The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, Dec 2, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021
Please note: tomorrow's edition of the Daily Brief will be delayed, and will be published instead on Saturday, December 4th.

On the same day, you will also receive our Legislative Snapshot. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "I Will Rise" by Chris Tomlin . Go here! 

"Having done all, STAND."
(Ephesians 6:13)

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 (All Week Long!)
First Case of Omicron Virus Variant Detected in US

The first U.S. case of the Omicron variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus has been detected in California, officials said on Nov. 30.

Genomic sequencing conducted at the University of California–San Francisco and reviewed by scientists with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that the case was caused by the new COVID-19 variant.

The patient traveled from South Africa on Nov. 22, began experiencing symptoms on Nov. 25, and tested positive for COVID-19 on Nov. 29. The person, a San Francisco resident who hasn’t been publicly identified, is self-isolating.

All of the patient’s close contacts have been contacted and, thus far, all have tested negative for COVID-19, a disease caused by the CCP virus.

“We knew that it was just a matter of time before the first case of Omicron would be detected in the United States,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told reporters in Washington.

The patient is fully vaccinated. He or she is experiencing mild symptoms that are improving, according to officials. (Teh Epoch Times) Read more.

- In the name of Jesus we cancel the spirit of fear being perpetrated through these individuals and organizations designed to advise people on their “health.“ We plead the blood of Jesus over all lies being spread around this new variant in Jesus name that they are null and void.
- “ ‘Do not steal. “ ‘Do not lie. “ ‘Do not deceive one another.” (Leviticus 19:11)  

1. Israelis attacked after mistakenly entering Ramallah - Israel National News

Two Israelis accidentally entered Ramallah with their car and encountered a mob of Palestinian Arabs who attacked them.

The two, Breslov Hasidim from Shiloh and Elad, were forcibly removed from the vehicle, and the mob set their car on fire.

Palestinian Authority police were called to the scene and rescued the Israelis, subsequently handing them over to the Palestinian Authority Preventive Security Force.

A large amount of IDF forces arrived at the entrance to Ramallah and received the two. They were questioned in an attempt to understand why they entered the city in the first place. (Read more) 

2. In France, Lapid Calls for ‘Credible Military Threat’ to Roll Back Iranian Nuclear Advances - Algemeiner

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid warned Tuesday that only a “credible military threat” can deter Iran from continued development toward nuclear weapons.

“Sanctions on Iran must not be lifted. Sanctions need to be tightened, there needs to be a credible military threat on Iran,” Lapid argued during his diplomatic visit to Paris. “Because only this will stop it from continuing its race to a nuclear weapon.”

During what Lapid described as a “long and warm meeting” with French President Emmanuel Macron, the two discussed at length the indirect talks with Iran over a nuclear deal, which resumed on Monday after a five-month break.

Senior European diplomats from Britain, France and Germany told reporters that this week would be crucial to determine whether Iran was serious about reviving the pact, which the Trump administration left in 2018. Mikhail Ulyanov, Russia’s representative for Vienna-based international groups, tweeted Tuesday that the US had confirmed its readiness to lift all sanctions in exchange for a return of full compliance with the 2015 nuclear accord. (Read more) 

3. Coronavirus czar: 'We need to examine all the options - including mandatory vaccination' - Israel National News

Coronavirus czar Professor Salman Zarka on Wednesday morning responded to the approval of Merck's COVID-19 medication.

"The fact that there is an approved medication is important news, and there is another medication which is in the process," Prof. Zarka told 103 FM Radio. "I hope that we will have more tools, so that it will be possible to help patients. This isn't a perfect medication, absolutely not. But it is important so that it will be possible to help patients, especially patients who have issues and who might experience complications."

According to him, "the most important tool is vaccines, so that we can protect ourselves and not need these medications. But we need every tool in this war. There are always negotiations on the options. The moment they begin marketing, I think that the citizens of Israel can be safe. As long as the medication is approved, that medication will be available in Israel."

Regarding the vaccines various countries have placed on those who refuse the vaccine, Prof. Zarka said, "I think that we need to examine all the options, including the option of making the vaccine mandatory in the State of Israel." (Read more)  

4. Terror in every sense’ – gov’t pledges change after bus stoned by Bedouins - World Israel News

Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli and Public Security Minister Omer Bar Lev promised to protect bus drivers and passengers after reports that a public bus en route to the southern city of Eilat was stoned on Tuesday evening.

“Throwing stones at vehicles is terrorism for all intents and purposes, especially when it comes to mass transportation and any damage to it can cost many lives,” read a statement from the pair, echoing sentiments expressed by the Egged bus company.

Egged said on Wednesday morning that they believe the bus was stoned by Bedouins, who acted in line with anti-Israel, “nationalist” motives.

“These are young Bedouin rioters who have recently frequently attacked Egged’s buses on the roads of the northern Negev…[because of] the perception that an Egged bus is as a symbol of the Zionist regime,” said the bus company. (Read more)  

5. Jewish Children Attacked in NY; Police Searching for Culprits - United With Israel

The New York police are searching for three teenage girls responsible for a string of attacks on Jewish children in Brooklyn over a three-day period. 

All the victims were wearing clothing that made them identifiably Jewish, and police are treating the attacks as a hate crime.

The Anti-Defamation League has offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible.

According to local reports, the attacks began on Friday when the trio approached a 12-year-old boy walking with his three-year-old brother. One of the suspects slapped the toddler in the face and then the group ran off. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Supreme Court signals support for Mississippi 15-week abortion ban - DML News

A majority of the Supreme Court signaled Wednesday it is open to upholding Mississippi’s ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy but left unresolved the question of how far it may go to undermine its landmark Roe v. Wade decision.

In nearly two hours of debate, the justices wrestled with the potential impact of overturning Roe on people seeking an abortion, as well as how a heavily divided nation might perceive the Supreme Court if it abandons the watershed ruling from 1973 that established a constitutional right to the procedure.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett questioned whether safe haven laws, which allow unwanted infants to be dropped off at emergency rooms and other public facilities, relieve the demands of parenthood raised by abortion rights groups.
Kavanaugh also noted that even if the court overturned Roe, some states would continue to permit abortions.

“You’re arguing that the Constitution is silent and therefore neutral on the question of abortion,” Kavanaugh asked Scott Stewart, Mississippi’s solicitor general who argued that Roe has “no basis in the Constitution.” (Read more)  
- Lord God we bring these cases before you. We ask that your ministering angels and your Holy Spirit minister to these justices’ hearts on the right thing to do. We pray Lord that your voice is the loudest voice they hear and that they will side with righteousness. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

- “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says...” (Revelation 2:7)  
2. Supreme Court abortion case: Justices grill lawyers on precedent, fetal viability, constitutional rights - Fox News

The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a potential landmark abortion rights case Wednesday, as the state of Mississippi defended an abortion restriction law that directly challenges Roe v. Wade.

The case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health, centers on the law, which bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, much sooner than the current legal standard, which prohibits abortion bans prior to fetal viability — roughly 23 to 24 weeks into pregnancy.

Throughout the arguments, the justices alternated between examining not just the legal standards for abortion laws based on interests of women and protecting potential life, but also the court’s own interest in protecting itself from losing the faith of the public. (Read more)  

- Father God, at the end of this very long day, we decree the following verse on behalf of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Amen.

- "But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream"     (Amos 5:24)  

3. Sotomayor compares fetus to brain dead person, says fetal movement doesn't prove consciousness - Fox News

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor rejected the idea that a fetus that has the ability to move and react to pain is a human life that should be protected from abortion.

"Virtually every state defines a brain death as death," Sotomayor, appointed by former President Barack Obama, said during oral arguments in a potential landmark abortion rights case Wednesday, as the state of Mississippi defended an abortion restriction law that directly challenges Roe v. Wade.

"Yet, the literature is filled with episodes of people who are completely and utterly brain dead responding to stimuli," Sotomayor continued. "There's about 40 percent of dead people who, if you touch their feet, the foot will recoil. There are spontaneous acts by dead brain people. So I don't think that a response to -- by a fetus necessarily proves that there's a sensation of pain or that there's consciousness."

Sotomayor also said that she believes the idea that a fetus is a human life is a "religious view."

"Oh good grief, Sotomayor playing the ‘brain death’ card now," Ethics and Public Policy Center Director Ryan T. Anderson tweeted. "There is no dispute about whether or not an unborn the baby is in fact a baby, a living human being. It's not a debate about when the baby is viable outside a womb, it's a question about whether the baby's life matters." (Read more) 
- Holy King, we pity this justice who is unable or unwilling to acknowledge the "spark of divinity" within every human being.  It is a tragedy to hear someone in such a position of power, degrading human life so comprehensively.  We know that You are the Author and Finisher of all things and we pray that You encounter this justice in the night and give her dreams that remind her of her own mere humanity and that she would have a radical conversion from experiencing Almighty God.  Let the fear of the Lord fall upon her, in Jesus name.

- " . . . And again, 'The Lord will judge His people.'  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."  (Hebrews 10:30b, 31) 
4. Sen. Tom Cotton says DOJ quiet on Waukesha while actively 'chilling free speech' of parents - Fox News

Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday demanding answers regarding how the Department of Justice plans to respond to the recent mass murder in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Cotton also juxtaposed the DOJ's pursuit of parents protesting at local school board meetings with the department's silence regarding the Waukesha massacre, when 39-year-old Darrell Brooks Jr. allegedly killed six people by plowing his SUV into a Christmas parade.

"The defendant in this case has spent more than two decades committing crimes, including a number of violent and sexual felonies, and had also reportedly shared anti-Semitic posts and called for violence against white people," Cotton wrote. "You have also issued no statements about the lenient bail policies that appear to have allowed this attack to take place," he added.

Cotton concluded his letter by demanding that Garland explain what the DOJ is doing to investigate or assist in the Waukesha investigation. Cotton also asked to know if the Civil Rights Division plans to look into Brooks' alleged racist posts on social media, and he also asked if Garland has directed federal investigators to "take any actions to fill gaps in the criminal justice system left by soft-on-crime policies like the weakening or elimination of cash bail." (Read more) 

- Lord God, we see in this article that it is clear that the DOJ has not been even-handed in matters of rendering justice in our land. On the one hand, parents who have legitimate concerns about what their children are being taught in our public
schools have been labeled domestic terrorists; while on the other hand, this "monster" has  been set free time and again from our prison system to roam the streets of America -- clearly a danger to us all. Help us, O Lord we pray, for those in authority seem to have lost their way. In Your Name, amen and amen.

- (For Kenneth Garland and the DOJ) - "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."  (I John 1:8)

5. Waukesha Christmas parade alleged killer's mom blames lack of mental health services on tragedy - Fox News

WAUKESHA, Wis. – Darrell Brooks’ mother broke her silence Wednesday in a letter to the media, blaming the tragedy on a lack of mental health services for her son, according to a press report. Brooks was living with his mom, Dawn Woods, 62, when he plowed his red Ford Escape into an annual Christmas parade Nov. 21, killing six people and injuring more than 60, according to court records. We are not making excuses, but we believe what has happened is because he was not given the help and resources he needed," Woods wrote in the letter, CBS58 reported.

Brooks, 39, suffered from mental illness and was on medication since he was child, according to the letter and court papers.

"Institutions that are equipped and have trained staff is what was needed as well as resources in the communities where people who suffer with mental illness live," the letter says. "Jail is not the answer, because they get released back in society sicker than what they were when they entered. We all see what a tragedy that can turn out to be."

Brooks’ mom offered her condolences to the victims and the Waukesha community.  "What was meant to be a joyous day became a day of tragedy and heartache — a day that we wish with all our heart would have never happened," the letter says. (Read more) 

- Lord God, in a strange way, this mother's words confirm the previous headline.
While we certainly do not, in any way forgive or condone the murderous actions of Darrell Brooks, we see that our own system has failed him, and we are paying the price. We ask for immediate correction of this policy that imprisons criminals and releases them, instead of offering mental health services to those who need them.

- "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19) 
6. First accuser in Ghislaine Maxwell trial details testifiers about sexual abuse - Just The News
Prosecutors went to the heart of their case against Maxwell with their second witness, a woman in her early 40s who was introduced to jurors as “Jane,” a pseudonym she said she prefers, in part to protect a 22-year acting career. She was preceded by a private pilot for Epstein.
The woman, now in her early forties, testified that Maxwell was frequently around during her sexual encounters with Epstein, which began when she was just 14-years-old. During the encounters, which started in 1994 and lasted through 1997, the woman, identified to the jury as "Jane," said that Maxwell "was very casual," throughout and about the encounters, "like it was no big deal."
The witness told jurors that Maxwell, a former British socialite, had provided instructions on how to give Epstein sexual massages and would, on some occasions, join in on the physical activity. (Read more) 

- Lord God we declare that justice will be done in this situation! We know that this is a huge problem amongst those in Hollywood, elite politicians, and the whole world. We pray that this particular case would not only expose Jeffrey Epstein and those who did these horrible acts with him, but that it would also set a precedent to expose other sex trafficking rings. In Jesus name we pray.
“Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?” 
(Psalm 94:16)  

7. HHS revokes religious exemption waivers for faith-based foster care providers in 3 states - Christian Post
The Biden administration is revoking Trump-era waivers from federal nondiscrimination law granted to faith-based foster care providers in three states, drawing pushback from Christian conservatives and praise from progressives. 

In a statement Thursday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that it would rescind waivers granted to faith-based child welfare agencies in Michigan, South Carolina and Texas that contract with the federal government.
The waivers exempted those organizations from nondiscrimination requirements imposed on recipients of federal grants mandating that “no person otherwise eligible will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in the administration of HHS programs and services.”
The HHS statement contends that the waivers constituted a “blanket use of religious exemptions against any person or blank checks to allow discrimination against any persons, importantly including LGBTQ+ persons in taxpayer-funded programs.” (Read more)  

- Lord we pray that you will give courage to all in legal battles regarding their faith. We thank you Lord that you remain faithful to Your church and wherever you are leading us, You will come with us. We thank you you have provided everything that is needed for the future of your church.
- “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8) 

8. City Council expected to pass bill allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections - NY 1 News
The City Council is moving towards allowing some noncitizens to vote in local elections.
The legislation, poised to be approved by a City Council supermajority on Dec. 9, would benefit about 800,000 legal permanent residents and immigrants with work authorization.
The bill requires that immigrants be residents of New York City for 30 days and otherwise eligible to vote under state law.
While proponents argue that immigrants who pay taxes and contribute to the city’s economy should have a say in who represents them in City Hall, opponents say that this kind of measures discourage immigrants from trying to become citizens. They also raise concerns about the legality of the bill, saying that voting reforms should be implemented at the state level.
Those who are against the legislation also argue that it would be hard to implement, since the New York City Board of Elections would have to issue modified ballots and voter registration forms for noncitizen New Yorkers. (Read more)  

- Lord we pray today for voters in the United States, that wisdom will be sought from you God and discernment between truth and falsehood will be clear.
- “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Prov. 14:34)  

9. Thousands of NYC corrections officers face suspension after failing to meet Tuesday vaccine deadline - Just The News
Hundreds of correctional officers in New York City's jail system face suspension after failing to meet a Tuesday night deadline for getting a COVID-19 vaccination. The city's Department of Correction reported 77% of its staff had gotten at least one vaccine dose as of 5 p.m. Monday, the lowest of any city agency, meaning about 1,900 employees had yet to comply with the mandate, according to the Associated Press. 
The deadline for mandatory vaccination was delayed a month for jail workers because of staffing shortages. Jail workers who've applied for religious or medical exemptions can stay on the job while their cases are reviewed, officials said. 
Workers who haven't applied for an exemption and who failed to show proof of vaccination by 5 p.m. Tuesday were to be placed on unpaid leave and surrender any city-issued firearms and protective gear, officials said, the wire service also reports. (Read more) 

- Lord God we pray for this specific agency that they would reconsider their mandates in light of those who refuse to comply. Maintaining a presence of law and order is important and must not be compromised due to this unconstitutional mandate. We pray that this agency will have eyes to see and ears to hear and make the right choices for their employees. In Jesus name, amen.
- “They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.” (Ephesians 4:18) 

10. Defense Secretary Austin tells National Guard to get vaccinated or lose federal pay - Just The News
The Pentagon has ordered all National Guard and Reserve members to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or be barred from training and from being paid, according to a memo signed Tuesday by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
No credit or excused absence shall be afforded to members who do not participate in drills, training, or other duty due to failure to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19," Austin wrote in a memo to military service secretaries and other leaders. 
The memo comes amid a standoff between Austin and the Oklahoma National Guard, whose adjutant general has said that he will not compel his troops to obey the Defense Department's sweeping mandate that the entire force, including the Guard, must be vaccinated. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt earlier this month asked Austin to suspend the vaccine mandate for members of the Oklahoma National Guard. (Read more)
- Lord God we come against all witchcraft of manipulation right now in the name of Jesus. We pray for every local and federal leader that they would rule and govern by truth and by your Spirit, not by coercion or manipulation pressuring people to make decisions against their will. In Jesus name amen.
- " . . .  and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before." (1 Thessalonians 4:6)  

11. Trump denies he had COVID-19 before debate - The Hill
Former President Trump has denied allegations that he had COVID-19 “prior or during” his first debate against then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, rejecting claims shared by his close ally and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. In a short statement on Wednesday, Trump called the allegations "fake news." 
Meadows made the claim in his new book, titled "The Chief's Chief." In the book, which has yet to be released, he wrote that shortly after getting the positive result, Trump was retested and received a negative result. 
Trump skirted around the details of the incident and emphasized that the test revealed that he did not have COVID-19 prior to the debate. He did not specify if it was the first test, in which he tested negative, or the second test after his false positive result, as Meadows stated. "In fact, a test revealed that I did not have COVID prior to the debate," Trump said. (Read more)
- In the name of Jesus we cut at the root of all of these lies and slanderous remarks against President Trump, his administration, or his family in any way shape or form that they shrivel up and die now. We declare that the American public will discern the truth in this situation in Jesus name, amen.
- “The righteous hate what is false, but the wicked make themselves a stench and bring shame on themselves.” (Proverbs 13:5)  
The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Substituting “Requirement”
For “Mandate”

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, December 1, 2021

The Biden Administration handed federal workers an early Christmas present—oh, wait, no, we can’t say that—an early holiday sentiment– by delaying enforcement of the vaccine mandate from November 22 until after the first of the year. Office of Management and Budget Deputy Director for Management Jason Miller and Office of Personnel Management Director Kiran Ahuja wrote that “no subsequent enforcement actions, beyond that education and counseling” is mandated for federal workers “who have not yet complied with the vaccination requirement until the new calendar year begins in January.” An unnamed OMB spokesman claimed victory, saying this is evidence that vaccine mandates work.

The OMB spokesman reportedly told CNN, “The deadline was November 22, and we already have 96.5% compliance across a diverse workforce that is the largest in the United States. This is incredible progress and should serve as an example to employers across the board that vaccination requirements work.” White House spokesman Kevin Munoz echoed the comments saying, “The Federal government, the country’s largest employer, has successfully implemented its requirement in a way that has boosted vaccinations and avoids any disruptions to operations. We hope that our implementation sends the clear message to businesses to move forward with similar measures that will protect their workforce, protect their customers, and protect our communities.” Really? This is not about protection, it’s about freedom. Read More

Chilling Videos, Journal Found as Parents Face Scrutiny in Michigan School Shooting

OXFORD, Michigan—The shooter who allegedly killed four students and injured seven, including a teacher, at Michigan’s Oxford High School on Tuesday was previously flagged by administrators for “behavior in the classroom that they felt was concerning,” Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard said Wednesday.

Authorities have identified the suspect as 15-year-old sophomore Ethan Crumbley. His parents had been brought into the school the morning of the shooting for a face-to-face meeting about their son’s behavior, according to Bouchard. He wouldn’t say what the behavior was, and police weren’t informed about any potential issues prior to the tragic event.

Oakland County prosecutor Karen McDonald said that Crumbley, who was arraigned late Wednesday afternoon via video with his parents on the line, has been charged as an adult with one count of terrorism, four counts of first-degree murder, seven counts of assault with intent to murder, and 12 counts of possession of a firearm. More charges may be added later, she said.

At Crumbley’s arraignment, Oakland County Sheriff’s Lt. Tim Willis told Judge Nancy Carniak that a search of the boy’s home turned up “two separate videos recovered from Ethan’s cellphone made by him the night before the incident, wherein he talked about shooting and killing students the next day at Oxford High School.”

He said a journal was also recovered from Ethan’s backpack, “detailing his desire to shoot up the school, to include murdering students.” A review of social media accounts showed he had access to a firearm and practiced with a Sig Sauer handgun, Willis added.

McDonald said in a Wednesday press conference that evidence showed Crumbley started planning the attack “well before the incident.”

“This isn’t even a close call,” she said. “This was absolutely premeditated.”

She said her office is weighing charging both of Crumbley’s parents, too. They have declined to speak with investigators. “There is a mountain of digital evidence... we are confident that we can show there was premeditation,” she said. (Source: The Daily Beast) Read more here. 

- Lord God we pray for every single person who is mourning right now that has lost a loved one that you comfort them and give them strength during this time. We pray for Ethan Crumbley and his family. We speak your perfect peace over his mind that he would be healed and made whole right now Lord. In Jesus name amen.
- “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Proverbs 8:6) 
Statement on Supreme Court Oral Arguments

Virginia Society for Human Life 

To read this press release from the VSHL, please go here. 
Deadly Ash Covers Area Impacted by the Volcano in La Palma
Dear Friends,

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Please go here to visit 12 photos taken on La Palma, showing the devastation caused by the ash cloud that keeps falling on the impacted zone. Even an entire soccer field is under this heavy mantle of ash!

Reports are, too, that dangerous gas is being emitted in parts of the impacted area.

Again, thank you for praying for the safety of the precious people of La Palma - one of the Canary Islands and part of the nation of Spain.

Source: The Weather Channel.
Please go here to view these photos and the commentary provided. 
Signs & Wonders
Planets to align before 2021's best meteor shower
The moon will join a trio of planets in the evening sky early in December -- less than one week before the famous Geminid meteor shower reaches its peak.

The final month of the year also features the longest nights of the year, and the extra hours of darkness will have astronomical events that people of all ages can enjoy without a telescope.

The annual Geminid meteor shower will steal the spotlight as not just the top event of December, but also one of the best meteor showers of the entire year. However, onlookers will need to bundle up for a cold night to enjoy what the Geminids have to offer.

December will also bring the final eclipse of the year, although very few people will see it. The total solar eclipse on Dec. 4 will be visible for only a sliver of Antarctica and over the open waters of nearby oceans.

The other big astronomy events of the month will be visible for millions of people, starting off with an event that can be seen even from the heart of bright cities.

1. Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus to align
 Dec. 10

A trio of planets will align in the evening sky throughout most of December, but on Friday, Dec. 10, the moon will fall in line with the planets. Read More

The Good News Corner
Council Votes to Allow a Menorah on Public Property for First Time, and This City is Seen in a New Light  

ONTARIO, OHIO — Last week, a religious display was the talk of the town in Ontario as City Council gave the green light for a religious symbol to be placed on public property. By a 5-1 vote, City Council decided to permit a privately-sponsored menorah commemorating Hanukah to be placed at Marshall Park for two weeks.

After a request for the holiday display was made during Council’s last meeting, several of the council members commented they learned a lot in their research about the menorah. The Jewish lampstand represents religious freedom in the face of government tyranny.

“Mr. (Benjamin) Mutti educated me at last Council meeting on what the menorah stands for,” commented Council Member Sherry Branham. “I honor everyone’s religion and I am proud of what the menorah stands for. I think it is the right thing to do by supporting Mr. Mutti as he educates his children. I do not feel he has jeopardized anybody in Richland County, especially those in the City of Ontario.”

According to Benjamin Mutti, a number of surrounding communities already have holiday religious displays on public property to commemorate Christmas, including a nativity scene at the Columbus Statehouse in 2019. By a 7-2 margin, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right to display the Mount Soledad Peace Cross on public grounds in 2019 as a World War One memorial. The menorah is the first known religious display allowed on city property in Ontario’s history.

Ontario Councilman Dave Rehfeldt asked, “Which side do we want to be sued by? By the group that has a legitimate right to display? Or by the group we agree we would not want? I have no problem fighting for this (menorah) display. I think we all agree with what this group wants to do. I am tired of being afraid of things that could happen.”

Rehfeldt made the motion to grant permission for display on Marshall Park property recognizing Hanukkah for two weeks between November 28th thru December 12th. The motion passed with Councilman Josh Bradley as the only dissenting vote.

> > > Sources: Breaking Christian News and Frontline Ohio

Read more here and here.  (Includes a slide show) 
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
21 Days of Repentance
Day #14: The 7th Trumpet Judgment ~ Woeful Note
Judgment Trumpet #7 ~ At Last

Perhaps you have seen during a military funeral when a lone trumpeter plays the achingly doleful notes of "Taps." According to historical research, "Taps" is not so much a song, as it is considered a signal. At military bases, "Taps" is also utilized to signify "lights out" when it's time to turn in. "Taps" was originally composed with no lyrics. However, shortly after its composition, Horace Lorenzo Trim wrote the following poem. These words are meant to be more of a mnemonic (memory) device, not a song to be sung:

Day is done, gone the sun,
 From the lake, from the hills, from the sky;
 All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.

Fading light, dims the sight,
 And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright.
 From afar, drawing nigh, falls the night.

Thanks and praise, for our days,
 'Neath the sun, 'neath the stars, neath the sky;
 As we go, this we know, God is nigh.

Sun has set, shadows come,
 Time has fled, Scouts must go to their beds
 Always true to the promise that they made.

While the light fades from sight,
 And the stars gleaming rays softly send,
 To thy hands we our souls, Lord, commend.
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Classic Hymns

Sunlight, Sunlight 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Judson Van DeVenter
Music: Winfield Weeden

Scripture: They need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light. Revelation 22:5

I wandered in the shades of night,
Till Jesus came to me,
And with the sunlight of His love
Bid all my darkness flee.

Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today,
Sunlight, sunlight all along the way;
Since the Savior found me, took away my sin,
I have had the sunlight of His love within.

Tho’ clouds may gather in the sky,
And billows round me roll,
However dark the world may be
I’ve sunlight in my soul.


While walking in the light of God,
I sweet communion find;
However dark the world may be,
I’ve sunlight in my soul.


I cross the wide extended fields,
I journey o’er the plain,
And in the sunlight of His love
I reap the golden grain.


Soon I shall see Him as He is,
The Light that came to me;
Behold the brightness of His face,
Throughout eternity.


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