated a terrorist organization in January 2020.

Rishwami, 63, who is married to a Palestinian and lives in the West Bank, started working for HWC around 1993, according to court documents obtained by JNS. A fluent Spanish speaker, her main job was raising funds from Spanish organizations and the Spanish government, the documents said. (The majority of the donations to HWC come from Spain—30 percent of its total income between 2010 and 2019.) Read more 

3. IDF court findings undermine gov’t campaign against NGOs -Jerusalem Post

The Judea Military Court sentenced a Spanish-Palestinian human rights activist to 13 months in prison, but also undermined the government’s campaign against six Palestinian NGOs.

Following the ruling on Wednesday, the activist’s lawyer, Avigdor Feldman, sent a letter to Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday asking them to clarify the record publicly, so that his client is not unduly prosecuted overseas, including in Spain.

“The false allegations expose my client to criminal proceedings in her home country Spain and in other countries that are parties to the joint effort against terrorist organizations,” Feldman wrote. (Read more) 

4. Housekeeper at Gantz’s house tried to sell information to Iranian hackers - World Israel News 

A housekeeping employee at Defense Minister Benney’s Gantz’s private residence was arrested on espionage charges, Hebrew media reported Thursday.

According to his indictment, Omri Goren Korokovsky, 37, who was employed as a housekeeper at Gantz’s home, was planning to infect the minister’s computer with spyware and send sensitive information to Iranian entities.

The suspect went as far as contacting members of the Iran-affiliated Black Shadow hacker group via the messaging app Telegram, and asked that they provide him with software that would allow him to gain access to Gantz’s computer, the indictment read. His contact with the hackers through Telegram is what eventually led to his arrest, despite attempting to cover his tracks by deleting the conversations, Kan News reported.

During his interrogation, the suspect confessed to taking pictures of several items in Gantz’s house and obtaining photos that he later sent to the hackers in order to prove that he had access and could get the job done. (Read more) 

5. Israeli couple released from jail in Turkey and return home - Israel National News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid announced early Thursday morning that Israeli couple Mordy and Natali Oknin have been released from detention in Turkey and are making their way to Israel.

Bennett and Lapid thanked the President of Turkey and his government for their cooperation and look forward to welcoming the couple back home.

They also expressed their respect to the Oknin family for their strength during this complicated time and for their cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Additionally, they conveyed special thanks to President Isaac Herzog for his efforts to help bring them home. (Read more)  

6.  Shaked: Bringing more countries into Abraham Accords will require US incentives - Times of Israel

WASHINGTON — Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked said Wednesday that to expand Israel’s normalization agreements with Arab countries that began last year, the United States will have to offer its own incentives to candidate countries.

No further Israeli gestures to the Palestinians will be necessary in order to build on the Abraham Accords, the senior minister argued to The Times of Israel in a Hebrew interview.

A concession by Jerusalem had been required to set the accords in motion — the forgoing of plans to annex large parts of the West Bank (though the viability of those plans had been under question as the Trump administration stalled on their approval).

Shaked, one of the most right-wing members of the government, spoke to The Times of Israel at the tail end of her trip to the US, where she met with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides, UAE Ambassador to the US Yousef al-Otaiba, members of Congress and a number of major Jewish organizations.

7. Joint Military Drills with US, Israel, Bahrain, UAE for War Against Iran Could Happen Soon, US General Says – Israel 365 News

A US general told media on Saturday that American aircrews currently in the region for the Dubai Airshow will be held over in the region. The US Air Force maintains a major airbase in Qatar for all its operations in the region.
Guillot noted the increased threat of drone attacks though he stopped short of attributing this to the influence of Iran. Drones have been used with devastating effect by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels against Saudi Arabia and by Iranian-backed militias against US troops in Iraq.
Guillot said joint air drills with Israel, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates could be held soon. This would mark a recent trend in which the US leads these countries in increasingly close military cooperation. The four countries recently held an unprecedented joint five-day naval exercise in the Red Sea. Last month, Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter jets escorted an American B-1 bomber that flew over Israeli territory on its way to the Persian Gulf. (Read more)

- Father God, we vehemently pray for the protection of the US, Israel, Bahrain, and the UAE. Lord God, give them intelligence from Your Throne Room to war against Iran and win.  Stand with these nations with the divine armor of God's presence.  Bring down the enemies of our God.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "So will I  (God)  make My Holy Name known in the midst of My people Israel; and I will not let them pollute My Holy Name anymore: and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord the Holy One in Israel."  (Ezekiel 39:7)

- "O mortal, turn your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal. Prophesy against him." Ezekiel 38:2 (The Israel Bible)

The Daily Brief
1. Exposed: Klaus Schwab’s school for COVID dictators, plan for ‘Great Reset’ – War Room Report
Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.
How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.
The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast. While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-COVID measures being enacted around the world. (Read more)
- Almighty God, we see the beginning of one world government control with 190 governments agreeing with the COVID-19 as the root.   Father, we see that the Schwab's school for COVID dictators, the Young Global Leaders school, and Schwab's World Economic Forum all are keyed into a world control along with the globalist financial system and the hidden agenda behind Covid being released around the world.  Great God of the universe, we lay all these issues in Your lap and we ask You to please protect every living innocent soul worldwide. Prepare hearts to repent of sin and turn to Jesus today.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

-"That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heat that God has raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved."  (Romans 10:9) 

2. FDA Asks Court for 55 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data – The Epoch Times

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked a federal judge on Nov. 15 to give it until the year 2076 to fully release the documents in its possession tied to the approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA’s request was made in a filing as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by a medical transparency group. The government told the court it has 329,000 pages of documents responsive to the FOIA request and proposed releasing 500 pages per month to allow for redactions of exempt material. At that rate, the FDA would fully release the records in question in just under 55 years.

The plaintiff, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT), is a group of doctors and scientists, including Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health. (Read more)

- Father in heaven, You see all and are fully aware of all the secrets that are incriminating to Pfizer, the Food and Drug Administration, as well as all the others who have become millionaires during the first mention of COVID-19.  God, we urgently pray that the guilty will be unearthed and brought to trial by being legally charged with the millions of deaths they are responsible for.  God, surround them with a wall of warring angels so that none can escape punishment for their wickedness.  We pray in Jesus' Name.

-  "And the Lord said, Is the Lord's hand waxed short?  You shall see now whether the Lord's Word shall come to pass unto you or not."
  (Numbers 11:23)     

3. UNKNOWN RISK: Pfizer admits more studies are needed on myocarditis risk linked to COVID vaccines for kids – NewsTarget

Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer admits in documents submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that clinical trials conducted to determine long-term myocarditis risks in children are too short.This information, which has not been made public by the company or the FDA, appears on page 11 of an FDA advisory committee briefing last October, in which Pfizer admitted its sample size of clinical trial volunteers was too small to detect myocarditis risks in children 5 to 12 years old.

The statement was buried in the briefing documents for Pfizer’s vaccine for kids under 12 years old. It reads: “The number of participants in the current clinical development program is too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination. Long-term safety of COVID-19 vaccine in participants 5 to <12 years of age will be studied in 5 post-authorization safety studies, including a 5-year follow-up study to evaluate long-term sequelae of post-vaccination myocarditis or pericarditis.” (Read more)

- Father God, we pray the mighty hand of heavenly justice be stretched out against Pfizer and the FDA. Hold them guilty, Lord, for the deaths of these children 5 to 12 years old. Stop them today, Almighty God, and deliver these children from falling victim to these insidious plans.  Bring down the shadow government behind these schemes.  We pray in the mighty Name of Jesus.

- "The earth shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God: even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel."  (Psalm 67:8) 

4. FDA recalls more than 2 million at-home COVID test kits due to false positive results – Lifesite News

The FDA has described the recall of the kits as ‘the most serious type,’ stating that ‘[u]se of these tests may cause serious adverse health consequences or death.’ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week announced the recall of some 2.2 million COVID-19 at-home testing kits after finding the kits produced a “higher-than-acceptable” rate of “false positive test results.”

CBS reported that the massive recall “is an expansion of last month’s recall of 200,000 kits for the same issue. ”The Biden administration had financially backed the defective tests’ manufacturer earlier this year, agreeing to a $231.8 million deal on February 24 to increase the amount of at-home COVID-19 tests in the United States. The FDA said the tests are being pulled due to producing “higher-than-acceptable false positive test results for SARS-CoV-2.” (Read more)

- Father, we cry out to You to stop every test kit, every defective test item manufactured regarding COVID from being released into the marketplace.  Lord, hold back government funding for any and all materials that are used to endanger life, in violation of U.S. law, and is deemed as murder in the first degree.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding is him."  (I John 3:15)

5. Chinese Regime Advances Global Marxism to Confront Western-Led International Order: Report – The Epoch Times

Chinese Regime Advances Global Marxism to Confront Western-Led International Order: Report – The Epoch Times

China’s ruling regime seeks to undermine the current international system and replace it with a Beijing-led Marxist order, according to a new report by a U.S. congressional advisory body.

“The Chinese Communist Party’s [CCP] ambitions for global leadership became ever clearer in this, the CCP’s centennial year,” Commission Chair Carolyn Bartholomew of the U.S.–China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) said at a Nov. 17 launch event for the report. Bartholomew said the CCP continued to expand its confrontation with other nations throughout 2021, and that its aggression was a growing concern among the international community.

“Announcing its goal to provide the world with a ‘new model of human advancement,’ the Chinese government deepened its embrace of aggression, wolf warrior behavior, and coercion, heightening concerns throughout the Indo-Pacific and elsewhere in the world about China’s rise,” she said. (Read more)  

- Almighty God, remove the god-like ruling mentality out of the minds of the Chinese.  Strip them down to the insignificance that God sees them.  Their steps are ordered of the Lord and they can never out run the glorious God of the Universe.  Bring down their ability to undermine the current international system.  We speak death to their Marxist order and global leadership, their wolf warrior behavior and coercion.  Hold back their war preparedness by Your mighty hand, oh God.  For we pray in the matchless Name of Jesus.

- "Then shall you remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and shall loathe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations."  (Ezekiel 36:31)

6. FBI Email Reveals Counterterror Tactics Used to Track Parental 'Threats' to School Boards – CBN News

There's fresh concern that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) appears to now be using terrorist-tracking tools to track parents who have spoken out at local school board meetings. Law enforcement officials and Republican lawmakers want some answers after an FBI whistleblower furnished a copy of an internal email to several members of the House Judiciary Committee. 
Republican members of the committee released the email Tuesday. It reveals the FBI has created a way to track alleged threats against school board members, school officials, and teachers in response to Attorney General Merrick Garland's controversial Oct. 4 memo. The National Review reports the FBI's "Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions created a threat tag, EDUOFFICIALS, to track instances of related threats," according to the email. (Read more) 

- Righteous Father, we pray that the FBI cannot stop parents from protecting their young defenseless children.   Protect the parents' rights of not allowing the school officials to bully their children unnecessarily.  Jesus, shift gears here and bring normalcy to the teachers, school students and the officials in these schools.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."  (Hebrews 10:31)  

7. Rittenhouse Defense Requests Mistrial Without Prejudice – Conservative Brief

The defense team for Kyle Rittenhouse submitted a request for a mistrial late on Wednesday. Earlier this week, the defense had motioned for a mistrial with prejudice alleging that the prosecution withheld drone footage from the night Rittenhouse killed two men and injured another in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
According to The New York Times, defense lawyer Corey Chirafisi made a separate request late on Wednesday for a mistrial. “We didn’t have the quality of evidence that the state had until the case had been closed,” he told Judge Bruce Schroeder.
The Times reported the defense is now “asking for a mistrial ‘without prejudice’ — meaning that prosecutors could refile charges — arguing that they did not have access to a high-quality video that most fully captures the first of the three shootings.” (Read more)  

- Almighty God, we come before Your powerful presence and pray Your protection over Kyle Rittenhouse from the bludgeoning of the leftists and criminal-minded crowd that is wanting blood.  Strengthen the judge to acquit this 17-year old young man that protected himself from the death-threats that he faced head-on.  Lord Jesus, fight this battle for Kyle and stand by him so that no harm can come to him. We bind fear by the Blood of Jesus over all who stand for Kyle Rittenhouse.  We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "For every creature is sanctified by the Word of God and by prayer."  (I Tim. 4:5)
8. Rittenhouse judge bans MSNBC from courthouse after producer allegedly followed and tried to photograph jurors - The Blaze

The presiding judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse case banned MSNBC from the courthouse on Thursday after alleging that a producer who works for the cable outlet followed jurors exiting the courthouse and attempted to photograph them.

Schroeder reportedly announced that nobody else from MSNBC News "will be permitted" in the Kenosha County Courthouse "for the duration of this trial."

"This is a very serious matter and I don't know what the ultimate truth of it is," he added. "But absolutely, it would go without much thinking that someone who is following a jury bus, that is a very serious, extremely serious matter, and will be referred to the proper authorities for further action." (Read more)

- Father God, we thank You that this judge is being very careful to adhere to the letter of the law in this strategic case. We pray that all will continue to unfold according to legal guidelines and that this jury will rule in favor of Your perfect will. In Your name, amen!

- "He said to the judges, “Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for mankind but for the Lord who is with you when you render judgment."                       (2 Chronicles 19:11)   

9. Why the minichurch is the latest trend in American religion –

SPRING GREEN, Wis. (RNS) — The Rev. Derek Miller has seen the future of the church in America.And it is small.
On a Sunday morning in early November, Miller, guitar in hand, stepped up to the microphone at Cornerstone Church of Spring Green and began singing the familiar Charles Wesley hymn “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing.” A handful of people scattered in the sanctuary sang along, including a church elder in the front row next to a pair of young kids tapping on tambourines. By the time all the latecomers had arrived, there were 12 people in the congregation.
Things used to be different. Five years ago, when the church was at its height, as many as 100 people would show up for Sunday service. But the 2020 election, the racial reckoning after the death of George Floyd and COVID-19 have taken their toll. On a good day, if everyone shows up, there might be 30 people.  (Read more)

- Father, we thank You for the faithful few who still find it necessary to obey the scripture and worship the Lord together at church.  We pray the power and resurrection might of the Lord Jesus Christ strengthen the hearts and souls of the faithful few so they stand tall in all kinds of persecution.  Reward them with peaceful hearts and souls.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "Know therefore that the Lord Your God, He is God, the faithful God, which keeps covenant and mercy with them that Love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations."  (Deuteronomy 7:9)   

10. Conservative senators threaten to defund Biden’s vaccine mandates - Daily Torch

Following last week’s federal appeals court ruling putting a hold on President Joe Biden’s COVID vaccine mandates, OSHA has suspended all enforcement. At least 27 U.S. states, as well as private employers, religious organizations, and other groups, have sued the Biden administration, claiming that it’s exceeding its authority in issuing the mandate.

But to ensure the Biden Administration does not try to revive and enforce the mandate in the future, U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-Kan.)  is leading a Republican effort to defund all such efforts.  All 50 senate Republicans   supported Sen. Marshall’s amendment to the Continuing Resolution in September to prohibit funding for the promulgation or enforcement of the Biden Administration’s COVID vaccine mandate on private companies. (Read more)

- Thank You, O Lord, that these senators have been unanimous in blocking Biden's ovverreach of imposing vaccine mandates on the American people. Praise God! 

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."  (1 Corin. 16:13)  

The Daily Jot

Another Nice Mess

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, November 18, 2021

Oliver Hardy at least once told his partner Stan Laurel, “This is another nice mess you’ve gotten me into.” And so it should go with the American people telling their “president” the same. But it’s not nearly as funny. Runaway inflation, gas and food prices at 30 year highs, a $1.75 trillion infrastructure law that codifies absolutely crazy Marxist agenda items designed to collapse the nation both morally and economically, trying to force people to take a shot that is experimental and lasts only six months, while the drug companies making the boosters haul in about $100 million a day in taxpayer money. Saying it’s a nice mess is being overly polite. But there’s nothing polite about the purveyors of this mess.

Parents upset about school’s needless mask mandates, teaching Critical Race Theory, and their kids being confused and physically harmed by LGBTQ+ agendas stand up to the school boards and what do they get? The government conspiring with the National School Boards Association and the FBI to essentially label parents as domestic terrorists. When they are caught lying about it, they say “no, that’s not what we did.’ But they did. And guess what? You are going to get a whole lot more of it because of that infrastructure law. It defines “gender identity” as a protected class. That young man who got suspended from school for saying there are only two genders apparently will become the norm. So much for free speech and critical thinking. And I won’t even go into the Florida school that secretly “transitioned” a 13 year old girl into a boy. Read More

Please urge your two U.S. Senators to Vote for Senator Lankford’s Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) has offered an amendment to the “must pass” National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would protect all federal contractors and employees from Biden’s vaccine mandate. Americans for Limited Government President Richard Manning is asking every American to urge their senator to vote for Sen. Langford’s amendment.

“No one should be forced to choose between a medical procedure they don’t want and putting food on the table,” Manning said. “The vaccine should be a choice, not a mandate.”

Please one click email to contact your two U.S. Senators and urge them to vote for Senator Lankford’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act repealing Biden’s vaccine mandate on federal employees and contractors.

The vote is coming up fast.  Please act now.

And please share this with everyone you know!

Here is the text of the message you will send:

Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on federal employees and contractors is about to create chaos in America. Under this mandate thousands of critical workers like federal prison guards, border patrol agents, meat inspectors, and even the heroes who fix navy ships and build fighter planes will be fired! I urge you to support Senator James Langkford’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act to repeal Biden’s crazy mandate. As a constituent of yours, I will be watching how you vote very carefully.

> > >  To send this email, please go here.

TAKE ACTION NOW! This bill will come up soon on the floor of the Senate for a vote.  THANK YOU!  
Shipping Rate Surge Could Derail Economic Recovery
UN Agency (UNCTAD) Says This May Drive Up Inflation

A U.N. agency has warned that a surge in container shipping rates threatens the global economic recovery and could add an additional 1.5 percent to consumer price inflation through 2023.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said in a Nov. 18 analysis (pdf) that, since the second half of 2020, higher-than-expected demand for containerized goods combined with logistical hurdles and other shipping bottlenecks have driven up freight rates.

The agency cited several examples of surging shipping costs, in one case noting a more than 700-percent increase in the Shanghai Containerized Freight Index (SCFI) spot rate on the Shanghai-Europe route. The rate was less than $1,000 per 20-foot equivalent standard container units (TEU) in June 2020, jumping to about $4,000 per TEU by the end of 2020 and, by the end of July 2021, it had vaulted to $7,395.

“Unreliable schedules, and port congestion have also led to a surge in surcharges and fees, including demurrage and detention fees,” the agency added in the report.

Freight rates are expected to stay high, UNCTAD said, noting continued strong demand and growing uncertainty on the supply side.

“The intensified cost pressures, inefficiencies, and vulnerabilities in the maritime supply chain, driven primarily by the COVID-19 disruption and its knock-on effects on shipping and ports, could continue to disrupt supply chains, raising both production costs and consumption prices,” the agency said. (Read more) 

- Lord, have mercy we pray. Amen.

- "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Hebrews 4:6)  
Florida Legislature Approves Bills Limiting COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Florida Legislature on Wednesday passed sweeping legislation that seeks to protect unvaccinated workers from federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

The four bills were approved largely along party lines during a three-day special legislative session convened by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis against federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The bills now head to the Republican governor’s desk to be signed into law.

If signed into law, Florida will become the first state that issues financial penalties for businesses that require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 as a condition of employment, according to CNN.

The Republican governor has been a vocal critic of the vaccine mandates pushed by President Joe Biden.

Among the measures, private businesses would be blocked from imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates unless they allow workers to opt out for medical reasons, religious beliefs, immunity based on a previous infection, regular testing, or an agreement to wear protective gear.

The state health department, which is led by Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who opposes mandates, will be tasked with defining standards for the exemptions.

It also prohibits Florida schools and governments from imposing mandates and allows parents to sue schools with masking requirements. Another bill would block the public release of records regarding state investigations of vaccine policies in businesses.

“If you want to get a vaccine, you can get a vaccine. If you don’t want to get a vaccine, you can choose not to get a vaccine,” said Sen. Danny Burgess, a Republican. “That’s the entire purpose of this bill, trusting Floridians and allowing us to make that choice for ourselves.” (Epoch Times) Read more.

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

NEW Statement From President Trump 

Wisconsin had some massive issues during the last Presidential election.

Over 82,000 ballots went mysteriously missing in the state, and alleged loopholes exist which could have been exploited to cause further fraud like we have seen in so many other states.

Tim Ramthun, State Representative of Wisconsin, recently put forth a resolution to decertify the election in the state due to recently found evidence.

Evidence that has been pointed out above. Evidence that the total amount of fraudulent ballots exceeded the state’s entire margin of victory….

President Trump issued a new statement praising Ramthun and his efforts:


President Donald J. Trump:

“Congratulations to Tim Ramthun, State Representative of Wisconsin, for putting forward a powerful and very popular, because it’s true, resolution to decertify the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin based on the recently found absolute proof

— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) November 18, 2021

Just in from Wisconsin: A joint resolution proposed by GOP state Rep. Timothy Ramthun to decertify the 2020 election, reclaim WI's 10 electoral votes from Biden and conduct a "full forensic physical and cyber audit" of the election.

— Reid J. Epstein (@reidepstein) November 17, 2021

Signs & Wonders
Violent storms unleash hordes of venomous scorpions in Egypt
More than 500 people were hospitalized after powerful thunderstorms drove scorpions from their burrows and into residential houses in the city of Aswan.

Severe thunderstorms that rolled across southern Egypt this past Friday unleashed flooding, strong winds, hail and hordes of venomous scorpions.

The storms caused damage across the region primarily due to flooding, but the most notable impact came when the pouring rain drove the poisonous scorpions out of their burrows and into homes. According to reports, the scorpions went on a stinging spree, which resulted in more than 500 people being sent to hospitals for treatment.

Local news outlets in Egypt reported three deaths, but none were blamed on the scorpions, The Associated Press reported, citing Egypt's Acting Health Minister Khalid Abdel-Ghafar. Those who were stung were treated with anti-venom doses and eventually discharged. Read More

The Good News Corner

Los Angeles Lakers legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson recently recognized the 30th anniversary of his retirement from the NBA following his HIV diagnosis.

On Sunday, Johnson, now 62, took to social media to reflect on how God has used the past three decades of his life.

"God has really blessed me! Today marks 30 years living with HIV, so the message resonated with me in such a tremendous way. I thank the Lord for keeping me, giving me strength, and guiding me for 62 years but especially the last 30," Johnson wrote in a series of tweets.

"Through it all, I learned to trust in Jesus, and I learned to trust in God!" he added. (Christian Headlines) Read more
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Repentance
Day #7: The 7th Seal ~ The Sound of Silence
Judgment Seal #7 ~ Silence in Heaven

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.

And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.

And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.

And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

~Revelation 8:1-6 (KJV)

At this stage of the Revelation story, all the seals have been broken and the scroll is opening. This time is so somber, it causes every creature in Heaven to fall completely silent. I envision a Judge making His Way into the courtroom just before a final verdict is about to be read. All the testimony of the witnesses still hangs in the air like a thick smoke. There is a hush that descends due to the solemnity of the moment.
Read More  Website
Classic Hymns

 Blessed Cross of Jesus

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words:  Fanny Crosby
Music:  Hubert Main

Scripture: Peace through the blood of His cross. Colossians 1:20

Wand’rer, come, there’s room for thee,
At the cross of Jesus;
Come and taste salvation free
At the cross of Jesus.

Blessèd cross! precious cross!
There my hopes are twining;
There I see a Father’s love
Through a Savior shining.

Come and bring thy burden now
To the cross of Jesus;
Lay thy burning, throbbing brow
At the cross of Jesus.


O what comfort thou wilt find
At the cross of Jesus;
Love thy broken heart will bind
At the cross of Jesus.


See the crimson waters flow
At the cross of Jesus;
Come and tell thy every woe
At the cross of Jesus.


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