The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Thursday, May 27, 2021
The Daily Brief

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United We Stand               Thursday, May 27, 2021

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"
Thursday, May 27, 2021

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
Judge Orders California to Pay Church $1.3 Million for Restricting Worship Services
After placing restrictions on churches that were blocked by the Supreme Court, the state of California owes $1.3 million to a Pasadena congregation for attorneys' fees. 
A U.S. district judge last Friday released an order "permanently" enjoining the state from issuing or enforcing "any capacity or numerical restrictions on religious worship services" that are prohibited by recent Supreme Court precedent. The high court last November blocked restrictions on churches in New York state. The justices subsequently issued a series of rulings prohibiting other states – including California – from placing restrictions on churches that are more severe than those placed on other gatherings.

Friday's order from District Judge Jesus G. Bernal involved a lawsuit filed by Liberty Counsel on behalf of Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry. 
Bernal also ordered California to pay the church $1,350,000 in attorneys' fees and costs. Harvest Rock and Harvest International were "declared prevailing parties" in Bernal's order.

Bernal cited Supreme Court precedent from the past year.

"Gov. Gavin Newsom's COVID restrictions intentionally discriminated against churches while providing preferential treatment to many secular businesses and gatherings," said Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver. "The Supreme Court intervened multiple times to provide relief. California may never again place discriminatory restrictions on churches and places of worship. Gov. Gavin Newsom has now been permanently quarantined and may not violate the First Amendment rights of churches and places of worship again."

At one point in recent months, the local government threatened Harvest Rock Pastor Ché Ahn with jail for violating COVID restrictions.

Ahn called the court's decision a "momentous day for churches in America." "I am thrilled to see the complete reversal of the last discriminatory restrictions against churches in California, knowing this case will act as a precedent, not only in our state, but also in our nation," Ahn said. "We are incredibly grateful to our attorney Mat Staver and to Liberty Counsel for their relentless support and fierce determination. Most of all, we give all the glory to God for moving mightily in this historic season!" (Christian Headlines) Read more.
- Lord, thank You for this encouraging story. We pray that we would be lights in this dark world for Your glory. (Prayer offered by Intercessors for America)

- "Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6) 

1. Islamic nations ask UN to form unprecedented permanent panel to critique Israel - Times of Israel

Member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation are calling on the UN Human Rights Council to set up a permanent commission to report on human rights violations in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

The move comes in the wake of the latest surge in violence in the Israel-Palestinians conflict. If passed, it would mark an unprecedented level of scrutiny authorized by the UN’s top human rights body.

The proposal comes ahead of a special session of the Geneva-based council tomorrow to address “the grave human rights situation” in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The meeting was sought by Pakistan, as the OIC’s coordinator.

The session at the 47-member-state rights body paves the way for a daylong debate over the recent deadly violence between Israelis and Palestinians.

A vote on the draft resolution is likely at the end of Thursday’s session, which will be largely virtual. (Read more)

2. IAEA chief: Iran’s uranium enrichment now at levels of ‘countries making bombs’ - Times of Israel 

The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog has said Iran is enriching uranium to levels that only countries seeking to make atomic weapons reach, and that the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program can no longer be returned to where it stood when a landmark 2015 deal was struck with world powers.

“A country enriching at 60 percent is a very serious thing — only countries making bombs are reaching this level,” International Atomic Energy Agency chief Rafael Grossi said in an interview with the Financial Times published on Wednesday and cited by the Reuters News Agency.

“Sixty percent is almost weapons-grade, commercial enrichment is 2, 3 [percent],” he said. “This is a degree that requires a vigilant eye.”

Though Grossi conceded that Iran has the right to develop its nuclear program, he warned of the consequences of it going too far.  (Read more) 

3. Nasrallah threatens Israel while coughing and appearing unwell - World Israel News

Appearing weak and unthreatening, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah coughed intermittently in a video address warning Israel that any “violation” of Jerusalem would bring an end to the Jewish State.

“Israel must understand that a response to damage to the holy sites in Jerusalem will not be stopped within the borders of the resistance in Gaza,” the leader of the Lebanon-based terrorist organization declared.

“Israelis must understand that any such move means a regional war that will end in its destruction,” he said.

Nasrallah’s address was given on the 21st anniversary of Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon, which was completed on May 25, 2000. It was his first televised speech since the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas came into effect on Friday following Operation Guardian of the Walls. (Read more) 

4   Health Ministry: Green Pass, Purple Badge to be removed June 1 - Israel National News

The Health Ministry on Sunday announced Green Pass and Purple Badge requirements would be removed on June 1.

A health ministry notice said that "Due to the low and stable morbidity that has now prevailed for a long while despite the very broad opening of the market and educational system, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein announced that he will not seek to extend restrictions that will expire next Tuesday, June 1. The significance is that starting on that day, the need for a Green Pass will be canceled and Purple Badge restrictions will be canceled."

The notice added that "In the next two weeks, professionals will hold discussions about the requirement of wearing a mask in closed spaces. Until further decision, this requirement will continue. In addition, restrictions on entry into and exit from Israel will remain and, if needed, will even be made more stringent."

"Israel is returning to routine!" Edelstein said, and credited the announcement to Israel's vaccination campaign, which he called "the best in the world," as well as to Health Ministry's "outlines for gradual and careful opening of the market, which allowed for maintaining low morbidity data over time."  (Read more) 

5. UNRWA director in Gaza apologizes after saying IDF strikes were 'precise'  -  Jerusalem Post

Matthias Schmale, director of United Nations Relief and Works Agency in the Gaza Strip, apologized after telling Channel 12 News that IDF strikes in recent clashes were "precise."
The UNRWA chief in Gaza claimed that his statements were taken out of context and manipulated to favor Israel in the recent operation, called Guardian of the Walls.

"This is blatant manipulation of my interview, I did NOT say the IDF operated within the laws of war," Schmale wrote on Twitter. "Killing more than 200 civilians including innocent women & children is NOT acting within laws of war. There must be independent investigation & accountability for those actions."  (Read more) 

The Daily Brief
1. Biden orders 90-day intel report on COVID origins, after report administration spiked Pompeo probe - Just The News
President Biden on Wednesday ordered the U.S. intelligence community to conduct a rapid-turnaround investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, following a purported decision by his decision to spike a similar probe launched by the Trump administration.
Biden made the announcement via the White House website, stating that intelligence officials have been pursuing several possibilities for the virus's origin, including "whether it emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident."
"I have now asked the Intelligence Community to redouble their efforts to collect and analyze information that could bring us closer to a definitive conclusion, and to report back to me in 90 days," Biden said in the announcement.
The directive comes after a CNN report Tuesday saying a  probe under former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo looking into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic had been ended by his administration sometime after February. (Read more)
- Lord God we pray over this situation and ask that your will be done Father. We pray that a legitimate investigation is done and that the findings are transparent for the American public to view.
- “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”  (2 Timothy 2:15) 

2. Fauci says he still believes COVID-19 arose naturally, but we cannot know 100 percent’ - Just The News
Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday he still thinks COVID-19 originated naturally, rather than having arisen in and leaked from a Chinese lab, though he admitted that the ultimate answer is still elusive.
“I said many times, I feel the likelihood is still high, that this is a natural occurrence." Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease expert, said about the virus's origins during a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing.
"We cannot know 100 percent whether it is or is not or if other possibilities exist," he continued, alluding to increasing speculation that the virus may have arisen from experiments in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (Read more)
- Lord God we pray over Fauci that he would stop yielding himself to the spirit of confusion and deceit and yield to your Spirit of Truth in Jesus name, amen.
- “We are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us. This is how we recognize the Spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood.” (1 John 4:6)   

3.  China, under pressure to allow Wuhan lab investigation, tries to pin pandemic on US - Washington Examiner
China is resisting pressure for an investigation into the theory that the COVID-19 pandemic emerged from a virology lab in Wuhan, rejecting calls for an expanded investigation as “political manipulation” by the United States.
For some people in the U.S., what they say is 'facts,' but what is really on their mind is political manipulation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters Wednesday. “They are obsessed with spreading ‘lab leak theory’ and other conspiracy theories and disinformation.”
Chinese officials have denied responsibility for the pandemic throughout the crisis, although Chinese General Secretary Xi Jinping did acknowledge “obvious shortcomings” to their initial response. Beijing’s censorship of the Chinese doctors who first detected the public health threat stoked suspicions about the regime’s culpability for the crisis, which have been renewed in recent weeks as researchers and Western governments have expressed dissatisfaction with the initial World Health Organization investigation and raised questions about research projects at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (Read more)
- Lord God we thank you for vindicating the Trump administration for warning the American public about the Chinese connection to the outbreak of the coronavirus. We pray that this investigation will be truthful and bring all lies to the light. We bind all plots and schemes and plans of the enemy to hide the truth in the name of Jesus.
- “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  (John 8:32)

4. Chinese Propaganda Outlet Paid Millions to American Newspapers and Magazines, Records Show - Free Beacon
A news agency controlled by the Chinese Communist Party paid millions of dollars to American newspapers and magazines over the past six months, even as U.S. officials have sounded the alarm on Beijing's propaganda activities.
China Daily paid more than $1.6 million for advertising campaigns in Time magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Financial Times, and Foreign Policy magazine, according to disclosures filed with the Justice Department. The Beijing-controlled news agency paid another $1 million to American newspapers, including the L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, and Houston Chronicle, to print copies of its own publications.
U.S. officials have increasingly drawn attention to CCP propaganda campaigns in the West. The Justice Department requires several Chinese news companies, including China Daily, to disclose their activities under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Officials have also warned that CCP-affiliated groups have hosted events with American think tanks and educational institutions in an attempt to boost their influence in the West. (Read more)
- Lord God we thank you for exposing this evil connection between the American and the Chinese news propaganda. If American politicians and leadership refuse to investigate this matter, then we ask that you would raise up Christian financiers who will create their own platforms so that the truth can get out to the American public.    We ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
- “ whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col. 2:3)

5. Murkowski joins Romney in backing a Jan. 6 commission, Democrats still need eight more GOP votes - Just The News
Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski has joined fellow GOP Sen. Mitt Romney to support to creation of an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol breach.
“I’m going to support it," Murkowski said of the bill Tuesday, which passed the Democrat-controlled House with the support of 35 Republicans, according to The Hill.
The Senate is split 50-50 among Democrats and Republicans, which means Democrats will need support from eight more Republicans to pass the measure. Or they could attempt a legislative tactic to pass the measure with a simple majority, with Vice President Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote.  Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday senators "hope to vote this week," before leaving Washington for Memorial Day recess. (Read more)

- Lord God we pray over each and every representative no matter party lines and we pray that the eyes of their hearts would be flooded with light. We ask that each one would have an epiphany and a revelation of the truth and decide in their hearts to stop lying to the American public. We pray that none of them would agree or align them selves with this commission in the name of Jesus amen.

- "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way."             (1 Timothy 2:1-2) 

6. National Guard to depart Capitol nearly 5 months after Jan. 6 riot - POLITICO

National Guard troops are slated to decamp from Capitol Hill this week, nearly five months after thousands were deployed to safeguard Congress amid fears of further unrest after the violent Jan. 6 insurrection. The departure of roughly 2,000 troops will return control of the complex back to the Capitol Police, which is now seeking a major expansion of its own capacity after its top brass faced criticism during the riot.

For many lawmakers and aides, the Guard’s goodbye will be the latest sign of the Hill’s return to routine after months of stringent security measures, including a massive fence that still surrounds the Capitol grounds.

House Democrats last week passed a roughly $1.9 billion emergency funding bill intended to bolster Capitol security, including tens of millions of dollars to help Capitol Police boost hiring, training and other support services. The National Guard would also receive a half-billion dollars for “unanticipated pay” and operations costs for their deployment from Jan. 6-May 23.

But no House Republicans supported the bill, with some arguing that it contains extraneous provisions. Senate GOP leaders have not indicated that they will back it either. (Read more)

- Father God, although we are grateful to see this era end on Capitol Hill, we yet petition You, Holy One, to move on the hearts of our leaders to remove the remaining fences that now surround the Capitol itself; and to allow intercessors back inside the Halls of Congress to do the work they have been called to do. Thank You, O Lord, for hearing our prayer, amen and amen.

- "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." (John 14:13-14)  

7. More riots break out in Portland, on anniversary of George Floyd's death - Just The News
Over 200 people joined late-night riots in Portland on Tuesday, the one-year anniversary of George Floyd's death.
Police said the rioters vandalized businesses and launched fireworks and large objects at police officers. Police said at least five people were arrested on charges including criminal mischief.
In Minneapolis, where Floyd died May 25, 2020, while in police custody, shots were fired were Floyd was killed, an intersection renamed George Floyd Square to recognize his death.
Portland has continuously seen violent outbreaks against police officers during the past year and riot-related damage costing millions of dollars. (Read more)
- Lord God we corporately pray and bind all evil spirits working within those who cause violence and chaos and that this would stop right now. Send your holy heavenly hosts to protect and fight on behalf of your people. In Jesus name, amen.
- The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will remove from his Kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil. (Matthew 13:41

8. Indictment against Steve Bannon has been dismissed - Just The News
An indictment against Steve Bannon was dismissed on Tuesday despite prosecutors’ opposition to the move. While former President Trump issued a pardon for Bannon prior to leaving office, prosecutors had argued that the indictment dismissal "could have a broader effect than the pardon itself, among other things potentially relieving Bannon of certain consequences not covered by the pardon," according to the Washington Times.
Bannon previously pled not guilty to charges alleging he and three other individuals defrauded people who made donations to construct a border wall. (Read more)
- Lord God we thank you for this victory and we plead the Blood of Jesus over President Trump and over all those that worked with him in the past for their protection. Let all those who are truly innocent be vindicated in your name, amen. 

- "Do not let me fall into their hands. For they accuse me of things I've never done; with every breath they threaten me with violence." (Psalm 27:12) 

9. New York prosecutor in Trump criminal investigation convenes grand jury: report - Just The News
Manhattan’s district attorney has convened a grand jury that is anticipated to choose whether to indict former President Trump, his company or its executives if prosecutors put forward criminal charges for the panel's consideration, according to two individuals familiar with the matter.
The recently convened grand jury will sit three days per week for half a year and will likely hear other matters in addition to the Trump case, the Washington Post reported, citing the people who wished to remain anonymous.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.'s criminal investigation into the company centers on whether it misrepresented assets for tax benefits and favorable applications.
New York Attorney General General Letitia James, whose office is conducting a related civil probe, said earlier this month that her office would join Vance's in the criminal investigation. (Read more)
- Lord God, we thank you that you have supernaturally shielded and protected Donald Trump and his family and his administration from all plots and schemes and plans that the enemy has tried to bring forth against him. We know that you will be with him during this investigation and that no harm or evil will be able to touch Donald Trump. We pray in Jesus' name amen.
- Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.  (1 John 4:4) 

10. Dominion blames human error for voting machines not showing GOP ballots in Pennsylvania county - Washington Examiner
Dominion Voting Systems, a company beset by dubious election fraud claims in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, said “human error" was to blame after machines in a Pennsylvania county failed to display Republican ballots.
Nicole Nollette, the executive vice president of operations at Dominion, announced the conclusion during a two-hour special meeting held by the Luzerne County volunteer election board on Monday, according to the Times Leader. This contradicts Director of Elections Bob Morgan, who said last week a "coding error" from within Dominion caused the mishap during local primary elections last Tuesday.
"Dominion deeply regrets the confusion this error caused," Nollette said. The Board of Elections in Luzerne County, located in northeast Pennsylvania, said every vote was counted correctly, according to local outlet Fox 56, a local outlet. But Republicans in particular raised concerns about the integrity of the election. (Read more)
- Lord God we ask for a supernatural breakthrough in this area of Voter Fraud specifically to the dominion voting machines. We ask that all the irregularities be exposed and that the lies of this particular company come to light in Jesus name.
- “The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.” (Proverbs 12:22)


11. Biden to name Tom Nides as ambassador to Israel, report - Just The News
President Biden is expected to name former State Department official Tom Nides to serve as U.S. ambassador to Israel. The president is expected to name Nides soon, but it is unclear when the announcement will come, two people familiar with the situation confirmed with the Associated Press on Tuesday. 
Nides, a Democrat, is now the managing director and vice president of Morgan Stanley. He served as deputy secretary of state for management and resources under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from 2011 to 2013.
Nides' appointment would come amid high tensions in the Middle East, with Secretary of State Antony Bliken now in the region trying to bolster a cease-fire agreement last week between Israel and Hamas that ended a 11-day battle, and address the larger, long-standing dispute between Israel and the Palestinians. (Read more)
- Lord we pray for wisdom in this area of leadership that they will make the right decisions concerning Israel and the tensions in the Middle East. We pray that they would yield to your Spirit Lord and follow your heart and your will in all matters related to Israeli policy. Amen.
- "For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)  

The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Two State Solution

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, May 26, 2021

Joe Biden Says A Two-State Solution Is The Only Answer To Peace In Israel. After Decades Of Trying To Get Terrorists To Recognize Israel's Right To Exist, And Palestinian Self-Rule In Gaza Proving There Is No Peace With Terrorists, It's The Same Thing Over Again, Expecting Different Results. Say It With Me…Stupidocrisy.

Nearly every president since Jimmy Carter has supported a two-state solution for peace between Israel and people who call themselves Palestinians. As recent as last week, Joe Biden told the news media, “There is no shift in my commitment to the security of Israel. Period. No shift, not at all. But I’ll tell you what there is a shift in. The shift is that, we still need a two-state solution. It is the only answer. The only answer.” This whole idea of a two-state solution was defined very succinctly by President George W. Bush as two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. But there is a catch. The Palestinian state needs to recognize Israel’s right to exist, and trying to get terrorists to admit that has been impossible.

Ronald Reagan, in September 1982, spelled it out:  “The time has come for a new realism on the part of all the peoples of the Middle East. The State of Israel is an accomplished fact; it deserves unchallenged legitimacy within the community of nations. But Israel’s legitimacy has thus far been recognized by too few countries, and has been denied by every Arab state except Egypt. Israel exists; it has a right to exist in peace behind secure and defensible borders, and it has a right to demand of its neighbors that they recognize those facts.” Reagan further stated that there should be a five year period “which would begin after free elections for a self-governing Palestinian authority is to prove to the Palestinians that they can run their own affairs, and that such Palestinian autonomy poses no threat to Israel’s security.” Read More

Alert! D.C. Statehood Bill in the Senate
Opinion: The campaign for D.C. statehood
just got a big boost


One of the most nettlesome objections to extending congressional representation to the residents of Washington, D.C., is that it requires a constitutional amendment. Many Republicans say this, which is hardly surprising. But it’s also the position of Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.), whose opposition could doom the effort.

Now, however, several dozen leading constitutional law experts are weighing in with a new letter that seeks to demolish this argument once and for all, making the case that granting D.C. statehood is absolutely within Congress’ constitutional authority. This should give the cause a big boost at a critical moment.

“Congress should not avoid exercising its express constitutional authority to admit the Commonwealth into the Union,” states the letter, which is signed by Harvard’s Laurence Tribe and Georgetown’s Caroline Fredrickson, among many others.
. . . 

The bottom line is that the 23rd Amendment isn’t an obstacle to Congress’ constitutional authority to create this 51st state:

The contention that a constitutional amendment is required to admit the Commonwealth is incorrect. The D.C. Admission Act calls for a proper exercise of Congress’ express authority under the Constitution to admit new states, a power that it has exercised 37 other times since the Constitution was adopted.

The letter argues that the courts likely won’t even hear a legal challenge to this, since it’s a “paradigmatic political question.” It shrewdly quotes an old opinion along these lines from Viet Dinh, a lawyer under President George W. Bush who is now the Fox Corp.’s chief legal officer and a major power player there, so it’ll be interesting to see how Fox covers this.
(Washington Post) Read more. 

> > > To read the Letter to Congressional Leaders on Constituionality, go here

- Father God, we thank You for our Constitution, as written. This wonderful document does not need to be tweaked to suit the times, for it has stood the test of time as the foundation of our nation. We stand on the wall together, surrounding this document in
prayer, and we decree that it shall remain, as is. In Your Name, amen.

You will also declare a thing,
And it will be established for you;
So light will shine on your ways.

(Job 22:28)
Signs & Wonders
Super Flower Blood Moon 2021:
10 stunning photos of May’s full moon, lunar eclipse
Skygazers received a special treat early Wednesday as May’s full moon – a supermoon – coincided with a lunar eclipse. 

Social media users are sharing their photos with the hashtags #bloodmoon, #flowermoon, #supermoon and #lunareclipse. Read More
The Good News Corner
GFA World Launches Its First-Ever Mission in Africa

One of the largest mission agencies in the world is launching compassion projects in Africa for the first time — a huge boost for humanitarian efforts in the world’s poorest continent.

GFA World, formerly known as Gospel for Asia, expects to begin work in multiple African nations this year.

“Africa is where the tears never dry,” said GFA World founder K.P. Yohannan, announcing the launch of compassion projects in Rwanda, a mountainous nation in east-central Africa still recovering from the war and genocide that left 800,000 dead and ripped the country apart in the 1990s.

“Everything we do focuses on bringing real hope and the love of God to those who’ve lost all hope,” said Yohannan, author of the best-selling book Revolution in World Missions, with more than four million copies in print.

To begin with, GFA World’s efforts — supported by the Rwandan Government, church leaders and their congregations — will help children living in slum neighborhoods in the nation’s capital, Kigali, where most people survive on less than two dollars a day.  (Read more) 

Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Classic Hymns

Let the Lower Lights Be Burning 

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words and Music: Philip Bliss

ScriptureKeep your lamps burning. Luke 12:35

Brightly beams our Father’s mercy from His lighthouse evermore,
But to us He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave!
For to us He gives the keeping of the lights along the shore.
[or Some poor struggling, sinking sailor you may rescue, you may save.

Dark the night of sin has settled, loud the angry billows roar;
Eager eyes are watching, longing, for the lights, along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave!
Eager eyes are watching, longing, for the lights, along the shore.

Trim your feeble lamp, my brother, some poor sailor tempest tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor, in the darkness may be lost.
Let the lower lights be burning! Send a gleam across the wave!
Trying now to make the harbor, some poor sailor may be lost.

About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Our Mission Statement

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood for all, we, too, pray for ALL, in a nonpartisan manner. Also, because the scriptures indicate that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 4:17), we are confident that fervent prayer, offered in the halls of the highest chambers of government in our land, can avail much for America. Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes those who feel called to join us, engaging in this strategic work of intercession for our nation: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God." [Romans 13:1]


Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.


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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a 501(c)(3), tax- exempt, faith-based, ministry, dedicated to praying for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4). CHPP relies solely on the gifts of our readers to continue this work; thus we greatly appreciate your help in supporting this publication. Offerings may be sent to: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, P.O. Box 5152, Herndon, VA 20172-1970. Please make checks payable to: CHPP. THANK YOU!


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"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philippians 4:23)

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