Legislative Snapshot

Legislative Snapshot - April 30, 2022
Legislative Snapshot
United We Stand                  April 30, 2022
Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

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The Daily Brief:
Legislative Snapshot
Saturday, April 30th, 2022

"For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at: chpp1994@gmail.com requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.  

"We the People"

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Today's Top Story 
Ethics of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, other justices questioned at hearing
Experts and lawmakers Wednesday questioned how strict ethics rules should be for Supreme Court justices, a topic that has gained importance recently with revelations that Ginni Thomas, the wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, supported efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential election results. But the discussion at a House subcommittee hearing largely split along party lines. Republicans accused reform proponents of partisan and racial attacks against Justice Thomas. Democrats pointed to ethical lapses of justices appointed by both parties and the importance of the appearance of impartiality, in addition to impartiality as defined by law.

Several experts on the subject suggested a binding code of ethics for Supreme Court justices as a step toward ethics reform. "This house is built on the rule of law," said Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., who chairs the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet. "Its foundation is fairness, transparency and accountability. But the lack of enforceable ethical standards for judicial officers is a crack in that foundation."

A Senate Judiciary subcommittee will hold a similar hearing next week.

Thomas family plays central role in hearing

The hearing came a month after reports revealed Ginni Thomas texted Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows in early 2021 and urged him to challenge the 2020 election. “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!...You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History,” according to a text she sent Meadows in November 2020, according to The Washington Post .

Clarence Thomas last year sided with Donald Trump when the former president tried to keep insurrection-related communications secret. It's unknown whether Ginni Thomas' texts were in that batch of communication, or whether Justice Thomas knew about his wife’s efforts related to the election. But the justice's decision, as well as the subsequent revelations about Ginni Thomas's actions, reignited the debate over ethics and the high court.

"This problem is much bigger than Clarence Thomas, but his is a case in point for why enacting enforceable ethics rules is long past due," Johnson said. (Newsbreak)
Read more 
- Father God, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the witch hunt that has been launched against President Donald John Trump has now moved to a new battlefront: Ginni Thomas. Lord God, we know that Ginni Thomas is a sister in Christ, and a woman of impeccable integrity.
And Lord God, we also know from Scripture that You do protect Your own. Thank You, Abba, for surrounding Ginni Thomas with a shield of protection, even as her enemies are seeking to harm her. Thank You, Lord, in Your name, amen and amen.

- No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.
(Isaiah 54:17)

Sen. Rick Scott Rolls Out Package to Hold Communist China Accountable & Protect U.S. Investors 
Senator Rick Scott announced a package of four finance-focused bills to hold Communist China accountable and better protect American investors and families. As tensions between the U.S. and Communist China continue to rise, these important bills will put safeguards in place to protect Americans’ hard-earned investments and stop exploitation by the Communist Chinese government. Since being elected to the Senate in 2018, Senator Scott has been urging both federal agencies and private businesses to decouple operations and investments from the genocidal Chinese regime. The proposed legislation will hold Communist China accountable by closing investment sanctions loopholes, protecting investors from dubious Chinese companies, imposing new sanctions, demanding additional transparency and accountability from publicly-traded companies, and identifying vulnerabilities and requiring disclosures so that transactions are transparent and safe for Americans.

Senator Rick Scott said, “We know Communist China will stop at nothing to exploit American markets and take advantage of U.S. investors and companies doing business within its country. Communist China poses a clear and present threat to the U.S. economy and its top targets are our investors, markets, supply chains and jobs. I continue to strongly advocate for all American investors and business leaders to cut ties with Communist China, and forcing transparency to expose both financial and national security risks is absolutely necessary to achieve this. Chinese companies largely operate under the control of the Chinese Communist Party, and if they continue to act in bad faith, we cannot as a country continue to invest and provide capital to their regime. This package will do just that. I’m proud to have such strong support from my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in our fight to hold Communist China accountable and keep Americans’ finances and retirements safe.”

> > > Read more about Senator Scott’s package to hold Communist China accountable HERE.

- Father God, we thank You for the courage and the wisdom being demonstrated by this senator from the State of Florida. We ask that the entire Congress -- both House and Senate -- would show favor in this bill, and that it would be passed quickly and signed into law by the president. In Your Name, Holy One, we ask this prayer, amen and amen.

- " . . . if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven" (Matthew 18:19)
Biden’s “digital gulag”
This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

The man enabling millions to immigrate here illegally just unveiled another, mortal threat to our country. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced that his department is establishing an Orwellian Ministry of Truth called the Disinformation Governance Board.

It’s not hard to connect the dots on how such an effort to restrict speech will tie into the rest of the Marxist revolutionary wrecking operation the Biden administration is mounting. A new “Digital Gulag” is being constructed in which vaccine passports repackaged as 
SMART health cards will provide infrastructure for the surveillance, data weaponization and control mechanisms the Chinese Communists call the “Social Credit System.” It will be used to track and punish those deemed guilty of thought crimes called “disinformation.”

Learn what we can do about this at our 
“Digital Gulag” webinar on Monday at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Register at StopVaxPassports.org.

This is Frank Gaffney.
Center for Security Policy 
In Context: Spending as Leverage
Annual appropriations requests are under consideration in committee and talks have begun on fiscal year 2023 spending levels.

Other items for additional beyond-budget spending include more Ukraine aid and coronavirus response. There is bipartisan agreement for the former, and not so much for the latter.

Coronavirus spending already
missed the boat once because House Democrats revolted against Senate Republican attempts to recall unspent funds from previous coronavirus spending. Since then, Republicans are additionally seeking to tie additional COVID spending to maintaining the COVID Title 42 immigration policy. The heavy lift became even heavier.

Democrats have been looking for leverage to get this spending moving. Earlier this week, instead of considering the religious liberty of churches to assemble themselves together to be an immovable principle, Senate Majority Leader Schumer
cited church gatherings as leverage for more COVID spending.

Ukraine aid is their next target. Democrats seem to be
assuming the desire for Ukraine aid is enough to overcome Republican objections to COVID spending if the two are tied together. Or it could have the reverse effect. Attempting to force Republicans to accept our own accelerating border situation may hold back funding for another nation dealing with its invaders.

Leader Schumer is
touting more COVID spending as being for “the next round of vaccine doses, testing, and the new lifesaving therapeutics.” Yes, we've been wasting millions of dollars testing asymptomatic people. It feeds the push for injection and testing mandates and unnecessary fear among the People. It needs to stop, not get more funding. That testing is excessive has also been known in Canada and in the UK for some time.

Anthony Fauci himself has
said the US is “out of the pandemic phase,” and in his clarification made no mention of funding running out or need for additional funding. If additional funding is needed, it should go through the normal appropriations process: the one Congress is working on right now, not more “emergency” spending.

Father, we ask that Congress would not waste money. We ask you to give them wisdom, discernment, and courage to see and thoroughly understand the spending proposals. May they not allow wasteful spending. May they not allow good ideas to be used as leverage in pushing bad ideas. Give them wisdom on the intersection of spending and foreign policy as it relates to the pending situation in Ukraine. Have Your way, Lord, and please use us as best as You see fit.

“Where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” (James 3:16-18)
Daily DigestsHouseSenatePrayersCommittee Reports

SenateDaily Leader Remarks • Actions begun, passed, declined

Senate confirms liberal favorite Lael Brainard as Fed’s new vice chairwoman, COVID-19 trips Democrats on Cook vote

Senate Democrats block overturning of Biden's pro-abortion Title X rule49-49

Sen. Tester: ‘we see the potential for food to become a serious problem in this country, and potentially even weaponized.’

HouseBills • Actions passed

House passes two Alaska bills sponsored by late-Rep. Don YoungH.R. 441, H.R. 6651

House Passes AXIS Act That Accuses China of ‘Whitewashing Russia’s War Crimes’H.R. 7314

H.R. 6930: Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction ActFour Republicans, four Democrats vote 'no' on bill urging Biden to confiscate assets from sanctioned oligarchsLawmakers explain

S.3522: Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 202210 Republicans voted 'no' on the Ukraine lend-lease bill

Democrat admits 'unparliamentary language' after criticism of GreeneDebate

House discharge petition filed on Protection of Women and Girls in Sports ActH.R. 426, Discharge Petition 117-13
National Security

Rep. Chris Smith's bill would reinstate troops who were discharged over vaccineH.R. 7570

Warren introducing legislation to address civilian harm from military operationsS. 4107, S. 4108

Foreign Policy

Lawmakers return from Poland with resolve to help UkraineBiden endorses proposal to direct seized Russian assets to support UkraineBiden announces legislative proposals to crack down on Russian oligarchs

Democrats call out India for buying Russian oil and weapons

Why It’s Time To Label China a ‘Genuine Adversary’

The Senate's treaty oversight has atrophied just as it's needed most

First Amendment

Congress Needs the CROWD Act to Protect Free Speech

Second Amendment

Democrats ask TSA to crack down on guns

Hoyer Writes Third Letter to House Sergeant at Arms, effectively urges suspension of Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution in U.S. CapitolLetter


Dems struggle to contain fallout over Covid-era immigration ruleGOP doubles down on Title 42 vote after court order

Election-year politics complicates Senate immigration talks

Congress must bring more high-skilled workers to America

Tax Policy

Vulnerable Democrats press Pelosi to reverse rejection of gas tax holiday

Federal Spending

Biden asks Congress for $33 billion in Ukraine aid (Biden Remarks, White House Fact Sheet, Background Press Call, Letter to the Speaker) • Proposes Holding Russian Oligarchs and Elites Accountable

Pelosi endorses strategy to combine Ukraine, COVID aidGOP raises red flag

‘Build Back Better’ shows signs of life but spending bill faces hurdlesDemocrats split over how hard to push Biden agendaManchin: Scaled-down bill should focus on inflation, debt reductionDems offer reality check on Manchin, Build Back BetterManchin’s moves leave Democrats doubting their agenda will pass

Top lawmakers to start government funding talks

Big Business Asks Congress For Massive Handouts ‘Accelerating’ Clean Energy Transition

Congress’s overspending is the problem, not a lack of tax dollarsThe Budget Trick Congress Uses To Underestimate Cost of Massive Federal Programs


Lankford, HSGAC Republicans demand details on illegal PPP loans to abortion providers

Republicans take aim at Biden's authority on student loans

McCarthy warns of impeachment for Biden border official

Jim Jordan raises 'concern' with John Durham regarding FBI

Sanders presses Biden on federal contracts amid Amazon union push


House sends bill requiring online publication of judges' financial disclosures to Biden

Democrat says Judicial ethics problems are bigger than Clarence Thomas

Supreme Court

Is Nancy Pelosi Establishing a Religion (by having prayer on the House floor)? No, and neither is a high school football coach at the center of a pending Supreme Court case when he prays on the field after a football game.

Commerce Policy

Democrats say they will act soon to lower gas prices, focus on oil company 'price gouging'

Truckers hope bill brings long-sought overtime pay to their fieldH.R. 7517

Manchin meets with bipartisan group on climate change

Health Care Policy

Clyburn requests briefing on status of COVID vaccines for young kids

Florida congressman says Aduhelm's FDA approval 'muddied the waters' for future Alzheimer's drugsLawmakers eye affordability in push for expanded Alzheimer's treatment

Technology Policy

Musk buying Twitter alarms Democrats

Democrats pick fight against Big Tech ahead of 2022 election: ‘Apple is flipping out’S. 2710

Greene offers bill to abolish Section 230H.R. 7613, companion to S.1384


Lankford, Daines, Colleagues Demand Senate Terminate Citibank Contract after Shareholder Letter Offering to Fund Abortion travel for staff

Former longtime Utah Senator Orrin Hatch dies at the age of 88Former Senate colleagues, politicians remember Hatch as ‘giant in the Senate,’ ‘jewel’Members of Congress Remember Late Sen. Orrin HatchBiden mourns Hatch as an 'American original' (Statement)

Manchin said he'd caucus with GOP if Thune were Senate leader: book

Former Freedom Caucus chairman says McCarthy’s taped comments pose a ‘huge trust issue’, cites 3 specific concerns: McCarthy's undermining the conference, dissembling to the conference, and supporting deplatforming Trump-supporting conference membersGaetz lashes out at McCarthy, Scalise after leaked commentsMcCarthy isn't worried about losing conservative support despite latest controversyHouse Republicans give McCarthy standing ovation, brush off tapesMcCarthy defends leaked audio slamming Trump and calls on Republicans to unifyLawmakers targeted by McCarthy in new audio recordingsScalise, Gaetz meet privately after fallout from leaked callPelosi says audio recordings show McCarthy 'inconsistent' on lawmaker safety

McHenry says he will seek chairmanship, not whip position

Hawaii congressman spotted in DC for first time since January

Schumer declines to comment on Feinstein’s fitness for office

Tillis calls for investigation of Cawthorn over insider trading allegations
Pending Activity
Committee Activity

GOP slams top consumer watchdog at hearing, alleging overreach

Opening Remarks by Secretary Antony J. Blinken Before the Senate Foreign Relations CommitteeRand Paul and Blinken spar over Putin invading countries that 'were part of Russia' • Opening Remarks by U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken: Before the House Committee on Foreign AffairsBefore the House Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs

House committee grills McKinsey for working with both FDA, Purdue Pharma

Texts show Greene urged Meadows to have Trump ‘calm people’ on Jan. 6Raskin responds to 'chilling' report Pence refused to leave Capitol on Jan. 6McCarthy’s comment on Trump pardon (“I do not want to get into any conversation about Pence pardoning”) could be key for Jan. 6 panelJan. 6 panel mulls second invitation to McCarthyJan. 6 panel announces eight hearings to be held in June

House panel to explore impeachment, judicial ethics in wake of Ginni Thomas texts

Floor Outlook


COVID-19 (Murphy, Wyden, Harris) delays two key Biden nominees in Senate

Senate Democrats embrace bipartisan gangs as agenda stalls

House of Representatives

Speaker Pelosi invites Greek prime minister to address Congress on May 17
3 p.m., Monday, May 2

Program for Monday: Senate will resume consideration of the nomination of Joshua Frost, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and vote on the motion to invoke cloture thereon at 5:30 p.m.

Thursday, 4/28, Senate began consideration of 2 nominations:

Joshua Frost, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

Elizabeth de Leon Bhargava, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Armed Services
Hearings to examine the posture of the Department of the Air Force in review of the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2023 and the Future Years Defense Program;
to be immediately followed by a closed session in SVC-217.

Subcommittee on Defense
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 for the Department of Defense.

Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 for theNational Aeronautics and Space Administration and the National Science Foundation.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Hearings to examine the President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2023 for the Department of Transportation.

Foreign Relations
Hearings to examine Department of State authorization, focusing on strengthening U.S. diplomacy for the 21st century.

Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Subcommittee on Employment and Workplace Safety
Hearings to examine connecting workers and communities, focusing on preparing and supporting the broadband workforce.

Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights
Hearings to examine an ethical judiciary, focusing on transparency and accountability for 21st century courts.

Rules and Administration
Business meeting to consider the nomination of Dara Lindenbaum, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Federal Election Commission.

Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 for theInternal Revenue Service.

Armed Services
Subcommittee on Cybersecurity
Hearings to examine artificial intelligence applications to operations in cyberspace.

Veterans' Affairs
Hearings to examine the VA workforce, focusing on assessing ways to bolster recruitment and retention.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 for the Department of Health and Human Services.

Subcommittee on Homeland Security
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 for theDepartment of Homeland Security.

Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 for the Forest Service.

Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 for theDepartment of Energy.

Foreign Relations
Business meeting to consider the nominations of
John N. Nkengasong, of Georgia, to be Ambassador at Large, Coordinator of United States Government Activities to Combat HIV/AIDS Globally,
Marc B. Nathanson, of California, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Norway, Mary
Kay Loss Carlson, of Arkansas, to be Ambassador to the Republic of the Philippines,
Philip S. Goldberg, of the District of Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, and
Caroline Kennedy, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Commonwealth of Australia, all of the Department of State, amendments to the Treaty on Fisheries between the Governments of Certain Pacific Island States and the Government of the United States of America (Treaty Doc. 115-3), agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Croatia comprising the instrument as contemplated by Article 3(2) of the Agreement on Extradition between the United States of America and the European Union, signed June 25, 2003, as to the Application of the Treaty on Extradition signed on October 25, 1901 (the "U.S.-Croatia Extradition Agreement"), and the Agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of the Republic of Croatia comprising the Instrument as contemplated by Article 3(3) of the Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance between the United States of America and the European Union signed at Washington on June 25, 2003 (the "U.S.-Croatia Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement"), both signed at Washington on December 10, 2019 (Treaty Doc. 116-2), amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (the "Montreal Protocol"), adopted at Kigali on October 15, 2016, by the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (the "Kigali Amendment") (Treaty Doc. 117-1), and other pending calendar business.

Hearings to examine excessive swipe fees and barriers to competition in the credit and debit card systems.

Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight
Hearings to examine laws and enforcement governing the political activities of tax exempt entities.

Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law
Hearings to examine platform transparency, focusing on understanding the impact of social media.

Foreign Relations
Hearings to examine the nominations of
Jane Hartley, of New York, to be Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland,
Alan M. Leventhal, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark,
Constance J. Milstein, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Malta, and
Bruce I. Turner, of Colorado, for the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service as U.S. Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, all of the Department of State, and other pending nominations.

Indian Affairs
An oversight hearing to examine implementing the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for Native communities, focusing on setting new foundations.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection
Hearings to examine overdraft fees and their effects on working families.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Hearings to examine resources and authorities needed to protect and secure the homeland.

Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2023 and advance appropriations requests for fiscal year 2024 for theDepartment of Veterans Affairs.

Armed Services
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
Hearings to examine the Nuclear Weapons Council.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Business meeting to consider
S. 977, to amend the Sherman Act to make oil-producing and exporting cartels illegal, and
• the nomination of S. Lane Tucker, to be United States Attorney for the District of Alaska, Department of Justice.

Armed Services
Hearings to examine the posture of the Department of the Army in review of the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2023 and the Future Years Defense Program;
to be immediately followed by a closed session in SVC-217.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearings to examine student loan servicers and their impact on workers.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation
Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security
Hearings to examine ensuring fairness and transparency in the market for prescription drugs.

Energy and Natural Resources
Hearings to examine the President's proposed budget request for fiscal year 2023 for the Department of Energy.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Hearings to examine securing and ensuring order on the southwest border.

Hearings to examine whether taxpayer dollars should go to companies that violate labor laws.
House meets in Pro Forma sessions next week during a District Work Period.
No House committee meetings are scheduled for next week.
Our Weekly Call to Repentance

CHPP Welcomes You to Join Us Every Week in One Hour of Repentance

Sunday evening at 10:00 p.m. EDT
Dial 712-770-5350
Access Code: 150411#

Dear Saints,

A lifestyle of REPENTANCE is so close to the heart of God.

Indeed, He commands us to  "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Matthew 3:2

How, then, can we approach His Throne of GRACE, in repentance?

We invite you to join us every week on Sunday evening, as we explore this vital topic together. We present a different prayer focus each week, leading us into repentance, so that we might approach His Throne of Grace in repentance, presenting ourselves to Him as a pure and a spotless Bride, without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27)

Praying together, we desire to fulfill the mandate of Psalm 139:

" Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:24

You can join us, any Sunday evening, at 10:00 p.m. EST by calling:

Access Code: 150411#



". . . and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place."
(2 Chronicles 7:14,15)

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