The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, May 21, 2024
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here.

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is " I Exalt Thee" by Kim Walker Smith. Go here!

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, hardline ally of Khamenei, killed in helicopter crash
  • U.S. says has no part to play in helicopter crash
  • State Department says it reaffirms support for Iranian people in struggle for freedoms, as it sends condolences
DUBAI, May 20 (Reuters) - Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, a hardliner seen as a potential successor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was killed when his helicopter crashed in poor weather in mountains near the Azerbaijan border, officials and state media said on Monday.
The charred wreckage of the helicopter which crashed on Sunday carrying Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and six other passengers and crew was found early on Monday after an overnight search in blizzard conditions.
Supreme Leader Khamenei, who holds ultimate power with a final say on foreign policy and Iran's nuclear programme, said First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber, would take over as interim president, the official IRNA news agency reported.
"I announce five days of public mourning and offer my condolences to the dear people of Iran," Khamenei said in a statement. Mokhber, like Raisi, is seen as close to Khamenei.

The crash comes at a time of growing dissent within Iran over an array of political, social and economic crises. Iran's clerical rulers face international pressure over Tehran's disputed nuclear programme and its deepening military ties with Russia during the war in Ukraine.
Since Iran's ally Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, provoking Israel's assault on Gaza, conflagrations involving Iran-aligned groups have erupted throughout the Middle East.
A long "shadow war" between Iran and Israel broke into the open last month with tit-for-tat exchanges of drone and missile fire.
An Israeli official, who requested anonymity, told Reuters it was not involved in the crash. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he had no insight into the cause of the crash, adding the United States had no part to play in it.
Under the Islamic Republic's constitution, a new presidential election must be held within 50 days. (Reuters) Read more here.
- Lord God, we continue to pray for peace over the Middle East in the mighty name of Jesus. We come against the spirit of war, chaos, confusion, and murder, and we break its powers in Jesus Christ's name. We pray, Lord, that the truth about the story would be revealed. We pray that every hidden secret and hidden scheme would be brought to the light and that the world would know the truth about what is going on in Iran and Israel and the whole Middle East, in Jesus name amen.

We pray also Father, that You would bring the tyrannical leadership of Iran to You, so that the people of Iran and Israel would not have to live under constant threat to their very lives.  The hardline government is quite brutal to its own people and the nuclear threat against Israel is ongoing. We bind the threat of retaliation against every nation, in Jesus name. We pray also for a Godly breakthrough, in response to the prayers of the growing number of Christians, in Jesus' name.  

- "For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed." (John 3:20)

See also: "How Do We Pray About Iran?" by IFA. Go here.
In Israel visit, Stefanik to tout Trump's record on Jewish state, reject Biden policies: 'No excuse'
New York Republican Elise Stefanik will become the highest-ranking House member to visit Israel since the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks

House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., will blast President Biden as she seeks to reassure Israel during a speech at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, Sunday morning.

Her prepared remarks were obtained by Fox News Digital ahead of the address. Stefanik will be the highest-ranking House member to visit Israel since the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. She will be introduced by the Israeli speaker, according to her office.

The New York Republican is also planning to meet with high-level government officials and pay her respects to locations attacked by Hamas in October. She plans to tout her decades-long support for the Jewish state as a senior member of the House Armed Services and House Intelligence committees.

In her speech, Stefanik calls herself "a lifelong admirer, supporter and friend of Israel and the Jewish people."

"I am lucky to have had the privilege of traveling here many times before, but I must confess that this time feels different," Stefanik's speech states. "The stakes feel higher. Our sense of moral, patriotic duty feels heightened, renewed."

"If I leave you with one message today, it’s this: The majority of Americans support you, and we always will since President Truman’s recognition of Israel 11 minutes after David Ben-Gurion declared Israel’s independence 76 years and 5 days ago," the address says. "America stands with Israel."

Before concluding her speech, the politician will take aim at Ivy League universities for their responses to chaotic protests and anti-Israel encampments. "We must not let the extremism in ‘elite’ corners conceal the deep, abiding love for Israel among the American people," the speech adds. "Most Americans feel a strong connection to your people. They have opened their hearts to you in this dark hour." (Fox News) Read more here.
- Lord God we pray for Representative Stefanik asking that you fill her mouth with Your words of wisdom as she gives this important speech. We pray, Lord, that every representative and the president would represent Americans' interests and continue to support and take care of our ally Israel, in Jesus name, amen.

- "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you!"
(Psalm 122:6)
ICE declines to reveal names of Jordanians nabbed for Marine base breach; former officials weigh in
The two nationals are currently in ICE custody

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said Friday that it is not yet releasing the identities of two Jordanian nationals who attempted to breach a Marine Corps base in Virginia — something former officials say raises a number of possibilities about the case.

"We cannot proactively release the names, as this could potentially affect their removal proceedings," ICE said in a statement.

Officials had confirmed Thursday that there was an attempted breach on May 3 at Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia. A Marine base spokesperson said that two people in a box truck had been stopped at a gate. 

The driver allegedly told military police officers they were making a delivery to the post office and worked for a company subcontracted by Amazon.

"It was at that time, one of the military police officers noticed the driver, ignoring the direct instructions of the officers, continued to move the vehicle past the holding area and attempted to access Marine Corps Base Quantico," spokesperson Capt. Michael Curtis said in a statement. 

Officials later turned them over to ICE after their arrest for trespassing. In a statement, ICE confirmed the arrest of two Jordanian noncitizens and said they were in Enforcement and Removal Operation (ERO) custody, but did not provide any more information about their cases.

"Regardless of nationality, ICE makes custody determinations on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with U.S. law and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy, considering the circumstances of each case. ICE officers make decisions on associated enforcement actions and apply prosecutorial discretion in a responsible manner, informed by their experience as law enforcement professionals and in a way that best protects the communities we serve," a spokesperson said. (Fox News) Read more. 

- Lord God we lift all ICE officials to You and all those working tirelessly to protect us at our borders.  We pray that You would give them supernatural wisdom and strength to perform the many tasks that need to be done. We draw a bloodline around our borders that no harm or evil can harm this country, in Jesus name amen.

- “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13)
Trump Highlights 2nd Amendment as Vital Amid Illegal Immigration Crisis

DALLAS—The Second Amendment is vital for enabling Americans to protect themselves from the wave of criminals, drugs, and the mentally ill that are flooding across the U.S. southern border, former President Donald Trump told a raucous standing-room-only crowd at the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) 153rd Annual Meeting and Exhibitions in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday, May 18.

Several thousand gathered in a meeting room of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center to hear from the man who is seeking a second term as president. President Trump’s speech drew loud cheers on more than one occasion from the largely supportive group of Second Amendment advocates.

President Trump told the group that the Second Amendment is “under siege” from the current administration. According to President Trump, diminishing Second Amendment rights is a public safety issue.

“The survival of our Second Amendment is on the ballot,” President Trump said. “We need it for safety.”

During his Saturday afternoon speech, the New York City businessman, former television personality, and current front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination for president came down hard on President Joe Biden. He highlighted the rise in illicit drugs trafficked into the United States from Mexico and crime brought about by illegal immigration.

To bolster his claim, President Trump called Edwards County, Texas, rancher Debbie Douglas to the stage. She told the crowd that her family are virtual prisoners in her home because of illegal immigrants.

Ms. Douglas claims she had been forced to make thousands of dollars worth of renovations to her home to harden it against attempted burglaries by supposed illegal immigrants. She said that her granddaughter can’t play outside unsupervised and that no adults leave the home unarmed, even in a vehicle.

“One of us is driving, and one of us is looking under cedar bushes for legs and movement,” she said. (The Epoch Times) Read more here.

- Lord, we pray that the Second Amendment of the Constitution be protected for the safety and protection of families from those who seek to do harm. We also pray for your wisdom with our court judges to protect the liberties of our citizens.

- "Then David said to his men, “Every man gird on his sword.” So every man girded on his sword, and David also girded on his sword. And about four hundred men went with David, and two hundred stayed with the supplies." (1 Samuel 25:13}

1. ICC requests arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas leaders over ‘war crimes’ - Fox News

An International Criminal Court prosecutor announced Monday that he has filed applications for arrest warrants against Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas leaders for allegedly committing "war crimes" during the conflict in Gaza. 

Prosecutor Karim Khan said in a statement that based on evidence collected and examined by his office, he has "reasonable grounds" to believe Netanyahu and Gallant "bear criminal responsibility for... war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine." 

He said those alleged crimes include "starvation of civilians as a method of warfare" and "intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population."  (Read more)

2. Ministers, MKs slam ‘disgraceful’ ICC move against Israeli leaders - JNS

Israeli leaders rushed to defend the Jewish state after the International Court of Justice’s chief prosecutor said he will seek arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

War Cabinet member Benny Gantz, who earlier this week butted headswith Netanyahu, defended Israel and its leaders, writing on X, “The State of Israel embarked on the most just war, after a massacre by a terrorist organization against its citizens.”

The Israel Defense Forces “fights in the most moral way in history, adhering to international law, and has an independent and strong judicial system. Placing the leaders of a country that went into battle to protect its citizens in the same line with bloodthirsty terrorists is moral blindness and a violation of its duty and ability to protect its citizens,” Gantz said. (Read more)

3. 950,000 Gazans have evacuated Rafah as IDF operation continues - World Israel News

The vast majority of Rafah’s civilian population has evacuated the city over the past two weeks, according to a statement released by the Israeli military on Monday.

Rafah, a city straddling the border between the Gaza Strip and Egyptian-ruled Sinai Peninsula, was home to some 200,000 people prior to October 7th, but swelled to over 1.5 million during Israel’s invasion of the coastal enclave, as residents of the northern Strip sought refuge close to the Egyptian border.

For the past month, the IDF has encouraged Gazans to evacuate from Rafah, ahead of the ground operation conducted by Israel to eradicate the four remaining Hamas battalions in the city.

In the past two weeks, the IDF said Monday, Israel has facilitated the evacuation of approximately 950,000 Gazans from Rafah. (Read more)

4IDF Confirms Air Strike Killed Senior Hamas Terrorist Azmi Abu Daqa - Algemeiner

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed that a senior Hamas terrorist, Azmi Abu Daqa, was killed in an airstrike conducted by the Israeli Air Force (IAF) on Saturday.

Abu Daqa was an operative in Hamas’ Procurement Department, involved in smuggling weapons and terror funds into the Gaza Strip.

The targeted airstrike, guided by precise IDF intelligence, is part of a broader campaign against Hamas operatives.

The IDF spokesperson stated, “Aircraft of the Air Force, under the intelligence direction of the Intelligence Wing and the Southern Command, attacked and killed Azmi Abu Daqa, a leading figure in the Hamas Procurement Department, promoting the transfer of weapons and funds intended for terrorism in the Gaza Strip.”

In addition to Abu Daqa, the IAF struck dozens of terror targets over the past day.
(Read more

5. Three UAVs from Syria and Iraq intercepted - Israel National News

IDF fighter jets on Monday evening successfully intercepted an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that approached Israel from Syria. According to the IDF Spokesperson's Unit, the target did not manage to cross into Israeli territory.

Sirens concerning a hostile aircraft infiltration sounded in open areas in the Golan Heights according to protocol. No injuries were reported.

Moreover, the IDF said, in cooperation between the Israeli Navy and the IAF, a Sa'ar 4.5 class corvette missile ship and fighter jets successfully intercepted two aerial targets that approached Israel from the east. (Read more

The Daily Brief

1. ‘High As A Kite’: Trump Says He Will Demand Biden Take A Drug Test Before Debate - Daily Caller

Former president Donald Trump said Friday he would demand President Joe Biden take a drug test before they debate, claiming Biden was high while giving the State of the Union address.

Trump and Biden agreed this week to two face off in two televised debates, first in June and then again in September. Biden stipulated that the debates should take place without a live audience and should only be hosted by a handful of networks, but during the Minnesota Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan Dinner in St. Paul, Minnesota, Trump put forward his own terms.

“I’m going to demand a drug test here, by the way,” Trump said.

“I don’t want him coming in like the State of the Union,” Trump said. “He was high as a kite. I said, ‘Is that Joe up there, that beautiful room?”

“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020,” Biden said. “Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal, I’ll even do it twice.”

Republican North Carolina Rep. Greg Murphy, co-chair of the GOP Doctors Caucus, also said Thursday on Fox Business that Biden “must have been jacked up on something” during the State of the Union, pointing out he “screamed for two hours.”

“I absolutely believe that from a medical viewpoint and actually have a little bit of good knowledge that that happened,” Murphy told Bartiromo. “He can’t stand, and he can’t stand under the lights for that long, and I don’t think he can keep a concept in his brain that long.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. (Read more)

- Thank you Lord for this request and we pray that it would be honored.

- "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls." (Proverbs 25:28) 

2. Sen. Mike Lee Has an Epic Proposal to Enhance Trump vs. Biden Debate - WND

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah has a suggestion to provide a counterweight to CNN’s hosts for the first presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Lee stated on X on Thursday that if CNN can have its leftist hosts — Jake Tapper and Dana Bash — moderate the first debate, the second debate should have hosts from the other end of the political spectrum.

Lee suggested Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham. (Read more)

- We pray that the Republicans be allowed to present the questions on the first debate and the Democrats present the questions on the second debate. This plan would create balance in the questions, producing a fair debate.

- "Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great." (2 Chronicles 1:10-12) 

3.  Forget ‘Never Trumpers’ — More Voters Now Say They’ll Never Vote For Biden - Daily Caller

President Joe Biden has a new problem cropping up in polling data: more Americans now dismiss even the possibility of voting for him.

Among likely voters living in six key swing states, 51% say there’s “not really any chance” they’d vote for Biden, compared to just 46% saying the same thing about former President Donald Trump, according to a May poll conducted by The New York Times and Siena College. The trend of more voters vowing never to vote for Biden than Trump extends beyond just one poll, with three polls stretching between November 2023 and April all finding more never-Biden voters than never-Trump voters, The Washington Post reported.

The American voter’s refusal to even consider voting for Biden is a reversal of the situation during the 2020 election. when voters consistently reported that they would never vote for Trump at higher rates than they did for Biden, according to the Post. 

With the election only four months out, polling paints a dire picture for the president’s reelection prospects.

Biden had an approval rating of just 38.7% as of May 17, making him less popular at this point in his presidency than every president since Harry Truman, according to FiveThirtyEight’s running average of polls. Trump has also repeatedly polled ahead of Biden in the key battleground states that are likely to decide the election.

The New York Times poll surveyed 4,097 registered voters across Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin with a margin of error of plus or minus 1.9 percentage points for likely voters. (Read more)

- Lord we just pray for this upcoming election season and that you would open the eyes of the voters to see the need for a change of leadership.

- "Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good." (Romans 12:9-13)

4. 'Most ruthless' Mexican cartels operate in all 50 states, bring turf wars to US: DEA - Fox News

Mexico's "most powerful and ruthless" cartels operate in all 50 states and clash in American cities, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said in a May report.

The Jalisco and Sinaloa cartels have flooded major U.S. cities with meth and fentanyl and use violence to protect their turf, the report found. 

"The deadly reach of the Mexican Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels into U.S. communities is extended by the wholesale-level traffickers and street dealers bringing the cartels’ drugs to market, sometimes creating their own deadly drug mixtures," the DEA report says. "Together, the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels have caused the worst drug crisis in U.S. history." (Read more)

- Lord, we pray against this evil. Give us strategies on how to stop these cartels and stop the drug trafficking they have brought into our country. We pray you confuse their efforts and bring them down, in Jesus name. 

- “You are my war club, my weapon for battle— with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms." (Jeremiah 51:20)  

5. 'Something doesn't sound right' about attempted Quantico breach: Mike Pompeo - Fox News

Former Secretary of State and Fox News contributor Mike Pompeo joined "America Reports" Friday to discuss the two foreign nationals' attempt to breach the Quantico Marine Corps Base in Virginia. 

MIKE POMPEO: Look, maybe they got the procedures right at the gate, but that's a dangerous time to catch someone who's trying to conduct malign activity against a very important facility, which Quantico certainly qualifies as. I must say, I'm so worried. I've talked about this for a year and a half. Now, the risk from these people who are crossing, who are on our terror watch list, who we know are bad actors, but we've now allowed into our country. 

Look, those folks not only didn't have any connection to Quantico, they had no connection to the United States of America. I'd love to know what was on their phones. I'd love to know who they were communicating with. I'd love to know if they're part of a larger network. None of those questions have been answered. Somehow, there's a suggestion that these two folks were just out on a drive and decided to pull up to Quantico. I suspect that will prove not to be the case, and we need to know the full scale of what the effort was to breach this important military facility. You're exactly right, John. Something doesn't sound right about this. And the Biden administration has just chosen to hide it, delay the information, and obfuscate for who knows what reason. (Read more)

- Lord God, we thank You for the promise of Your Word, because it is written that, in Your time, every hidden thing will be revealed. We speak that forth today over this dangerous incident that occurred over the weekend at the gate of the Quantico Marine Base. Amen.

- "For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light." (Mark 4:22)  

6. Live Updates: ‘Technical Failure’ Caused Helicopter Crash That Killed Iran’s President, State News Agency Reports - New York Times

  • Mr. Raisi, a hard-line religious cleric who came of age during the country’s Islamic Revolution, was the second most powerful individual in Iran’s political structure after Mr. Khamenei. His death opens a new chapter of instability, just as the increasingly unpopular Islamic Republic is engaged in selecting its next supreme leader, and it might pave the way for Mr. Khamenei’s son Mojtaba to eventually assume that role.

  • Following his ascent to the presidency in 2021, Mr. Raisi consolidated power and marginalized reformists. He continued to expand Iran’s regional influence, backing proxies across the Middle East that have conducted strikes against Israel and the United States, and oversaw a deadly crackdown on domestic protesters, many of them women and young people.

  • The clandestine war with Israel burst into the open after Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, setting off the war in Gaza and a cascade of strikes and counterstrikes across the region. The hostilities became even more pronounced after Israel conducted airstrikes on a building in the Iranian Embassy complex in Syria in April. Iran retaliated with its first direct attack on Israel after decades of enmity, launching more than 300 drones and missiles toward the country, almost all of which were shot down.

  • The authorities in Iran also face domestic anger, with many residents calling for an end to clerical rule. Corruption and international sanctions have ravaged the economy. In the last two years, the country has seen a domestic uprising, the Iranian currency plunging to a record low, water shortages intensified by climate change and the deadliest terrorist attack since the 1979 founding of the Islamic Republic. (Read more)

- Father God, this sudden crisis in Iran demands our own urgent and continuing prayer. Because these issues are so complex, we choose to pray in the Spirit over the nation of Iran at this tine. We also lift up the thousands of Iranian Christians,
asking that Your Hand of Protection would rest upon each one in this tumultuous time. Amen.

"Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." (Romans 8:26) 

The Daily Jot

Santify Or A Blaspheme

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, May 20, 2024

The definition of blasphemy in is: impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things; an act of cursing or reviling God; the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God; irreverent behavior toward anything held sacred, priceless, etc. Thus, someone who blasphemes is a blasphemer. Think about the definitions. They are pretty serious. According to these definitions, there is a whole lot of blasphemy going on in society. Even in the church, there is sometimes over-the-top irreverent behavior toward the sacred. Perhaps, things concerning God have become far too casual and we need to think about how we act and speak toward God.

The LORD gives a central principal to all of Torah law, “You are not to profane my holy name; on the contrary, I am to be regarded as holy among the people of Israel; I am ADONAI who makes you holy (Leviticus 22:32).”  From this verse, we get two commands according to the sages, called Hillul Hashem—desecrating God’s Name (the only transgression that has no atonement), and Kiddish Hashem—sanctifying God’s Name, an act of faith that may lead to the laying down of one’s life. Since the Israelite people are God’s people (as are we), even their conduct is a reflection of God’s reputation and therefore, either a form of honor or desecration of His Name. One who’s deeds sanctify God’s Name, glorifies God, “And He said to me: you are My servant Israel, in whom I will show my glory (Isaiah 49:3).” Read More

Slovakia PM Robert Fico 'approaching a positive prognosis'
Slovakia's Prime Minister is steadily approaching a "positive prognosis" after undergoing further surgery, the country's deputy leader says. Robert Fico, 59, was gravely injured after being shot in the small town of Handlova on Wednesday. He is currently in a serious but stable condition. Officials said it was unlikely he could be moved back to Bratislava in the next few days.

Meanwhile, the man charged with his attempted murder appeared in court. It ruled that he be placed in custody until his trial, according to a court spokeswoman. The alleged assailant has not been formally named, but Slovak reports have widely identified him as 71-year-old Juraj Cintula from the town of Levice. The Pravda newspaper described Mr Cintula as a poet, while the Sme newspaper reported that he had been involved in many different politically-based organisations, with various ideologies.

Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak said on Saturday the various medical procedures Mr Fico had undergone were "beginning to bear fruit" and that there was no need to formally take over his official duties. He said "several miracles" had taken place at the hospital the prime minister was being treated at, thanks to the efforts of medical staff. "I can't find words of gratitude for the fact that we are steadily approaching that positive prognosis," he added.

Nevertheless, Mr Kalinak said the prime minister's condition was still "really serious". "Certainly, it does not allow us to make such a transfer in the near future — that is, at the end of the weekend."

Mr Fico was shot four times in the stomach and arm at close range as he greeted supporters, and his injuries were said to be extensive and complicated. He is understood to have undergone a number of surgeries, including the latest to remove dead tissue.

The attack has left Slovakia tense and deeply polarised. Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak has called for the country to embark on a path of tolerance and accused the opposition and the media of stirring up hatred. (BBC) Read more
- Lord, we pray for Mr. Fico's recovery and protection. We place your angels around him. 

- "And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace." (Jeremiah 29:7) 
Galveston bridge collapse: Pelican Island Bridge hit by barge 

(Wednesday, May 15, 2024)

Tracking Pelican Island bridge collapse

We are tracking a barge that crashed into the Pelican Island Bridge in Galveston on Wednesday which has caused a portion of the bridge to fall off and oil to spill into the water. FOX 26's Jonathan Mejia reports on what we know so far and what is being done.


PELICAN ISLAND, Texas - A barge struck the Pelican Island Bridge on Wednesday morning, cutting off vehicle traffic into and out of the island for several hours.

One lane of the bridge that connects Pelican Island to Galveston has now reopened to allow people to leave the island, but cars cannot drive into Pelican Island. On Wednesday night, officials said residents could cross the bridge by foot.

The collision occurred around 10 a.m. Galveston officials say there were no reports of injuries. However, Judge Henry says two crew members did go overboard but were recovered from the water. 

SkyFOX video from the scene shows that debris from the bridge, including a section of the railroad tracks, fell onto the barge.

Judge Henry says the collision resulted in a spill of vacuum gas oil. The barge reportedly has a 30,000-gallon capacity, but the county judge says it's not known at this time how much oil was on board.

Galveston County Judge Mark Henry provides more details about the Pelican Island Bridge hit by a barge.

The U.S. Coast Guard is responding to determine the extent of the spill and initiate the containment and cleanup process.

Emergency management officials from the City of Galveston, Texas A&M University at Galveston, the state, Galveston fire and police departments, and Texas Department of Transportation are also responding to the incident.

TxDOT will inspect the roadway to assess the damage, and the bridge will remain closed until it is deemed safe, officials say. (Fox News) Read more here.  

- Lord, we pray they find out what caused this barge to crash into the bridge. We pray for the cleanup efforts from the oil spill and that officials can determine the cause of this and how to prevent it in the future. 

- "For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." (Proverbs 2.6)

And Now . . . Lion of Judah: ROAR!!!!
"The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.
He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;
He shall prevail against His enemies."

(Isaiah 42:13)  
Signs & Wonders
Full ‘Flower Moon’ in May to Shine in the Springtime Sky—Here’s How It Got Its Rosy Name
Mulberry Moon. Budding Moon. Milk Moon.

The names traditionally given to May’s full moon abound—but the most famous of all probably belongs to the Flower Moon.

Before we had digital calendars on our smartphones, the moon was for thousands of years used by myriad civilizations to track time and divvy up the year. Our calendar of today is based on that lunar lineage.

Also inherited were the colorful names given to each month’s full moon—denoting not just its precise moment of fullness but the entire calendrical month. Those names weren’t drawn out of a hat; the minds of our forefathers were focused on the signs of the seasons.

So, it’s simple to understand why our ancestors gave the Flower Moon its florid name: spring!

Look out your window, and you will probably see budding green or blooming flowers right about this time. Surely our ancestors saw similar scenes. Read More

The Good News Corner
Pastor in Awe as 1,614 People Are Baptized on Beach: 

‘God Saved a Lot of People’
A pastor whose church just baptized 1,614 people on a Florida beach called the incredible mass immersion an “amazing” testament to people’s newfound faith. Pastor Joby Martin, founder and lead pastor of The Church of Eleven22, told CBN News his church hosts a large baptism every year, with 1,100 people participating in the 2023 event. But Martin said this year was bigger than ever, with 50-60 people helping conduct the baptisms. “God saved a lot of people, and those people were obedient to take the next step — to go public with their faith and declare Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior,” he said. “And just as amazing as the 1,614 people that got baptized are the … maybe 10,000 people from our church [who] showed up to celebrate it on the beach.”

Martin said the event was “like a big family reunion” and celebration for the church. He said it has been “a bit overwhelming” to see so much spiritual fruit and to take part in so much transformation. “I had no idea when I got into ministry that I would get to be a part of anything like this,” Martin said. “And, obviously, [I] can’t take any credit whatsoever. We planted our church in 2012. Lots of people have come to Christ. The church has grown pretty exponentially.” The preacher believes the stunning mass baptism is part of a bigger pattern of faith professions and baptisms observed across America right now. "It just seems like God is doing a thing amongst his church,” Martin said. “It was super neat for us to be able to celebrate what He’s doing here with what He’s doing all over the place.”  He continued, “[We are] just overwhelmed with the goodness of God — that God decided to flex and God loves saving people. And it was a pretty surreal moment.” (Faithwire) Read More and Watch Interview Here

- Abba we celebrate the 1,614 new believers in Florida who were baptized in the ocean!  Continue to bless their walk as they grow in relationship with You. May these new believers make an impact for Your Kingdom as they touch many hearts through displaying transformed lives. In the Name of Jesus, we declare mass baptisms will continue to spread throughout our nation, causing a renewed thirst for reading God's Word and genuine healing through the love of Christ!-Amen.

- "And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins" (Acts 22:16)   
Thought for the Day
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing." (2 Timothy 4:7,8)
A Special Message
The Sinner's Prayer
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name."

- Provided By: Billy Graham
Classic Hymns

How Happy Every Child of Grace 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Charles Wesley
Music: Benjamin Gill

Scripture: We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace. Ephesians 1:7

How happy every child of grace,
Who knows his sins forgiven!
This earth, he cries, is not my place,
I seek my place in Heaven—

A country far from mortal sight
which yet by faith I see.
The land of rest, the saints delight
The heaven prepared for me.

O what a blessed hope is ours
While here on earth we stay,
We more than taste the heavenly powers
and antedate that day.

We feel the resurrection near,
Our life in Christ concealed.
And with his glorious presence here,
our earthen vessels filled.
and let our ransomed spirits go,

To grasp the God we seek,
in rapturous awe on Him to gaze,
who bought the sight for me,
And shout and wonder at His grace
throughout eternity!

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