The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Tuesday, April 5, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Last night, Pastor Terry Barnes taught on the topic of  "Wisdom Principles - Biblical vs. Political". To listen to the recording, and read his notes, please go here.
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "The Old Rugged Cross." Go here!  

"Therefore I will praise you, Lord, among the nations;
    I will sing the praises of your name."

(Psalm 18:49)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Appeals Court Upholds Huge Verdict: Woke Oberlin College Must Pay $31M to Bakery It Smeared as Racist
Oberlin College must pay a record $31 million to a mom-and-pop bakery that accused the school of ruining its business with false accusations of racism, according to three judges on the Ninth District Court of Appeals, which issued a 3-0 decision upholding a 2019 ruling in the case. The award is the largest defamation verdict in Ohio history.

Gibson’s Bakery, a 135-year-old family business near Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio, fell under attack after a 2016 incident in which the owner’s son confronted three black Oberlin students who were stealing wine from the store, according to a report by Washington Examiner.

One of the students was caught stealing wine bottles from the store, reports While the suspects were arrested and later admitted to shoplifting, the ordeal nonetheless sparked school-sanctioned protests and allegations of racism, which hampered the store’s business. ( Read more here.  
- Lord, these colleges that promote wrongful actions must be stopped. We thank you that this one must pay a fine to the victims. We place our trust in You to bring justice for those whose lives have been negatively impacted by the leftist narratives.

- “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24) 

1. Hamas: Israel to ‘bear consequences’ of Lapid’s Damascus Gate visit - JNS

(April 4, 2022 / Israel Hayom) Gaza’s ruling Hamas terror organization warned on Sunday that Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s “storming” of Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City earlier in the day was a “dangerous escalation.”

Lapid had visited security forces near Damascus Gate to thank them for their service and express the country’s appreciation, amid a spike of violence and unrest coinciding with the start of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan on April 1. The country is also in the midst of a deadly terror wave, which has claimed 11 innocent lives within a one-week span.

“The storming of the Damascus Gate by the foreign minister of the Zionist enemy, Yair Lapid, is a dangerous escalation, and the occupation will be responsible for its consequences. We and our people pledge to protect Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque,” said Hamas in a statement. (Read more)  

2. IDF cancels Jerusalem tours due to terror wave - Israel National News

A tour of Jerusalem and Mount Herzl, which was supposed to take place today for IDF paramedics, was canceled due to the "security situation."

One of the soldiers, who serves in the Golani Brigade and is currently taking a medic's course, spoke to Israel National News and told about the outrageous explanation given by the commanders for the reason for canceling the tour as part of an educational day.

"We were supposed to have a tour of Mount Herzl as part of an education day. We are Golani soldiers, the commanders tell us that this tour was canceled due to the security situation," he said. "Later we talked to the headquarters to really find out why the tour was canceled and we were told that they were afraid we would attract the attention of Arabs during Ramadan and then some incident could happen." (Read more) 

3. '50,000 Palestinians enter Israel illegally daily through holes in security fence' - Israel Hayom

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan threatened to petition the High Court of Justice if the holes in the security fence were not immediately sealed.

Dagan issued the demand in a letter sent over the weekend after a terrorist from the village of Ya'bad near Jenin crossed through a hole in the fence in northern Samaria to carry out a terrorist attack in the Tel Aviv suburb of Bnei Brak. Five people were killed in that attack.

"Despite many warnings about the holes, the defense system you are tasked with has not taken any action to prevent the entry, either through temporary solutions to prevent the uninterrupted entry or the serious failure to permanently repair breaches in the fence. (Read more) 

4. Israel authorizes $56.5 million in emergency police funding - World Israel News

The Israeli government has authorized the allocation of 181 million shekels ($56.5 million) in emergency funding to the Israel Police.

The budget supplement was authorized “in light of the significant challenges that Israel’s police force currently faces and given the operational gaps that have accumulated in recent years,” according to an official statement.

The emergency funding comes as Israel’s police force struggles to deal with multiple terror attacks taking place throughout Israel.

“For many years, the Israel Police was neglected and the operational needs that it required to carry out its tasks were not met,” said Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.  (Read more)  

5. Israel can continue striking Iranian targets in Syria after Bucha condemnation - Gantz - Jerusalem Post

Israel will be able to do what it needs to defend itself even after condemningRussia for committing war crimes in Bucha, Ukraine, Defense Minister Benny Gantz said on Monday.

"We will continue to act everywhere in the Middle East where we need to act,” Gantz told Kan Radio when asked whether Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s condemnation will impact coordination with Russia in Syria 

Israel strikes Iranian targets in Syria, in order to prevent the Islamic Republic from entrenching itself near Israel’s northern border or transferring weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief

1.The Pentagon is investigating extremism in the military. Here’s how bad the problem is | Fox News

The Pentagon’s most recent search for extremists within the ranks was just the latest failure to find evidence that the military is a breeding ground for violent radicals, a Fox News review has found.
The Department of Defense identified fewer than 100 instances of confirmed extremist activity in 2021, the Pentagon reported in December. Despite significant rhetoric from Democrats, media pundits and activists, the finding was unsurprising to more than 30 current and former service members who spoke with Fox News.
"I noticed zero extremism during my time in the military," Matthew Griffin, a former Army Ranger, told Fox News. "None. Didn't witness it at all."

- Lord, as we suspected, this witch hunt didn’t produce the massive numbers portrayed by numerous media and Democrats. We pray that You will prevent such waste of time for our Military, and keep them focused on protecting the United States from the real enemies.

- “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.”          (Psalm 138:7) 

2.Axios reporter says Biden's economic accomplishments are 'largely irrelevant' amid high inflation, gas prices | Fox News

Axios reporter Hans Nichols said Sunday on CNN's "Inside Politics" that President Biden's economic accomplishments were "largely irrelevant" with inflation at a 40-year-high and increased gas prices occurring nationwide. 
Nichols, Politico White House correspondent Laura Barrón-López and CNN White House correspondent Kaitlin Collins joined host Abby Philips to discuss Biden's economy. The president touted his accomplishments during a speech, Friday, about the most recent jobs report, which saw that the economy created 431,000 jobs in March. Philips also noted an NBC poll that found enthusiasm for Republicans heading into the midterms was at 67%, compared to 50% for Democrats. 

-  Lord, we once again ask for Your Spirit to move across America, bringing repentance and heart change to all, especially those in authority. A return to You is the only answer for our plight!

- “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) 

3. Ketanji Brown Jackson Refuses to Say if Individuals Have Natural Rights (

President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson refused to say if she holds a position on whether individuals have natural rights.
Jackson refused to comment on her beliefs on natural rights in a post-hearing written question and answer from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
“Please explain, in your own words, the theory prevalent among members of the Founding Fathers’ generation that humans possess natural rights that are inherent or inalienable,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) asked Jackson.
Jackson recognized that natural rights are embedded into our country’s founding documents in her response.
She said:
“The theory that humans possess inherent or inalienable rights is reflected in the Declaration of Independence, which states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Next, Cruz asked Jackson, “do you hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights, yes or no?”
“I do not hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights,” Jackson said.

- Lord, this is a woman who believes that individual rights are a “theory.” We first and foremost ask that she not be confirmed for the Supreme Court. Failing that, we pray that You will visit her in the night seasons, revealing truth to her.

- “Now a word was brought to me stealthily; my ear received the whisper of it. Amid thoughts from visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, dread came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones shake.” (Job 4:12-14)  

4. Russia Threatens to Limit Vital Food Supply to ‘Friendly’ Countries Only (

A Russian government official has threatened that Russia will limit its vital food exports to only nations it considers “friendly”.
Dmitry Medvedev, a senior Russian security official who previously served as the nation’s president, has threatened that Russia may soon cut off the West from food exports.
A major player in the global market for wheat and other agri-food products, Russia will instead focus on keeping itself fed, according to Medvedev, alongside supplying its friends and close allies.
Posting on his Telegram, Medvedev said that cutting off the likes of North America and the European Union from its agricultural produce would be a very good way of retaliating against sanctions imposed by the West.
“It so happened that the food security of many countries depends on our supplies,” the Russian official wrote. “It turns out that our food is our quiet weapon. Quiet but ominous.”
“The priority in food supplies is our domestic market. And price control,” he continued. “We will supply food and crops only to our friends (fortunately, we have a lot of them, and they are not at all in Europe and not in North America). We will sell both for rubles and for their national currency in agreed proportions.”

- Lord, this action could adversely affect millions of people. You alone are our source, and we look to You for sustenance at this time.

- “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in the Name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7) 

5. Joe Biden Faces Supreme Court Review of His 'Catch and Release' Policy (

President Joe Biden and border chief Alejandro Mayorkas are fuelling the migration wave into Americans’ jobs by ignoring the law that says migrants must be detained until their asylum cases are decided.
However, the Supreme Court will review the legality of Biden’s catch-and-release policy on April 26 in the Biden v. Texas lawsuit. The review will take place one month before Biden and Mayorkas lift the Title 42 barrier on May 23 and open the borders to an unlimited inflow of asylum-claiming migrants.
Federal law says any migrant on U.S. soil can apply for asylum. But the law also says:  “Mandatory detention: Any alien subject to the procedures under this clause shall be detained pending a final determination of credible fear of persecution and, if found not to have such a fear, until removed.”
“The [federal] statute is very clear that aliens who show up at the border without documentation or a visa are supposed to be detained throughout their entire immigration court proceedings,” said Rob Law, the director of regulatory affairs and policy for the Center for Immigration Studies.

- Lord,we pray for a favorable outcome in this case that will help to stop the border crisis and dropping off of illegals inside America.

- “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1)

6. Biden's Deputies Demand State Welfare Agencies ‘Affirm LGBT Children' (

President Joe Biden’s deputies are pressuring the 50 states’ child welfare agencies to ensure that abandoned or homeless kids who declare an “LGBT” identity must be placed with foster homes and organizations that “affirm” their claimed sexual status.
“Each title IV-E agency should be particularly vigilant about placing LGBTQI+ children and youth in homes and child-care institutions where they are supported, safe, and can develop as a whole person,” said a federal document, exclusively reported here by Breitbart News.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) sent a memorandum to state child welfare agencies across the United States on March 2, 2022, issuing guidance on how to “best serve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and intersex (LGBTQI+1 ) children and youth” in the child welfare system.
The White House on Thursday touted HHS’s recently released guidance, nodding to it in a  proclamation for “National Child Abuse Prevention Month.” President Joe Biden appeared to use the proclamation to slam Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), without naming him, claiming the United States is witnessing a “dangerous campaign” from elected officials to “weaponize the child welfare system against families just because they love and affirm their transgender children.”

- Lord, we are grieved daily at this kind of news, knowing that when the government advocates sin, we are in trouble. We pray on our faces for a move of Your Spirit to bring repentance and truth to our nation.

- “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

7.  Biden Invokes God To Explain Why Parents Should ‘Affirm’ Trans Identity | The Daily Wire

President Biden referred to the Bible while explaining that parents should be “affirming” of their ostensibly transgender children’s “identity.”
“To everyone celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility, I want you to know that your president sees you — Jill, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration sees you — for who you are: made an image of God and deserving of dignity, respect and support,” the commander-in-chief said in a video commemorating “International Transgender Day of Visibility.”
Biden appeared to be referring to Genesis 1:27, which states that “God created man in his own image” — a reality that Christians have indeed pointed to throughout history as the foundation for human equality. However, the passage — which adds that “male and female he created them” — also happens to be the foundation for the gender binary.
“We know it’s hard when there are those out there who don’t see you, don’t respect you,” Biden continued. “For example, the onslaught of anti-transgender state laws attacking you and your families is simply wrong.”

- Lord, what is “simply wrong” are people who twist Scripture to justify sin. We pray that You reach these who are living a lie, to turn them to the One True Living God in a personal relationship.

- “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4: 17b) 

 8. Washington State Plans To Outlaw Most New Gas Cars | The Daily Wire

Washington state is preparing to ban most new gasoline-powered vehicles within the next eight years.
SB 5974 — a piece of legislation recently signed by Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA) — establishes a target that “all publicly owned and privately owned passenger and light duty vehicles of model year 2030 or later that are sold, purchased, or registered in Washington state be electric vehicles.” An “interagency electric vehicle coordinating council” created by the new law is directed to “complete a scoping plan for achieving the 2030 target.”
“Transportation is our state’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. There is no way to talk about climate change without talking about transportation,” Inslee said at the bill signing. “This package will move us away from the transportation system our grandparents imagined and towards the transportation system our grandchildren dream of.”
The legislation — dubbed “Clean Cars 2030” — was enacted as part of a $17 billion climate agenda called “Move Ahead Washington.” Other facets of the package include $5.4 billion for “carbon reduction and multimodal expansion,” $2.4 billion for “fish passage barrier removals,” $836 million for “four new hybrid-electric ferries,” and $150 million for “ultra-high-speed rail.”

- Lord, this legislation is so foolish that we can’t comprehend it. The cost of this law is out of sight, not just for the state of Washington, but for people who live in the state. Not only are the cars exceedingly expensive, the batteries are dangerous, just exchanging batteries is also far above the cost most people can afford. We ask once again for Your intervention, to bring about a change in the hearts of this government.

- “And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 11:19)

9. Report: Biden Administration Considering Pulling Health Care from Veterans to Treat Illegal Aliens (

Did you, or a family member, serve your country with the expectation of receiving the health care benefits you were promised?
Sorry, illegal aliens apparently come first in President Joe Biden’s America.
The Biden administration reportedly is considering diverting doctors from the Department of Veterans Affairs to treat the massive inflow of illegal aliens expected at the southern border this spring and summer.
Hillary Vaughn of Fox Business reported on the insulting slight to American veterans on Thursday, citing a source with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
She quoted the source as saying, “We’re going to take medical services away from people that really deserve that. Who went to combat … to give free medical attention to illegal migrants.”

- Lord, we pray that You will stop this idea in its tracks, and cause it to fall to the ground without action.

- “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” (Ephesians 4:28)   

10. Retired Generals Openly Challenge Commandant's Dramatic Transformation of Marine Corps - American Liberty News
Gen. David H. Berger, the Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps has been creating waves since he began a radical transformation of the Marines more than two years ago. And now those waves are becoming a tsunami as retired generals are openly challenging some of the commandant’s biggest changes, as well as the way in which they are being implemented.
In a critical op-ed in The Wall Street Journal, Jim Webb, a former Marine officer, Navy secretary and a U.S. senator from Virginia noted that:
…it is unclear to just about everyone with experience in military planning what formal review and coordination was required before Gen. Berger unilaterally announced a policy that would alter so many time-honored contributions of the Marine Corps.
Apparently quiet input from retired Marine generals and others was widely dismissed as Berger pressed ahead with his plans. And now, 22 retired four-star Marine generals signed a nonpublic letter of concern to Gen. Berger, with many others stating their support.
ADN first reported on these changes in August 2020.
- Lord, we pray that only Your wisdom would be the way to move forward for the Marine Corps. We ask that You remove any changes that are not in the best interests of America and grant the storied Marine Corps their place in our future.

- “Do not move the ancient landmark that your fathers have set.” (Proverbs 22:28) 

The Daily Jot

The Antidote For Lies

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, April 4, 2022

For way over a decade Americans have been lied to and forced to accept untruthful agendas or face censorship, bullying, demonization and other forms of social exclusion. This has conditioned the mind, plied the people into a sense of tension, and it also has caused people to shrink back because they feel that anything they say can be used against them, or that nothing will be done to fix the problems anyway. A sense of hopelessness, a form of oppression. Citizen rights have been eroded. And even many of those who might have the sense of righteousness to stand up and fight are lulled to inaction by their belief in crazy conspiracy theories that someone else has it all under control and the nightmare will soon be righted.

Think about what has happened recently. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee were found in violation of the Federal Election Commission for their laundering campaign money to conjure up a false accusation of Russian collusion against presidential candidate Donald Trump. A sitting president, Barack Obama, used this falsified information to convince a secret court to allow the Democrats to spy on Trump’s campaign. All the while, the news media was declaring Trump guilty, and all who defended him were demonized. Now, after tens of millions were spent on investigations and court hearings, it turns out that it was all a lie. Hillary gets a slap on the wrist. No trial. No sentence.
Read More

Keep the Marxists’ “Long March” out of the Supreme Court
This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

For several generations, the radical left has been relentlessly engaged in what cultural Marxists call “a long march through the institutions.” This program of political warfare has systematically penetrated and undermined virtually every pillar of our Republic in order, as Barack Obama put it, to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”

The revolutionaries’ long march is now poised to reach the last hold-out: the Supreme Court. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is the choice of Black Lives Matters’ self-described Marxist leaders because she will be a champion of their subversive agenda of dividing Americans along racial lines, promoting toxic identity politics and undermining the “nuclear family.”

Judge Jackson’s radicalism is evident in her now-documented, inveterate leniency towards purveyors of child rape, torture and other forms of sexual abuse. She must not be allowed to begin fundamentally transforming the Supreme Court.

This is Frank Gaffney.  
Center for Security Policy
Senate votes to move forward with Jackson Supreme Court nomination after Judiciary Committee deadlock

Support from Romney, R-Utah, and Murkowski, R-Alaska, is major win for the White House after no Republicans voted for Jackson in the Senate Judiciary Committee. They joined Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, in voting in the affirmative Monday. She announced last week that she would back Jackson. 

Monday's vote also put all Democrats who hadn't officially announced their intention to vote for Jackson on the record on a vote related to the nomination, including Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz. All remained voted to bring the nomination out of committee.

The vote on the discharge motion was needed because the Senate Judiciary Committee deadlocked 11-11 on Jackson's nomination earlier Monday. In the 50-50 Senate, committees are evenly divided – and Republicans and Democrats split along party lines in the committee.

"This is the fourth time the Committee has voted on Judge Jackson in some capacity, a reflection of her extraordinary legal career," Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said Monday ahead of the vote. "It’s the first time that the Committee has had the opportunity to advance the nomination of a Black woman to sit on the Supreme Court. This is an historic moment for this Committee, and for America." (Fox News) Read more

- Father God, we continue to stand against this nominee for the pending vacant seat on the United States Supreme Court. We pray that the full Senate will vote to oppose her nomination, Lord. We ask for a miracle. In Your Name, amen and amen.

 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:19)  
Biden Calls for War Crimes Trial Against Putin

Over the weekend, graphic footage recorded by soldiers and journalists in recently liberated Kyiv Oblast depicted the aftermath of apparent Russian war crimes.

In Bucha, soldiers stumbled upon a mass grave containing the bodies of more than 150 civilians following the Russian military’s decision to abandon the town.

A Maxar Technologies satellite took photographs of the Kyiv suburb during its month-long occupation. They show extensive digging at the mass grave site had begun on March 10.

The developments have led President Biden to call for a war crimes trial against Russian leader .

Per CNN:

The US President did not, however, label the killings a “genocide” but said he was looking into additional sanctions against .

Biden said the images coming from Bucha warranted calling Putin a “war criminal,” adding, “but we have to gather the information. We have to continue to provide Ukraine with the weapons they need to continue the fight and we have to get all the details so this can be an actual — have a war crime trial.”

Biden’s assessment that the killings did not amount to a genocide puts him at odds with that of Ukrainian President , who used the term during an interview with CBS on Sunday. (American Liberty) Read more here. 

- Lord God in Heaven, we come to you today on bended knee. More and more, we are being cautioned by intercessory leaders to know that all we are seeing now is propaganda. If so, we ask that, in addition to the many media outlets (liberal and conservative) who are now reporting this news, we would also see "boots on the ground" to confirm this horrific news.

Lord God if this is true, then let Vladimir Putin be tried in an international court of law for the war crimes he has, and is, committing. Let this be done according to Your will, amen and amen.

- "The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence." (Psalm 11:5)
Landslide! Hungary's Pro-family PM Wins 4th Consecutive Term
Viktor Orbán defeats pro-LGBT opponent in landslide election victory 

'The entire world can see that our brand of Christian democratic, conservative, patriotic politics has won,' Orbán told cheering crowds.

BUDAPEST (LifeSiteNews) – Pro-life and pro-family Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has won a fourth term as the Central European nation’s leader after his conservative Fidesz Party’s landslide success at the polls was announced Sunday.

58-year old Orbán fought off a six-party coalition aimed at unseating him to take a supermajority in Parliament, with Fidesz now holding 135 of the 199 available seats, just under 68 percent, and the opposition bloc taking just 56 seats.

Orbán, who has presided over Hungary for 12 years and is the European Union’s (EU) longest serving prime minister, will now rule for a further four, despite early polls predicting he would be ousted.

The prime minister was welcomed by a crowd cheering his name Sunday night as polling results showed his success. Addressing his supporters, Orbán said that they “have won a great victory – a victory so great you can see it from the moon and certainly from Brussels.”

“The entire world can see that our brand of Christian democratic, conservative, patriotic politics has won.”

“We are sending Europe a message that this is not the past – this is the future, our common European future.” (Read more) 

> > > Reported by: Breaking Christian News and Lifesite News

- Lord God, we shout another HALLELUJAH for this victory!
Thank You Jesus, amen!

- Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord. (Psalm 150:6) 

Decree to counter false worship during Ramadan - Set the captives free! 
Dear Saints of the Most High God,

We are pleased to share this Decree with you, written by Barbara L. Potts, Kingdom or Ministries.

In this hour of intensified demonic attacks and spiritual warfare, we yet praise our God, knowing that it is written: "Underneath are the everlasting arms."

May His Love enfold you and His Grace carry you through the days of this very trying time.

In His Love,

Sara Ballenger and the Capitol Hill Prayer Partners  

> > > To read Barbara's decree, go here.

Rev. Barbara L. Potts 
Signs & Wonders
Where 'fantasy meets reality’: Cousteau grandson
pushes the legacy bounds undersea
He learned to scuba dive at age 4, went on his first expedition at 7. The grandson of the legendary ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau wants to create the international space station of the deep sea.

Describing Earth’s vast oceans as the “great barometer” for weather patterns, the grandson of legendary ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau has embarked on an ambitious underwater mission that could lead to the collection of better real-time data.

Fabien Cousteau, 54, a documentary filmmaker and ardent oceanographer in his own right, is spearheading a multimillion-dollar effort to build a state-of-the-art network of underwater laboratories around the world -- the equivalent of the International Space Space but in the depths far below.

“Being able to gather weather data from down below the blue veneer will give us a much more comprehensive data set to make better decisions to mitigate storm surges, to save potentially lives, not days or weeks, but months and possibly longer by looking at the conveyor belts of currents underwater,” said Cousteau, who spent many years during his youth aboard his grandfather’s famed Calypso research vessel.

Spending entire weeks underwater, he believes, can provide scientists with a constant stream of data and samples to aid a multitude of science fields and research. Read More

The Good News Corner
Souls Saved and Miraculous Healings Manifest at Salvation USA Crusade in Orlando
As an international evangelist who preaches the gospel in some of the most unreached and dangerous nations on the planet, Chris Mikkelson's foremost ministry goal is to see souls saved. And while he has preached in perilous places in the Middle East where Christians are often persecuted, including Pakistan, he is well aware of the need for Jesus in his own backyard in Orlando, Florida.

This weekend, Mikkelson—a protege of Christ for All Nations' Daniel Kolenda and the late Reinhard Bonnke—and his ministry team are hosting the Salvation USA Good News Gospel Crusade in a much smaller setting than they are accustomed to. Yet, the results have been the same. The first two nights have indeed seen salvations, deliverance and physical healings reminiscent of Mikkelson's Middle East crusades, where hundreds of thousands have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and many are baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Friday night, Mikkelson says he was greatly encouraged at the enthusiasm of the crowd that came to hear the Good News. "We had an epic first night," Mikkelson says. "I'm not sure if I have ever seen a crowd as excited and energetic as at a gospel crusade. Eddie James and his worship team did an amazing job leading us into the presence of God. My friend, Evangelist Steven Hurlburt, did an amazing job working the crowd and getting them excited. After I preached the gospel, the response was incredible. "From the stage it looked like at least 70% of the crowd raised their hands to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior," he adds. "When I asked them to come forward, the altar was full of people—many crying, receiving Jesus Christ into their hearts. It was a beautiful sight to see. (Charisam News) Read More  
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Will Thompson

Scripture: He’s calling you! Mark 10:49

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
Calling for you and for me;
See, on the portals He’s waiting and watching,
Watching for you and for me.

Come home, come home,
You who are weary, come home;
Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
Calling, O sinner, come home!

Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading,
Pleading for you and for me?
Why should we linger and heed not His mercies,
Mercies for you and for me?


Time is now fleeting, the moments are passing,
Passing from you and from me;
Shadows are gathering, deathbeds are coming,
Coming for you and for me.


O for the wonderful love He has promised,
Promised for you and for me!
Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon,
Pardon for you and for me.

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