The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, May 31. 2024
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, May 31, 2024

Jesus was a convicted felon

Posted on May 30, 2024 07:54 pm

Jesus was a convicted felon. Convicted by political enemies. 80 million Americans believe something like that happened today. And it is not me who is saying it. You may consider this an outrageous comparison, but that does not matter. What matters is that they believe it. And you can never change their minds. 

I will not give the internet-censoring algorithm the satisfaction of mentioning any names. All of you know who and what I am talking about. A certain party just made the most massive mistake they could have made. 80 million people will now act as one.

The post Jesus was a convicted felon appeared first on Mario Murillo Ministries.


Give Him 15: Dutch Sheets' word for today:

Stay Focused; God Will Have The Last Word (Response to Trump Verdict)

Pray with me:

Father, though we grieve with You over this prodigal nation and the price of our rebellion, we are steadfast in our faith for revival and recovery. There will be a rebirth of America. We will wear the new robe and new ring, and we will eat the fatted calf (Luke 15:11-24).

We ask once again for the dismantling of evil in America - from the top down. Free the nation from wicked leaders, evil systems, and deception. Expose the evil one and his partners. And save millions.

Strengthen President Trump. He is being martyred politically, but You will raise him up again. Strengthen the God-honoring leaders in our nation, giving them boldness and backbones of steel. Protect them and their families, and protect our great land. We ask this in Yeshua’s name, Amen.

Our decree:

We decree that darkness will scatter in the light, evil will be shaken down, and truth will prevail in America.

> > > Be sure to read all of this commentary by going here.

>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here.

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Higher Ground" by Islington Baptist Church. Go here!

Israel Desperately Needs Trump Back in the White House

Knesset Member Ohad Tal joined a growing number of Israeli politicians expressing support for the Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump. 

Tal told a group of Christian media leaders this week that Israel “desperately” needs President Trump back in the Oval Office. “We desperately need to see a change in the White House,” Tal told the group. “That is for sure. We need to see President Trump going back to the White House.”

Speaking to a group of Evangelical leaders of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) at the Knesset on Monday, June 27th, Tal continued, “If we really want to see a change in what is happening here, we need the backing of a president who supports Israel completely and not one that supports Iran.”

MK Tal is a rising star of the right wing in Israel and the latest in a string of Knesset members expressing hope for a Trump victory in November. Israel’s Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli told Israeli radio he would vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming US presidential election if he could. (Israel365News) Read more

- Abba, thank You that Your son, Donald, has been very strong in his support for Israel, and thank You that members of the Knesset are standing behind Your son, Donald in the upcoming election.  We ask holy Spirit, to move on the hearts of Jews in the US, let the words of their own countrymen impact their minds and hearts, in Jesus' name.  Open their understanding to Your perspective on differences between how President Trump related to Israel during the years of his presidency, and how the Biden regime has related to Israel the last 3 years, in Jesus' name.  We decree amd declare that truth will be received by all in the Jewish Community, that there will be a seismic shift in the depth of their understanding of the words their countrymen spoke concerning our next Presidental Election.   We ask this in the name Yahweh Shalom, The Lord Our Peace.

- "I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie
        down and no one will make you afraid.
     I will remove all beasts from the land, and the 
        sword will not pass through your country."

(Leviticus 26:6)  
Trump Found Guilty: A Blow to Justice and Conservative Values
In a shocking and deeply concerning turn of events, former President Donald J. Trump has been found guilty in all 34 counts by a jury in a case overseen by Judge Juan Merchan. This verdict, rendered after the jury received their instructions, represents a profound moment in American history where political motivations seem to have overshadowed justice.

Trump, a symbol of conservative values and a champion for many, has faced relentless attacks since his time in office. This verdict only adds to the perception that the judicial system is being weaponized against political adversaries. It’s worth noting that Judge Merchan’s daughter has been financially linked to the Democratic Party, raising serious questions about impartiality in this case.

The charges themselves, initially misdemeanors, were elevated in a manner that many see as legally dubious. Moreover, the prosecution has failed to definitively prove that Trump committed any crime. The reliance on testimonies from Michael Cohen and Jack Smith, both of whom have questionable credibility and have been seen as desperate to bring Trump down, further weakens the integrity of this case. (Red Voice Media) Read more
- Abba, our heart is broken over this news. This is a sad day in American history. This is yet another nail in the coffin of our Republic. Abba, we cry out to you for true justice! The weaponization of our Dept of INJustice system calls evil good, and good, evil. Abba, we appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven!  Please set things right!  Please vindicate this man!  Please undertake for him!  In Jesus' name, amen and amen!

 "Justice is turned back,
And righteousness stands afar off;
For truth is fallen in the street,
And equity cannot enter.
So truth fails,
And he who departs from evil makes himself a prey.
Then the LORD saw it, and it displeased Him
there was no justice.
He saw that there was no man,
And wondered that there was no intercessor;
Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him;
And His own righteousness, it sustained Him."

(Isaiah 59:14-16)
American Church, Where Are You? Robert Stearns
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. Isaiah 2:2

Listen to Robert Stearn’s fiery sermon from The Israel Summit event. It is a "now word"... something that we must hear, receive, and act on.

"Moses, Where are you?  Why are you here at this burning bush? Why are you tending sheep when you should be confronting Pharoah. Where are you Esther. Where are you Esther? Are you a beauty pageant winner or a Queen who will deliver her people? Where are you today, It is not about location. It is about identity. American church, where are you?"

If you are not on your way to Zion, you’re going in the wrong direction!
- Abba, Robert Stearns spoke powerfully and truthfully as he asked all of us, "where are you", a question not about our location but about our identity, about where we are in our hearts.  There is so much antisemitism in our world, his question forces us to do some hard looking at our own responses to the injustice being heaped on Jews in our nation and around the world.  Father God, we ask You to release your warrior angels to guard and protect your people, in Jesus' name.  We ask You to move in each of our hearts, show us "where we are", give us understanding of our own blind spots and a heart to repent where necessary, in Jesus' name.  Jesus, bring conviction to your church where replacement theology has blinded the minds and hearts of believers, reveal Your truth to them, in Jesus' name.  We decree and declare that the remnant in the US will stand with our Israeli brothers and sisters, that each of us will be accountable to You for our answer to "where am I"?   We ask this in the name Yahweh Tsidkenu, The Lord Our Righteousness.  

- 12  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
           the people he chose for his inheritance.
13   From heaven the Lord looks down
           and sees all mankind;
14   from his dwelling place he watches
          all who live on earth---
15   he who forms the hearts of all,
           who considers everything they do."

(Psalm 33:12-15) 
Ripples from The Israel Summit - Interview with Al & Steve
Today we interview Al McCarn and Steve Wearp of They share their takeaways from the recent Global Prayer for Israel event which took place May 15, 2024. This was a unique and ground-breaking prayer event that brought Jews & Christians together to pray for Israel. Next, we turn our attention to the recent Israel Summit, which took place at the Ramsey Center in Franklin Tennessee. What were the highlights? The takeaways? Why was it significant?
- Abba, thank you for the coming together of Christians and Jews to pray for Israel in the Global Prayer for Israel event and the Israel Summit.  Mr. McCarn and Mr. Wearp provided needed insight into important topics and their implications for both Israel and the US.  Your word speaks of "One New Man", the coming together in unity of Israeli Jews and those of us Christians who were grafted into Your people Israel through our belief in Jesus, this has been Your intention from the very beginning.  We ask Holy Spirit to continue  creating bridges between Christians and Jews, in Jesus' name.  Send Holy Spirit to bring wisdom and understanding to Isralies and Christians of what parts You have prepared for each to fulfill in Your Kingdom here on earth, in Jesus' name..  Open our hearts and minds to what it means to support one another and to live out the heart of "One New Man", in Jesus' name.  We ask all of this in the name Yahweh Rohi, The Lord Our Shepherd.

- "I in them and you in me--so that they may be
          brought to complete unity.  Then the world will know
       that you sent me and have loved them even 
          as you have loved me."
(John 17:23)

1. Protesters call for the destruction of Israel in Haifa | 6 detained, 2 officers hurt - Israel National News

The police on Thursday dispersed an anti-Israel demonstration on Ben-Gurion Avenue in the heart of downtown Haifa.

The demonstrators marched down the street, blocking it, and disturbed public order. During the demonstration, protesters sang songs praising terrorists and chanted in Arabic calling for the destruction of Israel.

Some demonstrators clashed with police, injuring two officers. The officers were taken to Rambam Medical Center for medical treatment.

Six demonstrators were taken for questioning by Border Police.

"We will continue to uphold the freedom of expression and protest for everyone within the confines of the law. However, we will work against riots, disturbances of public order, which includes violations of many people's freedom of movement and endangers road users, as well as chants against the State of Israel." (Read more)

2. Gantz’s National Unity submits bill to dissolve Knesset. - JNS

Israeli War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz’s National Unity Party submitted a bill on Thursday to dissolve the Knesset in an attempt to topple the government led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The proposal to dissolve Israel’s parliament was submitted by National Unity lawmaker Knesset member Pnina Tamano-Shata.

“October 7 is a disaster that obliges us to return and receive the trust of the nation; to establish a broad and stable unity government that can lead us with confidence in the face of major challenges in terms of security, the economy, and especially, in Israeli society,” said Tamano-Shata. (Read more)

3. Hostage talks revival appears to hit a dead end - Jerusalem Post

Attempts to revive the hostage talks appeared to have failed on Thursday night, as Hamas insisted that Israel must agree to end the war and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continued to speak of victory over the terrorist group.

Hamas informed hostage deal mediators they are ready to reach a “complete agreement,” including a comprehensive swap of captives for security prisoners, but only if Israel would “stop its war and aggression against people in Gaza,” according to a statement the group released on Thursday.

Hamas emphasized that it had been flexible and positive, but that "the occupation used this negotiation to cover up the continued aggression and massacres against our Palestinian people.” (Read more)

4. Hamas says it is ready for a 'complete agreement' if Israel stops war - Reuters

May 30 (Reuters) - Hamas said on Thursday it had told mediators it would not take part in more negotiations during ongoing aggression but was ready for a "complete agreement" including an exchange of hostages and prisoners if Israel stopped the war.
Talks, mediated by among others Egypt and Qatar, to arrange a ceasefire between Israel and the Islamist movement in the Gaza war have repeatedly stalled with both sides blaming the other for the lack of progress.
The latest Hamas statement came as Israel pressed on with an offensive on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, despite an order by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the top U.N. court, to halt the attacks.
"Hamas and the Palestinian factions will not accept to be part of this policy by continuing (ceasefire) negotiations in light of the aggression, siege, starvation and genocide of our people", the Hamas statement read. (Read more)

5. Travelers to Israel will soon need to apply in advance for travel authorization - Times of Israel

JTA — Israel is joining the Western nations requiring an advance online application and a fee for citizens from visa-exempt countries, including the United States.

Until now, Americans seeking to travel to Israel haven’t needed to do anything other than purchase a plane ticket and pack their bags.

But starting August 1, electronic travel authorization through a designated website will be required, the Tourism Ministry announced this week. (Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. Israeli National Security Advisor: Hamas War Won’t End Before 2025 -

The war against Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip will last at least until the end of the year, Israeli National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi declared on Wednesday.

“We expect another seven months of fighting in order to deepen the accomplishments and
achieve what we have defined as ‘the destruction of the governmental and military
capabilities of Hamas,'” said Hanegbi.

The former Cabinet minster stressed that Jerusalem has no choice but to act in Gaza’s
southernmost city of Rafah and stop Hamas from smuggling weapons, funds and terrorists
into the Strip from Egypt’s Sinai. (Read more) 
- Dear Lord, we rejoice that You have placed wise men in charge of the Israeli forces at a time like this when they must fight for their very existence.  Father God, send them supernatural strategies to be able to completely eliminate that evil entity of Hamas from their land.  Send angelic protection to preserve and guide them in their execution of this conflict.  
- "He has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness to the House of Israel; all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God."  (Psalms 98:3)   

2. Pro-Zionist Writers Being Blacklisted – Israel365 News

In a recent New York Times opinion article titled “A Chill Has Fallen Over Jews in
Publishing”,  James Kirchick revealed a chilling trend; writers are being tracked and graded
according to their Zionist sentiments. Kirchik links to a spreadsheet titled “Is Your Fav
Author a Zionist?” classifying nearly 200 writers according to their views on the “genocide”
in Gaza. 

The tweet by an X user named Amina Hossain linking to the spreadsheet has garnered over one million views and more than 8,000 shares.

The qualifications for being classified as a “Zionist” were incredibly low and not necessarily
connected to Israel. Novelist Kristin Hannah was given a red warning as a “Zionist” posting
a link to the Israeli chapter of the Red Cross, which the list described as “a pro israel
medical service”. Author Gabrielle Zevin was red-listed for giving a talk at a conference for
Hadassah, an American Jewish Zionist organization, about her book, which featured a
fictional character with positive feelings towards Israel. Mitch Albom, author of “Tuesdays
with Morrie,” was red-listed for the crime of writing “blog posts about how Israel has the
right to defend itself.”

Caitlin R. Kiernan was red-listed for describing the campus encampments as “antisemitic”. (Read more)

- Lord Jesus, we come against the persecution of those who would support Israel rather than Hamas and declare that the truth of what happened in the attack of October 7th will prevail over the lies put out to deceive unwise people.  Strengthen those who will speak honestly about the situation in Israel and the atrocities perpetrated on innocent people.  
- "For the mouth of the wicked and the mouth of the deceitful have opened against me; They have spoken against me with a lying tongue."  (Psalms 109:2)  

3. Donald Trump calls hush money trial 'rigged' after being found guilty on all counts - ABC News

Donald Trump has been found guilty on all counts in his historic New York criminal trial, becoming the first former or sitting president to be convicted of a crime as he makes a bid to return to the White House.

Trump, 77, called the verdict a "disgrace", adding: "We'll fight to the end."

He will be sentenced on 11 July - just days before the Republican National Convention, when he will be confirmed as the party's White House candidate.

Trump will almost certainly appeal, which does not prevent him from running against President Joe Biden, the Democrat incumbent, in November’s election. (Read more)

- Father God, we have no other recourse but to appeal to heaven for this unjust verdict rendered to stop a return to freedom from tyranny in our country.  Lord, we ask that those who love You and love the basic human rights You gave us in our Constitution will raise up a chorus of prayer to You in repentance and forgiveness to right those many wrongs that have happened recently against Your standard of righteousness.  
- "Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation; oh deliver me from the deceitful and unjust man."  (Psalms 43:1)    

4. More than 4 Million Chickens Will be Culled at Iowa Farm Where Bird Flu was Found – Discern Report

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has issued a disaster proclamation enabling state and federal agencies to assist with tracking and containing the virus. More than 4 million chickens will be slaughtered to prevent the spread of bird flu after the virus was detected at a commercial egg-laying facility in Iowa, the state announced on May 28.
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship said in a statement that a coordinated effort with the U.S. Department of Agriculture led to the detection of a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) case of the H5N1 strain, also known as bird flu, at a large farm in Sioux County.

It was the first avian influenza case detected in a large commercial flock of chickens in the Hawkeye State this year. Don McDowell, the agency’s communications director, told The Epoch Times in an email that the affected flock contains about 4.2 million chickens. (Read more) 

- Lord God, We come to you and ask you to eliminate this bird flu in our county. We ask it to be gone in the name of Jesus. We ask you to protect our bird population. Let our birds reproduce, thrive and produce good food for our farmers to sell and for the Americans to buy. We ask all these things in Jesus' mighty name. Thank you.

- "I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the fields is mine." (Psalm 50:11) 

5. Deaths Surge 1,236% After Covid shots, Top Study Finds – Discern Report

A jolting new study has found that deaths surge by over 1,200 percent among people who have received at least one Covid mRNA shot. The study was conducted by a group of world-renowned epidemiologists, cardiologists, and data experts.

The pre-print paper for the study, co-authored by celebrated cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, was published Monday.

The study, titled “Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington,” sought to investigate concerns about major spikes in serious cardiovascular adverse events, including myocarditis, myocardial infarction, and venous thromboembolism, all of which can lead to cardiopulmonary arrest. (Read more)

- Jehovah Jireh, Americans are still perishing from the covid -19 shot. We ask you for supernatural protection for all people who took it. We ask you to build up our immunities in our physical bodies so we will live and not die.You are our physician and healer. We rely on you and your holy word. We believe in you for our healing. By your stripes we are healed. In Jesus mighty name. Amen and Amen.

- "The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health." (Psalm 41:3)   
6. Bidenflation is Destroying the Middle Class – Discern Report
Yes, yes, everyone who is paying attention knows by now that things are bad – or perhaps worse than bad. The persistent inflation, also colloquially known as Bidenflation, has made the country collectively frown. Well, perhaps not everyone feels that way. If you occupy a slot in the top 1%, you are sitting pretty, thanks to rocketing house prices and soaring stock market valuations, buoyed by the Federal Reserve’s monetary easing endeavors. However, if you are a middle-class individual or a small business, good luck — because inflation is eating your lunch.


Bidenflation Comes for Small Businesses 
A new survey by small business network Alignable showed that 86% of US entrepreneurs report facing the pain of rising prices. The study, conducted with more than 3,000 business owners from April to May, showed that inflation is the top issue hurting small businesses. This was followed by tax policies (79%) and regulations (76%). Just 6% report having no worries or issues. (Read more) 

- Father God, The American middle class is suffering with high prices on everything that we buy due to outrageous inflation. There seems to be no relief in sight. Small business is also being affected. Please help our economy recover quickly. We ask that your will be done. Help us get this run away economy under control, and help our small business grow and be successful. We ask this in your precious name. Amen and Amen.

- "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trust in you." (Isaiah 26:3)

The Daily Jot

The Prophetic Warning To Iran, Biden And The Church

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, May 30, 2024

On Sunday, May 19, reports came out of Iran that Iran’s dictator president Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and a host of other Iranian officials and bodyguards had experienced a “hard landing” when their helicopter went down. Turns out that the hard landing actually was a crash that killed all on board. Iranian news agencies reported that Raisi and others had been “martyred” because they were killed in service to their people. Known as the “Butcher of Tehran” for his brutality to dissidents and women, Raisi also was an outspoken enemy of Israel and the United States. In fact, Iran is funding Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorists in the war against Israel. In his death, there may be prophetic lessons.

With that as the background, this untimely end to Iran’s extreme and radical leader should be a warning sign not only to the extremists in terrorist-led Iran, but also to Joe Biden, the United States and the church. In Genesis 12:3, the LORD said of Israel, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curses thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Raisi and his minions may well have suffered at the hand of God because of what they are doing and have done to Israel. Most certainly, there is historic documentation when leaders in the US go against Israel, there is usually a natural, political, or economic disaster that follows. Americans, brace yourselves because Biden has been part and parcel to Iran’s and Hamas’ funding for “humanitarian purposes” that has allowed these terrorists to war against Israel. Read More 

Supreme Court rules in favor of NRA in key First Amendment case
Supreme Court Says the NRA 'plausibly alleged' a New York official violated its First Amendment rights

The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously decided that the National Rifle Association (NRA) "plausibly alleged" that the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) violated the group's First Amendment rights by blacklisting the group.

In a unanimous decision written by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the high court "holds that the NRA plausibly alleged that [then-New York State Department of Financial Services Superintendent Maria T.] Vullo violated the First Amendment by coercing DFS-regulated entities to terminate their business relationships with the NRA in order to punish or suppress the NRA’s advocacy." 

"The judgment of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is vacated, and the case remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion," the court said, allowing the NRA to continue to argue its case, overruling the second circuit's dismissal of the suit.

The case stems from a lawsuit filed by the NRA in 2018 which questioned whether a government regulator threatens regulated entities with adverse regulatory actions if they do business with a controversial speaker, allegedly because of the government's own hostility to the speaker's viewpoint, violates the First Amendment. (Fox News) Read more here.   

Lord God, we thank You that each of the Supreme Court Justices were able to come into agreement that a government agency may not breach the First Amendment rights of any person or group just because the DFS does not agree with an organization’s ideology or ‘mission statement’ [that is not illegal]. We send up cheers of profound gratefulness to You, Lord, that our First Amendment to the Constitution has been upheld. Guide the NRA attorneys as they continue to pursue their case against Ms. Vullo (DFS) and former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo. We ask that You provide all of the evidence needed to bring their case to a just conclusion. LET FREEDOM RING!!!

- "Let the heavens be joyful, and the earth rejoice; And let them say among the nations, “The Lord reigns.” (1 Chronicles 16:31)  
Planes nearly collide at Washington airport, prompting FAA investigation

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed it is investigating a close call between two aircraft at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on Wednesday. 

Around 10:30 a.m. local time, the FAA said an air traffic controller canceled the takeoff clearance for American Airlines Flight 2134 because another aircraft was cleared to land on an intersecting runway.

American Airlines told FOX Business that it will support the FAA in its investigation.

"The safety of our customers and team members is our top priority, and we’re grateful to our crew for their professionalism," American said in a statement. 

This incident comes roughly a month after the FAA announced it was looking into a close call involving JetBlue and Southwest aircraft that also occurred at the airport.

The FAA has been intensifying efforts to reduce runway incursions following a string of close calls at the start of 2023. (Fox Business) Read more here.

- Thank You, Abba Father, that a major collision of two airliners on a runway at Reagan National Airport was averted recently by a quick acting air traffic controller, halting one of the planes just in time. Father, there have been a number of similar incidents of late, as well as planes that are either in need of repair or may have serious design flaws. We ask Your help and wisdom for the FAA as they update policies regarding aircraft, pilots, & air traffic controllers.

 A shortage of controllers is part of the problem, as well as sleep deprivation. We call forth those with the proper training, skills, and temperament to fill in the gaps. We also decree that no plane unfit for travel will leave the ground until it is properly repaired.

Thank You for the newest technology used for pilot training; may its advantages be noted and used to increase skills in new and older pilots as needed. We continue to pray that any inebriated pilots will be intercepted before they board and put on leave for treatment. Lord God, we earnestly pray as well that there will be no more sudden heart attacks in the cockpit. Please, Abba, arrange their  schedules and send as many angels as needed in times of distress.

 - "The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."  (Psalm 121:8) 

3 tropical waves emerge days before the 2024 hurricane season

TAMPA, Fla. - The National Hurricane Center is monitoring three tropical waves just days before the official start of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season.

On Tuesday in the NHC's Atlantic Tropical Weather Discussion, forecasters said one system is situated east of the Cape Verde Islands, another is in the Central Atlantic, and the third is in the central Caribbean. The waves are each traveling westward across the Atlantic with wind speeds up to 15 mph. 

While FOX 13 meteorologist Jim Weber said none of these waves will develop, it's important to be prepared ahead of hurricane season, which begins on June 1 and runs through Nov. 30.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) handed down its official prediction for the season – its most ferocious yet. A record 17-25 named storms are anticipated, with 8 to 13 of them becoming hurricanes with winds of at least 74 mph. Seven of them could be considered major hurricanes. (Fox News) Read more here.

- Father God, now that the hurricane season has arrived, we ask for Your divine
intervention to go forth, lessening the numbers of "named hurricanes" now predicted and sparing all in their paths. We ask for a greater measure of Your grace to rest upon all who are involved in caring for the public at this time: meteorologists, hurricane hunters (who fly the research aircraft), first responders, and government officials who are responsible for alerting the public to imminent danger. Thank You, O Lord, for hearing and answering our prayer, in Your mighty name, amen and amen!

- "My grace is sufficient for Thee." (2 Corinthians 12:9) 
And Now . . . Lion of Judah: ROAR!!!!
"The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.
He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;
He shall prevail against His enemies."

(Isaiah 42:13)  
Signs & Wonders
"Explosive" Iceland volcano eruption shoots lava across roads and sends pollution toward the capital

For the fifth time since December, a volcanic eruption is underway in southwest Iceland. The Icelandic Met Office said that the eruption started Wednesday after hundreds of earthquakes were recorded in recent days, with the eruption quickly becoming "explosive."

As of Thursday morning, the latest eruption had resulted in a nearly two-mile-long fissure that was spewing "considerable lava fountaining." The Met Office said that lava has been flowing "vigorously" from the fissure and has gone over roads towards the volcanic Þorbjörn. That mountain sits outside the small fishing village of Grindavík that has seen evacuations, cracked roads and homes swallowed up by lava flows in previous eruptions in the past half-year.

The eruption came after hundreds of earthquakes rattled the area over several days. Late last week, the Met Office reported that roughly 140 earthquakes had been detected in just two days, although all were small. The weekend before that saw another 200 earthquakes, also small.
"Explosive activity began when the magma came into contact with groundwater where a lava flows into a fissure by Hagafell," the office said. "The magma causes the water to be quickly converted into gaseous state (steam), causing steam explosions and tephra fall (ash). There is considerable uncertainty regarding the amount of gases from the eruption site."  Read More

The Good News Corner
Tennessee Governor Signs Bill to Stop Trafficking Teens to Other States for Secret Abortions
Tennessee is one of over a dozen states that currently protect unborn babies from abortions. But that doesn’t stop people from taking teens to other state for secret abortions without their parents knowing. A new measure the Tennessee legislature signed off on would put a stop to that concerning practice and now it heads to the state’s pro-life governor for his signature. An amended Senate Bill 1971 was concurred by the Senate 25-4 after passing the House 74-24. The legislation would make it a criminal offense for an adult who is not the parent or guardian of a minor child to assist the minor with concealing or obtaining an abortion. And today, Governor Bill Lee signed the pro-life measure into law. A leading pro-life group immediately thanked the governor. “Tennessee Right to Life would like to thank Governor Lee for signing into law HB1895/SB1971, the Underage Abortion Trafficking Act. Tennesseans are fortunate to have a Governor who supports the rights of parents to protect their daughters and be involved in their wellbeing,” the group informed LifeNews.

The measure passed overwhelmingly in the House and Senate this session and will make it a crime for any adult to recruit, harbor or transport a minor to abort a child or to obtain abortion chemicals for her without the consent of her parents. As the sponsors of the legislation pointed out, this bill is a parental consent bill aimed to protect minors from being taken for invasive surgery or given dangerous abortion chemicals without their parents’ knowledge or consent. “Passage of the Underage Abortion Trafficking Act is a victory for Tennessee parents and their daughters. This law will go a long way in protecting young girls from predators who want to cover their crimes and from an abortion industry that exploits young girls for profit,” said Tennessee Right to Life lobbyist, Will Brewer. The importance of this legislation has become even more urgent as the abortion industry is looking for ways to get around the laws in pro-life states like Tennessee. Recently, Planned Parenthood was caught admitting that they facilitate abortion travel for underage girls and those aiding and abetting them, without the knowledge or consent of their parents. (LifeNews) Read More

- Father we BLESS Governor Bill Lee for protecting young teens from abortion! Thank You for exposing the truth of Planned Parenthood's devious ways, circumventing the law and disregarding a parent's knowledge of their child's pregnancy and decision to abort. We repent as a nation for all the shed blood through abortion. May there be continual exposure for all that is done in darkness and accountability for those responsible. We declare others will swiftly join Gov. Bill Lee in the fight against trafficking teenagers across state-lines to abort and ask for Your holy realignment across our nation to save the unborn! May Your Name be glorified in the saving of precious lives! In Jesus powerful Name-Amen.

- "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." (Ephesians 5:11) 
Thought for the Day
“Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts.”

(Hebrews 4:7)
A Special Message
The Sinner's Prayer
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name."

- Provided By: Billy Graham
Classic Hymns

Marching to Zion

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Isaac Watts
Music: Robert Lowry

Scripture: Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion. Jeremiah 31:6

Come, we that love the Lord,
And let our joys be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord,
Join in a song with sweet accord
And thus surround the throne,
And thus surround the throne.

We’re marching to Zion,
Beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion,
The beautiful city of God.

The sorrows of the mind
Be banished from the place;
Religion never was designed
Religion never was designed,
To make our pleasures less,
To make our pleasures less.


Let those refuse to sing,
Who never knew our God;
But favorites of the heavenly King,
But favorites of the heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad,
May speak their joys abroad.


The God that rules on high,
And thunders when He please,
Who rides upon the stormy sky,
Who rides upon the stormy sky,
And manages the seas,
And manages the seas.


This awful God is ours,
Our Father and our Love;
He will send down his heav’nly powers,
He will send down his heav’nly powers,
To carry us above,
To carry us above.


There we shall see His face,
And never, never sin!
There, from the rivers of His grace,
There, from the rivers of His grace,
Drink endless pleasures in,
Drink endless pleasures in.


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