The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Monday, April 11, 2022
The Daily Brief:

An Online News Source for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"
United We Stand                      Monday, April 11, 2022

Make plans now to join us tonight at 8:00 p.m. for our weekly CHPP Conference Call. Our guest speaker will be Rabbi Eric Teitelman and his topic will be the prophetic meaning of the Passover. God bless you all!
Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT
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>>> Be sure to read today's thoughts on repentance by Pastor Jeff Daly | National Day of Repentance. Go Here
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void!  (Isaiah 55:11)

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P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"

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Start your day with us in WORSHIP to our King! Today's selection is "Choose this Day " by Elihana Elia, honoring the persecuted church. Go here! 

 "Though they plan evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed." (Psalm 21:11) 

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"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Multiple Senate Democrats Slam Biden's 'Frightening Decision' to End Trump-Era Immigration Restriction 
The Biden administration has announced that it will be ending Title 42, an immigration measure employed by the Trump administration during the pandemic. In ending this measure, Biden has faced major backlash over this decision from both Republicans and even Democratic senators. Some lawmakers are even considering putting together a bill to call on Biden to come up with a better plan for immigration, Time Magazine reported.

Under Title 42, which was put in place in March 2020, about 2 million immigrants were expelled, according to Morning Consult.

Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin from West Virginia said ending Title 42 is a “frightening decision.”

Sen. Mark Kelly, Democrat from Arizona, called it “wrong.” And Sen. Maggie Hassan from New Hampshire said the Biden administration “does not appear to be ready” for the migration surge.

But other Democratic lawmakers have also been voicing new criticism of this decision to end Title 42.

Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada also criticized the decision, even though she has previously signed on to letters pushing to rescind the Trump-era policy, The Hill reported. “This is the wrong way to do this and it will leave the administration unprepared for a surge at the border,” she said in a statement.

Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia has also said that, at the very least, the timing of ending Title 42 is bad. “I think this is not the right time, and we have not seen a detailed plan from the administration. We need assurances that we have security at the border and that we protect communities on this side of the border,” Warnock said, The Hill reported. “I think this is the wrong time, and I haven’t seen a plan that gives me comfort,” he added.

(The Western Journal)

- Father, thank You for the opposition to Biden's plans to end Title 42. May the pressure be so great even among the Democrats that he changes course on this decision.

- "You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability."                 (2 Peter 3:17)


1. Report: Bennett admits failure of strategy, eyes new direction for government - Israel National News

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is considering a major shift in his political strategy, eyeing a return to the Right, after trying for months to appeal to centrist voters, Channel 12 reported Sunday night.

According to the report, Bennett has said privately that his strategy of moving to the Center had failed, accepting blame for the lack of results, and is now charting a return to the Right.

“We’ve had some good accomplishments, but in the test of results, this strategy did not work,” Bennett is quoted as saying. “And at the end of the day, the responsibility rests with me. Now we need to think how we fix this.” (Read more) 

2. Bennett: Israel goes on offensive in fight against terror - JNS

(April 10, 2022 / JNS) Israel is shifting “from defense to offense” in the fight against terrorism and is intensifying activities against “the sources of the terrorism at any time and any place,” Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Saturday.

Bennett made the remarks during a visit to the Israeli civilians wounded in Thursday’s deadly terrorist shooting in Tel Aviv.

Three people were killed and six wounded in the attack. The terrorist fled the scene and was killed by Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) agents in a gun battle on Friday morning after being discovered hiding near a mosque in Jaffa. (Read more)  

3. Terrorist shot dead after trying to carry out attack in Hebron - Israel Hayom

A terrorist who tried to stab Israeli security forces at Hebron's Cave of the Patriarchs was killed during the attack.

The woman assailant arrived at one of the screening areas at the holy site, where she tried to stab a Border Police officer who was there with other troops. "The Border Police officers saw the danger posed by the terrorist and made sure to neutralize her," the nearby Kiryat Arba municipality said in a statement. "The targeted officer suffered a minor wound to his neck," it continued adding that the road connecting the community to the site remains open. "Security forces are on alert for any contingency," it said.

This is the latest incident in a spate of recent terrorist attacks on Israelis. On Thursday a terrorist from the Palestinian town of Jenin opened fire on people at a bar in central Tel Aviv, killing three. A total of 14 people have been murdered by terrorists in Israel since late March. (Read more)  

4. Israel Adding 25 Miles to Separation Barrier Following Wave of Terror - Jewish Press

Construction of an additional 40 kilometers of security barrier was approved Sunday at a meeting of Israel’s high-level security cabinet.

Members of the cabinet unanimously approved the plan submitted by Defense Minister Benny Gantz to build the additional 25-mile segment of the separation barrier along the seam line.

The Defense Ministry said in a statement Sunday night that the planned barrier will extend from the area of Salam, in northern Samaria, to the area of Bat Hefer.

The barrier, intended to replace the current fence built around 20 years ago, will include a massive concrete wall, protective measures and other technological means up to a height of nine meters. (Read more)  

5. Palestinian rioters vandalize Joseph's Tomb amid clashes with IDF - Jerusalem Post

Palestinian rioters vandalized Joseph’s Tomb in the West Bank city of Nablus on Saturday night amid clashes with the IDF, setting fire to the site, damaging the gravestone, a chandelier hanging above it, a water tank and an electricity closet.

The vandalism came amid the second night of arrest raids made by Israeli security forces in the West Bank, following a deadly terrorist attack on Thursday night on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv that claimed three lives.

The terrorist, Raad Hazem, 28, was from the nearby Palestinian city of Jenin. (Read more) 

6. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace

Go here

7. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel
Go here 
The Daily Brief

1. Finland and Sweden could soon join NATO, prompted by Russian war in Ukraine - CNN

Finland and Sweden could soon join NATO, moves that would likely infuriate Moscow and that officials say would further underscore Russia's strategic error in invading Ukraine.

NATO officials told CNN that discussions about Sweden and Finland joining the bloc have gotten extremely serious since Russia's invasion, and US senior State Department officials said the matter came up at this week's NATO foreign ministerial, which was attended by the foreign ministers from Stockholm and Helsinki.

Officials said the discussions underline the extent to which Vladimir Putin's invasion has only served to reinvigorate and unify the NATO alliance -- the exact opposite of Putin's stated goals before the war began. The Russian President had demanded that NATO cease expanding east and admitting new members, accusing the bloc of threatening Russian security. Instead, NATO has increased its support to Ukraine and is preparing to welcome new members. (Read more) 

- Father, we pray Your kingdom come and will be done with these new members of Finland and Sweden to NATO. We pray Russia will cease fire and back off of Ukraine.

- "And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever," (Daniel 2:44) 

2. US to send Patriot system to Slovakia to offset S-300 transfer to Ukraine - The Hill

President Biden confirmed Friday that Slovakia transferred a Soviet-era S-300 air defense system to Ukraine and said that the U.S. would reposition an American Patriot missile system to Slovakia in return.  “I want to thank the Slovakian government for providing an S-300 air defense system to Ukraine, something [Ukrainian] President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy has personally raised with me in our conversations,” Biden said in a statement on Friday. “To enable this transfer and ensure the continued security of Slovakia, the United States will reposition a U.S. Patriot missile system to Slovakia.” 

Biden further warned against “complacency” in the international effort to push back against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  “As the Russian military repositions for the next phase of this war, I have directed my Administration to continue to spare no effort to identify and provide to the Ukrainian military the advanced weapons capabilities it needs to defend its country,” Biden said. 

Slovakia’s prime minister said earlier Friday that the country had transferred the Soviet-era missile defense system to Ukraine in order to help the country defend against Russian strikes. 

When Zelensky addressed Congress in a powerful virtual address last month, he pleaded for the U.S. and other European countries to either impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine or deliver S-300 air defense systems to repel Russian strikes.  (Read more)  

- Father, thank You for this action by Slovakia. We pray more European countries will respond.

- "And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all." (1 Thessalonians 5:14)  

3. Lawmakers on both sides of aisle express deep reservations on emerging Iran nuclear deal - JNS

Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives held separate press conferences on Wednesday, both though shared the same message—that they were worried about the concessions American negotiators appear ready to make as negotiations to re-enter the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran have reached a critical juncture.

Democrats held their press conference in the morning, organized by Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) and Elaine Luria (D-Va.), who were joined at the conference by Reps. Juan Vargas (D-Calif.) Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and Donald Norcross (D-N.J.), all of whom expressed concerns with what appear to be the final status of the Iran nuclear negotiations.

The members were concerned about the extent that the United States appears willing to capitulate to Iran on lifting sanctions, providing the regime with funds to further enhance its ability to sponsor terrorist activity in the Middle East. The sanctions relief, according to Luria, is not only connected to Iran’s nuclear activity but also unrelated sanctions against Iran levied because of its sponsorship of terrorist organizations.

The members were particularly upset by information that America is willing to remove the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) from its list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Luria said that lifting sanctions on Iranian leaders and delisting the IRGC would perpetuate Iran’s destabilization of the Middle East and provide Iran with the resources to attack U.S. allies in the area, making the United States less safe. “History has proven that those resources will be used to further their violent and dangerous adventures,” she said. “So I think we cannot afford another failed agreement.” (Read more) 

- Father, if both sides have deep reservations on the Iran nuclear deal, then we pray for an agreement from both sides that will oppose this deal. Open their eyes to see the errors in negotiating with Iran. 

- "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;" (Hosea 4:6) 

4a. CNN published this video item, entitled “New satellite image of tunnel in North Korea has the US worried” – below is their description. - CNN

CNN’s Barbara Starr reports that US State Department officials are “worried” North Korea may resume nuclear testing after new satellite images show a new tunnel being constructed at a remote testing site. (See image here)

 4b. Satellite imagery shows ‘visible’ signs of N.Korea reactivating nuclear test site - The Korea Herald 

North Korea has been restoring access to a yet unused tunnel at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site in a potential attempt to expedite a seventh nuclear weapons test, said Open Nuclear Network, a Vienna-based research institute.

Commercial satellite images have shown “signs of increasing activities” since last December especially at the South Portal and the main administrative area within North Korea’s only known underground nuclear test site, according to the institute’s research report released Monday.

“These developments clearly show that the DPRK has reactivated, or is in the process of reactivating, some parts of the Punggye-ri nuclear weapon test site, especially the South Portal and the main administrative area,” Dr. Katsuhisa Furukawa, a senior analyst for Open Nuclear Network and former member of the UN Panel of Experts on North Korea, said in the report. (Read more)

Source: The Korea Herald

- Father, protect us from North Korea's reckless plans of a seventh nuclear weapons test. Raise up someone who is skilled in negotiations to deter these plans. 

- "In their paths are ruin and misery," (Romans 3:16)

5. China, Fearing US Aggression, Accelerating Nuclear Arsenal - Newsmax

China might be advancing expansions of its nuclear arsenal, including accelerating work this year on more than 100 suspected missile silos as the country's leaders are changing their threat assessment, but U.S. officials say the exact reasons for the buildup are not yet clear. The suspected missile silo construction has grown in China's western reason and could be eventually used to store nuclear-tipped intercontinental missiles that could reach the United States, reports The Wall Street Journal, quoting analysts that have studied the satellite images of the area.

While American officials are not specifying the reason for the buildup, people close to China's leadership said the acceleration toward more weapons as a deterrent against U.S. aggression and as a way to keep the country from becoming directly involved if there is an invasion of Taiwan. The Chinese sources also said their country's government fears the United States could try to topple its communist regime, following a shift in policy during the Biden and Trump administrations.

But while U.S. military and security officials say they are concerned China will make a surprise nuclear strike, the Chinese sources said Beijing has not made any commitments about whether it will use nuclear weapons in a first hit. Further, the sources said the Chinese military leaders think the country's nuclear stockpile is too old to be effective against a nuclear strike from the United States.

The reaction to the war in Ukraine, as well as the international reaction to Russian President Vladimir's decision to put his nuclear forces on full alert, is also showing China the value of nuclear weapons as a deterrent. (Read more) 

- Father, we pray You confuse the plans of China around building up their nuclear arsenal. May they be unsuccessful in their endeavors, in Jesus' name. 

- "Though they plan evil against you, though they devise mischief, they will not succeed." (Psalm 21:11)  

6. Secret Service agents in Biden detail reportedly part of bribery scheme - NY Post

Secret Service agents assigned to the security details for President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are involved in a bizarre bribery and infiltration scheme operated by a pair of phony federal agents, according to a new report. At least four Secret Service members were compromised by alleged conspirators Arian Taherzadeh and Haider Ali, according to a Friday filing by federal prosecutors. The feds say Ali boasted of links to Pakistan’s powerful Inter-Services Intelligence spy agency and his passport indicated recent trips to Iran and Pakistan.

The men allegedly gained access codes to all units in the building and claimed to be able to surveil residents’ cellphones. Many journalists, government workers and members of Congress live either in the building or nearby. “Taherzadeh stated that Ali had obtained the electronic access codes and a list of all of the tenants in the apartment complex. Taherzadeh further stated that Ali was the individual that funded most of their day-to-day operation but Taherzadeh did not know the source of the funds,” the new filing says. Authorities say they seized guns, sniper scopes, a drone, police lights, protective vests, gas masks, “breach equipment,” law enforcement insignia and equipment to make fake IDs.

A law enforcement source familiar with the matter told The Post said that the leave status doesn’t necessarily mean that the agents are suspected of wrongdoing or criminal misconduct. “At this point in time, there’s no indication that Secret Service personnel were involved in criminal activity,” he said. “There is no indication that Secret Service personnel provided Taherzadeh or Ali with anything in return.” The four Secret Service agents are currently on leave, prosecutors say. (Read more)

- Father, this news is very alarming! Reveal the truth regarding these agents, and may protective measures be set in place to prevent this breach in the future. 

- "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
" (Jeremiah 33:3)

7. Men accused of impersonating federal agents being investigated for possible ties to Iranian intelligence - CBS News  

The two men accused of impersonating federal agents over the course of several years will remain in jail pending a detention hearing Friday, a federal magistrate judge ruled Thursday. 

Investigators alleged Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 35, posed as various officers and employees of the U.S. government, including members of federal law enforcement agencies, since February 2020 and duped actual federal officers into believing their guise. They are each charged with one count of false impersonation of a federal officer and have yet to enter a plea.

Law enforcement sources told CBS News that investigators are looking into the possibility that the two suspects have ties to Iranian intelligence including to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, an elite component of the Iranian military that conducts special operations, or the Quds force. 

Taherzadeh and Ali each face a maximum of 3 years in prison if convicted, but prosecutors said in court on Thursday that they may also charge the pair as part of a conspiracy. (Read more)

- Father God, we thank You that this article sheds even more light upon the previous one, and that as time goes on, more and more details of this nefarious scheme are now coming to light. As Iran moves even more closely to obtaining the resources to develop its nuclear weapon, we ask that all hidden things be revealed so that America will NOT release any data to the Iranians now, or ever. In Your Name, we ask this prayer, amen and amen!

- "For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light." (Mark 4:22)

8. White House tries to project normalcy as Biden's COVID-19 bubble bursts - Washington Examiner

The Biden administration is putting on a brave face while grappling with a rapidly growing COVID-19 outbreak on Capitol Hill and in the White House that could seriously jeopardize Democrats' hopes of using the president's pandemic approach to boost them in the midterm elections.

Over the past three days, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and two members of President Joe Biden's Cabinet, Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and Attorney General Merrick Garland, all tested positive for the coronavirus. The White House has maintained that Biden was not deemed a close contact with any of them despite rubbing elbows and trading smooches with Pelosi at two events this week. The president tested negative Wednesday night and again Friday morning.

Jamal Simmons, Vice President Kamala Harris's communications director, tested positive Wednesday. He was ruled to have been a close contact of Harris, though the vice president has since tested negative. Michael LaRosa, press secretary to first lady Jill Biden, also tested positive for COVID-19, a Fox News reporter tweeted on Thursday.

Meanwhile, nearly 10 other lawmakers and numerous reporters, all of whom attended the white-tie Gridiron Dinner in Washington on Saturday night, have tested positive this week. Media reports are starting to refer to the annual affair as another "superspreader" event. (Read more)

- Father, we pray healing over these who have tested positive for Covid. We pray that those who are in danger would bow their knee to You in repentance. We ask for a speedy recovery and that no one else will test positive. Protect them, we pray, in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

- "Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security." (Jeremiah 33:6) 

9. White House Twists Truth about Transgender Kids - IFA

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has lambasted Republican lawmakers, accusing them of putting children at risk. In reality, it is the transgender movement that is truly putting children at risk.

Yesterday, White House Press Secretary accused Republican lawmakers of “engaging in a disturbing, cynical trend of attacking vulnerable transgender kids,” and exploiting them. “Instead of focusing on critical kitchen table issues like the economy, COVID, or addressing the country’s mental health crisis,” she said, “Republican lawmakers are currently debating legislation that, among many things, would target transgender youth with tactics that threaten to put pediatricians in prison if they provide medically necessary, life-saving care for the kids they serve.”

Life-saving care? Surely she must mean insulin or antibiotics?

No, she means “gender affirming care” that devilish euphemism for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and experimental surgeries whose benefits are unproven, but whose risks—permanent sexual dysfunction, infertility, cardiac event and endometrial cancer are a few—ought to nudge any doctor toward soul searching. As I’ve written many times, these treatments are often recklessly administered, of questionable benefit to children, and attended by forbidding risks. (Read more here)

Source: IFA and The Truth Fairy

Father, we pray for the youth of our country who are being lied to and manipulated. We pray that You would guard them from the enemy.

- "All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children " (Isaiah 54:13)

[Prayer offered by IFA; verse decreed by CHPP] 

10. Tulsi Gabbard backs Florida law against LGBT propaganda in K-3 classrooms, says it doesn’t go far enough - Life Site News

Former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI) has thrown her support behind Florida's pro-family Parental Rights in Education Bill, excoriating the left-wing line on "indoctrinating woke sexual values" in schools.

Gabbard, a 2020 presidential candidate, took to Twitter on Monday to voice support for the bill, which protects children in kindergarten through the third grade from confusing discussions around sexuality and gender in school classrooms, and suggested that the legislation should have gone much further.

First recognizing that "parental rights are under attack all across the country," Gabbard argued that the government has been attempting to "usurp parents' right and responsibility to raise their own children." Accordingly, the Florida legislation is worthy of support, she said, since it "very simply bans government and government schools from indoctrinating woke sexual values in our schools to a captive audience."

While the bill prohibits teachers from promoting the LGBT agenda to younger children in schools, as well as forbidding staff from concealing or encouraging children to conceal details of discussions from parents, Gabbard questioned the need to limit the bans until the third grade, asking "What about twelfth grade or not at all?"

"Parents are the ones responsible for raising their kids and instilling in them a moral foundation, not the government," she stated... (Read more)

- Father, thank You for those who are speaking out to protect our children in the classroom from confusing discussions on sexuality. May we raise our voices loud and strong to defeat this agenda against our children and the rights of the parents. 

- "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)   

11.  Franklin Graham to Return to Ukraine to Deliver Easter Message - Christian Headlines

Evangelist Franklin Graham has announced that he will be returning to Ukraine to deliver a special message this Easter Sunday.

“I will be sharing a message the whole world needs to hear: Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, conquered sin and death 2,000 years ago when He rose victoriously from the grave,” Graham said. “This Good News changes everything—for individual hearts, for communities and for entire nations.”

Graham traveled to the war-torn country last month as his ministries, Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), launched relief efforts to help Ukrainians in need. In a post on Facebook, Graham announced that his Easter message will air on Fox News on April 17 at 12:00 pm EST.

“My deepest gratitude to my father Billy Graham’s friend, Mr. Rupert Murdoch, who is providing the television air time for this,” Graham wrote. “I hope you’ll mark your calendar and plan to watch as we celebrate the reason for our hope – JESUS IS ALIVE! Remember to pray for the people of Ukraine.” (Read more)

- Father, thank You for this visit to Ukraine by Franklin Graham to bring hope and encouragement to these people.

- "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11) 
Biden Admin Slows Migrant Drop-Offs in Texas After Governor Orders Them Bused to DC 

Texas officials report the Biden administration stopped dropping off released migrants in many cities across the state following Governor Greg Abbott’s order to start busing them to Washington, D.C. From the Texas Panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley, Texas city officials sent the State requests for assistance in offering bus transportation for any released migrants who voluntarily want to catch a ride to the nation’s capital.

The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) dispatched multiple buses to areas where community leaders expressed concerns about the federal government dropping off migrants in their cities, TDEM spokesman Seth Christensen said in a written statement. He said Texas “has the capability to send as many [buses] as necessary to fulfill the requests from mayors and county judges.”

“From the RGV to Terrell County, a large majority of the communities that originally reached out for support through this operation have now said that the federal government has stopped dropping migrants in their towns since the governor’s announcement on Wednesday,” Mr. Christensen added.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced orders Wednesday for state officials to charter buses to transport migrants to Washington, D.C. in response to the Biden Administration’s plans to end the Title 42 coronavirus protection protocol and begin large-scale mass releases, Breitbart Texas reported.

“To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigration who are being dropped off by the Biden administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.,” Governor Abbott said during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon in Weslaco, Texas. The governor said the first drop-off location will be the U.S. Capitol steps in the nation’s capital. He added that the bus rides are completely voluntary from the migrants’ perspective.

“We are taking them to the United States Capitol where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border,” the governor added. The governor signed the letter to TDEM Chief Nim Kid ordering the action. 
“Texans have a backbone and the will to secure our border,” Abbott stated. “Two things that Joe Biden does not have.”

In addition to the busing program, the governor also announced that the State will begin enhanced safety inspections of commercial vehicles crossing the border from Mexico. “A zero-tolerance policy for unsafe vehicles for smuggling migrants across the border is being implemented immediately,” the governor stated.

Texas officials also told Breitbart on Saturday that the Texas Military Department and the Department of Public Safety are already beginning lighting projects at border crossing areas currently being utilized by human smugglers to move large migrant groups across shallow water crossings. (Read more) 

- Oh, Father! We are so thrilled to see this FAST TURNAROUND in Biden's policy of "dumping" thousands of illegal immigrants in our southern border! Praise You, Jesus!

We ask that this new policy of Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who is poised to bus other illegals to the foot of the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. would have a lasting effect upon our national policy, and that the Biden administration be given the courage and the wisdom to turn these illegals back at the border to return to their home countries. In Jesus' name we offer this prayer, amen and amen.

- "Then you will know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians.…" (Biden administration) [Exodus 6:7]  

Signs & Wonders
The pitcher who was struck by lightning and
still finished the game
The year was 1919 and a journeyman hurler worked into the ninth inning when suddenly "a frightening spectacle" occurred. What happened next still has people talking over 100 years later.

Nearly 20,000 different men have called themselves Major League Baseball players since the inception of the league, and the vast majority have been entirely forgotten in the immensity of the sport's history.

Ray Caldwell's career was heading in that direction. Despite having a page full of unique anecdotes, alcohol abuse and off-the-field troubles had his career on the path toward obscurity.

"I don’t think a guy like Ray Caldwell could exist anymore in Major League Baseball," Randy Anderson, president of the Chautauqua Sports Hall of Fame, told AccuWeather. "He’s a real throwback to when times were much different."

Ray Caldwell is a name that could win you a few dollars at trivia night. He was the inaugural pitcher to start games at the grand opening of both Fenway Park and Ebbetts Field, he tossed the 91st no-hitter in baseball history, was one of the final 17 pitchers to legally be allowed to throw a spitball and even roomed with Babe Ruth when he played in Boston. Read More

The Good News Corner
Survival of the Smallest: Premature Baby Girl Born at 23 Weeks Leaves Hospital, 'Just a Little Miracle'
A premature baby girl, who weighed only one pound, four ounces at birth, defied the odds and is now flourishing at home with her family. Valentina Alvarado was born on Sept. 4, 2021, at the Kaiser Permanente San Leandro Medical Center in California and at just 23 weeks gestation, according to KNTV News. The baby's mother, Gaby Alvarado, was just five and a half months pregnant when her daughter was born. 

A group of medical professionals gave Valentina the extensive care she needed for survival and she was able to leave the hospital in January. She is now six months old, weighs 11 pounds, and is 22 inches long. "She is honestly just a little miracle," Gaby said during a recent news conference with her husband Jesús. "If she can fight this hard for her life and overcome so much when she is so small, there is nothing the rest of us can't do." 

According to the Mayo Clinic, a premature (preterm) baby is any baby who is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. For babies like little Valentina, while they're born very early, they're still fully human and are capable of surviving with help, having already formed all their organs and body parts in the womb. They still require special care in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or special care nursery that provides round-the-clock care. For example, their lungs are typically still not ready yet to provide enough oxygen. But research shows that many babies born extremely premature can survive and later thrive. (CBN) Read More  
Holy Week: Walking with Jesus
By Anne Graham Lotz

On Monday after Palm Sunday, Jesus went to the heart of Jerusalem. 

He went to the temple.
> > > As we conclude our Scripture reading on this Monday after Palm Sunday, Jesus once again desires to go to the hearts of His people…to cleanse us of our sin and wrongdoing. While some may reject this assertion of His authority, others submit with joy, and produce the fruit of righteousness. Which are you? On this Monday, ask Jesus to search your heart, then confess any sin He brings to mind and ask for His cleansing. 
To read this devotional, go here.

Scripture References:

[1] Matthew 21:12-16 [2] Luke 19:40 [3] Matthew 21:33-44, 17
Classic Hymns

All the Way my Savior Leads me 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Fanny Crosby
Music: Robert Lowry

Scripture: The Lamb…will lead them to springs of living water. Revelation 7:17

All the way my Savior leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my guide?
Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well;

For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well.
All the way my Savior leads me,
Cheers each winding path I tread;
Gives me grace for every trial,
Feeds me with the living bread.
Though my weary steps may falter,
And my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see;

Gushing from the rock before me,
Lo! A spring of joy I see.
All the way my Savior leads me
O the fullness of His love!
Perfect rest to me is promised
In my Father’s house above.
When my spirit, clothed immortal,
Wings its flight to realms of day
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way;
This my song through endless ages—
Jesus led me all the way.

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