The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, March 15, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, March 15, 2022
You can hear the recording of last night's call with Pastor Eric Teitelman by going here; and you can read his notes by going here.

He did an astounding job of connecting all the dots for us between Ukraine/Russia/China/U.S. and others, as well as releasing a prophetic perspective of where we may be heading next. THANK YOU, ERIC TEITELMAN! 
Join a special ZOOM call tomorrow, Wed., March 16th, honoring PURIM. This call will
be posted by the National Day of Repentance, and will last for 2 hours: noon to 2:00 p.m. EDT. To join this call, go here

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "AWESOME GOD" by Michael W. Smith. Go here! 

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord." (Isaiah 54:17)

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers. 

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Estonia is first NATO member nation to call for a
no-fly zone in Ukraine
The parliament of Estonia on Monday called for UN member states to "take immediate steps to establish a no-fly zone" over Ukraine to prevent further civilian casualties as Russia’s multi-front war against the country rages on.

Estonia is the first NATO member nation to have a body formally call for the implementation of a no-fly zone amid Russia’s ongoing invasion.

"The Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) expresses its support to the defenders and the people of the state of Ukraine in their fight against the Russian Federation that has launched a criminal war, and calls on showing absolute support to Ukraine in its war for maintaining its freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity," Estonia's parliament said in a statement Monday.

Estonia’s parliament said it "underlines" that Russia’s "unprovoked aggression and military activities constitute a crime against peace with no statute of limitations, and that all war crimes that have been committed will have to be punished."

"The Riigikogu asks the UN member states to take immediate steps to establish a no-fly zone in order to prevent massive civilian casualties in Ukraine," the body stated. "The Riigikogu urges all national parliaments to adopt statements that call on their governments to support the imposition of additional sanctions against the Russian Federation as well as the Republic of Belarus that participates in the aggression."

Biden and NATO have ruled out a no-fly zone over Ukraine, saying that enforcing it would put the U.S. and NATO in direct confrontation with Russia and would expand the conflict.

Ukraine is not a member of NATO, so it is not subject to the Article V provision of the NATO alliance that says when one member country is attacked, all member countries will take action to assist. (Fox News) Read more here.

- Lord, we ask for wisdom to prevail over this action by a NATO member.  Let nothing be done through this situation that is outside of Your perfect will.

- "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2) 
Recent Russian military activity in Ukraine
Recent Russian military activity in Ukraine
Russian's military advances are stalled . . .
A senior U.S. defense official said Monday that almost all of the Russian military's advances in Ukraine remain stalled. As it stands, Russian troops are about 9 miles outside of Ukraine's capital of Kyiv and it is believed they are trying to create a defensive line from the cities of Kharkiv to Mariupol, the official added, according to Fox News' Jennifer Griffin.  
(Source: Fox News)

1. Netanyahu calls new Iran agreement ‘absurd’ and ‘dangerous’ - JNS

(March 14, 2022 / JNS) Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday condemned the nuclear agreement taking shape in Vienna as dangerous, not only to Israel but also to the United States.

In a video statement, the former Israeli premiere said the U.S. administration’s “desperate rush” to sign a “flawed nuclear agreement” with Tehran was “not only absurd” but ” downright dangerous.”

“Yesterday Iran fired missiles in the vicinity of the American consulate in Iraq, and the U.S. continues to charge ahead, along with the other powers, to sign a nuclear agreement that will give the ayatollahs a nuclear arsenal,” said Netanyahu.

On Sunday, Iran launched a dozen ballistic missiles at targets in Erbil in northern Iraq, according to Reuters. The report cited Kurdish officials as saying the missiles had struck near a new U.S. consulate building. There were no reports of American casualties, with Kurdish authorities reporting that only one civilian was hurt in the attack.  

 2. Report: Erbil attack targeted Israeli training facility - Israel National News

A senior US official who was briefed on this weekend’s attack in the Iraqi town of Erbil told The New York Times on Monday that the building struck by Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) ballistic missiles also served as an Israeli training facility.

The US consulate in Erbil was not targeted, as was originally reported, but the IRGC doesn’t mind that it was nearby, the official said.

Multiple missiles were fired towards the city of Erbil, which is located in northern Iraq, in the attack early Sunday morning. (Read more)  

3. BREAKING!  Israeli gov’t websites back online after crashing in cyberattack - World Israel News

Numerous Israeli government websites went down on Monday in what appears to be the largest cyberattack in the country’s history. Access to most of the sites has been restored.

According to an Iranian media report cited by the Jerusalem Post, a hacker group affiliated with Iran called Black Shadow has claimed responsibility.

Officials in Israel’s National Cyber Directorate said they are addressing the crash, but could not elaborate on its cause. Authorities were also checking to see if key infrastructure, such as water and electricity facilities were also compromised. According to Haaretz, the directorate declared a state of emergency. (Read

4. Cyberattack against Israeli sites follows reports of failed Mossad op against Iran - Jerusalem Post

The Mossad allegedly attempted to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran's key Fordow nuclear enrichment site, Iranian media claimed on Monday night.

There was no way to independently confirm the report. Tehran frequently claims to have busted Mossad cells when actually it is merely arresting local opposition elements.

According to Iranian media, a statement from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) intelligence unit said a Mossad team that was seeking to carry out an act of sabotage at Fordow was arrested. (Read more) 

5.  Iranian Jews Bought Tomb of Queen Esther and Mordechai, Israel’s National Library Reveals - Algemeiner – Ahead of the Purim holiday, Israel’s National Library has revealed an exchange of historical letters proving that Iranian Jews purchased the Tomb of Esther and Mordechai in the Iranian city of Hamadan in 1971.

The purchase marked 2,500 years to Persian King Cyrus the Great’s edict allowing Babylonians to worship the god of their choice.

The letters reveal negotiations between Jewish representatives in the country and officials in Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi’s government regarding the purchase of the plot in which according to tradition, Mordechai and Esther, whose story is read in the book of Esther on Purim, are buried. The extraordinary exchange was preserved by the ORT organization, maintained in the central archive in the National Library’s Central Zionist Archives. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Michigan Election Official Charged With Ballot Tampering, Misconduct ( 
Michigan county elections official and former township clerk was charged with ballot tampering related to the August 2020 primary election, according to state Attorney General Dana Nessel.
Kathy Funk, who was running in 2020 as a Democrat for reelection as Flint Township clerk, also was charged with misconduct in office, Nessel said. The charges, which are both felonies, each carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison upon conviction.
Nessel alleged that Funk purposely broke a seal on a container for ballots so that the votes couldn’t be totaled during an anticipated recount. She narrowly won reelection in the unofficial count, the attorney general’s office said.
“Election officials must uphold the integrity of their positions. Those who abuse that commitment undermine the very foundation of our democracy,” Nessel, a Democrat, said in a Twitter response to a ClickonDetroit report.
“Our department is committed to prosecuting election violations, regardless of the political party of the perpetrator.”
Nessel’s office didn’t provide any more details about the allegations against Funk.
After the August 2020 election, Funk filed a report with the Flint Township Police Department claiming there was a break-in at the election office and said a seal on a canister containing ballots had been broken, according to local reports. Her opponent, Manya Triplett, said she had considered a recount but, according to state election law, those votes couldn’t be included in a recount because of the tampering.

- Lord, we pray that You will continue the process of revealing the fraud in elections all across the nation, and prevent it from happening both in the 2022 midterms and 2024. Let all voting in America be filed with integrity and truth.

- “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.” (Proverbs 19:5)  

2.  $1.5 Trillion Spending Bill Passes Senate 68-31 | CNSNews

The $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill (HR 2471) was passed by the House on Wednesday and by the Senate on Thursday evening. The bill is now on its way to President Joe Biden’s desk for his signature.
The legislation received bipartisan support in the Senate (68-31) but all the nay votes were from Republicans. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) voted for the bill.
The massive package runs to 2,741 pages, according to The Hill, and contains 4,000 earmarks;  approximately $13.6 billion is slated for aid to Ukraine.

- Lord, this pork-filled legislation has good things, but also many horrific items in it. We are grieved that it contains such a high price tag when the US is already $Trillions in debt.  We ask for Your solution, and Your mercy over America.

- “Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household, but he who hates bribes will live.” (Proverbs 15:27) 

3. Omnibus: ‘Attorney General…Shall Make Grants to Eligible Entities to Enhance…Transgender…Specific Services’ | CNSNews

The 2,678-page omnibus spending bill that passed Congress last night includes language that directs the attorney general of the United States to pays special attention “LGBT” individuals who are “victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.”
The mandate appears page 2002 of the bill.
“The Attorney General, acting through the Director of Violence Against Women Office (referred to in this section as the ‘Director’), shall make grants to eligible entities to enhance lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (referred to in this section as ‘LGBT’) specific services for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking,” say the opening segment of this part of the bill.

- Lord, because our legislators were unable to read this bill before passing it, there are places within it that literally approve of sin in the nation.  Have mercy, dear Lord!

- “O Lord, I have heard the report of you, and your work, O Lord, do I fear. In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy.” (Habakkuk 3:2)  

4. Disney CEO Bob Chapek Grovels to LGBTQ Employees: 'I Let You Down. I Am Sorry' (

The Walt Disney Co.’s CEO Bob Chapek has taken a knee before his LGBTQ employees, issuing a humiliating apology after some of them mutinied over the company’s refusal to condemn Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which would forbid the teaching of sexuality and transgender ideology to students in kindergarten through third grade.
In his groveling mea culpa, Chapek said he needed to be a “stronger ally” to the company’s gay and transgender employees. He also falsely referred to the legislation as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill — a smear created by Democrats and dutifully propagated by the news media — claiming it poses a “challenge to basic human rights.”
“You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am sorry,” Chapek said in a memo to Disney staffers that was obtained by multiple news outlets.
“I truly believe we are an infinitely better and stronger company because of our LGBTQ+ community. I missed the mark in this case but am an ally you can count on—and I will be an outspoken champion for the protections, visibility, and opportunity you deserve.”
Bob Chapek said Disney will be contributing money to efforts to defeat similar legislation in other states. He also reiterated the company’s intention to “pause” political donations in Florida.

- Lord, we cannot continue to allow sin to be lifted up as something to be proud of in this nation. We pray with all of our hearts for righteous leaders, both politically and through our corporations.

- “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov. 14:34)

5. John Kerry Promises U.N. $10 Billion Annually for 'Climate Crisis' (

Climate czar John Kerry told an informal U.N. Security Council meeting on Wednesday that President Joe Biden is committed to increasing U.S. funding to developing countries by upwards of $10 billion annually to help combat the  “climate crisis.”
Kerry told the meeting on “Climate Finance for Sustaining Peace and Security” U.S. taxpayer dollars will be forthcoming and placed at the disposal of the globalist body to help redistribute wealth in a time of crisis to poorer countries that need it most.
AP reports last September, he said, Biden promised to increase annual U.S. climate finance to over $11 billion, quadrupling the funding from the 2009-2017 presidency of Barack Obama, when Biden was vice president.

-  Lord, John Kerry is promising even more money for something  that should not be a priority for Americans at this difficult time. We pray that You will move over him, bringing him to his knees in repentance. if You can’t reach him, then we ask that You remove him from his position.

- “May his days be few; may another take his position.” (Psalm 109:8)

6. Biden Administration Officially Ends Title 42 Expulsion of Illegal Immigrant Children (

President Joe Biden’s administration late March 12 said it was formally ending the expulsion of illegal immigrant children through use of a pandemic-era rule.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), terminated the public health order known as Title 42 with respect to youth who arrive at the border without a responsible adult, a group known as unaccompanied children.
Title 42, imposed during the Trump administration, enabled immigration authorities to expel illegal immigrants because of fears they posed a health threat amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Soon after Biden took office in 2021, the government stopped expelling unaccompanied children, alleging doing so was cruel and inhumane.
But U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman, a Trump nominee, ruled on March 4 that the administration could no longer exempt unaccompanied youth from Title 42.

- Lord, this action is a plan to disregard the crisis at the southern border and allow them to continue what they’ve been doing.  We ask for a solution that they cannot ignore, and a move of Your repentance to bring truth into the situation.

- “Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.” (1 John 3:4)

7. Ron DeSantis Warns Leftists 'Will Impose Restrictions' After the Midterm Elections (

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday warned that leftists, many of whom have experienced a sudden “epiphany” and have lifted remaining coronavirus restrictions in their respective states, will reimpose mandates “if they feel the need” after the midterm elections are over.
“The minute those elections are over, they will impose mandates if they feel the need to do that. They will impose restrictions,” DeSantis said during a roundtable discussion in Doral, Florida, making the remarks as blue state leaders lift the remaining restrictions in their areas, months ahead of the midterm elections.
“And so that will happen. If those types of people are allowed to be put in power — my view on that is, they’ve put Fauci in the witness protection program because he will say, you know, no, you should still wear a mask, and he’s never going to say be normal, go back to normal. So they know that, and they know that that’s not what people want,” DeSantis said, emphasizing that “people want to be able to make decisions for themselves.”
“There’s nothing wrong if on an individual basis you make a certain calculation. That’s fine. We encourage you to do that. But it’s wrong to mandate people and restrict people, and that will happen. I guarantee you, winter of 2022, any of those folks that are there, you are going to see that happen,” he continued.

- Lord, we pray that Gov DeSantis’ prediction will not occur, but we take his warning seriously. We ask that You remove every greedy, power-hungry person from office in November.

- “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”  (Ephesians 5:11)  

 8. Former Trump national security official jumps into Senate race in Oklahoma | TheHill

A former top Trump national security official is jumping into the race for outgoing Sen. James Inhofe’s (R-Okla.) seat, adding to what is expected to be a crowded GOP field.
Alex Gray, who served as the National Security Council chief of staff, announced on Tuesday that he is launching a bid for the Oklahoma seat and has already received the endorsement of former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.
“The current 50-50 split in the Senate is terrifying, and we must keep the seats we have and add additional ones in the 2022 election cycle. Republicans in the Senate are the last line of defense against court-packing, the green new deal, radical liberal judges, and 40 year-high inflation under the Biden administration,” Gray said in a statement.
“I was honored to serve President Trump every day of his presidency in the White House, and I will continue President Trump’s America First mission in the Senate and fight for the same conservative policies that helped our country prosper under his leadership,” he continued. “I am looking forward to introducing myself to the people of Oklahoma and sharing our vision not only for Oklahoma but our country’s future.”

- Lord, we ask Your wisdom and power over all elections in 2022. We bind the works of the enemy, and cover each ballot with the Blood of Jesus. Let no fraud occur, and only the righteous be elected. Help us to pray over these elections.

- “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19)    

9. Sen. Steve Daines: Biden, Democrats using Russian oil ban as a 'fig leaf' to cover up 'radical' Green New Deal | Fox Business

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., accused President Biden and Democrats of using the Russian oil ban as a "fig leaf" to cover for their "radical" Green New Deal policy proposals.
Daines made the comments during an interview with FOX Business and said that this isn't just about banning Russian oil: Democrats want to ban all oil.
"I think the Democrats are using this ban as a fig leaf to cover up their radical Green New Deal priorities because it's not just about banning Russian oil. They want to ban all oil," Daines said.
He said that while Democrats want to ban Russian oil, they aren't willing to support American oil either.

- Lord, we pray that Your Spirit will come to convict the world of sin with a mighty wave. Let none of the plans of those who oppose energy independence be granted. 

- “And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment”  (John 16:8) 

10.  Trevor Noah Lambasts Biden over Report Saudis Ignored His Call: ‘This Would Have Never Happened to Trump. Never’ (
Joe Biden White House officials denied a Wall Street Journal report that leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) refused to take the president’s phone calls. Still, Daily Show host Trevor Noah said even if the reports weren’t true: “This would have never happened to Donald Trump. Never,” because the 45th president kept international leaders “on their toes.”
“Apparently, Saudi Arabia won’t even pick up the phone for the president of the United States,” Noah said, reacting to a Wall Street Journal report noting that Biden has tried — and failed — to get ahold of the leaders of Saudi Arabia and the UAE while he looks to import oil from other countries.
“That must have been really embarrassing for Biden,” the talk show host added. “Can you imagine? He phones them, and they don’t pick up.”
“Now, according to the White House, according to the White House, this story is totally untrue,” Noah continued. “They deny it. Which I would, too. But either way, man, there is no denying that Saudi Arabia isn’t playing ball with Joe Biden.”
“And you know what, you can say what you want, but this would have never happened to Donald Trump. Never,” he added.

- Lord, we repent for allowing sin to run rampant through this nation and through Your church. You alone should lead us, as man is always flawed. But in Your mercy and by Your grace, we ask for a redirection of America.

- “Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.”         (Titus 2:14)

11. Missiles fired from Iran fall near US consulate in Erbil, Iraq - report - The Jerusalem Post (
Some 12 missiles were fired from Iranian territory and fell near the US consulate in Erbil in northwestern Iraq on Saturday night.
The Kurdistan Counter-Terrorism Service announced that 12 ballistic missiles were fired from "outside the borders of Iraq and the Kurdistan region, specifically from the east," according to the Iraqi News Agency (INA).
Independent open-source intelligence (OSINT) accounts shared videos reportedly shared by Iranian civilians showing missiles being fired from Iran at the time of the attack, with at least one of the videos being geolocated to a site in Khasabad in the East Azerbaijan province of Iran.

- Lord, we ask Your protection over our people regardless of where they serve. We rebuke the demonic powers of the Iranians, Hezbollah, and Iranian militia inside Iraq. We pray for Your Strength and power to defeat them in all that they try to do.

- “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)  

12. 7. Is China Eyeing Taiwan While The World Is Focused On Ukraine? | SOFREP

As Russia slogs in the mud of Ukraine, Taiwan looks closely at Ukraine for inspiration, with China observing very closely how the world is reacting to Russia’s invasion. Similar to Ukraine, Taiwan is under threat by a much larger power that claims ownership of its territory. While China is unashamed in backing Russia and Putin, The island nation of Taiwan says it is in solidarity with Ukraine since the invasion started.
“Despite great adversity, the government and people of Ukraine have been fighting with tremendous courage and determination,” said Taiwanese Foreign Minister Joseph Wu. “Let me say this from the bottom of my heart: You have been an inspiration to the Taiwanese people in facing threats and coercion from authoritarian power.”
Taiwan is being claimed by China as part of its own sovereign territory and has been more adamant in asserting this claim in recent months. The rift began when the Republic of China (Taiwan) fled the Chinese mainland in 1949 after fighting a civil war with the Chinese Communist Party, now China’s ruling faction. Since then, Taiwan has established its own democratic society on its island.
Wu shared in his statement that a lot of Taiwanese people sympathize with the people of Ukraine. “Many Taiwanese people will say as I do now: I’m Ukrainian,” Wu said. “Taiwan Stands with Ukraine.”
He also announced that Taiwan had raised over $300 million or US$10.6 million in donations to Ukraine refugees in Poland. Along with this, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen also expressed her country’s support through a tweet.

- Lord, we pray for Your hedge of protection over Taiwan, and for Your Spirit to move across the nation, bringing salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit to all who live on the Island.

- “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.” (Psalm 2:8) 


Who You Can Count On If America Is Attacked

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, March 14, 2022

A recent poll, if accurate, reveals a segment of the US citizenry that will cut and run rather than defend the American homeland against attack. A March 4-6 Quinnipiac University poll asked that if Americans were in the same position as Ukrainians are now, would they stay and fight or leave the country. Quinnipiac reports, “A majority (55%) say they would stay and fight, while 38% say they would leave the country.” Only a little over half say they would defend the country rather than run away, but a closer look at the demographics reveals the population segment of true countrymen, and the results may or may not be surprising.

Some 68% of Republicans and 57% of Independents say they would stay and fight, but only 40% of Democrats would remain to defend the country. A majority of Democrats surveyed, 52%, say they would leave the country. Among the 18-34 age group, only 45% said they would stay and fight, while 48% said they would flee. In the 35-49 age group, 57% say they will defend the homeland while 37% said they would leave. Of the age group that is most patriotic, 50-64, 66% say they would stay and fight, while 28% would leave the country. Some 52% of the 65+ age group will stay and fight while 37% would leave. By race, 57% White, 38% Black and 61% Hispanic said they would stay and fight. Read More

Signs & Wonders
Engineers and technicians at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida drove Crawler Transporter-2 on March 11, 2022 to the doors of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB)
Rollout of NASA’s Mega Moon Rocket Inches Closer
with Addition of Worm Logo

Earlier today, engineers and technicians at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida drove Crawler Transporter-2, which will carry NASA’s Moon rocket to the launch pad, to the doors of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB). Soon, the 6.6-million-pound crawler will go inside the VAB and slide under the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft placed on the Mobile Launcher. Technicians will finish up preparations to transport the rocket traveling at a top speed of 1 mph to Launch Complex 39B for a wet dress rehearsal test ahead of the Artemis I launch.

This week, the Kennedy team also completed painting the NASA worm logo on the Space Launch System solid rocket boosters. While painters added parts of the iconic logo before the segments were stacked, they had to wait until the boosters were fully assembled to finish the job.

In addition, the team has continued to retract the 20 platforms that surround the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft ahead of rollout on March 17 for the wet dress rehearsal test. The wet dress rehearsal will be the final major test for the Artemis I mission and will ensure the rocket, spacecraft, ground equipment and launch team are “go” for launch. Read More

The Good News Corner
You Can See the Pain in Their Eyes': Hundreds of Ukrainian Jews Land Safely in Israel
TEL AVIV, Israel – Ukrainian Jews fleeing the Russian war on their country have begun to arrive in Israel. On Sunday some 300 Jews, or those eligible to immigrate under the Law of Return, arrived safely in Tel Aviv. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his wife were at the airport to welcome around 100 Ukrainian Jewish orphans that arrived on the first of three flights on Sunday, bringing new immigrants from Ukraine. The children aged two to 18 were airlifted in what’s been dubbed "Operation Israeli Guarantee." It means Israel is guaranteeing its help to Jews fleeing the fighting in Ukraine.

Two more flights followed. One flight arrived from Warsaw, Poland, carrying more than 100 new immigrants. This is the first round of flights expected to bring thousands of new immigrants from Ukraine in the coming weeks and months. "The efforts are ongoing in order to bring as many people as possible to save lives and to first get them out of harm's way, and then to take care of everything that needs to happen after that," says Sam Grundwerg, World Chairman of Keren Hayesod. "This is the finest hour of Israel and the Jewish people."

Grundwerg says no stone is being left unturned to bring Jewish people here from Ukraine. "As somebody who also made aliyah myself, it's unbelievable to see the, what it means to be part of the Jewish nation after thousands of years, to see the solidarity, to see the unity. And it's at the darkest moments when we shine brightest. And that's really what we're seeing today," says Grundwerg. (CBN) Read more. 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

The Love of God

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Frederick Lehman

Scripture: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Romans 8:35

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen
Can ever tell
It goes beyond
The highest star
And reaches to
The lowest hell
The guilty pair
Bowed down with care
God gave his son to win
His erring child
He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin

Oh love of God
How rich and pure
How measureless and strong
It shall forevermore endure
The saints and angels song

Could we with ink
The ocean fill
And were the skies
Of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky

Oh love of God
How rich and pure
How measureless and strong
It shall forevermore endure
The saints and angels song

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