Legislative Snapshot

Legislative Snapshot - March 5, 2022
Legislative Snapshot
United We Stand                      March 5, 2022
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The Daily Brief:
Legislative Snapshot
Saturday, March 5, 2022

"For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

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"We the People"

"Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ"
Today's Top Story 
Professor Michael Beckley, co-author of "Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China"
Ukraine conflict 'heightens the risk' of Chinese-American war, professor says 

The conflict in Ukraine "heightens the risk" of war between China and the U.S., a political science professor told Fox News. 

Michael Beckley, an associate professor of political science at Tufts University, said China could take action in Taiwan while the U.S. is distracted with Russia's siege on Ukraine. He said conflict between the U.S. and China would most likely break out if the authoritarian superpower were to take military action in Taiwan.

"The United States and China, I think, are at very high risk of conflict," Beckley, the co-author of the upcoming book "Danger Zone: The Coming Conflict with China," told Fox News. "Not just economic competition or ideological competition, but an actual war."

Beckley told Fox News that a slowing Chinese economy, rising sentiments of Taiwanese independence and increasing international pressure to contain China’s growth make conflict more likely. "There’s a lot of chatter suggesting that if China is going to move on Taiwan that now would be the opportune time," Beckley told Fox News. "The Russia conflict plays into this because of course it’s a big distraction for the United States." 

In October, President Biden pledged to defend Taiwan if China attacked. The U.S., under the Taiwan Relations Act, provides defensive weapons to Taiwan, but it is not obligated to provide military support if China were to invade. (Fox News) Read more. 

- Father God, with this article, we can see the writing on the wall. We pray that China is exposed as the enabler of evil, by backing Russia in its attack on peaceful Ukraine. We pray that the world would isolate China to stop this madness. In Jesus' name, amen.

For thus has the Lord said to me:
“Go, set a watchman,
Let him declare what he sees.” (Isaiah 21:6)  
Russia's Closest Allies Desert Putin as Country Humiliated at UN

Some of Russia's closest allies abandoned the country on Friday during a vote of the United Nations (U.N.) Human Rights Council to condemn alleged human rights violations in Ukraine.

Only Eritrea joined Russia in voting against the resolution as 32 countries of the 47-member body based in Geneva, Switzerland, voted in favor of establishing an independent commission to investigate the allegations against Russia.

Thirteen countries abstained from the vote, including some nations generally considered close to Russia. China, Cuba and Venezuela all abstained.

Cuba and China also abstained in a vote of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday that called for Russia to remove its troops from Ukraine. Venezuela had not been able to vote as its voting rights were suspended over unpaid membership fees.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky welcomed the vote on Friday, tweeting: "I welcome the establishment by the #UN Human Rights Council of the International Commission of Inquiry to investigate facts of Russian war crimes against Ukraine.

"Evidence will be documented and used in international courts. Russian war criminals will be held accountable," he wrote. (Newsweek) Read more. 

- Father God, we thank You for this vote taken by the U.N. and we ask that only verified facts be recorded, so that Russia's war crimes will be seen by all. In Your name, amen.

- "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."
(John 8:32)  
Supreme Court reinstates death penalty for Boston Marathon bomber
Lawyers for convicted killer Dzhokhar Tsarnaev argued that he was influenced and radicalised by his older brother and should therefore not be executed

The US Supreme Court has reinstated the death sentence for convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

The justices, by a 6-3 vote Friday, agreed with the Biden administration's arguments that a federal appeals court was wrong to throw out the sentence of death a jury imposed on Tsarnaev for his role in the bombing that killed three people near the finish line of the marathon in 2013.

The First US Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston ruled in 2020 that the trial judge improperly excluded evidence that could have shown Tsarnaev was deeply influenced by his older brother, Tamerlan, and was somehow less responsible for the carnage.

The appeals court also faulted the judge for not sufficiently questioning jurors about their exposure to extensive news coverage of the bombing. Retiring justice Judge Stephen Bryer led the dissent.

Tsarnaev played a vital role in the 2013 attack that killed three people and wounded more than 260 when twin blasts caused by bombs in pressure cookers were placed inside backpacks left near the finish line of the marathon.

Despite President Joe Biden's stated goal to eliminate capital punishment at the federal level, his administration opted to carry out an appeal — initially launched by the Justice Department under his predecessor Donald Trump — of a lower-court ruling overturning Tsarnaev's death sentence.
(National News) Read more here. 

- Father God, we are grateful that in our nation, the ruling of a lower court can be appealed to our high court. We thank You that, in reviewing this case, the U.S. Supreme Court has overruled the lower court, bringing justice and closure to this case.

We do ask You for the soul of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, for we know that You want none to perish, spending eternity separated from You. In Your name
we offer this prayer, amen and amen.

- " The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) 
Daily DigestsHouseSenatePrayersCommittee Reports

SenateLeader Remarks • Actions begun, passed, declined, summarized

McConnell and Senators spoke on the Senate floor in advance of the vote against H.R. 3755 • Senate votes to block Democrat bill enshrining abortion as Supreme Court reconsiders Roe v. WadeBill Would Have Codified Roe v. Wade, eviscerated pro-life state lawsH.R. 3755

Congress Has Approved a Measure to Push More FDA and NIH Funds to Their Private Sector FoundationsS. 1662

Senate votes to strike Biden's vaccine rule for health care workersDebate and vote on S.J.Res. 32

Senate passes resolution to nix COVID-19 emergencyS.J.Res. 38

HouseWeekly Leader ColloquyBills • Actions passed, summarized

House passes bill making lynching a federal hate crimeH.R. 55

GOP blocks House bill to ban race-based hair discriminationH.R. 2116

State of the Union Address: as prepared, as delivered • Schumer reactionMcConnell reactionA plea for unity in unusual timesBiden condemns Putin, projects unitypraises Ukrainians as 'wall of strength' against PutinBiden pushes clean energy tax creditsBiden announces 'Test to Treat' initiativeproposes four-part unity agendacalls on Congress to pass China competition billPleas For Increased Restrictions On Social MediaGOP boos Biden for claim Trump tax cuts benefited 1%Lauren Boebert says Biden put 13 service members in coffinsAfghan war veteran slams BoebertFew wear masks after mandate liftedLawmakers praise and pan Biden's speech, wonder about actionCentrists praiseTlaib offers stinging critiqueOcasio-Cortez: Biden 'left a little bit to be desired for key constituencies'Biden's first State of the Union pins him between Manchin and Ocasio-Cortez DemocratsFact Check: 4 ClaimsFive viral momentsFive takeawaysFive things Biden didn't talk about

House agrees to resolution in support of UkraineH.Res. 956

House passes bill to expand health benefits for veterans exposed to toxic burn pitsH.R. 3967
National Security / Military

Defense Department IG Answer Lankford Call to Investigate DOD’s Failure to Provide Religious Accommodations for the COVID-19 Vaccine

Foreign Policy

House Republicans: Why Did US Not Review China Acquisition of Canadian Critical Minerals Firm?

Ukrainian leaders press lawmakers to back no-fly zoneUkrainian forces need more weapons, ambassador warns senatorsCongressional Ukraine Caucus meets with ZelenskyZelensky Zooms with US Senate, House members ahead of debate on $10B aid package‘Reckless ignorance’: Senators criticised for sharing photos of Zelensky after being asked not to

Senate Foreign Relations chairman calls Russian shelling a war crime

Lawmaker to offer measure allowing Americans to seize jets, yachts of Russia billionairesH.R. 6869

Bill introduced to solidify ban on Russian planes from US airspaceH.R. 6883

Graham offering Senate measure urging Putin to be investigated for war crimesGraham calls for Putin's assassination, calls for 'somebody in Russia' to take Putin outWhite House distances itself from Graham's Putin commentsCruz knocks Graham: 'An exceptionally bad idea'

Liz Cheney decries 'growing sense of isolationism' in GOP amid Russian invasion

Top Republicans raise concerns over reentering Iran nuclear dealMcCarthy, McCaul to Blinken: Don’t Resume JCPOA Negotiations

Homeland Security

Key Democrat says negotiators making 'progress' in border wall talks


Senator offers bill to revoke Russia's trade statusS. 3722

Pelosi backs ban on Russian oil importsMurkowski says banning Russian oil imports worth the 'hurt' of higher gas prices

Tax Policy

Cannabis advocates push senators to ease draft bill’s tax burden

Taxpayers Should Expect Serious Delays from the IRS This Year – a Tax Scholar Offers Tips but Says only Congress Can Fix the Underlying Problem

Federal Spending

Pelosi says Congress will provide Ukraine aid 'whatever the need', says deal on Ukraine aid is imminentBiden seeks $10B for aid to Ukraine, $22.5B for coronavirusSchumer supportsSenate Republicans oppose Biden's $22.5 billion COVID-relief requestChip Roy calls for defeat of government funding bill over vaccine mandatesSenate conservatives threaten to hold up government funding over vaccine mandateBipartisan retirement bill could hitch a ride on omnibus — government funding runs out Friday 3/11; the House intends to finish for the week by Wednesday, 3/9 — Large spending bills + Russia invading Ukraine + last year's Covid money running out = high risk of excess spending next week

Manchin pours water on Biden's attempt to revive Build Back Betterproposes dramatically scaled down version of Build Back BetterDemocrats frustrated

Monetary Policy

Powell signals Fed will hike rates this month despite uncertainty over Ukraine


Grassley blasts DOJ for dropping crackdown on Chinese espionage

Schiff: Justice Department 'not waiting' for Jan. 6 committee

Senate Democrats call on Biden admin to end Trump-era immigration rule


Biden court pick hits roadblock after GOP objection

Lankford, Hartzler Stand with Coach Kennedy

Supreme Court

Senate Democrats gear up to secure Supreme Court confirmation win

Supreme Court pick launches a cross-aisle charm offensive

Collins to meet with Biden's Supreme Court nominee Tuesday


Democrats' abortion extremism will have consequences

Republican Senators Collins and Murkowski Introduce Bill to Codify Supreme Court Decisions on Abortion: Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey

Just 15% of Congress rate 100% on conservative family report card

Commerce Policy

Senate domestic energy bills amid debate over blocking Russian importsS. 3214, S. 3757

Introduced: H.R.6858: American Energy Independence from Russia Act

Health Care Policy

Democrats look for offramp from masking in public

The ‘science’ has impeccable timing

Technology Policy

Senate passes bill to mandate reporting of cyberattacks (S. 3600) • DOJ officials criticize


Capitol Police officer detained in Israel ahead of Pelosi visit

Bipartisan group of lawmakers travels to Poland amid Russian invasion of Ukraine

McCarthy criticizes GOP members who spoke at white nationalist conference: 'Unacceptable'

Kaine describes '24/7' tingling sensation from long COVID-19

Sen. Luján returns to Senate after stroke

‘Unworkable, Impractical’: Congressional Staffer Unions Would Bring More Dysfunction to Capitol, House Panel Told

GOP lawmakers warn staff union could hinder Congress' work 

Ted Deutch becomes 31st House Democrat to announce retirement from Congress

Sen. Feinstein's husband dies of cancer • Remarks from Schumer, McConnell
Pending Activity
Committee Activity

Senate panel deadlocks again over nomination of Bedoya for FTC

The House Oversight Committee Continues Its Probe Into Trump Records

Jan. 6 select committee subpoenas Kimberly Guilfoyle, OANN host, former state legislatorpanel claims Trump engaged in 'corrupt scheme', 'criminal conspiracy'committee work shifts into new gear getting closer to Trump

Jackson confirmation hearings to begin Monday, March 21

Floor Outlook


Schumer wants to confirm Biden's Supreme Court pick by April break
3 p.m., Monday, March 7, 2022

Program for Monday: Senate will, Lord willing, resume consideration of H.R. 3076, Postal Service Reform Act, and vote on the motion to invoke cloture thereon at 5:30 p.m.

Thursday, 3/3, Senate began consideration of 2 nominations:

Senate began consideration of the nomination of Maria L. Pagan, of Puerto Rico, to be a Deputy United States Trade Representative (Geneva Office), with the rank of Ambassador.

Senate began consideration of the nomination of Ed Gonzalez, of Texas, to be an Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security.
Monday, March 7, 2022

Foreign Relations
To receive a closed briefing onthe Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Armed Services
Hearings to examine United States Strategic Command and United States Space Command in review of the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2023 and the Future Years Defense Program;
to be immediately followed by a closed session in SVC-217.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Hearings to examine mandatory arbitration in financial service products.

Energy and Natural Resources
Business meeting to consider the nominations of
Shalanda H. Baker, of Texas, to be Director of the Office of Minority Economic Impact,
Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, of California, to be Director of the Office of Science,
Joseph F. DeCarolis, of North Carolina, to be Administrator of the Energy Information Administration, and
Maria Duaime Robinson, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Secretary (Office of Electricity), all of the Department of Energy, and
Sara C. Bronin, of Connecticut, to be Chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

Hearings to examine combating the rise in hate crimes.

Veterans' Affairs
A joint hearing with the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs to examine the legislative presentation of multiple veterans service organizations.

Armed Services
Subcommittee on Cybersecurity
To receive a closed briefing on Department of Defense cyber operations.

Foreign Relations
Business meeting to consider the nominations of C.
S. Eliot Kang, of New Jersey, to be an Assistant Secretary (International Security and Non-Proliferation),
Sarah H. Cleveland, of New York, to be Legal Adviser,
George J. Tsunis, of New York, to be Ambassador to Greece,
James C. O'Brien, of Nebraska, to be Head of the Office of
Sanctions Coordination, with the rank of Ambassador,
Beth Van Schaack, of California, to be Ambassador at Large for Global Criminal Justice,
Randi Charno Levine, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic,
Laura Farnsworth Dogu, of Texas, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Honduras,
N. Nickolas Perry, of New York, to be Ambassador to Jamaica,
Deborah E. Lipstadt, of Georgia, to be Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, with the rank of Ambassador, and
Barbara A. Leaf, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary (Near Eastern Affairs), all of the Department of State,
Adriana Debora Kugler, of Maryland, to be United States Executive Director of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, routine lists in the Foreign Service, and other pending calendar business;
to be immediately followed by a hearing to examine Russia's invasion of Ukraine, focusing on assessing the U.S. and international response.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Armed Services
Closed hearings to examine the posture of United States Indo-Pacific Command and United States Forces Korea;
to be followed by an open session at 9:30 a.m. in SD-G50.

Business meeting to consider the nominations of
Kenly Kiya Kato,
Sunshine Suzanne Sykes,and
Sherilyn Peace Garnett, each to be a United States District Judge for the Central District of California,
Jennifer Louise Rochon, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York,
Nina Morrison, to be United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York,
Trina L. Thompson, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of California, and
Paul Monteiro, of Maryland, to be Director, Community Relations Service,
Trina A. Higgins, to be United States Attorney for the District of Utah, and
Jane E. Young, to be United States Attorney for the District of New Hampshire, all of the Department of Justice.

Hearings to examine worldwide threats.

Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Hearings to examine the nominations of
Krista Anne Boyd, of Florida, to be Inspector General, Office of Personnel Management, and
Dana Katherine Bilyeu, of Nevada,
Leona M. Bridges, of California,
Michael F. Gerber, of Pennsylvania,
Stacie Olivares, of California, and
Javier E. Saade, of the District of Columbia, each to be a Member of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board.

Closed hearings to examine worldwide threats.
From the floor colloquy:
The House will consider an omnibus appropriations package so the House and Senate can both pass it before March 11. As the Republican minority whip knows, on March 11 at 12 o'clock, if we have not passed additional authorization for the funding of the government, the government will shut down. It is imperative that we act. In light of the fact that many of us on the Democratic side of the aisle will be going to Philadelphia for a legislative retreat on the Wednesday preceding March 11, March 9, we need to act by that time and send something to the Senate. I hope we can do that.

The House will also consider H. Con. Res. 70, condemning threats of violence against historically Black colleges and universities—too many of which we have seen in recent weeks—and reaffirming support of HBCUs and their students, introduced by Representative Alma Adams. That will be considered under suspension of the rules. ...

I want to say that, clearly, one of the principal focuses that we have is the onslaught and criminal behavior led by Vladimir Putin, which is occurring in Ukraine. The President spoke to the country and to us on Tuesday in the State of the Union message, in which he made it clear that we need to be unified. In fact, we passed a resolution in which—for the most part, save three of our Members—we were unified. Mr. Speaker, I would hope that we would remain unified in the face of what is the breaking of international law and could be called a genocide of the Ukrainian people by Vladimir Putin. I am hopeful that we will remain unified and focused on that issue as we proceed.


On Monday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 p.m.

Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:

1) H.R. 5615 - Homeland Security Capabilities Preservation Act (Sponsored by Rep. Val Demings / Homeland Security Committee)

2) H.R. 5616 - DHS Basic Training Accreditation Improvement Act of 2021, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Val Demings / Homeland Security Committee)

3) S. 658 - National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium Act of 2021, as amended (Sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn / Homeland Security Committee)

4) H.R. 5681 - Shadow Wolves Enhancement Act (Sponsored by Rep. John Katko / Homeland Security Committee)


On Tuesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for morning hour and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business.

On Wednesday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business.

On Thursday and Friday, no votes are expected in the House.

Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:

1) H.Con.Res. 70 - Condemning threats of violence against historically Black colleges and universities (“HBCUs”) and reaffirming support for HBCUs and their students, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Alma Adams / Education and Labor Committee)

2) H.Res. 881 - Condemning the heinous terrorist attack on Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, on January 15, 2022, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Beth Van Duyne / Oversight and Reform Committee)

Legislation Related to FY22 Appropriations

Additional Legislative Items Are Possible

Text of Bills for the Week of March 7, 2022
TuesdayMarch 8, 2022

The Inflation Equation: Corporate Profiteering, Supply Chain Bottlenecks, and COVID-19
Committee on Financial Services

Federal Climate Adaptation and Resilience for the 21st Century
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology

Overview of the Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs
Committee on Small Business

Examining the History of Federal Lands and the Development of Tribal Co-Management
Committee on Natural Resources

A 2022 — Review of the Farm Bill: Rural Development
Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit (Committee on Agriculture)

"Stakeholder Views on Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization"
Subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials (Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure)

Legislative Presentation of The American Legion and Multi VSOs: PVA, SVA, MOAA, GSW, NGAUS, TAPS, MMAA, ADBC-MS
Committee on Veterans' Affairs

Reimagining Public Safety in the COVID-19 — Era
Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security (Committee on the Judiciary)

Worldwide Threats
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

"Charging Forward: Securing American Manufacturing and Our EV Future"
Subcommittee on Energy (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

(POSTPONED) Ensuring Women Can Thrive in a Post-Pandemic Economy (Hybrid)
Committee on the Budget

The Need for a Supreme Court Code of Ethics
Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet (Committee on the Judiciary)

Shifting the Power: USAIDs Efforts to Support Locally- Led Development
Subcommittee on International Development, International Organizations and Global Corporate Social I (Committee on Foreign Affairs)

Klamath River Basin Conditions and Opportunities
Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife (Committee on Natural Resources)

Source: House.gov

WednesdayMarch 9, 2022

Confronting Climate Impacts: Federal Strategies for Equitable Adaptation and Resilience
Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

"Changing Times: Revisiting Spring Forward, Fall Back"
Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce (Committee on Energy and Commerce)

Skill, Upskill, and Reskill: Analyzing New Investments in Workforce Development
Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development (Committee on Small Business)

United States European Command (CLOSED)
Subcommittee on Defense (Committee on Appropriations)

Source: House.gov
Our Weekly Call to Repentance

CHPP Welcomes You to Join Us Every Week in One Hour of Repentance

Sunday evening at 10:00 p.m. EDT
Dial 712-770-5350
Access Code: 150411#

Dear Saints,

A lifestyle of REPENTANCE is so close to the heart of God.

Indeed, He commands us to  "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" Matthew 3:2

How, then, can we approach His Throne of GRACE, in repentance?

We invite you to join us every week on Sunday evening, as we explore this vital topic together. We present a different prayer focus each week, leading us into repentance, so that we might approach His Throne of Grace in repentance, presenting ourselves to Him as a pure and a spotless Bride, without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27)

Praying together, we desire to fulfill the mandate of Psalm 139:

" Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; 24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:24

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Access Code: 150411#



". . . and if My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

"Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place."
(2 Chronicles 7:14,15)

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