Legislative Snapshot

Legislative Snapshot - May 25, 2024
Legislative Snapshot
United We Stand                                 May 25, 2024
Be sure to plan on joining us this Monday, May 27th, when we welcome Laurel Brooks as our guest speaker on our weekly CHPP conference call. Laurel Brooks, the National Director of Engagement for MyFaithVotes. You will be richly blessed to
learn how you can take action to energize the vote in November for the next President of the United States. Welcome back, Laurel!

Our call begins at 8:00 p.m. EDT.
The conference number is: 717-908-1834
The access code is: 717-908-1834

All are invited to join Laurel in this very special time of training to serve in the next Presidential election. Praise the Lord! 

> > >  Please note: we will not publish the Daily Brief on Monday, May 27th, in honor of Memorial Day. However, we WILL host our weekly call
that evening. (See above!)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
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Herndon, VA 20172-1970

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The Daily Brief:
Legislative Snapshot
Saturday, May 25th, 2024

"For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

Today's Top Story 
House Speaker Mike Johnson's Office Reeling After Key Staffers Depart Suddenly  

As the GOP struggles to maintain its slim majority ahead of the pivotal November elections, House Speaker Mike Johnson’s office is reeling from the sudden departure of its top staff members.

Raj Shah, Johnson’s well-connected communications director and a former White House deputy press secretary under Donald Trump, is the latest high-profile departure. Shah’s impending exit comes just a day after the resignations of three top policy staff members who had worked for the previous speaker, Kevin McCarthy (R-California).

McCarthy was ousted in an internal party coup last October, but Johnson retained Brittan Specht, Jason Yaworske and Preston Hill, all respected policy experts. It was reported that they all committed to working for Johnson for six months, providing valuable experience and continuity during the transition of power within the Republican caucus. All three will depart at the end of May. 

Yaworske, a key advisor on appropriations and budget issues, and Hill, who oversaw artificial intelligence and education policy, left to join the lobbying firm Michael Best Strategies.

The mass departures from Johnson’s nine-member team follow the resignation of the office’s head of digital, Anang Mittal, who quit after performance-related issues and “unprofessional outbursts” from superiors.

The loss of Shah, in particular, is seen as a significant blow to Johnson’s efforts to maintain a strong connection with Trump loyalists within the Republican Party. With his White House experience, Shah was viewed as a crucial link to the former president’s supporters, who have been critical of Johnson’s leadership.

Johnson moved quickly to fill some vacancies and appointed Meredith Schellin as the new digital director. Specht, who served as McCarthy’s chief policy director, has been replaced by Dan Ziegler in Johnson’s administration.

(MSN.com) Read more here. 
- Lord God, even though these staffers in the Speaker's office signed on with a commitment of six months serving Mike Johnson when he assumed that role . . . nevertheless, it is still a shock that this is happening now, all at once. We ask for Your Hand to rest upon Speaker Johnson, and to steady his hand, as he now copes with these sudden staff changes. May he find others to fill these positions who are equally qualified to do so, as he continues to lead our nation as the Speaker of the House. In Your Name, Abba, amen and amen.

- "Therefore I 
exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (I Timothy 2:1-4)   
Breaking News from John Robb 
Dear Praying Saints,

Wow, it is so wonderful to see how the Lord is using the united prayers of agreement as He promised to do (Matt. 18:19) to change even impossible situations!
Just got word that according to Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, it looks like the US government is not going to reach an agreement on the WHO pandemic treaty. Being questioned about it by Rep. Chris Smith during a Congressional hearing yesterday, Secretary Blinken stated, "I don't see that coming to a conclusion... There's just not consensus on it." You can see the exchange here: 

Let’s praise God and continue to agree in prayer that this treaty (or agreement) the WHO still hopes to foist upon the nations will be dead on arrival during the World Health Assembly as it starts Monday in Geneva. Pray for the prayer team that will be on site as well as the large demonstration that will happen as well. Here is a video about that demonstration planned for June 1st. May it be powerful and show the WHO and other globalist elites that it is curtains for their intention to get all nations under tyrannical control. 
Pray too for a huge multiplication of nations to rise up and push back against this attempt to rob them of their sovereignty and that just as Klaus Schwab, executive chairman of their sister globalist World Economic Forum, had to abruptly resign this week, so the Ethiopian communist and would-be world dictator, Tedros Ghebreyesus, will also be forced to step aside. The WHO is up to no good with its global power grab and needs to either be thoroughly reformed or be driven out of business. Let’s agree with our prayers for that to happen! 

To read more from John Robb's alert, please go here
Prayerfully Observing Memorial Day
"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." - (John 15:13)

Britannica Dictionary defines MEMORIAL as something that honors a person who has died or serves as a reminder of an event in which many people died and comes from the same root word as ‘memory’ or ‘remember’. This coming Monday, on Memorial Day, we remember those who laid down their lives in service to us and to their country.

Since 1775, the United States of America has fought in 11 wars, and in those 11 wars, 1,304,705 Americans laid down their lives fighting for our rights and freedoms, and the rights and freedoms of others. Every one of those men and women had family members and friends who grieved and mourned for them. Fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters whose lives were forever impacted by their loved one’s ultimate sacrifice. 

Jesus taught us, and then demonstrated to us, the ultimate meaning of love when he laid His life for you and me. Paul taught in his letter to the Romans “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” In the same way, the greatest act of love that a human being can show is this … that they willingly lay down their life for their friends. 

Between now and this coming Monday, let’s pray for the families in our communities and spheres of influence who have lost loved ones in military service. Let’s reach out to them in love, to let them know that we not only remember what their loved one did, but to show appreciation for, and give honor to their sacrifice.

Lets Pray Together

Father God, we thank you for all of those who have served and sacrificed for our nation. We thank you, that because of their sacrifice, we have the freedoms that we enjoy today. Ultimately Lord Jesus, we thank you for the example that you set for us, and the true freedom that we all find in You. May we as your people always remember and never forget, how You demonstrated Your own love toward us – ‘in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ It is in Jesus name that we pray! Amen 

Rejoicing in hope,

Dion Elmore, Vice President
NDP Task Force
Daily Digests: M 5/20 (PDF)T 5/21 (PDF)W 5/22 (PDF)Th 5/23 (PDF)F 5/24 (PDF)

Senate Votes — Legislation: New: 86 (D, R), Action: 9, Voted: 2, Passed: 8News

M 5/20/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary

T 5/21/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary
W 5/22/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary
Th 5/23/2024, LogRecord PDFSummary
F 5/24/2024Record PDFSummary

House — Legislation: New: 137 (R, D), Scheduled, Action: 16, Voted: 6, Passed: 15News

T 5/21/2024, LogRecord PDF, Extensions PDFActivity, Votes
W 5/22/2024, LogRecord PDF, Extensions PDFActivity, Votes
Th 5/23/2024, LogRecord PDF, Extensions PDFActivity, Votes
F 5/24/2024Record PDF, Extensions PDFActivity

Majority Leader Recap: Week of May 20, 2024
Foreign Policy — Committees: Senate, House

Speaker Johnson Statement on ICC Requesting Arrest Warrants for Israeli OfficialsMcConnell on ICC and IsraelSchumer on ICC and Israel

Johnson ready to formally invite Netanyahu to address Congress, waiting on Schumer to sign on, gives Schumer deadlineJohnson says Netanyahu to address joint session of Congress ‘soon’

House Republicans call for release of five Americans detained in Turks and Caicos

Second Amendment

Republicans look to reverse rule overreaching beyond gun law (P.L. 117-159, 4/19 Rule) • Schumer wants to make it harder for judges to stop unconstitutional laws like this (5/20) • Schumer pits Judiciary operations against Second Amendment (5/21)

Budget — Committees: House, Senate

CBO: The Long-Term Budget Outlook Under Alternative Scenarios for the Economy and the Budget

WH: Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Amendments

Federal Spending — Committees: House, Senate — FY 2024 bills, table

House Legislative Branch spending bill would boost Capitol Police, GAO

Executive — Committees: House, Senate

WH: President Biden Names Fiftieth Round of Judicial Nominees

WH: Message to Congress on Intent to Designate Kenya as a Major Non-NATO Ally

WH: Nominations Sent to the Senate

Supreme Court

House Democrats increase pressure on Alito to recuse himself in Jan 6 Supreme Court cases

Jeffries Says Congress Must Get High Court ‘Under Control’

Senate Judiciary Democrats request meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over Alito flag controversy

Corruption — Praising Evil, Punishing Good (Isaiah 5:20)

McConnell: Unelected bureaucrats are also trying to rewrite title IX of the Civil Rights Act. The Biden administration apparently wants to take a law that was designed to promote equal opportunities for women in education and make it do the exact opposite.

There's Nothing Pro-Life About Ted Cruz And Katie Britt's IVF Bill (S. 4368)

Agriculture Policy — Committees: Senate, House

Thompson’s animal welfare, whole milk priorities in farm bill

Vilsack says House proposal threatens farm bill coalition

Schumer: House farm bill will not have a future in the Senate

Health Care Policy — Committee: Senate

CBO: Testimony on Hospital and Physician Consolidation and Its Impact on the Federal Budget

Science/Technology Policy — Committee: House, Senate

Senate AI ‘road map’ potentially a dangerous detour, critics say

Congress — Committees: House, Senate

Rick Scott enters race to replace McConnell as Senate Republican leader

Fong elected to fill McCarthy’s seat in California

Pennsylvania Democrat suffers minor stroke, will return to Congress in six weeks

Top communications staffer Raj Shah leaving House Speaker Johnson's office along with others

Congress appoints Army veteran Thomas Austin as new Architect of the Capitol
Committee ActivityMeetings: 75Reports: 2 • Legislative action this week: All committee legislative action • Senate (Subcommittees) House (Subcommittees)

House Administration Committee passes bill requiring proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote (H.R. 8281Meeting, Docs, Congress.gov) • Speaker Johnson Commends

Taxpayer Watchdogs Rip GOP Farm Bill's Billion-Dollar Subsidy Package (H.R. 8467Meeting, Docs, Congress.gov)

Here's what's in the mammoth $883.7B Defense bill (H.R. 8070Meeting, Docs, Congress.gov)

Committee news this week: SenateHouse (Google News)

Floor Outlook


Schumer on the Senate agenda: abortion to be “front and center when we return after the Memorial Day State work period” starting with the Right to Contraception Act (S. 4381) and “more action to come after that.”

House of RepresentativesRules Committee: Legislation

Scalise lays out ambitious summer appropriations timetable: pass all of the fiscal 2025 appropriations bills on the floor by the start of the August recess
Senate meets in pro forma sessions during a State Work Period next week.
  • Tuesday, May 28, at 10:30 a.m.
  • Friday, May 31, at 4:30 p.m.

Thursday, 5/23, Senate began consideration of four nominations:
  • Christopher T. Hanson, of Michigan, to be a Member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
  • Tanya Monique Jones Bosier, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
  • Judith E. Pipe, of the District of Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.
  • Stephanie Sanders Sullivan, of Maryland, to be Representative of the United States of America to the African Union, with the rank and status of Ambassador.
The House meets in Pro Forma session during a district work period next week.
Senate Committee Meeting Schedules
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

House Committee Meeting SchedulesCongress.gov: 1
WednesdayMay 29, 2024 — Grand Forks, ND
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