The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, June 13, 2024
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, June 13, 2024
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here.

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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is ""Spirit Lead Me" by Michael Ketterer. Go here!

Putin's fleet of warships in Cuba is direct warning to Biden, experts say

A fleet of Russian warships entered Cuban waters on Wednesday as they prepare to hold military drills in the Caribbean.

The deployment is likely a warning to President Biden after he gave approval for Ukrainian forces to strike some targets within Russia using U.S. weaponry, according to Rebekah Koffler, strategic intelligence analyst and author of "Putin's Playbook." Russian President Vladimir Putin is telling Washington, "we can touch you," Koffler said.

"Putin wants to be close to the U.S. homeland at this time when the Russia-Ukraine crisis is on a highly escalatory trajectory – given Biden’s authorization to Ukraine. If something goes wrong and Ukraine strikes critical targets in Russia close to major cities, the Russian military can enable the Cubans to strike targets inside the U.S. or strike U.S. interests," she said.

Three Russian warships arrived at Cuba's Havana Bay on Wednesday, greeted by a 21-cannon salute. A nuclear-powered submarine was also expected to arrive after them. Russia has said the submarine, the Kazan, is not carrying nuclear weapons.

The arrival of the ships comes after Putin suggested he may authorize strikes on the U.S. via proxy countries, which he says is precisely what the U.S. is doing in Ukraine.

"Most of all, the warships are a reminder to Washington that it is unpleasant when an adversary meddles in your near abroad," said Benjamin Gedan, director of the Latin America program at the Washington-based Wilson Center think tank. "It also reminds Russia’s friends in the region, including U.S. antagonists Cuba and Venezuela, that Moscow is on their side."  (Fox News) Read more. 

See also: 

U.S. deploys warships as Russian fleet makes close pass to Florida in approach to Cuba

The U.S. Navy has deployed warships and aircraft to track a Russian naval flotilla after the Russian vessels sailed less than 30 miles off South Florida’s coast on Tuesday, U.S. officials told McClatchy and the Miami Herald.

Last week, Moscow sent three ships and a nuclear-powered submarine to the Caribbean for what U.S. officials say will be a set of extensive military air and naval exercises — the first of their kind in at least five years.

The drills began on Tuesday in the Atlantic, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement, with its hypersonic-capable frigate and nuclear-capable submarine simulating a strike on a group of enemy ships. It is unclear whether the frigate is armed with hypersonic missiles, but the U.S. intelligence community has assessed that none of the Russian vessels are carrying nuclear weapons. (Miami Herald) Read more here.

- Abba, our country needs Your help!  The Biden regime allowed US weapons to be used against Russia in the Ukraine war and now Mr. Putin is potentially arming countries within striking distance of the US as a response to the regime's actions.  We ask Holy Spirit to speak to the minds and hearts of US and Russian leadership, allow Your wisdom to guide and direct decisions and actions.  Father God, give visions of consequences to wrong political moves, show how pride and arrogance can lead to destructive courses of action.  Jesus, intervene in these circumstances, cause your truth, knowledge and understanding to influence the outcome of this confrontation.  We ask this in the name Jehovah Sabaoth, The Host of Heaven's Armies.

"Teach us to number our days, 
           that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

(Psalm 90:12)   
Rep. Collins Reveals Staffer Robbed
'at Gunpoint' in D.C.

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) revealed that one of his staffers and a friend had been robbed “at gunpoint” by “three men” in Navy Yard, a neighborhood in Washington, DC.

Collins wrote in a post on X that “three men” had “attempted” to rob the unnamed staffer and friend. The men reportedly “took a watch,” while another man was punched in the face.

“Early this morning, three men attempted to rob one of my staffers and a friend at gunpoint in Navy Yard,” Collins wrote. “One attacker took a watch, the other took a fist to the face.”

Our nation’s capital has become a warzone because of pro-criminal policies peddled by D.C.’s government,” Collins continued. “Thank the good Lord, after fending off the assailants, both young men are safe.”

During 2023, there were a total of 5,336 violent crimes committed, a 39 percent increase from the 3,850 violent crimes reported during 2022, according to data from the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD).

The nation’s capital also reported seeing 274 homicides during 2023, the highest annual number of homicides in the city since 1997. (Breitbart) Read more here.

- Abba, thank you for protecting Rep. Collins' staffer and friend from being hurt when they were robbed.  We also thank you for the new laws signed into law by DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser., in March.  We ask You to dispatch your warrior angels to the streets of Washington to continue protecting DC residents as the Policy Department implements the new laws created to clean up crime in our Nation's Capital!   Send Holy Spirit to pour out the fear of You into hearts that have been overtaken by the enemy, those who no longer can hear Your voice.  Let that fear 'turn them around', show them You love them, open their eyes to the truth of whom they are following and draw them back to You.  We ask this in the name Jehovah Rohi, The Lord Our Shepherd.

- "I will search for the lost and bring back the strays,
          I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak,
      but the sleek and the strong I will destroy,
          I will shepherd the flock with justice." (Ezekiel 34:16)  
Hamas, Islamic Jihad Respond to Ceasefire Proposal; Demand Control of Border

Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two Iranian-backed Palestinian terror groups in Gaza, formally responded Tuesday to the U.S. ceasefire proposal, demanding several changes, including control of the border between Gaza and Egypt.

President Joe Biden presented a three-stage plan on May 30 that failed to call for Hamas to disarm and leave power. He claimed, falsely, that the plan was Israel’s idea. The State Department admitted that the plan was, in fact, nearly identical to Hamas’s demands, not Israel’s.

Israel went along with the plan, with the proviso that it would not give up its fundamental goal of destroying Hamas, which launched an unprovoked terror attack against Israel on October 7.

The U.S. translated the plan into a non-binding United Nations Security Council resolution that passed on Monday. And on Wednesday, Hamas submitted a response to Qatari and Egyptian mediators, calling for more negotiations.

The Philadelphi corridor is the road that runs along the Egyptian border with Gaza on the Gazan side. It has been a major smuggling route for Hamas, allowing it to move weapons and goods into the Gaza Strip from the Sinai desert.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) recently took control of the entire Philadelphi corridor, destroying dozens of terror tunnels and rocket launchers that were placed out in the open. The IDF also revealed an overpass that allowed Hamas to move goods across the border with Egypt, without checks by Egyptian or international authorities.

Control of the border would allow Hamas to re-arm. Demanding the Philadelphi corridor is therefore a likely non-starter for Israel. (Breitbart) Read more

Abba, your people need your help!!  The Biden regime's weakness in negotiations with Hamas and Islamic Jihad have the potential to put our ally, Israel, in real jeopardy!  We ask You to intervene in these discussions, guide and direct the US envoy in any agreements made.  Let the fear of the Lord rule in the hearts of all making decisions in these talks.  We ask for your perfect will to be done, that You will not allow the enemy to have his way in any final plans, any promises made.  We ask this in the name El Shaddai, God Almighty, the God who has power over all things.

- "He rules forever by his power,
         his eyes watch the nations -- 
     let not the rebellious rise up against him." 
(Psalm 66:7)  
Belarus Joins Tactical Nuclear Exercises with Russia

Belarusian Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Viktor Khrenin said on Monday that his country’s forces are joining “tactical nuclear weapon deployment” drills ordered by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Khrenin said the drills would give Belarus an opportunity to “increase our readiness to use so-called retaliatory weapons. Now, more than ever before, we are determined to respond to any threats posed to both our country and the Union State,” he said, referring to the union between Belarus and Russia.

“We have no goal of creating any tension in regional security issues. We do not project relevant military threats on third countries or anyone else. We are a peaceful state, we do not threaten or seek confrontation with anyone, but we will keep our powder dry!” Khrenin said.

Khrenin said joining Russia’s tactical nuclear drills was a reaction to “unsuccessful attempts to drag us into an epidemic of color revolutions and crush us with economic sanctions.”

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, last month’s exercises simulated Russian units obtaining “special ammunition,” or nuclear warheads, and secretly mounting them on short-range missiles. The units then practiced “covertly advancing to the designated position in preparation for missile launches. We hope these drills will cool the hot heads in Western capitals,” the Defense Ministry sneered.

Lukashenko ostentatiously ordered a “snap inspection” of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus the day after Russia conducted stage one of its drills. Khrenin said the inspection involved Iskander missile launchers and nuclear-capable Su-25 warplanes. (Read more)

- Abba, there are so any countries that are "sword rattling" right now, it's hard to know where to begin our intercession.  We ask for Your Lordship to spread across the world, beginning in the US.  Let Your power and authority be seen, Your presence cover the earth. Silence the voice of the enemy's boasting and remind all of us that You are God, You are the Holy One, You are Creator .  We ask for the great outpouring spoken of in your Word, a move of Your Spirit that will change our world, that will challenge the darkness, putting the enemy on notice that his time is running out!  We ask this in the name Elohim, Creator, Mighty and Strong, the God who spoke the world into being.

- "They exchanged the truth about God 
           for a lie, and worshiped created 
       things rather than the Creator --  
           who is forever praised.  Amen." 
(Romans 1:25)   

1. 200 launches from Lebanon; Netanyahu holds security assessment - Israel National News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday evening convened a security assessment in light of developments on the northern border and after a record 200 launches from Lebanon at Israel during the day.

Netanyahu's office stated that the assessment will also discuss "Hamas' negative answer regarding the issue of a hostage release deal."

Earlier in the day the IDF announced that on Tuesday, a Hezbollah command and control center in the area of Jouaiyya in southern Lebanon, which was used to direct terror attacks against Israeli territory from southeastern Lebanon in recent months, was struck by the IAF.

As part of the strike, Sami Taleb Abdullah, the commander of the Nasr Unit in the Hezbollah terrorist organization, was eliminated. Sami Taleb Abdullah was one of Hezbollah's most senior commanders in southern Lebanon. (Read more)

2. Hezbollah fires most rockets yet in war after Israel kills a top commander - Reuters

JERUSALEM/BEIRUT, June 12 (Reuters) - Hezbollah fired the most rockets it has launched at Israel in a single day since cross-border hostilities broke out eight months ago, as part of its retaliation on Wednesday for an Israeli strike which killed a senior Hezbollah field commander.

The Iran-backed Hezbollah and Israel have been trading fire since the eruption of the Gaza war in October, in steadily intensifying hostilities that have fuelled concern of a bigger confrontationbetween the heavily armed adversaries.

The Israeli strike in the south Lebanon village of Jouaiyya late on Tuesday killed three Hezbollah fighters alongside the senior field commander Taleb Abdallah, also known as Abu Taleb, Israel and three security sources in Lebanon said. (Read more) 

3. IDF Kills Most Senior Hezbollah Commander Yet - Jewish Press

Late Tuesday night the Israel Air Force eliminated the most senior Hezbollah commander yet since the outbreak of the war launched by Hamas on October 7th.

Sami Taleb Abdullah, commander of the Nasr Unit in Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, was eliminated in an IAF air strike that targeted a Hezbollah command and control center in the area of Jouaiyya.

The rank held by Abdullah, who was one of the most senior commanders of the Iranian-backed Lebanese terror group, was equivalent to a Brigadier General in the IDF. (Read more)

4. Hamas Demands U.S. Written Guarantees for Permanent Ceasefire in Hostage Deal - Algemeiner

i24 News – Hamas has requested written guarantees from the United States for a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip in order to finalize a U.S.-backed truce and hostage deal proposal, according to two Egyptian security sources.

Qatar and Egypt, acting as mediators, reported that Hamas responded to the phased ceasefire plan on Tuesday, though details were not disclosed.

The plan, unveiled by U.S. President Joe Biden at the end of May, outlines a gradual release of Israeli hostages held in Gaza and a phased withdrawal of Israeli forces, culminating in the reconstruction of Gaza and the return of the remains of deceased hostages in the third phase.

According to the Egyptian sources and a third source familiar with the talks who spoke to Reuters, Hamas is concerned that the current proposal lacks explicit guarantees for the transition from the first phase, which includes a six-week truce and the release of some hostages, to the second phase, which involves a permanent ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal. (Read more)

5. The Upper Room on Mount Zion: Site of the biblical Pentecost and the pouring of the Holy Spirit - All Israel News

The Upper Room, also called the Cenacle, is the site in Jerusalem traditionally identified as the location of the Last Supper, where Jesus dined with his apostles.

It also served as a meeting place for the apostles post-ascension and during Pentecost. While debate surrounds its origins and authenticity, archaeological findings and ancient sources suggest its veneration dates back to the early Christian era.

The term "Cenacle" comes from the Latin word for dining room, while "Upper Room" is derived from Greek terms used in the Gospels.

> > > Let's all pause a minute as we gaze upon this glorious site, and remember that marvelous day when the Holy Spirit fell upon the people. Come, Lord Jesus, come . . . as we stand together today before You. Amen.

The Daily Brief
1. A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge - Breitbart

A federal judge on Tuesday struck down a 2023 Florida law that blocked gender-affirming care for transgender minors and severely restricted such treatment for adults, calling the statute unconstitutional.

Senior Judge Robert Hinkle said the state went too far when it barred transgender minors from being prescribed puberty blockers and hormonal treatments with their parents’ permission. He also stopped the state from requiring that transgender adults only receive treatment from a doctor and not from a registered nurse or other qualified medical practitioner. And he barred a ban on online treatment for transgender adults.

Hinkle said transgender people are constitutionally entitled to the legitimate treatment they need and, quoting the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., compared those who oppose it to those who were once against equality for minorities and women. (Read more
- Lord, this reversal seeks to hinder Your church from fulfilling your commands to help orphans, children and those in need. Lord God, we pray that this policy would be reversed or mended in someway. Give us boldness and wisdom as we stand against such efforts for the sake of these children.

- “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:27)

2. FDA Advisors Unanimously Recommend New Drug for Alzheimer’s Disease - Epoch Times

The advisory committee to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unanimously voted on Monday to recommend the approval of donanemab to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

The Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs Advisory Committee was asked to consider whether donanemab is effective for treating Alzheimer’s in those with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia in the clinical trial population and whether the drug’s benefits outweigh the risks.

Data presented at the meeting showed that donanemab did not improve cognition in those who took it, and 7 percent experienced a slight neurocognitive decline after being on the drug for a year and a half. (Read more)

- Lord God, we pray over the FDA and all of the health organizations all over the world that are making choices for the health of people that they would have our best interest at heart. We pray that they would have wisdom and discernment when picking medicines to help certain diseases. We thank you, Lord that you are the master Physician and right now we speak healing over everyone dealing with Alzheimer’s or any mental illness and we command it to go and be healed and whole right now in Jesus name.

"'He Himself bore our sins' in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; 'by His wounds you have been healed.'” (1 Peter 2:24)

3. The Christian Origin of Father’s Day - Christian Heritage Fellowship

Just as America's Founding Fathers have exercised an enormous formative influence over the foundation and development of the United States, so fathers—within the family—exercise remarkable influence upon the character of their families in general and their children in particular.

In the Bible, God commands that children are to "honor" their fathers and mothers (Exodus 20:12; Ephesians 6:1-2). Since secularists, atheists, and the irreligious recognize no obligation to honor anyone or anything but themselves, it is not surprising that holidays such as Mother's Day and Father's Day—and the vast majority of national holidays—have originated within Christianity, which recognizes and teaches that human relationships are to be honored.

Like Mother's Day, the observance of Father's Day also arose within the Christian Church.” (Read more)

- Lord, thank you that You are not simply our God, but our Heavenly Father. Thank You for bringing me into Your family. Thank You for my father; help me to honor Him if I have the opportunity. Forgive our nation, Lord, for ignoring the importance of fathers. Help us to honor Your design for the family, build up the fathers in our community, and equip them to bring up their children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” in Jesus name.

- “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12)

4. Biden’s Edict on Southern Border Is an Election Year Stunt, Republicans Say - Daily Signal

President Joe Biden signed an executive order Tuesday giving himself the authority to close the border when the seven-day average of daily border crossings between ports of entry exceeds 2,500. 

The order is set to take effect immediately, since the daily threshold has already been met. The border will only reopen if crossings between ports fall to a seven-day daily average of 1,500 or less. 

“This action will help us to gain control of our border, restore order to the process,” Biden said during a press conference Tuesday afternoon. Biden is drawing on the authority in Title 8 of the Immigration and Nationality Act to temporarily close the border. (Read more

- Father, we all fall short of your commands to do what’s right, love others, and to think about what’s best for others before ourselves among others things. We do not see most of our current officials following these simple commands, but Lord, we continue to pray for them that they would humble themselves before You and choose to do what's right because it’s the right thing to do not to control and manipulate people. Help us to be more like you Jesus reflecting your goodness to our culture.

- “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)

5. Saudi Arabia's petro-dollar exit: A global finance paradigm shift - The Business Standard

Significant financial upheaval is potentially ahead of the financial world as Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew its 80-year petro-dollar deal with the United States. The deal, which expired on Sunday 9 June, was a cornerstone of the United States global economic dominance.

Originally signed on 8 June 1974, the deal established two joint commissions, one based on economic cooperation and the other on Saudi Arabia's military needs. At the time, it was said that it heralded an era of close cooperation between the two countries, says Katja Hamilton of BizCommunity.

American officials at the time expressed optimism that the deal would motivate Saudi Arabia to ramp up its oil production. They also envisioned it as a blueprint for fostering economic collaboration between Washington and other Arab countries. (Read more)

-  Lord God, we pray over all of our leaders and representatives making important decisions on behalf of Americans that they would all use wisdom and discernment in the name of Jesus. We pray that our representatives fight for our freedoms, privacy, and do whatever they can to uphold these values in Jesus name amen.

- “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” (Proverbs 31:8-9)

6. Arizona state treasurer tells AG not to investigate Gov. Hobbs over group homes deal - KAWC

State Treasurer Kimberly Yee is asking Attorney General Kris Mayes to back away from any investigation of whether laws were broken in the awarding of a new foster care contract by the Hobbs administration.

And at least part of the reason is political.
In a letter Monday to Mayes, Yee disputed the attorney general's claim that state law gives her office the authority to investigate the allegations that there is a link between political contributions made by Sunshine Residential Homes and its officers and the company's contract.

More to the point, the treasurer took exception to what she said was Mayes effectively telling Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell and state Auditor General Linsdsey Perry that the attorney general, in Yee's words, has "singular control over any investigation.'' “Such an assertion is not appropriate or authorized by law, as those entities have separate jurisdiction to investigate this matter,'' the treasurer wrote to Mayes. (Read more)

- Lord God, we cover this situation in the blood of Jesus. We pray that accountability and responsibility would be kept to a standard and show that the rule of law matters and that no matter what position we are in, we adhere to the same standard of laws. We pray that justice will be done in Jesus name.

- “I said to myself, “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed.”
(Ecclesiastes 3:17)

The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Government Censorship

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, June 12, 2024

Louisiana Democrats have taken an all-out offensive against any form of education that doesn’t align with their leftist agenda. The May 30 headline in the Picayune Times read: “Louisiana lawmakers slam education chief for partnering with right wing media group.” Democrat lawmakers took issue with PragerU’s and the Louisiana Department of Education’s partnership that counterbalances the Marxist agenda of revisionist history. The Picayune Times said “And members of the Legislative Black Caucus condemned the decision by state Superintendent of Education Cade Brumley to partner with PragerU, which says its “edu-taining, pro-American content” is guided by “Biblical values” and “rejecting woke culture.”

These lawmakers say that children deserve an unbiased, fact-based education free of political agendas and accuse the LA Department of Education of betraying its responsibilities by helping right-wing extremists to rewrite history. They apparently really took issue with PragerU’s factual assertion, as narrated by Candace Owens (a conservative Black woman) that plantation owners were without exception, Democrats. Instead of embracing educational dialogue based on the merits of their positions, the Democrats want to create laws to prohibit dissent. The Democrats are proving that if the educational agenda is not aligned with the Democratic Party agenda, it must be banned. Marxism by any other name. This takes an even darker twist. Read More

And Now . . . Lion of Judah: ROAR!!!!
"The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man;
He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war.
He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud;
He shall prevail against His enemies."

(Isaiah 42:13)  
Signs & Wonders
Collaborative Frontiers: Merging Commercial Tech with Space Force Strategy

In a recent statement, a senior Space Force official unveiled an ambitious plan for enhancing commercial partnerships to bolster the Department of Defense (DoD) space operations. This strategic initiative is designed to tap into the expertise of external partners to improve the capabilities of the Space Force, with Frontier Technology Inc. (FTI) positioned to play an essential role in this expansion.

FTI, a leader in advanced data integration and analytics, offers significant experience and strategic expertise that will be instrumental in meeting the Space Force’s goals. FTI has an impressive track record in delivering powerful insights and effective data management solutions. Moreover, FTI boasts extensive experience in developing and integrating sophisticated software solutions into Space Force Satellite ground systems, which has proven to enhance operational efficiency and data handling capabilities significantly.

The Space Force’s strategic roadmap emphasizes building strong partnerships with commercial entities to leverage advancements in data integration, analytics, and other state-of-the-art technologies. FTI’s advanced integration solutions enable seamless connectivity between various systems, facilitating efficient information exchange and analysis for improved situational awareness and decision-making. The scalability and adaptability of our technologies allow for integrating large volumes of data from multiple sources, providing a detailed and accurate overview of the space domain. Read More

The Good News Corner
Arkansas Reports 0 Abortions as Abortion Ban Saves Babies
Official reports from the Arkansas Department of Health’s Vital Statistics show no abortions occurred in the state during 2023. Arkansas law generally prohibits abortion, but it contains exceptions for situations in which the mother’s life is at risk. The state publishes annual reports every June documenting the number of abortions performed during the previous year. The health department recently released three different reports showing the number of abortions performed last year, the number of women who experienced complications from abortion, and the number of abortions necessary to save the life of the mother. All three reports show 0 abortions during 2023.

In the past, Arkansas has averaged around 3,200 abortions per year. All in all, our team estimates Arkansas’ pro-life laws are protecting thousands of women and unborn children from abortion each year. These reports are great news. Arkansas has successfully prohibited abortion except to save the life of the mother. Arkansas’ pro-life laws are protecting women, and they are saving unborn children. That is something to celebrate. Right now an effort is underway in Arkansas that would repeal Arkansas’ pro-life laws and write abortion into the state constitution. If passed, the Arkansas Abortion Amendment would allow thousands of elective abortions in Arkansas every year. (Lifesite) Read More

- Father, we rejoice over great news of ZERO abortions for the State of Arizona in 2023! All glory and praise to You for each LIFE and Your protection over these precious little ones. We declare in the Name of Jesus that pro-life laws will continue to stand strong in Arizona and other states that will have abortion on the ballot in November. May Christian voters show up in droves to vote in biblical values into our government. We decree VICTORY in protection for the unborn across this nation and alignment of the citizens of America towards Your holy righteousness. In the mighty Name of Yeshua-Amen and Amen.

- "Do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the guilty."            (Exodus 23:7b)   
Thought for the Day
 "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." 
(James 4:8a)
A Special Message
The Sinner's Prayer
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name."

- Provided By: Billy Graham
Classic Hymns

Jesus Blessed Jesus

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Charles Gabriel 

Scripture: He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5

There’s One who can comfort when all else fails,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus;
A Savior who saves tho’ the foe assails,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus:
Once He traveled the way we go,
Felt the pangs of deceit and woe;
Who more perfectly then can know,
Than Jesus, blessèd Jesus?

He heareth the cry of the soul distressed,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus;
He healeth the wounded, He giveth rest,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus:

When from loved ones we’re called to part,
When the tears in our anguish start,
None can comfort the breaking heart,
Like Jesus, blessèd Jesus.
He never forsakes in the darkest hour,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus;

His arm is around us with keeping power,So
Jesus, blessèd Jesus:
When we enter the shadow land
When at Jordan we trembling stand,
He will meet us with outstretched hand,
This Jesus, blessèd Jesus.
What joy it will be when we see His face,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus;

Forever to sing of His love and grace,
Jesus, blessèd Jesus:
There at home on that shining shore,
With the loved ones gone on before,
We will praise Him forevermore,
Our Jesus, blessèd Jesus.

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