The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, Dec 16, 2021
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021
The call to prayer in the night will continue through Christmas night, December 25th. Join Dutch Sheets, Matt Lockett and thousands of others across our land in praying for our nation in a private time of prayer every night this month. Our main focus is the protection of the nine Supreme Court justices from occult "attacks" in the night. To sign up and join this "tsunami" of intercession in the night, please go here. Thank you. 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! 

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

Visit the Website Here

Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "This is a Move." Go here! 

"O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongs—
O God, to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth!
Rise up, O Judge of the earth;

Render punishment to the proud.
Lord, how long will the wicked,
How long will the wicked triumph?"

(Psalm 94:1-3)

To help sustain our work, please go here. Thank you!

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers. 

"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Title Here
A UN resolution is about to be adopted by the UN General Assembly TODAY Thursday 16 December . The resolution contains 2 highly controversial references including 1) an undefined, LGBT Trojan horse reference to "sexual orientation and gender identity" (also known as SOGI), and 2) a reference to "women in all their diversity," an euphemism for lesbians and transgender women (men who claim to be women). The former constitutes an assault on the family and religious and cultural values, and the latter is an assault on women.

The offensive resolution was adopted by the Third Committee of the UN Economic and Social Council on November 18, 2021 and is entitled “Strengthening the role of the United Nations in the promotion of democratization and enhancing periodic and genuine elections” (A/C.3/76/L.45/Rev.1).

It would be a blessing to the whole world if one Country stood up against this reference to SOGI by calling for a vote right before this is adopted by the UNGA Today.

This will not be easy politically to do for three reasons:
1. Although it is allowed procedurally, it is not common practice for a resolution that has been already negotiated and adopted by the UN's Third Committee to be opened up or voted on at the UNGA level
2. It is a US-led resolution and countries do not like to stand up against the US.
3. It is a resolution against free and fair elections so governments can be accused of not wanting to give up power and have fair elections.

But there are also the reasons the US refused to remove the SOGI reference even though many states said it was unacceptable. The US wanted to intimidate any state from challenging it.

Attempts were made during the 3rd Commitee meeting for amendments but to no avail. Nigeria had planned to call for a vote but the US Secretary of State was in Nigeria pressuring their ministry of foreign affairs and at the last minute Nigeria did not call for the vote and the elections resolution was adopted in the Third Committee.

If a clear message is not sent now that any resolution with SOGI will be voted then this will happen again and we will lose the fight to keep LGBT issues out of UN policies.

Let's commit the meeting to the LORD i.e The General Assembly: 53rd Plenary Meeting, 76th Session, Agenda Item 11. Catch It live on UN WebTV for OnSite Intercession @ 3pm New York, 11pm EAT
(Source: The Global Outreach; no link) 
> > > We realize that, according to the schedule posted re: today's vote at the U.N., this news may already have taken place. But nothing is too difficult for our God! Let's agree in prayer with the requests listed below. Thank you.
We pray:
1- LORD you're not taken by Surprise. The Government is on your shoulders. (Jer 32:27, Isa 9:6)
1- For a bold move by one country to call for vote on the entire Election resolution so as to remove the contraversial references i.e 'SOGI' and 'Women in all their Diversity' (Esther 5)
2- Break the Stronghold of Baal Molech in the entire  UN System (Jer 32:35)
3- Plead the Blood of Yeshua upon that UNGA sitting ( Rev 12:11)
4-As Priests of GOD, we take Authority over that UNGA meeting, Command the Heavens, enforce, Legislate Pro-Family Outcome in JESUS' Name ( Job 38:31-33, Heb 7:12, Ps 19)
5- As Priests of GOD, we subject that UNGA Meeting and it's outcomes to the obedience of and the LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST (Heb 7:12)

Alex Wesigye 

1. Charging Israel with apartheid turns int’l law on its head - NGO Monitor - The Jerusalem Post

Attempts to tar Israel as an apartheid state under international law, twist legal tools for political ends, a new NGO Monitor report argues.

Authored by British Barrister Joshua Kern and NGO Monitor Legal Advisor Anne Herzberg, the report delves deep into legal sources to identify what “apartheid” means as a crime in concrete legal terms as opposed to its colloquial and political uses.

The report comes following non-governmental organizations (NGOs) increasing campaign to apply the “apartheid” label to Israel not only in political discourse but lobbying the International Criminal Court (ICC) to charge Israelis with this crime and bolstering related campaigns at the UN. (Read more)

2. Palestinian Authority Praises Israel’s Public Security Minister for Condemning Settler Violence - The Algemeiner
The Palestinian Authority issued a rare statement of praise of an Israeli government minister on Wednesday, endorsing statements by Public Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev condemning violence by Jewish settlers in the West Bank.

Bar-Lev has faced considerable criticism from the political right in recent days after he made a public statement that he held a meeting with US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland, during which Nuland expressed concern over escalating settler violence against Palestinians.

After being criticized by Israel’s right-wing opposition, Bar-Lev said on Twitter, sarcastically, that “I understand it is very difficult” for many on the right to realize that foreign governments are concerned about “violence by extremist settlers.”

“I will continue to fight Palestinian terrorism as if there is no violence by extremist settlers — and against violence by extremist settlers as if there is no Palestinian terrorism,” he pledged. (Read more)

3. US lawmakers call for sanctions against Israel's NSO, other spyware firms - Israel Hayom

A group of US lawmakers is asking the Treasury Department and State Department to sanction Israeli spyware firm NSO Group and three other foreign surveillance companies they say helped authoritarian governments commit human rights abuses.

Their letter sent late Tuesday and seen by Reuters also asks for sanctions on top executives at NSO, the United Arab Emirates cybersecurity company DarkMatter, and European online bulk surveillance companies Nexa Technologies and Trovicor.

The lawmakers asked for sanctions under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, which punishes those who are accused of enabling human rights abuses by freezing bank accounts and banning travel to the United States.

DarkMatter could not be reached for comment. The other three companies did not immediately reply to requests by Reuters for comment.

The letter was signed by the Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and 16 other Democratic lawmakers. Along with other reporting on the industry, they cite a recent Reuters article this month showing that NSO spyware was used against State Department employees in Uganda. (Read more)

4. Ukraine President Zelensky Hails Israel in Speech to Jewish Forum Amid Escalating Tensions With Russia - The Algemeiner

The president of Ukraine on Wednesday hailed the State of Israel as “an example” for his country during a wide-ranging speech to Jewish and international leaders.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky compared Ukraine’s struggle for independence with that waged by Israel in his address to the third annual Kyiv Jewish Forum on Wednesday. The virtual forum is marking thirty years of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Jewish state.

Speaking as 70,000 Russian troops massed on Ukraine’s borders, sparking global fears of an imminent invasion, Zelensky told the forum that Ukrainians and Jews were bonded by similar historical experiences.

“We know what it’s like not to have our own state,” Zelensky said. “We know what it means to defend one’s own state and land with weapons in hand, at the cost of our own lives. Both Ukrainians and Jews value freedom, and they work equally for the future of our states to become to our liking, and not the future which others want for us. Israel is often an example for Ukraine.” (Read more)

5. Stopping a suspect car, police find ancient items Bar Kochba rebels took from Romans - Times of Israel

Israeli archaeologists believe ancient artifacts recently seized by police were spoils of war taken by Jewish rebels from their Roman enemies nearly 2,000 years ago.

Israel’s Antiquities Authority said Wednesday that the artifacts, including ornamental incense burners and a wine jug, may be battle loot dating back to the Bar Kochba revolt in 132-136 CE.

Police found the items during a routine patrol in Jerusalem’s Musrara neighborhood last week when detectives stopped and searched a suspicious vehicle that was driving the wrong way on a one-way street. In the trunk they found a box containing the archaeological artifacts.

The IAA’s Robbery Prevention Unit arrived at the police station and quickly determined that the finds date back to the Roman era.

The artifacts include bronze incense burners, which likely belonged to wealthy Roman homes or temples, and a bronze wine server decorated with a banquet scene depicting a person reclining with a jug of wine.

Authorities also found an ornate three-legged stone bowl, Roman clay lamps and hundreds of coins from the late Roman period in the 2nd-3rd centuries CE. (Read more)

The Daily Brief
1. Jan. 6 committee admits to altering text message between Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan - Washington Examiner

The Jan. 6 committee admitted that it changed a text message between former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Rep. Jim Jordan, excluding relevant context about how they wanted then-Vice President Mike Pence to handle electoral votes.

A spokesman said Wednesday that the graphics Rep. Adam Schiff showed during a Monday-night hearing about the newly obtained communications between top Trump officials had been reformatted to support the view that Meadows wanted Pence to overturn the election results.

The committee cut off half a sentence and paragraphs of further information, then added a period and changed the format so it appeared to be the whole message, the Federalist first reported. The full message was a short summary of a legal briefing Jordan forwarded from lawyer Joseph Schmitz to Meadows on Jan. 5, meaning that a "lawmaker" did not write the message at all, the report added. (Read More)  
- Lord God we pray that this committee and all their unethical activities would continue to be exposed and come to light in Jesus name.

- "And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you."  (Matthew 24:4)

2. Democrats Push ‘Racial Equity Audits’ To Cement Control of Tech Companies - Free Beacon

Democrats want to subject tech companies to mandatory "racial equity audits" conducted by their political allies, a move which could cement the party's control of Silicon Valley.

A small group of organizations with close ties to Democratic politicians and progressive donors conducts the majority of these audits, which advocates say are needed to promote racial justice. But in practice, equity auditors often push companies to hire more left-wing activists and former Democratic party officials, often from the auditing organizations themselves. The audits also call for the abolition of standards of "merit" and the ability for a special executive to veto any company project.

Racial equity audits are the chief service offered by "diversity, equity, and inclusion" consultants, a cottage industry connected by a revolving door of Democratic staffers and funded by liberal donors. Equity auditors have made a killing from school districts that pay handsomely for consultants to revamp curricula, the Washington Free Beacon has reported. Now, racial equity auditors are setting their sights on corporate America. (Read More) 

- In Jesus name we bind this communistic, controlling spirit that seeks to take complete control of every area to manipulate and deceive. We break it’s powers by the authority of Jesus that this would be stopped.

- “Everyone deceives his neighbor
And does not speak the truth,
They have taught their tongue to speak lies;
They weary themselves committing iniquity." 

(Jeremiah 9:5)

3. Google tells employees they’ll lose pay and will eventually be fired if they don’t follow vaccination rules - CNBC

Google has told its employees they will lose pay — and will eventually be fired — if they don’t comply with the company’s Covid-19 vaccination policy, according to internal documents viewed by CNBC.

A memo circulated by leadership said employees had until Dec. 3 to declare their vaccination status and upload documentation showing proof, or to apply for a medical or religious exemption. The company said after that date it would start contacting employees who hadn’t uploaded their status or were unvaccinated, as well as those whose exemption requests weren’t approved.

The document said employees who haven’t complied with the vaccination rules by the Jan. 18 deadline will be placed on “paid administrative leave” for 30 days. After that, the company will put them on “unpaid personal leave” for up to six months, followed by termination. (Read More)  

- Lord we pray that you would help all of us, including those at google navigate these difficult times we are in with your love and wisdom. We especially pray for all your people who work at Google that they would receive favor with Google when submitting their religious exemption. We thank you Lord that you remain faithful to Your church and wherever you are leading us, You will come with us. Amen.

- “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?” (Romans 8:31)  

4. Gorsuch writes scathing dissent after Supreme Court rejects New York vaccine mandate challenge - Washington Examiner

Justice Neil Gorsuch penned a scathing dissent after the Supreme Court left in place New York's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

Only two other Republican-appointed justices, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, joined Gorsuch in support of an injunction. The highest court voted 6-3 Monday to reject a request by 20 anonymous doctors and medical facility workers, nearly all from Catholic backgrounds, to grant a religious exemption to the Empire State’s vaccine mandate for healthcare personnel.

These applicants are not ‘anti-vaxxers’ who object to all vaccines,” Gorsuch wrote. “Instead, the applicants explain, they cannot receive a COVID–19 vaccine because their religion teaches them to oppose abortion in any form, and because each of the currently available vaccines has depended upon abortion-derived fetal cell lines in its production or testing.” (Read More) 

- Lord we thank you for the few justices that have stood for righteousness and justice. Bless them Lord and continue to guide their decisions. We pray for the others, Lord that they would have ears to hear and eyes to see what your spirit is saying to them. In Jesus name. Amen.

- “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)

5. Judge scraps Trump lawsuit to shield tax returns from Congress - Politico

A federal judge has rejected former President Donald Trump’s bid to block congressional Democrats from obtaining his tax returns.
Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee to federal district court in Washington, said Trump was “wrong on the law” and that Congress is due “great deference” in its inquiries.

“Even the special solicitude accorded former Presidents does not alter the outcome,” McFadden wrote in a 45-page ruling. “The Court will therefore dismiss this case.”

The ruling is a boost for the House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), which has been seeking Trump’s tax returns since the middle of 2019. Neal reissued the request after Trump left office earlier this year, saying the returns are necessary for a potential reform of the IRS program that audits presidential tax returns annually. But Trump has fought the request, claiming Neal’s stated purpose was really a pretense for seeking to exact political punishment. (Read More)  
- Lord God we lift up all of our judges, both federally and locally, that they would put aside partisan politics and social justice agendas and rule based on the rule of law in Jesus name.

- "My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory." (James 2:1)
6. Supermarket Giant Strips Unvaccinated Employees Of Their Benefits - The Daily Caller

Supermarket chain Kroger announced Tuesday it will eliminate paid emergency leave for unvaccinated employees who contract COVID-19 in addition to requiring some of them to pay a monthly $50 health insurance surcharge starting in 2022, according to a company memo.

The country’s largest supermarket chain, which employees roughly 465,000 workers, issued an internal company memo announcing the changes, which will start on Jan. 1, a company spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Kroger is tightening their COVID-19 related policies as U.S. businesses face uncertainty over President Joe Biden’s recent federal vaccination mandate.

Recent rules issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration require all businesses with over 100 employees to require the COVID-19 vaccination or weekly testing, the WSJ reported. (Read More) 

- Lord God we come against all manipulation right now to bully people to act against their will in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray for those who control Kroger’s decisions that they would make choices based on your truth and by your Spirit, not by coercion. In Jesus name amen.

- " ... and that in this matter no one should wrong or take advantage of a brother or sister. The Lord will punish all those who commit such sins, as we told you and warned you before."  (1 Thessalonians 4:6)

7. Democrat-led House approves Islamophobia bill, would put special envoy in State Department - Just The News

The Democrat-controlled House on Tuesday evening passed legislation to create a special office within the State Department to combat Islamophobia worldwide, following comments directed at a Muslim congresswoman by a fellow chamber member.

The measure passed 219-212 along party lines, and follows a so far unsuccessful attempt by House Democrats to take away Colorado GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert's committee assignment for comments directed at Minnesota Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, whom Boebert suggested was a member of the chamber's "Jihad Squad."

Boebert's comments surfaced over Thanksgiving weekend in a video.
House Democrat leaders have already this year stripped committee assignments from two other chamber Republicans -- Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat, has said that further action could be taken against Boebert, according to The New York Times. (Read More) 

- Lord God we just pray that each and every representative would put aside these pesky bullying tactics going back-and-forth between both parties and actually do what they were elected to do which is to represent their American constituents and do what is best for them and their interests.

- "The beginning of strife is like letting out water, so quit before the quarrel breaks out ."  (Proverbs 17:14)
8. Progressive District Attorneys Radically Change Rule of Law in California Cities – The Epoch Times
More than 50 prosecutors, support, and victim services staff have quit since the San Francisco District Attorney took office. Amid a wave of “smash-and-grab” robberies
 and other crimes, a former prosecutor is claiming that more than 50 prosecutors, support, and victim services staff have quit their jobs over San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s progressive criminal justice reform policies.
“The office is imploding,” said the former prosecutor, who produced the list of those who’ve left their jobs since Boudin was sworn into office on Jan. 10, 2020. “Not all of them quit, but most of them quit. Some were fired,” said the individual, who requested anonymity for fear of reprisal. “The list isn’t up to date. I think more have left.”
Boudin fired seven prosecutors during his second day on the job.
Another former investigative supervisor sued Boudin for wrongful termination last month, claiming retaliation for calling out “improper and unlawful actions” by two prosecutors. (Read More) 
9. Fed raises inflation projections for fourth time this year - Washington Examiner

Federal Reserve officials projected Wednesday that inflation will run at 5.3% this year, a significant increase from their last such projection. Inflation projections are a moving target for the Fed, which predicted in March that prices would rise just 2.4% in 2021. Each time the central bank has updated its forecasts this year, that number has crept higher.

Members of the Fed's Federal Open Markets Committee said in projections released Wednesday that inflation will drop back down to 2.6% next year, 2.3% in 2023, 2.1% in 2024, and settle at about 2% in the long run. The central bank also projected that it would end up hiking interest rates three times next year.

Projections for the country’s gross domestic product were also released on Wednesday. Fed members revised down their GDP predictions from 5.9% in 2021 to 5.5% and changed their growth forecast from 3.8% to 4% for next year. (Read More) 

- We thank You, Lord that no matter what happens with our economy we don’t look to government for our provision but we depend on you Lord to provide for us in this last age.

- "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." 
(Philippians 4:19)

10. Secret CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children - Buzzfeed

Declassified CIA inspector general reports show a pattern of abuse and a repeated decision by federal prosecutors not to hold agency personnel accountable.

Over the past 14 years, the Central Intelligence Agency has secretly amassed credible evidence that at least 10 of its employees and contractors committed sexual crimes involving children.

Though most of these cases were referred to US attorneys for prosecution, only one of the individuals was ever charged with a crime. Prosecutors sent the rest of the cases back to the CIA to handle internally, meaning few faced any consequences beyond the possible loss of their jobs and security clearances. That marks a striking deviation from how sex crimes involving children have been handled at other federal agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration. CIA insiders say the agency resists prosecution of its staff for fear the cases will reveal state secrets. (Read More)  

- Lord God we pray over ourselves as parents and grandparents that You will help us guide our children in wisdom and responsibility, with appropriate safeguards. We pray that they will exercise discernment in their relationships and media consumption, and know they have freedom to ask for help. In Jesus name amen.

- “Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction;
  pay attention and gain understanding.
I give you sound learning,
so do not forsake my teaching.”
(Proverbs 4:1-2)  
The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: It's Just A Mess

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, December 15, 2021

There are a lot of bad things happening in this country. We have elected leaders that are supposed to handle at least some of them through policy changes or adjustments. But overall, they are doing nothing but the opposite. It is almost like they purposely want to destroy this country. And it is quite obvious they care little about the right to free speech, the free exercise of religion and your right to privacy. All this begs the question as to why we allow them to continue to destroy our way of life. It is almost uncanny. The Congressional job approval consistently is in the teens, but everybody reelects their congressman. Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.

Let’s take a bit of inventory. There are ships backed up in harbors across America. Goods cannot be delivered to the stores. The higher demand for fewer goods causes prices to rise. Joe Biden and his party-first mayors and governors exacerbate the problem with COVID mandates, reducing the supply of workers. Crime in major cities is sharply higher with murder rates up 30%, the highest in history. This, after Democrat mayors in major cities supported defunding the police. Their solution now: restore some funding, but crack down on gun ownership. Meanwhile, mass robberies plague inner cities. Biden’s solution is to send your tax dollars to these hellholes so they can hire more police. Create a crisis so you can expand government, I guess. Read More

'One wrong move': Tehran Times reveals Iran's targets in Israel

The article ended with a 2013 quote by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei warning that Iran would “destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa” if Israel “makes a mistake” and conducts a military strike.

The threat comes as Israel and the US advance preparations for a military option should negotiations in Vienna to return to the JCPOA nuclear deal fail. A massive IDF drill mimicking a strike on Iran is reportedly planned for next year.

Despite the threat being directed toward Israel, the map shows potential targets over the border with Lebanon and on what appear to be Jenin and Nablus.

Ramallah and Hebron also seem to be in Iran’s list of retaliatory targets should Israel conduct a strike against the Islamic Republic. (Jerusalem Post) Read more 

- Father God, as the tension continues to increase exponentially, day by day, between Israel and Iran, we thank You, Holy One, for Your watchful care over Your people. We entrust this land, this nation, and these people to You, knowing that, when the time comes, You WILL fight for their protection. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

- "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem."  (Psalm 122:6)
Signs & Wonders
Total economic impacts of historic tornado outbreak
about $18 billion
AccuWeather Founder and CEO Joel Myers estimated that the total economic losses from the deadly tornado outbreak will be the costliest tornado impact in U.S. history.

The total damages and economic losses resulting from the historic tornado outbreak that impacted multiple states from the South to the Midwest could amount to $18 billion, which would make it the costliest tornado outbreak in U.S. history.

The United States has seen some deadly and landscape-altering tornado outbreaks in its history. In 1925, an outbreak killed hundreds of people, while in 1974 and in 2011, super outbreaks spewed hundreds of twisters that killed several hundred and resulted in billions of dollars of damage. However, no outbreak has ever caused as much economic impact as this year's historic December tornado event.

In the days after the deadly, multistate and multiday outbreak, AccuWeather released its preliminary estimate of the total damage and economic loss caused by the event – a figure the country has never seen attached to a tornado outbreak before. Read More

The Good News Corner
Kentucky Man Plays Gospel Song Among Debris After Tornado Rips Away His Roof, Destroys Home

Sitting among rubble, the roof of his home a victim to one of the dozens of tornados that violently whipped through Kentucky, Jordan Baize played praise music into the somber air.

The piano was among the few pieces of furniture untouched by the destruction left in the wake of the storm that claimed at least 64 lives. Unbeknownst to his sister, Whitney Brown, Baize sat down at the black grand piano and began playing “There’s Something About That Name,” a Southern Gospel praise song written by Bill and Gloria Gaither, WFIE-TV reported.

Brown was in the bedroom, packing up a few things, when she heard her brother playing.

She caught Baize’s worship on camera and posted it to Facebook.

“I have been overwhelmed by the love my family has been shown today,” Brown wrote in a Facebook post with the video. “My brother, Jordan, lost his home, but thankfully, he and his family made it out safely. I was standing in his bedroom packing anything I could salvage and I heard the most beautiful sound: music.”

“Jordan was sitting at his grand piano, playing the Gaither tune ‘There’s Something About the Name,’” she continued. “Everything around him was broken. The piano had water damage, it had missing keys, and he didn’t know I was filming, but still he used his gift to glorify his God the best way he knew how.”

“Enjoy his God given gift,” she concluded. (Faithwire) Read more 

PRAISE . . . THE . . . LORD!!!!!  
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
Take the Repentance Route
Pearl Harbor and Anthony Fauci
Pearl Harbor, 80 years ago recently, was a physical attack against one nation. Close to 3,000 died and then millions more in World War 2. Today, ALL nations are under not just a physical attack, but a spiritual attack. Millions have died. More deaths are coming. Extensive details, including over 2,200 footnotes, are included in Robert Kennedy Jrs. book "The Real Anthony Fauci." It's also discussed on the mercola website:

Greed, power, ego trip control, and the abominable belief that we can improve on God, has opened a pandora's box of wickedness globally, all to satan's delight. We are seeing the spirit of anti-Christ possess people we thought were public servants. Compromise, complicitness and cowardice has replaced righteousness. Reading the Bible you knew this was going to happen at some point; who knew we would be the generation watching the begining of the signs of the anti-Christ take place!


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Classic Hymns

Praise Him, Praise Him

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Chester Allen

Scripture: I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Psalm 146:2

Praise Him, praise Him—
Jesus, our blessèd Redeemer,
Sing, O earth, His wonderful love proclaim.
Hail Him! hail Him! highest archangels in glory;
Strength and honor give to His holy name!
Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
In His arms He carries them all day long:
O ye saints that dwell on the mountain of Zion,
Praise Him, praise Him ever in joyful song.

Praise Him, praise Him—
Jesus, our blessèd Redeemer,
For our sins He suffered, and bled, and died;
He our rock, our hope of eternal salvation,
Hail Him, hail Him, Jesus the Crucified.
Loving Savior, meekly enduring sorrow,
Crowned with thorns that cruelly pierced His brow;
Once for us rejected, despised and forsaken,
Prince of Glory, He is triumphant now.

Praise Him, praise Him—
Jesus, our blessèd Redeemer,
Heav’nly portals loud with hosannas ring,
Jesus, Savior, reigneth forever and ever.
Crown Him! Crown Him—
Prophet, and Priest, and King!
Death is vanquished! Tell it with joy, ye faithful.
Where is now thy victory, boasting grave?
Jesus lives! No longer thy portals are cheerless;
Jesus lives, the mighty and strong to save.

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