The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Wednesday, April 13, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Join us tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. EDT for a brief (half-hour) service to remember
the Last Supper. This was the night before the Crucifixion -- the night when our Lord served the first communion. Let us settle our hearts and honor this holy moment together. Please have your own elements ready as we, too, receive Communion at the table of the Lord.

Conference number: 717-908-1834
Access Code: 616137#
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. EDT

>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Worthy of it All" by Phil Wickham & Chandler Moore. Go here! 

"And God said unto Moses, 'I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.'" (Exodus 3:14)

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Brooklyn subway shooting: person of interest identified

New York City authorities have identified Frank R. James as a person of interest in connection with a shooting at a Brooklyn subway station Tuesday morning. 

Police said James has addresses in Wisconsin and Philadelphia. His possible ties to New York City weren’t immediately clear.

"We are looking to determine if he has any connection to the attack," NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig said. 

A $50,000 reward is being offered for information regarding the shooting. 

Mayor Eric Adams' Press Secretary Fabien Levy said James had allegedly made comments about the mayor, but did not elaborate. He said the NYPD was increasing security for the mayor "out of an abundance of caution." (Fox News) Read more.

The gunman in Tuesday morning's subway shooting would have shot more people but the extended magazine in his weapon jammed when the train he was on arrived at the 36th Street station in Brooklyn.  

The shooter has not yet been identified and he remains at large, some six hours after opening fire on a busy northbound N train as it approached 36th Street in Sunset Park. 

The FBI has now joined the hunt for him and armed police units are patrolling Brooklyn for any clue of his whereabouts. 
There is a heightened police presence all over the city, particularly on the subway, and some schools in Brooklyn have been told to shelter in place. (The Daily Mail) Read more. 

- Father, hear and answer our prayers that go out to every person injured and traumatized from this wicked action.  We forgive the shooter; may he be quickly found and brought to justice and repentance, in Jesus name.  Release the presence of God in the lives of all involved here and may healing come quickly to those who have been injured, in Jesus name.

- "'Therefore listen to me, you men of understanding; Far be it from God to do wickedness, And from the Almighty to commit iniquity.' . . . ' Surely God will never do wickedly, Nor will the Almighty pervert justice.'"  (Job 34:10, 12) 

After Two Years of Lockdowns and Mandates Americans Are Protesting While Chinese in Shanghai Are Screaming in Terror (VIDEO)

People across the globe are tired of the insane, unnecessary and anti-freedom COVID mandates and lockdowns around the world.  Even people in China are showing they’ve had enough.  

TGP shared earlier that thousands joined the protests in California against the COVID mandates and lockdowns instituted by corrupt politicians that disregard our freedoms and Constitution.  These mandates are not based on science but are based on control.

Newsweek reported over the weekend on a tweet reportedly from Shanghai where people there are now responding to the COVID lockdowns with screams. These people are obviously sick and tired of being locked down in their small apartments across the country for no good reason.

China tricked the world in early 2020 with videos of people falling in the streets in Wuhan sick with COVID.  These sights were not seen anywhere in the world since.

China also worked closely with the WHO Director who claimed COVID would have a 3.4% mortality rate.  Something we determined was inaccurate based on information available at the time.  We were attacked by the fake fact-checkers and Media Matters at that time which meant we were over the target.

We were over the target and we were right.

Now China is leading the charge with lockdowns in Shanghai and Hong Kong which are unnecessary and do not prevent the spread of COVID.  US politicians are planning the same.  No wonder people are screaming and protesting. (The Gateway Pundit) Read more here.

- Holy King, we beseech You to grant us the strength and wisdom to bring these lockdowns to a stop.  The evidence is overwhelming, showing the evil done to people when they are forcibly isolated and alone.  You, Father, created us to be in relationship with others, so please bring judgment to these cruel and tyrannical lockdowns in Your powerful way.  We ask You to intervene on behalf of the people in Shanghai, Hong Kong and any other place; let them feel Your presence and hear Your name above the chaos and cry out to You, in Jesus name.

- "My soul yearns for you in the night; my spirit within me earnestly seeks you.  For when your judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness."  (Isaiah 26:9 ESV)  

1. The PA and Fatah are behind the current terror wave - JNS

(April 11, 2022 / JNS) Make no mistake: The current terror wave in Israel, in which as of the time of writing four terrorists have murdered 14 people, was initiated and is being fueled by the Palestinian Authority and P.A. chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party.

The P.A. and Fatah are using all their usual methods: implicit and direct calls for violence; demonization of Israel and Israelis; invoking the false claim that Israel and Israelis are planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque; attacking Israeli politicians for walking in Jerusalem; and repeating sundry other libels.

As Palestinian Media Watch has already exposed, in the run-up to the Muslim month of Ramadan, the P.A. intensified its false rhetoric that Israel was seeking to escalate violence and destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Those calls were then used as a means to incite hatred and spark terror attacks. (Read more)

2. Danny Danon slams FM Yair Lapid: ‘No leadership, no deterrence’ - Israel National News

The World Likud movement held a festive event on Monday in the run-up to the holiday of Passover, and as the political system prepares for elections. Knesset members, mayors and hundreds of activists attended, alongside Avihu Medina, a renowned Israeli singer and songwriter as well as the winner of the Israel Prize in the field of Hebrew song.

Danny Danon, chairman of the World Likud and former Israeli ambassador to the UN, spoke at the conference, addressed the lack of security and attacked the current government.

"In order to win a war, the guiding rule is to transfer the fight from our home front into the strongholds of terror. The equation must be reversed – we need to fight the terrorist hubs," he said. (Read more)  

3. IDF conducts mass counterterrorism raid in Jenin - World Israel News

Massive IDF forces, including several elite units, conducted a counterterrorism operation in Jenin early Sunday morning in the Palestinian Authority (PA) city of Jenin.

The forces arrested several terror suspects, following the terror attack in Tel Aviv on Thursday night that claimed the lives of three Israelis.

The IDF stated that its Special Forces, including the Shayetet 13 Naval Commandos, the Egoz Unit, the Golani Reconnaissance Unit, and other security forces “acted on precise intelligence” and arrested eight suspects for involvement in terrorist activity.

During the counterterrorism operation, the forces and local terrorists exchanged fire, and at least two armed Islamic Jihad terrorists were shot. (Read more) 

4. ‘No government with Joint List,’ Bennett vows amid coalition crisis - Jerusalem Post

The coalition will not invite the Joint List to join its ranks, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett vowed amid an ongoing political crisis and outrage after Joint List leader Ayman Odeh called on Israeli police officers to refuse orders.

“The Joint List is not in this government, and will not be in this government,” Bennett told Channel 12, in one of his three television interviews on Monday. “The Joint List is not in the coalition and will not be in the coalition. There is no need to fall for every spin by our rivals. The ones in an alliance are Odeh, the Likud, and [Religious Zionist Party leader Bezalel] Smotrich – an alliance of trolls.”

In a Ramadan message, Odeh said that “it is humiliating for one of our sons to join the security forces of the occupation... Palestinian flags will be hoisted on the walls of Jerusalem and peace will spread in the land of peace. The young people must not join the occupying forces. Throw the weapon in their face and tell them that our place is not with you.” (Read more)  

5. Troops foiling around two Palestinian terror attacks every day, officer claims - Times of Israel

Israeli defense officials believe that they are stopping an average of two terror attacks every day that troops crack down on the northern West Bank city of Jenin and its surrounding area, Channel 13 news reports, citing an unnamed senior official.

The channel says that the military claims they are preventing attacks in which weapons or terrorists are already ready to go.Aside from mass casualty assaults, which Israel has seen a rash of in recent weeks, defense officials also classify stone-throwing attacks and certain actions during clashes between Palestinians and troops as terror attacks. 
(Read more)   

The Daily Brief
1. Obama reacts to Russia's Ukraine invasion: 'Putin has always been ruthless’ - Fox News

Former President Barack Obama revealed in a Tuesday morning interview about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine that Vladimir Putin "has always been ruthless against his own people as well as others." 

Obama, speaking to NBC’s "Today" Show, described the Russian president as someone who has always been "wrapped up in this twisted, distorted sense of grievance and ethnic nationalism. 

"What we have seen, with the invasion of Ukraine, is him being reckless in a way that you might not have anticipated eight, ten years ago, but you know, the danger was always there," Obama said. (Read more)  

- Father God, we ask You to chasten wicked tyrants that have taken control of governments in so many nations.  May we all have ears to hear Your truth in the midst of evil ones accusing evil ones.  This is a treacherous time and we commit our every step and every moment into Your hands, O King.  May we pray with discernment and Godly wisdom to see every captive set free.  

- "He breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry, And sets others in their place."  (Job 34:24) 

2. Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt signs near-total abortion ban that will take effect in August - The Oklahoman

Oklahoma is poised to outlaw most abortions come August after Gov. Kevin Stitt signed on Tuesday a bill to classify performing the procedure as a felony
In a signing ceremony, Stitt approved Senate Bill 612 that will punish medical providers who perform abortions with up to 10 years in prison or fines of up to $100,000. 

A reproductive rights group already plans to sue the state over the new law. :The full text of Oklahoma's newest abortion law that makes the procedure a felony

Stitt said he was keeping his pledge to sign all anti-abortion bills that advance to his desk. 

"We want Oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country," he said. "We want to outlaw abortion." (Read more)  

- Praise the Lord for Governor Stitt and bless his people with Your grace and discernment!  We pray strength for them to stand strong in the fight against Planned Parenthood and may the judges of Oklahoma be committed to life, as this bill is brought into court.  We know there is great money and pressure Father, but Your heart for life is far greater, so we pray for an overwhelming victory in this matter and that the opponents be brought to repentance, in Jesus mighty name.  Amen!

- "There they are in great fear, For God is with the generation of the righteous."  (Psalm 14:5)   

3. NY lieutenant governor arrested in campaign donation scheme - AP News

New York Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin was arrested Tuesday in a federal corruption investigation, creating a political crisis for Gov. Kathy Hochul seven months after she selected Benjamin as a partner to make a fresh start in an office already rocked by scandal.

Benjamin, a Democrat, was accused in an indictment of participating in a scheme to obtain campaign contributions from a real estate developer in exchange for Benjamin’s agreement to use his influence as a state senator to get a $50,000 grant of state funds for a nonprofit organization the developer controlled.

Facing charges including bribery, fraud, conspiracy and falsification of records, Benjamin pleaded not guilty Tuesday at an initial appearance in Manhattan federal court. He was released and bail was set at $250,000. The terms of his release call for his travel to be restricted and bar him from returning to the state capitol in Albany. (Read more)  

- We pray for this man to repent and we thank You Abba for justice to come to him.  May this be the start of a cleansing that many believers in New York have long been praying for.  Let honorable leaders of integrity rise up to fill the void left by those whose foundations were nothing but shifting sand and let God arise over New York and the USA.

- "May the Lord cut off all flattering lips, And the tongue that speaks proud things.  Who have said, 'With our tongue we will prevail." (Psalm 12:3-4a)  

4. Ted Cruz pens ‘shocking’ book on Justice’s war on conservatives, parents - Washington Examiner

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is readying a new and explosive book that promises to pull the curtain back on the war waged by the Justice Department on conservatives and parents, his publisher said Tuesday.

Washington-based Regnery told Secrets that Cruz’s Justice Corrupted: How the Left Has Weaponized Our Legal System will provide “shocking” details of how the Biden administration’s Justice Department has tried to “strangle liberty, crush opposition, and wreck lives.”

In a release, the conservative publisher of several Washington boldface names said Cruz, a Republican legal scholar once rumored to be a Trump pick for the U.S. Supreme Court, will lay out examples of how the whole national Justice network has been used to muzzle the Right. (Read more)  

- O Just Judge of all, these governmental injustices display the fallibility and sinful nature of humanity.  O King, we need Your presence in this nation to stop and neutralize such wicked power.  Bless and protect Sen. Cruz and this influential book he's writing.  May people clamor to read and understand what is happening in this country and may they seek Your face in repentance.

- "The law of truth was in his mouth, And injustice was not found on his lips.  He walked with Me in peace and equity, And turned many away from iniquity."  (Malachi 2:6)

5. Mariupol mayor says death toll in Ukrainian city has passed 10,000 during Russian invasion - Fox News

Russia’s Ministry of Defense claimed that members of NATO have deployed specialists to Ukraine in a psychological influence operation meant to disparage Russia.

Lt. Gen. Mikhail Mizintsev, Head of Interagency Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response, specifically pointed to the United States and France of engaging in the PYSOP activities, according to reporting from Russia state-owned media. Mizintsev said that the foreign operatives are attempting to spread disinformation about Russia and lay the groundwork to accuse its forces of warm crimes.

But Rebekah Koffler, an author and former DIA intelligence officer, believes the declaration by Mizintsev is an attempt by Russia to launch its own disinformation campaign as a way to cover for potential crimes committed in Ukraine. (Read more)  

- Father God, whether there be only one killed in this war, or thousands, none of this
pleases you. We realize that it is written that "there is a time for war and a time for peace,"
so we ask that the "time of peace" would come soon. Come, Lord Jesus, we pray, come. Bring Your peace to all, in Your name, amen and amen.

- "There is a time for peace . . ." (Ecclesiastes 3:8) 

6. Trump refuses to endorse 'coward' ex-US attorney running for PA governor - Washington Examiner

Former President Donald Trump announced he will not support Bill McSwain, a Republican candidate in Pennsylvania's gubernatorial election, citing supposed fraud in the 2020 election.

McSwain, a former U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, refused to crack down on widespread fraud and irregularities that allegedly occurred during the last presidential contest, Trump blared in his anti-endorsement statement on Tuesday.

"He was the U.S. Attorney who did absolutely nothing on the massive Election Fraud that took place in Philadelphia and throughout the commonwealth," Trump said in the statement. (Read more)  

- Thank You Father, for courage and revelation so that President Trump is able to see past all deception and stand firm for integrity.  We pray for an honest, God-fearing person of integrity to run for governor of Pennsylvania and that Trump will have the wisdom to endorse that person.

- "I will go in the strength of the Lord God; I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only."  (Psalm 71:16)  

7. NYers buy Medicaid for illegal migrants in Gov. Hochul, Dems’ $220B budget - New York Post

Illegal immigrants aged 65 and over will be able to obtain taxpayer-financed health care in the record-breaking $220 billion state budget signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul and passed by the legislature — a move critics say will incentivize the undocumented to flood New York for the benefits.

A provision in the budget allows up to 20,000 elderly residents living here illegally to apply for Medicaid, the public health insurance program for the needy that served more than 7 million residents during the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

An individual would just need to have income of less than $18,754 to qualify. Medicaid is largely funded by the federal government with contributions from the state and local governments. But US law bars using federal dollars for illegal immigrants, so New York will have to foot the entire $220 million cost to cover senior undocumented immigrants. (Read more) 

- Father, You are the One who has set the boundaries of the peoples.  We pray for people to cross boundaries legally and for our government to be bound by laws as well.  For all those who seek to corrupt and overthrow the laws by using the illegal immigrants as pawns, may there be consequences of justice coming to them, in Jesus name.

- "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings,''  (Acts 17:26)   

8. Russia 'unleashes chemical weapons on Mariupol' - The Daily Mail

Russia is feared to have unleashed chemical weapons on Mariupol after reports Ukrainians were targeted by a toxic agent dropped from a drone, as Liz Truss vowed to hold Putin to account over the potential attack.

Unverified reports from the besieged southern port city's Azov regiment said a 'poisonous substance of unknown origin' was released on Monday, causing breathing issues, 'respiratory failure' and 'vestibulo-atactic syndrome'.   

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said her department is working with partners to verify the claims, which pro-Russian separatist forces have denied.
She tweeted: 'Reports that Russian forces may have used chemical agents in an attack on the people of Mariupol. We are working urgently with partners to verify details. (Read more)  

- Lord God, horrific as this report is, it nevertheless IS "unverified." We ask that solid, incontrovertible evidence be shown before this report is believed. No doubt,
Putin is a "monster," but we await all facts to be verified before he is brought to justice.

- "Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart." (I Corinthians 4:5)

9. 'We will not comply': Backlash as Philadelphia REINSTATES indoor mask mandate - The Daily Mail

Philadelphia is bringing back its indoor mask mandate only a month after lifting it as Covid cases once again begin to rise, in a bizarre decision that has been described as 'tyranny'. The eastern Pennsylvania city will reimpose its mask mandate starting on Monday, April 18, Health Commissioner Cheryl Bettigole announced during a briefing.

Officials also revealed that Covid cases had increased to 149 per day, and 86 percent jump over the past two weeks, though nowhere near the peaks reached during the winter Omicron surge. 

The city also reports 46 current hospitalizations related to the virus.
Some prominent figures took to Twitter to say they would refuse to comply with the orders, described as 'tyranny'. 
Only a month ago, Philadelphia followed other prominent blue cities in removing these types of orders, only to break ranks - and federal guidance - by reinstating them just over a month later. (Read more)  

- We join our prayers with those of the free people of Philadelphia and agree for strategies to defeat this forced tyranny upon the city.  Holy King, You are the Author and Finisher of all things, so we look for Your direction to finish this this situation.  May Your leaders be released to restore Constitutional freedom and liberties to this city, state and nation, in Jesus name.  

- "It will be as though a man fled from a lion, And a bear met him! Or as though he went into the house, Leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him!"         (Amos 5:19) 

The Daily Jot

Of Dissent, Fruits And Truth

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, April 12, 2022

The American ideal of democracy, a Constitutional Republic, is undergirded by moral people and freedom to dissent. When it comes to government control of healthcare, the people are strongly discouraged to dissent for fear of retribution for life sustaining treatment. The result of socialist healthcare is exemplified by the COVID crisis where government dictated the protocols, the treatment, the lockdowns, the mandates, patient rights, the rights of healthy people, and the campaign against scientific and experiential dissent. As a result, there is no doubt that the death toll is far higher than it would have been if doctors and healthcare workers were allowed to follow their training to combat COVID.

A recent example is telltale. The Biden Administration has banned the use of monoclonal antibodies such as sotrovimab for treatment of COVID variants. The narrative is that these treatments are not successful or effective. The official recommendation—or quite frankly, the mandated treatment—is remdesivir and ventilators. The New England Medical Journal reports that remdesivir was discontinued for treating Ebola because over 50% of the patients died. A National Library of Medicine report on 69 studies of 57,000 patients documented a 45-84% age-related mortality rate for ventilator treatment. This “science” is ignored by the CDC. Someday remdesivir and ventilators may be regarded similar as bleeding with leeches. Read More

Suspected spy devices found in gifts given to ministers by Chinese embassy – reports
An alleged bug found in a travel mug given as a gift by the Chinese embassy to an Israeli ministry.

A travel mug given as a gift by the Chinese embassy in Israel to an Israeli minister was found to contain a component suspected to be a possible spying device, multiple Hebrew media outlets reported on Tuesday morning.

Army Radio first reported that a routine security check found that one of several such mugs sent by the Chinese embassy to government offices contained a suspicious part in it.

Further examination raised the suspicion that the component was a listening device and the Shin Bet was alerted. All mugs sent by the embassy were collected for further inspection, the reports said. (Times of Israel) Go here.  

Signs & Wonders
Bible found opened to Psalm 106 and 107 one of few
objects to survive deadliest fire in US history

When the smoke cleared, little was left intact. It was almost as if a town had never even existed there. Some broken china and a tabernacle survived the inferno. So did a Bible. The Good Book was charred by the flames and petrified by the intense heat, but found intact -- and opened to Psalms 106 and 107.

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!" the beginning of Psalm 106 and 107 reads, a haunting declaration that may seem to contradict the tragedy that unfolded one fateful night in northeastern Wisconsin but serves as a reminder of a dark chapter in American history 150 years ago, the country's deadliest fire.

On the night of Oct. 8, 1871, a rapidly approaching fire engulfed the small town of Peshtigo, Wisconsin, a lumber boomtown in America's dairyland. The blaze tore through the town at an astonishing pace, spreading hellish flames and plumes of thick smoke. According to historical accounts, horrific sounds filled the air under an ominous orange sky that night as chaos ensued.

In the span of about one hour, the fire incinerated anything and everything in its path, including numerous settlements and villages, ravaging 2,400 square miles -- an area roughly the size of Delaware. Read More

The Good News Corner
Clergy From 104 Ohio Congregations Unite Against Radical Education Agendas, Join Fight for School Choice
Clergy from 104 diverse Ohio congregations say their state's public schools have sidelined parents from decision-making for their kids' education and have instead pushed radical agendas that many parents oppose – issues like Critical Race Theory and gender identity curricula. Now, these clergy members are banding together in support of a state bill that would put education dollars in the hands of parents, giving them choices for their children's education. Bishop Sylvester Ginn of Ontario, Ohio is one of the clergy leaders. "The Ohio public school system in our great state has gotten out of hand," Ginn said. "With pornographic curriculum, gender-neutral bathrooms, and the grooming of students to become activists for radical agendas, the monopoly numerous dysfunctional schools have in Ohio must end."

According to Frontlines Ohio, these congregations are backing Ohio House bill 290, popularly known as the "Backpack Bill." The proposed legislation would create education scholarship accounts (ESAs) with $5,500 for grades K-8 and $7,500 for grades 9-12, and allow parents to choose where those dollars go, whether to public or private schools, or possibly for a homeschooling curriculum. Whatever parents choose, the money follows the student.

In a letter to the Ohio Assembly, pastors asked legislators to support the bill. "It is our firm conviction that empowering parents to make decisions for their own children can help Ohio boost its academic scores, whether in public, private, or home school settings. The 'Backpack Bill' is a school freedom model where educational funding supports students instead of systems. Moreover, as clergymen representing one 104 congregations across North Central Ohio, we humbly implore that you support the passage of House Bill 290, nicknamed the 'Backpack Bill'," they write. (CBN) Read More 
- Father God, we praise You for moving upon the hearts of these pastors to step forward on behalf of their 104 congregations to urge support for this bill. Lord God, we thank You for their courage and their insight, for indeed, both Critical Race Theory and gender identity curricula are a danger to the health of our children.

Lord God, we ask that the pastors in other states would take note, and work with the legislators in their own states to offer a "Backpack Bill" for their citizens, too. We call forth a WAVE of support for these kinds of initiatives to sweep ACROSS THE NATION, setting parents free to make wise choices in the education of their children. We ask all of this, Holy One, in Your wonderful name, amen and amen!

- "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him." (Isaiah 59:19) 
Holy Week: Walking with Jesus


by Anne Graham Lotz
This is Wednesday. There is no Biblical record of what Jesus and His disciples did on Wednesday of Holy Week. It is assumed He may have stayed in Bethany to rest, surrounded by friends who loved Him and believed in Him. Several days earlier, following the raising of Lazarus from the dead, Jesus attended a dinner in Bethany that was apparently held in His honor. It was served in the home of Simon, identified as a leper, whom Jesus must have previously cleansed. The Bible gives us a glimpse of a very beautiful and meaningful scene that took place there: . .

While we don’t know for sure what Jesus did on Wednesday, the Bible does tell us what His enemies were up to. Although they thought they were operating in total secrecy, Jesus was fully aware of their evil plotting .
. . .Today, on Wednesday, take time to rest and as you do consider the scene in the home of Simon the Leper and contrast it with the scene in the palace of Caiaphas. They were radically different. Both scenes took place within hours of each other, revealing that who Jesus is, and what He says, has great impact. He cannot be ignored. How is He treated in your home? Either He is believed and beloved, or He is hated and rejected. While I‘m sure no one in your home would admit to hating Jesus, neglect, dismissal, unbelief or even ignorance of Him is rejection. There can be no middle ground. Tomorrow—Thursday—we will continue to see this contrast. 
Scripture References: [1] Matthew 26:6-16 [2] Matthew 26:1-5
To read all of Anne's devotional for today, please go here.
Classic Hymns

The Solid Rock 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Edward Mote
Music: William Bradbury

Scripture: The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:25–26

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ name.

On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand;
All other ground is sinking sand

When darkness seems to hide His face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.


His oath, His covenant, His blood,
Support me in the whelming flood.
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.


When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh may I then in Him be found.
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.

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