The Daily Brief

The Daily Brief - Monday, July 19, 2021
The Daily Brief:

A Newspaper for Intercessors

"Decreeing the Word of God Over the News of the Day"

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United We Stand                      Monday, July 19, 2021
Plan to join us this Monday, July 19th, for our weekly CHPP National Conference Call. Our guest speaker on Monday will be Pastor Jeff Daly, founder of the National Day of Repentance. Join Pastor Jeff as he shares his own heartcry to confront our spiritual and physical drought in America, through acts of repentance. Welcome! 
Conference Number: 712-770-4160
Access Code: 616137#
Time: 8:00 p.m. EDT 
Join our Bible Readathon, every night except Sunday morning, from midnight to 6:00 a.m. Call 508-924-5411 (no access code). Our moderator will welcome you and invite you to share in our reading. Praise God! His Word does NOT return to us void! (Isaiah 55:11)

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"
Monday, July 19, 2021

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"Standing United Together....Under the Cross of Christ"
'We Must Decertify the Election': Trump Issues Fiery Response to Audit Bombshells, Quotes AZ Senator

publican state senators in Arizona held a hearing Thursday to share the findings of an audit of 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County. Following the nearly two-hour hearing full of bombshell allegations, former President Donald Trump issued a passionate statement to his supporters via email. “Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County Election Audit is devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden Administration,” Trump wrote. He began by mentioning that more than 74,000 ballots had been counted “with no clear record of them being received.” This was one of the key findings mentioned in the audit hearing, and Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward reiterated it on Twitter.

“Canvassing is necessary,” she wrote. “It is the one way to know if the problems are real problems or just clerical mistakes. There are ~ 74,000 ballots that came back but there is no indication that they were ever sent out by the county!”

In addition, Trump said the audit hearing revealed “[v]ery big printer and ballot problems with different paper used.”

Lead auditor Doug Logan said the team had observed many ballots that appear to show Sharpie marks bleeding through from one side of a ballot to another. He added that this “can potentially cause you to vote for someone that you didn’t intend to vote for.” To avoid this problem, Maricopa County said it would use a bleed-proof paper called VoteSecure. If the pictures Logan showed are legitimate, it would appear other paper was used for some ballots.

Despite the findings revealed Thursday, Trump said, the county “refuses to work together with the Senate and others who are merely looking for honesty, integrity, and transparency.”

The Arizona Republican Party seemed to confirm this allegation on Twitter, saying, “Arizona Audit meeting at AZ State Senate reveals Maricopa County still has not provided many materials needed for complete audit – including routers, chain of custody, and images of mail in ballots.”

In order to truly confirm the legitimacy of the election, it would behoove Democrats to complete the necessary audits and substantiate their claims that widespread fraud did not occur. Instead, they continue to make themselves appear suspicious by refusing to properly review the results. “Why do the Commissioners not want to look into this corrupted election?” Trump continued. “What are they trying to hide?” Given the evidence presented Thursday in Arizona, those questions seem to be valid. (Read more) 

- Father, as the truth is starting to be revealed of the widespread fraud in this past election,  we pray that justice be done and policies set in place to prevent this from happening again in the future. If this is an illegitimate election, reveal the next move to be taken.  We pray in Jesus' name, amen and amen.

- For we know him who said, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," and again, "The Lord will judge his people." (Hebrews 10:30) 

1. United Arab List outraged: 1,679 Jews pray on Temple Mount during Tisha B'Av​ - Israel National News

More than 1,600 Jewish visitors ascended the Temple Mount Sunday for prayers marking the Tisha B’Av fast day, drawing the ire of the Islamic Movement in Israel, and its political representatives in the Knesset.

According to the Bayadenu organization, which organized mass visits to the holy site, a total of 1,679 Jews visited the Temple Mount as of Sunday afternoon, a 42% increase over last year's Tisha B'Av fast.

The United Arab List, a coalition partner which represents the Southern Islamic Movement in Israel, condemned the Jewish prayers on the Temple Mount, warning Jewish worshippers on the holy site could cause Arab riots and ultimately spark a “religious war”.

“We warn settlers and Knesset Members against trying to break into the Al Aqsa Mosque, and warn of [possible] serious disruptions of order which could lead to a regional religious war,” UAL said in a statement Sunday.

The UAL also claimed the Temple Mount, which it referred to as a “mosque courtyard”, is under “full Islamic ownership”. (Read more) 

2. Bill authorizing egalitarian prayer at Kotel proposed by coalition MK - Jerusalem Post

The Western Wall will have official, government-approved egalitarian prayer, according to a new bill submitted by MK Alon Tal of Blue and White, a member of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s governing coalition.

The bill, if passed, will implement a resolution creating a state-recognized egalitarian prayer section at the southern end of the Western Wall that was passed by then-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government but abandoned under haredi (ultra-Orthodox) pressure four years ago.
The Western Wall deal called for a large, state-recognized egalitarian section there that would be accessible from the main Western Wall complex and run by a board of relevant members, including progressive Jewish representatives and members of the Women of the Wall organization. (Read more) 

3. Over 1,000 COVID cases recorded Friday in nearly 4-month high - Times of Israel

The latest data from the Health Ministry on Saturday showed that over 1,000 new coronavirus cases were recorded during the previous day for the first time in nearly 4 months. The number of cases diagnosed on Friday stood at 1,118.

The number of active cases was at 6,563, of which there were 58 serious cases.

In an interview with Channel 13 on Saturday, Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz said he believed actions taken by the government so far were insufficient.

“We’re seeing a rise in infections and serious cases… What are we waiting for? To have thousands of cases a day? Hundreds in serious condition? For hospitals to fill up? We need to stop playing games.” (Read more) 

4. Israel to launch digital tracking for people in COVID quarantine - YNET News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday instructed the government to lay the legal groundwork for digitally monitoring the movements of people in isolation for coronavirus.
Meeting Sunday morning with officials to discuss enforcement of coronavirus mitigation measures,  Bennett directed Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit and the Public Security Ministry to prepare for the return of the method of monitoring that which allows police to track people's location via SMS.

Under the revived measure, a person in quarantine will receive a text message to their phone to which they must reply with a photograph of themselves.
The police then use GPS to triangulate the location from which the image was sent. Anyone who does not respond to the text message will receive a visit from the police. (Read more)  

5. Iranian Dissidents, Expats to Visit Israel in ‘Solidarity’ Delegation - Algemeiner

A group of Iranian expatriates, including former political prisoners, will visit Israel this week to express their support with Israeli citizens after the recent clashes with Iran-sponsored Palestinian terrorist groups.

The group of Iranians, who will arrive in Israel for a four-day visit on Monday will meet with Israeli officials in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and a number of other locations near the borders with Syria and the Gaza Strip.

The mission seeks to “rekindle millenia-old ties between the people of Iran and Israel in defiance of the Islamic Republic’s ongoing genocidal antisemitism,” stated iVOL, which organized of the delegation.

It will be accompanied by several Iranian dissidents as well as ex-Trump administration officials, including Victoria Coates, former US deputy national security advisor; Ellie Cohanim, former US deputy special envoy to combat antisemitism; and Len Khodorkovsky, a former deputy assistant secretary and senior adviser at the State Department.  (Read more) 

6. 'Incredibly Significant': One Man's Quest for the Ark of the Covenant Takes Him Beneath the Temple Mount - CBN

Moskoff wants the world to know that the Ark is more than just a piece of history.

"It's a real thing. Just like it did 2,700 years ago it still exists today. It's got the broken tablets that Moses crashed down there at Mt. Sinai and the second tablets. It really does exist. We're really going to see it hopefully in our lifetime again. It is a catalyst for the Messiah to come."

Until it is revealed, the Ark of the Covenant built by Moses in the wilderness will continue to fascinate the world. (Read the whole article here.)

7. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace  

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8. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel 
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The Daily Brief
 1. WHO Correcting Multiple ‘Editing Errors’ In Joint Report With China Over CCP Virus Origins - Epoch Times

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said it will correct multiple “unintended errors” in a joint report with China regarding the origins of the CCP virus, and will look into other possible discrepancies, The Washington Post reports.

WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic confirmed to The Post that it would be addressing “editing errors,” found in its report released months ago but noted that the issues did not affect “the data analysis process, nor the conclusions.”

Specifically, the organization said it would be altering the virus sequence IDs for three of the 13 earliest patients listed in a chart in the report and will clarify that the first family cluster was not linked to the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.

A map in the report also appears to show the first known case of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus being found in an individual who lived on the opposite side of the Yangtze River from where the Wuhan government claimed the person resided when they fell ill on Dec. 8, 2019.

When questioned by the Post regarding this, Jasarevic said that the agency cannot comment on what the Wuhan government announced last year. However, he noted that the discrepancy was not important to the overall conclusions of the report because “the current first known patient is most probably not the first case.” The spokesperson said mistakes in the report were due to “editing errors,” but they did not affect “the data analysis process, nor the conclusions.” (Read more)  

Almighty God,  we pray You will oversee all the editing errors and the altering of the virus sequence IDs, and require the truth only.  God, establish the history of the spread of this virus by unequivocal truth.  Annihilate all lies that they propound as fact.  In the Name of Jesus.

- "Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he has hid catch himself; into that very destitution let him fall." (Psalm 35:8)  

2. Twitter explodes after Psaki urges Big Tech to unite on bans for 'misinformation' spreaders - Fox News
The White House is courting intense criticism again Friday after press secretary Jen Psaki said that once users are banned from one social media platform for spreading coronavirus "misinformation," they should be expelled from all others as well. Remarking on steps social media outlets could take for public health, she advised they "create robust enforcement strategies that bridge their properties and provide transparency about rules. You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not others if you are for providing misinformation out there."
The remarks riled critics already concerned about collaboration between the Biden administration and Big Tech Psaki discussed from the podium on Thursday, as they seek to vaccinate more Americans amid spikes in coronavirus cases in the past few weeks. "We're flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation. We're working with doctors and medical experts…who are popular with their audience with accurate information," she said Thursday. "So, we're helping get trusted content out there."
Psaki's remarks Friday drew bipartisan derision, with critics calling Big Tech outlets "state actors" and ripping the Biden administration for playing judge and jury on truth. One writer said it was a precursor to censoring other so-called "misinformation" on social issues. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., tweeted, "[Psaki's] statement makes it abundantly clear they want people banned for simply disagreeing with the government’s pre-approved narrative." Former GOP congressman Joe Walsh, a fierce Trump critic who supported Biden for president, tweeted it's "not the government's job to moderate Facebook." (Read more)  

- Father, thank You for the outcry toward the Biden administration playing judge and jury on truth! May more and more people speak out on this plan by the White House to try and moderate Facebook and decide what is truth!

- "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." (John16:13) 

3. Trump Transition Team Records Secretly Given to FBI, Mueller: Senate Report - The Epoch Times

The General Service Administration (GSA) secretly gave President Donald Trump’s transition team records to then-special counsel Robert Mueller and the FBI in 2017, a report by two Senate committees says. Meanwhile, the GSA—the executive agency responsible for providing services to the transition teams of both Democratic and Republican candidates—refused to provide Trump’s transition team copies of its own records, according to the report (pdf).

GSA had agreed to a memorandum of understanding with Trump’s transition team that the records would be regarded as the private property of the transition team, and the GSA wouldn’t retain the records at the conclusion of the transition. GSA officials proactively contacted the FBI to ask if they should preserve Trump transition team records on Feb. 15, 2017, after Michael Flynn resigned as Trump’s national security adviser, the majority staff report released on Oct. 23 by the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and its Finance Committee shows. The agency then decided to preserve all of the Trump transition team’s records after the FBI requested it to preserve records associated with Flynn.

The GSA officials’ offer to the FBI to preserve the Trump transition team’s records came after the removal process of the records had begun on Jan. 26, 2017, according to the terms of the memorandum. The removal process was stopped afterward. The GSA took the unsolicited action despite not receiving a formal preservation request until June 12, 2017.

The GSA decided to not tell the White House or counsel for the Trump transition team about the preservation. The agency also refused to honor the team’s request to access those records when requested. (Read more)

- Father, thank You for exposing the corruption in our government! Flush them all out of their positions and bring them down, in Jesus name. 

- "They have gone deep in depravity
As in the days of Gibeah;
He will remember their iniquity,
He will punish their sins."
(Hosea 9:9) 

4. Accused From Capitol Breach Treated Like ‘Third-World Country Political Prisoners’: Rep. Gohmert - The Epoch Times

People accused of participating in the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol are facing treatment akin to that seen in third-world countries, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) says. “They’re being treated like third world country political prisoners,” Gohmert told The Epoch Times in a recent interview. “Some of them were violent, and I would have no problem sending them to prison. But there are so many that just did very little. And if they were Democrats, and were burning down stores, they would already have been out on bail,” he added.

Hundreds of people stormed the Capitol in January, interrupting a joint session of Congress convened to certify the electoral vote count. Some of the people committed violent acts, according to prosecutors, video footage, and photographs, including assaulting law enforcement officers. But many others are charged with nothing more than entering the Capitol. The broad treatment of accused participants, including alleged beatings by guards, the placement of some in solitary confinement, and the holding of even non-violent ones in jail for months, has drawn fierce criticism from the right.

“The two tier justice system is really become so apparent to anybody that’s paying attention. It is really tragic. But the Justice Department has been able to scare a lot of Republicans and their people that were thinking about coming back to Washington and protesting. And they’re scared to do that because they read and hear about these people being put in jail, who did nothing wrong, some of them—an 18-year-old that gets put in prison and 23 hours a day in solitary, and then after a story came out … and they went to 24 hour lockup,” he said. “I mean, very, very vindictive—like a third world country, except it’s happening in this country.”

The Department of Justice and the Bureau of Prisons did not respond to requests for comment.

The treatment has even drawn pushback from Democrats, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) calling solitary confinement “a form of punishment that is cruel and psychologically damaging” and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) saying such confinement should be a “rare exception.”

Over 550 people have been charged for participating in the Capitol breach. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we plead for divine intervention regarding the treatment of those accused from Capitol Breach.  We pray You dispatch a holy Army from heaven that will war against the heartless Democrats and world rulers who have excessively persecuted these 550 participants of the Capitol Breach, some did nothing wrong.  Lord, we pray the 18-year old in solitary confinement and 24-hour lockdown be released.  We command the persecutors be brought down by warring angels from heaven and be no more. God, we pray You start at the top who are inflicting excessive treatment be brought down.  We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God tries the hearts and reins.  My defense is of God which saves the upright in heart."  (Psalm 7:9-10)

5. Democrat Congresswoman Arrested After Leading Protesters Into Senate Building: Officials- The Epoch Times

U.S. Capitol Police on Thursday arrested Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-Ohio) during a protest at the Hart Senate Office Building in the Capitol. Photos taken by media outlets show Beatty, the chair of the Congressional Black Congress, being led away by a female officer while in handcuffs. Beatty also appeared to celebrate her own arrest, posting photos of herself on Twitter being led away by the Capitol Police officer.

The protest appeared to be about voting rights and demonstrating against GOP-led state legislatures passing election integrity measures in recent months. “I stand in solidarity with black women and allies across the country in defense of our constitutional right to vote,” Beatty said in a statement after her arrest. “We have come too far and fought too hard to see everything systematically dismantled and restricted by those who wish to silence us. Be assured that this is just the beginning. This is Our Power, Our Message.”

The congresswoman also suggested in a statement that Senate Republicans should not be able to use the 60-vote filibuster hurdle to block a voting bill that was passed in the Democrat-led House earlier this year. Beatty was seen on video chanting “end the filibuster” with other protesters.

The U.S. Capitol Police confirmed in Twitter posts that protesters were arrested at the Senate building. “After officers arrived on the scene, they warned the demonstrators three times to stop,” the law enforcement agency said. “Those who refused were arrested,” it said, adding: “Two males and seven females were transported to USCP Headquarters for processing.”  (Read more) 

 - Father, open their eyes that they may see the truth and the error of their ways!

- And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. (John 3:19)  

 6. Video: Tucker Carlson Lays Out Undeniable Potential Voter Fraud in Fulton County - The Western Journal

It’s hard to call something a conspiracy theory when the evidence is sitting right in front of you. That’s where we are in Fulton County, Georgia, where a voter’s group has discovered a series of absentee ballots counted twice during the 2020 election. This raises a series of questions: How widespread was this? Was it intentional?

Establishment media has weighed in on the controversy, saying — and you’ll be shocked to learn this — it didn’t make any difference in a state that President Joe Biden carried by less than 13,000 votes. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s report Wednesday, there remains “no indication any vote for president was counted more than once in official results” and that whatever duplicate scanning of ballots might have happened was “on a relatively small scale that had no bearing on the final certified count.”

As Fox News host Tucker Carlson noted on his Wednesday show, that’s hardly a definitive conclusion borne out by the evidence. Officials in Fulton County — home to Atlanta and Georgia’s most populous locale — have argued, in Carlson’s words, that they “already know what happened, we’ve counted those same ballots four times. The election has been certified. Stop already.” “That’s the argument that Fulton County has used in court to keep those ballots locked away in a warehouse. Except it’s not true,” he said. “It now appears there actually was meaningful voter fraud in Fulton County, Georgia, last November. That is not a conspiracy theory. It’s true.”

Carlson said the numbers from Voter GA — the voting group that’s been looking at the ballots from Fulton County — were starkly different from those of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. They say that “at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots from the November election were double-counted in Fulton County. That’s a total of more than 4,000 votes.” (Read more)  

- Almighty God, we ask that You will shine the radiance of Your Light upon all the fraudulent votes by exposing the truth that President Trump won the election in November 2020.  Now Lord, send myriads of angels to slay the wicked and reveal the lawlessness that was committed by the shadow government and the Democrats by breaking the law which is a criminal offense in the election.  The Blood of Jesus expose this satanic deception.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it."  (John :44)  

7. Vernon Jones Goes Nuclear, Demands Resignation of GA Gov. Brian Kemp for Certifying ‘Fraudulent Election’ - The Western Journal

Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp’s biggest opposition in his 2022 re-election campaign might come from within his own party — and that opposition is making hay of revelations of apparent ballot fraud in the Peach State’s most populous county during the 2020 general election. In a series of tweets, former state Rep. Vernon Jones — a longtime Democrat turned Donald Trump-supporting Republican — derided Kemp for certifying what he called a “fraudulent election” after the news this week that some ballots in Fulton County had been counted twice.

How many ballots were counted two times is a matter of debate, as is whether the duplicate mail-in votes were discovered during a recount. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution put the number at “nearly 200 ballots” but said there remained “no indication any vote for president was counted more than once in official results” and that it was “on a relatively small scale that had no bearing on the final certified count.” However, the outlet noted that the group of voters who initiated the challenge said the “double-counting is just the beginning of what they hope to find.” As Tucker Carlson pointed out on his Fox News program Wednesday, the group behind the challenge, Voter GA, said that “at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots from the November election were double-counted in Fulton County. That’s a total of more than 4,000 votes.” Most of those went for Biden, the group said.

This comes on top of another report last week that up to 35,000 voters might have voted illegally in Georgia in November, having moved more than 30 days prior to the election but still having voted in the county they used to reside in. As Margot Cleveland noted at The Federalist, that’s against state law. That number is also well more than the 12,670 votes by which that President Joe Biden won the state over Trump. (Read more)


- Righteous Father, we pray for Your overshadowing of this outcome of governors certifying fraudulent votes that swayed the outcome of the wrong man stealing the presidency from the truthful winner being Donald Trump.  God, we pray You will fight the powers of satan and remove the evil one from falsely holding the office of president.  Remove from office the governor of GA, so that the state can be released from evil.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance."  (Psalm 33:12) 

 8. New Hampshire Grassroots Activists OUST Local Official Who Had Grandma Arrested for Not Wearing a Mask in Write-In Vote Campaign - The Gateway Pundit

The mission of the Government Integrity Project (GIP) is to restore Liberty in every NH town. On Tuesday, July 13, 2021… that town was Danville, NH, where the work of nearly 60 GIP volunteers over weeks of effort culminated into an historic accomplishment by an incredible team of liberty minded patriots!

Together, they sent a shock wave to the liberal elitists in the town of Danville and across the state of New ampshir.  Tyranny was defeated and Liberty was restored when Constitutional conservative and write-in candidate Scott Borucki defeated incumbent Kim Farah for Danville Selectman! Farah represented all that is wrong with elected representatives who have forgotten their oaths to office.

Farah’s arrogant totalitarian style of governing led the GIP to pledge support for Borucki’s write-in candidacy. Borucki’s victory represents the beginning of the rebirth of American Principles in New Hampshire!  It represents right over wrong, and good over evil. His victory was an extraordinary event that can be credited to the wave of patriots that are banding together to take back our country.

Most importantly, the election of Scott Borucki flipped the composition of the Danville Select Board from progressive to conservative.  That represents a tangible measurement of success and a return to representative government in Danville! (Read more)  

- Father, thank You for this victory! May we hear more of these victories, and of citizens getting more and more involved in their local elections!

- Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (1 John 4:4)  

9. DeSantis Tells Christian Group: 'Stand for What's Right, Put on the Full Armor of God' - Christian Headlines

Florida Gov. Rick DeSantis on Wednesday encouraged a group of Christian attorneys attending a conference to "stand firm for what's right" and "put on the full armor of God" as they defend religious liberty.

DeSantis made the remarks in Florida at the Alliance Defending Freedom's Summit on Religious Liberty as he recounted his own record of defending religious freedom and conservative values. ADF, founded by Christian leaders, is a legal organization that protects "religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life," according to its website.

"I appreciate what you're doing, because I know you face blowback. I know the media smears. I know that you take on cases that are not popular with certain segments of our elite institutions. God bless you for being willing to do it," DeSantis, a Republican, said. "... I just would say whether you're doing legal battles, whether you're a judge, whether you're an elected official – stand firm for what's right, put on the full armor of God. Take a stand against the Left schemes. Take up the shield of faith. You're gonna face flaming arrows – that's guaranteed – but stand strong. Hold the line, and don't ever, ever back down."

DeSantis also addressed the subject of churches being closed during the pandemic. "You had places throughout this country where churches were closed, but strip clubs were open, or liquor stores were open – you tell me how that makes any sense whatsoever," he said. "And so I think this idea of certain things being essential or not, honestly, is something that we've got to throw in the trash can."

"Wokeness," he said, dominates academia, media, corporate America and "big tech." But it has very little support "outside of those aspects of our society," he added. "And so if you stand up for what's right, they may want to chirp at you," he said. "… But if you stand, you're standing on behalf of a huge, huge silent majority of Americans who may not have access to those high commanding heights of some of our elite institutions, but who have strength in numbers and who understand common sense." (Read more) 

- Father, thank You for this stand by Governor DeSantis! May we all put on the full armor of God and stand for truth wherever we go!

- "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:11-12) 

10. 'An Important Moment for Religious Freedom in the UK': Blackpool Settles Franklin Graham Discrimination Case, Issues Public Apology - CBN

As CBN News reported in April, Manchester County Court Judge Claire Evans ruled that the 2018 Lancashire Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham was discriminated against when ads promoting the event were pulled from buses in Blackpool, England in an effort to ban him from preaching the gospel.

In September 2018, the Blackpool Borough Council and Blackpool Transport Services Limited removed bus advertisements displaying the words "Time for Hope," citing that members of the community complained about Graham's association with the festival. The transportation company said they received feedback from members of the community who were concerned over the evangelist's religious beliefs on marriage and sexuality.

According to the court documents, complaints referenced Graham's biblical views about LGBTQ matters like same-sex marriage. Some falsely accused him of "preaching hate" or being "racist." However, the court concluded that the ads themselves were inoffensive and the transportation company had actually violated the UK's Equality Act 2010. The law forbids discrimination against anyone because of religion or belief.

Judge Evans ruled "overwhelmingly in favor" of the Lancashire Festival of Hope, pointing out that Blackpool "had a wholesale disregard" for the Festival's right to freedom of speech. At the same time, it prioritized the rights and opinions of members of the LGBT community.

Last week, Blackpool accepted the court's ruling and agreed to a settlement. Both Blackpool Borough Council and Blackpool Transport Services Limited issued a public apology(Read more) 

- Father in heaven, we pray for a God-given open door to the city of Blackpool who heard the liberating gospel of Christ through Franklin Graham, to still be making its rounds to every household to receive and believe what he preached.  Cleanse Blackpool of its sins of unbelief.  Throw out the lifeline from the throne of God's grace to this city and save their souls through the Blood of Jesus.  We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved."           (Romans 10:9) 
Signs & Wonders
The Judean Date Palm: Extinct Tree
Resurrected from Ancient Seeds
For thousands of years, the date palm was a staple crop. In the Kingdom of Judea it was a source of food, shelter, medicine, and shade. But the plant went extinct due to waves of conquest and intentional destruction. But now, after 2,000 years, the Judean date palm is back and the sweet ancient fruit has been harvested once again.

Thick forests of the ancient date palms towering up to 80 feet (24.38 meters) and spreading for 7 miles (11.27) covered the Jordan River valley from the Sea of Galilee in the north to the shores of the Dead Sea in the south.

So valued was the tree that it became recognized as a symbol of good fortune in Judea. It is chronicled in the Bible, Quran, and ancient literature for its diverse powers. It has allegedly served as both an aphrodisiac and a contraceptive, and as a cure for a wide range of health issues including cancer, malaria, and toothache. Read More
The Good News Corner
School Board Says It's Protecting All Students and Parents in Vote on Virginia's New Transgender Student Policy

A crowd of nearly 500 parents, school board members, and concerned citizens gathered Thursday evening in Russell County, Virginia for a public hearing to denounce a new policy concerning transgender students. 

The school board took a 7-0 vote rejecting the transgender model policy passed down by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), according to The Family Foundation

Under the new policy, transgender students would be allowed to use a name or gender that relates to their preferred gender identity. They would also have access to restrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity. 

Board members emphasized that they are committed to protecting all students and that they believe the school district does comply with federal anti-discrimination laws.

Dr. Todd Gathje, Family Foundation's director of government relations also stated that "at the end of the day, regardless of what the VDOE provides as guidance, school boards have a primary duty to protect the safety and security of the students under their care" and to safeguard the "ability of parents to protect their children and not have their parental rights violated."

The board also voted against critical race theory being taught in schools. (Read more)

> > > Source: CBN

- Father God, we thank You that, in our country, local school boards still retain the right to overrule guidelines that have been handed down to them by the State Departments of Education. We ask now that many parents and school board members across this nation be awakened to this right, even as decisions are being made in advance of the coming school year. In Jesus name, amen.

- "Fight the good fight of faith."  (I Timothy 6:12)  
Nightly Prayer to HOLD THE LINE...
and Today's Prophetic Words
We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.

For more info, visit their website at:

Thoughts for Repentance
The Holy Spirit speaking through Paul to the Romans, says: " I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation [from His wrath and punishment] to everyone who believes [ in Christ as Savior], to the Jew first and also to the Greek." ~ Romans 1:16 (Amplified Bible)

Later today begins the 9th of Av, Tisha B'Av, a sad day in Jewish history. Ten of the twelve spies sent by Moses to search the Promised Land came back with a negative report, causing the Israelites to panic and despair of ever entering the Promised Land. On the 9th of Av the First and Second Temples were destroyed. On this day the Jews were expelled from England in 1290. In 1941 SS Commander Himmler formally received approval for the "Final Solution." It's time to confess, personally and corporately, our many sins of anti-semitism within the Body of Christ virtually from the beginning days of His Church.
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Classic Hymns

Be Still My Soul

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Katharina von Schlegel
Music: Jean Sibelius

Scripture: Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future, as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while He dwelt below.

Be still, my soul: when dearest friends depart,
And all is darkened in the vale of tears,
Then shalt thou better know His love, His heart,
Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears.
Be still, my soul: thy Jesus can repay
From His own fullness all He takes away.

Be still, my soul: the hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord.
When disappointment, grief and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past
All safe and blessèd we shall meet at last.

Be still, my soul: begin the song of praise
On earth, believing, to Thy Lord on high;
Acknowledge Him in all thy words and ways,
So shall He view thee with a well pleased eye.
Be still, my soul: the sun of life divine
Through passing clouds
Shall but more brightly shine.

About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Our Mission Statement

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood for all, we, too, pray for ALL, in a nonpartisan manner. Also, because the scriptures indicate that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 4:17), we are confident that fervent prayer, offered in the halls of the highest chambers of government in our land, can avail much for America. Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes those who feel called to join us, engaging in this strategic work of intercession for our nation: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God." [Romans 13:1]


Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.


We Welcome Your Gifts

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a 501(c)(3), tax- exempt, faith-based, ministry, dedicated to praying for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4). CHPP relies solely on the gifts of our readers to continue this work; thus we greatly appreciate your help in supporting this publication. Offerings may be sent to: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, P.O. Box 5152, Herndon, VA 20172-1970. Please make checks payable to: CHPP. THANK YOU!


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"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philippians 4:23)

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