The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, March 16, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, March 16, 2022
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"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

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Sen. Paul Unveils Measure to Eliminate Dr. Fauci’s Position

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on March 14 introduced a measure that would eliminate Dr. Anthony Fauci’s position.

Fauci has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), since 1984.

Paul said the measure, proposed as an amendment to the government funding bill, is necessary because Fauci has become a “dictator-in-chief.”

“No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans,” Paul, a doctor, said in a statement, adding that one of his goals was “to ensure that ineffective, unscientific lockdowns and mandates are never foisted on the American people ever again.”

Fauci has recommended strict measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, including shutting down businesses deemed non-essential and imposing forced masking on children.

The measure would turn the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases into three separate institutes, with one focusing on allergic diseases, one focusing on infectious diseases, and one focusing on immunological diseases. The institutes would be part of the NIH.

The directors of the new institutes would each take a portion of the responsibilities Fauci currently has. The directors would be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate for a single 5-year term. (Epoch Times) Read more.

- Lord God, we say yes to this measure and we say yes to your will and your agenda. We pray Father for a righteous man or woman of God to fill this position in Jesus name. We pray Lord that you would restore honesty and trust to this very important position to help right all the wrongs and all of the destruction that has been done by Dr. Fauci. Amen.

- "Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool." (Proverbs 19:1) 

1. Russian Ambassador requests urgent meeting with Knesset Speaker - Israel National News

Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov requested an urgent meeting with Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy in light of the expected speech by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy to the Knesset on Sunday.

The meeting between the Speaker of the Knesset and the Russian ambassador will take place tomorrow.

Earlier it was reported that Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy had suggested to the Ukrainian ambassador to deliver the speech on Sunday at 6 PM but the Ukrainian ambassador had not yet returned a final answer. (Read more)  

2. Israel Approves Plan to Rapidly Absorb 100,000 Ukrainian Jews - Algemeiner

The Israeli government approved a plan on Tuesday to rapidly absorb the wave of Ukrainians who are fleeing Russia’s invasion and immigrating to the Jewish state.

The approval comes as Israel’s interior minister estimated last week that as many as 100,000 Ukrainians will immigrate, or make aliyah, under the Law of Return, which provides citizenship to Jews and their relatives.

The plan will be overseen by Meir Spiegler, who leads Israel’s national task force on the Ukrainian aliyah, and includes three main elements, Israeli public broadcaster Kan reported. (Read more) 

3. Israel focusing on closing loopholes, not imposing Russia sanctions, officials say - Times of Israel

Israel is not currently preparing sanctions on Moscow or Russian oligarchs, senior Israeli officials told The Times of Israel on Tuesday.

The clarifications came a day after Foreign Minister Yair Lapid declared in Slovakia that “Israel will not be a route to bypass sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and other Western countries.”

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss tweeted after his remarks that she welcomes “news from @YairLapid that Israel will support sanctions against Russia.”

But that support does not mean the imposition of Israeli sanctions, the officials said. Instead, Lapid’s statements were in line with Israel’s stance to this point, in which it has sought to maintain open lines of communication with both Moscow and Kyiv while showing support for Western positions without necessarily joining them.  (Read more) 

4. Iran has 3,000 ballistic missiles, many that can reach Israel - US general - Jerusalem Post

Iran has more than 3,000 ballistic missiles, many of which can reach the State of Israel, commander of the United States Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said on Tuesday. 

McKenzie, who is retiring from the military soon, was in Israel last week and held talks with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Defense Minister Benny Gantz and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi. 

“At a military level my concern is first of all that they do not have a nuclear weapon but I am also very concerned about the remarkable growth and efficiency of their ballistic missile program,” McKenzie told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"They have over 3,000 missiles of various types, some of which can reach Tel Aviv," McKenzie said in response to a query by the senate committee. "None of them can reach Europe yet." (Read more) 

5. Support for Palestinian state hidden in US budget bill passed by Senate - World Israel News

Right-wing politicians and groups are protesting an American bill awaiting President Joe Biden’s signature that hides support for a Palestinian state among various allocations of monies that include substantial aid to Israel.

The $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill that passed both houses of Congress last week was lauded by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz for including $1 billion to resupply the Iron Dome system that protects Israelis from Hamas and Hezbollah rocket attacks.

However, it also contains official support for the Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021 (IRNA) that was passed as a separate piece of legislation last year.

The main purpose of the Act was to encourage other Arab countries to join the Abraham Accords and open diplomatic ties with the Jewish state. But the Act also states that the United States should “continue to support a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict resulting in two states—a democratic Jewish state of Israel and a viable democratic Palestinian state—living side by side in peace, security, and mutual recognition.” (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. Russia announces sanctions against Biden and top US officials - Fox News
Russia has imposed "retaliatory sanctions" against President Biden, a number of his top administration officials, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden's son Hunter Biden amid its ongoing war with Ukraine.
According to Russian state-owned news agency Tass, the Russian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday imposed "personal sanctions against representatives of the U.S. leadership and persons associated with them."
The sanctions, according to the report, were imposed "in response to a series of unprecedented sanctions prohibiting, among other things, entry into the United States for top officials of the Russian Federation." The report said that as of March 15, Biden and the other individuals listed would be included on a Russian "stop list" on the "basis of reciprocity departments and well-known American figures." (Read more)  

- Father, we commit this entire situation into Your righteous hands.  We ask You to establish Your plans and fulfill Your purposes with all the people involved.  May those who are criminally culpable be held for justice.  Our most important prayer is for the people in this conflict to be protected and delivered out of danger, in Jesus name.  

- "'His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.'"  (Matthew 3:12)  

2. Putin signs law allowing seizure of foreign planes for domestic flights - The Hill
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that will allow for foreign planes to be seized and used domestically as tensions grow between Russia and the international community over its invasion of Ukraine, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing TASS state news agency. 
Foreign aircraft companies that previously rented to Russia and have since stopped doing business with the country due to sanctions could see their aircraft taken by Moscow and operated within the country under the new law, according to TASS, the newspaper reported.
But high levels of maintenance are required for passenger jets, and plane support and maintenance have been blocked under the sanctions, meaning that the new law will only have some impact, the Journal noted. But the move is a another escalation between Russia and the international community, which has sought to further economically isolate Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. (Read more)  

- Father, we pray that this action is not implemented and most certainly does not escalate with other countries.  We commit this conflict and every element of it into Your righteous hands.  We ask for Your justice to be extended over every aspect of this conflict.  We pray that the deep state is fully dismantled and the communist expansion is pushed right back where it came from, in Jesus name.

- "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, But deliverance is of the Lord."  (Proverbs 21:31) 

3. White House: Biden will travel to Europe for Ukraine talks - AP News
President Joe Biden will travel to Europe next week for face-to-face talks with European leaders about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced Tuesday.
Biden will meet with European leaders at an extraordinary NATO summit in Brussels on March 24. He will also attend a scheduled European Council summit, where efforts to impose sanctions and further humanitarian efforts are underway.
“While he’s there, his goal is to meet in person face-to-face with his European counterparts and talk about, assess where we are at this point in the conflict in the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. We’ve been incredibly aligned to date,” Psaki said. “That doesn’t happen by accident. The president is a big believer in face-to-face diplomacy. So it’s an opportunity to do exactly that.”
The White House announced the president’s travel shortly before Biden on Tuesday signed a bill providing $13.6 billion in additional military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine as part of a $1.5 trillion government spending measure.
Biden said at the bill signing ceremony that the U.S. was “moving urgently to further augment the support to the brave people of Ukraine, as they defend their country.” (Read more)  

- Holy King, we ask that You keep Joe Biden under Your guidance so that he does not compromise this nation.  Would You restrain him from making any type of unwise decisions, in Jesus name.  May the conflict be brought to a close because of the cries of Your people. We pray for peace in Ukraine and justice for every person impacted by these hostilities.  

- "So you, by the help of your God, return; Observe mercy and justice, And wait on your God continually,"  (Hosea 12:6) 

4. Veteran Fox News cameraman killed in Ukraine - Just The News
Pierre Zakrzewski, a longtime Fox News cameraman, was killed in Ukraine this week when the truck he was in was struck outside Kyiv by incoming fire. Zakrzewski was killed in the same attack that injured Fox's Benjamin Hall – both were in Ukraine covering the ongoing Russian invasion. Hall is currently hospitalized in Ukraine.
It is unclear if it was Russian forces who fired on the vehicle. 
Zakrzewski, who was 55, was a well-respected journalist and cameraman who accompanied the international Fox crew to cover nearly every major international story for Fox. His coverage included time in Afghanistan and Syria, among other war-torn nations. He had been in the region since the beginning of the invasion last month.
"Today is a heartbreaking day for Fox News Media and for all journalists risking their lives to deliver the news," said Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott, who shared the news of Zakrzewski's death with employees on Tuesday.  (Read more) 

- War is tragic and has heart-breaking consequences, seldom anything good, noble or upright.  Our prayers are extended to this camerman's family over their loss.  We also extend our prayers to the family of the young Ukrainian journalist who was also killed in this incident.  Please comfort these people.  Hear our prayers for swift healing of the journalist injured and may they all hear and see of Your great love for them and all people, in Jesus name.

- "The Lord is near to those who  have a broken  heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit."  (Psalm 34:18) 

5. U.S. officials: Biological research facilities in Ukraine are not bioweapons labs - Just The News
As the controversy over biological research laboratories in Ukraine continues, U.S. defense and intelligence officials have made it clear that the biological research facilities in Ukraine are not biological weapons labs.
Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines has said that U.S. intelligence agencies are not aware of a Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD) program within Ukraine, despite a narrative that the Kremlin has been pushing.
"We do not assess that Ukraine is pursuing either biological weapons or nuclear weapons, which have been some of the, basically, propaganda that Russia is putting out," Haines said during a Senate hearing on Thursday. "We've seen no evidence of that, and frankly, this influence campaign is completely consistent with long-standing Russian efforts to accuse the United States of sponsoring bioweapons work in the former Soviet Union." (Read more) 

- Father, You know the truth.  Our prayer is that these labs are brought under complete control and all pathogens safely and securely destroyed, utterly, from the face of this earth.  May there be complete justice upon every participant and country involved, including the United States.  After what we have been through with covid-19, we understand the danger of these types of labs and ask You Holy One to set angelic guards against anything further escaping to bring harm, in Jesus name.  

- "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!"  (Psalm 27:14) 

6. Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court justice, says she attended Jan. 6 ‘Stop-the-Steal’ rally before Capitol attack - Washington Post
Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, for the first time has publicly acknowledged that she participated in the Jan. 6, 2021 “Stop-the-Steal” rally on the Ellipse that preceded the storming of the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, raising questions about the impartiality of her husband’s work.
In an interview with the conservative outlet the Washington Free Beacon that was published Monday, Thomas, who goes by Ginni, said she was part of the crowd that gathered at the Ellipse that morning to support President Donald Trump. Trump was claiming falsely that widespread voter fraud delivered the presidency to Democrat Joe Biden — a falsehood he continues to repeat.
Thomas said she was at the rally for a short period of time, got cold and went home before Trump took the stage at noon that day. “I was disappointed and frustrated that there was violence that happened following a peaceful gathering of Trump supporters on the Ellipse on Jan. 6,” the conservative activist told the publication. “There are important and legitimate substantive questions about achieving goals like electoral integrity, racial equality, and political accountability that a democratic system like ours needs to be able to discuss and debate rationally in the political square. I fear we are losing that ability.” (Read more)    

- Most High King, we ask You to stand in authority over this report.  We bind every plan of the enemy to harass and accuse both Justice and Mrs. Thomas, in Jesus name.  We know full well those who would destroy our culture, Constitution and court will make every effort to capitalize on this, but we nip it in the bud now and command these plans to cease and desist completely.  We loose the light of Christ over the Thomases and ask You Father to bring an end to all Jan 6 fodder.

- "Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle–My lovingkindness and my fortress, . . . "  (Psalm 144:1-2a)  

7. Wholesale prices increase 10% annually in February, latest warning about economy under Biden - Just The News
The Labor Department reported Tuesday that its Producer Price Index for February was 10% higher than a year earlier. The figure, which measures inflation at the wholesale level, is another sign that Americans are facing record-paced inflation, resulting in higher costs for goods.
The index increase on a monthly basis was 0.8%, down from the January 1.2% increase, the department's Bureau of Labor Statistics also reported. 
The increases are slightly less than those predicted by analysts – 10% annually and 0.9% from the previous month, according to Fox Business News. "This rapid increase in wholesale prices demonstrates that painful inflation shows no sign of slowing down," said Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of the Job Creators Network. "Democrats are desperately trying to claim that their bad policies are not responsible for today's runaway inflation.
"But ordinary Americans and small business owners know the truth: This inflation tax is a direct consequence of President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ reckless spending, war on traditional energy and unnecessary social programs." (Read more)  

- Thank You, Father, for exposing truth and opening the eyes of this nation.  May people continue to move away from the liberal socialist agenda as a consequence of the fuel debacle, defunding the police and the lack of goods available or food being grown, due to the policies of this administration and congress, in Jesus name.

- ". . . 'Thus says the Lord:  "Do not be afraid of the words which you have heard, with which the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed Me."  (Isaiah 37:6)  

8. Florida legislature passes budget with $1 billion in tax relief and savings - Just The News
The Florida legislature on Monday finalized details on a $112.1 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year that includes $1 billion in savings for taxpayers. HB 5001, the General Appropriations Act, is now headed to Gov. Ron DeSantis’ desk. He’s expected to sign it.
“The savings in this tax package for Floridians are immense,” House Speaker Chris Sprowls, R-Palm Harbor, said. “We expand sales tax holidays, like Freedom Week, Hurricane Preparedness, and Back-to-School Holidays while also focusing tax relief on much-needed every day items like diapers, tools, energy-efficient appliances, and pet supplies to make sure more money stays in people’s pockets.”
The Florida Senate also voted on HB 7071, a series of long- and short-term sales tax relief initiatives, which if signed into law will deliver $658 million in broad-based tax savings. (Read more) 

- Well HalleluJah Lord!  Well done Florida legislature!  We give You praise Father because it's such a blessing to see elected officials working together for the good of their constituency.  May there be a great harvest reaped in Florida because of this honor of its citizens.

- "'He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who seeks the glory of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him.'"  (John 7:18)  

9. ‘They’re lying to you’: Russian TV employee interrupts news broadcast - The Guardian UK

An employee on Russia’s state Channel One television has interrupted the channel’s main news programme with an extraordinary protest against Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Marina Ovsyannikova, an editor at Channel One, burst on to the set of the live broadcast of the nightly news on Monday evening, shouting: “Stop the war. No to war.”

She also held a sign saying: “Don’t believe the propaganda. They’re lying to you here.” It was signed in English: “Russians against the war.”

The news anchor continued to read from her teleprompter speaking louder in an attempt to drown out Ovsyannikova, but her protest could be seen and heard for several seconds before the channel switched to a recorded segment.

Ovsyannikova also released a pre-recorded video via the OVD-Info human rights group in which she expressed her shame at working for Channel One and spreading “Kremlin propaganda.”

“Regrettably, for a number of years, I worked on Channel One and worked on Kremlin propaganda, I am very ashamed of this right now. Ashamed that I was allowed to tell lies from the television screen. Ashamed that I allowed the zombification of the Russian people. We were silent in 2014 when this was just beginning. We did not go out to protest when the Kremlin poisoned [opposition leader Alexei] Navalny,” she said.

“We are just silently watching this anti-human regime. And now the whole world has turned away from us and the next 10 generations won’t be able to clean themselves from the shame of this fratricidal war.” (Read more)

- Father God, we praise You for the courage demonstrated by this amazing Russian
journalist. Holy One, in spite of all the odds against her, we ask that You would protect her in the days ahead from the fury of the Russian thugs who now rule that nation. We ask this in Your name, amen and amen.

- "Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too 
hard for You." (Jeremiah 32:17) 

10. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to virtually address Congress - NBC News

WASHINGTON — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will speak to members of Congress on Wednesday in a virtual address, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced Monday.

"As war rages on in Ukraine, it is with great respect and admiration for the Ukrainian people that we invite all Members of the House and Senate to attend a Virtual Address to the United States Congress delivered by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine on Wednesday, March 16th at 9:00 a.m," the two Democratic leaders said in a letter to members Monday announcing the address.

The virtual address will take place in an auditorium inside the Capitol Visitor Center on Capitol Hill. Only lawmakers can attend in person, but there will be a livestream available for public viewing.

"The Congress remains unwavering in our commitment to supporting Ukraine as they face Putin’s cruel and diabolical aggression, and to passing legislation to cripple and isolate the Russian economy as well as deliver humanitarian, security and economic assistance to Ukraine," the letter said. "We look forward to the privilege of welcoming President Zelenskyy’s address to the House and Senate and to convey our support to the people of Ukraine as they bravely defend democracy." (Read more)

- Father, we thank You that Congress will give President Zelensky this opportunity to
let his voice and his message be heard on Capitol Hill. We pray that actions will follow on behalf of our people that will strengthen the hands of the Ukrainians as they continue to fight for the survival of their nation.

- " . . .  if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19) 
The Daily Jot

Is This The End Of Time?

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, March 15, 2022

There is a lot of consternation in the Christian community about the Russian-Ukraine war. Some think it is the beginning of the tribulation spoken of in the Bible and leading to the end of days. As always, there is a lot of misinterpretation and misinformation. The first thing Christ told his disciples about the end of days in Matthew 24:4 was, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Then he went on to give a chronology of the events leading up to and through the end of days. Prophecy questions are best answered with your own Bible study–not just by blindly accepting what is taught. Instead of repeating in ignorance what people say about Bible prophecy, it’s best to find out firsthand through independent study.

Christ said in Matthew 24:6-8, “And you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginnings of sorrows.” The part that concerns so many right now is the war Russia has started with Ukraine because since the Cold War, Bible teachers have wrongly taught that Russia was Gog of Magog, the antichrist leader of the Ezekiel 38 end time prophecy. Read and study the context of the holy scriptures. Many things that have been taught as fact, are not what the scriptures say. For example, ”Ros” or “Rosh” does not mean Russia in interpreting Ezekiel 38. It always means “chief” or “head.” Read More

Justice Thomas Issues a Grave Warning About the Future of SCOTUS: 'The Institution Is Going to Be Compromised'

As the American leftist cultural onslaught seeks to incinerate what cannot be drowned under a wave of woke ideology, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said future generations will pay the price if the Supreme Court is overcome.

Thomas spoke Friday during a Utah address sponsored by the Orrin G. Hatch Foundation, according to the Deseret News.

“My fear isn’t for me. But it is for your kids and your grandkids and the next generation. What are we going to leave them? Are we leaving them a mess or are we leaving them a country? Are we leaving them chaos or are we going to leave them a court?” he said at the Salt Lake City event.

Thomas said political rhetoric about rigging the court’s structure to produce specific political outcomes is damaging even if it never gets past the talking stage. In response to agitation on the left wing of his Democratic Party, President Joe Biden created a commission to study changing the court, though the commission offered no recommendations in its final report in December, according to The Associated Press.

“You can cavalierly talk about packing or stacking the court. You can cavalierly talk about doing this or doing that. At some point, the institution is going to be compromised,” he said, according to NPR.

A court that is structured to be a rubber stamp is “no court at all. That’s no rule of law at all. That’s just willfulness,” he said, according to the Deseret News. “I don’t see how that is conducive to having a free and civil society.”

“You can’t keep taking chips out of your institutions and not expect it to, at some point, be compromised. At some point, it can’t keep withstanding the efforts to undermine,” Thomas said, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. (Western Journal) Read more here. 

- Holy One, thank You for placing courage and wisdom upon Justice Clarence Thomas to speak truth.  This shouldn't be a precarious action in this nation, but we have sadly gotten to this point.  We ask You to continue to strengthen, inform and establish the message that he brings forth about our Supreme Court and this nation.  

- "From that time, Jesus began to preach and to say, 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'"  (Matthew 4:17)
The Iran Nuclear Deal
As we all are keeping a very close eye upon breaking news out of Ukraine, we would be wise to continue to track news about the Iranian nuclear deal for prayer, too. Please find below four articles with breaking news of interest on this topic, followed by a prayer offered by Pastor Eric Teitelman. Thank you.
1. Russia says it received US guarantees on Iran nuclear deal - Times of Israel

Development enables resumption of talks that were stalled after Moscow demanded assurances sanctions over Ukraine won't impact its ties with Tehran (Read more)

2. Oil Slides Under $100 After Russia Says Given "Written Guarantees" Ukraine Sanctions Won't Impact Iran Nuclear Deal - ZeroHedge  (Read more)

3. Saudi Arabia reportedly considering accepting yuan instead of dollar for oil sales - The Hill  (Read more)

4. Iran has 3,000 ballistic missiles, many that can reach Israel - US general - Jerusalem Post

In Gen. Kenneth McKenzie's written statement, he called Iran’s missile force the greatest threat to the region’s security. (Read more)  

5. Senate Republicans to Biden: Without bipartisan support, new deal ‘will not survive’ -  (Read more)
- Heavenly Father, we repent for our nation, for selling out the American people and the nation of Israel on this reckless and dangerous agreement with Iran, a country that chants “death to America” and has publically called for the annihilation of Israel. We ask that God’s enemies turn against each other and for this agreement to fail utterly. We pray for the protection of the United States and Israel. 

- “[That] No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me, Says the Lord” (Isaiah 54:17).
Updated News from John Rob
Dear Friends,

The war over Ukraine is very much on our minds and hearts these days. Perhaps you have seen this call for prayer from inside the war zone in the worst hit city:

A report from a Christian in Mariupol- the besieged Ukrainian city by the Black Sea:
“Good evening friends! Please pray for us! It is impossible to believe what's going on here.... My family and I are in the church. By the grace of God we are alive.... The city is simply being wiped off the face of the earth.... It is completely destroyed, no electricity, all the wires are on the ground, no gas, the gas line is blown up, people go out on the rocks outside to cook their food, no water.... There is no gasoline, we have a well in the church, salt water, and we drink salty tea. Thank God at least something. People on the streets are hungry, stores are broken and looted, hailstones are shooting, guns, aircraft, bombs just fall around a few meters from the church. God controls these meters, and we only have windows blown out. But we are alive. The generators are on now, and we have charged the phones and for a time, there is WiFi and I hurry up and write this before it disappears.... Pray for us! I wanted to go out with my family when there was a corridor, but our car broke down right away. The Lord didn't let us go far.... I hope the Lord will think of something for us.... Even if it's over, there's nowhere for people to live. Entire entrances are burned out, houses have holes in them, everything is broken! Schools are smashed.... They say don't be horrified, it's not over yet! But it is very scary.... There are corpses lying in the streets, they don't have time to collect them, or maybe they don't collect them at all...  It's very difficult! Pray! There are a lot of mauraders out there! By the grace of God they feed us twice in church. Yesterday was the first time I washed the kids.... in all this time. From the sea we can get some, but there is nothing to heat, they cook food on generators, they save money on everything ... Pray for us! May God give the leaders wisdom and they will agree.... We do not know how to live. We don't know what to do next...  God is with us, He is strong!” 
Please pray for an attempt to get Russian and Ukrainian ministry leaders together to “stand in the gap” as the Lord in Ezekiel 22:30 urges so that the land of Ukraine and its people are not destroyed. Colleagues and I have found in many other war zones over the years that involving spiritual leaders from both sides of a conflict is extremely important. As they do 2 Chronicles 7:14, humbling themselves, praying, seeking His face, and identifying in repentance with the corporate sins of their ethnic group or nation, God responds and moves the political leaders to implement what His intercessors have transacted with Him. Please, therefore, cover these leaders in your prayers for their protection as they hopefully can go through such a process in John 17 unity that transcends political biases and nationalistic resentments.
Pray too for the ongoing negotiations between the governmental representatives of the two countries to have a breakthrough and agree to end this senseless conflict. Remember the civilians still inside Ukraine and the combatants on both sides that their lives may be protected as well as  the over 2.7 million refugees whose lives have been completely disrupted as they trek out of their homes to seek shelter in surrounding nations.
Finally, we need to pray against any further escalation that could ultimately involve the use of bio-chemical or nuclear weapons. Nukes have already been threatened by Vladimir Putin, which is such a foolhardy and dangerous thing to do because it could so easily lead to MAD “Mutually Assured Destruction”, the shared understanding during the Cold War that using nukes was a sure path to the annihilation of both sides and a large proportion of all humanity. Let’s pray for great wisdom and restraint between Russian, Chinese, NATO and US leaders that they would not even contemplate such a thing and that there would be no miscalculation that might trigger such actions in the fog of war.

Thanks for watching and praying to the Healer of the Nations, who we trust will use our intercession to bring a peaceful end to this agonizing and dangerous situation for our world.
Best regards in Christ,
John Robb
Transformation Prayer Foundation
PS. If you would like to contribute to the humanitarian relief of those inside Ukraine as well as the refugees, you can do so through this foundation. We have been supporting five trustworthy ministry organizations working there. 100 % of what is given goes towards this objective. You can do so through this link to our foundation's website. (The website is still not completely finished, but the giving button on the top right side works well.)  Any help you can provide through the TPF or other organizations you are already in touch with would be deeply appreciated by those whose lives are being destroyed through this awful conflict.  
Here is an answer to prayer!

Russian Evangelical Leader Apologizes to Ukrainian Christians - Christianity Today

In the highest-profile statement yet of its kind, the leader of the Russian Evangelical Alliance has announced his “bitterness and regret” over decisions taken by his government.

Will it be enough to rebuild bridges with fellow Ukrainian believers across the border?

“I mourn what my country has done in its recent military invasion of another sovereign country, Ukraine,” stated REA general secretary Vitaly Vlasenko in a March 12 open letter. “In the worst-case scenario, I could not imagine what is now being observed.”

His language is precise, but also careful. (Read more)

Signs & Wonders
'It is like it was raining mud': Eerie-looking sky
raises concerns across Spain
It looked like a scene from a horror movie, but people across western Europe stepped outside this week to an otherworldly sight created by the weather.

Imagine stepping outside to a world where the sky was rusty orange and, although it was daytime, the sun could not be seen.

For people in Albox, Spain, Monday, no such imagination was needed as the sky looked like an apocalyptic scene straight out of a science fiction film.

The otherworldly sight was not just limited to Albox. People all across southern Spain witnessed a murky sky, and more areas could experience this unusual phenomenon based on the current weather pattern, experts say.

In Madrid, Spain's capital city, video footage showed cars parked along the streets that had collected a thin film of dust on their exteriors Tuesday, and city workers could be seen hosing down the streets to wash the dust away.

On Tuesday, rain from Storm Celia collided with the dust storm over Málaga, Spain, with fallout unlike any other storm currently on Earth.

It is like it was raining mud,” said Álvaro López, according to a report from The Associated Press. “I was in the car this morning and mud was literally falling.” Read More

The Good News Corner
Israeli Farmers Are Bringing the Bible to Life in Biblical Judea
THE ARUGOT FARM, JUDEA — Much of the world calls the land of Judea and Samaria the West Bank. To many Christians and especially the Jews living there, it’s considered the land of the Bible. Resting on Judean hills not far from Jerusalem lies the Arugot Farm. For six years, its founders have built a complex on land where previously there was just barren hills. Located in Judea, its founders, Rabbis Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz, see this place as the Bible coming to life. 

“We're in the heart of the land of Judea,” says Gimpel. “Bethlehem is about 15 minutes that way. Right over there as those buildings kiss the sky, that's Jerusalem. Forty-five minutes directly this way is Hebron. And if you triangulate that, Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Hebron, and you bring it right here, we are in the heart of the land of Judea.” 
“As a young boy, David would take his sheep out and pasture his sheep in these lands. And according to the Jewish tradition, most of the book of Psalms was written here in these mountains before David became king. So, in his time of trouble, where did he run to? To the place that he knew best. He knew where the caves were. He knew where the waterholes were. He knew how to live here. He knew how to survive here. And so, these are historic holy mountains,” he says. 

The two rabbis see their farm as prophecy coming to life. “The actual chapter eight of the book of Amos, really, I think summarizes our whole mission here,” says Abramowitz. “If you want to know what is our business plan, the book of Amos, and what does he say? He says, ‘there'll be a hunger in the land and the hunger will not be for bread. And the thirst will not be for water, but to hear the words of HaShem.’ And that's what the Vineyards are about and that's what the Garden of Eden Oasis is about… the retreat center and the house of prayer; everything we're doing is to satisfy this hunger that isn't for bread and the thirst is not for water, but to hear the words of God and the words of God are echoing from the mountains of Judea to the entire world. Beautiful." (CBN) 

To Read More and Watch Video, go here. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Higher Ground 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Johnson Oatman Jr
Music: Charles Gabriel

Scripture: Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. Micah 4:2

I’m pressing on the upward way,
New heights I’m gaining every day;
Still praying as I’m onward bound,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heaven’s table land,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where those abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.


I want to live above the world,
Though Satan’s darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.


I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I’ll pray till Heav’n I’ve found,
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.


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