The Daily Brief

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"
Thursday, March 25, 2021

"The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty." (Zephaniah3:17)

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“We the People”
“Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ”

Today’s Top Story

Biden considering executive action on gun control, Psaki says

President Biden is considering executive action on gun control in the wake of two mass shootings in less than a week, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday.

Psaki did not specify what action Biden might take. "We are considering a range of levers, including working through legislation, including executive action," Psaki told reporters. "That has been under discussion and will continue to be under discussion."

Biden, addressing the shooting that occurred in Boulder, Colo., and that left 10 dead, said Tuesday he didn’t "want to wait another minute, let alone an hour" to act on gun violence. A shooting six days earlier left eight dead in Atlanta, Georgia. (Fox News) Read more.

- Father, in Your might, come to defend our land from those within our shores who would gradually take away our freedoms guaranteed in our Constitution. We pray for the focus to move from the gun itself to the demented evil within these troubled people. Lord, we pray for Biden to have wisdom in this matter and not to use this incident for the purpose of advancing his socialist agenda.

- "Like cages full of birds, their houses are full of deceit; they have become rich and powerful." (Jeremiah 5:27)

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Focus on Israel

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1.  Netanyahu Short for Right-Wing Coalition, Would Need Arab Support - Jerusalem Post

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would not be able to form a government, according to preliminary results from 97% of the regular polling stations reported by the Central Elections Committee unless he gains support from the Arab-Islamist Ra'am Party. 

Netanyahu's bloc of Likud, Shas, United Torah Judaism and the Religious Party was found to have won 59 seats along with Yamina, two short of a majority. Ra'am's leader Mansour Abbas has collaborated in the past with Netanyahu and pro-Likud advocates are already working to legitimize the formation of a coalition with Arab support in the media.

Abbas has justified working with Netanyahu and other Zionist parties if he can, in exchange, gain benefits for the Arab community which faces poor infrastructure, a growing murder rate and high unemployment. 

According to the preliminary results, Netanyahu's Likud won 30 seats, Yesh Atid 18, Shas 9, Blue and White 8,  United Torah Judaism, Yamina and Labor 7,  New Hope, Yisrael Beytenu, the Religious Zionist Party 6 and Meretz 5. After initial indications that the Ra'am (United Arab List) Party had not crossed the 3.25% electoral threshold, current results give it five seats and the Joint List six.  (Read more) 

2. Newly Discovered Counting Errors, Delays Could Lead to Last-Minute Drama - Israel Hayom

Despite the rapid pace of counting the nationwide vote from Election Day, officials at the Central Elections Committee say unintentional counting errors mean some results would not be factored into the final tally for a while, potentially complicating even further the inconclusive outcome from Tuesday's march to the polls.

Some 500,000 ballots have yet to have been counted as of Wednesday night. The number is relatively high because of the special balloting procedures in some polling stations due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The committee said it would stop publishing new figures until it resolves an issue surrounding 300 ballot boxes comprising many votes. These boxes arrived too late to be properly recorded and tabulated on Tuesday. On top of that, some 3% of the vote will only be counted later because it has been mailed-in via Israeli diplomats overseas or processed through special double envelopes in military bases or hospitals and other special polling stations.

There are also some 180 boxes with paper ballots whose recorded tally was not properly processed because the relevant documents had been accidentally misplaced. While this is unlikely to result in any recounts or discrepancies, it could lead to slight delays or modifications in the final tally. (Read more) 

3. Pragmatism Won the Day in Arab Centers as Non-Pragmatic Voters Stayed Home - Jewish Press

As of Wednesday afternoon, with 87% of the votes counted, Mansour Abbas’s Islamic Raam party has passed the vote threshold with at least 4 seats, up from its current 3 seats, while the Joint Arab List—abandoned by Mansur ahead of the election—has dropped from 8 to 6 seats. When Mansur quit the List, he announced that for the right price, meaning government project aimed at mainstreaming Arab communities, he was perfectly willing to support a Netanyahu-led right-wing government.

This was a brave statement. A few weeks ago, during a protest rally against violence in Umm al-Fahm, Mansour was attacked physically by protesters who accused him of treason. But he obviously appealed to a sufficient segment of the Arab community to send him back to the Knesset with four or five seats. Meanwhile, his former allies in the List could not turn the rage against his betrayal into votes. Haaretz claimed on Wednesday morning that Arab voters were angry at the breakup of the Joint Arab List, so they stayed home.

Raam officials celebrated the victory of their path and told Israel Hayom that “the Arab public has given the green light to the pragmatic path taken by Mansour Abbas,” suggesting that “the separatist and contrasting path of the joint list has collapsed.”
(Read more) 

4. Israeli Experts, Ex-Officials Assess Shifting Election Math, Urge Avoiding New Elections - Algemeiner

Israeli experts and former political officials weighed in Wednesday on the still-emerging 2021 election results, expressing hope that Israel’s politicians would manage to break the political deadlock and avoid yet another round of elections, but emphasizing that what will come next remains unclear.

Israel’s Channel 12 reported Wednesday that with 87% of the vote counted, the “pro-Netanyahu” bloc of parties has fallen from 56 seats to 52, while the “anti-Netanyahu” bloc — a diverse group of parties each seeking to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — dropped slightly to 56 mandates.

Neither bloc thus has a clear majority to form a government, with two wildcard parties — Yamina and Ra’am — appearing set to play potentially decisive roles.

Former Israeli ambassador to the UN and current Chairman of the World Likud Danny Danon told The Algemeiner that, although Netanyahu’s Likud emerged as the largest party, “I don’t think it’s a victory.” (Read more) 

5. EU Supports Israel on Golan at UNHRC as Agenda Item 7 Opposition Grows -Jerusalem Post

European countries supported two United Nations Human Rights Council resolutions Geneva that condemned Israeli "occupation" of the West Bank and east Jerusalem, but they rejected a text slamming Israeli sovereignty on the Golan heights as part of their growing opposition to Agenda Item 7.

The Czech Republic and Great Britain, however, stood out for their support of Israel on both of the Palestinian texts, which were approved Wednesday as UNHRC wrapped up its 46th session.

The United Kingdom, which began a three-year UNHRC term this year, read out a sharp statement condemning the 47-member body for singling out Israel over Agenda Item 7. This is a UNHRC mandate that Israeli alleged human rights violations must be debated at every session. No other country has such a mandate against it.

The resolution against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and east Jerusalem passed 42-3, with two abstentions. The one against Israeli settlements was approved 36-3, with 8 abstentions, including by Austria and Hungary. Lastly the resolution condemning Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights, which had the least support passed 26-18, with 3 abstentions. All the resolutions were voted on under Agenda Item 7. (Read more)

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The Daily Brief

1. Biden prepares to hold first press conference Thursday, after 64 days in office -Just the News

President Biden will on Thursday hold his first press conference since entering the White House, after having gone longer than any other U.S. president in over 100 years without holding such an exchange with reporters. 

Biden has been under presser from the news media to hold a full-on, unscripted, back-and-forth with reporters – considering the number of pressing issues before him and the demand from Americans to know where he stands on those matters.

Among those issues are the rapid influx of migrants at the southwest U.S. border, his intentions with gun control and how his proposed federal tax increase will impact U.S. households. (Read more)

- Father God, only You know why it has taken this long for Joe Biden to host his first
press conference at the White House. We ask that this event would be productive, on both his part and that of the press, so that honest questions are asked and honest answers given. May all hidden things be revealed in the course of this event. In Your Name we pray, amen and amen.

- "For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light." (Mark 4:22)

2. Biden makes Harris the point person on immigration issues amid border surge - POLITICO

Vice President Kamala Harris will be the White House's point person on immigration issues at the nation's southern border, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday, tasking her with stemming the rising tide of migrants, many of them unaccompanied children, arriving in the U.S.

"I can think of nobody who is better qualified to do this,” the president told reporters at the White House.

Harris’ main focus . . . will be two-pronged: working to slow the flow of “irregular migrants” by addressing “the root causes” that prompt them to leave their home countries as well as strengthening relationships with Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries where the bulk of the migrants arriving at the U.S. border come from.

The role puts Harris front-and-center at one of the most politically risky issues for the White House as it struggles with an influx of migrant children at the southern border. Harris acknowledged this, saying there “is no question this is a challenging situation,” but said that she would be looking forward to discussions with the leaders of the nations. (Read more)

- Lord God, we do pray for Kamala Harris, that she be guided by Your wisdom as she tackles this very complex crisis. We pray that the strategies she will implement will be a blessing and a strengthening for our nation, as well as a help to our nations beyond our southern border. We ask this in Your name, dear Lord, amen and amen.

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." (James 1:5) 

3. Joe Biden Under Investigation for Order to Block Wall Construction - Brietbart
Biden issued an executive order on his first day as president to pause in government spending on the wall, keeping his campaign promise to end the border security project. Last week, 40 Senate Republicans accused Biden of violating the law and making the migrant crisis on the southern border worse.
“In the weeks that followed, operational control of our southern border was compromised and a humanitarian and national security crisis has ensued,” the senators wrote in a letter to the GAO requesting a ruling on Biden’s questionable action.
The GAO is reviewing the order, according to a report by Politico, noting the president may have broken the law by trying to control funding approved by Congress. Congress passed a government funding package in 2020, signed by Trump, that included $1.4 billion for wall construction. (Read more)

-  Lord God we lift up this investigation to you. We pray that you use it in a mighty way to expose the corruption and the danger that our current leadership is putting us into as they create this "open border" policy. Father God, the are harming our children and our families. We ask that justice would be done in the situation. In Jesus name amen.

“Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the Lord understand all things.” (Proverbs 28:5)  

4. Biden’s newly-confirmed transgender health official releases statement, revealing priorities - DML News
On Wednesday the Senate , in a 52-48 vote, confirmed Rachel Levine to be assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services. Levin has now made history as the first openly transgender official ever approved by the upper chamber.
Levine released a statement after being confirmed.  But instead of releasing a statement about health, the statement is directed to the LGBTQ community, and to transgender youth. She stated in part:
As I prepared to take my oath of office and begin serving as Assistant Secretary for Health, I would like to take this opportunity to address members of the LGBTQ community. First, thank you. Only through your work and advocacy over many decades is my story possible. I am humbled to be the first transgender individual to serve in a Senate-confirmed position.
“In particular, I want to address transgender youth... I will do everything I can to support you and advocate for you. President Obama often reminded us that not all progress goes in a straight line. What I can tell you is that there is a place for you in America and in our government. Our ‘more perfect union’ includes you too.” (Read more)

- Lord God we do not know how addressing transgender youth and LGBTQ community has to do with a position in “health” but right now we draw a bloodline around our youth and we say hands off our youth Satan you cannot have them in the name of Jesus Christ. We dedicate the youth of this country to the Lord that they will usher in the coming of the Messiah and they’ll be nothing that the evil one can do to stop God’s plans and purposes in the mighty name of Jesus amen.
“Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” (Psalm 8:2)

5. .Job Creators Network says no to the idea of small business tax hikes - Just The News
The Job Creators Network (JCN) has plastered their message publicly opposing small business tax hikes on a billboard in New York City's Times Square: "Biden wants to raise taxes on small businesses? HELL NO! NOT ON OUR WATCH!," the sign reads.
A press release about it says that the billboard is "calling out President Biden for tax increases that are being prepared by his administration. Among potential changes, Biden is reportedly considering eliminating the 20 percent small business standard deduction and raising the tax rate paid by pass-through entities—many of which are small businesses," the press release says.
The billboard, which will remain up for three weeks, also includes the question/exclamation, "WTF?!" and directs viewers to visit, which JCN describes as a website meant to track the quantity of jobs jeopardized by President Biden's policies. 
- In the name of Jesus we also say no to tax increases on the American people and their businesses. So many Americans work hard to try to create and innovate so that they can take care of themselves and their families. Lord God, we ask you to protect these businesses from harm and evil. in the name of Jesus, amen.
“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord make me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:8) 

6. Guardian Angel Founder Curtis Sliwa take on NYC mayor race, refunding police - Just The News

The founder of the Guardian Angels, Curtis Sliwa, has announced that he will run in the New York City mayoral race as a Republican.
Sliwa started the Guardian Angels Safety Patrol nonprofit organization in 1979 while Ed Koch was the New York City mayor and the crime rate in the city was high, as policing was insufficient to control it.

His organization often found itself at odds with police in the past, but now he is championing refunding law enforcement in the midst of the defunding by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Sliwa detailed the history of the Guardian Angels' interaction with New York City police and mayors. "Yeah, on occasion the cops would give me a wooden shampoo and a concrete facial and added some readjustments on the way to the lockup," he recalled. "So when it comes to mayoral candidates who talk about, you know, prisons, jails, law enforcement — I've experienced it both ways. (Read more)

- Lord God we pray your will would be done in this situation. We pray that strong leaders would rise up all over the country to replace those that have not used their position in a godly manner. Let these wicked leaders be exposed and replaced in Jesus name. Amen.

- “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.” (Proverbs 10:9)

7. Sesame Street’ Studio Debuts ‘ABCs of Racial Literacy’ to Teach Kids About Racism - Brietbart
Sesame Workshop, the studio behind Sesame Street, has released a new set of instructional resources for children  and their parents titled “ABC’s of Racial Literacy,” which the company said represents part of its commitment to “racial justice.”
“ABC’s of Racial Literacy” provides activities for kids as well as tutorials for parents to teach children as young as infants about the dangers of  racism.
Sesame Workshop announced the program Tuesday, saying that the company has always stood for “diversity, inclusion, equity, and kindness.”
“The work to dismantle racism begins by helping children understand what racism is, and how it hurts people,” Sesame Workshop said in an Instagram post. The program provides resources that are “designed to help families celebrate their own unique identities and answer children’s sometimes-tough questions about race and racism.” (Read more)
- Lord God we pray that the eyes of every parent's heart in this country would be flooded with the light of truth. Then they would see the evil in these divisive and subtle tactics of the enemy, designed to corrupt the minds of our children. Father God, we say NO to this foolishness in the name of Jesus, amen!

- “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20)

 8. Miami Heat to Open Vaccinated-Only Sections for Fans on April 1 - Brietbart
The Heat announced plans Tuesday to open two sections in their lower bowl only for fully vaccinated fans starting with an April 1 game against Golden State. They are the first NBA team to reveal such a plan, though other clubs are believed to be working on similar measures.
Masks will still be required, even for the vaccinated fans, but social distancing rules will be slightly relaxed in those areas.
The NBA told teams last week that such sections would be allowed, under very specific conditions and in accordance with local and state health and safety guidelines. If any of the sections provided by teams include seats within 30 feet of the court, fans in those seats will have to take a PCR test two days prior to the game or an approved antigen test on game day. (Read more)

- In the name of Jesus Christ we bind the spirit of division off of the NBA, and off of this country in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray Lord God that the agenda behind vaccinations would be exposed and that the eyes of the hearts of the people would be flooded with light regarding this matter in Jesus name we pray amen.
“Evil men do not understand justice, But those who seek the Lord understand all things.” 
(Proverbs 28:5)

9. More than 2,400 Criminal illegals released under San Francisco Sheriff Office policy - Just The News

Judicial Watch says that a December 2016 lawsuit that it lodged on behalf of a California taxpayer to challenge the San Francisco Sheriff's sanctuary policy has revealed that more than 2,400 criminal illegal aliens were let go under a policy pertaining to communications with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about criminal illegal aliens held in police custody.

"The lawsuit argues that the Sheriff Department's restrictions on communications with ICE conflict with federal immigration law and attempt to regulate immigration and are therefore invalid," according to a Judicial Watch press release.

The watchdog organization said that it stated in a court filing that the policy "is so effective in regulating immigration and obstructing Congress' purposes under federal immigration law that, in over 2,401 known instances, it has never resulted in ICE taking into custody a single alien, not even aliens with significant criminal backgrounds wanted for removal."(Read more)

- Lord God we ask for supernatural protection for the American people from these horrible decisions that can have a major negative impact on our society. We just pray that our entire governmental system would be renewed and restored back to the righteous and just system that it was created to be. Let it be so in the name of Jesus amen.

- “The Lord is a refuge for the oppresed,a stronghold in times of trouble.” (Ps. 9:9)

10. DHS considers expanding use of 'No Fly List' for monitoring travel of domestic extremists - Fox News
The Department of Homeland Security is considering expanding the No Fly List as a means of monitoring the travel of suspected domestic extremists and preventing more attacks on American soil, according to media reports.
Conversations about the strategy have involved multiple law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, Politico reported, citing law enforcement sources. 
The potential move by the Biden administration could mean that authorities may look closer at how suspected domestic extremists travel, which could including the monitoring of their flights and travel patterns and the searching of their luggage for weapons. (Read more)

- Lord God, we pray for wisdom and downloads from heaven to the Biden administration on how to make the best decision in this specific situation to further protect the American people and our safety in Jesus name amen.

- "The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?" (Psalm 27:1) 

11. Biden Laughs Off North Korea’s First Missile Test Of His Administration - Daily Caller

President Joe Biden dismissed the significance of North Korea’s latest missile tests when asked about the situation Tuesday.

There’s no new wrinkle in what they did,” Biden said when asked if the missile tests were a provocation. “According to the Defense Department, it’s business as usual.”
When asked if the tests would affect diplomacy between Pyongyang and Washington going forward, Biden simply laughed in response. The tests are the first to take place since Biden took office in January.

U.S. officials reportedly expected a test, particularly after recent American and South Korean military exercises. The tests were in line with normal North Korean activity and did not violate United Nations Security Council resolutions, one source told The Washington Post. (Read more)

- Lord God we pray for Biden and his administration that they would take these threats seriously. Father God, cause them to understand that not only does this matter affect the American people, whom they swore to serve and protect, but it will affect the entire world. Help them realize how serious this situation is and give them wisdom concerning all matters related to North Korea. In Your name we ask this prayer, amen and amen.

- “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” (Proverbs 11:2)

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The Daily Jot

Stupidocrisy: Biden-Obama Border Version 2.0

The Daily Jot, Bill Wilson, March 24, 2021

Remember the years of news media and Democratic Party hacks screaming at the top of their lungs about President Trump’s border policy toward children, as Michelle Obama put it at the 2020 Democratic National Convention, ”They watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages”? Those “cages” were actually built by the Obama-Biden Administration Version 1.0—as reluctantly confirmed by Trump-haters at Associated Press the day after the First Lady’s claims. Didn’t matter, the press and the politicians kept repeating the lie. Trump actually got the whole border security situation straightened out, but now we are faced with an even worse Biden-Obama Version 2.0. Stupidocrisy.

Kids were not being ripped from their families and thrown into cages as claimed by the “woke” narrative. They were separated from adults who brought them illegally across the border until it could be confirmed that the adults were legitimate guardians. But under Biden-Obama Version 2.0, the cages that were actually built and utilized by Obama-Biden Version 1.0 are now home to a far worse humanitarian crisis than anything that remotely occurred during Trump’s time. Things are so bad that Biden has put a gag order to prevent his people from talking to the media about it. As Trump said, he handed Biden a perfectly well-working border system and security policy, and Biden destroyed it in a day. Stupidocrisy. The Eppoch Times’ Charlotte Cuthbertson writes about a Border Patrol agent describing the conditions in a facility in south Texas: The family-unit holding cells smell like urine and vomit. Fights break out in the unaccompanied-minor cells. Scabies, lice, the flu, and COVID-19 run rampant. Up to 80 individuals are squeezed into each 24-by 30-foot cell, and there aren’t enough mattresses for everyone. Sheets of plastic divide the rooms. Any diseases that are in there, it’s being kept in there, like a petri dish. The smell is overwhelming…One or two agents are left to control 300 to 500 people during a shift. No agent wants to report physical or sexual assaults between the aliens because they’ll get blamed for “letting it happen.”

Biden has undermined the national security and general welfare of this nation. His actions in just a short time have caused a humanitarian crisis, endangered national security, caused an untold increase in crime, drug trafficking and sex and slave trafficking of women and children, endangered legal citizens with the unchecked spread of COVID 19, and cost you and me billions of dollars in hard-earned tax money. All this by a guy who can’t even walk up a set of stairs if the wind blows. As Proverbs 28:15 says, “Like a roaring lion or a charging bear, is a wicked/criminal ruler over a weak people.” Meanwhile, Biden’s Democratic Party is jamming legislation through Congress that gives all these illegal immigrants the right to vote. See the strategy? Destroy a nation, but remain in power. Hmmm–Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. 

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Signs & Wonders

Massive ship runs aground amid extreme weather, blocks Suez Canal

Maritime traffic at one of the world's busiest shipping lanes came to a standstill for two days after a cargo ship the size of a skyscraper got stuck sideways across Egypt's Suez Canal.

The massive ship was heading from China to the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands when it ran aground amid a severe dust storm early Tuesday that caused high winds and poor visibility. The 1,312-foot-long, 193-foot wide, 220,000-ton container vessel became wedged sideways, blocking all other vessels from passing through the man-made canal connecting Europe and Asia.

The ship's operator, the Taiwan-based Evergreen Marine Corp., in a statement blamed powerful winds for the mishap, saying the gusts knocked the vessel off course as it was leaving the Red Sea and entering the Suez Canal, according to The Associated Press.

According to George Safwat, a spokesman for the authority that oversees the canal, the storm caused an “inability to direct the ship.”

The Ever Given ran aground nearly 4 miles north of the southerly mouth of the canal near the city of Suez, an area of the canal that is a single lane. Additionally, poor weather conditions forced several of Egypt's largest ports to shut down on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Meanwhile, according to an oil export tracker, tankers hoping to enter the waterway are lined up on either side of the canal which carries roughly 10 percent of worldwide shipping traffic and typically allows 50 cargo ships to pass daily between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. According to Suez Canal Authority, nearly 19,000 ships with a net tonnage of 1.17 billion metric tons passed through the canal last year.

“The Suez Canal will not spare any efforts to ensure the restoration of navigation and to serve the movement of global trade,” Lt. Gen. Ossama Rabei, head of the Suez Canal Authority, said in a statement. (Accuweather) Go here to view photos of this disaster and to read more about this story.  

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The Good News Corner

Miracles and Salvations Come to Texas: 'The POWER OF GOD Is Breaking Out!'

The issue we have right now in culture... it's not that they're coming against gender, it's that they're coming against the image of God. He made men and women different. They're trying to bring division between white and black. They're trying to shut the Church down and shut us up." -Sean Feucht

Thousands witnessed God perform miracles this weekend in Texas during Sean Feucht's "Let Us Worship" revival event.

Feucht and his team, including Dr. Charles Karuku with International Outreach Church, set their stage up in a dirt field in Lubbock on Saturday where people were set free from sin and healed from disabilities.

"5 people set free from same-sex attraction (most of them came to me backstage) They came to Lubbock Texas crying out for revival," Dr. Karuku wrote on Facebook. "Altars were full of people giving their lives to Jesus. We prayed for the sick. A 61yr old woman born deaf who had $8000.00 worth of hearing aids was healed by God. A 27 yr old born deaf with multiple surgeries that did not fix it got his hearing back." (CBN News) Read more.

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Today’s Prophetic Word


Go here to view this prophetic word.

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Prayers for the Persecuted Church

"Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." (Hebrews 13:3)

Please visit the website for International Christian Concern to lift up prayers for the persecuted around the world, every day. Their link is: -- or go here to connect. Thank you for interceding for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Asia, the Islamic World, and the Far East.

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Classic Hymns

In the Garden

Thinking He was the gardener, she said, Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put Him, and I will get Him. (John 20:15)

To listen to this classic hymn,CLICK HERE

Words and Music: C. Austin Miles

I come to the garden alone
While the dew is still on the roses
And the voice I hear falling on my ear
The Son of God discloses.


And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And He tells me I am His own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice,
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing,
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.


I’d stay in the garden with Him
Though the night around me be falling,
But He bids me go; through the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling.


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Nightly Prayer Call to HOLD THE LINE

We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.
For more info, visit their website at:

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About CHPP


About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Our Mission Statement

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood for all, we, too, pray for ALL, in a nonpartisan manner. Also, because the scriptures indicate that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"  (James 4:17), we are confident that fervent prayer, offered in the halls of the highest chambers of government in our land, can avail much for America. Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes those who feel called to join us, engaging in this strategic work of intercession for our nation: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God."  [Romans 13:1]

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.

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We Welcome Your Gifts

We Welcome Your Gifts

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a 501(c)(3), tax- exempt, faith-based, ministry, dedicated to praying for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4). CHPP relies solely on the gifts of our readers to continue this work; thus we greatly appreciate your help in supporting this publication. Offerings may be sent to: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, P.O. Box 5152, Herndon, VA 20172-1970. Please make checks payable to: CHPP. THANK YOU!

Now you can also donate online by going here. Or . . . if you prefer, simply paste this link into your browser to access our secure online donor system:

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philippians 4:23)

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Welcome to Our Bible Readathon

Welcome to our Bible Readathon!

Nonstop reading of the Word of God, every night (except on Sunday mornings) from midnight to 6:00 a.m. EDT.

To learn more about the Bible Readathon, please go here.


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