The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Friday, Apr 29, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Friday, April 29, 2022
>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here. 
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The Daily Brief
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"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” (Luke 21:28)

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Russia Threatens Nuclear Third World War 
Russia’s foreign minister gave an interview in which he stated in no uncertain terms that a nuclear Third World War is a possibility and that by providing Ukraine with weapons, NATO has already fired the first shot. As horrifying as this sounds, Russian newscasters are laughing on camera while reporting on the potential of nuclear armageddon. 
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Russian news agency Tass on Tuesday that his government objected to using nuclear weapons on principle; however it was possible that the current conflict in Ukraine could develop to the point where the nuclear option would be used.
“This is our principled position, we are guided by this, and of course, I would not want to see these risks artificially inflated now, when the risks are rather significant,” Lavrov said. “The danger is serious; it is real; it should not be underestimated.” He warned that NATO supplying arms and munitions to Ukraine meant that the West was  “in essence [already] engaged in war with Russia” and those weapons “will be a legitimate target.” 
“The danger is serious, real. And we must not underestimate it,” Lavrov said. “These weapons will be a legitimate target for Russia’s military actions within the context of the special operation,” Lavrov said. “Storage facilities in western Ukraine have been targeted more than once [by Russian forces]. How can it be otherwise?” he added. “NATO, in essence, is engaged in a war with Russia through a proxy and is arming that proxy. War means war.” (Israel365 News) Read more here
Father, we absolutely bind the plans of Russia, or any other country to use nuclear weapons, in Jesus' name and we cancel the antagonism and threats.  We loose a peaceful resolution to these hostilities.  May the entire nuclear drama be brought under Godly authority.  We call for all of the leaders, Putin, Zelensky and NATO to put down their weapons and rhetoric and come to the table to talk.  Holy One, would you provide Your anointed mediator to bring Your agreement into the middle of this situation, in Jesus name. 

"The oath which He swore to our father Abraham: To grant us that we, Being delivered from the hand of our enemies, Might serve Him without fear,"               (Luke 1:73-74) 
“Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh,[fn] Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him. (Ezekiel 38:2) 

1. President Herzog: We will not allow the world to forget the Holocaust - Israel National News

President Isaac Herzog addressed the March of the Living today, Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day, in pre-recorded message broadcast to thousands of participants at the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. The March of the Living is taking place in person again this year after a two-year hiatus owing to the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Isaac Herzog’s full speech:

Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters. Three years ago I was here. Leading the delegation of the Jewish Agency for Israel, I marched alongside Jews and non-Jews to remember the millions murdered in the Shoah.

We marched to salute the martyrs of the Holocaust and the uprisings. We marched to commemorate the Righteous Among the Nations, those who risked their lives for ours. We marched to honor the sheer heroism and perseverance of the precious survivors. We marched and we cried. And we cried, and we cried.

For the past two years we took a step back from the horror. We grieved in our homes and connected through screens and Zoom. But today, thank G-d, I speak to you from Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish, democratic State of Israel, when you are there in the camp, marching again. (Read more)  

2. Yad Vashem to Dedicate Holocaust Memorial Center in Northern Israel - Algemeiner – Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center Chairman Dani Dayan announced on Wednesday plans to dedicate a Holocaust memorial center in northern Israel.

This would be the first initiative of its kind since Yad Vashem was built in Jerusalem in 1953.

Some $5 million dollars have been earmarked for the center’s construction in Nof HaGalil (formerly Nazareth Illit), according to the announcement. The new center will operate as a museum, and a permanent staff trained by Yad Vashem will head documentation, research and education activities pertaining to the Holocaust. (Read more)  

3. Bennett pleads for unity on Yom Hashoah as government teeters - World Israel News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett used the opportunity of speaking before the nation at the beginning of Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day Wednesday evening to make a plea for unity.

At the official state ceremony at Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, Bennett first spoke about the scourge of antisemitism that arises no matter what – when Jews are rich and when they are poor, whether they are in exile and are weak or back in their homeland and are strong, whether they assimilate completely or hold onto their faith.

The lesson to be learned, he said, is the need for a strong State of Israel, one in which the people believe in “the righteousness of our path” – and do not fight each other. (Read more) 

4. IDF Mobilizing 6 Reserve Battalions to Guard Breached PA Border Fence - Jewish Press

The IDF will mobilize six reserve battalions for the purpose of continuing to secure the seamline along the seamline space on the border with the Palestinian Authority, the army announced Thursday morning. The decision to call in reserve battalions in the coming weeks was reached following an assessment of the situation on the ground. According to the IDF spokesman, “the enlistment will continue the effort to prevent the entry of terrorists and the illegals through the seamline area in Judea and Samaria.” The enlistment will be staggered over a period of at least three weeks.

The seamline space is the nickname for a security defense plan based on military presence and the construction of barriers in the seamline area on the PA border. The seamline area traces the Green Line, Jerusalem and its outer neighborhoods, and the settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria nearest the Green Line.

A total of six reserve battalions will be mobilized in several rounds, to enable the continued deployment of forces in the Central Command while allowing the enlisted IDF units to maintain their operational missions and training routine. (Read more)  

5. Iran prepares for anti-Israel Quds Day with massive incitement - Jerusalem Post

Iran is preparing to bash Israel and increase the rhetoric and incitement against Israel throughout the Middle East this weekend as it rolls out Quds Day. Held on the last Friday of Ramadan, the day is pushed by Tehran to use Palestinian issues as a tool and make it seem like Iran has a legitimate reason to hate Israel.

This year’s Quds Day comes after tensions in Jerusalem and after Iran deal talks appear to have stalled. Iran also could be heading for “breakout” in its quest for a nuclear weapon. Tehran is also upping drone supplies, using technology and know-how and advise, as well as actual drones, to Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, according to Iranian reports.

The IRGC has put out statements in preparation for Friday’s Quds Day events, Iran’s Tasnim News Agency reported. The day is held the last Friday of Ramadan and often coincides with Laylat al-Qadr, an important day for Muslim worshipers who gather in Jerusalem. (Read more)  

The Daily Brief
1. Russia HALTS gas flows to Poland and Germany; Europe in PANIC as rolling blackouts are inevitable unless Europe finds RUBLES – NewsTarget
In the bombshell news of the week, Russia’s Gazprom natural gas exporter, exactly as promised, is shutting off gas flows to nations whose gas importers refuse to pay for gas in Rubles.

Gas flows for Poland and Germany are halted as of today, confirmed by Bloomberg and other outlets. Poland’s officials are currently in a state of hilarious denial, claiming they have enough “reserves” to keep gas flowing into “homes,” but utterly failing to mention there won’t be enough gas to power the electricity generation hubs or industrial customers that keep the country’s economy flowing.

It appears that Germany is emptying its war museums of old hardware while demanding Russia keep selling it gas in euros, even though Germany and other Western nations have declared Russia can no longer use euros or dollar, due to the extreme economic sanctions leveled against Russia (by the West).

These bullying tactics of the West are turning out to be disastrously catastrophic for Western nations, and Germany faces the near-total annihilation of its industrial base if it can’t somehow replace Russia’s natural gas deliveries (or find a way to pay in Rubles). The collapse of German industry will take a generation to recover, if ever, since shutting down manufacturing businesses and liquidating their assets usually involves selling off hardware and losing the human knowledge base of how to run that hardware. (Read more) 
Lord God, as we read this report, we are reminded of the ruthless, bullying tactics used by Pharoah as he attempted to defeat Moses and the Israelites in Egypt. Moses stood firm, God intervened, and the Israelites overcame their enemy while they were set free from bondage. We ask our Lord to intervene in this case, too -- that He would grant His wisdom and His strategies to the leaders of the nations now impacted by Russia's cutoff of their gas supplies. Come, Lord Jesus we pray! Show Yourself mighty on their behalf, once again. In Your Name, amen and amen!

- "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death." (Rev. 12:11) 

2. Biden Regime Warns Again that Iran Could Have Nukes within Weeks – Gateway Pundit

Americans thought that Afghanistan was bad.  Now we find out that Ayatollah of Iran could have a nuke within weeks. The Biden administration has made this argument several times since they moved into the White House.
Barack Obama did all he could to allow Iran to move ahead with its nuclear program.  Despite Obama’s claims otherwise, Obama sent Iran billions of cold hard cash to get Iran to sign an Iran deal, and then Biden reportedly has done it again.
In working on the deal, the Iranians wouldn’t work with the Biden team so Biden brought in Russia to help negotiate.  Of course, Russia made out and Iran got what it wanted.  We don’t know yet if this deal was ever signed. But now it’s being reported that Iran is only weeks away from having a nuke.  Newsmax reports:
The White House confirmed a warning issued by Secretary of State Antony Blinken to senators earlier on Tuesday that Iran could obtain a fully developed nuclear weapon in a ”matter of weeks” as their refining program ”has galloped forward,” 
“What Secretary Blinken said during his testimony this morning was that [Iran’s] breakout period is down from about a year — which is what we knew it was during the deal — to just a few weeks or less,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a press briefing. (Read more) 

- Dear Lord, this is so frightening! Once again, we ask the You intervene in this situation by Your mighty Hand, crippling Iran's ability to develop these nuclear weapons, and keeping us safe. We ask, O Lord, in Your name, amen and amen.

- "Our God, will You not judge them? For we are powerless before this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You.”  (2 Chronicles 20:12) 

3. Ex-Iranian MP: It was always Iran’s intention to build a nuclear bomb – Times of Israel
‘There is no need to beat around the bush,’ former parliament member Ali Motahari says; he argues Iran’s failure was not keeping its plans a secret for long enough
A former member of Iran’s parliament said in an interview with Iranian media on Sunday that Iran had always intended to build a nuclear bomb that would have been used as a “means of intimidation,” according to footage captured and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
“When we began our nuclear activity, our goal was indeed to build a bomb,” former Iranian politician Ali Motahari told ISCA News. “There is no need to beat around the bush,” he said.
His statements contradict Iran’s ongoing insistence that it never sought to build nuclear weapons — a claim rejected by Israel and Western intelligence services.
Motahari noted that the objective of building a bomb was pursued and supported by “the entire regime, or at least, the people who started this activity.” (Read more)   
- Dear Lord, we thank You for this truthful revelation of the suspected intentions of Iran concerning their nuclear ambitions. We pray, Dear Lord, that this militant nation, driven by religious fervor, will never attain weapons that will enable them to threaten their surrounding countries, especially Israel.  Father, may every turn they make only bring them further from their desired end. Thank You for sending the spirit of truth into this situation. 

- 'They bend their tongues like bows; lies and not truth prevail in the land; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know me,' declares the Lord."  (Jer. 9:3)    

4. Filmmaker: Documentary Proves Rampant Illegal Vote Trafficking in 2020 – The Epoch Times

Filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza believes that evidence presented in his new documentary, “2000 Mules,” proves that large-scale, illegal vote trafficking occurred in the 2020 election. D’Souza told The Epoch Times: “2000 Mules will settle the issue beyond a shadow of a doubt by using two powerful, independent modes of investigation. The evidence is so conclusive, so decisive, that it leaves nothing to argue about.”

The film opens in 300 theaters on May 2 and May 4.
D’Souza, who is a contributor to The Epoch Times, said an investigative team used cellphone tracking and video footage to prove that unauthorized intermediaries called “mules” collected thousands of absentee ballots from voters and deposited them in drop boxes for money, which is illegal in all 50 states.
Cellphones emit a unique and identifiable signal or “ping.” Trillions of pings were analyzed by investigators to reconstruct the movements of thousands of mules as they went about their work in the weeks prior to the 2020 presidential election, the documentary claims.“Who would have ever thought that investigators could look back in time and discover such things?” D’Souza said. (Read more)  

- Praise You, Father, for this movie coming out with the facts which have been totally denied and shunned by nearly all regular media.  We pray that this movie will stir up the electorate to volunteer in polling places in upcoming elections and that they will be alert to all fraud going on.  Lord, send angels to assist them to point out all suspicious situations and make our elections honest this time.  

- "Kings take pleasure in honest lips; they value one who speaks what is right."       (Proverbs 16:13)  

5. Pilots fear for safety of passengers as airlines continue to impose COVID-19 vaccine mandate – Brighteon.TV

Airline pilots fear that being coerced into taking the experimental and deadly Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine could endanger the safety of their passengers. This is according to airline pilot Josh Yoder, co-founder of U.S. Freedom Flyers, a health freedom organization demanding an end to the vaccine mandate for America’s pilots and other airline employees. Ann Vandersteel, host of “Steel Truth” on Brighteon.TV, interviewed Yoder during the April 21 episode of her program.

To emphasize his point, Yoder referred to the story of Robert Snow, a pilot for American Airlines who was forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine to keep his job. During a flight from Denver to Dallas-Fort Worth, his heart stopped six minutes after he landed his plane. He has blamed the COVID-19 vaccine for his deteriorating cardiovascular health. (Read more)  

-  Father God, how disturbing to have those who are in the midst of the situation speak out about how dangerous the vaccine is to pilots and thus to the public who depends on them to fly them safely to their destination.  We pray that You would work behind the scenes to lift this mandate off the pilots and also off the whole of the American workforce to be able to follow their own convictions about this inoculation.  Please remove all leaders who have been tyrannical in this matter.

- "They tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them."  (Matthew 24:3)  
6. Be warned: The World Health Organization’s “Pandemic Treaty” will destroy all remaining freedoms – Pandemic News
The United Nations is on a mission to enslave the planet, and one way it seeks to achieve this is through the new “Pandemic Treaty” being pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO). If adopted by WHO member nations, the Pandemic Treaty would remove all national sovereignty while granting the WHO the power and authority to mandate whatever it deems as necessary to treat a public health threat, whether real or imagined.
More than two years have passed since the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic was declared by the WHO, and the time is apparently ripe for a total transformation of the global medical paradigm.
If the UN gets its way, the WHO will soon be able to mandate covid “vaccines” and associated “passports” globally. The WHO would also be allowed to do the same for any future bioweapons that “escape” from Chinese or Ukrainian laboratories. Negotiations for the Pandemic Treaty began on March 3, 2022, but they have received little attention due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has swept global headlines. (Read more)   

- Lord Jesus, protect us from any agencies that want to control our freedoms. We ask you to put YOUR people in place at the WHO and prevent the pandemic treaty from being adopted. You have allowed us to be free to make our own medical decisions.  We choose to stay free. Thank you for your mercy and grace.
- “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)  

7. China’s shutdown of Shanghai port will ripple across the entire world by summer – Pandemic News

There is a major backlog of shipping vessels piling up off the coast of Shanghai, and the global effects of this will soon be seen. Because of another Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown, hundreds or even thousands of shipping vessels are floating around in the waters next to China.
Whatever their containers contain is not getting into or out of the country, in other words. And seeing as how much of the world relies on goods made in China, the impact of this come summer will be disastrous.

“The Chinese Communist Party is about to wreck your summer,” tweeted Craig Fuller, founder and CEO of FreightWaves and American Shipper, along with a graph showing that the coming volume drop in ocean container volumes (TEUs) leaving China for U.S. ports “is staggering.”
“Our Ocean TEU Volume Index in SONAR now has a 14-day forward look at volumes, and it looks ugly,” explained FreightWaves author Henry Byers. “By early May 2022, we could see the lowest levels we’ve seen since May of 2020.” (Read more)   
- Dear Father, we ask you to prepare the way for vessels in Shanghai to move where they are supposed to go. We need you to open the port, stir up the waves, bring up the anchors and direct these ships to their intended location. The ships are critical in successful international trade. We are so thankful you care about every aspect of our lives.

- “Some went off to sea in ships, plying the trade routes of the world. They, too, observed the Lord’s power in action, his impressive works on the deepest seas. He spoke, and the winds rose, stirring up the waves. Their ships were tossed to the heavens and plunged again to the depths; the sailors cringed in terror. They reeled and staggered like drunkards and were at their wits’ end. “Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor! Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things he has done for them. Let them exalt him publicly before the congregation and before the leaders of the nation.” (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭107:23-32‬)

8. "Woke” public schools increasingly dumping tests and teaching children to hate whites in the name of pursuing “diversity” and “equity – NewsTarget

As hard as it may be for you to do so, if you’ve got a child in public school, it would be in your and your child’s best interests long-term, to get them out and either homeschool them or put them into a private institution.That’s because the left-wing lunatics who have long dominated our public education system are going all-out to fully transform the next generation into a race-conscious cabal taught to hate the white race and blame everything bad in their lives on someone other than themselves.

As The New American reports:

Can quality withstand the assault of diversity? Cases in point: In Virginia and New York City, schools have nixed merit-based entrance exams driven by a racial motive — increasing the number of black and Hispanic students and reducing the presence of whites and Asian-descent youths.

In fact, in Fairfax County, Virginia, a school-board member even admitted that their racial machinations have “an anti asian [sic] feel.” (Read more)  

- Father God, please be with the Leaders of our school boards, teachers, principals, administration, Department of Education and any others who are in charge of training our children. Give them wisdom from above. Send us leaders who will do what is right in the sight of God, and who are not blinded by the woke agenda. Let’s bring back godly morals to the classroom and this nation.

- "There is joy for those who deal justly with others and always do what is right." (Psalms 106:3)   

9. DHS Sets up ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ to Fight ‘Misinformation’ – The Epoch Times
A “disinformation governance board” has been established at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to fight “misinformation” and will maintain “free speech, privacy, and civil rights” officials have confirmed.

DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas revealed the new initiative to lawmakers during a congressional hearing on April 27 when asked by Congressman Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) about what the department was doing to ensure election security and prevent misinformation from being used in the electrical process ahead of the 2022 midterms.
Langevin pointed to previous alleged Russian interference in U.S. elections.
“We have just established a disinformation governance board in the Department of Homeland Security to more effectively combat this threat, not only to election security but to our homeland security,” Mayorkas responded, noting that the new board will also focus on stopping the spread of misinformation in minority communities. (Read more) 

- Father, according to liberals, ‘truth’ is what the globalists/socialists/Marxists want us to believe. Jesus--the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life--we look to Your Holy Spirit and Your word to guide us into all truth. Save us from satan who uses lies and half-truths to lead us astray. We say a resounding “NO!” to a DHS ‘disinformation governance board’ run by Executive Director Nina Jankowicz (guilty herself of spreading disinformation about the alleged Hunter Biden laptop scandal). Thank you, Lord, for God-given freedoms. We pray that You cause this board, designed as a form of thought/speech control, to be dissolved quickly. In Jesus’ name, we cast down the Jezebel spirit operating within the DHS, and loose the Spirit of truth.
- But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.  (John 16:13)

10. Democrats Are Horrified Now That Twitter Might Actually Allow Free Speech - Daily Caller

Democratic lawmakers voiced their concerns that Twitter will allow more speech on its platform and potentially bring back former President Donald Trump after Elon Musk purchased the technology giant Monday.

Musk, who bought out Twitter for $54.20 per share Monday, has vowed to take the company in a more free speech-oriented direction, but Democrats argue that under Musk’s leadership, Twitter could see an increase of objectionable content on its platform.

“Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated,” Musk said in the statement.

Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren used Musk’s purchase to promote her proposal for a wealth tax and legislation regulating Big Tech, according to The Hill. “Musk purchasing Twitter is dangerous for our democracy,” Warren told The Hill. “It is a reminder why we need a wealth tax and why we need some serious regulation for Big Tech.” “One billionaire should not be able to turn the world upside down just because he plays by a different set of rules,” she added. (Read more)

- Father God, we continue to rejoice at the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk. We do not know if Musk is a believer, but we do see him a a patriot who wants only to see that our freedom of speech, guaranteed by our Constitution, is honored. Thank You, Lord, for Elon Musk, amen.

- "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour." (Romans 13:7)

11. Former US Marine Freed From Russian Detention In Prisoner Swap - Daily Caller

Trevor Reed, the former U.S. Marine who had been jailed in Russia, was freed Wednesday as part of a prisoner swap.

Reed was sentenced to nine years in jail in 2020 and charged with endangering the “life and health” of police officers in Russia, CNN previously reported. Reed’s parents had recently been outside the White House protesting, and met with President Joe Biden on March 30 to discuss their son.

Reed was released in a prisoner swap with Russian Konstantin Yaroshenko, who was serving 20 years in a U.S. prison for conspiring to smuggle cocaine, according to The Associated Press.

The U.S.–Russian prisoner swap coincides with increased tensions between the two countries amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. (Read more)

- Lord God, we do find it interesting that, just when American - Russian relations are deteriorating, we read about this breakthrough for Trevor Reed. Lord God, may this be the beginning of a breakthrough between our two countries, leading to peace and healing. We ask this in Your name, amen and amen.

- "For with God nothing will be impossible." (Luke 1:37)

The Daily Jot

Of Schools And Churches

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, April 28, 2022

There are two institutions involved in teaching at the local community level—churches and schools. Contemporary interpretation of law insists that the two are separated, but they have many things in common. In Loudoun County, Va., concerned parents started a movement over the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the grooming of young children by the homosexual community. This was the beginning of parents taking back the very local essence of school governance, which is how the Constitution intended it. Churches are also very local, yet parents lag behind the school parental rights movement in addressing the teaching of extra biblical and bad doctrine in the church. Both have similar consequences.

Loudoun County parents rebelled against a school board that turned a deaf ear to opposition of their tyrannical leftist stance to allow the teaching of a false history that demonized all white people, and the board’s position on allowing the sexual grooming of children. This local action is as it was intended by the US Constitution, that school boards would be local and autonomous from the power of the federal government. It was only when federal funds were introduced to school systems that schools were beholden to government policy. Don’t want the government in your kid’s business? Don’t accept federal funds. Another excellent example of the exercise of parental rights is found in Florida. Read More

Judge Orders Biden Administration not to End Title 42 Border Powers
President Joe Biden’s administration must stop implementing an order that terminates the Title 42 emergency border powers, a federal judge said on April 27. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) had recently started scaling back in its use of the powers in preparation for their termination, currently scheduled for late May.
Federal health officials decided the powers, which enable quick expulsion of illegal aliens due to fears of them bringing COVID-19 into the country, were no longer needed due to rising access to vaccines and treatments and the low level of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in the United States.
Instead of immediately terminating Title 42, the Biden administration announced on April 1 that it would end on May 23.
“Defendants, including DHS and all of its subdivisions, agencies, and employees, are hereby enjoined and restrained from implementing the Termination Order … and are further enjoined and restrained from reducing processing of migrants pursuant to Title 42,” U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays, a Trump appointee, said in a temporary restraining order.
The block is only in place for two weeks, unless the judge extends it. The order was imposed on the request of 21 states, including Arizona and Missouri. Attorneys general argued the implementation of the termination order violated federal law. Summerhays agreed. (Read more) 

> > > Source: Epoch Times
Praise You, Lord, that Judge Summerhays has blocked termination of Title 42 for two weeks. We pray that legal pleas would cause him to extend the blockage for as long as possible. Please send legions of angels to assist the border patrol at the southern borders until our government can function wisely and legally. May our existing immigration laws be properly enforced, admitting only persons who follow the set legal procedures.

Her leaders within her are like wolves tearing the prey, by shedding blood and destroying lives in order to make dishonest profit.            (Ezekiel 22:27)   
Hundreds of CDC Employees Haven't Received a Covid Shot 
Nearly 400 employees at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, according to data obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times.

Three hundred and 82 workers at the CDC are unvaccinated, Roger Andoh, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer at the agency, told The Epoch Times.

Another nine employees have just had one dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, meaning they do not qualify as fully vaccinated per the CDC’s guidelines.

Together, the number is 3.2 percent of the CDC’s workforce.

Andoh initially pointed to a press release from the government that contained data current as of December 2021 and declined to fully answer The Epoch Times’ FOIA request, which asked for more detailed figures current as of March 15, 2022. (Epoch Times)

“Please note that this is the most recent and most complete data available and some data elements that you requested are not available,” Andoh said initially. (Epoch Times) Read more. 
- Father God, we confess the CDC, NIH, FDA, and CMMS have not followed the strict guidelines they have imposed on our nation regarding covid-19 and have withheld important data from the public. We have been manipulated and scammed by hypocritical leaders. Lord Jesus, we forgive them but also pray for justice, righteousness and honorable government workers and elected officials in our land.  We pray that we will remain alert and hold onto the many lessons You have taught us in this time of great wickedness.
- The Lord enters into judgment with the elders and leaders of His people, “It is you who have devoured the vineyard; The goods stolen from the poor are in your houses. (Isaiah 3:14)
Signs & Wonders
Crew-4 Now Aboard the Space Station

NASA astronauts Mission Commander Kjell Lindgren, Pilot Bob Hines, and Mission Specialist Jessica Watkins, and Mission Specialist Samantha Cristoforetti of ESA (European Space Agency) now are aboard the International Space Station following Crew Dragon’s hatch opening about 9:15 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, April 27.

Crew-4 joins Expedition 67 crew of Raja ChariThomas Marshburn, and Kayla Barron, all of NASA, Matthias Maurer of ESA, and cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev, Sergey Korsakov, and Denis Matveev of Roscosmos.

Crew-4 astronauts launched to International Space Station at 3:52 a.m. Wednesday, April 27, from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The international crew of four will spend several months on the orbital complex on a science expedition mission. Read More

The Good News Corner
Zelensky prays to God to save Ukraine
In a message to mark the Orthodox Easter on Sunday, the Ukrainian president said he was believing "in a new victory for Ukraine" and that "our dawn is coming soon". President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted that Ukraine was "enduring dark times" but vowed that his country "will not be destroyed by any horde or evil". He also prayed to the "great and only God" to protect and save Ukraine. "We are enduring dark times. And on this bright day, most of us are not in bright clothes. But we are fighting for a bright idea. On the bright side. And the truth, people, the Lord and the holy heavenly light are on our side," he said. 

Zelensky said the whole country was unified in its prayer for Ukraine to be saved. "We have all been praying for the last two months. And in the Resurrection of Christ, which symbolizes the great victory of life over death, each of us asks the Lord for one thing. And speaks the same words to heaven. The words of a great and united prayer. Great and Only God! Save our Ukraine!" he said. Zelensky said that God would not forget towns like Bucha and Mariupol that have been ravaged by the war, nor "all those who survived brutal crimes".  Although Ukrainians are filled with "fury" over the invasion, he asked that God would "turn it into a force of good to defeat the forces of evil." (Christian Today) Read more.  
- Lord, we bless Your Holy name for sustaining President Zelensky during this challenging time in history. Your promised peace, that surpasses all understanding, has given him supernatural strength as a leader for his nation. We declare that his bold witness of Your protection and future victory for the people of Ukraine will turn many tender hearts towards seeking Your true salvation! We give You all the GLORY-In Jesus powerful name, Amen. 

- “I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.” (Job 42:5)  
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

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Classic Hymns

O How I Love Jesus

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Frederick Whitfield
Music: 19th Century American Melody

Scripture: Because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

There is a name I love to hear,
I love to speak its worth;
It sounds like music in mine ear,
The sweetest name on earth.

O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
O how I love Jesus,
Because He first loved me!

It bids my trembling heart rejoice;
It dries each rising tear;
It tells me, in a still small voice,
To trust and never fear.


This name shall shed its fragrance still
Along this thorny road,
Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill
That leads me up to God.


And there, with all the blood-bought throng,
From sin and sorrow free,
I’ll sing the new eternal song
Of Jesus’ love to me.


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