The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, March 2, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "All Hail King Jesus" by Bethany Wohrle. Go here!

- "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will rrust in the Name of the Lord our God!" (Psalm 20:7) 

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Putin’s ‘propaganda chief’ threatens West with nuclear destruction as Russia’s arsenal put on high alert

News anchor Dmitry Kiselyov told viewers across Russia’s 11 time zones that the West would be blown to smithereens with "more than 500 nuclear warheads" if it continued to threat Moscow.

The bonkers threat comes as Putin ordered his nuclear forces be put on high alert and are now "combat ready".

Speaking on national TV, the deranged presenter warned: "Our submarines can shoot more than 500 nuclear warheads.

“This would guarantee destruction of the USA, and all other NATO countries." (Read more) 

- Father, as we now begin to see frightening headlines like this one, we thank You that we can all now turn to You, the author and the finisher of our faith, for grace to help in time of need.  We apply the word of the Lord against the plans of man, and we rejoice that, in the end, You rule and reign over the affairs of men. Thank You, O Lord, for protecting us from evil, amen and amen.

- "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will rrust in the Name of the Lord our God!" (Psalm 20:7) 

1. To keep lower profile, Israel will only send deputy envoy to UN session on Ukraine - Times of Israel

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan will not address the General Assembly debate on the Ukraine invasion, following orders from Foreign Minister Yair Lapid who wants Israel to keep a lower profile ahead of its vote in favor of a resolution condemning Russia, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel Tuesday.

Instead, deputy ambassador Noa Furman will address the General Assembly in a debate scheduled to take place Tuesday evening.

In a swipe at Erdan, a Jerusalem-based source familiar with the matter told The Times of Israel that Lapid wants to be sure that whoever addresses the plenum will stick to the Israeli government’s messaging, as the foreign minister wants to avoid a diplomatic spat. (Read more) 

2.  Two terrorists killed in Jenin gun battle, Hamas calls for revenge - World Israel News

Two Palestinian terrorists based in Jenin were killed by IDF forces on Monday evening during a gun battle, sparking calls from Hamas for revenge and a “day of rage” throughout Palestinian Authority-controlled cities in Judea and Samaria and Gaza on Tuesday.

Arabic-language media identified the two slain men as Abdullah al-Hosari and Shadi Najm. A Hamas-affiliated outlet posted cellphone footage of al-Hosari firing at Israeli security forces on social media.

Najm was reportedly a member of the al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, and al-Hosari was affiliated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad. A third man also believed to be a PIJ operative, Abadeh al-‘Aul, was injured in the clash. (Read more) 

3. 4 policemen hurt in Damascus Gate riot - Israel National News

Four policemen were injured in violent riots at the Damascus Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem Monday evening.

Arab rioters threw stones and bottles at police forces. Police have attempted to disperse the rioters and restore order.

20 suspects have been arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct, including the throwing of stones and bottles.

Otzma Yehudit chairman MK Itamar Ben-Gvir said in response that "the riots at the Damascus Gate are of terrorists who think they are the owners of the country." (Read more) 

4. Israel Ends Two-Year Covid State of Emergency, Lifts Most Restrictions - Algemeiner

i24 News – Israel on Tuesday ended its state of emergency in place since the start of the Covid pandemic two years ago, lifting nearly all health restrictions as the omicron outbreak continues to recede.

The country is under a “special health situation” for the next three months, indicating a return to a regular routine and limiting the government’s authority to introduce new coronavirus regulations.

Notably, travel restrictions have been eased.

As of Tuesday morning, both vaccinated and unvaccinated visitors of all ages are allowed entry with the only requirement a negative PCR test before boarding the flight to Israel and another PCR test upon arrival. Foreign tourists will need to quarantine in their hotel for 24 hours or until a negative result is received, whichever comes first. (Read more)   

5. France's Macron comes out against claims of Israeli apartheid - Jerusalem Post

French President Emmanuel Macron came out last week against the description of Israel as an apartheid state recently by human rights groups like Amnesty International.

Macron was supposed to deliver a speech at the annual dinner of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) but had cancel to an important meeting. Instead, Prime Minister Jean Castex was asked to deliver his speech instead and he read the president's speech.

“Like you, I am concerned about the United Nations resolution on Jerusalem which continues to deliberately and against all evidence remove Jewish terminology from the Temple Mount.You know my attachment to Jerusalem, where I went several times as President or before becoming one. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, I have never stopped saying that. This in no way precludes recognizing and respecting the attachment of other religions to this city, and it is in this spirit that I myself walked through the Old City in 2020 and visited each of the Holy Places." (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Manchin joins with Senate GOP to block bill guaranteeing abortion access - The Hill
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) joined with Senate Republicans on Monday night to oppose legislation codifying the right to an abortion. Senators voted 46-48 to move the bill toward a debate on the Senate floor, falling short of the three-fifths vote needed to move it forward. 
The bill, which passed the House last year, enshrines the right to an abortion and pushes back against state-level restrictions. The Senate’s failed vote comes as the Supreme Court is weighing a case that would curb Roe vs. Wade.
“Sadly it looks like the Supreme Court will limit abortion rights on the coming months. That’s why the bill is essential,” Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said. But the bill was guaranteed to fail because it needed 60 votes to move forward. (Read more) [As we reported yesterday -- here are more details. about this vote. PRAISE GOD!]  (Read more) 
- Oh Father, this bill was so devastating, how could they even bring such a travesty forward in our Congress?  Thank You for drawing Senator Manchin to Your heart.  You have given him strength and courage, for which every one of us gives thanks.  May we pray for our elected representatives to walk forward in strength and boldness, while extending the goodness of God in our government, in Jesus name.

- "Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people."  (Proverbs 14:34)

2. Friend of Hunter Biden sent to jail for fraud - Washington Examiner
A longtime friend and former business partner of Hunter Biden was sentenced to just over a year in prison Monday for a fraudulent bond scheme aimed at swindling a Native American tribe as a separate federal investigation into President Joe Biden’s son’s taxes and business dealings continues.
Devon Archer, who worked with Hunter Biden for the Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm prior to both men joining the board of Ukrainian energy giant Burisma in 2014, was sentenced at the Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse on Monday. Archer was ordered to forfeit more than $15.7 million and join his co-defendants in paying $43.4 million in restitution to the victims.
Archer was convicted in 2018 for securities fraud and conspiracy charges tied to his assistance of con man Jason Galanis in the sale of $60 million in bonds from a development group related to the Oglala Sioux tribe. (Read more) 

- Hallelujah Father, at least this judge was compelled to pass judgment and sentencing.  Unfairly, the others, equally guilty, received harsher sentences, but Holy One, You have the final say.  May every one of these young men find out that there is a God in heaven and he is not to be trifled with or mocked.  Let them repent and give themselves to You Father.


- "The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty; The Lord is clothed, He has girded Himself with strength, . . . "  (Psalm 93:1)   

3. Pfizer's COVID vaccine is just 12% effective in preventing Omicron infection in children aged five to 11, - The Daily Mail
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has done little to protect five- to 11- year-olds from infection from the Omicron variant, data revealed by New York state officials on Monday shows.
Researchers at the New York State Department Health gauged infection rates of minors who have had the Pfizer jab made available to them. Children were split into two age groups, one of children five to 11 and the other for children 12 to 17.
They found that the two-dose Pfizer shot was only 12 percent effective at preventing Omicron infection in the younger age group only one month after receival.
The findings have far reaching implications on the use of the vaccines, and whether parents will want to get their children jabbed. Children do not suffer much of a risk from the virus, with hospitalizations and deaths being especially rare. (Read more)

- Father, would You please stop this horrible invasion against children's healthy bodies.  Let parents become aware of how important it is to protect their children and keep them strong, so their God-given immune systems can fight every infection, in Jesus name.  Let the truth be shouted from the housetops Father and let people have hearing ears.  Amen.

- "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.  And in all your getting, get understanding."    (Proverbs 4:7)

4. Biden rejects executive privilege for ex-Trump advisers Flynn, Navarro - The Hill
President Biden will not assert executive privilege to shield two former Trump advisers, Peter Navarro and Michael Flynn, from testifying or turning over relevant documents to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, according to correspondence shared with The Hill.  
Deputy White House counsel Jonathan Su wrote letters to Navarro, who served as former President Trump’s trade adviser, and an attorney representing Michael Flynn, Trump’s onetime national security adviser, notifying them of Biden’s decision on Monday.  
In the letter to Navarro, Su reiterated that Biden believes an assertion of executive privilege is “not in the national interest” given the “unique and extraordinary nature of the matters under investigation.”  
In the letter to Flynn’s attorney, David Warrington, Su noted that Flynn, who resigned in 2017 under pressure after less than a month on the job, left the White House long before the Capitol riot. (Read more) 

- In the name of Jesus, we strongly come against this decision by the man in the Oval Office that these advisors to President Trump are not shielded by executive privilege.  We declare that the "national interests" are more threatened by the unconstitutional January 6th committee and their constant subpoenaing of Trump staffers than what transpired then.  Lord, please shut down this committee and fully exonerate those falsely accused of deeds against our country.  

- "Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, spouting malicious accusations."  (Psalms 27:12)

5. Saying You’re ‘Colorblind’ About Race Is Now Considered Racist By The Federal Government - The Daily Wire

 A race-based training program used by federal agencies claims, among other things, that saying one is “colorblind” to race is itself racist.

The training is part of a newly revealed federal diversity program that greatly expands on previously critical race theory trainings within the federal government, the Washington Examiner reported. Part of the expansion comes in the form of opposing “microaggressions,” or words and actions by one person that unintentionally upset another. 

As the Examiner noted, training provided to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau says that offering a black student a basketball is considered offensive. (Read more) 

- Lord, we pray againt this training program that targets ordinary people instead of real racism. We pray for truth to be known and this insidious program to be removed in Jesus’ Mighty Name.

- “For you are my rock and my fortress; and for your name's sake you lead me and guide me; you take me out of the net they have hidden for me, for you are my refuge.” (Psalm 31:3-4)  

6. Democrats Demand Biden 'Do Something' As Pump-Prices Set To Top $4 "In The Next Few Weeks" - ZeroHedge

The average price per gallon of gasoline reached $3.57 as of Friday, according to GasBuddy data, after starting the week at $3.51. A year ago, the average price for gasoline was $2.65 per gallon.

“Russia is one of the leading oil producers globally, behind only the United States and Saudi Arabia and if they choose to withhold their oil from the global market, such a move would eventually be reflected in higher gas prices for American drivers,” AAA spokesman Andrew Gross said, as quoted by the Epoch Times.

The gas price increase to $4 could happen in the next few weeks, according to analysts, if the conflict continues that long. (Read more)

- Lord, we pray that You will move on Biden to restore US energy, the pipelines and all that he has destroyed.

- “You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again; from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again. You will increase my greatness and comfort me again.”  (Psalm 71: 20-21)  

7. Trump releases multiple statements amid escalating war in Ukraine - DML News
Former President Donald Trump released a pair of statements on Monday, amid the escalating war in Ukraine, as Russian president Vladimir Putin has sent his military in to violently attack the country.
“If my energy policy had remained in place, where we were energy independent, and would have soon been bigger in production than Saudi Arabia and Russia combined, the world would have had no problems whatsoever.
This war should never have started in the first place. If the Election wasn’t Rigged, America would right now continue to have record-low gas prices, as it was under my Administration, and we would be supplying the world with oil and gas. Also, Russia would not have attacked Ukraine. Instead, we have a horribly tragic and unnecessary war, record-high energy prices, Inflation, no Border, crime, and chaos. Make America STRONG Again!” (Read more)  

- O Holy One, we pray for justice and truth to be released.  We know that the world would not be in such chaos today, were it not for the stolen elections.  We know that President Trump had the backbone to keep President Putin and Kim Jong Un in their seats.  We know that our nation was on a strong and vibrant path of freedom and strength.  Jesus – teach us to know how to pray and stand with wisdom and authority, so that we may see the Kingdom of Heaven released into this earth.  Amen.

- "I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, 'My counsel shall stand, And I will do all my pleasure.'"  (Isaiah 46:9c-10)  

 8. 40-mile-long Russian convoy headed towards Kyiv reportedly runs into problems - DML News
Fox News reported on Tuesday: Russian combat forces north of Kyiv have not advanced since Monday and have been running out of food and gas, a senior U.S. defense official said Tuesday.
More than 80% of the pre-staged Russian combat power is now inside Ukraine, the official said. The official added that the “stall” north of Kyiv is due in part to tough Ukrainian resistance and “fuel and sustainment problems.” The lack of advance could also be a result of Russia regrouping, rethinking or reevaluating their strategy, the official said.
The official explained that a “significant number” of the Russian troops are “very young men drafted into service” who may not have been fully trained or aware that were being sent to conduct a combat mission.The official added that there are indications that morale is falling among some of the Russian troops. (Read more)  

- Heavenly Father, thank you for this development in the tragic war between Russia and Ukraine. May the convoy continue to be stalled, naturally and supernaturally by all the angelic forces sent by You. Visit the Russian soldiers, Father; reveal Yourself--Your love for each of them and Your will and Your power. May this convoy repent and make a U-Turn back into Russia. We plead also for the salvation of the Ukrainian forces and ask that You give them Your strategies to keep the Russian convoys at bay. We thank You for their testimonies of Your miraculous help in the days ahead, and thank you for those we have heard about already. Lord of all, please make much good come out of this tragedy. Grant Your wisdom to all leaders involved.

- And he said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are greater than those who are with them.”  Then Elisha prayed and said, “LORD, please, open his eyes so that he may see.” And the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.                         (II Kings 6:16-17) 
9. Zelensky warns Putin: 'No one will forgive. No one will forget' - The Daily Mail
Ukraine's President Vlodymyr Zelensky has declared Russia 'a terrorist state' following a rocket attack in front of a civilian public administration building in Kharkiv which destroyed the road outside and blew the windows out of the building itself on Tuesday morning.
Zelensky, speaking in a video posted on Facebook, said the attack in the central square of Kharkiv was 'an open, undisguised terror' attack and warned Russian President Vladimir Putin that 'no one will forgive. No one will forget'. 
Footage from inside the the civilian public administration building in Kharkiv on Tuesday showed it was heavily damaged, with ceilings collapsing and rubble strewn around. Zelensky has already accused Putin of war crimes after Moscow's forces launched what were believed to be cluster and vacuum bomb attacks in an attempt to turn the tide of a conflict that they have so-far been losing. (Read more)  
- Father God, we pray for a chorus of prayer to arise from Ukraine as well as a vast army of angels to protect Ukrainians from this assault on their sovereignty.  Lord, indeed, stir up Christians from around the world to pray for an end to all these hostilities that are taking innocent lives and disrupting world peace.  May the evil doers be cast down and those who are submissive to You prosper and receive healing after this conflict ends.  May forgiveness flow as You give the victory.  

- "Take heed to yourselves:  If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him."  (Luke 17:3)  

10. European Union responds to Ukraine’s application to join union - DML News
Fox News reports: The EU has accepted Ukraine’s application and has commenced a special admission procedure to integrate the country, Eastern European media has reported.
The EU will also look to switch Ukraine over to its power grid in the coming weeks, further integrating the country into the European structure.
The Kyiv Independent also announced on Twitter: “

BREAKING: European Parliament recommends giving Ukraine EU candidate status. The decision follows President Zelensky’s speech, where he called on the EU to “prove” that the union is with Ukraine. The resolution also demands that Russia withdraws all its troops from Ukraine.” (Read more)
Father, we thank you for the European Parliament’s decision today allowing Ukraine to become a candidate member of the EU. May this vote of solidarity bring great encouragement and provisions to the brave Ukraine soldiers and volunteers and bless and protect President Zelensky (and family) for his selfless model of steadfastness and courage in defense of his country. Father we ask You to address Putin and show him Your handwriting on the wall. May Putin heed this message and surrender all to You.

- Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

11. Envoy: Russia Used Powerful Vacuum Bomb in Ukraine Attack - Newsmax

Ukraine's ambassador to the United States claims Russia of attacked Ukrainians with a powerful vacuum bomb, as well as cluster bombs, which have been condemned by a variety of international organizations.

"They used the vacuum bomb today," said Oksana Markarova, the ambassador, Monday after a meeting with lawmakers. "... The devastation that Russia is trying to inflict on Ukraine is large."

A vacuum bomb, or thermobaric weapon, sucks in oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature explosion, typically producing a blast wave of a significantly longer duration than that of a conventional explosive and is capable of vaporizing human bodies.

Eyewitness video of the blast demonstrates the powerful effects.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said she had seen reports but did not have confirmation that Russia had used such weapons. "If that were true, it would potentially be a war crime," she told a press briefing, noting that there are international organizations that would assess that and President Joe Biden's administration "would look to be a part of that conversation."

The Russian embassy in Washington did not respond to requests for comment.

Ambassador Markarova said Ukraine was working actively with the Biden administration and Congress to obtain more weapons and tougher sanctions. "They should pay, they should pay a heavy price," she told reporters after leaving the meeting. (Read more)

- Father, here is another sign that we are clearly now in the end times. These horrific weapons must be destroyed - no matter who has them in their hands. Come, Lord Jesus, we pray and spare Your people. In Your Name, amen and amen.

- ". . . and there shall be wars and rumors of wars .  . ." (Matthew 24:6)

Washington State Nuclear Site Evacuated After Reports of Shots Fired: Officials

A decommissioned nuclear site in Washington state was evacuated following reports of shots being fired at the location.

Officials with the Department of Energy and Richard Operations Office are at the Hanford Site, it said in a statement on Tuesday.

There is no evidence of shots being fired on the site, and no injuries or deaths were reported, the statement said. Employees at the Hanford Site are still being interviewed.

“As a precaution, affected 2750 E personnel have been evacuated, and access to the Hanford Site has been restricted. No actions are necessary for the public,” the nuclear site’s statement said. In a later statement, it said that all “Hanford Site personnel, with the exception of 2750E Building personnel, can now return to their normal duties.”

Officials added that “reports indicated work activities in the immediate area likely caused the noises originally reported as shots fired to the Patrol Operations Center.”

Earlier on Tuesday, an emergency text message alert was reportedly sent out to employees at the site.

“HANFORD SECURITY INCIDENT INFORMATION: Active Assailant at 2750E in 200 East Area. Affected employees prepare to run fight hide. Employees in nearby buildings are to lockdown and prepare to run fight hide. All others stay away,” the message read, according to local media. (The Epoch Times) Read more. 

- Father God, we ask that Your ministering angels would hover over us in this hour,
keeping us all safe from harm. 

- "For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways."
(Psalm 91:11) 
More Headlines News from Ukraine
(Editorial comment: in the following section, you will find numerous articles all related to various aspects of the war now ongoing in the nation of Ukraine. Rather than release a prayer request over each one, we simply ask that all of you follow the quickening of the Spirit, and when an Item "jumps out" at you, then lay hands on that one and pray in the Spirit until the burden of prayer lifts from you.

For each one, a headline is posted, along with the link to the article and a sentence or two to amplify the need for prayer.

Thank you all for utilizing this prayer strategy. Working together, we ARE the army of God! 
1. Ukraine-Russia war: CCTV shows missile strike on government building in Kharkiv - Fox News

Ukrainian CCTV appears to show a Russian missile strike a government building while cars drove past the building on the sixth day of Moscow’s invasion

"Fox & Friends" aired footage which originally appeared in a Sky News blog post on Ukraine. In the video, cars drive past the Kharkiv Region state administration building on the Freedom Square in eastern Ukraine. (Read more)

2. Ukraine-Russia war: CCTV shows missile strike on government building in Kharkiv - Fox News

Ukrainian CCTV appears to show a Russian missile strike a government building while cars drove past the building on the sixth day of Moscow’s invasion

"Fox & Friends" aired footage which originally appeared in a Sky News blog post on Ukraine. In the video, cars drive past the Kharkiv Region state administration building on the Freedom Square in eastern Ukraine. 

When paused, a missile remains clearly visible just before a devastating explosion consumes the building. Sky News verified the video. (Go here)  

3. Russian forces intensify attacks on Ukraine’s No. 2 city and close in on Kyiv - Times of Israel (Read more)

4. US expels 12 Russian diplomats at the UN - Israel National News (Read more)

5. Satellite imagery shows Russian ground forces approaching Kyiv - Jerusalem Post  (Read more)

6. Russian Artillery Pounds Ukraine’s Kharkiv as Ceasefire Talks End With No Breakthrough - The Algemeiner (Read more)

The Daily Jot

Putin Is Not Gog

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, March 1, 2022

There is much discussion that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin is Gog of Magog from the end time prophecy in Ezekiel 38. He is not. This is an example of how mankind, wanting to believe something, mistranslates the Bible and repeats it until it becomes something. Study your Bible. Do not be deceived. Prophecy’s timepiece is Israel and how it is impacted by the nations found in and emanating from the table of nations in Genesis 10. For example, Noah’s grandsons from Japheth—Gomer, Magog, Meshech, Tubal are specifically mentioned in Ezekiel 38 as part of a coalition led by Gog of Magog against Israel. These nations are located in what is now modern Turkey—not Russia, as is often erroneously taught.

The assertion of Russia in the Bible is a mistranslation of the word “Rosh.” The Ezekiel 38:2 King James translation says, “Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.” Whereas the New American Standard errs in its translation, “Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him.” The Complete Jewish Bible translation is: “Human being, turn your face toward Gog (of the land of Magog), chief prince of Meshekh and Tuval, and prophesy against him.” The mistranslation is such: “Rosh,” or “Ros” in Hebrew, translated correctly is always “Chief” or “Head,” never “Russia” (i.e., Rosh Hashana, meaning “Head” of the year). Read More

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Gives Republican Rebuttal
to the State of the Union Address

Gov. Reynolds to say Biden, Dems have 'sent us back in time' 

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, delivering the Republican response to the State of the Union, will say that President Biden and Democrats have "sent us back in time."

"Instead of moving America forward, it feels like President Biden and his party have sent us back in time to the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. When runaway inflation was hammering families, a violent crime wave was crashing on our cities, and the Soviet army was trying to redraw the world map," she will say according to excerpts released by her office.

On foreign policy, she will say zero in on the "disastrous" withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying it "did more than cost American lives; it betrayed our allies and emboldened our enemies."

She will also mention the Ukraine crisis, calling it "an attack on democracy, freedom, and the rule of law." 

"Now all Americans must stand united in solidarity with the brave people of Ukraine as they courageously defend their country against Putin’s tyranny," Reynolds will say.

Reynolds is also expected to talk about the importance of keeping schools open, describing it as "only the start of the pro-parent, pro-family revolution that Republicans are leading in Iowa and states across this country."

The excerpts also preview her criticism of the Biden administration on inflation.

"The Biden Administration believes inflation is 'a high-class problem.' I can tell you it’s an everybody problem," she will say. "I saw moms’ and dads’ paychecks buy them less and less. I watched working people choosing which essentials to take home and which ones to leave behind at the register. And now President Biden’s decisions have a whole new generation feeling that same pain."  (Fox News) 

- Lord God, we do thank You that there are still voices of reason among us whose words bring us back to truth. We ask that the nation would hear the voice and the message of Governor Reynolds, and would take heed accordingly. Amen.

- "You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."  (John 8:32)
Signs & Wonders
Bubbles trapped in ice are caused by methane gas release
Unique process transforms lake into frozen lava lamp each winter
The natural process occurs in thousands of lakes year-round, but during a particular time frame each winter, this one lake takes on a distinctive and spectacular appearance due to a set of specific conditions.

A vast, cold landscape dotted with numerous frozen lakes is nestled into the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. But, in particular, one of these lakes is known to cause quite a spectacle during the winter months.

Abraham Lake, situated in western Alberta about 130 miles northwest of Calgary and just north of Banff National Park, is home to a unique sight each year. The lake takes on the look of a lava lamp in the wintertime as frozen shapes develop below the lake's surface and form bizarre patterns, some of which look like white pancakes resting below the frozen surface.

Deep cracks, inverted walls of ice and even milky ribbons of snow surround these frozen ice bubbles. But how does such a spectacular phenomenon occur?

During the warmer months, plants and trees end up at the bottom of Lake Abraham. Bacteria begins to feed on the dead organic matter, which causes it to decay.

Once decaying begins, methane gas is released and causes bubbles to rise to the surface. This process happens year-round but becomes a much more spectacular scene once the colder months set in. Read More

The Good News Corner
‘I Prayed’: Doctors Gave Premature Twins a Zero Chance of Survival and Now They’re Thriving and Inspiring the World
Twins born late last year at just 22 weeks and five days gestation “had not been expected to survive,” but now the babies are defying the odds and inspiring people around the globe. Doctors initially offered a grim diagnosis for little Harley and Harry Crane, who were “smaller than an Elf on the Shelf” when they were born, mom Jade told the Mirror. But the babies have persevered and are shattering records.

The “little fighters,” now 16 weeks old, are doing so well they might be released from Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham, U.K., Thursday, their original due date. The incredible story of the twins’ survival comes out of the U.K., where Harley and Harry are potentially being dubbed the earliest-born babies to survive in the country. “The twins — born weighing 500g and the size of a Mars Bar — had not been expected to survive,” read a Facebook post from Nottingham University Hospitals. “Believed to be Britain’s youngest surviving premature twins, Harley and Harry continue to amaze doctors and nurses at QMC as they go from strength to strength.”

Harley’s and Harry’s incredible journey keeps making headlines, as their survival shows how babies continue to survive and thrive at earlier points in pregnancy. Just consider what the Daily Mail noted — that “babies born at 22 weeks are not classed as legally viable and medical intervention is sometimes not offered.” Yet these babies, with medical intervention, have survived. The Mirror called their birth and persistence a “medical miracle.” ( Read more here. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Charles Wesley
Music: Carl Glaser

Scripture: I…heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands. Revelation 5:11

O for a thousand tongues to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise,
The glories of my God and king,
The triumphs of His grace!

My gracious master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad
The honors of Thy name.

Jesus! the name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;
’Tis music in the sinner’s ears,
’Tis life, and health, and peace.

He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;
His blood can make the foulest clean,
His blood availed for me.

Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye dumb,
Your loosened tongues employ;
Ye blind, behold your Savior come,
And leap, ye lame, for joy.

In Christ your head, you then shall know,
Shall feel your sins forgiven;
Anticipate your heaven below,
And own that love is heaven.

Glory to God, and praise and love
Be ever, ever given,
By saints below and saints above,
The church in earth and Heaven.

Sudden expired the legal strife,
’Twas then I ceased to grieve;
My second, real, living life
I then began to live.

Then with my heart I first believed,
Believed with faith divine,
Power with the Holy Ghost received
To call the Savior mine.

Look unto Him, ye nations, own
Your God, ye fallen race;
Look, and be saved through faith alone,
Be justified by grace.

See all your sins on Jesus laid:
The Lamb of God was slain,
His soul was once an offering made
For every soul of man.

With me, your chief, ye then shall know,
Shall feel your sins forgiven;
Anticipate your heaven below,
And own that love is heaven.

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