The Daily Brief

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Tonight is our weekly National CHPP Conference Call.
Our topic tonight will be "Praying to See the Defeat of S.1 - the "We the People Act."

Date: Monday, April 12, 2021
Time: 8:00 p.m.
Conference Number: 712-770-4160
Access Code: 616137#

> > > Please mark your calendars now and be prepared to "fight the good fight of FAITH to see this wicked bill be defeated in the Senate next week. AMEN.

Our Rhema Verse for 2021 (in agreement with many other prayer ministries who are now standing on the promise of this Word for us)

JOHN 20:21


So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"
Monday, April 12, 2021

- "Justice and judgment are the habitation of God's throne: mercy and truth shall go before His face." (Psalm 89:14)

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.


“We the People”
“Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ”

Today’s Top Story


Republicans delay Biden administration's funds to Palestinians

Congressional Republicans put a hold on $75 million of the newly reinstated US aid to the Palestinians, two sources in Washington confirmed on Thursday. On March 26, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) sent Congress a “program narrative” of about $75m. in Economic Support Funds (ESF) for programs in the West Bank and Gaza that would begin 15 days after the notification was received.

Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho) and Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), used their respective positions as ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee to stop the USAID’s notification about the reinstated funding from reaching the committees, which means the aid will not start on April 10 as planned.

On Wednesday, the State Department announced a financial package of $290m. for the Palestinians, including security and humanitarian aid, as well as funding for UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees and their descendants. Risch and McCaul said, shortly after the announcement, that “resuming assistance to the West Bank and Gaza without concessions from the Palestinian Authority undermines US interests.

“The PA is spending millions annually to compensate terrorists while the international community pays for the well-being of the Palestinian people,” they stated. “A recent Government Accountability Office report rightly calls for increased oversight of Palestinian assistance to ensure compliance with anti-terrorism policies. The Biden administration should use all available leverage to secure behavior changes from the PA, including ending terror payments.” (Read more) 

- Father God, we pray that You will block these funds from being given to the Palestinians. Lord, stop this transaction for warfare funds. In Your wisdom, take full control of this misguided endeavor. We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." (Ephesians 3:20)

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Focus on Israel

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1. Israeli Defense Minister to Secretary Austin: ‘Tehran Poses Strategic Threat to World Security’ - Jewish Press

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was received by his host Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Sunday in the IDF’s Kirya Headquarters in Tel Aviv. He is the first senior Biden administration official to visit Israel.

Austin held a series of professional meetings with Gantz, Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, Director General of the Ministry of Defense Amir Eshel and other senior officials from the Ministry of Defense and the IDF.

In comments to the press, Gantz stated that he emphasized to Austin that Israel sees the US “as a full partner on all operational fronts – the first of which is Iran.”

“The regime in Tehran today poses a strategic threat to world security, the Middle East and the State of Israel. We will continue to work with our American partners to ensure that any agreement with Iran safeguards the vital interests of the world and the United States, avoids a nuclear arms race in the region and protects the State of Israel,” he underscored. (Read more) 

2. Netanyahu, Gantz Voice Mixed Messages to Austin in Jerusalem -- Jerusalem Post

Israel is getting proficient at providing the split-screen moment.

Last week, it was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Jerusalem District Court on one side of the television screen, while on the other side – at exactly the same time – the Likud recommended Netanyahu to President Reuven Rivlin as the candidate who should be tasked with forming a government. The contrast was glaring.

And on Sunday, Israel also starred in another split-screen moment.

On one side of the screen, an Iranian official spokesman announced that an electrical “accident” befell the country’s main uranium enrichment facility at Natanz, just hours after it boasted that it inaugurated new high-speed centrifuges there. Suspicion naturally was directed at Israel for a cyberattack. (Read more) 

3. Liberman: 'Bennett Received a Generous Offer - He Must Not Pass It Up' - Israel National News

MK Avigdor Liberman, who chairs the Yisrael Beytenu party, on Saturday night told Israel's "Meet the Press" program that Yamina Chairman MK Naftali Bennett must not miss his opportunity to become prime minister.

"Bennett knows this as well as I do - the moment he comes in, [Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin] Netanyahu will try to eliminate and swallow him," Liberman said.

"Bennett received a fair and generous offer - to be first in the rotation and to have an equally-controlled government - and he must not miss this opportunity. No one knows as well as he does that the moment he joins a government with Netanyahu, 

he will need to turn around and make sure his back is covered."

"Everyone understands that the most horrible option is fifth elections," Liberman added.  

4. Bennett: 'We'll Join a Right-Wing Government - If Smotrich Joins, Too' - Israel National News

Yamina Chairman MK Naftali Bennett has clarified to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu that he prefers a "full right-wing" government to any other government, and he will do anything demanded of him in order to form such a government.

However, he emphasized that if Netanyahu fails to form a government, Bennett will attempt to do so together with the anti-Netanyahu bloc, Ynet reported.

Over the past few days, the Likud party has been working with various Religious Zionist rabbis, asking that they speak with Religious Zionism Chairman MK Bezalel Smotrich and convince him to agree to a government in cooperation with or supported by MK Mansour Abbas' United Arab List (Ra'am).

There is also discussion of a rotation deal between Netanyahu and Bennett, despite Netanyahu's repeated proclamations that there will be no rotation deals in the new government. (Read more) 

5. Israel May Have Reached a ‘Sort of Herd Immunity’ From COVID, Expert Says - Times of Israel

Israel may have reached “a sort of herd immunity” and can safely ease further restrictions, a top expert said Saturday.

With over 4.9 million Israelis fully vaccinated, the number of daily coronavirus cases has plummeted by 97 percent, Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science, told Channel 12.

“It is possible that Israel has reached a sort of herd immunity and regardless, we have a wide safety net,” Segal said. “I think that makes it possible to remove some of the restrictions immediately.”

Segal underlined that with most Israelis immunized, the reopening of swathes of the economy and gatherings over the Purim and Passover holidays did not contribute to a spike in cases. (Read over) 

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The Daily Brief

1. Biden orders study on 'size' of Supreme Court, other possible changes amid liberal court-packing push – Fox News

The 36-member commission will be bipartisan and will hold public meetings to evaluate court reforms. The new panel will have 180 days from the first meeting to complete its report on the pros and cons of court reforms.  While court packing -- or expanding the number of justices beyond nine -- has been the most high-profile court reform debated, Biden's executive order seeks to look at other judicial changes, including the lifetime appointment of justices. 

According to the White House, the commission will look into "the length of service and turnover of justices on the Court; the membership and size of the Court; and the Court’s case selection, rules, and practices."

Biden picked two chairs to lead the commission: New York University School of Law professor Bob Bauer, the former White House Counsel under former President Barack Obama and Yale Law School Professor Cristina Rodriguez, a former Justice Department official and clerk to former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. The other members are scholars, lawyers, retired members of the judiciary and advocates, including Caroline Fredrickson, the past president of the American Constitution Society, a progressive legal organization; Sherrilyn Ifill, president of the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund; and Adam White, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and member of the conservative Federalist Society. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we pray that this committee falls apart. Lord, send myriads of angels to block every plan or purpose instigated by the unrighteous. May God, Himself, stand against those who plot our demise. In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "Deliver us not over unto the will of our enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against us, and such as breath out cruelty." (Psalm 27:12)

2. Nation of Islam Mourns ‘Unrealized 'Star' Noah Green, Attacker Who Killed Capitol Cop - Patriot Project

While many fringe religious movements might be scrambling to disown an aspiring member who had been involved what was being called an act of terrorism, the Nation of Islam isn’t one of them. No, the group and its ever-provocative leader, Louis Farrakhan, is acknowledging the young man was studying to officially join the Nation of Islam and praising him as a “brother” with the potential to “be a star” had he not apparently succumbed to a mental health crisis that led him to attack two Capitol Police officers on Friday in Washington, killing one, wounding another and losing his own life in the process.

On Tuesday, the Nation of Islam released a statement confirming that 25-year-old Noah Green, who plowed his car into the two officers outside the Capitol building before lunging at them with a knife, was studying to become a full-time member. “We are saddened by the loss of this brother with such great potential,” the statement said. “With heavy hearts, we offer sympathy and condolences to his mother, father, family, and friends.” The statement said the Nation of Islam is investigating the incident and “we cannot rest until we find out what caused him to take a turn like this.”

The statement made a point of repudiating Green’s actions, as it said the Nation of Islam teaches followers “not to carry any weapons — not so much as a penknife” and that murder is “against our law. We absolutely disavow this act that resulted in the senseless loss of life,” the statement declared. “It is shocking for us to learn that someone who was attempting to be a part of our ranks may have been involved in something as tragic as this.”

. . . However, the teachings of the Nation of Islam and, more specifically, of Farrakhan himself, do well enough to cast a poor light on the group all on their own. Farrakhan is, of course, a virulent anti-Semite who can count calling Jews “termites” and leading chants of “death to America” among his greatest hits of seethingly racist and divisive statements. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, release Your powerful voice against Louis Farrakhan. God, deport all strong Islamic groups who actively work against our American national godly standards. Lord, comfort the relatives of the Capitol Police officer who was killed and the other policeman who was wounded by the Islamic Noah Green.  In Jesus' Name.

"Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after our soul to destroy it, let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish us evil.  Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame."  (Psalm 40:14-15) 

3. Bipartisan ‘No Hate Act’ Introduced in US Congress to Combat Tide of Bigoted Violence - The Algemeiner

US Jewish groups praised the reintroduction on Thursday of bipartisan legislation to fight the rising tide of hate crimes against Asian-Americans and other groups, through better reporting systems and more law enforcement training.

The No Hate Act is led in the House by Representatives Don Beyer (D-VA), Fred Upton (R-MI), Judy Chu, (D-CA) and Vern Buchanan, (R-FL), along with Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Jerry Moran (R-KS), who will introduce it on Monday in the Senate.

It will implement improved standards for reporting hate crimes, help law enforcement agencies better identify hate crimes, establish state-based hate crime hotlines, and allow judges to require offenders to undergo community service centered on the community targeted by the crime.

“With antisemitism on the rise, the United States needs to send a clear message that this odious form of hatred will not be tolerated,” said Rep. Buchanan. (Read more) 

- Lord God: We ask that You bind and dismantle all prejudices against nationalities here in America. In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another." (Ephesians 4:25)

4. House to Vote on D.C. Statehood Bill - The Presidential Prayer Team

Eleanor Holmes Norton, the non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives for the District of Columbia, said the House will vote on making the district the 51st state during the week of April 19.  “The week of April 19th the House will take a historic step in righting the monumental wrong of denying the 712,000 federal taxpaying American citizens who live in the nation’s capital voting representation in Congress and self-government without congressional interference into local affairs,” Norton said in a statement.  She said she expects the House to pass the bill. Under the plan, the new state would be called “Washington, Douglass Commonwealth,” named for Frederick Douglass.

The area around the White House, Capitol, Supreme Court, and National Mall would be carved out into a federal district controlled by Congress and named the “Capital.” “Full and equal representation for the residents of the District of Columbia remains one of the major civil rights issues of our day,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said in a statement Wednesday announcing the vote. 

The legislation, named H.R. 51, already has 215 co-sponsors. The legislation is unlikely to receive the 60 votes it would need to pass in the Senate. (Read more) 

Lord God, we agree with these two prayer requests on this issue, submitted by the Presidential Prayer Team. Amen.

1. We pray that Congress as representation for the people who reside in the District of Columbia is considered.

2.  We pray for the legislators to discern whether or not the District of Columbia can be made a state just by passing a law, or if a constitutional amendment would be required.

"Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:19)

5. CDC Director Finally Stands Up for Kids in Statement on Schools Opening -  Western Journal

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said schools nationwide should be able to reopen for in-class learning in September — even if all children and teachers are not vaccinated. “We should anticipate, come September 2021, that schools should be full-fledged in person and all of our children back in the classroom,” she said Wednesday during an Instagram Live chat with ABC News.

Walensky underscored that vaccinating children is not a prerequisite to reopening schools, while teachers can get vaccinated if they want. “We can vaccinate teachers. We can test. There’s so much we can do,” she said.

This makes sense since numerous scientific studies have confirmed that children are at minuscule risk of either spreading or contracting COVID-19. Indeed, much of the research has suggested that it was a colossal mistake to close schools for the past year, as youth suicides have exploded. Walensky said children over the age of 12 will become eligible to get vaccinated by mid-May, pending Food and Drug Administration authorization for that age group. (Read more) 

- Father God, we praise You for this wonderful breakthrough that will now allow children to attend school with normality. They have needed this for so long and our prayer is "God, save the precious children." In Jesus' Name.

- "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto Me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19:14)

6. INTERPOL warns of fake COVID-19 vaccines - WND

Consumers in America and around the world are being warned about fake COVID-19 vaccines that are being pushed by scammers. The INTERPOL organization, based in Lyon, France, is working with the U.S. Homeland Security Investigations division to issue warnings about "vaccines and treatments" offered online.

"With criminal groups producing, distributing and selling fake vaccines, the risks to the public are clear: these can include buying a product which not only does not protect against COVID-19, but poses a serious health hazard if ingested or injected. Such products are not tested, regulated or safety-checked," the group said. Legitimate vaccines, the police force warned, "are not for sale." "They are strictly administered and distributed by national healthcare regulators," INTERPOL said. "Anyone buying these products online also runs the risk of potentially giving their money to organized criminals." (Read more) 

- Almighty God, we pray that the entire world will be released from the gripping feelings that this virus has caused.  Lord, let Your light break forth and give people a God-given freedom from worry.  We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "The thief comes not, but for to steal, kill, and to destroy: I, Jesus, am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."  (John 10:10) 

7. Second Vaccination Site Halts Operations After Adverse Reactions to Johnson & Johnson Vaccine – Epoch Times

A vaccination site in Wake County, North Carolina, paused operations on Thursday after 18 adverse reactions to the Johnson & Johnson CCP virus vaccine were reported, officials said. Officials confirmed that the immunization site at the PNC Arena in Raleigh paused vaccine operations “out of an abundance of caution,” after 18 adverse reactions were seen out of more than 2,300 Johnson & Johnson CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus doses administered in less than two hours of appointments. Of the 18 people evaluated by EMS, 14 had “minor reactions” and were treated at the vaccination site. Four others were transported to local hospitals for further examination.

“Wake County made the decision to pause today in partnership with the NC Department of Health and Human Services and after consulting with the manufacturer,” Wake county officials said. “Together, these teams continue to investigate the issue.”

The remainder of people who were scheduled to receive their Johnson & Johnson vaccines at the site Thursday were able to either reschedule their appointments or receive the Pfizer vaccine. The Johnson & Johnson vaccine is a one-dose vaccine, while the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines need two doses. All three are approved for emergency use in the United States. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, reveal to the world that the Chinese Communist Party virus was created to steal, kill, and destroy people worldwide. Lift fear from people's hearts. dear Lord. We pray for Your intervention to heal them. In Jesus' Name.

- "In the day that I cried God answered me, and strengthened me with strength in my soul." (Psalm 138:3)

 8. Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules State Shouldn't Purge Thousands of Voters Who May Have Moved From Rolls – The Epoch Times

Wisconsin’s Supreme Court, in siding with Democrats, ruled that the state should not purge voters from rolls after they were flagged as possibly having moved out of the state. The court’s 5-2 ruling (pdf) means about 69,000 people on the list of likely movers will not have their voter registrations deactivated. Republicans had sought to purge the voter roles for years.

The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL), a conservative group, argued that Wisconsin’s election commission broke the law when it didn’t remove voters from rolls after they did not respond within 30 days to a mailing effort in 2019 that indicated they were identified as someone who potentially moved out-of-state.

The court ruled that the job of removing voters from rolls is up to local election officials, not the state election commission. “There is no credible argument that it does” apply to the commission, Justice Brian Hagedorn wrote for the majority.

Dissenting judges said that both state and local officials are responsible for clearing up voter rolls for people who have moved. “The majority’s decision leaves the administration of Wisconsin’s election law in flux, at least with respect to ensuring the accuracy of the voter rolls,” Justice Rebecca Bradley wrote for the minority. (Read more) 

- Almighty God, rule over Your enemies through Your power. Let the power of Your anger be released against the powers of darkness in the Wisconsin court system and strengthen the truth to prevail.  We pray in Jesus' Name.

"Justice and judgment are the habitation of God's throne: mercy and truth shall go before His face." (Psalm 89:14) 

9. Iowa governor says she won’t take in migrant children: ‘This is not our problem; this is the president’s problem’ - The Blaze

Republican Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said recently that her state does not have the capacity to house migrant children who have come into the country illegally amid the country's ongoing immigration crisis, arguing the problem was created by President Biden and so he has the responsibility to fix it. "We don't have the facilities. We are not set up to do that," Reynolds said during an interview with WHO radio on Thursday, during which she announced that she recently turned down a request from the Department of Health and Human Services to house hundreds of the migrant children. "This is not our problem; this is the president's problem," she added defiantly. "He is the one that opened the borders. He needs to be responsible for this, and he needs to stop it."

Tens of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children are currently being held in grim, cage-like Border Patrol facilities along the southern border, oftentimes for longer than is legally permitted. The tragic situation is the result of a worsening crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, as unprecedented numbers of migrants surge into the country illegally expecting lenient treatment under President Joe Biden. The Biden administration reported last week that more than 170,000 migrants were apprehended by Border Patrol agents in March, the highest monthly total in over a decade, and 70,000 more than were apprehended in February.

In response to the crisis, the overwhelmed Biden administration has been forced to adopt drastic measures, including releasing tens of thousands of adult illegal immigrants directly into the country — potentially without court dates — and setting up makeshift surge facilities for unaccompanied children. (Read more) 

- Gracious God, You are greatly to be feared. We pray Biden's administration be held responsible and stopped by the power of God's hand and the borders be closed. Lord, deal with parents' hearts of innocent children who are treated like soulless animals by families. Deliver them from the wicked that oppress them and from their deadly enemies. In Jesus' Name.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."  (Ephesians 6:12) 

10. Blinken and French, German counterparts reaffirm support for Ukraine -State Department - Reuters

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his French and German counterparts on Friday called on Russia to halt a troop buildup on Ukraine’s borders and reaffirmed their support for Kyiv in its confrontation with Moscow, the State Department said.

The statements from the top diplomats suggested stepped-up consultations among the NATO allies on Russia’s massing of forces and what Ukrainian and Western officials say have been ceasefire breaches by Russia-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine.

The Russian military movements have fueled concerns that Moscow is preparing to send forces into Ukraine. The Kremlin denies its troops are a threat, but says they will remain as long as it sees fit.

Blinken spoke separately with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, State Department spokesman Ned Price said in statements. Blinken and Le Drian “discussed the need for Russia to end its dangerous and irresponsible rhetoric, its military buildup in occupied Crimea and along Ukraine’s borders, and unilateral Russian provocations along” the frontlines in eastern Ukraine, he said.

In their call, Blinken and Maas “emphasized the importance of supporting Ukraine against unilateral Russian provocations” along the frontlines, Price said. The pair also discussed the need for Russia to “immediately cease its military buildup and inflammatory rhetoric,” Price said. (Read more )

- Lord God, each day as we receive more and more news about the tensions that are increasing in this part of the world, we turn to You and we pray in the Spirit, asking only for peace in Ukraine. Help us, O Lord, we pray in Your name, amen and amen.

- "For the kingdom is the Lord's: and he is the governor among the nations." (Psalm 22:28)

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Critical Race Theory Being Taught at
US Army’s West Point: Congressman

A Republican congressman said he is looking for answers from the U.S. Military Academy West Point about whether “critical race theory” is part of instruction for cadets.

Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) sent a letter to West Point’s superintendent, Lt. Gen. Darryl Williams about “information” that recently came to his “attention from unsettled soldiers, cadets, and families that raises serious concerns about the U.S. Army’s introduction of elements of critical race theory into cadet instruction.”

“While we should always eradicate extremism of all forms from our ranks and never tolerate racism, I am alarmed that this doctrine that focuses our future leaders on race in ways that will be detrimental to unit cohesion, destructive to morale, and strain the readiness of our armed forces,” according to the letter.

The congressman, in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, said that he got evidence of a West Point lecture, titled, “Understanding Whiteness and White Rage,” adding that some families who spoke to him were disturbed by the content.

“This goes way too far: One of the things that has me so disturbed as a member of the Armed Services Committee and a combat veteran is when you come into the United States Army, is … from day one, you are all the same,” he told Fox.

Waltz, a former U.S. Army green beret, added, “You are told the only skin color you should worry about is camouflage… The enemy’s bullets don’t care about Black, White, or Brown, or political party or race or religion or any of that. And we shouldn’t care about it either as we are teaching the future leaders of the United States Army.” (Read more) 

- Lord, we ask that You cause the leadership at West Point to not only see the truth, but repent for leading their future warfighters astray from their mission. We bind the CRT message and curse it to its very root in the mighty name of Jesus and the power of His Blood.

"Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit."  (Psalm 34:13)

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US Lawmakers Plan to Introduce Bill to Counter China Threat

Washington [US], April 9 (ANI): US lawmakers plan to introduce legislation next week that would put additional sanctions on Chinese officials; build closer US relations with Taiwan and place more checks on Beijing's military operations and territorial claims, among other measures intended to counter China and the threat it poses on human rights and maritime security.

According to South China Morning Post, Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's Democratic chairman, and Jim Risch of Idaho, its senior Republican, said on Thursday they would introduce the "Strategic Competition Act of 2021" for debate by the committee on April 14.

"I am incredibly proud to announce this unprecedented bipartisan effort to mobilise all US strategic, economic, and diplomatic tools for an Indo-Pacific strategy that will allow our nation to truly confront the challenges China poses to our national and economic security," Menendez said in a statement.

The bill calls for sanctions against Chinese officials accused of "forced labour, forced sterilisation and other abuses in Xinjiang", where human rights groups cite United Nations reports and witness accounts that as many as 1 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities are held in "re-education camps". Beijing has repeatedly denied the allegations, insisting that the camps are vocational training facilities.

According to SCMP, the legislation would also earmark US$10 million "to promote democracy in Hong Kong" and require the State Department to produce a report on "the extent to which the Government of China uses the status of Hong Kong to circumvent the laws and protections of the United States".
(Yahoo News) Read more.

-Father God, we thank You that the Senate is going to take much-needed action to confront China on the topics listed in this article. We ask that Your Hand of protection would rest upon all members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and especially upon Senators Bob Menendez and Jim Risch. Grant them great wisdom as they craft a bill that will go to the entire Senate for passage in the days ahead. Thank You, Lord, amen and amen.

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Signs & Wonders

1 killed, 7 injured from EF-3 tornado that ravaged Louisiana parish

Severe weather worries have once again proved to be worth the fright in the southern U.S. after storms fired to life on Friday afternoon and tore across the South into Saturday morning.

The stormy conditions continued throughout Saturday as thunderstorms worked their way to Florida, where heavy rain and winds disrupted major events and reached near-historic speeds.

At least two fatalities have been reported from the outbreak, as strong winds sent a tree toppling onto a mobile home near Blanchard, Louisiana, on Friday evening, claiming the life of a 48-year-old man, the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office confirmed to AccuWeather National Reporter Bill Wadell.

Neighbors of the victim told Wadell that the storms had been nearby and that winds at the time of the tragedy had been notably strong.

Previously, St. Landry Parish President Jessie Bellard told AccuWeather National Reporter Kim Leoffler one person was killed and seven others injured from the tornado in the area. A damage survey conducted on Saturday by the National Weather Service (NWS) office in Lake Charles, Louisiana, confirmed an EF-3 tornado with estimated peak wind speeds of 140 mph had torn through the area. ( Read more here. (Video included)

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The Good News Corner

3,000-year-old lost Egyptian city discovered by archaeologists

Archaeologists have discovered a 3,000-year-old “lost golden city” in Egypt — the “largest” ever found there and the most important find since the tomb of Tutankhamun.

The city, called “The Rise of Aten” was unearthed by a team of archeologists led by Zahi Hawass under the sand on the western bank of Luxor, about 300 miles south of Cairo.

The archaeologists first excavated the site in September 2020 in an attempt to search for King Tut’s mortuary temple.

They soon uncovered their stunning find — well-kept mud bricks formations that turned out to be a large city dating to the golden age of pharaohs 3,000 years ago.

“Within weeks, to the team’s great surprise, formations of mud bricks began to appear in all directions,” Hawass said in a statement.  “What they unearthed was the site of a large city in a good condition of preservation, with almost complete walls, and with rooms filled with tools of daily life.”

Most of the city’s southern portion has been unearthed, but the northern part still remains under the sand. 

The city was founded by King Amenhotep III, the ninth king of the 18th dynasty who ruled from 1391 to 1353 B.C., according to Hawass(Read more) 

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Today’s Prophetic Word

By Mario Murillo

The good news is that God is going to save America from destruction. And the bad news is that God is going to save America from destruction. How can the news that God is going to save America be bad news? Sit down for the answer.

The answer is the terrifying things God will allow to happen to bring us to repentance. Just because it is not destruction does not mean it will not be horrible. Think about what this means. It means that calamities will come to whatever degree God decides is necessary for the survival of the nation.

Please read these key points. (Go here) 

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Prayers for the Persecuted Church

"Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." (Hebrews 13:3)

Please visit the website for International Christian Concern to lift up prayers for the persecuted around the world, every day. Their link is: -- or go here to connect. Thank you for interceding for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Asia, the Islamic World, and the Far East.

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Classic Hymns

The King of Love my Shepherd is

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE

Words: Henry Baker
Music: Ancient Irish melody

Scripture: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1

The King of love my Shepherd is,
Whose goodness faileth never,
I nothing lack if I am His
And He is mine forever.

Where streams of living water flow
My ransomed soul He leadeth,
And where the verdant pastures grow,
With food celestial feedeth.

Perverse and foolish oft I strayed,
But yet in love He sought me,
And on His shoulder gently laid,
And home, rejoicing, brought me.

In death’s dark vale I fear no ill
With Thee, dear Lord, beside me;
Thy rod and staff my comfort still,
Thy cross before to guide me.

Thou spread’st a table in my sight;
Thy unction grace bestoweth;
And O what transport of delight
From Thy pure chalice floweth!

And so through all the length of days
Thy goodness faileth never;
Good Shepherd, may I sing Thy praise
Within Thy house forever.

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Nightly Prayer Call to HOLD THE LINE

We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.
For more info, visit their website at:

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About CHPP


About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Our Mission Statement

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood for all, we, too, pray for ALL, in a nonpartisan manner. Also, because the scriptures indicate that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"  (James 4:17), we are confident that fervent prayer, offered in the halls of the highest chambers of government in our land, can avail much for America. Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes those who feel called to join us, engaging in this strategic work of intercession for our nation: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God."  [Romans 13:1]

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.

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We Welcome Your Gifts

We Welcome Your Gifts

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a 501(c)(3), tax- exempt, faith-based, ministry, dedicated to praying for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4). CHPP relies solely on the gifts of our readers to continue this work; thus we greatly appreciate your help in supporting this publication. Offerings may be sent to: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, P.O. Box 5152, Herndon, VA 20172-1970. Please make checks payable to: CHPP. THANK YOU!

Now you can also donate online by going here. Or . . . if you prefer, simply paste this link into your browser to access our secure online donor system:

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philippians 4:23)

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Welcome to Our Bible Readathon

Welcome to our Bible Readathon!

Nonstop reading of the Word of God, every night (except on Sunday mornings) from midnight to 6:00 a.m. EDT.

To learn more about the Bible Readathon, please go here.


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