The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2021
The recording of last night's national call can be heard by going here. Frank Seignious gave an amazing, detailed analysis of the arguments that were rendered last week at the Supreme Court in the Mississippi case, as well as his own conclusions about how the Court will decide this case next year.

Evangelist Shantha Edwards also gave us her own amazing testimony of how she came to Christ, and to learn about and experience the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Feel free to contact Shantha at: 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

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The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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"After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you." (I Peter 5:10)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"


80 Years Later: December 7th, 1941
Theme announced for 80th National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Commemoration

HONOLULU – Pearl Harbor National Memorial, Navy Region Hawaii, and Pacific Historic Parks have announced the theme for this year’s National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day Commemoration: Valor, Sacrifice, and Peace. This year marks the 80th commemoration of the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and the subsequent entry of the United States into World War II. 

The goal of the commemoration and supplemental events is to ensure that future generations will understand the valor and legacy of those who perished and those who fought throughout the war. The commemoration also highlights the importance of the peace that brought a reconciliation that continues to create a better future for all.  (Read more here)

Source: Pearl Harbor National Memorial 


Could OMICRON be the CURE for Covid?
Could OMICRON be the CURE for Covid? Highly infectious strain with “mild” symptoms could deliver worldwide natural immunity and make vaccines obsolete

Yesterday I interviewed Steve Kirsch, a highly intelligent, data-driven analyst who has been making huge wave on Substack with his articles on covid vaccines (and their long-term effects on humanity). That full interview will be posted today on my channel at

In that interview, Kirsch dropped a bombshell. He explained that omicron so far appears to be very mild but highly infectious, following a rather typical path of viral host adaptation. As a result, he explained that if a person had to choose which variant to be infected with, they would vastly prefer omicron, since it has so far killed no one (to our knowledge at this point) and yet provokes the body into producing a powerful immune response that confers immunity against all covid variants (including Delta).

Kirsch was right on the money: Omicron is spreading quickly but producing no serious symptoms in those who are said to be “infected” with it. It appears that omicron, despite being widely hyped by the scientifically illiterate corporate media, may have finally reached “seasonal flu” status in terms of its relatively mild impact on human health.

And that means omicron might be the cure for covid. It could end this entire pandemic without the need for vaccines, masks, social distancing or lockdowns. By simply allowing omicron to sweep through the human population — producing almost zero deaths — the entire world could become immune to covid and we could end all the global madness, including Australia’s totalitarian “covid concentration camps” that are making global headlines.

Pfizer would miss out on billions in new variant vaccine revenues, of course, which is why Fauci and the entire criminal cabal of Big Pharma corona con artists will fight against natural immunity in every way possible.

If omicron is the cure, that would explain why governments are cutting off world travel to prevent it from spreading

Does this realization explain why governments of the world are suddenly banning flights from South Africa and cutting off travel? Maybe they don’t want omicron to spread and replace the “delta” variant because delta produces far higher fatalities that feed into the media’s pro-vaccine fear narrative.

If omicron takes over the world, the pandemic is essentially over and they can’t drive people into the depopulation vaccines. Compliance is based on fear, and without the deaths, the fear can’t be maintained.

This brings us to the realization that the vaccine IS the pandemic. When people are vaccinated and injected with spike protein bioweapons — or the mRNA instructions for their bodies to manufacture those spike protein nanoparticles — they often suffer adverse reactions or even death. These deaths are blamed on “covid” when the real culprit is often the vaccines themselves. Without the vaccines, this pandemic would flame out all by itself.
(Bridge Connector Ministries; Mike Adams) Read more here.

- Abba, we give praise for this possibility and ask You to absolutely cause the Covid virus to come to a screeching halt!  We trust You to release heaven's plans into this earth and we call this Omicron to be a tool in the hands of our Loving God.  We say yes and amen to neutralizing the virus and strengthening natural immunity within humankind.

- "'In that day', says the Lord of hosts, 'Everyone will invite his neighbor Under his vine and under his fig tree.'"  (Zechariah 3:10) 

1. Bennett: Pause in nuclear talks ‘window of opportunity for different toolkit’ against Iran -

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Sunday that his government’s goal is to “utilize the window of opportunity” between rounds of the nuclear talks in Vienna to tell Washington that the time has come for a “different toolkit” against Iran’s progress in uranium enrichment.

The Islamic Republic “must start paying for its violations,” said Bennett at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, according to a statement released by his office.

“The goal of the Iranian regime is the lifting of sanctions,” he said, adding, “For this, it went to Vienna with dozens of advisers and sanctions experts … the ability to do what they are doing now regarding terrorism and in the nuclear sphere—only this time, they want to be strengthened by tens of billions of dollars and a tailwind for all of their activity.”

Referring to the International Atomic Energy Agency report on Wednesday that Tehran had begun to enrich up to 20 percent purity in advanced centrifuges at Fordow, Bennett added, “I call on every country negotiating with Iran … to make it clear that it is impossible to negotiate and enrich uranium at the same time.” (Read more)

2. Health Ministry chief says too early to lift new Omicron travel restrictions - Times of Israel
Health Ministry Nachman Ash says that he does not believe the new travel restrictions instituted in the wake of the Omicron COVID variant should be lifted just yet.

“There isn’t enough information yet to change the restrictions,” Ash tells Channel 12 news. “We still don’t know if this variant will stand up to the vaccines.”

Ash suggests that the Health Ministry and other Israeli officials will “have to wait a few more days, and more data will come,” before making any decisions on changes.

Last month, Israel shut its doors to foreigners, added the majority of African nations to a banned “red list” and mandated three days of quarantine — with two negative tests — for returnees from all foreign countries, including those who have three COVID vaccine doses.

So far, 21 Omicron cases have been identified in Israel. (Read more)  

3. Algeria pledges to donate $100 million to Palestinian Authority - Times of Israel

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas visits Algeria and meets with Algerian President Abd al-Majid Tebboune, according to the official PA WAFA news agency.

Abbas has been on a diplomatic tour in recent days, visiting Russia, Italy and Qatar over the past month and meeting with heads of state. Abbas’s trip comes as observers fear the PA could face financial collapse due, in part, to dwindling external support.

In a joint press conference with Abbas, Tebboune announces that Algeria will donate $100 million to Ramallah’s coffers.

“The Palestinian-Algerian relationship expresses the Algerian people’s support for the just cause of Palestine,” Tebboune says. (Read more)

4. Israel orders high alert at all West Bank crossings after overnight ramming - Times of Israel

Defense Minister Benny Gantz ordered checkpoints across the West Bank to go on high alert on Monday following a ramming attack earlier in the morning in which a security guard was seriously wounded, his office said.

The development comes amid a surge in so-called “lone-wolf” Palestinian attacks against Israelis and a general increase in tensions.

“The defense minister ordered a comprehensive investigation, that the lessons be learned and level of alertness and readiness be raised in all crossings in the area of Judea and Samaria,” Gantz’s office said, referring to the West Bank by its biblical name.

Shortly after 1 a.m. on Monday, a Palestinian teenager drove his car at high speed into the Te’enim Crossing near the West Bank city of Tulkarem, striking a security officer, said the Defense Ministry, which runs the checkpoint.

Other guards at the checkpoint opened fire at the driver, fatally wounding him. He was taken to Kfar Saba’s Meir Medical Center where he was pronounced dead. The wounded officer was taken to Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv and a few hours later his condition improved to moderate. Magen David Adom medics said the guard, 34, sustained head and chest injuries and was conscious.

Palestinian media identified the assailant as Muhammad Nidal Younis. According to the Defense Ministry, he was 16 years old from the Palestinian city of Nablus. (Read more)

5. ‘Like the Wild West’: Bennett vows to crack down on crime in southern Israel - Times of Israel

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett toured the south of the country on Monday where he reviewed efforts to combat organized crime in Arab communities, declaring it a concern for the entire nation.

“The crime in the Arab community is not only its problem — it is all of ours,” said Bennett near the Bedouin city of Rahat. “There are militias here like there are in the Wild West.”

But the prime minister drew criticism for only touring a lookout point over Rahat, rather than paying a visit inside the city.

Arab communities have seen a surge in violence in recent years, driven mainly by organized crime.

In the south, there have been longstanding complaints from local officials and residents about crime, much of which they say originates in Bedouin communities. Hebrew media has repeatedly broadcast footage of wild driving including car races and road stunts, as well as incidents of gunfire in the south.

There has also been a recent increase in attacks on buses as assailants — allegedly Bedouin teenagers — hurl rocks at the vehicles, according to bus operators.

“After years of neglect in which crime reached unbearable proportions, we are moving from being on the defense to going on the attack,” Bennett said at the lookout point near Rahat. “The message to southern residents is that we will not be apathetic. Justice in Beersheba and Rahat is like justice in Tel Aviv.” (Read more)

The Daily Brief
 1. Bob Dole was a WWII hero and carried his battle scars the rest of his life | Fox News

Longtime Kansas Republican Sen. Bob Dole died at 98 Sunday morning. He is remembered as a statesman and cornerstone of Washington, D.C., and also as a World War II hero who carried his crippling battle scars the rest of his life. 
"I could see my platoon's radioman go down … After pulling his lifeless form into the foxhole, I scrambled back out again. As I did, I felt a sharp sting in my upper right back," Dole wrote in his 1988 autobiography of the injury he endured in Italy during World War II
Dole joined the Army's Enlisted Reserve Corps in 1942, and went on to become second lieutenant in the 10th Mountain Division. He was shot by Nazi gunfire ahead of his 22nd birthday in the hills of Italy on April 14, 1945, detailed in a previous article.
Dole was part of the 10th Mountain Division, I Company, which was composed of skilled mountain climbers who were sent to the mountains during the war, the Washington Post reported
"I thought it was mighty odd that a kid from Kansas who had seen a mountain up close only once in his life would be assigned to lead a platoon of mountain troops," Dole remembered in his 2005 memoir "One Soldier's Story." "We Kansans didn't ski much."
On April 14, 98 U.S. service members died in an area called Hill 913 and Dole was nearly one of them. 
"Some high-explosive bullet entered my right shoulder, fractured my vertebrae in my neck. I — I saw these — things racing — my parents, my house. I couldn't move my arms, my legs," Dole recounted in a 1998 campaign video of the injury he endured. 

- Thank you, Lord, for Bob Dole's service to this nation, both as a military member and a longtime member of Congress. We pray that Your Spirit would comfort his family. We also ask for a move of repentance and a refocus of what service really means for all who claim to be members of the Congress and Senate. Let Your spirit move over Washington DC, flushing out the selfish and evil agendas, and bringing righteousness to our nation. Amen.

- "Blessed are they who observe justice, who do righteousness at all times!"      (Psalm 106:3)  

-- Update: Bob Dole's body will lie in State this Thursday, December 9th, in the Capitol Rotunda.

2. Elizabeth Warren sicced SEC on Trump's social media start-up deal - Washington Times
Former President Donald Trump’s social media start-up is in Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s crosshairs.
The Massachusetts Democrat urged the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate the Trump Media & Technology Group’s merger agreement with Digital World Acquisition Corp., a special purpose acquisition company or SPAC. 
Ms. Warren is no fan of SPACs, having begun her own investigation in September into SPACs’ potentially exploitative actions, and she wrote to SEC chair Gary Gensler last month requesting that he investigate the Trump Media & Technology Group merger agreement with a SPAC. In the letter, she raised concerns that Mr. Trump’s group “may have committed securities violations by holding private and undisclosed discussions about the merger” while excluding that info from public documentation. 
“I have frequently spoken about the need to hold public officials accountable for lawbreaking and ethics violations. This includes the former president, who is not above the law,” Ms. Warren wrote in the letter. “The reports that DWAC may have violated securities laws and harmed investors during its acquisition of Trump Media and Technology Group are deeply troubling and provide an opportunity for the SEC to follow through on its commitment to investigate wrongdoing and fraud in the SPAC space.” 

- Lord, this weaponizing of federal agencies is being used to target political opponents. We rebuke this action by Warren and call for it to fail in a way that reveals to her the sin in her own heart.

- “Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.” (1 John 3:4)  

3.Supreme Court refuses to block vaccine mandate for Massachusetts hospital workers | Courthouse News Service
Justice Stephen Breyer on Monday afternoon refused to grant relief to workers at a Boston-based hospital in the latest challenge to Covid-19 vaccine mandates to come across the high court’s shadow docket. 
Without referring the case to his colleagues on the court, Breyer denied the request for an emergency injunction with no explanation for his ruling or call for a response from the hospital. 
Mass General Brigham started enforcing its Covid-19 vaccine mandate on Nov. 5 and has since terminated employees that refused to comply. Both a district court and the First Circuit have denied requests for a preliminary injunction in the case. The hospital workers sought an injunction from the Supreme Court while their appeal is pending at the Boston-based First Circuit. 
The hospital workers allege Mass General is violating their Title VII rights and the Americans with Disabilities Act by enforcing the vaccine mandate without accommodation — something their Supreme Court petition claims has been offered to other employees. The workers claim the mandate violates their religious beliefs or places them in “significant physical or mental danger.” 
“After putting applicants under constant pressure to forsake their religious beliefs and physical wellbeing, respondent has enforced its deadline for applicants to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs or place themselves in physical danger by taking a vaccine, and relief cannot wait,” the application states. “By choosing not to violate their sincerely held beliefs or place themselves in physical danger, and losing their jobs as a result, applicants face the continuing inability to feed their children, the continuing loss of any practical ability to work in their professions, constant potential homelessness, and continuing significant emotional and psychological harm.” 

- Lord, we stand against Justice Breyer’s decision and pray for a new pathway for this lawsuit to go forward. Lower courts are blocking mandates right and left, but the Supreme Court continues to stonewall these efforts. We ask for a mighty move of Your Spirit to clear the way.

- “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26) 

4.New York City Mandates COVID-19 Vaccines for Religious, Private School Workers (

New York City religious and private school workers must get a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Dec. 20 or face termination.

Mayor Bill de Blasio, a Democrat, announced the new mandate this week.
It’s an extension of an order that applied to all public school employees.
The extension applies to roughly 56,000 workers across 938 schools.

“We’re doing everything in our power to protect our students and school staff, and a mandate for nonpublic school employees will help keep our school communities and youngest New Yorkers safe,” de Blasio, who will leave office next month, said in a statement.

“The health and safety of our children is paramount, and we are extending our vaccine mandate to ensure all schools are protected from COVID-19,” Health Commissioner Dr. Dave Chokshi added.

De Blasio had already announced a new mandate, for employees at childcare businesses.
“We are, as I like to say, climbing the ladder, going to use more and more aggressive tools to handle, you know, what’s happening now with COVID, the colder weather, the holidays, the dangers posed by” the Omicron variant, de Blasio said during an appearance on a WYNC radio show.

- Lord we pray that You will stop this plan in its tracks. The lie of “protecting” children has gone too far.

- “A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape.” (Proverbs 19:5)  

5.Blinken: US, allies to reinforce NATO’s eastern flank if Russia moves on Ukraine | Stars and Stripes

The United States is prepared to impose “severe costs” on Russia, and NATO is ready to send more troops to its eastern flank if Moscow invades Ukraine, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday.
Blinken, speaking in Latvia after high-level talks with NATO leaders, said Russia has sent tens of thousands of combat troops to the border and has stepped up an anti-Ukraine disinformation campaign that aims to destabilize the country from within.
“We must prepare for all contingencies,” Blinken said after the ministerial meeting in Riga. He is set to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Thursday in Sweden.
Blinken said Washington will impose sanctions it has “refrained from in the past” with “high impact economic measures” if Russia invades. He declined to spell out what those sanctions could be but said the U.S. position was shared with NATO member states.
“We will be in lock step with our allies with this ... the purpose is to dissuade Mr. Putin for making the wrong decision on Ukraine,” he said.

- Lord, we pray that no actions taken by Russia, Ukraine, NATO or the United States will start a war. We call forth peace over this region. We pray for a move of repentance that flows across the entire area.

- “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” (Philippians 4:6)  

6.Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin Set Date for Talks as Ukraine Tensions Rise (

Presidents Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin will share a video call Tuesday as tensions between the United States and Russia continue to simmer over a Russian troop buildup on the Ukraine border.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed the date Saturday after first word came from Moscow.
Biden will press U.S. concerns about Russian military activities on the border and “reaffirm the United States’ support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,” she said.
AP reports Putin will come to the call with concerns of his own and intends to express Russia’s opposition to any move to admit Ukraine into the NATO military alliance. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said “the presidents will decide themselves” how long their talk will last while Putin has talked of “red lines” if NATO forces were deployed in the vicinity.
- Lord, we ask that You cover Biden with Your wings, bind his thoughts and speech, and not allow him to do anything detrimental to the United States.

- “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19)  

7.Lloyd Austin says increased China activity near Taiwan 'looks like rehearsal' | Fox News

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said Saturday that China's increased military activity near Taiwan seemingly indicates a "rehearsal" of the country's future intentions.
Austin made his comment during a keynote discussion with Fox News anchor Bret Baier at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California.
Pointing out how China has been launching multiple air operations near Taiwan in recent months, Baier asked Austin, "Do you think that these are training flights for future operations?"
Austin noted that he didn't want to speculate, but said, "Certainly, it looks like them exploring what their true capabilities [are], and sure, it looks like rehearsal."

- Lord, we bind up the actions of China in this region and ask for Your Spirit to move on behalf of the people of Taiwan. Let Your Holy Spirit flow across the area, bringing truth and repentance to bear against this potential attack.

- “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.” (Matthew 24:6)   

 8. Dozens Of Republicans Slam Biden Administration For Considering Crude Oil Export Ban | The Daily Caller

A large group of House Republicans penned a letter to top Biden administration officials Friday, urging them not to ban U.S. crude oil exports.
The GOP lawmakers, led by Texas Reps. Roger Williams and August Pfluger, said the move would be a “catastrophic mistake” and further exacerbate high energy prices in the letter addressed to Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. The congressmen noted that a previous crude oil export ban had been opposed by Democrats and Republicans alike.
“President Biden’s war on American energy continues with his Administration’s latest discussions to reinstate the export ban on crude oil, which was repealed in 2015 on a bipartisan vote,” Williams said in a statement.
“Banning crude oil exports from the U.S. would be a catastrophic mistake that will harm the livelihoods of blue collar workers in the Permian Basin and result in higher prices for international crude, giving Russia more profits,” Pfluger added. “US energy policy should put Midland over Moscow. Even more, an export ban will lead to even higher costs for American families down the line.”

- Lord, we bind this possibility and ask tat You flush it away. We ask that You cause Your people to rise up and say no to more destruction of our energy and begin to reverse the damage already done.

- “In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.”  (Proverbs 14:23)

9.‘How Do You Overhype That?’: Fauci Objects To Ron Johnson Claim That He Wants To Keep People Scared Of COVID | The Daily Wire

Dr. Anthony Fauci objected Sunday to claims made by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) — namely that he was intentionally overhyping information about COVID-19 in an effort to keep Americans scared.
Fauci spoke with CNN anchor Jake Tapper on Sunday’s broadcast of “State of the Union,” and Tapper asked him to respond to Johnson’s claims that he was “overhyping” the coronavirus pandemic. Johnson likened to Fauci’s response to HIV/AIDS decades earlier, saying that he had “overhyped” that as well.
“Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin said this week that you have been using coronavirus to keep Americans in fear and maintain control. Take a listen,” Tapper said, rolling tape of Johnson.
“He did the exact same thing with AIDS. He overhyped it. He created all kinds of fear saying it could affect the entire population, when it couldn’t. And he is doing – using the exact same playbook with COVID,” Johnson said.

Lord, let nothing Fauci says be heeded by anyone, and if he will not repent then we ask for him to be removed. Let him not get away with more lies.

- “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared…”  (1 Timothy 4: 1,2)  

10.Pressure grows to remove Boebert from committees | TheHill

Pressure is growing on House Democratic leaders to make Rep. Lauren Boebert (Colo.) the third GOP lawmaker this year removed from their committees over her Islamophobic attacks against Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).
Democratic leaders discussed a possible resolution broadly condemning Islamophobia earlier this week. But that might not be enough for nearly 40 progressive allies of Omar, as well as multiple caucus leaders, who are now openly calling for a repeat of the action taken against fellow far-right Republican Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) and Paul Gosar (Ariz.).
Omar said Sunday that she thinks Boebert should be removed from House committees and expects Democratic leadership to make a decision in the coming days.
“I have had a conversation with the Speaker, and I'm very confident that she will take decisive action next week,” Omar said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “As you know, when I first got to Congress, I was worried that I wasn't going to be allowed to be sworn in because there was a ban on the hijab. She promised me that she would take care of it. She fulfilled that promise. She's made another promise to me that she will take care of this.”

Lord, Rep Boebert attempted to apologize to this radical leftist, but her attempt was rebuffed. Let Your forgiveness reign over Rep Boebert and let the condemnation fall back on Omar’s head.

- “And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”            (Mark 11:25)  

11. Jaw-dropping photos show homes buried in ash from La Palma volcano -

With the eruption now in its 10th destructive week, some houses have been almost entirely submerged, and the mountains of ash have left an out-of-this-world landscape.

The Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma is now in its 10th week of destructive eruptions, and experts say there is no sign that it will slow down anytime soon. The volcano has left neighborhoods enveloped in a sea of ash, and its persistent lava flows have bulldozed entire properties.

The volcano went through an "intense" period of activity on Wednesday following a 30-hour lull, Euronews reported. More than 341 earthquakes were reported by the National Geographic Institute of Spain (IGN) during a 24-hour period this week, The Associated Press reported.

The Canary Islands, a Spanish territory, are no stranger to volcanic activity, with eruptions tending to occur once or twice every generation, according to reporting from the AP. However, the length of this eruption is highly unusual, with the eruption starting on Sept. 19.

The eruption and its subsequent lava flows have partially or completely damaged roughly 2,860 properties across the island and torched some 1,147 hectares of land, according to the Copernicus Emergency Management Service. Some houses have been almost entirely submerged in ash, with the mountains of ash leaving an out-of-this-world landscape. (Read more and view photos and videos here.)

The Daily Jot

The Political Science Of COVID

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, December 6, 2021

COVID Czar Dr. Anthony Fauci keeps telling everyone to follow the science and that any criticism of him is a criticism of science. In covering the COVID pandemic, there is a good case to be made that there is not just one science named Fauci. There are many versions of science being followed, ridiculed, and paid for by big pharma to get the desired result. No matter how you look at it, there is a lot of political science being followed with the COVID vaccine and mask mandates. Rasmussen Reports, a very accurate polling company, has used its science to take the COVID pulse of Americans, and the results are split along party lines. Democrats trust the government and vaccines. Republicans and Independents don’t.

Rasmussen Reports surveyed 1,000 American adults on November 4 and 6. The results indicated “There is a remarkable political division over requiring COVID-19 vaccination for children. Sixty-one percent (61%) of Democrats want to make the vaccine mandatory for public school students, but that opinion is shared by only 17% of Republicans and 24% of those affiliated with neither major party. Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans and 61% of the unaffiliated are against a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for public school students, as are 31% of Democrats…More Republicans (78%) than Democrats (46%) or unaffiliateds (61%) are concerned about the safety of COVID-19 vaccination for children.” Read More

Supreme Court Prayer Watch:
Following the Aftermath of the Mississippi Case
Note: all this week we will feature articles being posted by others who are skilled in watching the work of the Supreme Court. Thank you for praying with us as the nine justices begin writing their opinions following the arguments of the Mississippi case last week.
"For the Lord loves justice,
And does not forsake His saints;
They are preserved forever,"

(Psalm 37:28)
U.S. Abortion Law in Comparison with the Globe
Published by Family Research Council

The topic of abortion is among the most heated and controversial issues that mankind faces in the modern world. It touches the legal code of every country, as some parts of the globe restrict abortion entirely while others impose no prohibitions at all. As the progression of pre-natal science continuously verifies that the unborn child in the womb is a human being, the assertion that abortion is a human right becomes more and more detached from reason. 

Alongside Canada, China, Vietnam, and both North and South Korea, the United States is one of only six nations in the world whose national law allows abortion at any point through the entirety of pregnancy.

The vast majority of nations restrict abortions at least to some degree. The question is -- why? Why do the majority of European countries restrict abortion at 12 weeks? Why do many African and South American countries outlaw abortion except in instances where the mother’s life is at risk? Why do 26 nations in the world ban abortion without exception? And why are the majority of countries who allow abortion through 40 weeks notorious human rights violators? 

The answer lies in the definition of what abortion is. It is either the killing of an innocent unborn child in the womb, or it is not. If it is not, then the abortion restrictions of all but six nations do not make logical sense. But if -- as all scientific research points to -- abortion kills an innocent unborn child, then it should be banned across the globe. (Read more here)

Signs & Wonders
State of emergency in effect across Hawaii
as potent storm wallops islands

A potent storm has begun to wallop the Hawaiian Islands with gusty winds and widespread flooding rain, with blizzard conditions expected at some higher elevations, AccuWeather forecasters say. A state of emergency was issued for Hawaii on Sunday morning due to the intense flooding and blizzard conditions.

Much of the 50th state has been abnormally dry recently, with parts of Hawaii in severe to extreme drought. Needed rain began on Friday, but it may be too much of a good thing.

Due to the threat of excessive rainfall, flood watches have been issued for all of the islands and are expected to remain in place through Monday afternoon.

Drought that has been developing over Hawaii became more intense after a very dry November. Honolulu, which averages 2.25 inches of rain in November, picked up just a mere 0.09 of an inch.

Hilo, located on the Big Island, received just under 6 inches of rain last month, but the city typically gets over 14 inches of rain in November.

The first two days of December produced just a trace of rain in Honolulu and 0.36 of an inch in Hilo.

Winds in Hawaii often blow from east to west or northeast to southwest, and this can mean large differences in rainfall from one side of the mountains to the other. Read More

The Good News Corner
'I Pray Every Day': Chicago Pastor Camps Outside for 100 Days to End Violence, Raising $30 Million for Resource Center

One Chicago pastor is taking a stand against crime by participating in a 100-day camp out to end gun violence. 

Pastor Corey Brooks with New Beginnings Church wants to see a decrease in the number of shootings, murders, and incarcerations in the south side of Chicago.

Brooks, along with several others, have been outdoors on top of shipping containers in cold weather conditions since Nov. 20 in an effort to raise awareness of the violence and poverty that is consuming their community.

Brooks and his organization Project H.O.O.D. are trying to collect $30 million with the hope of building the Leadership and Economic Opportunity Center, an 85,000-square-foot-building that will serve as a safe space for children.

The facility will include a trauma center, teen programming, sports facilities, including a pool, and a schoolroom.

During an interview with the Chicago Sun-Times, Brooks explained that the rate of violence is soaring. 

"The shootings in Cook County are at an all-time high since the 90s," the pastor said. "Our neighborhood really needs a place of transformation, a place where they can go and get all the things that they need to start trying to change their life. This center is really, really needed at this point in time." (CBN) Read more here. 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Repentance
Day #17: The 3rd Vial Judgment ~ Unquenchable Thirst
Judgment Vial #3 ~ A Fish Out of Water

Christians have long been associated with the Fish Symbol. It is said the First Century Church used this as their secret symbol and a readily recognizable identifier to determine who was with the brethren. The "Messianic Seal," a combination of a Fish symbol entwined with a Menorah and Star of David, has been found among archeological digs in Jerusalem dating back to 2000 years ago.

In the Bible story commonly known as "Abraham's Bosom" we see "The Great Divide." The "rich man" has gone to the grave without Christ and Lazarus is now being comforted by Abraham. I think this story is a great allegory for today's lesson:

23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

~Luke 16:23-24 (KJV)

Abraham reminds him that they have reached a juncture where there is no more "passing over" from side to side. Lazarus can no longer reach him in order to assuage his thirst.
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Classic Hymns

This is My Father's World 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Maltbie Babcock
Music: Franklin Sheppard

Scripture: The world is Mine, and all that is in it. Psalm 50:12

This is my Father’s world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father’s world,
The birds their carols raise,
The morning light, the lily white,
Declare their maker’s praise.
This is my Father’s world:
He shines in all that’s fair;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass;
He speaks to me everywhere.

This is my Father’s world.
O let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong
Seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father’s world:
The battle is not done:
Jesus who died shall be satisfied,
And earth and Heav’n be one.

This is my Father’s world,
Dreaming, I see His face.
I ope my eyes, and in glad surprise
Cry, The Lord is in this place.
This is my Father’s world,
From the shining courts above,
The Beloved One, His Only Son,
Came—a pledge of deathless love.

This is my Father’s world,
Should my heart be ever sad?
The lord is King—let the heavens ring.
God reigns—let the earth be glad.
This is my Father’s world.
Now closer to Heaven bound,
For dear to God is the earth Christ trod.
No place but is holy ground.

This is my Father’s world.
I walk a desert lone.
In a bush ablaze to my wondering gaze
God makes His glory known.
This is my Father’s world,
A wanderer I may roam;
Whate’er my lot, it matters not,
My heart is still at home.

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