Challenges Facing Israel



March 16, 2020

NOTE:  Do not share this material with those who are not of like mind; especially those who are hostile to our faith and values.  There are individuals and organizations, who would like to keep this voice from speaking and from being heard.  Please use Divine discernment. Thank you so much!


In the midst of all the shifting and chaos taking place around us, we must be certain to keep our eyes on the Lord. In addition, we need to make sure our understanding, as well as our strategies for dealing with the various crisis issues, be synchronized with the agenda and will of the Lord. Our human minds are being assaulted moment by moment by scary reports, and by very negative prognostications.  Embracing the spirit of Dread, and agreeing with it, when being faced with the unexpected, the uncontrollable, and the undesired, has a great deal of power to make things far worse. If Fear can cause us to agree with its spin on reality, both in the present and in the future, we might be prompted to declare things from our mouths that have neither agreement with, nor approval from, YHVH.  Given that the Lord has endowed us with the power to form reality through our words, satan sends fearful reports, images, and assumptions in the hope that we will actually bring those imagined things into reality through our speaking. We must know that satan is working relentlessly to make us blindly cooperative with his agenda against YHVH in this way.  Either the Lord is sovereign or He’s not … and most certainly HE IS 100% SOVEREIGN. We must know that the Lord is not sitting on His throne in heaven, wringing His hands, while trying to figure out a counterpunch in response to a blow made by evil against the people of the earth.  Given that He is fully in charge, we can trust that YHVH is doing amazing things far beyond our view and understanding. His perfect plan has been fully in effect since before time began.  It may take a while before we see the evidence of what the Lord has been prospering through all these disturbing events which are appearing in front of us. However, in time that evidence will be presented, and it will be glorious. Meanwhile, we move forward in hope and in faith; trusting that the Holy Spirit will lead us regarding how to pray, speak, and act in this hour. It will be equally important for us to ask for an ability to trust YHVH to the level where we will not formulate conclusions, when He has not yet brought forth deeper revelations and direction beyond what our own minds can produce on their own.  We would be better off just walking obediently in the Spirit, rather than listening to our minds and emotions when choosing the course, and when trying to make sense out of the chaos. Remember: Weary people make bad decisions. Fearful people formulate very faulty conclusions. Hopeless or impatient people make soulish, irrational, decisions, that often position them right where satan wants them. The crisis situations that are unfolding now (and some which have been in process for quite a while) must not entice us to walk outside the safe boundaries of YHVH’s truth, authority, and guidance. We must remain IN HIM.

I don’t have a great deal of time to write, due to the demands of the hour. Much of my time is spent encouraging others right now. Spending time with the Lord in silent listening, in intercession, or conversing with Him is so vital as well. If this is just the beginning of the time of testing, known as sorrows, we need to learn to lock down in Him above all else.


1:  COVID-19:  The best way to get you up to speed with this very serious situation is to list the latest information.

--As of this minute 304 people in Israel have diagnosed COVID-19 infections (this is up 37 people since Sunday)

--9000 people have been tested

--223 people are hospitalized … 15 are being processed for hospital admission … 46 are being treated at home … 15 are being evaluated to determine if home care or hospital care is best.

--An 88-year-old man is in serious condition, along with 2 others (a 38-year-old tour driver and a Ben Gurion airport employee). Eleven patients are in moderate condition, with the rest being mild cases at this point. 5 people have recovered and been released to go home.

--At the Health Ministry’s central diagnostic laboratory in Tel HaShomer hospital, a senior member of the staff was diagnosed with the virus. As a result, the entire laboratory team was put into 14-day quarantine. Now a second lab tech, doing testing at another facility, has been diagnosed. This creates a crisis in the medical system, when whole teams of vital health care workers are removed from service.

--A second physician at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv has tested positive, requiring 40 hospital staff members that worked alongside this MD, to go into 14-day quarantine. This happened after an earlier case of a physician, who returned from a holiday (before quarantine was required for returning Israeli travelers) worked a 19 hour shift right away, and was later diagnosed with COVID-19; putting many people into quarantine. This level of attrition of medical workers is creating a crisis that cannot be sustained as the numbers of patients increase. Right now, there are 21 medical staffers unable to care for patients because of their own illness or due to quarantine for 14 days.

--There is a serious shortage of protective gear for the medical staff, which is putting many at risk. Such things as N95 face masks, disposable protective gowns, gloves, and disinfection materials are being consumed too quickly. The World Health Organization has suggested that workers should have their protective gear replaced every 30 minutes to insure the safety of the caregivers. That is simply not possible with the existing supplies. The fear of being infected is also causing some people to use more of these protective supplies than what is needed. Some workers, feeling unprotected, are not wanting to come to work.

--Five hospital wards of non COVIC-19 patients have had to be closed because of virus contamination.

--The available protective masks as garb have been given to the medical staff, but not to the support staff or to pharmacists.  That is causing the virus to be passed on to these unprotected, vital, care personnel. What will happen if the pharmacists are taken out of service?

--The IDF is currently preparing two empty hotels to receive patients (one in Jerusalem and one in Tel Aviv) for treatment. With tourism shut down, the use of these hotels is a practical option in the crisis. Each hotel can care for 1000 patients with light cases of the virus. They will be operated by the Health ministry and protected by the police. Two more hotels are been sought, through negotiations, to be used as emergency care facilities … one in Haifa and one in the south of the country. Each of those can receive 500 patients. It will soon come to the point where only the critical patients will be able to have a hospital bed. The mild cases will have to be attended to in these hotels or at home through home care visits.  Again, the problem could be the number of uninfected medical personal available to care for all of these patients.

--Given that fatigue and exhaustion put a strain on the immune system: overworked, unrested, doctors and nurses, lab techs and pharmacists, could be made more vulnerable to infection … and to serious complication if infected, due to the shortage of staff and long hours.

--At this point, there is no general lockdown in effect for the whole country. Possibly, in the places of high infection rates, will people be ordered to remain sequestered in their homes. Private companies are having 70% of their workers do their work from home already.  80% of the public sector are putting their employees on paid leave until after Passover. Schools are closed. Restaurants (except for take away orders), malls, shops, and theaters are closed. Groceries, banks, healthcare clinics, and pharmacies are remaining open. Public transportation is still operating, but with modifications. Group gatherings of over 10 people are no longer allowed (allowing prayer minions to still meet).

--Circumcision ceremonies may still take place with no more than 10 people present … and with those people maintaining a personal distance from each other of 2 meters (6.5 feet).

--The mikvehs (the Jewish ritual baths) under the authority of the Religious Affairs Ministry, have been shut down for the men, while the women's facilities have been kept open (with specific restrictions); due to the monthly requirement for women under Jewish religious law.

--Heavy fines are being levied against those, who fail to report for quarantine after travel, or after being summoned to quarantine because of exposure to the virus. (the NIS 5000 fine = $1,360). Fines are also being levied to those, who leave quarantine before their time is up, or who intentionally venture outside of the boundaries defined by the quarantine. Digital monitoring is keeping track of exposed and infected people right now, but will be discontinued in 30 days (or after the crisis abates it is takes longer).

--The Islamic religious authorities have closed Al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock.

-- Day-care facilities for the elderly and others with special needs are closed.

--There is great concern that the virus is far from peaking in infection rates.  Blessedly, Israel has had no deaths from this disease.

-- The cost of this partial nation-wide shutdown could total $3-billion in merely six weeks.

**Pray for Israel to remain ahead of the curve with this pandemic viral invasion. Pray that NOT ONE ISRAELI will perish from it.

**Pray for those, who are ill (especially the serious ill) will be healed quickly. Pray for those, who have been infected, and healed, to quickly build up strength and immunity, so that they can become the care givers of others still suffering.

**Pray for supernatural protection over the health care workers, first responders, support personnel, security forces, etc. so that they can continue to effectively do their jobs without threat.

**Pray against the spirit of Panic and Fear among the people … particularly among those caring for the victims of this virus.

**Pray for a release of healing unction as well as supernatural revelations and inventions that can help deal with this virus.

**Pray for a supernatural multiplication of the protective masks, gowns, gloves, etc. that are needed to keep the staff safe. (unfortunately much of this has been supplied previously by China)

**Pray for supernatural rest and strength for those healthcare providers, who are working endless shifts with few breaks. Strengthen their immune systems through your prayers.

**Pray for a protective barrier to be established by YHVH’s angels between those infected and those who are not. 

**Pray that the healthcare hotels, which are being prepared to receive the mildly infected people, will come together quickly and do the service well.

**Pray that the members of the IDF, IAF, the Navy, Border Control, Special Forces, etc. would be totally free from this virus. Pray that Israeli’s enemies would not try to attack in the midst of this crisis.

**Pray that no infected Palestinian would intentionally try to pass on the virus to Jews, as an act of terror.

**Pray for the people to be wise and obedient to the rules that have been established to reduce the spread of this infection.

**Pray for all necessary supplies … medicine, food, bedding, etc. to be obtained

**Pray for the Lord to protect the fragile ones, and those, who are high risk of dying if they would become infected.

**Pray for the Lord to minimize the impact by shortening the duration and the severity of this pestilence. Pray that the Lord would forbid that this virus could mutate; which would enable it to reappear and to re-infect the populations if the mutation occurred.

**Pray for Him to show the way back to recovery after the shutdown economy.

**Pray for the Lord to meet the needs of those, who will be losing support services at this time … the special needs and elder care centers in particular.

**Pray for the Lord to supernaturally protect the Holocaust survivors from this disease.

**Pray for courage for all those confronting this threat. Pray for a release of Hope.

**Pray for the Israelis to turn quickly to the Lord and find Him as their Savior in this affliction.

**Pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel to arise with supernatural healing abilities, with divine, personal, immunity from the virus, to become visible, available, active, healers of those afflicted. May they demonstrate and proclaim the truth of Yeshua in the miracles they accomplish in His name.

**Pray for the Lord to distinguish the believing healthcare worker among their peers. May their shalom and strength be a testimony. May their faith shine and the healing gifts be manifestoed openly. Pray for many to inquire of them; seeking the source of their strength and abilities. 

**Pray for this virus to be effectively cleaned up and removed from the environment … scrubbed from the atmosphere by prayers and by praise/worship to YHVH. 

**Pray for all the believers in Israel to stay healthy as a sign of being in Goshen under the protection of the Lord.

**Pray for the Lord to minister revelation and healing to the Palestinians, who are afflicted. Pray for this virus to bring an awareness of truth to them, as the Jews step up to help them in this time of need. Bring revival, Lord!

**Pray that the Lord will be seen and felt walking among His people in the hospitals, in the hotels, in the streets and visiting in the homes. Release the Holy Spirit to bring comfort and revelation.

**Pray for Bibi to have divine wisdom to know how to deal with this threat … who to consult … who to trust, etc.  Pray for him to keep his focus on what the Lord needs him to do as he stands in this leadership role. Keep him and his household free of this disease, Lord.

2:  FORMING A NEW GOVERNMENT FOLLOWING THE ELECTION: This past Saturday, as the COVID-19 crisis intensified, Bibi suggested that a temporary, emergency government be formed to last for 6 months. The Blue and White party leader, Benny Gantz, rejected that suggestion on Sunday. Then, to the surprise of many, Lieberman and the Arab List announced their support to Gantz for forming the next government, with him as Prime Minister. The Right-wing block won the election (with 58 seats), but Gantz, by forming an unholy alliance with the far left and the Arabs (along with Lieberman’s party) was able to claim 61 Knesset seats, thus putting him in the position of attempting to form a minority government to avoid yet another election. President Rivlin happily offered him the opportunity to do so.  While Gantz legally has 28 days in which to form a government, Rivlin told him to do it quickly … given the COVID-19 crisis in the nation. Interestingly, during Gantz’s previous campaign, he promised that he would never have the Joint Arab List in his government. Obviously, the passion to take down Bibi and to seize power was so great that he would compromise even that.  When speaking about the government that he was offered to form as the leader, Gantz said, "I give you my word, I will do all in my ability to establish within a few days as broad and patriotic a government as possible.” PATRIOTIC!!!! Seriously!??!! The most unpatriotic people in Israel, in regard to Israel, are the members of the Joint Arab List. They are the antithesis of Jewish patriotism. (I suspect that Gantz was referring to patriotism toward the global, one world order, that supports him, rather than to the nation of Israel). This decision alone speaks volumes about Gantz’s integrity and about his ability to be a wise, trustworthy leader of Israel. 

Yisrael Beytenu leader, Avigdor Lieberman, had previously declared that he would never sit in a coalition that joined with the Arab List. So, what happened to that promise? What did Gantz offer him behind closed doors? This petty powerbroker, withheld his party’s seats from Bibi, thus keeping him from forming a government in the previous two elections.  Lieberman was greatly offended and embittered against Bibi last Spring, because the Prime Minister would not give him the power and conditions he demanded, in exchange for the opportunity continue in the PM position.  

Why is the Joint Arab list even part of all this?  Well, the List emerged with 15 seats after this last election to be the third largest party in the Knesset. The group now has the sense of being powerful and it intends to use that power to reverse what Bibi and Trump have accomplished. It’s amazing to think that these Arabs, who openly speak for the destruction of Israel, and of replacing it as the owner of the Land, could even be allowed in the Knesset. What they often speak and do is outright treason. (NOTE: Ahmed Tibi, is the No. 2 person on the List … and at the same time is a former political adviser to PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat, who is known as the Father of Modern Terror … one who declared DEATH TO ISRAEL on many occasions.)  And yet, Israel is so democratic, and such a fair, tolerant, nation that it allows hostiles (who openly operate with opposite goals, which intend to harm the nation) to be part of the Israeli governing body. What I find scary are some statements made by Joint List leader, Ayman Odeh. He mentioned that he and Gantz had some discussions about the diplomatic situation (codeword for the Trump Peace Deal, the Palestinian State, and the Palestinian demands of returning to the pre-1967 borders, etc.) He also said, "We talked, for example, about a huge economic plan, and the eradication of violence in Arab society.”  What exactly is globalist, left-of-center, Gantz saying/promising to the Joint List? We know that Gantz already said that he would not annex Judea and Samaria as Bibi had planned to do. At this point, I would think that some of the foolish, offended Jews (who voted against Bibi because of the slander, discontentment, ‘anyone but Bibi’, rabid ouster campaign against him that has been raging from the elite for years) would be having voter regret about now. The thought of this Gantz minority government is terrible. So many of the gains made through Bibi’s leadership could be erased. Will Gantz turn out to be Israel’s Obama? God forbid! But here’s the thing: Gantz has a distance to travel before he can declare that a government has been established with him at the helm. There are some within his own party that have said they will depart from the party because of his decision to align with the Arab parties that seek to destroy Israel.  In addition, some members of the Arab List are filled with so much hatred for Israel and the Jews, that they will leave the party if they don’t get exactly what they want … i.e. taking over the Land, and getting paid restitution for Israel having stolen the Land from them. Here is where we can apply our prayers. LORD, HELP!

**As we have been praying, continue to pray that the Lord would put HIS CHOSEN LEADER into the PM position and HIS CHOSEN government coalition into operation.

**If Gantz will betray Israel in ways that can’t be seen by the people right now, pray that the Lord prevent him from forming a coalition.

**Pray that the will of the global elite WILL NOT prevail in Israel … particularly in relation to the formation of a new government, and to the Prime Minister position. 

**Pray for the Spirit of Truth to speak with a loud voice, so that the lies of the enemy would be exposed and overturned.

**Pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to the God-fearing members of the Blue and White Party regarding the risk that Gantz will bring to Israel through an alliance with the Joint Arab List. Pray that He will cause them to abandon their seats, so that Gantz will not have enough seats to form a government of any kind.

**Pray for the hearts of the members of the Joint Arab List to become hardened against participating in any government coalition, so that they withdraw totally from the Gantz alliance.

**Pray that the backroom promises that Gantz made to Lieberman, and to the List, will be exposed publicly so that the wind will be taken out of his sails, until he changes course.

**Pray for the Lord to keep Lieberman in His hand; holding him accountable for his duplicity and manipulations for power.

**Pray for the Israeli Arabs, who love Israel and who reject the goals and heart of the members of the Joint Arab List, will arise in authority … so that the Arab people can have more righteous voices within the Israeli government to benefit their people.

**Pray for the right-wing block to become stronger and more unified. Pray that they learn the lesson of what happens when they listen to the wrong reports and the wrong voices for direction.

**Pray for the left-wing media to be muzzled, so that they don’t create more division and suspicion and bitterness than they have already done.

**If the Lord is done with Bibi … if he has successfully fulfilled his role … pray that the Lord will introduce his replacement in the Likud, and bring him/her forward quickly.

**Pray for the Lord to rebuke the principality of Leviathan and send it out of Israel.

**Pray that the Lord’s hidden solution for this balagan will be presented soon.

**Pray for the Lord to help the Israelis realize what it truly most vital in a state leader. Pray that they recognize that acknowledging YHVH as the owner of the Land, that seeking His guidance, and that declaring Him as the protector of Israel are foundational requirements for their leaders.

**Pray for the Lord to sift the government of Israel until it comes into His alignment … and until it comes into alignment with Him.

**If the Lord intends to discipline Israel by allowing Gantz to form this coalition, may the Lord have mercy and cause the nation to turn to Him quickly. 

**Pray for the binding of the spirits of Discontent, Murmuring, Unholy Compromise, Power, Ego, Deceit, Slander, Bitterness, Unholy Vows, and Revenge as they impact the formation of this government.

3:  BIBI’S TRIAL:  Originally Bibi Netanyahu’s trial, on three separate corruption cases, was to begin tomorrow … March 17th. Over the weekend, the Justice Minister, Amir Ohana, declared a state of emergency on account of the COVID-19 crisis. That meant that all judiciary proceedings would not go on as scheduled. Considering the high contagion level of this virus and the rules about personal distancing (limiting gatherings of only 10 people, standing 6.5 feet apart) cancelling/delaying all court cases until the crisis abates would make good sense. However, that decision, which postponed Bibi’s trial until May 24th, quickly became horrifically politicized. Gantz and Lieberman made an outcry of foul play, which likely prompted Lieberman to throw his weight behind a Gantz government. Personally, as long as Bibi is at the helm of this caretaker government, and battling this viral crisis, I would want him to be totally focused upon dealing with the problems; rather than appearing in court, presenting his defense, and being distracted by inquires and attacks from the press. It’s hard to imagine the level of distain and hatred the left has for Bibi. It has been like a virus that has traveled through the media to propagandize some of the centrists, and even some believers into a cold, hard-hearted stance to where the man can do nothing right.  It sounds a lot like the attacks on Trump! The global elite have decreed that Bibi must go. They will not let up until they convince all the people that his departure from leadership is a vital necessity for the nation.  In support of my point, last Friday, the Blue and White party moved forward with its plan to remove the Speaker of the Knesset, Yuli Edelstein (Likud member), and replace him with someone, who would support the left-wing (and Blue& White) agenda … including the removal of Bibi.  Edelstein’s removal is a key step if the left hopes to quickly pass their proposed legislation that would prevent any Knesset member, who is facing indictment, from serving as prime minister. It is a law drafted, and solely designed, to block Bibi from being able to hold the position of Prime Minister.    We must continue to appeal to heaven for YHVH’s judgement regarding Bibi’s assignment and defense. I can’t even imagine how much prayer and fortitude it must take for Bibi to keep on serving the nation day after day … with all the pressure and challenges of State … with all the critics and betrayers going for his throat like ravenous wolves.

**Praise YHVH that the trial has been delayed so that Bibi can attend to the crisis at hand, as well as to other security and governmental issues.

**Pray that the doublespeak/double standards of Rivlin and of Gantz would be recognized, realized, and called out … i.e. where Rivlin requests Gantz to immediately form a government, because the virus crisis is so critical that it must have leadership on top of it … where Gantz declares that he will quickly bring a government together because the virus crisis is so urgent. (NOTE: it appears to be critical when forming a government, but not critical when it comes to the trial for convicting and removing Bibi from office).

**Pray that Edelstein will remain as the Speaker of the Knesset, and that the legislation to remove Bibi will fail.  Pray that strategies put into place by those, who hate Bibi, and what he stands for, will fail.

**Pray that during this extra time until the trial, that Bibi’s defense team will be able to dig out more truth about these deceitful charges.  Pray for the money trail going back to Soros will be exposed, and the pay-offs to betrayers and liars will be tracked to surface.

**Pray that the Lord would keep Bibi strong and lead him with a firm, wise, hand as long as he is in leadership.

**Pray protection upon the Prime Minister’s life and those of his family. Pray for health and for protection against assassination. 

**Pray for the Lord to bring His gavel down in heaven and rule on all these matters. 

Before I sign off, I want to share with you something that the Lord used to speak to me at breakfast. It involved a broken raw egg … but first let me give you some background. Twenty-one years ago, at a moment when I dropped a piece of carrot on the floor while cooking (and was about to toss it into the garbage) the Lord spoke firmly into my spirit and said, “No! Eat it!”  I walked over to the sink preparing to wash it off, and He said, “No! Wipe it with your hand and eat it as it is.”  I did as I was told, but afterward asked Him why. His response was, “The day will come, in a time of scarcity, when My provision for you will come with dirt and debris on it. I want you to start now, receiving all of My provision with gratitude as it comes. From now on, whatever food falls from your hand, I want you to pick it up, brush it off, give Me thanks, and eat it. Trust Me to keep you safe in this disciplined learning.” Ever since that time, I have picked up whatever food I have dropped, wherever it falls, and have eaten it without washing the item in water. I admit eating a French fry that I dropped on the floor of Burger King was tough, but I did it.  This obedience has made me more careful, and more aware of how the majority of the world’s population receives and eats its food each day … if they can find it. We have been given so much blessing that we take for granted that we can toss out what we don’t find tasty … whatever is imperfect …whatever doesn’t appeal to our senses … or any leftovers that are too boring or too old (in our minds) to eat. Now, going into the stores during this COVID-19 crisis … seeing so many empty shelves and hearing that this crisis may last until July … learning that food processing/ manufacturing and shipping may be limited or stopped … I realize what the Lord has been teaching me. ALL of our provision comes from Him. We have been too entitled, and too picky about what we want and about what we will eat. That may change radically now. Two months from now, we might be happy to have an unwashed, floor-bounced, carrot to eat. So now, about the revelation at breakfast. I was holding two eggs in one hand, while grabbing some fresh spinach in the other from the open refrigerator. The refrigerator door slowly drifted toward closing; knocking one of the eggs to the floor at my feet. I knew what had to be done. I set down the other egg and the spinach to gather up the contents from inside the broken shell in my two hands.  The yolk had broken, making that scooping action more difficult. As a result, I had to press down on the floor surface to scrape up the tortured egg, before I dumped it into a nearby bowl. Without looking for floor debris in the egg mass, I heated a small frying pan, cooked it and ate it. There was no detectible grit or fiber in it. It seemed perfectly fine and delicious. That’s when I heard the voice of the Lord speaking again. “See, I can allow things to be broken beyond repair, and still  make something valuable, satisfying, and wonderful out of it. I can take broken governments, broken relationships, broken economies, and even broken health to become the substance of great blessing, when obedience to My commands are obeyed. Allow the unfolding events to occur, and give Me thanks and praise for what I will create out of the broken, unpalatable, messes. Only those, who will trust Me to remove what it harmful … only those, who will obey My call to gather up what seems lost … will have the joy of redeeming what appears to be hopeless.”  It was such a hopeful message that I had to delay sending this Insight edition to your inbox until I shared it with you. Whatever is happening now, and whatever will happen in the future, will serve in a Master plan that will bring joy and blessing. The call now is to trust and obey.  The strategy is to prime the pump with worship and praise to the One who is ALWAYS in charge.

Much love to you!  Stay well as you STAY IN HIM!
