The Daily Brief

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Join us tonight as we celebrate 27 years on Capitol Hill this week! Sara Ballenger will share her testimony of how it all began, and there will be great rejoicing in the camp!

First, though, we WILL turn our hearts towards our friends in TEXAS who are still recovering from last week's brutal weather, and more.

Conference number: 712-770-4160
Access Code: 616137#
Time: 8:00 p.m. EST

P.S. For those of you who will have to miss this joyous occasion, we will record it, too. (Except for sections that must remain under the radar . . .)

To learn how you can participate in this last day of our Global Time of Repentance for Capitol Hill, please go here.
And today we honor the birthday of our first president, George Washington.

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
P.O. Box 5152
Herndon, VA 20172-1970

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

The Daily Brief
"Praying for All in Authority"
Monday, Feb. 22, 2021

"Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen." (Galatians 1:3-5)

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Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.


“We the People”
“Standing United Together . . . Under the Cross of Christ”

Today’s Top Story


Is The Temporary Collapse Of Texas Foreshadowing The Total Collapse Of The US?

We are getting a very short preview of what will eventually happen to the United States as a whole.  America’s infrastructure is aging and crumbling.  Our power grids were never intended to support so many people, our water systems are a complete joke, and it has become utterly apparent that we would be completely lost if a major long-term national emergency ever struck.  Texas has immense wealth and vast energy resources, but now it is being called a “failed state”. 

If it can’t even handle a few days of cold weather, what is the rest of America going to look like when things really start to get chaotic in this country?
 At this point, it has become clear that the power grid in Texas is in far worse shape than anyone ever imagined.  When extremely cold weather hit the state, demand for energy surged dramatically.  At the same time, about half of the wind turbines that Texas relies upon froze, and the rest of the system simply could not handle the massive increase in demand.

Millions of Texans were without power for days, and hundreds of thousands are still without power as I write this article.

And now we are learning that Texas was literally just moments away from “a catastrophic failure” that could have resulted in blackouts “for months” . . .
According to one expert, the state really was right on the verge of a “worst case scenario” . . .

For years, I have been telling my readers that they have got to have a back up plan for power, because during a major emergency the grid can fail.

And when it fails, it can literally cost some people their lives.  I was deeply saddened when I learned that one man in Texas actually froze to death sitting in his own recliner . . .

So what would happen if a severe long-term national emergency disrupted food, water and power systems for months on end?

All it took to cause a short-term “collapse scenario” in the state of Texas was some cold weather.

Eventually, much worse things will happen to our nation, and it has become clear that we are not ready.

So get prepared while you still can, because time is running out.

(By Michael Snyder via the Economic Collapse blog.) To read the entire article,
please go here. 

- Father God, we ask that You would grant us the wisdom to not dismiss messages like these, that foretell "gloom and doom" in the future. Let us instead gird up our loins, learn the lessons that are coming out of the Texas catastrophe, that we might be prepared to function -- and to continue to release the Gospel -- in the harsh times that surely lie ahead. Thank You, Father God, for this warning. We pray in Your Holy Name, amen and amen.

- "I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work." (John 9:4)

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Focus on Israel


1. UN Nuclear Chief Concedes Iran to Grant ‘Less Access’ to Inspectors At Its Sites - Times of Israel

The head of the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog said that Iran will begin offering its inspectors “less access,” but will still allow the agency to monitor its atomic program.

Rafael Grossi made the comments on arrival in Vienna late Sunday night after holding talks with officials in Tehran. He was careful to say that there still would be the same number of inspectors, but there would be “things we lose.”

“What we agreed is something that is viable — it is useful to bridge this gap that we are having now, it salvages the situation now,” Grossi told reporters.

“There is less access, let’s face it. But still, we were able to retain the necessary degree of monitoring and verification work,” he said. (Read more)

2. Independent Cities Forum Defies COVID Restrictions, to Open Grades 7-10 - Jerusalem Post

The "Forum of 15 Independent Cities" announced on Sunday that starting this Wednesday, 14 of the forum's 15 municipalities will begin allowing schoolchildren from grades 7-10, who have largely remained home during the past year, to partially return to school activities, including students in major cities such as Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Beersheba.

This, despite the Health Ministry's guidelines, which stated last week that the date of reopening of studies in these classrooms will not be pushed up due to fears of an increase in coronavirus morbidity.

The forum said in a statement that "in light of the fact that the Coronavirus Cabinet has determined that the return of seventh to tenth grade students to school activities will not take place before March 9, and in light of the prolonged absence of these students from schools, and the severe pedagogical, social and psychological impact on them, mayors who are members of the Forum met for an emergency consultation on the subject, at the end of which it was decided that starting on Wednesday, February 24, the forum's municipalities will allow school principals to return 7th to 10th grade students to school activities." (Read more)  

3.Testimonies: Israeli Medical Teams Aren't Getting Vaccinated - Israel National News

Arutz Sheva has received testimonies from doctors, nurses and medical staff who refuse to be vaccinated for fear that the vaccine has effects that have not yet been tested.

S., (full name kept hidden), a doctor at a hospital in the center of the country for 30 years, said "Not only did I not get vaccinated, some of my fellow doctors did not get vaccinated either. We still do not know what the side effects of the vaccine are. We are keeping instructions stringently but will not get vaccinated for the time being."

A., a nurse at a hospital in Jerusalem has been afraid to get vaccinated for 15 years due to fear of harm to pregnancy and fertility. "I have only one child and I am still of childbearing age and want to have another child. My and many nurses' fear of harm is a real fear and we have still not received a promise that there is no harm or damage to fertility after the vaccine."

It should be noted that the testimonies of doctors and nurses in the health system that were received by Arutz Sheva also indicate a fear of fertility problems in men. "Serious journals and studies published in recent weeks show that male fertility is indeed impaired. We have to wait a few months before it is possible to understand the effect of the vaccine," said one of them. Some have indicated that if Edelstein's law goes into effect they will get vaccinated out of lack of choice. (Read more) 

4. Equatorial Guinea Moving Embassy to Jerusalem - Jewish Press

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke by telephone with Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Mbasogo on Friday. Mbasogo who informed Netanyahu that he would be transferring Equatorial Guinea’s embassy to Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has welcomed the trend in which countries are transferring their embassies to Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Netanyahu noted that Israel is continuing to deepen its cooperation with African countries and said that Israel is returning to Africa and Africa is returning to Israel in a big way. (Read more) 

5. Oil Spill Stains Israeli Shoreline, Prompting Investigations - YNET News
Hundreds of volunteers took part Saturday in a cleanup operation of the Israeli shoreline as investigations are underway to determine the cause of an oil spill that threatens the beach and wildlife. Israeli media reported that several volunteers were hospitalized after inhaling fumes. Israel's Nature and Parks Authority urged people to stay away from the beach at 16 of the communities that are most polluted.

From as north as Haifa and down south to Ashkelon near Gaza, black strips could be seen along the Mediterranean coastline. At Gador Nature Reserve near the northern city of Hadera, the tar smeared fish, turtles, and other sea creatures.
Director of the Carmel area at the Nature and Parks Authority Dudi Weiner, said it will take years to repair the damage done by the spill. (Read more)

6. Iran, Russia Team Up for Joint Naval Drill - Bridges for Peace


Iranian naval ships (illustrative)

Wednesday, 17 February 2021 | Iran and Russia have launched a joint naval drill in the northern Indian Ocean, media from both nations announced.

The exercise, dubbed “Iran–Russia Maritime Security Belt 2021,” will span about 17,000 kilometers (10,600 mi.) and see Iran’s Navy and elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps navy join forces with Russia’s navy, Iranian state TV reported.

The exercise, according to Russia’s ambassador to Iran, will allow the joint naval forces to rehearse cooperative search and rescue drills.

Ambassador Levan Dzhagaryan announced on Monday that China will also participate in the joint exercise, according to RIA News. Other sources, however, did not mention China’s involvement in the operation.

The same three nations joined together in 2019 for a similar exercise.

The Iranian army’s deputy coordinator boasted that the joint exercise highlights Tehran’s naval power. “When the powerful Russian navy conducts exercises with the navies of the Islamic Republic Army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, it sends a clear message,” Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said, as quoted by the Tehran Times(Read more)

7. Israel Prayer Update - Bridges for Peace 

Go here

8. Friday Prayer Points - Intercessors for Israel
Go here

9. Insight for Intercessors - February 20, 2021 Edition
Go here

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The Daily Brief

1. Biden approved only 77 of 254 counties in Texas’ major disaster request to focus on ‘hardest hit’ areas, White House says - The Dallas News

President Joe Biden declared a major disaster for only 77 of Texas’ 254 counties in order to focus on the “hardest hit” parts of the state, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Sunday. Gov. Greg Abbott had asked for a declaration that covered the entire state, as Texans reel from a winter storm that knocked out power and heat across the state, and left millions without safe drinking water.

The declaration Biden signed late Friday covers much of the Texas population, including Dallas and neighboring counties, and the counties that include Houston, San Antonio and Austin. But it falls far short of what Texas officials sought. The assistance can include grants for temporary housing, home repairs, and low-cost loans.

“This partial approval is an important first step,” Abbott said on Saturday. “I thank President Biden for his assistance as we respond to impacts of winter weather across our state,” Abbott said in a statement Saturday. “Texas will continue to work with our federal partners to ensure all eligible Texans have access to the relief they need. The funds provided under the Major Disaster Declaration may provide crucial assistance to Texans as they begin to repair their homes and address property damage.”

The White House has left open the possibility of further designations, and state officials said Saturday they will gather data from the counties omitted from the initial declaration to support the state’s request.

State officials are collecting damage reports from all counties to support approval for adding the rest of the state to the disaster declaration. “We do want all 254 counties added,” Texas Division of Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd said at an Saturday afternoon news conference in Austin. “What we will have to do is to get information from all 254 counties to show damages. We will have to show county by county, dollar by dollar. I don’t think we will have a county that doesn’t meet this threshold.” (Read more)

- Father, we reach out to You to provide full assistance to the 254 counties in Texas who need major disaster relief. Open up the avenues where all these will be provided for. In the Name of Jesus we pray.

- "Every Word of God is pure; He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him." (Proverbs 30:5)

2. US winter storm Uri insurance industry loss lifted to $18bn by KCC - Reinsurance News

Catastrophe risk modeller Karen Clark & Company (KCC) has updated its insurance and reinsurance industry loss for U.S. winter storm Uri, which is currently impacting southern states, to $18 billion. The devastating storm arrived on the country’s President’s Day weekend bringing damaging ice in the Northwest and snow across the Midwest and Northeast.
So far, the majority of the damage has occurred in the state of Texas, with millions in the region living without electricity, water and heat.
As we reported earlier, KCC had told its clients in a briefing document that the ultimate industry loss from this storm was already likely in the double-digit billions of dollars, on a modelled estimate basis. The catastrophe risk modeller has now updated its insured loss estimate for winter storm Uri to $18 billion, reflecting the widespread and severe impacts caused by the storm in numerous parts of the country.
KCC’s loss estimate includes home, auto, commercial, industrial, and business interruption lines of business, with the majority expected to be commercial. According to KCC, the loss covers 20 states in the U.S., with over half of the total in Texas. (Read more)  

- Father, we pray for adequate power to miraculously return to service in all the damaged areas involved in 20 states  and particularly in Texas. We trust in Almighty God.  In the Name of Jesus we pray.

"God will not suffer your foot to be moved: He that keeps you will not slumber."  (Psalm 121:3)

3. Biden plans to visit Texas as soon as next week - The Hill

Joe Biden plans to visit Texas as early as next week after the state was devastated by winter weather and widespread power outages that compromised residents' access to water and medical resources.

"I had planned on being in Texas the middle of next week, but what I don't want to be is a burden. When the president lands in any city in America, it has a long tail, and they're working like the devil to take care of their folks," Biden said when asked at the White House about plans to visit the state after giving remarks to the virtual Munich Security Conference.

"If in fact it's concluded that I can go without creating a burden for the folks on the ground while they're dealing with this crisis, I plan on going," he said, adding that he hoped to make a decision on timing early next week.

The federal government has already signed disaster declarations for Texas and other affected states. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has supplied 60 generators to support critical sites in Texas including hospitals and water facilities, as well as 729,000 liters of water, more than 10,000 wool blankets, 50,000 cotton blankets and 225,000 meals. (Read more) 

- Father, we pray You move upon Joe Biden to supply the great needs in the State of Texas, as it is fully described to him what their major needs are. We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and He heard me." (Psalm 120:1)

4. 'Dangerous' for YouTube to remove doctor's Senate testimony on coronavirus treatment: Ron Johnson - Fox News

Senator Ron Johnson, R-Wis., slammed YouTube's "dangerous" actions Thursday, after the platform censored a video of Dr. Pierre Kory testifying before the U.S. Senate about a widely available drug that early studies show may help treatment and prevention of Covid-19.  Johnson, who appeared for an interview on "Fox and Friends," wrote in the Wall Street Journal that Google’s YouTube "had ratcheted up censorship to a new level."
The senator went on to criticize US health agencies, claiming that they have failed to put money and research into exploring "repurposed, cheap, generic drugs," like the one in Dr. Kory's findings. Dr. Kory testified before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in December, citing the use of a widely available drug called ivermectin, as a potential early treatment and prevention of COVID-19. 
SEN. RON JOHNSON: Since we had that hearing December 8th, I just watched the views of that video rise to over 8 million, 7.7 million on Fox News Now, about half a million on my website. I got notified January 27th that it just wasn’t passing the YouTube censors, so they are gonna take it down off of our website and they also took it off of Fox News Now’s. 
We have two hearings on early treatment. The lead witness in my first hearing has been fired by his institution because he testified, basically. Doctor Kory is being ostracized and vilified. This makes no sense whatsoever. Our health agencies have failed us in not spending all kinds of money and time and effort exploring repurposed, cheap, generic drugs. . . . It makes no sense whatsoever. This is bizarre what has happened in our health agencies and as I wrote in my piece it is a dark chapter in American medicine as well as American journalism. (Read more) 

- Father, we pray that Dr. Kory's video on the treatment and prevention of this virus be released and viewed.  God, we ask that countless lives be saved by immediately making available the drug Ivermectin.  In Jesus' Name we pray.

"Let my soul live, and it shall praise God; and let Your judgments help me."    (Psalm 119:175)

5. White House working with Facebook and Twitter to tackle anti-vaxxers - Reuters

President Joe Biden, who has raced to curb the pandemic since taking office, has made inoculating Americans one of his top priorities and called the move “a wartime effort.” But tackling public fear about taking the vaccine has emerged as a major impediment for the administration. Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain has previously said the administration will try to work with Silicon Valley on the issue.

“Disinformation that causes vaccine hesitancy is going to be a huge obstacle to getting everyone vaccinated and there are no larger players in that than the social media platforms,” said the source, who has direct knowledge of the White House’s efforts. “We are talking to them ... so they understand the importance of misinformation and disinformation and how they can get rid of it quickly.” The Biden White House is especially trying to make sure such material “does not start trending on such platforms and become a broader movement,” the source said.

The source cited the example of the anti-vaccine protests at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles in early February, and said the White House wants to stop events like that from happening again. . . The event illustrated the extent to which social media platforms have become a critical organizing tool for movements such as the anti-vaccine drive, that spread misinformation and disinformation.

The companies have repeatedly vowed to get rid of such material on their platforms but gaps remain in their enforcement efforts.

A Facebook spokeswoman said that the company has reached out to the White House to offer “any assistance we can provide” and has recently announced a new policy to remove COVID and vaccine misinformation along with pages, groups, and accounts that repeatedly spread such material. A Twitter spokesman said the company is “in regular communication with the White House on a number of critical issues including COVID-19 misinformation.” (Read more)

- Father, we pray that the safety of these vaccines take precedence over all the lies regarding their benefits. Reach out Your hand, Lord, and save untold millions of lives. We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "The Lord shall preserve you from all evil: He shall preserve your soul." (Psalm 121:7)

6. Court Documents Reveal CNN, NBC Paid Antifa Activist John Sullivan $70K To Film Riots At Capitol On Jan. 6 - OANN

Newly released court documents reveal both CNN and NBC paid Antifa activist John Sullivan tens of thousands of dollars to participate in and film the protests on January 6. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more.

> > > Note: This is a video report. Please go here to view this report.

- Father, we pray You will pull down all the evil powers of CNN and NBC regarding their support to film riots at Capitol on Jan. 6.  Bind them by God's power and expose their deception.  Reinforce the Court Documents. In the Name of Jesus we pray.

"Blessed be the Lord, who has not given us as a prey to their sharp teeth."               (Psalm 124:6)

7. Biden Nominee for Top State Dept. Post Contributed to Book About How ‘Israel Lobby’ Controls American Politics - Washington Free Beacon

President Joe Biden's nominee for a top State Department position played a key role in assembling a book on the nefarious influence of the "Israel lobby" while working for an organization that promoted claims about Jewish media control and dual loyalty to Israel.

As a staffer at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Uzra Zeya compiled research for a book that argues that "the Israel lobby has subverted the American political process to take control of U.S. Middle East policy" by establishing a secret network of "dirty money" PACs that bribe and extort congressional candidates into taking pro-Israel positions. Zeya, a former U.S. diplomat who was nominated for undersecretary for civilian security, democracy, and human rights, worked for the Washington Report and its publishing group, the American Educational Trust, in 1989 and 1990. The news outlet is staunchly anti-Israel and has published articles questioning the national loyalty of American Jews and opposing taxpayer funding to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Zeya's work for the Washington Report and American Educational Trust raises questions about her views on Israel and could become an obstacle during her confirmation hearings.

Sean Durns, a research analyst at the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, called the Washington Report a "fringe organization" that has "published content with anti-Semitic themes," including claims that the Mossad was behind the JFK assassination and the Sept. 11 attacks.

"Organizations like the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs have a history of propagating fringe and sometimes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and I think it's absolutely fair for questions to be raised in any sort of potential hearings," said Durns. (Read more) 

- Father, we pray that this nominee by Biden be blocked. We ask that no one who is anti-Semitic be confirmed for any position here in the United States. We pray in Jesus' Name.

- "As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the Lord is round about His people from henceforth even forever." (Psalm 125:2)

 8. In major speech, Biden indicates US ready to reengage with Iran on nuke deal - Times of Israel

US President Joe Biden indicated Friday he is ready to reengage with Iran on the 2015 nuclear accord, which was abandoned by the Trump administration and which Iran has since been avowedly breaching.

Addressing the Munich Security Conference, Biden said his administration was ready to reenter talks with the UN Security Council on Tehran’s nuclear program.

“We’re prepared to reengage in negotiations with the P5+1 on Iran’s nuclear program,” he said. The P5+1 countries are the six world powers that negotiated the deal with Iran — the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany.

Biden said it was imperative that the United States work with other leading global powers to curb Iran’s “destabilizing” ambitions

“We must also address Iran’s destabilizing activities across the Middle East, and we’re going to work in close cooperation with our European and other partners as we proceed,” Biden said, according to a transcript of the speech released by the White House.

Biden’s administration had said Thursday it was ready to join talks with Iran and world powers to discuss a return to the 2015 nuclear deal. Iran has demanded that the US lift sanctions before it returns to talks. It has also rejected discussing other issues, such as its regional activities. (Read more)

- Father, we pray for a miracle regarding the 2015 nuclear accord that was rightfully abandoned by the Trump administration. We ask that any change be averted, and that Iran be held accountable for breaching its terms. In Jesus' Name we pray.

- "The Lord has done great things for us; whereof we are glad." (Psalm 126:3)

9. Israel: US paving path to Iranian nuclear bomb with push to rejoin JCPOA
- Jerusalem Post

Israel warned that the United States was helping Iran develop a nuclear weapons arsenal with its decision late Thursday night to push to rejoin the 2015 Iran deal. "Israel remains committed to preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons and its position on the nuclear agreement has not changed," the Prime Minister's Office said. "Israel believes that going back to the old agreement will pave Iran’s path to a nuclear arsenal. Israel is in close contact with the United States on this matter," it added.

From the onset, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had opposed the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, known as the Iran deal, that was agreed upon between Tehran and the six-world power: the US, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia and China.

Former US President Donald Trump had exited the deal in 2018, which had been brokered during the tenure of the administration of former US President Barack Obama. Trump then reimposed crippling US sanctions on Iran, which had been lifted in exchange for the deal.

US President Joe Biden's administration has now formally declared its intent to seek a return to that deal and is willing to hold talks with Iran about rejoining the deal. The European Union is working on organizing an informal meeting with all participants of the Iran nuclear deal and the United States, which has already signaled willingness to join any gathering, a senior EU official said on Friday. (Read more)

- Lord God, we stand against this treaty, which will endanger the nation of Israel. We ask that all of Biden's man-made plans to resurrect this treaty, along with other nations, fall flat in the face of Your Holy Spirit. We ask this in Your name, amen and amen.

- "Take counsel together, but it will come to nothing;
Speak the word, but it will not stand,
For God is with us.”
(Isaiah 8:10)

10. China Targets America's Rare Earth Vulnerability - The Epoch Times

China is reportedly looking into curbing the export of rare-earth minerals to the United States, which may become a new source of friction between the two countries.
Rare earths are 17 metals that are required in the manufacturing of airplanes, computers, cell phones, electricity generation and transmission systems, and advanced electronics.

Former President Donald Trump last year signed an executive order to expand and strengthen domestic mining of rare earths and other critical minerals.

“The United States now imports 80 percent of its rare earth elements directly from China, with portions of the remainder indirectly sourced from China through other countries,” Trump stated in the executive order. “In the 1980s, the United States produced more of these elements than any other country in the world, but China used aggressive economic practices to strategically flood the global market for rare earth elements and displace its competitors.”

Last year, a bipartisan group of House and Senate lawmakers also introduced proposals aimed at reducing U.S. dependence on China by providing tax incentives for the rare-earths industry. “The global pandemic has highlighted our reliance on China to meet our demand for critical minerals that are used in products such as electric and hybrid cars, computers, and military equipment,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) told The Epoch Times.

“It is essential for our national security and economic interests that we reduce our nation’s dependence on China for rare earth minerals. I co-sponsored the RARE Act to incentivize domestic production and develop our own consistent supply chain. To remain a world leader in technological and military innovation, we must act.” (Read more)

- Father, we ask that You move America to produce rare earth elements on an immediate basis and stabilize our independence in this market. We pray in the Name of Jesus.

- "When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase." (Proverbs 28:28)

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South Carolina Gov’t Signs Fetal Heartbeat into Law

Planned Parenthood Sues as South Carolina Gov't Signs Fetal Heartbeat Bill into Law
With an impending signature from Republican Gov. Henry McMaster, South Carolina becomes the latest state to ban abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, though the new law already faces a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood.

The bill requires anyone committing an abortion to first perform an ultrasound to test for a fetal heartbeat. If one is found, aborting the baby anyway would be a felony for which an abortionist could lose his medical license. It contains exceptions for rape, incest, medical threat to the mother, or fetal anomalies deemed “incompatible with life.”

The state Senate passed the bill 30-13 and the House 79-35.

Planned Parenthood 
quickly moved to file a lawsuit against the law, calling it “in flagrant violation of nearly five decades of settled Supreme Court precedent.”  

Heartbeat laws, which ban abortion well before the Supreme Court’s “fetal viability” threshold, are generally not expected to ban abortion in the near term, but instead are enacted in hopes of provoking a legal battle that would hopefully reach the nation’s highest court and instigate a review of Roe v. Wade, thereby potentially overturning decades of pro-abortion legal precedent and freeing the states to set their own abortion laws. 

Such a case would present the biggest test yet of former President Donald Trump’s three appointees to the Supreme Court, and whether they will help comprise the majority needed to finally overturn Roe.

South Carolina joins Georgia, Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, and North Dakota in enacting laws to limit abortions as early as a fetal heartbeat can be detected. (LifeSiteNews) Read more.

- Father God, we praise You for this victory, and we ask that this lawsuit being filed by Planned Parenthood would fail. As the Justices of the Supreme Court prepare to hear this case, we bring the Word of God to bear upon their decision. In Your Name, amen and amen.
"Then he set judges in the land throughout all the fortified cities of Judah, city by city, and said to the judges, “Take heed to what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgment." (2 Chronicles 19:5,6) 

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Signs & Wonders

mars rover.jpg

NASA's Explorer 'Perseverance' Lands on Mars: a Step Toward a Human Mission

On Thursday, NASA made its first landing on Mars in nearly a decade.  

The last rover, Curiosity, landed on the red planet back in 2013.  Its goal was to look for signs of water which scientists say it accomplished. This mission will search for signs of past life in preparation for sending U.S. astronauts to Mars.  

The name of this rover, Perseverance, was suggested by a student -- a fitting name for the times in which we live.

Eric Lanson, NASA's director of the Mars exploration program, sat down with CBN News to talk about why Perseverance is so important. (CBN News) (Read more)  

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The Good News Corner

Churches across Texas Open Their Doors to Those in Need of Shelter amid Frigid Temperatures

According to MSNBC News affiliate KCEN-TV, Christian groups have opened up warming stations in at least five Central Texas counties.

Among the churches opening their doors as warming stations is Joel Osteen’s Houston-based megachurch, Lakewood Church. According to The Christian Post, a spokesperson for the church told the outlet that the church opened its doors on Sunday, and plans to stay open as long as people are in need of shelter.

“Approximately a dozen people arrived last night, and we expect more today with power outages,” the spokesperson told The Christian Post on Sunday. “We are working with the Harris County Sherriff’s department and local homeless organizations to be available. We have beds, blankets and other supplies. No one will be turned away.”

In Temple, Texas, First United Methodist Church has also invited those without power, water, and other utilities to seek refuge at their church. The Church is providing meals and cots to those who choose to seek shelter there.

In Waco, Texas, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church is welcoming residents without power at their church, which is also serving as one of the city’s official warming stations. Residents are welcomed to stay overnight. The church is observing COVID-19 guidelines. (Christian Headlines) Read more. 

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Today’s Prophetic Word


By: Mario Murillo

Never have I been more solemn about anything I have ever written. Never have I felt the need to risk whatever credibility I may have with you. I am going against the grain of most, if not all, of the predictions about 2021.

Social media is flooded with preachers predicting the events of 2021. Many are not of God. They are driven by the desperate need to console the weary American Church. They are telling you the worst is over. They are telling you that we are about to be relieved and no longer on a war-footing. They are saying that we can now return to a peacetime church culture.

Not only are they horribly wrong—their message will leave you open to the attack of the enemy. Their words may be sweet to the taste, but in the end, they will be bitter in your stomach. (Rev. 10:9)

So then, how do we prepare for 2021?

From now on, we as American Christians and Patriots must become a united army in a desperate battle. The most important thing to impress upon an army is the reality of the threat. There is no way around it. Army of God! You must have it drilled into you that we are facing a long and hard road ahead.

We as the American church no longer need to have our ego stroked. We need someone to raise our morale as we prepare for war.  

> > > Read all of this powerful word by going here.

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Prayers for the Persecuted Church

"Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body." (Hebrews 13:3)

Please visit the website for International Christian Concern to lift up prayers for the persecuted around the world, every day. Their link is: -- or go here to connect. Thank you for interceding for our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Asia, the Islamic World, and the Far East.

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Classic Hymns

Till the Storm Passes By

"And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." (Mark 4:39)

To listen to this classic hymn, CLICK HERE
Words and Music: Moise Lister Lyrics:

In the dark of the midnight
Have I oft hid my face
While the storm howls above me
And there’s no hiding place
Mid the crash of the thunder
Precious Lord hear my cry
Keep me safe till the storm passes by

Till the storm passes over
Till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever
Hold me fast, let me stand
In the hollow of thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by

Many times Satan whispered
“There is no need to try”
For there’s no end of sorrow
There’s no hope by and by
But I know thou art with me
And tomorrow I’ll rise
When the storms never darken the skies

Till the storm passes over
Till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever
Hold me fast, let me stand
In the hollow of thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by

When the long night has ended
And the storms come no more
Let me stand in thy presence
On that bright peaceful shore
In that land where the tempest
Never comes, Lord may I
Dwell with thee

When the storm passes by.
Till the storm passes over
Till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand
In the hollow of your hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by.

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Nightly Prayer Call to HOLD THE LINE

We invite you to join a NIGHTLY prayer call with Rick Warzywak, Prayer leader for Transform Michigan. The call is focused on prayer over the Presidential election results and is EVERY NIGHT from 9-10pm EST.

Call 727-731-2247 no access code needed.
For more info, visit their website at:

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About CHPP


About Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Our Mission Statement

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a ministry which is positioned on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., helping members of the Body of Christ to "pray for those in authority over us" in our federal government. Our primary purpose is to offer intercession on site for the members of Congress and their staffs each day that the Senate and the House of Representatives are in session; and our chief prayer focus is that "God's will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." [Matthew 6:10].

Because Jesus Christ has shed His blood for all, we, too, pray for ALL, in a nonpartisan manner. Also, because the scriptures indicate that "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much"  (James 4:17), we are confident that fervent prayer, offered in the halls of the highest chambers of government in our land, can avail much for America. Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes those who feel called to join us, engaging in this strategic work of intercession for our nation: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God."  [Romans 13:1]

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners welcomes all who wish to pray for our leaders to join us in prayer for our nation. You may sign up to receive our alerts by sending an email to us at requesting that your name be added to our list of subscribers.

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We Welcome Your Gifts

We Welcome Your Gifts

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners (CHPP) is a 501(c)(3), tax- exempt, faith-based, ministry, dedicated to praying for our leaders (1 Tim. 2:1-4). CHPP relies solely on the gifts of our readers to continue this work; thus we greatly appreciate your help in supporting this publication. Offerings may be sent to: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, P.O. Box 5152, Herndon, VA 20172-1970. Please make checks payable to: CHPP. THANK YOU!

Now you can also donate online by going here. Or . . . if you prefer, simply paste this link into your browser to access our secure online donor system:

"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." (Philippians 4:23)

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Welcome to Our Bible Readathon

Welcome to our Bible Readathon!

Nonstop reading of the Word of God, every night (except on Sunday mornings) from midnight to 6:00 a.m. EDT.

To learn more about the Bible Readathon, please go here.


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