The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Monday, May 9, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Monday, May 9, 2022
Be sure to join us on tonight's National Call!  We will welcome Frank Seignious. For decades, Frank and his colleagues have been carefully monitoring key issues on the docket at the Supreme Court. 

(To read more of Frank's heartcry for the Court in his hour, please see "A Special Announcement" at the end of this Brief, below)

Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT
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Also, please remove any headsets to reduce background noise.
Thank you!  

>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here. 

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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Israel Houghton. Go here!  

"When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"

Schumer pushes bill through Congress to cancel SCOTUS opinion re: ROE
BREAKING: Urgent Vote on Abortion

Following the leak of the draft Supreme Court opinion that will overrule Roe v. Wade, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced he will present a bill THIS WEEK to “legalize” abortion in all 50 states.

We expect this could be a two-part vote, the first for an abortion bill, and when that is filibustered, Sen. Schumer will push a second to eliminate the filibuster rule to bypass the 60 votes usually needed to pass a bill in the Senate. Only 51 votes are required to eliminate the filibuster. I share below who we believe are the key votes to stop this major change.

In the Senate, there are two pro-abortion Republicans and two pro-life Democrats. We cannot have waited 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade only to have this evil continue because of two Senate votes! This is urgent. Rush your faxes to the U.S. Senate to say NO to abortion. —Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel

To learn how to send this fax, go here.

Dear Senator,
I oppose legislation that will “legalize” abortion and thereby force states to continue providing abortions against the will of the people and their elected representatives. I ask you to oppose and vote against any attempts to codify abortion into law.

I also urge you to firmly reject any efforts to break or weaken the filibuster in our U.S. Senate. This will lead to wild swings in legislation when opposing parties take power and harm our nation.

At our nation’s founding, the Declaration of Independence listed the first and thus the most important right as the right to life. When our Constitution was written, there was a strong, widespread common law against abortion, and that ban continued across several centuries until Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.

Congress should take no action that would force states to continue the practice of abortion.

(Your Name)

- O Holy One, Almighty, Righteous, True and Just Judge, King and Lawgiver, – we are crying out to You with everything in our being.  Let our very breath release Your Holy Spirit life over this nation, Congress and judges.  Father God, at this critical juncture, we need Your righteous intervention.  We declare that Congress will fail in their efforts to impose this murderous agenda on we, the people, in Jesus holy, powerful and magnificent name.

- "'Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit; let the earth cause them both to sprout; I the Lord have created it.'"  (Isaiah 45:8)


Supreme Court is now surrounded by fencing, but protests continue
Supreme Court is now surrounded by fencing, but protests continue

Climb-proof security fencing has been set up around the Supreme Court, but abortion rights advocates and abortion opponents continued their all-day protests on Thursday.

The nation’s highest court has been the target of nearly around-the-clock demonstrations since a leaked draft opinion earlier this week indicated that most of the Supreme Court may be ready to strike down Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case in which justices effectively legalized abortion in the United States.

The new fencing is identical to the fencing deployed around the United States Capitol for several demonstrations staged since last year’s Jan. 6 insurrection.

The United States Capitol Police also closed vehicle access to streets adjacent to the Supreme Court. However, pedestrians still are able to walk to the front of the court where the demonstrations have been held.

(The Southern Maryland Chronicle) Read more here.

 > > > See also: Pro-Abortion Protesters Hit Pastors Outside Supreme Court and Go Free -
For details, go here.

Pray: Lord, we pray that the eyes be opened to those who continue to oppose truth. 

- Father God, we ask You to release Your strength and determination upon the justices of the Supreme Court.  May they each stand up for life and may this decision be written and released soon.   so that we are dealing with facts and not conjecture and accusations.  We command the protests at the homes of justices to be stopped, in Jesus name and may the light of Christ fill those raging in the streets and let their hearts be softened with truth and life.  Let God arise.

- "Brethren, do not be children in understanding; however, in malice be babes, but in understanding be mature."  (1 Corinthians 14:20)  


SCOTUS Rules 9-0 in Favor of Christian Flag Case
SCOTUS Rules 9-0 in Favor of Christian Flag Case
May 2, 2022

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 that the City of Boston violated the Constitution by censoring a private flag in a public forum open to “all applicants” merely because the application referred to it as a “Christian flag.” The High Court stated that it is not government speech, and because the government admitted it censored the flag because it was referred to as a Christian flag on the application, the censorship was viewpoint discrimination, and there is no Establishment Clause defense. 

Justice Breyer wrote the opinion in which Chief Justice Roberts, Sotomayor, Kagan, Kavanaugh, and Barrett joined. Justice Kavanaugh filed a concurring opinion. Justice Alito filed a concurring opinion in the judgment, in which Thomas and Gorsuch joined. Justice Gorsuch filed a concurring opinion in the judgment, in which Thomas joined. 

Liberty Counsel’s Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “This 9-0 decision from the Supreme Court strikes a victory for private speech in a public forum. This case is so much more significant than a flag. Boston openly discriminated against viewpoints it disfavored when it opened the flagpoles to all applicants and then excluded Christian viewpoints. Government cannot censor religious viewpoints under the guise of government speech.” (Liberty Counsel) Read more here.

- Father God, in the midst of a week that brought a major shaking at the Supreme Court, we praise You for this amazing news! Not only is it remarkable that the Court has upheld our right to the freedom of speech in the public square, but it is amazing that this ruling was UNANIMOUS among all nine members of the Court. Hallelujah, Father God! You have truly restored hope to our future!

- "But let justice run down like water,
And righteousness like a mighty stream."
(Amos 5:24) 

1. Israeli premier announces formation of a national guard - World Israel News

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced on Sunday the creation of a national guard, with the aim of “strengthening the personal security” of Israeli citizens.

“We are advancing two very significant things,” said Bennett in his opening remarks to Sunday’s Cabinet meeting. “First: the establishment of a national guard. I have instructed the National Security Council, in coordination with the Public Security Ministry, to present the government with an orderly and budgeted plan to establish a civilian national guard by the end of the month,” he continued.

The unrest in mixed Arab-Jewish cities during “Operation Guardian of the Walls” last year had demonstrated the “urgent need” to strengthen citizens’ security, said Bennett. That need had only become more urgent in light of the current wave of terrorism, he added. (Read more) 

2. Border Police officer wounded in Jerusalem stabbing, attack foiled in Gush Etzion - Israel Hayom

Two terrorist incidents took place on Sunday evening within the span of several hours.

The first incident took place near the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, when a 19-year-old Palestinian who had entered Israel illegally stabbed a Border Police officer. The attacker pulled the knife after Border Police troops stationed in the area had asked to search his belongings due to suspicious behavior. The Border Police officer sustained moderate wounds in his neck, while the attacker was shot and subsequently evacuated in serious condition to a Jerusalem hospital.

It later transpired that the perpetrator had two knives on him and that a major attack was potentially thwarted due to the troops' vigilance. (Read more)  

3. Israel considering military op in Jenin or Gaza in response to terror wave – reports - Times of Israel

Israel is considering responding to the ongoing wave of deadly terror attacks by launching a military operation in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, with a focus on the city of Jenin, according to Hebrew media reports Sunday.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz were said to be divided over which of the two options to pursue, during a meeting with top security officials about the terror onslaught.

Jenin was highlighted because most of the Palestinians who carried out recent terror attacks came from the city or its surroundings, including two men arrested earlier in the day after perpetrating an axe attack last Thursday in the Israeli town of Elad that killed three people and seriously injured several others. (Read more)  

4. Israelis Will Need Travel Permits to Visit European States From May 2023 - Algemeiner

i24 News – Israelis will need to obtain travel authorization in order to visit European nations starting May 2023, due to the implementation of a new system that aims to limit risks posed by travelers from visa-exempt states.

Under the initiative, which is known as the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS), visitors must submit applications online for approval and pay a fee of around seven dollars to travel.

The largely automated system aims to counter security risks, identify irregular migration, and uncover high epidemic threats among visitors from visa-free countries, according to the European Commission. (Read more) 

5. Bennett: There won’t be any foreign interference in decisions regarding Temple Mount - Times of Israel

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Sunday that Israel will make its own decisions concerning Jerusalem and the Temple Mount without any foreign interference, in an apparent reference to statements by Ra’am party leader Mansour Abbas.

“All decisions regarding the Temple Mount and Jerusalem will be made by the Israeli government, which holds sovereignty over the city, without any foreign considerations,” Bennett said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting.

“We certainly reject any foreign interference in the decisions of the Israeli government,” Bennett said.

“Of course, the State of Israel will continue to maintain a respectful attitude toward members of all religions in Jerusalem,” Bennett said. “A united Jerusalem is the capital of only one state – the State of Israel.” (Read more)  

6. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace  

Go here

7. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel
Go here  
The Daily Brief
1. Biden Begins Buying Back Oil To Refill Strategic Reserve... Will Send Gas Prices Back To Record Highs – ZeroHedge
Just 6 weeks after President Biden unveiled the greatest, most-massivest, democracy-saving plan to release millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve into the market to bring down the price of gasoline at the pump for Americans... which was crushing his approval ratings as the average joe's pocket book is eaten alive by Biden-flation...
CNN reports that the Biden administration plans to seek bids this fall to buy 60 million barrels of crude oil as the first step in a years-long process aimed at replenishing America's shrinking emergency oil reserve, an Energy Department official said.
"As we are thoughtful and methodical in the decision to drawdown from our emergency reserve, we must be similarly strategic in replenishing the supply so that it stands ready to deliver on its mission to provide relief when needed most," Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.
Beyond trying to refill a vital rainy fund, the Biden administration hopes the buyback plan will encourage domestic oil production by guaranteeing a source of future demand. This cunning plan to sell low and buy high has sent oil prices back above $110... and erased any short-term impact on oil prices from Biden's plan...(Read more) 
- Father God, our country needs oil to survive. Please give the Biden Administration wisdom on how to maneuver through this gas crisis. The answer is not buying oil from overseas. Give Godly wisdom to government officials at this time for this challenge and in all future matters. Amen and Amen

- "For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jer 29:11) 

2. COVID jabs increase stroke risk by 11,361 percent – Pandemic News

Getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a great way to massively increase your risk of suffering a stroke, government data show. Data from the United States government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) show that a jabbed person is about 115 times more likely to suffer a stroke compared to a non-jabbed person.
Taking a Fauci Flu shot or two increases the risk of stroke by 11,361 percent, we now know – is it really worth it?

Between December of 2020 and the 11th of February in 2022, 4,532 cases of covid jab-related stroke were logged. Keep in mind that VAERS only captures about one percent of all vaccine reactions (Related: the CDC has also been caught removing adverse event reports from VAERS).

Comparatively, the number of strokes that occurred as a result of flu shots between 2008 and 2020, a range of 12 to 13 years, is just 122.

“Taking these numbers at face value, you could assume that the Covid-19 injections have proven to be 37 times more likely to cause a stroke than the flu vaccines,” reports the Daily Exposé (UK). (Read more)

- Dear Merciful God,
We ask that You give the American people wisdom about the Covid-19 vaccine. Shine the light on Nurses, Doctors and Researchers that have the truth and make a way for them to educate us. We pray for discernment and Godly wisdom for all people in America. Please protect us from any ill effects, stroke, and death, from the vaccine and from the Covid-19 virus. Thank you for being our Great Physician.

- "Praise the Lord, o my soul,and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." (PS 103:2-3 NIV)  

3. UN whistleblower says World Health Organization is “tip of the spear” for global tyranny – Pandemic News

Epidemiologist Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger appeared on an episode of “Conversations That Matter” with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman to discuss the World Health Organization (WHO), a product of the United Nations that she says represents the “tip of the spear” for global tyranny.

Right now, the WHO is attempting to usurp for itself even more power over the world with a new international health regime proposal that would grant the entity more control over public health.
Stuckelberger had been working directly with the WHO throughout the plandemic to form public health policy, and what she saw during that time with the push towards global totalitarianism apparently shocked her, causing her to become a whistleblower.

One major thing she took issue with was the use of PCR tests, which are not meant to be diagnostic tools. Stuckelberger says it was “very strange” that these were used since they have “no validity” in verifying the presence of covid disease.

We have never seen that in the WHO that the test and the diagnostic technology – it’s not a diagnostic actually; it’s a technology for research that suddenly becomes the tool of the world the tool of WHO to prove ‘cases,’ and ‘cases’ were transformed into sick people, and contagious, and asymptomatic … and that was one thing that was very disturbing.
(Read more)
- Dear Father God,

Thank you for those who speak the truth and exposed the WHO for pursuing global tyranny. Lord, we come against any organization that desires to control our health decisions and freedoms. God bless them! Amen

- "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32 NIV)  

4. Orwellian: Social credit system aimed at forcing compliance with “climate change” objectives now being implemented in Italy – NewsTarget

The global power elite has sold much of the Western world on the lie that modern human activity is destroying the planet by dramatically altering the climate.
But while millions have been propagandized enough that they have bought into the hoax, tens of millions more reject it because they know the lie is all about controlling behaviors and forcing us to live in a way that suits the elite — though they, of course, don’t plan to live by their own rules.
As such, they have come to the conclusion that their climate change policies will be implemented one way or another, and to ensure that happens, they have developed an Orwellian scheme that is being implemented first in Italy.
According to The National Pulse:

Italy will become the first European nation to implement a social credit system – where citizens will be rewarded for their “good behavior”.

Starting in the fall of 2022, the city of Bologna will begin a new pilot project. Citizens who display good behavior such as correctly recycling or using public transportation will be rewarded. (Read more)  

- Lord, thank you for controlling the winds and waves, our climate, our atmosphere so we can breathe and live. Please let it be known to the world, there is a natural ebb and flow to our climate, as all the elements are under Your control. 

- "The men were amazed and asked "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and waves obey him!" (Mt 8:27 NIV) 

5. The Federal Government Replaces Twitter as Our Ministry of Truth – The Epoch Times

In true Orwellian fashion, the Department of Homeland Security concerns itself with decreasing the security of civil rights
The announcement that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will be overseeing the creation of a “Disinformation Governance Board” couldn’t come at a better time for America’s legacy mainstream media outlets and the individuals who staff them.
Still shaking from Elon Musk’s recent purchase of Twitter, the notion that U.S. corporate news may be further losing its grasp over complete narrative control has been enough to create an atmosphere of hysteria.
Twitter was a vital part of how these outlets attempted to control the release of information. The social media platform’s moderators largely served as a check on the acceptable viewpoints being discussed in the public square.
Anything counter to the story presented by government-approved “official” news sources could be flagged by fact-checkers or outright banned by moderators for being at least partially false. Their proof? Well, the information wasn’t substantiated—by those same sources. The circuitous reasoning facilitated an idea laundering operation that made sure only those stories with a stamp of biased approval made it out uninhibited. (Read more)
- Lord, we pray one more time:  Deliver us from government control of “truth”. May we continue to have whistle blowers, discernment and the means to disseminate what is truly true!! In Jesus name, we ask for Your Light to continue to pierce the darkness.
- "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)
6. Janet Yellen: Biden’s Spending ‘Did Feed’ Inflation – The Epoch Times
President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan did contribute to inflation, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen conceded on Wednesday.
Speaking in an interview with Matt Murray, editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal, the former head of the Federal Reserve admitted that the White House’s enormous spending had played a role in today’s inflationary environment, adding that it was “justified” due to the various economic risks.
“So, look, inflation is a matter of demand and supply, and the spending that was undertaken in the American Rescue Plan did feed demand,” she said.
She added that today’s 40-year high inflation was an unintended consequence of the Biden administration attempting to avoid a sharp economic downturn and facilitate full employment. (Read more)
- Lord, we ask for leaders of Your choosing, full of wisdom and truth, who surround themselves with wise, righteous counselors. Send those who know how best to handle our economy and bring appropriate changes to our nation’s current financial debacle.
- "Obtain for yourselves men who are wise, discerning, and informed from your tribes, and I will appoint them as your heads." (Deuteronomy 1:13)

7. ‘We’ve Seen This Before’: Russian-American Grassroots Organization in North Carolina Seeks to Wake People Up to Dangers of Communist Agendas – The Epoch Times

Natalya Androsova began standing in line for milk, meat, and bread when she was five years old in Siberia, Russia. Standing in line didn’t always guarantee that there would be food, however, because there were frequent shortages, as was the Soviet custom. Though Siberia was rich in minerals, the centralized economy left the people of the region, such as her family, working hard with little pay.
Weighted with responsibilities with which most American children might be unfamiliar, Androsova combined her schoolwork with chores, and as she grew older, she found herself longing for a place that she had read about, where read freedom rang with prosperity.
It wasn’t until years after she and her husband arrived in America in 1999 that she saw a shadow over the Liberty Bell that had been cast by some who wanted to reduce American freedoms in the name of fairness, which she knew from first hand experience would manufacture the strained economic conditions she thought she had left behind in Russia.
Never has that agenda been more pronounced as it was with COVID-19, Androsova told The Epoch Times, when she said she could see how easy it would be to transform the United States into a country with communist ideologies during a time when small businesses and churches were closed, while large, corporate chains and liquor stores remained open.
“I did not expect so many Americans to be so compliant,” Androsova said. “I realize we are law-abiding citizens, but that was clearly government overreach.” (Read more)
- Father God, we thank You for the clear warnings broadcast to our citizens via immigrants from former (or still) communist nations. May there be a vehicle for their message so that all voters in the U.S. have access to this strategic information. Enable us to see the truth in these forewarnings and act accordingly.
- Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding? (Job12:12)

 8. Oklahoma governor signs Texas-style heartbeat law banning abortion after six weeks – LifeSite News

The Oklahoma Supreme Court has denied a request from abortion activists to temporarily stop the bill.  
Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signed a new law banning all abortions after around six weeks of pregnancy in anticipation of the overturning of Roe v. Wade
On Tuesday, Republican Gov. Stitt signed SB 1503, the Oklahoma Heartbeat Act, outlawing all abortions in Oklahoma after six weeks, as reported by the Associated Press. This law bans all abortions once a heartbeat is detectible in an unborn baby, which is around six weeks. 
“I want Oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country because I represent all four million Oklahomans who overwhelmingly want to protect the unborn,” Stitt tweeted. 
The bill is goes into effect immediately, despite having already been challenged in court by abortion activists. On Tuesday, the Oklahoma Supreme Court denied a request from abortion activists to temporarily stop the bill. (Read more)
- Praise God, Praise God, Hallelujah and may it be so! We are overjoyed, Father, as You must be even more so, as our nation moves closer and closer to a total ban of the heinous slaughter of the unborn. Move upon the judges and legislators to defend the right to life for all, especially the unborn, infirm and handicapped, and elderly.
- Rescue those who are being taken away to death, And those who are staggering to the slaughter, Oh hold them back!  (Proverbs 24:11) 
The Federal Reserve Just Made A Colossal Mistake 


You don’t raise interest rates when the economy is already falling into a recession.  U.S. GDP contracted during the first quarter of 2022, and if it contracts again in the second quarter of 2022 that will officially confirm that we are already in a recession right now.  Any central banker that would choose to raise interest rates just as a new recession is starting is absolutely nuts.  But the “experts” at the Fed decided to go ahead with a 50 basis point rate hike on Wednesday anyway.  This was the largest rate hike that we have seen since the year 2000, and it appears that more rate hikes are coming later in the year.

Let me start my analysis by clearly stating that I believe that the Federal Reserve should be abolished.  A centrally managed economy is extremely odious to those of us that truly believe in free market economics, but unfortunately most of the population still fully embraces our economic overlords at the Fed even though they keep making enormous policy errors again and again.

Previously, we have seen the Fed tighten just as the U.S. economy began to slow down, and that resulted in some of the worst economic downturns in our history.

Now it is happening again, and we keep getting more confirmations that the economy has already been cooling off.  For example, the ADP employment report for the month of April was way below expectations…(The Economic Collapse Blog) Read more here. 

- Oh Lord, we are in desperate need of Your mercy! Bring our nation's economy into right-alignment. Replace those who are not discerning Your voice in order to save our nation from a deep recession! May foolish decisions be made null and void and exchanged with Your perfect wisdom and righteousness.-In the powerful name of Jesus! Amen

- "The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out." (Proverbs 18:15) 

2000 Mules
Documentary by Dinesh D'Souza

There are several options for how to view this OUTSTANDING movie documentary revealing the massive, systematic election fraud with ballot box stuffing of fraudulent ballots.  We need to help Dinesh D'Souza recoup his costs in producing this film. Here is how you can watch it:

*It is playing at a few select theaters throughout the US.

*You can BUY the DVD, just go to to purchase the DVD and it will be shipped to you.

*You can STREAM the digital version of the movie. If you have a ROKU TV, you can download the SalemNow TV channel, then go to the website and purchase (or rent) the digital version of the movie. You will then be able to watch the movie in the comfort of your living room!  
Clarence Thomas Delivers a Message to Roe v/ Wade Leaker

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Friday defended judicial independence, arguing that government institutions mustn’t allow themselves to be strong-armed into delivering outcomes that people demand, according to news outlets.

Thomas made the remarks at a May 6 judicial conference in Atlanta, where he was asked by a moderator to discuss the biggest threats to judicial independence, according to Law360.

In his response, Thomas decried what he described as an erosion of respect for the high court and made an apparent reference to protests that erupted after the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion suggesting the court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, with major implications for access to abortion.

He said that as a society, “we are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don’t like,” according to Reuters.

“We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that,” he added.

Speaking at the 11th Circuit Judicial Conference, a gathering of lawyers and judges, Thomas referred several times to the “unfortunate events” of the past week, bemoaning declining respect for institutions and the rule of law.

“It bodes ill for a free society,” he said, according to The Washington Post. It can’t be that institutions “give you only the outcome you want, or can be bullied” into submission.

Thomas also expressed concern about a “different attitude of the young” towards respect for institutions and the law, suggesting this is on the decline relative to past generations, as cited by the outlet.

Read more 

The WHO Wants More Power - Here's How we say NO!

Did you know that a declaration of public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) could be used by the CDC to justify detaining and examining Americans suspected of being ill, even without the declaration of an emergency under U.S. law?

The U.S. has proposed amendments to the existing International Health Regulations that would drastically expand the authority of the WHO. This is a separate plan in addition to the pandemic treaty being drafted right now that SHF has already alerted you to here. The two documents combined would create quite a structure for global health surveillance and governance!

We can act now to tell our lawmakers to step in. They’ve been asleep at the wheel when it comes to the WHO, but it is time for us to wake them up!  CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW!

Soros floods cash into Arkansas prosecutor race

A political group funded exclusively by liberal financier George Soros has dumped over $100,000 in support of a former public defender running to become a prosecuting attorney in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Soros is the only contributor to the Arkansas Justice and Public Safety PAC, which was founded in mid-April around the same time the financier donated $321,000 to the group. The PAC has since spent about $100,000 on research, polling, and consulting work, and in late April, the group purchased $40,000 worth of television advertisements in support of Alicia Walton's bid to serve as prosecuting attorney in Pulaski and Perry counties, the Arkansas Times reported.

Soros's intervention in the lead-up to the May 24 primary provides a significant boon to Walton, who has raised less than $20,000 for her campaign, according to the Capital Research Center. Walton's opponent, Will Jones, has raised $144,000 for his campaign.

The Arkansas Justice and Public Safety PAC is led by Whitney Tymas, who is also listed as the director or treasurer for similarly named Soros-funded groups that support liberal prosecutors in at least 12 other states. (The Washington Examiner) Read more

- Holy God, we put a full scale STOP on this money, in Jesus name.  Let every single cent that is coming from the pockets of this globalist and his stewards be driven into the bottomless pit, with no opportunity to do evil in Arkansas or elsewhere.  May these election campaigns be transparent, open and honest in Your Name, amen.

- "'I will go before you And make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron.'"  (Isaiah 45:2)

Signs & Wonders
SpaceX rocket launch leaves 'space jellyfish' in its wake
The extraordinary alien-looking cloud that was spotted over the Southeast before sunrise on Friday can be explained, experts say.

SpaceX successfully launched its Falcon 9 rocket before dawn on Friday, carrying 53 new Starlink internet satellites into space. Early-morning stargazers across the Southeast were able to catch a view of the rocket launch and the stunning, out-of-this-world cloud it left behind.

The rocket successfully lifted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 5:42 a.m. EDT Friday, leaving behind an illuminated trail that many now refer to as a "space jellyfish."

The seemingly unearthly cloud is a stunning sight for those who see it, with luminous hues of blue and orange trailed by the angelic glow of the sun hitting the rocket exhaust in the predawn hours. As the rocket travels overhead, a glowing cosmic trail is left behind for all who are awake to see it. Read More

The Good News Corner
Andrew Cuomo sued over pandemic order placing COVID-19 patients in nursing homes
Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is being sued over his pandemic order placing thousands of COVID-19 patients in nursing homes during the pandemic, which critics argue put thousands of elderly individuals at risk. Daniel Arbeeny, whose 89-year-old father died in April 2020 after developing coronavirus symptoms while at a nursing home in Brooklyn, filed a class-action lawsuit Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. “This policy of mandatory admission, non-testing and comingling of nursing home residents constituted reckless endangerment by all of the Defendants,” the complaint reads, according to The New York Post.

Arbeeny told the outlet that his lawsuit is about holding those in charge accountable for the directive Cuomo issued in March 2020 requiring recovering COVID-19 patients to be transferred to nursing homes. “Wrongful death is wrongful death, whether it’s the state or not," Arbeeny was quoted as saying. "It’s wrong. The government needs to make amends for this." In June 2021, Arbeeny authored an opinion column with his brother Peter, writing that “thousands of grieving families who lost loved ones in nursing homes are seeking the truth about Cuomo’s ill-fated advisory and subsequent cover-up of the true death toll. Common sense tells us that nursing homes are the absolute last place that any sensible elected leader should send COVID-positive patients,” wrote the Arbeeny brothers.

Last month, the New York Office of the State Comptroller released an audit that found that Cuomo’s Health Department “misled the public” about the data on nursing home deaths and “was not transparent in its reporting of COVID-19 deaths at nursing homes. While the Department's duty is to act solely to promote public health, we determined that, rather than providing accurate and reliable information during a public health emergency, the Department instead conformed its presentation to the Executive's narrative, often presenting data in a manner that misled the public," the report states. (Christian Post)
A Special Announcement


On tonight's National Call, we will welcome Frank Seignious. 
For decades, Frank and his colleagues have been carefully monitoring key issues on the docket at the Supreme Court. 

By the kindness of our God, this interview with Frank Seignious was planned months ago, for this "set time." And now we know why!

Here is a message from Frank to all of you, as we prepare our hearts to launch the "weapons of our warfare" to a court in Crisis.

"It is my intention to come with some helpful analysis of the leaked Alito Brief which reveals Roe v. Wade and Casey are being overturned if things continue without any changes in the five Justices legal or health position.

Most important is the call to all Pro life prayer warriors to specifically pray for two things:

# 1   Protection – of the five Conservative Justices – with this leak – their lives are in great danger! This includes their families / property / etc

# 2   Immediate release of the Final / Finished / Decision of the Dobbs Case. 

          Too many bad things can go wrong until the Dobbs Decision is official and released. The left / evil will do everything in their power to stop this case from being official and final. 

I am looking forward to Monday evening and the opportunity to be a part of your powerful ministry. Thank you, Sara, for all you do my good friend and warrior in the battle!


[You can review the notes that Frank wrote out during the last time he came on our call by going here.]
Classic Hymns

Glory to His Name 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Elisha Hoffman
Music: John Stockton

Scripture: Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name. Psalm 29:2

Down at the cross where my Savior died,
Down where for cleansing from sin I cried,
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His name!

Glory to His name, glory to His name:
There to my heart was the blood applied;
Glory to His name!

I am so wondrously saved from sin,
Jesus so sweetly abides within;
There at the cross where He took me in;
Glory to His name!


Oh, precious fountain that saves from sin,
I am so glad I have entered in;
There Jesus saves me and keeps me clean;
Glory to His name!


Come to this fountain so rich and sweet,
Cast thy poor soul at the Savior’s feet;
Plunge in today, and be made complete;
Glory to His name!


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