The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, Jan 5, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "It Is Well" by Kristene . Go here! 

"For the Lord is righteous,
    he loves justice;
    the upright will see his face."

(Psalm 11:7)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Lt. Gov. Dan McKee speaks during Rhode Island's weekly coronavirus press conference
Rhode Island went from firing unvaccinated health care workers to allowing the COVID-positive to work

After implementing a coronavirus mandate for health care workers this fall, Rhode Island has now opened an option for COVID-positive health care workers to continue working if their facility is facing a staffing crisis. 

"Also, facility administrators should be using their clinical judgment in making staffing decisions. For example, a facility may opt for a COVID-19 positive worker to only care for COVID-19 positive patients," Joseph Wendelken, a spokesperson from the department of health, told the Providence Journal on Saturday

A memo was sent to employees of state-run Eleanor Slater Hospital on Friday explaining that "those who are exposed or have a positive Covid test but are asymptomatic" can continue reporting to work "in crisis situations for staffing" if they wear N95 masks. 

Workers at other hospitals and skilled nursing homes in the state who are "mildly symptomatic" can also continue working if the facilities are facing a staffing crisis, according to the Rhode Island Department of Health. Any hospital that needs to activate crisis staffing mode needs to notify the state Department of Health. (Fox News) Read more.

- Lord God, the decisions being made by our healthcare organizations make no sense. It has caused chaos, panic, fear, and uncertainty for so many. We know Lord that you are not the author of confusion so we just release your peace, love, joy, and all the fruits of your Spirit into this situation in the name of Jesus, that the storm would be calmed right now. Amen.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." (1 Corinthians 14:33-40) 

1. New details in Haifa helicopter crash: Officer returned to save crew - Israel National News

An investigation into the deadly helicopter crash off the coast of Haifa last night revealed that a fire in the left engine led the crew to make an emergency landing at sea with a buoyancy mechanism.

The helicopter also had a communication problem which prevented the reporting of the engine fire during the flight.

After the helicopter crashed, the naval officer on board was able to escape the craft, and then returned in an attempt to rescue the two pilots, who remained trapped inside. The officer was able to use his mobile phone to call the squadron commander and inform him of the crash. (Read more) 

2. Commanders meet, praise survivor of helicopter crash - Israel National News

Commander in Chief of the Israeli Navy, Vice Adm. David Saar Salama and Israel Air Force Commander Maj. Gen. Amikam Norkin met Tuesday evening with the survivor of last night's deadly helicopter crash off the coast of Haifa, Capt. Ron Birman, at Rambam Hospital.

During the visit, the commanders talked to the injured man and his family and expressed their appreciation for the calmness and professionalism displayed by the officer during the incident.

Vice Adm. Salama told Capt. Berman: "You did everything you could, you acted responsibly, striving for contact. You are surrounded by both your family and your other family - Navy and Squadron 3. Hold on, I know you are strong, we are here for everything you need. We are waiting for you to come back." (Read more) 

3. Daily COVID cases surge past 10,000, near all-time record - Times of Israel

Israel confirmed 10,720 new coronavirus cases on Monday, nearing the country’s all-time record with an increase of more than 4,000 infections over the previous day, according to figures published Tuesday morning.

The figure far surpassed the 6,576 cases recorded on Sunday, and put the all-time daily record of 11,333, recorded on September 2, within range.

The R basic reproduction number, representing the average number of people each virus carrier infects, climbed to 1.91. Any figure over 1 means the outbreak is growing. (Read more)   

4. Warnings of Palestinian intifada as IDF remains on alert in West Bank - Jerusalem Post

Violence has also been high in Burka, which clashes breaking out between the army and Palestinians there when the IDF closed down the village in the aftermath of the Dimentman killing.

A new Palestinian intifada could break out in the West Bank, warned MK Ahmed Tibi, as Israeli security forces there remain on high alert for potential terror attacks.
“We are still on alert in Judea and Samaria,” Defense Minister Benny Gantz told the Blue and White faction in the Knesset on Monday.

“IDF forces are deployed there to prevent terrorist cells, run by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others, from carrying out attacks,” said the party's leader.
“The steps we are taking on the ground are intended to bring security,” Gantz stated. (Read more)  

5. Rabbi Resigns After 30 Years at BBC Over ‘Inexcusable’ Antisemitism - Jewish Press

A rabbi who has worked for the BBC for decades has tendered his resignation with the British Broadcasting Corporation in response to their handling of a story about a Hanukkah night attack on a group of Jewish teens.

In a letter, Rabbi YY Rubinstein, who has worked for both BBC radio and television (and also write for the Jewish Press), said, “This is a very sad moment for me as I have been a BBC broadcaster for some 30 years. … The current crisis over anti-Semitism at the corporation and its attempts to turn the victims of the recent anti-Semitic attack on Jewish children in London and claim that the victims were actually the perpetrators, was and is inexcusable. The obfuscation, denial that followed, was and is utterly damning.

“ … I simply don’t see how I or in fact any Jew who has any pride in that name can be associated with the corporation anymore,” he continued.

His decision to leave follows a plethora of criticism stemming from a broadcast in which BBC staff attempted to paint the teenage victims of a Nov. 30 anti-Semitic attack on a busy London street during Hanukkah as the offenders. (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. Italy Considering Completely Banning Unvaccinated From Workplaces - Brietbart

Some in the Italian government are considering implementing the Super Green Pass in workplaces, an action which would result in the complete banning of unvaccinated individuals from that area of life.

The so-called “Super Green Pass” in Italy can only be obtained by being vaccinated against the Chinese Coronavirus, or from having recovered from the disease. A negative COVID test cannot be used as a substitute in order to enter locations requiring the pass.
According to a report by Il Giornale,  the Italian Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa, hopes that an expansion of the pass would nudge more people towards vaccination.

“I believe that, given the numbers of infections and increasing hospital pressure, it is reasonable to immediately extend the super green pass in the workplace,” the publication reports Costa as saying. “It will be a big boost to speed up the vaccination campaign and impose severe restrictions on those who do not get vaccinated.” (Read More)  
- Lord God of All, we ask that You cause the issue of the “Super Green Pass” needed for employment in Italy to be totally passed-over by those who must approve the measure. In the Spirit, we come against any totalitarian measures anywhere in the world, but especially the U.S.A., that would allow government manipulation and control of our most basic freedoms. King of Kings, we ask You to deliver us from evil, particularly the “dark, left side”, [Jezebel spirit] seeking all power and control.
- "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."  (Galatians 5:1)  

2. Florida hospital CLOSES its maternity unit and tells expectant moms to find somewhere else to give birth - The Daily Mail

A Florida hospital has been forced to close its maternity unit and tell expectant moms to give birth elsewhere after the state's record-breaking COVID surge caused staff shortages.  Holy Cross Health Hospital in Fort Lauderdale announced on Sunday afternoon that it is shutting down its Labor and Delivery delivery unit 'until further notice' due to 'critical staffing levels.' 

That means pregnant women who'd planned to give birth there and are almost at their due dates must now go through the stress of finding a new hospital. 
However, the hospital said in a statement that its neonatal intensive care and post-partum units will remain open. 

'People are out sick due to the surge in Covid cases,' Holy Cross spokesperson Christine Walker added in an interview with NBC Miami. She spoke after Florida recorded 85,000 COVID cases on Saturday and Sunday, and almost 50,000 new infections on Monday. (Read More)  

- Father, how well You understand “no room in the hospital”! But You made a way for Mary & Joseph where there seemed to be no way. Lead and guide the expectant mothers [& fathers] to the place You have prepared for them to give birth. May there be no complications, and may each family walk into their God-given destiny, knowing You have saved the day. And them. We ask for Your supernatural provision at hospitals across our land.
- "And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn."  (Luke 2:7) 

3. FBI whistleblower blasts delay before longtime CNN producer John Griffin's child trafficking arrest - Fox News

The 17-month delay between a search warrant that secured longtime CNN producer John Griffin’s devices in Vermont and an arrest on child trafficking charges shows that feds "don’t give a da-- about these kind of cases," according to a former FBI agent turned whistleblower who has taken the bureau to task for years.

"He obviously is a sexual predator, and has gone from grooming children into actually ‘capturing’ them," said Jane Turner, a former FBI special agent who blew the whistle on the FBI’s mishandling of child sex crime cases in North Dakota’s Native American reservations. "Very, very dangerous offender." 

The evidence against Griffin allegedly includes drone video he took showing a "completely naked 9-year-old girl" standing next to him in his underwear, according to court filings. (Read More) 

Lord God Almighty, how far we have fallen as a nation. We pray for the nine year old girl trafficked by John Griffin; may she (and other victims) receive Your supernatural healing—spirit, soul, and body—that only You can give her. May she be placed in a family that loves You and can be used to be part of that healing. As for John Griffin, many within the F.B.I., and others who may have known of and/or participated in the sexual crimes and trafficking, please forgive but bring them to swift justice. In Jesus name, we say “NO” to looking the other way or to allowing this heinous behavior to continue when what is needed are immediate investigations and arrests and immediate rescues and help for the victims. Father, continue to expose and apprehend the evil perpetrators; and bring restoration to the innocent. God bless Jane Turner! In Jesus’ name.

- "Now He said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks come, but woe to one through whom they come! It is better for him if a millstone is hung around his neck and he is thrown into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to sin." (Luke 17:1-2) 

4. Don Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle are ENGAGED - The Daily Mail can reveal Donald Trump's son popped the question to the former Fox News personality on New Year's Eve 2020 and they've been keeping their engagement under wraps for a year. 

Sources confirmed to 'Don and Kim got engaged on New Year's Eve 2020 - which is Don's birthday. They've been together for almost four years now and have been friends for 15 years.'

'They've kept it private for the past year as they settled into life in Florida after moving from New York,' the source added. 'Both are focused on their children - they have six between them - and their work.' The couple plan on living in Jupiter, Florida in a new home after finally offloading Guilfoyle's apartment in Manhattan for $4.4 million and their $8.1 million Hamptons home. (Read More)  

- Dear Lord, we ask that You would keep this couple in the center of Your perfect will for them as they plan out their future.  We pray for their children as the families consider becoming a blended family and that all members of this family will grow closer to You through this time of change in their lives.  We bind up the enemy from disrupting their lives because they are close to President Trump and pray they will live with Your divine wisdom in mind.  

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain."  (Psalms 127:1)

5. Jeffrey Epstein's secret $500K settlement with accuser released in Prince Andrew's sex abuse suit - Fox News

Late Jeffrey Epstein's $500,000 settlement agreement with accuser Virginia Giuffre was made public Monday in her civil lawsuit against Prince Andrew, whose attorneys have argued that the 2009 deal bars her from suing him.

Giuffre, 38, says she was "forced to have sexual intercourse with Prince Andrew against her will" at the direction of Epstein and his convicted cohort, Ghislaine Maxwell, when she was 17, according to her complaint filed in the Southern District of New York. She also says that he abused her on two other occasions at Epstein's homes.

The 12-page settlement agreement was turned over to Elizabeth II's middle son in October after one of his lawyers, Andrew Brettler, argued during a Manhattan federal court hearing that the deal "releases the Duke and others from any and all potential liability." (Read More)  

- Our Mighty God, we know You know how to hold people accountable even in the midst of legal maneuvers by multiple lawyers.  We pray that as accusations come forth that there would be repentance and a dedication to You from this unseemly exposure of secret activities.  May all of those who were trafficked learn how to look to You for healing from their experiences and receive knowledge of what it means to live a life close to You.   

- "The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord, endures forever--do not abandon the works of your hands."  (Psalms 138:8) 
6. U.S. Logs Record 1 Million Virus Cases - Bloomberg

The U.S. added more than 1 million people to its Covid-19 case count on Monday as the true scope of a surge in infections over the holidays began to round into view.

The highly mutated variant, combined with delayed reporting by local governments over the holidays, led to a single-day record for new cases for any country in the world. Monday’s number is almost double the previous mark of about 590,000 set just four days ago in the U.S., which itself was a doubling from the prior week. 

Using a seven-day average, which smooths out the unevenness of data across the country, cases climbed to 485,363 a day on Monday, more than doubling in the span of a week. The data is compiled by Johns Hopkins University, which relies on local governments, some of which may take more time than others to update their figures.  (Read More) 

- Bless You, Lord, for working in this COVID crisis to hopefully make this virus less severe and less deadly.  We pray, however for those lives who are affected in so many ways by the restrictions, the sickness, and economic impact of this plague.  We bind up the efforts to continue a spirit of fear to exert unconstitutional and demonic control over our country.  We speak out that this virus will, of its own accord, just die out quickly as more and more seek the Lord for Your solution.  

- "Deliver us from evil . . . " (Matthew 6:13)

7. Manchin says changing filibuster with nuclear option will be 'heavy lift,' dimming hopes for his yesJust The News

Sen. Joe Manchin said Tuesday that changing the rules for the Senate filibuster using the so-called nuclear option would be a "heavy lift," dimming hopes the West Virginia moderate will vote with fellow Senate Democrats to change the rules to pass key legislation without support from Senate Republicans.

"Being open to a rules change that would create a nuclear option," Manchin told reporters, according to The Hill newspaper. "It's very, very difficult. It's a heavy lift."

The nuclear option refers to a situation in which Democrats alter the 60-vote legislative filibuster without any support from Republicans. Most legislation in the chamber needs 60 votes for passage, and right now has 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans.
Manchin said his "preference" would be that any rules change gain the support of both parties. (Read More)  

- Once again we bring Senators Manchin and Sinema before You Lord and ask that You continue to strengthen them in their resolve to stand against this unacceptable piece of legislation.  We bless them for their strength, courage and integrity and ask that Your hand of protection continue to shelter all those who are bold on behalf of righteousness, in Jesus name.

- "By awesome deeds in righteousness You will answer us, O God of our salvation, You who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth, And of the far-off seas;"  (Psalm 65:5)  

 8. More than 3,200 schools close this week due to omicron cases - Just The News

Thousands of schools across the country are closed this week due to rising numbers of COVID-19 cases, according to data tracker Burbio. As of Monday, 3,229 K-12 public schools that were previously scheduled to have in-person classes closed for at least one day during the first week of January.

The majority of closed school districts are moving to virtual learning for one to two weeks following winter break due to the increasing number of COVID cases. A few larger school districts, such as Chicago and Washington, D.C., are only closed for a few days in order to test returning faculty and families.

The average planned closure length for the week of Jan. 3 is six days, Burbio reports, but schools could delay further in-person instruction depending on COVID cases. (Read More)  

- Holy One, we continue to stand against the covid virus in every form it takes.  We rebuke it off our children, off the front page news and out of our lives, in Jesus name.  We thank You that this new variant seems to be much less virulent and we pray that children and everyone affected by it would recover quickly and have robust, long-lasting antibodies to every possible form of coronavirus, in Jesus name.

- "'Is this not the fast that I have chosen:  To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke?'"  (Isaiah 58:6)  

9.  Garland to deliver speech Wednesday addressing DOJ prosecutions of January 6 participants - Just The News 

Attorney General Merrick Garland will deliver a speech Wednesday about the Justice Department's ongoing efforts to investigate and prosecute individuals involved in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

The department said the Garland, one day before the first anniversary of the riot will "update department employees and the American people on [the] Justice Department's efforts to hold accountable those responsible for the unprecedented attack on the U.S. Capitol one year ago," according to The Hill newspaper.

The agency also said Garland will "reaffirm" the department's continued commitment to defending Americans and American democracy "from violence and threats of violence." (Read more)  

- O Holy King, we ask You to deliver the righteous out of the hands of the wicked.  We are disgusted with the ongoing deceptions, accusations, falsehoods and pejorative language being used in high places.  We ask that You Father, would release a very big bar of soap and wash out some mouths with Truth that would set the captives free and may the full story of what actually happened on that fateful day be exposed by truth-tellers bolstered by evidence, in Jesus name.

- "For the perverse person is an abomination to the Lord, But His secret counsel is with the upright."  (Proverbs 3:32) 

10. Trump calls Twitter, Facebook 'disgrace to our Nation,' urges Americans to abandon platforms - Just The News

Former President Donald Trump, who is building his own social media solution, on Monday night called Twitter and Facebook a "disgrace to our Nation" for their continued censorship of conservative voices and implored Americans to abandon their platforms.

Trump's statement was released after a tumultuous 24-hour period in which freshman Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia was banned permanently from Twitter and given a 24-hour timeout on Facebook for information she posted on COVID-19.

"Twitter is a disgrace to democracy. They shouldn’t be allowed to do business in this Country," the former president said. "Marjorie Taylor Greene has a huge constituency of honest, patriotic, hard-working people. They don’t deserve what’s happened to them on places like low-life Twitter and Facebook. (Read More) 

- Father, I agree with the contempt for Twitter and Facebook; having been personally banned from both.  It feels like I have been robbed of all my friends and photos which are all irreplaceable.  It is a disgrace that these tech oligarchs are allowed to censor anyone in this nation in full violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution. I pray for justice and ask You Lord to deal with these bad actors, according to Your righteousness.

- "But the Lord has been my defense, And my God the rock of my refuge."           (Psalm 94:22)  

> > > Note: This prayer was submitted by one of our Wednesday prayer editors in Idaho.
Bless you, Lori!
The Daily Jot

Girding Against Deception

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, January 4, 2022

There were many ingredients of a worldwide brainwashing program taking place during the COVID hysteria over the last 18 months, many of which continue today. You don’t have to agree on the “why” or “who” behind it, but the truth of the matter is that the entire handling of this contagion resembles the steps toward brainwashing and tyranny. Very similar to the Stockholm Syndrome in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors, people all over the world have formed a psychological connection with those who “protect” them from the fear of COVID. This includes the government, medical personnel, the media and others. People are bonded to the narrative rather than the facts.

Key elements to brainwashing or creating mass psychosis include isolation, monopolization of perceptions, making compliance easier than resistance, use of media to enforce demands, threats, and fear. During COVID, society was locked down (isolation) for a long period of time. The government, big tech, and the media monopolized the narrative to the point of censuring any opposition. The narrative characterized compliance to simple mandates like wearing a mask as good citizenship. The media reinforced the narrative by emphatically stating any alternative opinions were “misinformation” and labeling people as anti-science. The government has threatened every person’s ability to hold a job if they don’t get the jab. All this fear over a disease that statistically you have a 99% chance of surviving. Read More

Virginia I-95 winter storm disaster leaves hundreds stranded: ‘This is unprecedented’
Virginia storm saw miles of highway I-95 freeze in place, stranding drivers
Interstate 95 traffic jam: Virginia authorities say rain before snow prevented pretreatment with ice melt 

Miles of Virginia’s stretch of Interstate 95, a major East Coast artery that’s often a traffic nightmare in good weather, froze in place for nearly a full day after a blistering snowstorm swept through the region Monday.

Snowfall and downed trees prompted massive delays, trapping an unknown number of vehicles for hours in the northern part of the state, according to authorities, who blamed the sequence of rain before snow for preventing them from pretreating the interstate with ice melt. 

"We were not able to treat our roadways before, and this is due to the rain. The rain would have washed all of our chemicals and salt off the roads and provided no additional protection," said Stephen Birch, the state’s commissioner of highways, during an afternoon news briefing.

The state Department of Transportation tweeted that the highway was officially clear at around 8:40 p.m. But authorities also said temperatures were again expected to drop below freezing overnight and urged drivers to avoid unnecessary traveling.

"Temps will AGAIN be below freezing tonight," the DOT's official account tweeted. "Please be advised to stay home if possible as roads are still being cleared." (Fox News) Read more.

> > >  See also: Police respond to more than 1,000 motorists stranded in Virginia snowstorm - The Blaze

A substantial 50-mile backup on I-95 in Virginia left drivers stranded overnight in 16-degree temperatures.

Pat Gray discussed the story on Tuesday's episode of Pat Gray Unleashed. Snow blanketed parts of Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Kentucky. According to Alena Yarmosky, spokesperson for Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, police responded to more than 1,000 stranded motorists.

Pat reminded listeners to keep blankets and extra food and water in their cars in case an emergency like what happened in Virginia happens to them. (Read more) 

- Father God, thank You for hearing our prayers yesterday as we became aware of this disastrous and life-threatening situation on Virginia's I-95. We praise God that everyone made it out alive, and that infants and the elderly, in the end, were not harmed. Thank You, O Lord we pray, amen and amen!

"The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." (James 5:16) 
House Republicans Turn the Jan. 6 Tables on Nancy Pelosi with a Major Accusation

As Democrats and their mainstream media allies lather up to commemorate Friday’s anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol incursion like it was the firing on Fort Sumter, House Republicans this week are accusing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of deliberately stonewalling the release of information about her own role in the events of the day.

And with the Democrats’ hold on power in the House looking shaky ahead of this year’s midterm elections, Pelosi’s partisans should be getting nervous.

While the committee’s clear purpose is to smear former President Donald Trump and his supporters, the country might be getting a different view of how Pelosi and her party are actually operating.

In a letter released Monday, Illinois Republican Rep. Rodney Davis, the ranking minority member of the House Administration Committee, called out Pelosi for refusing repeatedly over the past year to cooperate with their requests for information from House officers who answer directly to the speaker’s office.

Democrats are determined to try to make Jan. 6 the equivalent of Pearl Harbor Day and 9/11 rolled into one, and take criminal action against political opponents who don’t cooperate with a sham committee investigating it, yet Pelosi feels free to withhold information about her own decisions related to the day.

“There is irony in the fact that at the same time House Democrats are holding witnesses in criminal contempt of Congress for raising genuine questions of legal privilege, you continue to obstruct Republican access to House records relating to the security preparedness of the Capitol complex,” Davis wrote.

“Irony” doesn’t seem to be quite the right word here, though Davis might have been trying to maintain a veneer of civility in the correspondence. “Arrogance” describes it much better. “Dishonesty,” “cynicism,” and “naked abuse of power” fit the bill as well.

Essentially, Pelosi’s committee of Democrats and NeverTrump Republicans Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois is following the playbook of the modern Democratic Party and the progressive movement in general: Establish rules for opponents to follow, then feel free to disregard them whenever it’s politically or personally inconvenient. (Western Journal) Read more here. 

- Lord God, we ask that You would move quickly to expose this sham committee for what it is; and to vindicate the two men (Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows) who are currently under indictment.

Let Justice rule, O Lord we pray, in Your Name, amen and amen.

- "When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous     but terror to evildoers." (Proverbs 21:15)  
Supreme Court Holds Special Session to Rule on Federal COVID Vaccine Mandate

On Jan. 7,  2022, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hold a special session to hear oral arguments in a group of cases challenging the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employers with 100 or more employees and for healthcare workers who work in a facility that receives funding from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).1

The worker COVID vaccine mandate requires businesses with 100 or more employees to demonstrate that all workers be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4 or face termination and it forces employees who are exempt from vaccination to wear face masks and get tested for the coronavirus weekly. The mandate will be enforced by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).2 The health care worker mandate enforced by CMS also requires that all employees working at hospitals receiving Medicare or Medicaid be fully vaccinated or face termination.3

Court Will Decide Whether 80 Million Workers Will Face COVID Vaccine Mandates

The Supreme Court decided to take the cases on an emergency basis when appeals were made by both sides in the matter after a series of court decisions left the country in limbo as to whether the federal COVID vaccine mandates are enforceable. The most recent decision by the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals lifted the temporary stay on the workplace mandate, which was granted in November 2021 and affected 80 million workers.

The Justice Department and challengers to the COVID vaccine mandates reached out to Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Samuel Alito seeking their assistance in reversing Appellate Court orders that both stayed and reinstated the workplace mandates.4 While this legal back and forth has resulted in the mandates staying in place, the Biden administration has no plans to enforce the workers vaccine requirements until January 10 and,  as long as the employer “is exercising reasonable, good faith efforts to come into compliance with the standard,” OSHA will not enforce the weekly testing requirements prior to Feb. 10, 2022.5 6

The challengers to the workplace mandate include 27 states with Republican governors, religious groups, businesses and business groups such as the National Retail Federation, The American Trucking Associations and the National Federation of Independent Businesses.7 8

(Editor's note) Read more in this article, including the following topics:

1. Businesses Anticipate Losing Large Number of Employees if SCOTUS Rules in Favor of COVID Vaccine Mandate

2. Does OSHA Have the Legal Authority to Enforce the Federal COVID Vaccine Mandate?

3. The Fate of 10.3 million Health Care Workers Will Also Be Decided by SCOTUS

4. SCOTUS Ruling Will Decide if Vaccine Mandates Are Under State or Federal Control

Source: the National Vaccine Information Center

Read the entire article by going here. 
- Father God, today we CRY OUT to You to please have MERCY on our nation, and to deliver us from this evil. We lift up the nine Supreme Court justices before Your Throne of Grace, for Yours only is the SUPREME COURT. We ask for "wisdom from above" to visit these men and women, as they decide this critical case for the very destiny of our people and our nation. In Jesus' name, amen and amen.

- "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." (James 1:5) 
Signs & Wonders
8 wild discoveries made possible by the weather in 2021
From an ancient ocean predator’s tooth to an entire ghost town, a number of unique and unbelievable discoveries were made possible by the weather in the past year.

Active weather across the globe in 2021 helped unearth a number of fascinating artifacts from mysterious skulls to an entire ghost town. Yet inanimate objects weren't the only unbelievable finds made possible by wild weather. Several findings were very much alive, and at least one was quite dangerous.

Here's a look back at eight remarkable discoveries made possible by the weather in 2021.

A shipwreck in Utah

A family taking a fishing trip at Utah's Lake Powell in April took advantage of historically low water levels and ended up making a fascinating discovery. As the Bowles family returned to shore at the end of their trip, they noticed a shipwrecked boat jutting up into the air.

"It wasn't until somebody had pointed out that it was all the way out of the water," that they decided to investigate a little more closely, Liz Bowles told WXYZ-TV Channel 7. "So we just kind of puttered over to it and it was cool to see," she said.

The family members were able to walk out of their boats and walk right up to the old shipwreck, uncovering long-lost items like silverware, an old shoe and even the hide-a-key still stuck to the boat with the keys inside.

At the time of the find, Lake Powell was at just 36% of its capacity, with a drought across the American West leading to low water levels. Read More

The Good News Corner
'One Piece in God's Much Bigger Puzzle': How God Carried Kayleigh McEnany During Time in White House

For almost a year, former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany had a front-row seat to some of the most high-stakes moments in our country's history. 

In her new book, For Such a Time as This – My Faith Journey Through the White House and Beyond, McEnany is opening up about joining the Trump administration as the world declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, and she's sharing what the Lord showed her during her time in the White House.  

"I was one piece in God's much bigger puzzle, and that's God's plan for all of us," McEnany recently told CBN News. 

McEnany says relying on God was key to her success at the White House.  

"One of the things I did before I first took the podium was talk to one of my predecessors, Sarah Sanders, and she sent me a list of advice and one of them was most importantly, pray," recalled McEnany.  

She says prayer played an important role ahead of her first briefing on May 1st, 2020.   

"I was supposed to take to the podium at 2 pm but rather than walking to the podium, I'm in my office crying out of such nerves," shared McEnany. "Sarah had told me 'don't worry and pray', but I was indeed worrying."  

To calm her nerves, McEnany turned to her faith.

"I went to the West Wing bathroom and got on my knees and prayed – then Vice President Mike Pence went like this to me and said I've been praying for you which meant a whole lot," said McEnany. "I can tell you it was Christians like Sarah and the Vice President and Christians across the country that prayed for the administration that I know it helped the Trump administration along the way and it certainly helped me ... millions of Christians praying."  (CBN) Read more here.  

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Day of Removing Fear
Day three: remove the fear of being alone.
Spend time today, one on One with the Holy Spirit, asking Him---even in five minutes of your prayer time--- if you have any fear of being alone. Did it begin as a child? Was it passed down to you generationally? Does that fear appear in your character today?

Allow Him, Who loves you so much, to convict you of any residue of that sin, that fear of being alone. With His perfect love, exercise your free will to confess that sin. He will forgive you. He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And then decide, if you wish, to repent, to turn away from that sin stronghold, replacing it with His Holy Word as your Truth going forward.

As with all strongholds that you remove, then choose His Way forward based on His Word.

Jesus' Words in John 15: 1-11 are on point:
 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.
9 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.

Read More  Website
Classic Hymns

He Keeps Me Singing 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music:  Luther Bridgers

Scripture: He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40:3

There’s within my heart a melody
Jesus whispers sweet and low,
Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still,
In all of life’s ebb and flow.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Sweetest name I know,
Fills my every longing,
Keeps me singing as I go.

All my life was wrecked
By sin and strife,
Discord filled my heart with pain,
Jesus swept across the broken strings,
Stirred the slumbering chords again.

Feasting on the riches of His grace,
Resting ’neath His sheltering wing,
Always looking on His smiling face,
That is why I shout and sing.


Though sometimes He leads
Through waters deep,
Trials fall across the way,
Though sometimes the path
Seems rough and steep,
See His footprints all the way.


Soon He’s coming back
To welcome me,
Far beyond the starry sky;
I shall wing my flight
To worlds unknown,
I shall reign with Him on high.

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