Why all the Hulabaloo? How Serious is the Corona Virus?

By Laura Densmore, Visit us at: https://Bridgeconnectorministries.com
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Pinch me! Did I just wake up in a science fiction movie? Is this really happening? Why is the world going into lock down?

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Yes, this is real. Many are going through the stages of grief similar to when there is a death or a catastrophe. When you talk to your family members, they will likely be in one of these stages. 

Stage 1: shock, unbelief, denial, making claims that everyone is over-reacting.
Stage 2: fear
Stage 3: anger
Stage 4: acceptance to the new reality

Each person will move through these stages at their own pace. Because the facts on the ground are changing HOURLY, it is wise to get to the stage of acceptance to the new reality as soon as you can so you can adjust, adapt, change with the new reality , and make appropriate decisions for yourself, your family, and your work place.

Staying in the “shock/unbelief” stage for too long is downright dangerous and could cost lives. Read on to learn more.

Corona virus is front and center on everyone’s radar scope. This year, 20,000 Americans died of the flu. According to the CDC, as of March 13, 2020, there are about 1,215 reported cases of Corona virus in the US and about 36 deaths so far. The number of cases is probably much much higher.Why all the hulabaloo? Why are such extreme measures being taken to self quarantine and do “social distancing”? What do the governments know that they are not telling us? Is this over-reacting based on fear and panic?

Or is there a very good reason why these things are happening?

FACT: The entire NBA Basketball season has been cancelled.

FACT: Many Colleges and universities are having students work remotely from home. FACT: Many different school districts now have k-12 students working remotely from home. FACT: The entire corporation of Microsoft has all employees working remotely from home.

FACT: As of last week, all international flights coming from Europe to USA are suspended for the next 30 days.

FACT: On 3.13.20, President Trump declared the Corona virus a “national emergency”. This will “open up access” to 50 billion in Federal funds to fight the virus. He is marshalling the full resources of both government and private sector resources to fight this virus. “We’ve been in discussions with pharmacies and retailers to make drive-through tests available in critical locations identified by public health professionals,” he said. “The goal is for individuals to be able to drive up and be swabbed without having to leave your car.”

Trump said 1.4 million coronavirus test kits are expected to be available within a week and 5 million will be available within the next month.

In my search to find truth and to understand WHY, I learned the following: Apparently, the Corona virus is very very contagious compared to the common flu).

The measure scientists use to determine how easily a virus spreads is known as the “basic reproduction number,” or R0 (pronounced R-nought). This is an estimate of the average number of people who catch the virus from a single infected person, Live science previously reported. The flu has an R0 value of about 1.3, according to The New York Times. (In other words, if you get the flu, statistically, you will pass it on to 1.3 other people)

Researchers are still working to determine the R0 for COVID-19. Preliminary studies have estimated an R0 value for the new coronavirus to be between 2 and 3, according to the JAMA review study published Feb. 28. This means each infected person has spread the virus to an average of 2 to 3 people.

The Corona virus is also 10X more deadly than the flu. About .1 % of people die each year from flu. With Corona virus, it is 2-3 % and in some areas, even up to 8%.

Without putting aggressive measures in place (social distancing and sheltering in at home), the virus DOUBLES in the population every 3-5 days. These measures can slow down the spread of the virus and save lives, as it eventually peaks and then wanes.

We must NOT minimize the risk. We must not be in denial. We must face the facts. The Corona virus is a REAL DANGER, and it is turning the cultures and economies of nations upside down. This is happening now in Italy, where basically the entire nation is in lockdown to prevent community spread.

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The United States is about 3-4 weeks behind Italy in the stage of virus infection and spread. What is happening to Italy now, will be happening in the US….if we don’t put measures in place to prevent the spread of the virus. 

THAT is what the government is NOT telling us, and WHY these measures (no NBA season, school closures, work from home) are being implemented now in the US. 

And, expect even more stringent measures to roll out soon. 

While the news pundits politicize the virus and spend their time bashing the other political party for what they are doing wrong, here is what they are NOT reporting to you: what is happening right now in Italy. 

Right now, Italy is in total lock-down. The entire nation is in quarantine. Watch these two videos to get a sobering look at Italy and then understand that this is where the United States might be in 3-4 weeks:

Coronavirus: What the UK can learn from China and Italy

Coronavirus: Italy extends strict measures to whole country: BBC

To get a great snapshot of where we are today:

Coronavirus in the US: Map, case counts and news (Live Science, excellent news source)

This last Youtube interview of Infectious Disease expert, Michael Osterholm is EXCELLENT: he is a straight shooter and gives the facts about Corona Virus so you can make informed decisions:

How Serious is the Corona Virus? Infectious Disease Michael Osterholm Explains

Eventually, the virus peaks and then it begins to wane. May that day come soon!

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FACT: It is a known fact from history that during the last great global pandemic of the 1918 Spanish flu that SOCIAL DISTANCING does slow the community spread of the virus.

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Choosing not to go to large public events is WISE right now. It is NOT based on fear, it is based on FACTS. Doing this will slow the spread of the virus and potentially, save lives.

And so, I offer up this scripture to you for insight, prayer and comfort: Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut your doors about you: hide yourself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. Isaiah 26: 20